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For good
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Why the new SDP political program? .................................................. .................................................. ....... 3
Our values ................................................ .................................................. ....................................... 4
Our principles ................................................ .................................................. ........................................... 6
Consistency ................................................. .................................................. .......................................... 7
Democracy ................................................. .................................................. .................................... 7
Community................................................. .................................................. ........................................... 8
Honesty ................................................. .................................................. ............................................... 8
Responsibility ................................................. .................................................. ......................................... 8
Effectiveness ................................................. .................................................. ....................................... 8
Our mission ................................................ .................................................. ............................................... 9
Our goals ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 9
Our policies ................................................ .................................................. ........................................... 10
FOR DIGNIFIED WORK AND DEVELOPED ECONOMY ............................................ ........................... 10
Developed social market economy ............................................. ............................................... 10
Knowledge, research, development and innovation are the foundations of the 21st century
economy ...................................... .............. 13
Green Society ................................................ .................................................. ..................................... 14
Agriculture, forestry and water management as a driver of rural development ........................................... .... 15
Tourism as a means, not as an end .......................................... .................................................. ............ 15
Economic and social equality .............................................. .................................................. ......... 16
RELATIONS ............................................ .................................................. ........ 17
Socially considerate society ............................................... .................................................. ..................... 17
Gender equality in all spheres of life ............................................ ............................................. 20
Social policy as an investment policy ............................................. ............................................. 20
Partnership with trade unions in the struggle for workers' rights .......................................... ................................
Health for all, all for health, health in everything ....................................... ........................................... 22
Education for all, everywhere and
permanent ............................................ .................................................. ........... 23
Sport for all ............................................... .................................................. .......................................... 24
For cultural and creative creation ............................................. .................................................. ....... 24
Free and independent media .............................................. .................................................. ..................... 25
A society ready for integration and adaptation ............................................ ........................................... 25
Political system reform ............................................... .................................................. .................. 26
Rule of law, protection and promotion of rights and an independent
judiciary ........................................... ............ 27
For professional and efficient public administration, successful state and social trust ............................ 28
For the dignity of war veterans .............................................. .................................................. ........... 29
For a life of peace and security - defense and national security ....................................... ............................ 30
Proactive membership in the international community ............................................. ...........................................
No policy, which is not based on the most basic human morality, has its own
reason to be! And no political program, which is not built on moral premises,
there is no progressive sense!
Miroslav Krleža, 1938

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More than two decades have passed since the adoption of the Program for Social and
Democratic Croatia
which no longer provides answers to the challenges of a changed world and a different
Croatia. Some appeared
completely new challenges, and some old ones have changed shape. SDP seeks new answers
with new program ,
both for its own sake and to make visible to citizens the reasons and purpose of its existence and
offer them a vision of a better life in Croatia. The political program of the modern political party
definition of its goals and ways of achieving them, its obligations and social legitimacy. If
political parties do not offer clear answers to the key challenges of society, if they are chaotic in
terms of values,
only pragmatically aimed at following the partial interests of individual social groups
in order to gain support and gain power, the parties then abandon the principle of action for the
common good and
they become mere usurpers of the political space, in which political contents are instrumentalized
for the benefit
individuals and narrow party elites. Undoubtedly, political parties in addition to membership and
organization need
have both clearly defined policy programs and policies based on them. Unexpected growth of
parties, increasingly pronounced tendencies of authoritarian reversals and in until recently
democratic parties,
the loss of support for established parties with clear ideological determinations is encouraged by
the so-called political
pragmatists to reject, in the name of the so-called modernization of the parties,
an ideological substrate with which voters identify and decide to whom to give their vote.
The SDP has not been spared the danger of losing its political identity in recent years. From
insufficient concern for one's own political foundation, for social democratic values, arose i
the absence of clear and recognizable public policies, which could not be compensated for
left-wing rhetoric and / or only a few social initiatives that were therefore evaluated in public
more as demagogic moves aimed at gaining or retaining power than as consistent change
companies at agreed values. The Social Democrats were the key political force that is
led to cultural, social and political modernization in European societies in the 60s and 70s
of the last century. On the other hand, they have had ups and downs in recent decades. Should
face it. One who is unable to look critically at his past has nothing to say about the future either.
The Croatian Social Democrats and the Croatian Social Democrats are no exception. We need
renew and modernize our program and prepare for new challenges.
For this reason, the SDP redefines and emphasizes its values and bases its policies on them.
The SDP is a democratic civic by the way it works and speaks, and by the methods of political
a party committed to multi-party parliamentary democracy and the rule of law; by values
and the content of political activity and commitment The SDP is particularly a party of labor and
creativity, a party
labor and work-dependent population and a political organization of value-oriented citizens
welfare state and civil society.
The mission of the SDP has not changed significantly, but the ways and means of
realization have changed
those missions. It is therefore important to separate values and fundamental principles of action
from content and resources
political action. If it changes first, the SDP gets lost in the cacophony of political messages, not
secondly, the SDP is left without contact with reality. It is a political program, only the first,
starting, program
a document that should be consistently followed by our public policies, strategies and policy

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Our values
The values of social democracy as a source of political action have been inspiring for a century
and a half
by their universality, by which they have imposed themselves both as modern and generally
accepted values
of the modern world, embedded in many key documents of international organizations,
so does the general political standard and for those who do not feel or act like social
democrats. These are
values of freedom, equality, justice and solidarity.
Freedom, equality, justice and solidarity are key principles
European social democracy. They are not derived from the political
and social order, already precede it. History of modernity
Europe has witnessed both tragic consequences and liberalism
the concept of a society based on freedom without equality and
the communist concept of a society based on equality
without freedom.
Freedom is the first and highest value we share with others
to freedom-loving people around the world, which is all over the world
triggered historical currents and directed them towards human ones,
political and social rights, which have become indivisible
the heritage of mankind. There is no doubt that the world has progressed
in liberation from the most severe physical forms of enslavement, violence
over life and health and other forms of abuse
people because of some of their characteristics - racial, ethnic,
geographical, biological, social, gender. But they showed up
some new forms of enslavement and non-freedom which, using
modern media and the increasing individualization of pressures,
narrow the right to freedom. Politically and financially privileged
they have powerful weapons and barely noticeable techniques
manipulations and controls, not only human behavior but also
their thoughts and emotions. The growth of populism in Europe and the world,
increasingly pronounced xenophobia, growing intolerance towards some
religious, ethnic or minority groups have led to
that the space of freedom should be conquered again and again. In the new
The conditions and circumstances can no longer be the only basis for this
traditional forms of political advocacy.
In the SDP, freedom, with equality, justice and solidarity,
based on coexistence and democracy, we consider it the starting point of life
of modern man. It is precisely the ideal of freedom that is the driving force of human
action, and the Social Democrats are
perceived as the basis for the inviolability of the personality, individuality and dignity of
individuals. Freedom
is for the SDP a fundamental notion of the individual struggle to overcome poverty, fear and
ignorance as well
every form of repression of man's opinion, his aspirations and needs.
We consider freedom of speech as its starting point, as a precondition for intellectual and
emotional development
The freedom of an individual must never be worth more than the freedom of another person, and
the protection of the weaker is a priority
and, ultimately, the precondition of freedom. That is why the SDP will persistently and
permanently protect those who find it most difficult to protect themselves.
• inviolability of personality and dignity
of individuals;
• freedom of speech, conscience and religion
• freedom of political assembly,
organization and choice;
• freedom and independence of the media and
• freedom of work, creativity,
tenure and ownership on principles
social market economy, which
aims to make a profit, but also to benefit
units, and social and environmental
• freedom of participation of working people
on all issues related to work and
• freedom of professional and trade union
organizing which includes law
• freedom to participate in adoption
all decisions concerning social,
environmental and health safety;
• freedom as liberation from the poor
imagination, fear, ignorance, everyone
forms of subordination and repression over
by man's opinion, his
aspirations and needs;
• a system of freedoms of accepted inter-
national conventions and agreements

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We are aware of the challenges that the socio-economic situation can pose to the freedom of the
individual. In doing so, from
we distinguish others in the understanding that freedom also means equality of starting points,
which requires a stronger one
corrective and intervention of social institutions. Namely, equality is, along with freedom, central
and fundamental
the value of a modern democratic society. Being equal does not just mean being equal before
laws, and even less in material income, how
this was implied in radically egalitarian systems and
regimes. In societies of growing inequality, these are the positions
inevitably unequal. We Social Democrats are advocating
equality of opportunity, but also turning those opportunities into outcomes
by actively encouraging individual creativity and
actions of that social solidarity. But equality does not
means similarity. On the contrary, equality means nurturing
with equal attention to the diversity, knowledge and skills of each
individual. The aspiration for increasing equality among people is
unstoppable. Any abolition of this or that discrimination
on the basis of which people are divided into privileged and oppressed, on
rich and poor, to masters and slaves, to higher and lower,
represents one stage, certainly not necessary, but at least
possible, the process of civilization. And that fight against inequality
it never ends.
Unprecedented growing social and material inequalities
in the last 40 years in the world, both within societies
so also among states, they threaten the radicalization of societies
due to the return of petrification of class differences and social
exclusion of a large part of the population, which for social democracy is a priority political
economic challenge. Today's differences are most often not the result of differences in the results
of work, creativity
and entrepreneurship, are already a consequence of a dominant position in deviant and
unregulated markets as well
the lack of corrective action of the weakened welfare state, all as a result of insufficient
social-democratic forces dominated by the ideology of market fundamentalism, globalization
regulations and misconceptions about how the market and the economy work. Acceptable for the
Social Democrats
are the only inequalities that arise from work, initiative and creativity, and by no means those
that come
from annuities, capital, inheritance, and privileged positions. To achieve these goals, politics and
the state are
Solidarity for us means interconnectedness, belonging
and mutual assistance. It represents the willingness of people to
they stand up for each other, to help each other and link
between strong and weak, young and old, between generations and
people. It is solidarity that creates the power of change, which historically
shows the experience of the labor movement. Solidarity implies
equality, inalienability of the right to social and personal support and
help. The SDP as a political party is recognized by many as a party
more repressed in society. And indeed, it is our special feature. No,
Being solidary can be in different ways. The concept of charity,
giving and giving is not a place of social democracy. SDP
recognizes perceived injustice and inequality as causes that
they are neither historical nor natural. It is therefore social democratic
solidarity advocating for the weak, solidarity in removing causes
and, consequently, the remediation of social consequences.
Equality for us, except for general determinants,
• equality of opportunity in acquiring
walk and wealth;
• equality in social rights;
• equality in political rights;
• equality of all in social opportunities
for political and social participation,
social security, for each type of
social promotions;
• Equality in the ability of people to
appropriate to the benefits of education,
culture and creativity in general;
• equality of women and men;
• equality of all citizens in achieving
civil and political rights without
gender, age, religion, na-
We understand solidarity as:
• active, individual and group
advocating for the weak;
• joint action on
pushing for peace and understanding
among people;
• Respect for diversity among
people both social and ethnic
• consideration for others;
• willingness to help and cooperate
her, spontaneous and organized
helping the weak and vulnerable.

