Y Y Y Y: LWBG Matrix Planner Training Group Description (350-450 Words)

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LwBG Matrix Planner

Training group description (350-450 words):

This program is designed to build the capacity of new Librarians without Borders Greece
(LwBG) members to enable them to undertake a community development volunteer
placement with LwBG. LwBG is a member based not for profit organisation which builds the
capacity of Greek Librarians to work with disadvantaged communities. LwBG will sponsor
this training program as a trial to demonstrate how the program can achieve the required
outcomes with the view that it is expanded to all regions and all LwBG members. This
training program will initially be set in Athens, with potential expansion at a future date.
The LwBG members consists of a wide range of individuals from current or recently
graduated university students through to experienced professional librarians with 20 years
experience. They range in experience from no exposure to community based activities
through to extensive previous engagement. The purpose of the training is to provide a
minimum level of competence in all volunteers, so that when they undertake a community
based placement they are able to achieve an effective dialogue and more meaningfully
engage with the community based organisations. It is expected that this will result in
improved outcomes for the community partnerships.

The training issue that must be addressed is ensuring that all volunteers have a minimum
standard of understanding about how to undertake community engagement. Understanding
the culturally appropriate way to engage a group and achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.
The training group consists of approximately 100 volunteers however the initial program will
be run with 20 volunteers, to be expanded in the future across regions.

Selection of participants for the training group will be based the following criteria:
y Past volunteer activities with LwBG, preference given to those with a longer volunteer
y Understanding of the need for training, showing a willingness to actively participate.
y Applicants skills gap and need for training, the bigger the gap the greater the benefit.
y Applicants future volunteering plans, preference given to those who plan to
undertake volunteer placements.

If an applicant fills all of the above requirements they are an excellent candidate for the
proposed training program.

SMART Objective:
Provide the LwBG active membership of 100 people with a structured training program to
provide them with the required skills and knowledge to undertake a volunteer placement
with LwBG with one of our domestic or overseas community partner organisations. Upon
successful completion of the training program participants will be able to effectively be able
to engage community groups and apply their skills to maintain and build LwBG community

Training programs will be 2 hours in duration and run in March and October each year.
Sub-objectives Training Methods Resources Evaluation Activities
(Content and/or (human, material,
Tasks) financial, time)
Demonstrate Presenter to present Role play scenario Presenter to assess
cultural culturally appropriate sheets for each role play
awareness in a community participant. Projector, demonstration by
community consultation computer and slides participants during
consultation information. for presentation. session.
context Participants to role One facilitator for 30 At end of session
play different minutes to present participants to explain
community and assess. in interview
consultation scenarios Facilitator Salary € 20. appropriate
to demonstrate community
understanding of consultation.
different community
List and Presenter to present Projector, computer During after program
demonstrate different community and slides on interview participants
community engagement appropriate to explain community
engagement techniques. technology. engagement
techniques Participants in groups Scenario sheets for techniques.
discuss engagement each participant. Presenter to assess
techniques, using One facilitator for 40 participant discussion
scenarios identify minutes to present during session.
appropriate and assess.
engagement Facilitator Salary
techniques to apply in € 20.
the specific scenario.
which would be used
Demonstrate Presenter to present Projector, computer Presenter to assess
establishing a on establishing a and slides. participants role play
dialogue with a dialogue. One facilitator for 20 of establishing a
community Participants to role minutes to present dialogue.
organisation play establishing a and assess. Participants to list
dialogue with a Rοle play sheets for different dialogue
community utilising each participant. approaches during
the principles Facilitator Salary € 20. post program
explained by the assessment interview.
Identify and Presenter to present Projector, computer Presenter to assess
explain cultural bias. In pairs, and slides. participant
personal and participants to act out One facilitator for 30 understanding of
cultural biases different cultural bias minutes to present cultural bias during
for the and get other and assess. paired discussion.
volunteer and participants to identify Cultural bias sheets Participants to explain
the community the bias. for acting out different cultural bias
members scenarios. during post program
Facilitator Salary € 20. interview.

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