Text Book: Chapter 5 & 6: Farah Binti Aziz

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Text book : Chapter 5 & 6

CHAPTER 5 (pg.88)
is MAS ?
§ Was introduced through the issuance of § It is a detail accounting system, which emphasizes
Development Administrative Circular No.3 of on costing the outputs, namely services &
1992 issued on 30 July 1992. products of each federal government ministry &
§ Is developed on the concept of ABC which department.
introduced to enhance the efficiency in financial § Provides a new dimension to help achieve the
management as well as public sector objectives of Modified Budgeting System during
productivity. 1990.
§ Is a method / process of gathering, calculating § Offers a new mechanism towards strengthening
& analyzing the cost of actual output for each management accounting at the department level.
government’s programme & activities. the implementation of SPM would further
enhance accountability in the public service.
Ø Facilitate of the information cost collecting,
processing and preparation.
Ø Information prepared on cost efficiently and more
Objectives flexible.
Ø Produce reliable cost
Ø Contribute the optimization resources.

Ø To let the management have an awareness on the cost.

Ø Actual costs and planed costs will be compared.

Benefits Ø Planning process,executions,control and evaluation will

Ø The changes of component output cost will be identify.
Ø Determine the price for output.
Implementation Strategies
Ø Set up an SPM steering to monitor the success of each agency.

Implementation Ø Need them to plan, supervise, guide, monitor and coordinate.

Ø Chief Facilitator to supervise the implementation team.
Machinery Ø The selection based on he skill and ability to manage the process.
Ø His responsible to guide and supervise the implementation team,
resolve problem and report to the committee.

Ø The team that implementation need to be trained.

Training Ø Training given 3 difference groups of personnel in agencies >
planning and implementing SPM, data input and data collect.
Implementation Ø Identify the direct costs
Ø Adopted the ABC for the routine and standardized output.

Follow Up Ø To discuss progress, problem and sharing of experience.

Computerised Ø To trace costs of outputs.

Ø Ability to interface with Budgetary and Planning System,
Implementation Asset Management System and HR Management System.
CHAPTER 6 (pg.91)
is ?
Langfield-Smith, Thorne, & Hilton Hilton CIMA
“ Budget is a detailed plan that shows “ Budget is a detailed plan, expressed in “Budget is a quantitative
the financial consequences of an quantitative terms that specify how expression of a plan for a defined
organization operating activities for a resources will be acquired and used period of time. It may include
specific future time period. It acts as a during a specified period of time. The planned sales volumes & revenues,
financial model that summarizes future procedures used to develop a budget resource quantities, costs &
operations and its usually viewed as a constitute a budgeting system.” expenses, assets, liabilities & cash
core component of an organization’s flows.”
planning & control.”
oF Budget

Decision Saving
Planning Making Money

Use of
of Budget


Taxation Co-ordination
Fiscal Policy Management
Instrument Instrument
Expenditure Control


Ø Is the government spending policies that influence macroeconomic conditions
Fiscal Policy of the country.
Ø Is a measure employed by government to stabilize the economy, particularly by

adjusting the government’s expenditures and taxation.

According to John Maynard Keynes that insufficient demand

causes unemployment & excessive demand leads to inflation.

Reducing taxes & spending more

Economy slowed due to recession
than it takes from the economy

Slow down an economy that is

Increase taxes & spending less to
threatened by inflationary
create a budget surplus
Expansion Contraction Neutral

q Defined as an increase in government expenditures and /or a decrease in

taxes that causes the government’s budget deficit to increase or its budget
surplus to decrease.
q Decrease taxes will increase in public spending and it may correspondingly
pump cash into the economy and also expand the economy.
Expansion q Involves a net increase in government spending where government
spending is more than tax revenue which occurs through increases in
government spending or a reduction in taxation revenue or both.
q The budget deficit is financed by government borrowing & the government
issues long-term bonds to proceeds finance the deficit. In addition, the
outstanding interest payment is known as the national debt.
q Defined as a decrease in government expenditures and/or an increase in taxes
that causes the government’s budget deficit to decrease or its budget surplus to

Contraction increase.
q Occurs when net government spending is reduced either through higher
taxation revenue / through reduced government spending / both.
q The revenues from the budget surplus are normally used to reduce any existing
national debt.