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Justice for us is a supreme value that over and over again
it needs to be empowered and developed, because as a value it is exposed to numerous
and various forms of suspension and denial, without which society
sink either into tyrannies or into chaotic, and for societies, dramatic conflicts.
Social justice must be sensitive to the rights of the neglected, a
laws, regulations and acts should guarantee social security to the broadest layer
citizens and be a reflection of freedom and needs, but also protection and responsibility
versus the society they represent. We are convinced that we can do it, yes
we know that. Croatia needs good political leadership that has a hearing
and which welfare society sees as a priority of action.
Our principles
Starting from the stated values and goals, the SDP developed strongly at the beginning of its
political development
and extensive political action. At the same time, he built a modern party infrastructure,
new forms of political organization and action and found within the cramped media space
a path to citizens with a measured and responsible approach to a number of open construction
Croatian society and the state. Contrary to the very pronounced preoccupation with the state-
building program, the SDP
he found ways to strongly advocate socialism in addition to these issues .
The key feature of that period was inclusiveness , not exclusivity. Inclusion as a principle of the
actions should be returned to the SDP. Today's SDP should look for the causes of its defeats in
giving up
gatherings and collaborations , in elitist self-isolation, and closing in on ideas and
people. Inclusive society
The SDP cannot develop if it remains closed on its own. That openness to people and their real
problems for
SDP is a fundamental condition for the well-being of the people, but also for our political
survival and importance.
The SDP has been at the forefront of introducing new relations into politics and there is no
reason to give up on them
further development by encouraging cooperation against conflict, integration against
constructiveness versus destruction; actions against verbalism; gathering and inclusion
as opposed to exclusion; turning the future against immersion in the past; of modernity
as opposed to retraditionalization; team action versus personal appropriation of the decision-
making process;
respect and appreciation versus underestimation and neglect of those who think differently.
Therefore, the SDP will bring together members and sympathizers interested in our political
programs they offer
the well-being of the people. Based on the tradition of European humanism, the Social
Democrats treat others
treat tolerantly, respecting the dignity of a well-meaning man, regardless of personal
(racial, gender, religious and / or worldview) differences. We need a broader alliance for the
development of Croatia
which can only be based on the unity of its citizens to contribute to its progress, on
their recognition and even in their worldview and other differences, and primarily on
their common goal with a view to the open future of the country, not to the judged
divisions with a view of her past that close the future. We need patriotism - everyone
those who develop our homeland through work, commitment, knowledge, solidarity,
to the other , instead of those who denounce the other as the enemy, and place their interests
others, society and the state as a whole.
Only what is good for people, the state and society is good for us. We do not direct our
preserving the position and interests of any partial political, social or economic group. If
We are on the side of work and commitment, this includes not only workers, but also small and
medium entrepreneurs, because they are
their interests in a society governed by social democratic values more often in harmony
Justice that with general principles
• general equality
pre-law and fairness
the law;
• Judicial autonomy and law
to a legal representative;
• social justice, sensitive
on the rights of the weak;
• social guarantee

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unity, rather than in opposition to mediation, social dialogue and appropriate procedures
in resolving conflicting interests. The goal of our program is not to put someone in a more
privileged position
a particular political group and its nomenclature because everything we say is from the way it is
to the distribution of wealth, precisely directed against political and social monopolies. Opposite
who are turned to the past and share us with the themes of that past, we plan the future on a
contemporary knowledge, modern and competent views adopted today by advanced European
countries and our related political partners. On these topics, Croatia connects, not divides. We
we stand for condemnation of all crimes, tyranny, undemocratic actions as well as denial of
national, religious, gender, ideological and political rights of individuals and groups, regardless
ideological signs of their perpetrators.
Based on the tradition of rationalism, the Social Democrats build their decisions on arguments
reasons , not on dogmas, on well- thought-out and agreed-upon projects , and not on
following the leadership of a party or state. Our party acts according to agreed procedures
(Statute), program principles (Program of Action) and social democratic values. For your own
The work of the SDP suits its members, but also the entire public, because many depend on our
aspects of the functioning of our state, but also the environment closer to us. They are therefore a
valuable corrective to us
critical opinions of the entire population about our actions.
New relations in politics, as opposed to any populism and authoritarian usurpation of politics by
irresponsible demagoguery, we will build with seriousness based on our opposite principles
marketing tricks and manipulation. We don’t need a quick but short-term acquisition
popularity with disappointed and discouraged citizens. We will build our credibility not only
on the stability of our values, but also on the consistency of our way of political
action. Therefore
SDP reaffirms its commitment to our principles:
The SDP will defend social democratic values: freedom, equality, justice and solidarity as initial
points of his political action. These values of ours are threatened daily by new forms
pressures that threaten the foundations of human existence and dignity. We will
witness our values
daily and they will be woven into all our policies.
The SDP is essentially determined not only by its values and the contents of its policies, but also
by its manner
its structure and political action. Autocratically run, without democratic procedures, the SDP is
possible. Democracy is not possible without debate, dialogue, opposition of opinion and freedom
expressing views. The democracy of the SDP is a condition of our credible promotion
of democracy
in society. The SDP must encourage and defend the right to different and critical opinions, both
within the party and in
to the whole society, because it is doubly useful - through someone else's criticism or we are
convinced of the correctness of our own
views or we can change them in time if we see that the criticism is justified.

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Gathering, cooperation and joint, focused action of individuals, members, sympathizers and
non-members of the party is an important determinant of the SDP's activities in its growth into a
large party.
We found forms of gathering through our councils, forums, round tables, counseling, etc. And
we return forms of political action to the party. The SDP cannot represent an open society, yes
remains closed. Serious development problems and new challenges require the opening of a new
type of social
dialogue , establishing a broad social consensus on the new development goals of society, pri
to which the SDP will show the breadth and strength of its vision without patronizing
the whole of society.
The SDP also differed from others in the way it held power. A social democratic politician must
a democrat and when it seems to some that it is not efficient and decisive enough. It is important
to show and prove
that we do not use power for personal gain and that we do not care about the public good,
honesty, solidarity
we only apply declaratively but actively on all occasions.
The SDP was at the forefront of introducing new relations and solutions in politics that are now
being taken over by others. None
reasons to abandon their further development by encouraging cooperation versus conflict,
versus exclusivity, respect and appreciation versus belittling and personal disqualification
political competitors. The SDP will always put the general interest ahead of any partial or group
interest. The SDP will try to lead, not seduce .
New global imbalances threaten the livelihoods of many people. New poverty, social deprivation
and exclusion, unemployment and job insecurity in the face of growing social inequalities and
lack of solidarity demands new answers from us Social Democrats. It is our task
protection of vulnerable and minority groups in society, representation of the working
dependent population, especially
those who unjustifiably fall out of market competition and advocacy for those who live from
knowledge and entrepreneurship. We will value our success by how effective we are at it .

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The social mission of the SDP is to strengthen Croatia as democratic, materially and
culturally developed
and socially just states and the rooting of the basic values of social democracy in
our society. Therefore, our goal is to achieve maximum influence by gaining the widest possible
identification with our citizens. The measure of that success is our election victories, but the SDP
has its goals
see beyond the mere conquest of power, which cannot be an end in itself nor can it provide
accomplishing our mission. The goals of the SDP can be achieved, to a greater or lesser extent,
even when the SDP is on
authorities and when in opposition. The measure of success in achieving the goals of the SDP is
the degree of social justice and
democracy. This is where the SDP proves its own consistency.
Social democracy is not exhausted entirely in the realm of the political, but is part of a broader
social and cultural understanding of modern society. We Social Democrats must lead and
politically articulate social movement in alliance with the public, trade unions, civil society,
business and academic community.
Our goals
Deep and rapid changes in the 21st century open up a multitude of challenges, but
also opportunities for construction
good society , to improve the quality of life and for more humane interpersonal
relationships . For those purposes
social democratic policy will find new contents and new methods of action. She will be the
reflection and building the well-being of individuals and human communities will make a
significant contribution to change
paradigms of Croatian politics and Croatian economy and to open the door to new development
the prosperity of the people, primarily caring for those who make a living from their work.
The world of the 21st century is changing radically and rapidly. Deep changes , driven by
robotics, artificial intelligence and global interdependence occur in almost all human
activities - in the fields of work, business, communication, information, research,
teaching; in understanding reality, man, nature, and in projecting the future; in ways
opinions, in the formation of personal and collective identity; in understanding, organizing, and
political action; in the powers and activities of nation-states.
Today's Croatia is economically weak, politically autocratic, educationally outdated,
neglected, socially divided and administratively inefficient. Hence the need for the root
emergency changes. Today's Croatia is below our human and natural development
Therefore, our focus is on economic growth, democratic order and social stability.
In order to change and improve Croatian society, the SDP will change its own, and thus the
entire Croatian
policy. We Social Democrats intend to make a significant contribution to changing the paradigm
of Croatian politics
and economics. The SDP wants to be a party of people who have not sunk into cynicism and
discouragement, but a party
progressive people who know that the alternative to a society trapped by the past,
scarcity, social inefficiency and injustice not only possible, but to change
I can tell you that a rapidly changing world is full of opportunities for improvement, not just
challenges and dangers.
We adopt such a political program on the basis of the achieved results , as well as the critical
perceiving the omissions in our actions both in power and in the opposition, and even
competency problems we face on a daily basis at all levels. Relying on
to the competent and benevolent among us, we build our program on the determination to
we set and achieve goals that will lead Croatia to a high place of developed and modern

