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In may countries, Detailed

While background
many (Complex
argue that..., statement)
while others Thesis
believe that... It is agreed that.. Outline
-This will be shown/proven after looking/understanding/analyzing...(need/how/why)
Among some circles,
With ...Often some circles,
Among It is disagreed that... -This
2. essay will
looking, look at both
anazlyzing, both sides before
understanding, drawing the logical conclusion.
VARIATION: In fact, 3. how, why, need
Vary from...
Most would agree that..

On one(Dictates topic)
side...On the other hand Example
For example, Discussion
link/relationship between ... and ... Conclusion (LINK BACK
Thus, the drawbacks TO THESIS)
of ... can be seen.
allowing For instance,
Research/Survey Such, These, His, <Subject> Thus, it
Thus, the
is negative ramifications
clear/obvious that ... that result from... are obvious.
pursuing A recent
Some american
would agree study
that revealed that... It is thus understable
example, that...reasoning, advantageous, demerits, better, more beneficial,
may, often, tend, can I recall
It beingthat...
is obvious could cause problems.
No one can dispute the fact that...

4. Following this look at ...(pros, conds, ramifications, negative Restatement of Thesis Prediction,
For Recommendation
the well-being of schools,it is thus hoped that...
outcomes) ... regarding the
outcome, ramifications, (subject of).., it is felt that...
influence Nothing
proven, felt, evident
Subject - Verb agreement
Education styles vary from

an article
the child
the academic
on the subjects
Target Area Suggestion
Outline sentence Dictates topic sentence
Topic sentence states the topic of paragraph
Summary restates the topic

Outline sentence Dictates topic sentence

Topic sentence states the topic of paragraph
Summary restates the topic

Problem statement Lectures were the tradational way to teach large numbers of students in the past. Now

Background statement

Detailed background state

Background statement
Cause of the problem

Detailed background sentence

Neutral Outcome
need children have for a stable household structure
disruption of a stable household structure can have a devasting effects on a child's educational pursuits
has poor influence on children

This will be proven by looking at how such a family arrangement causes feelings of abandonment among young people
young children separated from their parents may experience feelings of abandonment and this can lead to other proble
After analyzing the above points, the merits of regular parental presence can be seen.

e tradational way to teach large numbers of students in the past. Now new technology is being used to teach students. Is there a posi
Trend: Among some developed countries, technology is used to teach and educate students in institues.
Variation: Teaching styles vary from one institute to another.
to be positove in nature.
Trend: In fact, many countries have reformed their teaching technique to teach their students.

As the world's economies have grown, alternative living arrangements among young people have become possible. (14)
The youth of a nation play a critical role in a country's future. (15.2)
Opinions regarding what constitues a healthy retirement age seem to vary from one country to another. (16.2)
Increasing levels of loneliness can be seen among aged people the world over.
Nowadays, people enjoy longer life spans than at any other point in human story (19)

Although this may be positive for international economies, the effect it may have on the parent-child relationship is
Although many may argue that this is a negative phenomenon, it is believed that overall this trend tends to be posi
However, many believe that pupil's learning is enhanced when students of varying academic skill surrond them. (10.2)
This in turn has profound effect on the training students receive and the ultimate people they become upon graduating
Many feel that government jobs should be reserved for those who are older and have more experienced, while other f
But this a phenomenon that is not universally encouraged, as many people feel such an arragement has drawbacks. (13.
It is argued that these problems primarily result from the absence of excercise in an older's people life. (17.2)
Travlling of parents

Child raising (5)

ve/positive. Neutral.
should be capability.
nuclear family
teenaged children
biological parents
monetary status
Opinion 5
Pros and Cons 3

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