q Implies a balanced budget where government spending is equal to tax revenue.

q Indicates that government spending is fully funded by tax revenue.
Neutral q Therefore, the budget outcome has a neutral effect on the level of economic
q If the government expenditures are exactly equal to tax revenues in a given
year, the government is running a balanced budget for that year.
Motivation Planning
Evaluation Communication

q Planning involves developing objectives and preparing various activities to
Planning achieve the goals.
q In public sector, the planning role is achieved by expressing in monetary terms
the inputs needed to achieve the planned activities.
q It is important because the type, quantity & quality of governmental goods &
services provided are not normally evaluated & adjusted through the open market
mechanisms & they are often the most critical to the public interest.
q Government planning and decision-making is generally a joint process involving
its citizens & legislative & executive bodies.

Communication q Must be a definite line of communication in an organization so that all parts will be
kept informed of the plans, constraints and policies to which the organization is
expected to conform.
q Through the budget, top management communicates its expectations to lower
level management, so that all parties understand these expectations and can co-
ordinate their activities to attain them.
Co-ordination q Budget serves as a useful tool through which the actions of the different parts of
an organization can be brought together and reconciled into a common plan.
q Budgeting compels managers to examine the relationship between their
department’s operations and those of other departments to identify and resolve

q Budget is considered as a control device in governments with regard to

legislative control over executive body, & executive control over government
agencies or departments.
Control q Involves the steps taken to ensure that objectives set down at the planning
stage are achieved and each parts of organization are working together towards
achieving the goal.
q The control role is accomplished when the budget is prepared in such a way that
it shows clearly the inputs & resources that have been allocated to government
organizations to permit them to undertake the tasks for which they are
q Planning is designed to ensure the continuity of programme activities & budgeting
provides definite objectives for evaluating performance at each level of
q Budget acts as a tool for evaluating performance where the budgeted & the actual
figure will be compared which the causes for any variance between the actual &
Evaluation budgeted output can be identified.
q Relevant, accurate & timely reports of actual & budgeted positions need to be
provided to all levels of management to enable performance to be monitored
against the budget.

Motivation q Budget can be a useful device for influencing managerial behavior & motivating
managers to perform in line with the organizational objectives.
q A budget provides a standard that under certain circumstances, a manager may
be motivated to strive to achieve.
National National
Revenues Expenditures

Federal Operating
Revenues Expenditures

State Development
Revenues Expenditures

ü Revenues earned / obtained by the federal government.

Federal Revenues ü According to Government Accounting Standard No.3 ,

federal revenues consists of tax revenue, non-tax revenue,
other receipts.


Direct Tax : income tax, Repayment of expenditure
stamp duty, petroleum This includes receipts from
include interdepartmental
tax, property gain & firm registration payment, These consist of tax & non-
credits, repayment of
hire duties. licenses & permits, receipt tax revenue collected on
excessive payment and etc.
from sales of goods, rent, behalf of the government.
Indirect Tax : sales tax, interest & returns on
Refund of expenditure
receipts from import & investment locally & abroad, These include receipts from
include receipts from
export duties, service tax penalties, contribution & licenses & permits,
consolidated funds, refund of
and levy on good vehicles reimbursement from foreign premium & quit rent, sales
salary on resignation, and
leaving Peninsular government & international of assets, rentals, service
refunds of training expenses
Malaysia. agencies. fees & entertainment duties
State Revenues
According to Part III, Tenth Schedule of the
According to Part V of the Schedule
Federal Constitution, sources of revenue
provides the sources of revenue to the
assigned to state comprise of the following :
state of Sabah & Sarawak as following :

§ Revenue from toddy shops, lands, mines and forests. § Import duty & excise duty on petroleum products
§ Entertainment duty § Export duty on timber & other forest produce
§ Fees in courts other than federal courts § State sales taxes
§ Fees and receipts in respect of specific services rendered § Fees & dues from ports & harbours other than
by departments of the state government federal ports and harbours
§ Receipts in respect of water supplies, including water rates § Receipts in respect of water supplies & services,
§ Rents on state property & interest on state balances including water rates
§ Zakat, fitrah & baitulmal & similar Islamic religious revenue § Revenue connected with water supplies and
§ Treasure trove services
Local Revenues
§ All taxes, rates, rent, licenses fees, dues & other sums / charges
payable to the local authority
§ All charges / profits arising from any trade, service / undertaking
carried on by the local authority
§ All interest on any monies invested by the local authority & all
income arising from / out of the property of the local authority
§ All other revenue accruing to the local authority from the federal
/ state government, statutory body, other local authority / other
• Represents all charges to the

Operating Expenditure budgeted allocation

• Is an expenditure that has been
approved by the parliament.