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Unemployment is our key concern. The Croatian labor market is characterized by cyclical and
unemployment as a result of a lack of strategic planning and economic policy-making.
Human dignity and quality of life depend on whether it is possible to live with dignity on one's
work, ie whether there are opportunities for (self) employment, as well as for business
Unemployment brings poverty, hunger, existential uncertainty and fear, which encourages social
instability and conflict. Poverty results from exclusion from public and social life. Unemployed
are repeatedly denied, so social democratic policy will give priority to creating conditions for
job creation, for greater employment of people and their full involvement in society
processes. Creating quality new jobs is the only guarantee of real and long-term reduction
unemployment. It stands in opposition to current policies and trends that are unemployment
reduced by emigration, temporary active labor market policy measures and precarious forms
Croatia needs a new paradigm of business that will be focused on the well-being of the people .
The challenges facing Croatia are at the heart of any serious attempt at a development
they put man at the center, that is, investing in people as a fundamental development
resource. Acceleration
the technological advances that are just happening will make a whole range of occupations relics
of the past, a
the adaptation of the Croatian economy to future changes in production methods will primarily
depend on the willingness of individuals but also society to invest in education and build
social and economic atmospheres. That is why the goal of social democracy must be to build
social and economic system in which investing in people, or building a stimulus
economic system to be at the heart of all economic and social policy issues. Implementation of
development we will entrust to the most professional people, with the full involvement of
the academic community,
business sector, trade unions and civil society.
Developed social-market economy
The Croatian model of economic development is outdated, and its consequences are
devastatingly lagging behind. That's it
the situation is no longer sustainable and social democracy must encourage and lead a new
economic cycle
and social development of Croatia. The key goal of the social democratic economic program
is sustainable
and including doubling the living standards of workers and retirees. How would that be
it is necessary to double the economic activity of the country . The well-being of people can
only be built on
a successful economy, but economic growth must not be the goal of the social democratic
program, but
only a means to achieve a fundamental goal, development in the broadest sense, or constant
employment, salaries and pensions, and the creation of a material basis for the smooth financing
of all
social activities in the field of health, education, culture, security, social protection and
other areas of living standards of individuals, families and society as a whole.
Through the joint efforts of economic policy makers, the business community, academia,
trade unions, media and civil society, it is necessary to build a new social environment, that is, to
a network of incentive systems that will permeate and intertwine the broadest strata of society,
with the aim of faster and greater
gathering knowledge and skills as well as initiating investments necessary for sustainable
economic growth
activities, and consequently the standard of living of Croatian citizens. An equally important goal
social democracy is also ensuring the sustainability of development. In addition to the economic
sustainability of living growth

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standards, social democracy must also ensure the social sustainability of the economic model
rasta. The partnership approach to economic development has caused a huge waste of human
resources in
The continuation of the partnership approach to management paired with the accelerated
technological progress of which
we can expect it will result in even greater social instability and threaten complete
paralysis of the economic and, ultimately, political system. That is why the goal of social
democracy must be
be in providing protective mechanisms that will protect the economically most vulnerable
sections of society from
deviation of the market system and ensure the social sustainability of the development model.
At the same time as social sustainability, the goal of democracy must be to raise awareness
of sustainability
environmental management . Ways of sustainable development, green and high technologies
are unstoppably spreading,
renewable energy sources, innovation of all kinds. Social democracy must support the
sustainable production and environmentally conscious management.
The SDP is also open to applying new models such as the sharing economy and the circular
(circular economy). Development of digital platforms, their growing presence and acceptance
in society they contributed to the easier sharing of goods and services. The sharing economy
allows for greater
utilization of goods and services and better access to existing capital and other goods. Circular
economy implies a new modeling of industrial systems in accordance with the needs of i
ecosystem capabilities and emphasizes the importance and efficiency of recycling resources in
the natural
environment. Such an economic model ensures sustainable resource management and life
life of materials and products.
Technological development has enabled geographical
fragmentation of production processes, resulting
the emergence of global value chains. Key
the challenge for policy makers is how to enable
access to global value chains and connect
domestic enterprises into global value chains. SDP
has a plan to maximize and maximize development benefits
from participating in global value chains.
The recent global financial crisis has shown
that a "deregulated" market, left to itself,
leads to catastrophic financial consequences
systems, as well as for hundreds of millions of people. Sea market
be strategically regulated, as is already the case in
most European countries. The economy needs
serve primarily public interests and needs
people, not primarily to increase profits. Permanent
the increase in the number of the poor should be mitigated by fiscal
measures and solidary forms of redistribution.
In the medium term, growing social disparities are possible
is mitigated by a meaningful education policy,
which provides equal access to education for all,
especially the socially needy.
The world economy is going through significant
changes. They bring new trends and developments with them
The purchasing power of the average wage today is over 10%
lower than the average wage from the late 1970s
years of the last century. In the period after
Homeland War all comparable transitional
countries grew much faster than Croatia.
The average salary in Croatia today would be
approximately 8,000 HRK, and an average full pension
5,000 HRK that we grew after the Homeland War
as Slovakia. Suppose we are over
of that same period grew at growth rates which
are comparable to Estonia, the average salary would
today in Croatia it was twice as big, above
13,000 HRK, and the average full pension over
7,000 HRK. During that same period Albania
has increased the living standards of its citizens in
on average more than five times, and Croatia twice
less. Except for the stated relative lag
countries, the existing economic model has also failed
in the context of inclusiveness. It is currently over 10%
adult population blocked and excluded
from the labor market, and nearly 400,000 people from the labor market
able-bodied is in early retirement.
The existing Croatian economic model did not produce
neither progress nor involvement in the distribution of profits
relatively modest GDP growth.

Page 12
the potential for new opportunities but also threats. We are at the beginning of a new industrial
revolution which
will be more comprehensive than any so far. The fourth industrial revolution will certainly
have an impact
to the economic environment in terms of reshaping the industrial sectors and enterprises that are
the foundation
of the modern world economy and the growing role of artificial intelligence and robotics is
Artificial systems pose a kind of threat to existing jobs and ways
business, but at the same time provide new opportunities for economic growth and for the
creation of new species
workplaces. The SDP is ready for all the challenges that the fourth industrial revolution brings
with it.
Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth and the key to economic
prosperity. Small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) are more productive, innovative, flexible and adaptable to change. Nine of
every ten companies are SMEs, and two out of every three jobs are in SMEs. Entrepreneurship
is today in full swing of its development, and starting its own small and medium enterprises is
is an important source of innovation and change the way people think and act. Conducts
we will have such policies that will stimulate entrepreneurial activities, ie the creation of such
an environment in which entrepreneurs would feel motivated to start their activities. Encouraged
we will entrepreneurship and crafts through improving the entrepreneurial climate, enabling
them to
reach their full potential.
In our quest to build a new, good society, unions are a key ally. Trade unions
pressure to increase wages is a crucial factor in creating fairer social relations,
fairer distribution and reduction of inequalities in society, and is also very important for the
prosperity based on a new economic paradigm. Wage increases, especially minimum wages and
safer forms of employment are crucial to stopping emigration, so it is social democratic
support for the institutional strengthening of today's weakened trade unions of national interest to
the Republic
For the Social Democrats, the balance of labor and capital is of particular importance and as
long as that balance
takes the Social Democrats support unions as much as small and medium enterprises, socially
the most propulsive and most productive segment. Furthermore, the SDP considers it necessary
and desirable to produce
large corporations and the operation of the financial system. However, we are looking for them
business. As long as there is a balance of labor and capital, we can say that the interests of
workers and
entrepreneurs are not opposed. However, they become at the point where capital due to greed
egoism ruthlessly tramples the dignity of work and man, when tax evasion is avoided, does
immoral, irresponsible, circumvents lawful business and attempts to improperly influence
politics, which is all inadmissible undermining the national interests and will of the citizens.
We will take care of the growth of the number of new jobs, and we will pay special attention to
people who
they make a living from their work, as well as employing young people and making their living
conditions easier. Help
we will develop regional development projects based on comparative and strengthening
competitive advantages
region. We will direct entrepreneurs towards high-tech, high-profit and export
oriented industries. We will encourage research, development and commercialization of
innovation, development
artificial intelligence, technological research, robotics.
We will develop the service area and small business. We will encourage the withdrawal of funds
from European ones
funds. We will work on the development of infrastructure (utilities, transport, energy,
and digital). A successful economy and encouraging entrepreneurial opportunities is the
most effective incentive
overcoming the demographic crisis in Croatia. We consider it necessary to bring a new
regulations for the “financial industry”. Special measures need mere profit production
and banking
to redirect gambling by human destinies into money services for citizens and the real economy.
We will also work on improving the business climate in Croatia, which is made up of many
different factors

