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The beams were set up following the marking on the handbook that is the distance between the support
reactions at A and at B was 900mm, with the hangers W1 loaded at position 100mm, W2 at 300mm and
finally W3 loaded at position 500mm. The load hanger W2 was rested in the transference groove in the
long beam which is B. The beam was then levelled using the thumb screws and the spirit level placed on
top of the beam. The HDA 200 was zeroed or tared and the results were recorded i.e. the strain results
were recorded in the first table (Table 1). This was done without weights to get the initial reading of the
beam. A 10N load was then placed on the W1 hanger and the thumb screw was used to level the spirit
level. Results from the HDA 200 were recorded on Table 1 after the 10N load was removed. This
procedure was then repeated with a 10N load at W2 and at W3 respectively and the strain results were
recorded on Table 1. This whole procedure was repeated with a 20N load on all the hangers recording
all the strain results in Table 1. In the same positions that the hangers were in, in part 1, the beams were
levelled and the HDA 200 was tared, recording the results in Table 2. A 5N load was placed at hanger W2
and the beam was again levelled, the new strain results was recorded in table 2. With the 5N load still in
place at W2 loading, a 10N load was placed at W1 and W3. The beam was levelled using the spirit level
and results were recorded in Table 2. In the last part of the experiment all the loads were removed, the
structure was set up as indicated in the handbook and strain results were recorded in Table 3. Finally,
two loading arrangements were used i.e. placing a 5N load at W1 and 12N at W3 and recording strain
results as well as loading a 5N load at hanger W1, 10N at W2 and lastly 2N at W3 recording results on
Table 3. For each loading arrangement the HDA 200 was zeroed.

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