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Student Trainee’s Prayer

Most loving father, I bow down to you. Fill my life with your presence and thank you for letting
me wake up with a blessed morning and stable health. As I start my work immersion this day,
bind every negative influence upon my mind. Remove every thought of failure, defeats, and self-
hate and bind every encountered limitations. Every force that hinder my mind from receiving
your full revelation, plans and purposes of my life. Thank you for providing me enough strength
to defeat my silent battles and as well as dealing with my problems. Give me the wisdom,
knowledge and understanding for my every day’s purposes. Cover me with your holy protection
in my daily activities especially in this work immersion of mine, this I ask in Jesus name I pray,
Letter to the Readers
Dear readers,

Hello readers! Warm Christian greetings.

I am Mau and I’m a senior at Cagayan Valley Computer and Information Technology
College under the strand STEM. I made this portfolio in accordance to the partial fulfillment of
my requirements and as well as to let you be with me in my journey during my Work Immersion.
Through this portfolio, I hope my working experience with other people will reach your
knowledge and somehow, you will learn something from within. I believe that working together is
a success.

My work immersion experience is light, more like a simple job involving file organization,
observation and assisting. In the two departments where I am deployed, I never experience any
laborious job.

This portfolio will give you an advance knowledge about Work Immersion. This
opportunity led me to some reality discoveries such as founding out that everyone has the
unique skills in their own way and somehow made me feel how to be an employee for a few
days. This experience taught me the real patience, humility, creativity, respect and integrity.
Evaluating and considering my experience, I arrived in a thought that “success does not start
with a degree on hand, employment is a step towards it”.

I hope you appreciate the time I took for this portfolio and also I hope my experience will
gives you inspiration. I believe you will experience it too and when that time comes, I hope you
will enjoy it the way I do.


Maureen H. Ballogan

As implemented by the Department of Education, Work Immersion is a key feature of the SHS
Curriculum that can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of
learners. One of the goals of the K-12 Basic Education Program is to develop in learners the
competencies, work ethic and values relevant to pursuing further education and or joining the
world of work.

To achieve greater congruence between basic education and the nation’s development target,
Work Immersion is a required subject incorporated in the curriculum in order to provide the
seniors an opportunities such as:

To become familiar with the work place they ought to pursue. Learners are immersed in actual
field of work inclined in the course they want to get in college which serve as an assessment for
them. Through this, it might also prevent course-shifting in the middle of the semester due to
late realizations.

For Employment Simulation. It will show a peek of employment reality towards the learners.
Learner will be aware how Employment works and it will give them a back ground out of it. This
may strengthen their determination and mold their personality to prepare for their future. It will
somehow enrich their skills in communication and human relations.

To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic work

environments. Through this, it will help develop life and career skills. It will make them
appreciate the importance and application of the principle they learned in their alma mater which
leads to development of good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

Work immersion is thus a requirement for graduation from secondary education. It requires a full
80 hours of work in their deployed workplace hence, their experience during work immersion will
develop many skills and values that would help them as they transition from high school to real

With the deepest gratitude and appreciation, I humbly give thanks and acknowledge the people
who, with all they can, helped me in making Work Immersion a possible one.

To the CVCITC Institution, for allowing the senior students to experience this kind of opportunity
and making this work immersion successfully happen.

To my Parents, for their infinite love and support, for providing all my needs financially and

To the Work Immersion Advisers, Ms. Frayzle Faith Tolentino, Ms. May Cayaban and Sir Allan
for their hard work and dedication to process every single thing in order to let this work
immersion possibly happen.

To Mr. Renato Baldonado, the barangay captain of Barangay Rizal, for accepting and
welcoming me and my fellow group mates in your barangay wholeheartedly and also for giving
us the opportunity to experience how it is to become a real employee.

To all personnel in Barangay Rizal Health Center, especially Ms. Rogelio “Aira” Martin Jr., our
work immersion supervisor, for being there to guide us and allowing us to be a part of the health
staff even for a short period of time. For involving us in every health programs and for the
encouragement and inspiring words to motivate me in order to develop and become an effective

To other department where I take part of my Work immersion, Rizal Day Care Service. To all
the staff there particularly, the adviser where I am deployed to, Ma’am Fery Ann V. Catuiza for
being not just my mentor but also for being a sister to me. For the guidance, experience,
concern and insights shared by her will be forever engraved in my mind. I would like to express
my appreciation to the Rizal Child Minding Center, particularly to Ma’am Susan, for
accommodating us in her office during lunch time, sharing us snacks and letting us sleep & rest
for power nap.

To my friends/board mates and co-trainees, for the joy and happy experience; for being there to
support me, console me due to encountered difficulties and comfort me when I felt frustrated
during my training. I thank them for the unique bond of friendship experience.
Above all, to our Lord God Almighty, for his unconditional love and for the blessing he is
showering upon me each day of my life. I thank him for the wisdom, knowledge, provision,
guidance and understanding he bestowed during my training. By his grace, I was able to finish
this training without any conflict. To God Be All The Glory!

Most of all, I thank him for his words that keeps on reminding me that “I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13)

As well as everything that I do, I would be honor to dedicate this Compiled Portfolio to the two
person that gave me tools and values necessary that takes contribution in the success of my
Work Immersion experience. I will never finish to thank my Mother and Father for the support
they show in every decision I made and for all of the teachings and advice they say. I hope I can
make them proud, the same way that I am proud of having both of them as my parents and as
the compass of my life.

So that is why I dedicate this Portfolio to my parents, where in this compiled material reflects
and shows the perfect image of my effort and hard work I poured on my second semester at
CVCITC, our very own Institution who molded me to what I am today and nurtured the skills I

This is also dedicated to my fellow senior students, who did nothing but their best in everything
they do just to make their parents proud. Worry not my fellow seniors, we will rip everything we
sowed. All those sleepless nights, pressure, struggles and hard work will soon pay off as we will
all attend the graduation rites and sing the graduation song together.


Cagayan Valley Computer and Information Technology College, Inc.

Vision and Mission of CVCITC

Vision: CVCITC is envisioned to be the leading educational institution in Cagayan Valley

committed to produce competent and enterprising professionals and experts who possess the
passion for excellence, growth and innovation in the service of the society.

Mission: CVCITC commits to:

1. Pursue transformational growth and sustained quality standards.

2. Attain high accreditation level in its operation and program offerings.
3. Employ efficient and effective methodologies in delivering globally relevant instruction;
4. Advocate entrepreneurial undertaking for self-empowerment and nation building;
5. Practice high professional and ethical standards;
6. Imbibe in its stakeholders the conscious pursuit of excellence in all its endeavors;
7. Strive for continuous growth and development in life-long pursuit of knowledge and truth.
8. Engage in cutting edge research; and
9. Share its resources for the improvement of quality of life in the community.

CVCITC Core Values

C- Commitment

V- Volunteerism





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