Page 13
which influence the behavior, results and decisions of entrepreneurs to invest and create new
The key condition for new investments is the reduction of administrative barriers to business,
gray economies (aided by dissatisfaction with working conditions, security and wages) and an
trust and credibility of the state administration.
Knowledge, research, development and innovation are the foundations of
the 21st century economy
The basic pillar of the development of economic breakthrough is investing in people. Without
educated, healthy and
motivated workers the well-being of the people and the achievement of economic progress is not
possible. Accumulation
human effort, knowledge and investment primarily depends on the incentives that society in the
broadest sense,
and not just the state, provides those who learn, study, work, employ, save and, ultimately, build
invest. Today, they are insufficient, deficient and exclusive in Croatia. Learning and innovation
important sources of growth and development, and at the same time constitute the essence of the
knowledge economy.
Croatia cannot develop by relying only on services and therefore we will start and accelerate
the process of reindustrialization of the Croatian economy , based on smart specialization ,
technological progress and departure from traditional forms through the connection of research
and business
sector, with the aim of encouraging the creation of sustainable and quality (well-paid) jobs. In
it is necessary in the context to create a quality institutional infrastructure for financing
which can provide commercialization and competitive advantage to the economy. We will
innovation and diffusion management system, ie absorption of innovations and technology
business and research sector collaborations and results-based career development, motivating
system for commercialization of research and development results. We will introduce an
obligation to share in total
completed public procurement items in a certain mandatory percentage through innovative
public procurement
intended for innovative entrepreneurs. Financial incentives for innovative entrepreneurs with
a goal
Encouraging research and development is considered the first and easiest step, while building
smart ones
concentrated entrepreneurial and research centers should be developed in the medium term.
The intensity of research and development activities in Croatia is significantly lower than the EU
average. Need
strengthening competitiveness also imposes the need for development strategies with an
emphasis on building sustainable ones
advantages based on unique resources, abilities and skills, understanding
and monitoring technological and market trends. By investing in research and development at the
national and
at the enterprise level, a stimulating environment is created that can enable the creation of new
ideas and expansion
Knowledges. The key to innovation is the ability to look beyond existing frameworks and
boundaries and the desire to
by introducing new values. Innovation requires more than just creativity, it also implies array
accompanying activities that will bring the new idea closer to potential users. The SDP will
create such
an environment that will stimulate the creation and promotion of innovation and the effective
protection of rights
intellectual property.
With the development of new knowledge-based industries, Croatia must not be neglected yet
untapped potential for the development of a green economy , especially modern agricultural
which must be supported by effective, fair and accessible incentives and an increase in the share
new technological possibilities and scientific knowledge in that very important for Croatia, but
economic sector.
Page 14
Green society
A quality environmental policy must enable citizens to live in a permanently healthy, more
green and sustainable environment. Its mission is on the one hand to protect nature and natural
from pollution and mitigation and adaptation to climate change, but at the same time constant
into the green economy and the creation of new and quality so-called green jobs, which are on
the one hand
in the function of development, and on the other hand in the function of environmental
We are committed to long-term sustainable development based on knowledge and a
competitive economy
with low carbon and resource efficient. We must take active policies and measures
encourage all those economic processes that reduce the negative impact on the environment,
which is also guided
care for nature conservation. This includes from efficient energy management and energy
efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, to encourage systematic waste management
and green transport. As Social Democrats, our focus is on the fight against energy poverty and
ensuring the availability of energy to all citizens. 
By using renewable energy sources, we will initiate the fastest possible transition to self-
energy development. By reducing energy consumption in buildings through renovation and
low-energy buildings and by strengthening social awareness about the use and production of
energy in buildings
we will provide more comfortable living conditions and lower financial costs. We are in favor of
introducing the model
circular economy within which reuse, repair, renewal and
by recycling existing materials and products, it reduces waste to a minimum. Establishment
a comprehensive waste management system is the foundation of quality waste management
and valuable
raw materials that can be further used in the economy. Encouraging the use of hybrid, electric
environmentally friendly vehicles and the development of infrastructure for charging electric
vehicles in traffic, affect
we will further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve the environment. We will promote
the use of as many electric vehicles as possible in public transport and bicycles.
The principles of low-carbon development must be incorporated into agriculture and tourism as
extremely important
branches of the Croatian economy. Our goal is to raise the level of self-sustainability and
agriculture through an integrated approach to agricultural development, use of natural resources
strengthening eco-production, application of new technologies and orientation towards organic
Furthermore, the development of green tourism , the use of renewable energy sources in tourism
and the use
domestic organically grown products in the tourist offer, we will develop our tourism sector on
sustainable principles. Sustainable development also means preserved nature - we are aware of
the uniqueness,
diversity, conservation, biodiversity and beauty of the space which is one of our key advantages
for our social development.
The SDP's green policy implies constant work on changing structures in the sectors that
contribute to sustainable development and a cleaner environment, as well as constantly raising
awareness of the need for change
certain patterns of behavior. Our permanent goal is to brand Croatia as a country that is
ecological and sustainable
development, with developed modern and green technology, green jobs and preserved
nature and the environment.     

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Agriculture, forestry and water management as a driver of development
We will implement a new model of agricultural production based on family farming
holdings. Our mission is to develop a modern, technologically innovative, competitive and
adaptable agricultural, food processing and fisheries sectors established
on food safety standards, principles of environmental protection and natural resources,
incorporated in
preserved rural areas and customs of traditional values of the Croatian countryside. Our measures
will stop
negative trends and be in the function of improving living, working and social conditions, above
all those
living in the countryside.
We will develop the department of forestry, hunting and wood industry , which, along with
agriculture, are the foundation of survival
and development of the rural part of Croatia. In forestry, we will include the local population in
works, either through service activities, employment and stop the negative trend. We will hunt
to raise to a higher level of tourism activity by connecting the placement of indigenous products
from local
family farms. We will encourage the wood industry and develop production
final products and employment in rural parts of Croatia.
In water management, we will encourage the construction of irrigation and reclamation systems
drainage, as well as the development of flood protection systems through the use of EU
funds. Priorities
investments in water utility infrastructure will be in raising standards in rural areas
and construction of water supply and sewerage network. We will streamline and optimize
public institutions dealing with agriculture in order to make the free service available
to our farmers. We will implement a control system based on helping, not
punishment. We will make state agricultural land available to domicile families
agricultural holdings.
We will implement the equalization of the right to pay aid, as well as the full use of EU funds
and we will make the payment of direct grants in the shortest possible time and maximum
amounts by paying an advance in the year of application by the end of October,
and the remaining part by the end of January next year at the latest. We will strive for the
development of modernity
agricultural production that will be supported by efficient, equitable and affordable
support measures and an increased share of new scientific knowledge and technological
Our two main goals are to achieve self-sufficiency in the production of most agricultural
at competitive prices and a satisfied farmer who makes a good living from his work. That's why
we will, in addition to agricultural activities, encourage the development of non-
agricultural family activities
agricultural holdings, among which rural tourism stands out .
Tourism as a means, not as an end
High share of tourism in the GDP of Croatia this economic branch, with a strong impact on all
economic and overall social life, stands out as a special area in shaping the new
Croatian economic policy. Significant comparative advantages of tourism development, which
are reflected
in a good climate, beautiful and preserved space and cultural heritage, should be supported by
investments in tourism infrastructure (including, in addition to the lowland and Adriatic regions,
and insufficient
developed mountain-mountainous region), cultural offer, appropriate care for the preservation
of values
space and primarily by increasing the value of human resources to a competitive advantage.
The development of tourism must not be an end in itself, but a means to an end, and that is
welfare of our citizens.

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The SDP will encourage the development of tourism in both Adriatic and Continental
Croatia, with an emphasis on
more value-added facilities and services that will enable the extension of the season. It is
therefore needed
systematic work on networking of all stakeholders in the tourism market (public and private
Stakeholder networking will also enable the placement of domestic products and services
through tourism,
for example, gastronomy based on local foods from all over Croatia, thus
creates the possibility of development of all Croatian regions based on the cooperation of
"tourist" regions and those that do
primarily not.
Economic and social equality
We consider ensuring the equality of chances in realization to be the starting point in the
construction and advocacy of each measure
rights. People have equal chances when they are provided with equal, and in the same
different means, so the principle of difference expresses the fundamental meaning
of solidarity as
the fundamental value of our action.
However, today in Croatia in all spheres of social life are visible more and more social
inequalities, which we as Social Democrats consider absolutely unacceptable, and their further
incitement to reckless action and irreversible stratification - which is against society and
of the future.
Economic inequalities are primarily manifested in the income differences they define
the depth of social participation and perceived freedom of action. As Social Democrats, we
unacceptable all social and economic inequalities in redistribution arising from
inadequate and uneven evaluation of work, with proven gender discrimination. SDP
is unequivocally and unequivocally committed to the establishment of a gender equality
policy, to its introduction
meaningful minimum wages that will enable a dignified payment of basic living expenses
and to ensure a life free from the risk of poverty and a secure future planning.