Charged Expenditure (Article 98) Supply Expenditure (Article 100)

Examples are as follows : Is the expenditure to be met from the
§ Any grant, remuneration / other moneys so charged consolidated fund but not charged thereon
by any other article / federal law & shall be included in a bill known as a
supply bill.
§ All pensions, compensation for loss of office &
gratuities for which the federation is liable Examples are as follows :

§ Any moneys required to satisfy any judgement, § Payment for emolument, supplies &
decision / award against the federation by any court services
/ tribunal § Acquisition of assets, grants & fixed
§ Royal allocation/ allowances charges & others
Development Expenditure
Ø In order to finance the development expenditure, the
government usually borrows on long-term basis from
internal / external financial institutions.
Ø Is allocated to domestic social services such as education &
health, economic services such as transport & public
utilities, and also internet security & defence.
Role oF Central Agencies
in the Budgeting Framework
Budget Public
Management Service
Division Department
Unit (EPU)
Budget Management § Treasury that in charge in preparing the
FEDERAL budget

Division (BMD) § Budget is prepared by the Budget Review

Officers (BROs)

Objective Ø To allocate the federal resources that in line
Ø Allocate financial resources for the with the national objective and policy
implementation of plans or programmes Ø To monitor all ministries / departments/
Ø Ensure that the allocation is utilised in agencies spend the allocation effectively and
the most effective and efficient manner efficiency according the approved amount

Ø Examine and analyse agencies plans and Ø To manage the grants allocated to the states
programmes conform to the national and local authorities base on the Constitution
budget policies and decisions of the Cabinet and National
Finance Council
§ Main concerned of operating budget which is basically to
Public Service review all the budget proposals for increases in numbers
and grades of stuff
Department (PSD) § Objective is to have high performance public service
personal agency in developing excellent workforce that
provides quality services through policy formulation and
human resource formulation

Planning Development Management

§ Determine the roles of public sector § Manage the appointment ,
§ Determine organisational
§ Determine the organisational size and emplacement , remuneration ,
development policies
structure of the public agencies promotion, retirement benefits,
§ Determine the requirements and § Develop career development
service conditions, employer-
development of human resource policy employee relations, trainings, and
§ Determine pensions and retirement benefits § Develop career path human resource database
§ Determine the implications of privatisation/
§ Develop succession planning § Formulate and clarify policies
separation on the public sector of human
resource § Determine training policy § Manage policies monitoring
§ Develop strategic alliances and networking § Manage policies evaluation
Economic Planning Main responsibility is responsible in preparation
Unit (EPU) of development plans for nations.

§ Enhance the Malaysia’s socioeconomic development

into a development of nation status year 2020
§ Improve the quality of life, and promote balanced
OBJECTIVES and sustainable development
§ Strengthen internal resilience and international
§ Promote optimum utilisation of available resources
§ Formulate policies and strategies for socioeconomic development
§ Prepare medium and long-term plans
§ Prepare development programmes and project budget
§ Monitor and evaluate the achievement of development of projects
§ Advice government on economic issues
§ Initiate and co-ordinate the privatisation programme and evaluate its achievement
§ Development of Malaysia’s involvement in growth triangle initiatives
§ Initiate and co-ordinate bilateral and multilateral assistance
§ Manage the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme
§ Monitor and evaluate investment activities
January September- October September- December
Call circular for new Budget documents printed Parliament debates and
year estimates and submitted parliament approves new year budget

Agencies prepare and

submit new year

August- September
March End of December
Approval of new year
Received submissions and MOF issues warrant for
estimates by MOF and
BRO makes individual study expenditure

Process April
Preliminary hearing
May- July
Budget hearing
Budget execution by

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