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The modern world knows many economically successful countries, with high rates of economic
growth and high GDP per capita, but whose citizens do not feel the wealth of their country as
their own well-being if they are trapped by the authoritarianism of their elites, by huge social
lack of social protection institutions, solidarity, equality or other benefits that
are considered the heritage of the European welfare state.
We Social Democrats strongly advocate the preservation and development of European and
prescribed by our Constitution
welfare states, precisely as heirs to those political ideas and efforts that built such societies
setting new standards for modern civilization.
Inclusion of European civilization values in Croatian society, but also the incorporation of
Croatian ones
values into a united Europe, is our common goal. As opposed to provincial, xenophobic,
isolationist, nationalist and quasi-sovereignist attempts to separate Croatia
of precisely the highest values of social relations and standards known to the most developed
society, the SDP considers it its key obligation to initiate reforms and changes in line with this
Socially considerate society
Social consideration is the first feature of a good society based on humane relations and
social consciousness. It presupposes a commitment to the well-being of the community as the
foundation of well-being
of each individual and a commitment that transcends any form of greed and narrow-minded
egoism. Socially
considerate communities are responsible communities that have realized the importance of
investing in development precisely
the most vulnerable social groups and thus increase the overall social potential. Contemporary
social policies focus most on change from a concept-based paradigm
custody and giving to weaker social groups according to the concept of investing in social
community as the most effective form of investment in development. Croatian society, faced
with the dramatic
changes and extremely pessimistic trends in the movement of its population, which is reflected in
the general
population decline, through a lower birth rate and an increasingly pronounced negative migration
balance, through
depopulation and depopulation of large areas of Croatia, increasingly accelerated aging and a
smaller share of labor
capable population, there is an urgent need to address these issues, new and thorough
a modified approach to social policy areas. Social security and insurance
dignified life of families and individuals, investment in education and health, cultural needs and
social trust is a priority concern of the SDP.
Children and young people are the most vulnerable groups in society, whose human potential
cannot be realized without a systematic one
society support. It is the success of social interventions in the growth and maturation of children
youth is a key measure of overall social performance. That is why children and young people
cannot be just worries
their immediate or extended families, but both they and their families must be in a responsible
society at the very top
priority of the state at all levels. Modern societies and the most socially developed countries
Numerous forms of effective support to ensure as many uniform starting positions as possible
children, regardless of any particularity and them and their families, economic opportunities,
parental levels, family types, regional, residential, religious, national and any other
affiliation. We Social Democrats will strive to create equal chances for the success of children
and young people
building a solid network of universal, sufficient and accessible grants and public services. She's
just first
Croatian Social Democratic Government, by expanding the right of children to child allowance
as the most widespread
financial support, doubled the number of recipient children and amounts from the state
budget. That

Page 18
We will continue to develop the financial support instrument with well-designed tax relief,
by increasing both the number of beneficiaries and the amount of aid. Society's investment
in preschool children is considered
is the most successful social investment. At the current level of economic and social
Croatia must provide kindergarten accommodation for all children and enable the work of
kindergartens in shifts
(full day work). The SDP considers kindergarten insurance for every child and their extended
work, in addition to
assistance from the local community and in cooperation with the private sector and civil society,
its important
The SDP recognizes the great changes that have taken place in the family structure of
post-industrial societies. He acknowledges these changes by finding new forms of social
and helping families in exactly what they expect support from society. Concepts
double-parent, single-parent, marital and extramarital communities, life partnerships
same-sex persons are forms of new families who organize their inner life in a different way
than that in traditional families. Therefore, we strive to meet the new needs of new families
to ensure that both parents participate equally in the care and upbringing of the child, to insure
themselves against them
working hours and jobs that will ensure the optimal time ratio of work, free time,
professional development and family life. An affordable apartment with stable
employment represents
a necessary condition and precondition for starting a family, a better quality of life and a
dignified upbringing of children.
In the conditions of demographic depopulation of numerous settlements and entire regions, the
number of housing is increasing
real estate without tenants and organized action of local communities and the state is already
possible today
provide quality and affordable housing for most families. The SDP will work to define it
housing policy as an important part of overall social policy. As part of the incentive policy for
young people, we will introduce tax relief for the personal purchase of an apartment, encourage
employers who subsidize
rent, open opportunities for the purchase of apartments by building and renting existing state
apartments, active protection against credit risks and revitalization of old and abandoned houses
by allocation
incentives. Young people are a particularly vulnerable group in the labor market and for years at
the employment rate and
youth activities are at the very bottom of Europe. Croatia cannot withstand neglect for long
young people as a vital population and therefore the SDP will lead systematic measures that
would link the necessary
changes in the education system with the needs of the Croatian economy. The state will, led
Social Democrats, to ensure the independence of young people and through stimulating working
conditions - by
fixed-term employment, by encouraging the acquisition of internships during education through
the system
vocational dual education, as at other levels of education, following best practice
developed countries, by recognizing informal and non-formal learning, by internship before
working life, increase employability and a better competitive position for better paid work or
own affairs. Croatia must recognize gifted pupils and students and provide them
with scholarships
at the world’s most prestigious universities with guaranteed, suitably paid and professional
adapted place in state and public administration. We will also enable continuous learning,
improvement and
quality teaching in the country by directly encouraging scientific excellence and rewarding
employers who train their workers.
People with disabilities make up over half a million citizens of the Republic of Croatia. Persons
with disabilities
they are not people with special needs, but with the same needs as everyone, just realizing
them on
custom mode. We are talking about our fellow citizens who found themselves in difficulties at
birth or during their lives
life circumstances, which a considerate society, as we want to be, must recognize and
act so that no form of disability would endanger the existence or dignity of these people. Our
policy is a departure from the medical model that looks at people solely through their
shortcomings and
turning to a social model that sees in people unimagined possibilities and the society that is
given to them
adjusts. Appropriate personal disability benefits or inclusive allowances must be available to all

Page 19
certain needs of the individual a material substitute for impaired working abilities or
for work, but it is equally important to strongly support the work activation of people with
disabilities by increasing
their employability, by acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for highly productive work
and by encouraging them
employers to create conditions for maximum achievement through reasonable job adjustments
work potential of persons with disabilities. As a socially responsible party that promotes human
and the social rights of persons with disabilities we will use all political mechanisms to promote
inclusion of persons with disabilities in all social flows. The SDP will level social inclusion
a person with a disability, which remains unacceptably low, is addressed systematically and
complexly, in between
among other things, by providing information to children with disabilities (early intervention
services, services
psychosocial support, integration services) and opportunities for young people with disabilities
further education, as well as improving the infrastructure of educational institutions for the
purpose of addressing
horizontal and vertical communications, by financing the transport of persons with disabilities to
institution, by adapting the literature, introducing sign language, establishing comprehensive
students with disabilities, the establishment of a national coordination of students with
disabilities and more
other ways. The SDP will work hard to promote and support the rights of people with disabilities
full involvement in society.
Pensioners and the elderly have a right, and the state has an obligation, to provide them with
a dignified old age.
The growing population of the elderly in the total population, the decreasing number of people in
the active age, the higher
expenditures for pensions in the state budget with lower and lower pensions are not reasons for
restrictions and savings
on the rights of the elderly, but, on the contrary, are the reason for the responsible approach of
politics to these facts.
Those who earned their pensions not just by building one poor country, ravaged by wars,
illiteracy and general misery, but in a system of generational solidarity care for the elderly,
children and
powerless, have every right to demand from society not to humiliate them, using their spent
working capacity for social marginalization. In our first term of office the authorities showed
we are to know how to increase pensions, how to reform the pension system without
compromising it
public finance. And because for us, people come first, ensuring decent pensions
it is an important priority and challenge that we accept responsibly. We will continue and
complete the pension reform
system, but also to introduce new forms of social security for all our fellow citizens who from
reasons they did not exercise the right to pensions. For us no one is and cannot be superfluous or
forgotten as well
left to himself. We will protect retirees from social exclusion and advocate for opening up
the opportunity to actively engage in their desired forms of participation in the labor market, free
them from anxiety
and the risk of poverty and provide them with institutional care based on the principles of
fairness and transparency
and according to needs. We will also take into account the development of the widest possible
range of services for
extra-institutional care to enable care in their own home.
Poor citizens make up more than one-fifth of Croatia's total population. A considerate
poverty must not be viewed as a matter of individuals and their personal happiness or
unhappiness. No matter
on the causes and causes of poverty, the welfare state, as our instrument of good society, must be
effective both in preventing poverty and in protecting those affected by it, especially our blocked
citizens. The SDP has developed and clearly defined mechanisms in its social strategy
measures to reform the entire system of social benefits, social services and social services, which
are in line with our vision of a socially responsible Croatia.

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Gender equality in all spheres of life
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but also a necessary foundation
for peaceful,
a prosperous and sustainable world. Without gender equality it is not possible to achieve a
healthy and sustainable
social development.
The SDP will permanently strengthen the role of the state in exercising women's human rights
to life without discrimination.
Women and men in Croatia today are not paid equally for work of equal value. With DP will
gender-based wage gap. By introducing regulatory mechanisms, we will disable
institutionalization of gender pay gaps. Our goal is full employment of women.
Contrary to the proclaimed "population" and unsustainable, one-off measures, we advocate
a strong welfare state because it is the only sustainable family policy. The burden of caring for
children and the elderly as well
the household should not be only on women. State intervention and the network of public social
we will eliminate this marked imbalance in the workload of women and men in caring for
children, the elderly,
Women's sexual and reproductive rights, the right to free choice of one's own body,
they are a civilizational achievement. We will improve the legislative and institutional
framework, ratify it
Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and
Domestic Violence and invest
further efforts to build a secure society for all its members.
Social policy as an investment policy
For decades, social policy in Croatia was understood as a residual area of the state
interests, true, financially demanding and therefore as a (too) expensive zone of state
consumption. They are all governments
sought ways to balance government spending with the large and growing demands of the
population for
increased redistribution of budget money to them. At the same time, policies started most often
from political-pragmatic criteria by allocating money to groups that have or have exercised the
greatest political
pressure or their numbers could affect the results of political elections. That redistributive
and the passive-custodial paradigm is a permanent form of social policy of the Croatian state
since its
independence to this day.
For SDP, social policy is an important investment policy. Croatia can no longer afford to
none of its citizens feel superfluous, redundant or unnecessary. On the contrary, Croatia must
take every effort to demographically revitalize , retain its population, increase it by raising it
fertility and encouraging immigration. Social policy plays an important role in this as a set of
goals and measures
not only to protect socially vulnerable and vulnerable social groups, but also as a driver of
change in
the direction of prevention of social threats of any kind, as an investment in equalizing
opportunities for all
individuals to fully develop their potentials contribute to personal and social well-being
and general welfare. The care economy as a systematically designed and managed child care
the sick and the elderly are at the same time the economy that in these sectors is social
new employment also brings support.

Page 21
We link our key goals in the field of social policy with the construction of the European
Social Policy
model, striving to achieve the following goals: a high level of protection of individuals and
groups from social
and economic risks and adverse changes in society, protection of adequate income and
ensuring dignified and humane living conditions, the highest possible level of citizen
in society, reducing discrimination in society and creating equal opportunities for all, prevention
marginalization of individual members of society and integration of socially excluded members,
the vicious circle of poverty and its transfer from one generation to another, as well as reducing
the gap
in the distribution of social goods to a minimum.
The welfare state is not only a supplement, but a key element of social democracy. It secures
within which fundamental rights and freedoms are not only formally recognized, but are actively
applied in
life. The welfare state is a prerequisite for a democracy that ensures equal or complete freedom.
Freedom that includes liberation from poverty (education, work, health, culture
and housing) as well as out of fear of any difference. And such equal freedom for all is a
requirement by which
social democracy always and if necessary from scratch and again must satisfy.
Partnership with trade unions in the struggle for workers' rights
Trade unions share identical values as social democratic politics. In the realization of these
unions and social democracy do not have to set the same goals and have the same coverage in the
time. The unions are fulfilling their mission in the fight for particular issues in the field of labor,
social democracy fights for its values at the level of the whole society. Trade unions in their area
of their own
they fulfill the struggle for social justice much more easily if they have the political support of
social democracy, a
they have it as they root solidarity, social justice and equality in society .
This by no means means that all union expectations of all unions should always be acceptable to
social democratic policy, already means the need for continuous mutual dialogue in order for
and others better understand the justification of different positions based on common values and
The trade unions and the Social Democrats are waiting together to devise a new era of the
fourth industrial
revolution, characterized by digitalization, robotization and informatization, in which the future
is not clear
the current labor market. Many areas will remain the same, but many will change radically. IN
in this context, completely new questions arise, for example, both in circumstances of
performance evaluation through working hours spent in a standard workplace, but through
performance and
project work to protect workers' rights, to achieve social security (in the system of labor
relations or outside
care), how to tax such activity and ensure the work of public services, how to negotiate
and what type of collective or individual protection can unions offer? We're sure he will
unions and social democracy can answer these questions because they have what is permanent in
"Social DNA", they need solidarity and justice. Therefore we will, whenever it is disturbed
balance of labor and capital, we Social Democrats as a relevant political force stand aside
labor and workers.

Page 22
Health for all, all for health, health in everything
Health is a fundamental human right and should be viewed as a multidimensional concept as it is
the basis of social and economic survival and sustainable development of the individual, people
and the world as a whole.
The full enjoyment of the right to health is key to the enjoyment of other human rights. It's
value in itself, but also the key to productivity. Therefore, it is a basic principle of our health
policies that optimal health care should and must be equally, easily and quickly accessible to
to our citizens according to the principles of social solidarity. Our basic task is to provide a
an independent and sustainable health system based on the principles of reciprocity, solidarity
and equality with increasing
transparency of business in health care institutions.
Our policy will be aimed at patients and their families to whom we will provide
an additional level of treatment quality and safety. By developing existing and creating new
excellence, we will enable better and better treatment of patients with continuous quality control,
minimizing complications and better treatment outcomes. The goal is a better quality of life for
all of us
citizens. The SDP supports the protection of patients' rights aware of the fact that they play an
important role in
protect your health, choose the appropriate treatment and control chronic diseases. Develop
we will public and solidarity health care with the "patient at the center" . The policy of such
health care is based
on triple solidarity: solidarity of the healthy with the sick, solidarity of the rich with the poor and
solidarity of the young towards the elderly.
We will improve (out-of-hospital) emergency services and organize a modern helicopter service
will cover the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. Strengthening the activities of day
hospitals will further
improve health care and bring patient service closer. We will promote basic education
habits of preserving and building health from the preschool period and to introduce them as
compulsory courses in
elementary schools. We want to make children aware of healthy habits at an early stage of life,
so that we can directly
affected the higher quality of their health in the future.
We want Croatian healthcare to follow the technological achievements of the world community,
and we will be ours
provide doctors with quality training and productive work hours. We will stand up for
improving working conditions and material status of all employees in the health system, from
non- medical staff through nurses to doctors. Long-term neglect
their status has led to the emigration of highly educated professionals. That eviction is
collapse of the health system, therefore measures must be taken to stop this as a matter of
We will promote healthy living and make the necessary investments to make primary
care better available
health care keeping in mind the multiple benefits and advantages that prevention brings to
of the lives of our citizens. Every individual’s health care will be built into all of our
policies, and all Croatian citizens and institutions will take care of their health. In short - health
for all, all for
health, health in everything. We want a healthy upbringing, a healthy living and working
environment and opportunity
healthy and dignified aging. Palliative care will be available to all who need it. For
healthy and long life in today's civilization of immobility, physical and sports activities are
Therefore, we will encourage sports clubs for the recreation of all generations and take care of
the competition
sports, both inside and outside educational institutions.

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Education for everyone, everywhere and permanent
The most powerful lever of development of each individual and the whole community in every
aspect of it
modern Europe has a developed, comprehensive, comprehensive education system. It became a
long time ago
human right, not privilege. The future and quality of life largely depend on quality education
individuals and consequently human communities. The SDP recognizes education as a
development priority that
only it can bring long-term social stability, economic progress and cultural security
identity. Therefore, education must be available to everyone and under equal conditions, and
in harmony
with the abilities and interests of each. How are the well-being of people, as well as high
technology and innovation,
inseparable from quality education and scientific and technological research, these two
interconnected activities are of strategic importance for the well-being of individuals, the
and states.
Education and research need to be linked to the business sector , but we will not agree to
attempts to subordinate them to current market or profit interests because they are both
educational and scientific
research is much broader and richer in content than their current usability. Well, insist
we will on the responsible behavior of the university towards public money, harmonization of
enrollment quotas and
adapting study programs to the needs of the world of work and smart specialization
Croatia while respecting the autonomy of the university. We will insist on raising the level of
and standards of operation of public institutes, also in line with smart specialization and re-
recommendations of international commissions.
Social democratic policy unreservedly supports education and scientific research as
investing in a better future for individuals, regions, political communities and
humanity. Obsolete
the Croatian education system is facing major changes. Therefore, we will provide the conditions
for systematic
implementation of the updated Strategy for Education, Science and Technology adopted in
2014 . Our
the goal is to ensure equal conditions for quality education for all students until they acquire their
first qualification
or state matriculation.
We see education based on scientific knowledge and autonomy of both the institution and
teachers and educators. We will pay special attention to improving the financial situation
educational workers because only a motivated and successful teacher, can raise and educate
successful children
and young. In order to ensure quality and additionally motivate and reward the best teachers,
we will encourage those who invest in improving their own knowledge and skills. We also
actively support
all measures of material support of education, whether it is support of institutions, social
groups and / or individuals who need that support. We consider it necessary to increase
into the education system at all its levels, from early and preschool education to
adult education, in order to ensure a higher level of inclusion.
We also support all forms of extracurricular education as well as all initiatives and
associations that
they gather young people in a creative way. We also advocate for adequate evaluation of the
outcomes of these processes in
system of recognition of non-formal and informal learning outcomes, which should be
established as soon as possible.
We consider the strengthening of existing resources to be key to the discovery, development and
management of human resources
and the establishment of new and more efficient support processes and systems. Today it is clear
how young people will
in the future to do some jobs that do not yet exist today, and which will require the application of
knowledge and
a skill that society does not yet know today. Technological change will continue to change the
world at
ways that cannot be predicted, and many challenges will require radical adjustments to the
and society as a whole. In this increasingly complex world, it is important that every child /
student in the education system and
education acquires learning habits, and we create the institutional, legal and social basis in
to which anyone can be continuously educated. We will advocate for the development of digital

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children of their school age. We will encourage new, modern forms of teaching and the
convergence of school
tasks with real problems. We will initiate and strengthen various forms of lifelong learning as
the fastest and most efficient system of acquiring additional competencies that meet the needs for
labor force in rapidly changing technological processes.
Sport for everyone
We will promote a healthy and long-lasting life through sports of all kinds and thus alleviate the
negative ones
health trends, caused by declining trends, and financially relieve health
system in the Republic of Croatia. We will develop a monitoring information system, which each
child will use
from primary through secondary school to college to be monitored and directed (sports "career
counseling ”) according to its characteristics in the sport that suits him most individually.
Free sports recreation for citizens of all generations will be organized on outdoor courts and
internal premises of local communities.
In cooperation with health institutions, Croatian talented and top athletes provide
we will provide the best possible health care and recovery after sports injuries. We'll run
joint projects for the development of sports and tourism , especially outside the tourist seasons.
As we have raised the level of legality of work in sports with the Law on Sports Inspection, and
as we have
Amendments to the Law on Sports for the first time introduced fees for excellence of Croatian
so we will continue to change the legal acts that will make it easier for top Croatian athletes in
education and sports (dual career) , employment that their individual
abilities bring added value, all modeled on sports developed countries.
For cultural and creative creation
Cultural activities make a key contribution to personal and collective identities in society, and
collapse necessarily leads to unforeseeable consequences in spiritual and material
terms. Therefore
they must enjoy the special attention of social democratic politics.
The SDP will move culture from the current margins of society towards the center, shaping the
space in which
artists and cultural workers, citizens and politicians are not on opposite sides, but are
development partners. On a broader scale, culture is for the SDP a space for enriching
society, broadening horizons
and fostering tolerance, combating violence and - above all - understanding others and the
different. Therefore
we will constantly strive for the affirmation of cultural and other institutions of individual ethnic
to nurture their national peculiarities, languages and scripts and to protect their authenticity.
In order to be able to strengthen cultural and creative industries at all, the SDP will use the
current ad hoc system
and replace temporary solutions with systematic and long-term strategic planning, transparent
and autonomous decision-making in which it is necessary to reform the current funding system
and for all
to establish stable legislation which requires professional and expert administration at all
levels. We will therefore advocate for a development strategy in which the main priorities will be
and artistic aspects of culture, and the main goals of cultural expansion and closely related to it
democratization of society.

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Free and independent media
Citizens in the SDP have reliable political support for new challenges and protection from new
free opinion - one that protects the opinion, agreement and actions of citizens from censorship
and primitivism.
We fight against all forms of manipulation and false news because every citizen has the right
to the truth
and timely information. Thanks to digitalization, new media are changing the way they collect,
composing and distributing news. If we consider their interactivity, new media are changing
the media scene in the world, redefine the notion of journalism and media, and the medialization
of society and politics
has a growing impact on social processes.
As media freedom is key to any democratic order, journalists are not just guardians
democracy, but also the co-creators of public space and thus of public and personal
opinion. Complete
by informing they contribute to the political participation of their audiences. So we will take a
institutions protect and promote the freedom and security of journalists and the freedom of the
media, in particular
concern for the activities of public as well as non-profit media . The SDP will take special care
of independence
public media, protect them from political pressures as well as pressures from large
corporations. We will strengthen
independence of Croatian Radio and Television as a public media from any political controls and
The role of HRT is not only in the production and presentation of audiovisual works, but also in
the archives and music
and the performance segment.
At the same time, the power of the media must be accompanied by a new understanding of the
responsibilities of all participants
media practices. We can only develop the media if we invest in them as first-class public goods
accessible to all, regardless of ethnic or gender identity, political choice, age, economic,
or social status.
Instead of a dual media system of public and commercial media, media policy in the long run
we will focus on a mixed media system in which various non - profit and
low-profit “third sector” structures. We will again fund all those independent media that
express the plurality of Croatian society and introduce the so-called civic media donation
program. Direct
financial support to the media should be directed to media work, media content and its
Direct grants cannot co-finance profits.
A society ready for integration and adaptation
In demographic terms, Croatia is becoming empty, shrinking, aging and increasingly losing its
job potential. Except
necessary and comprehensive pronatal (family) policies, because this current fragmentary ,
ideologized, politicized and occasional-populist, Croatia must quickly and fully
social consent to adopt a program of its demographic renewal. In addition to demographic trends,
economic structure of Croatia, more or less explicit development goals and migration trends
political leaders are faced with questions related to the very identity of society, our cultural and
civilization foundation in the conditions of global integration of Croatia, now as a member of the
of half a billion people circulating freely within the European space. This is not just about
regulating the movement of people across borders, immigration, settlement and emigration, or
just satisfying
the demands of the labor market, but an essential form of expressing the very existence of the
Our country belongs to the group of Eastern and Central European countries, today members of
the EU, which
have been left without more than twenty million workers since the early 1990s
capable residents . It is a continuous and accelerating process with a series of negatives
impact on the structure of the economy, political preferences, security capacities and
social services of the country. Demographic development can no longer be considered a
spontaneous process, but

Page 26
it must be planned as a component of overall development and must be guided and
managed. Contemporary
migrations have new forms, are less permanent, are more flexible with tendencies to transition
transnational and circular, which also requires different actions by the states in which they occur.
The SDP is not running away from these new circumstances. On the contrary, in migration
trends it recognizes solutions for
numerous problems of our society. We want to establish a proactive migration model that will
respect our need to protect both our identity and the values of an inclusive society by stimulating
by subtle measures, immigration to Croatia as a condition not only for growth, but also for the
cultural development of society.
Our migration strategy includes a policy of population retention, but also the generation of
- working, highly educated and refugees. Like most European countries, we will encourage
immigration from the descendants of our emigrants to entrepreneurs, workers and quality of life
migration. At
any form of xenophobia, ghettoisation of immigrants or any other is foreign to this
a form of their social marginalization. Successful countries show all the social benefits for
immigrant countries with good integration programs, whose examples we will follow in shaping
migration strategies.
As an EU member, we should also propose the establishment of compensation mechanisms that
eliminate or reduce losses due to the departure of the working population to more developed
members of the Union.
Greater investments of European funds in our universities, research and development sectors and
areas where
a predominantly highly educated workforce would slow its departure from Croatia and motivate
foreign experts to engage in Croatia.
Political system reform
Without profound political changes, especially the liberalization of election laws and new party
organization, it is not possible to implement economic reforms. The possibility of introducing
new political forces
and new people in politics and the real possibility of competition of political ideas are a
prerequisite for social ones
and economic reforms. Further democratization of society using new digital ones is necessary
platforms through which society gains new opportunities for political and political activity
decision - making in addition to the traditional institutions of parliamentary multi - party
democracy and local and
regional self-government.
Among structural reforms, we consider the most important political - administrative
reform . Administrative
reforms are a prerequisite for structural reforms. Croatia needs a new public administration
because the new economic model is inseparable from the new administrative structure.
Resolute strengthening of self-government powers at the regional level, with adequate funding,
the powers of the Government to intervene in the event of a breach of general national interests
will be strong
stimulate the economic and overall development of the country.

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Rule of law, protection and promotion of rights and an independent
We will establish a rule of law that fully and without exception respects the rule of law
rights , and base their political power on respect for the Constitution, laws and other regulations,
without creation
differences in their interpretation for citizens and government. We will do so constantly, actively
and decisively
warn of the difference between the rule of law and the rule of the people . Such rule will ensure
a long-desired environment that will enhance the autonomy and dignity of the individual by
people to freely express and realize their feelings, opinions, communication and actions because
human rights and fundamental freedoms can only be restricted by law.
We will actively work on the implementation of all rights from the Charter of Fundamental
Rights of the European Union
adopted in addition to the Lisbon Treaty. One of the most important pillars of the rule of law is
the independence of the courts .
We therefore advocate a clear delineation of the powers and actions of the executive, the
legislature and the judiciary
because only independent courts and judges with full integrity that are outside the political and
other illegal and
illegitimate influences can be effective and equitable.
In a democratic and legal state, power is legitimized and
restricts by law , and the exercise of law must serve
the need for justice . The courts must be equal
accessible to all and efficient, to citizens in a reasonable way
within a reasonable time and at reasonable cost may protect their rights.
We will encourage the institute of conciliation between the parties how
as many cases as possible would be resolved at an early stage sooner
coming to the trial stage, which will significantly reduce it
cost to both parties and the state.
Judges and other judicial officials must be
independent, which is achieved through a transparent process
election, with pre-known criteria. Judges and others
judicial officials must be adequately paid
for their duty, but they must also share a destiny
other citizens of the Republic of Croatia in terms of
workplace safety, liability for failures
and the possibility of progress in accordance with what has been achieved
results. Judicial duty should not be
for life, but judges must be in individual courts
elected for a fixed term, at the expiration of which
their work will be valued by their superiors
colleagues in a transparent and publicly accessible procedure, followed by re-election,
promotion or dismissal. Criminal law and procedure serve to protect citizens and the
constitutional law
order with the aim of reintegrating offenders into society.
We stand for legal protection based on
• legalization and development of fundamental rights,
especially the right to liberty;
• strengthening social rights with the aim
preservation of general social security;
• equality of access to rights;
• special protection of the weak;
• respect for property rights which exceptionally
general interests may be assumed;
• focus on rapid redress and
• effective fight against all forms of violence;
• the humanity of the treatment of perpetrators
offenses in investigative, judicial and criminal
• fair compensation for the work of convicts;
• full freedom of judicial and representative exercise
• speed in the investigation and trial process;
• publicity of work in legal activity as well as
civil oversight of the autonomy of judges.

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For a professional and efficient public administration, a successful state
and socially
We stand for managerial pluralism because modern, complex societies face many
new management challenges. In their decisions on the most appropriate ways to coordinate
certain activities we will be guided by pragmatic and rational criteria, at the same time
acceptance of solutions in line with the main values and goals of social democracy.
With new contents and ways of political action, we will create optimal conditions for success
business and welfare of the people and we will restore citizens' trust in politics as an activity by
the general conditions of their operation are determined.
We stand for the rule of law, impartiality and the strengthening of the independence of the
judiciary. We will be together
with such a judiciary and a transparent, public-oriented government to restore trust
into public institutions and improve public governance and the active participation of the
community of all citizens.
We will actively participate in the construction of the Republic of Croatia as a responsible and
credible member
international community and make it a reliable partner of international forces, especially those
maintaining peace and preventing armed conflict. We will use its EU membership as an
opportunity to
clearer policy articulation, building collaborative relations, and increasing and improving
visibility and, accordingly, impact. We will actively participate in shaping European policies as
to work for the realization of European values and fundamental rights and freedoms within the
framework of a common European
public management space.
State and public administration and local self-government oriented towards
citizens and communities
The SDP considers the policy of decentralization to be one of its fundamental program policies
that stretches
through several areas of public affairs and responsibilities and directs the public administration
system to a balanced,
polycentric and sustainable social, cultural and economic development, demographic balance and
environment. Decentralization of decision-making, financing and management of public
affairs want
ensure general democratization and use of all development potentials of the country in
accordance with the principle
subsidiarity and standards of good European public governance, strengthen public control over
by providing public services and thus encourage the orientation towards efficiency, economy and
quality of public services
The SDP will decentralize the management of state-owned public goods, resources and assets
in accordance with the share in the creation of property and the principles of solidarity,
polycentricity, efficiency and
environmental protection. Decentralization pays particular attention to two fundamental
principles, the principle
financial autonomy and the principle of solidarity (care for local units below average
fiscal opportunities). The SDP will actively work to strengthen the capacity of rationally
organized locals
and regional units to solve the difficult problems facing our country due to climate,
demographic and other changes.
We want to strongly affirm the urban development and revitalization of cities, the role and
partnership of cities and regions
in development through partnership with scientific-research subjects, professional associations,
civil society and the private sector. We are especially committed to rural development ,
environmental protection, preservation of cultural heritage and traditions, while ensuring quality,
accessible and modern public services to the population of rural areas. Special attention is paid
digital transformation of rural areas which purposefully builds electronic services for residents

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and economic operators. With decentralization, the SDP is committed to strongly
developing local democracy
and ensure the development and reshaping of local, local and regional self-government systems.
Decentralization abandons the unhealthy culture of dependence of local and regional units on the
state and thus the responsibility for development is transferred to lower levels of government in
the context of multilevel
management . Decentralization enables better strengthening of the absorption capacity of local
regional units and its adaptation to local specifics.
Namely, the local political system ensures quality participation supported by modern
citizens and other local actors in defining local public problems and policies and their ways
addressing, and a strengthened local civil society stimulates direct participation and decision-
citizens about local affairs. The SDP advocates a gradual transformation of the territorial
Croatian organizations in parallel with the phased decentralization of public affairs, services
and others
responsibilities under the principle of integrated local public governance to ensure full
public services to citizens where they live and their impact on shaping local public policies.
We will provide efficient and reliable provision of administrative and other public services to
citizens on a foundation basis
a clearly and detailed catalog of public services and public affairs, equal and universal
availability of administrative and all other public services in all parts of the country. That catalog
public services become the backbone of the policy of administrative
rationalization. Citizens will be actively involved
in public decision - making, policy making at all levels and in the creation, provision and
public service quality management ( co-production ). The SDP advocates a strong strengthening
of form
direct democracy and citizen participation in deciding on all issues concerning them
appropriate way and in accordance with the possibilities of modern digital technology. There will
be a special strengthening
institution of active participation of young people in public issues.
The SDP believes that public services must be provided at affordable prices under strict special
support for certain categories of residents. We will establish a system of informing citizens about
services, especially utilities. Utility standards will be systematically monitored and will be
pay special attention to the structure and manner of forming the prices of individual utility
services. For
all public services will have a complete system of managing the efficiency and quality of public
service. A modern and efficient system of financial management - management and
monitoring public expenditures and public revenues to finance the provision of public services
and the provision of public
business, to ensure ethics, rationality and efficiency in the public funding system.
For the dignity of war veterans
More than most modern societies, Croatia is also marked by endless debates about the past, pri
which is why anti-fascism and fascism are discussed in a particularly fruitless and socially
antagonizing way, and
despite the Constitution, history is not only reinterpreted but also largely revised. The SDP
opposes either
by what revisionist aspirations that are propagated today. For the SDP, the position is
formed at the beginning of the process of creating the Croatian state, and which was introduced
by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia -
that Croatia was based on the anti-fascist national liberation struggle, and its independence
and achieved and defended independence in the Homeland War. 
Defenders of the Homeland War, with their specific role in the creation and defense of the
state, and even more so
the way state institutions and politics treated that part of our population,
despite their heterogeneity, they gained the status of a special social group. In doing so, it is
noticeable, an attempt
their political patronage and political instrumentalization by the political parties of the right

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spectrum. SDP precisely because of the large number of veterans, their worldview, political,
ideological and any other orientation rejects this kind of paternalism and political patronage, as
and in all other cases civil society organizations.
His attitude towards Croatian veterans and associations related to the Homeland War, all
victims and victims of the Homeland War SDP is based on a clear expression of respect for
victims, preserving dignity and ensuring the highest possible social protection and all rights
which belong to them. At the same time, we consider it crucial to ensure the full social
integration of all
war veterans.
For a life of peace and security - defense and national security
The geopolitical situation has fundamentally changed in the last 15 years or so. This time is over
synchronized crises on both sides of the EU’s fifteen thousand-kilometer-long
border. Refugee crisis
and terrorist attacks have, as a consequence, among other things, led to a lack of trust among
members and difficult decision-making in joint institutions. Europe must not become a fortress
surrounded by an insurmountable rampart, but on the other hand, an insecure Europe
cannot be
space of neither prosperity nor openness. Confidence needs to be strengthened, but so do
security systems.
At a time when security is becoming a priority for most European citizens, and Croatia
which has the longest external border of the EU must be very engaged in the ongoing discussions
in order to
presented our Schengen membership as a serious added value to the whole process as well
activating the parts of the Lisbon Treaty that refer members to "permanent structured
in the field of defense.
The Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia must have a clearly defined place, both in the
country and in
society itself, which primarily refers to the "traditional" role of insuring the state from possible
threats from outside and to comply with all commitments made by joining NATO. Like all other
state executive authorities The Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia are subject
to democratic civilian control, which means that they
do not discriminate, but thus achieve the normal functioning of the state executive in the segment
defense of the country. The Croatian Armed Forces must be an integrated part of a democratic
society, and that is possible
to be achieved only through a functional democracy based on the implementation of civic
rule of law, social justice and economic prosperity.
The main goal is to build a functional armed forces without endangering them
fundamental values of a democratic civil society. On the other hand, democratic and civilian
society must not stand as an obstacle to the proper functioning of the armed forces while always
having to
be expressed a clear ranking of the core values that the armed forces stand in support of the
civil society and its political system. Special attention and care should be paid to the officer and
non-commissioned officers , as well as soldiers . Also, due to increased challenges and changed
geopolitical ones
conditions Croatia must continue to establish and further develop a strong reserve armed
force. Croatia
they need a modern, professionally highly equipped and highly motivated armed forces that will
able to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Croatia in the future.
Croatia must continue to work on the organization of civil protection as the umbrella
organization of civil society and
essential components of citizen protection in the event of major natural disasters and
catastrophes. In years everything
more frequent and larger forest fires, we must pay special attention to firefighting and its further
development in order to perform its function of protection of property and citizens even more
efficiently in the future.

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Proactive membership in the international community
Croatia's current position on the global, European and regional scene is a consequence of
reactive, a
not proactive foreign policy in recent years. EU membership is, without a doubt, historically
an event for Croatia after extremely traumatic experiences since the beginning of independence.
Yet, five years after accession, it appears that the temptations of the negotiations have
continued into challenges
consumption of EU membership, which itself needs serious consolidation.
Due to the violent disintegration of the former common state, Croatia is continuously facing a
number of issues
unresolved issues with its immediate neighborhood. While such problems with states from
is the territory carried out aggression on Croatia understandable, can not ignore the fact that ours
the country is fenced off from its EU member neighbors - with barbed wire. In addition, those
neighboring countries
use the position of seniority in multilateral organizations to block Croatia 's entry into
their composition.
In the absence of a foreign policy strategy adapted to new opportunities at the international
scene, we should not be surprised by the problems we have in foreign policy. Confrontations
with ours
The EU and other neighbors derive in part from their assessment of Croatia's international
weak. In other words, the existing cracks in the relationship with the neighborhood that we did
not fill
their initiatives - their interests are tried by others.
Therefore, we will actively participate in articulating EU policies and develop bilateral and
Cooperation. We will ensure a much more successful use of European funds . In Croatia
we have not yet become aware of the fact that we are a full member of the European Union,
that European affairs
not foreign and international but domestic, that more and more legislation is being carried out
in the bodies
EU, not in national authorities. Very little is known about developments in EU bodies in Croatia.
Therefore, we will strive to raise awareness of the importance of the EU for the daily life of
Croatian people, as well as for
obtaining and disseminating information on developments in the EU.
As the youngest member of the EU, Croatia will be more active in that interstate community
make the most of the opportunities that membership provides. This primarily refers to the more
extensive and
more prompt use of European funds, as well as our more pronounced initiatives in defining
common ones
activities at the European and international level.
Croatia should be systematically involved in the process of returning to EU
enlargement policy after five
years of its stagnation. As many as three of our neighbors are in different stages of accession,
which too
It singles out Croatia as a particularly exposed EU member. Special attention should be paid to
situations in the increasingly tense dayton BiH. That fact, as well as our multiregional
geographical position, they are looking for a new, much more effective foreign policy better
integrated with Croatia's
national interests.
We are in favor of EU enlargement to our neighboring countries. We provide to our neighbors
and the countries of the region
full - declared and expert - support in their approximation to EU standards, ie in
their reforms. In the region, we are working to establish good neighborly relations, and in the
world for the better
understanding and mutual respect. Taught by the war experiences of the 20th and the beginning
of the 21st century,
we stand for complete peace among nations. Along with numerous Social Democrats and
we advocate for the parties to restructure and strengthen the role of the UN in regulating
international relations,
conflict prevention and peace-building and responsible management of global resources such as
are climate, biodiversity, air, water and the environment. We also welcome global regulation in
more intensive international economic and financial cooperation.
In order to optimally develop its potential as part of the EU, Croatia must not be classified as a
which, through their domestic and foreign policies, call into question fundamental democratic
on which the European project rests. Disagreements and even confrontations are, of course,
justified only in
cases where proposals for a new EU structure would seriously undermine the range of
development opportunities
which at this moment are still available to Croatia.

Page 32

Original text
shvaćaju kao osnovu za nepovredivost osobnosti, individualnosti i dostojanstva pojedinaca.
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