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i \ 001 Inhalt / Haupt-Programschleife@eutsch) 1 060 Schwierantoge (Schaisrinpulszshler) Ot nett 7 Hag Pegemeee gh ae) | St Somieonlay Gonalie tgivxse> ©) aves ! Sneed at hay 104 Oververwbisliste ' 163 Sehnieranlage (Grehwerk betatigt fe avenue & SCT Glee eaten fe avenue t& Sinicctah eatticcharon W'S 3 of devewatse Sica eaulccage SR ete itn & SNe gence wae et A ii ec Fon Soi (59. Feeeraornantage. O53. Fetreaonloge Crtereitet) {53 Notorontnol ing vor Sten fVrbersite) (63. Verstovenng O70 Teg, Chinen, Leroue, ised Ol troesttttak Giese Oi detrebegenng OieseD G5 Sottries La” Entosetron (ieee) Motors Luttiiter Dies 1 tts Semfelbecattng O25 Bt ind Kinase ieee O25 ner Laelaud 7 Slack, nieger Leelovt (Diese Gre Setanangara Giese O10 FAO, WSufig gostelte Fron Programme 011 Inititisienng _—————————— t 12 Hates Setnebazustond ies) 1013. Yertnipfungen (Logit) Diesel) O18 Mato Store / Stop Steverang (Diese) 115 Kihleversprndruck 118 Punprstovrargs Arb itspscanetarneg 19 Pmpnatevrangs Gin 18 Purpnsteuerang. SO Unox 119 Pimpesteverangs Gor 20 Pamperstovrangs Vntibstaeung Toit 1) {21 Pumperstevering: Helaingen Diesel) 2 Punpnsteverang. NeLaungen etre) 23 Seheibew iseherctevining (eit) {28 Seheibewrsehersteveing (Test 2 2 Sehelbewischersteveung (Teil 3) (2 Seheiban stersteviung (eit #) OD Seheibowrchersteveing (eit 5) 28 Auegoe dee Start/Sep Heldrgen 2) Strewersengag Fie Seasren Wiesel) 3) Rater, HotoreglerCENIRY Diese) 131 Rater, Oremahistevring (ieee) Nath CiDeseD 079. Getaneng: Yollaesngen oateg Cisse 80 Getancng: HyrauLikton (Diese (al Setanng. McorSLeon Ciesal> 1082 Teaps Hydro ea, BUAoher Lifter (63 Temperattr etn iebsl (GK Notar MeLdelanten Diesel) 085 TotaomscraLtng lesa). 1 G85 curzeclutesordiung der 2-tapere Ausgioge 18? Ootenschening / Sttathaeing £5 starmersangng Fr Seinen wring FIB= 09 1 30 drting, destst igang ail (G1 HWZler/Ziler non. Musing i a 4 suurmersengag ir Seaaren of te. Fe 202 | 022 Hotbars, Feetisrntoge Oat specie Bieter 03S you tcstons 0% Omer od Folrertstresse iesed Oar tac Fr unpereplong Om 12 Stamenct Orel 03 Steor-ernavertthesocng Oat RettosfomeeieseD oat Siritter Ores Oae Hr utontluftter O43 Gretchen Oat. Senirotog eng) oes Senlrologe Cervelgen 0G Senironiogs Genie) Of Sieiernlam Goitt D O48. Somieroniogs Cet 2 Oat Semironlogs (eit 2 O59. Scnirolags (Seri 2 O51. Semiroiogs Get 3 Saerniog Gomriet Ost Semirolage Get 8 Stoeroniage Getrst 2 Stnieeoniog Gotrtt Starniog Goriet Staernioge omri2t Stoiernioge trict 10) SSarerntage Gott 1D H t 3 BRRRR2 Tnhalt 7 Haupt-Progrannschlei Fe Deutsch) Diese Seite ist zugleich Inblisvereictnis und Howtprogram. Ncheiander werden einzeine Seiten SSR eis anes Sorter ntoprran) ner ieee vier wcicnaar er codon, | CONKENES / sain progran Loop (german) eS = Gapameite ocara © [S08] 82, 86 eee eg 182, 86 jpessoo-ene Tea SEE AblauFdi agramm Tet wa eat oe OT aarti pNCnart | MOMANSY | 955 442 40 alas | 1/091 qssuay 1A bolandiagron F Biiwipl ROA IS wll DIG eT Ie DENS TaD wT foge | cots 01 ‘02 ‘03 toe 88885 cantants / sain progran Loyp (genan) antes / ain progam lop (engi ch ross rafecenon Lit oe referee List (ons reference Uist oe reference List ross reference Uist tobles, oF initions De remuently ose questions FO: Frequently osked questions 3 ube systen (briction eyte conten) ibe systen Gamol eysle counter) be syeten (Lost treo on timer) ke sten (slew octaces 9) ibe systen (utectien noni toringd ibe sqsten (otion eta fer stop 1-3 be ayeten aetion chart fer step 57) ibe ester (aetion chart fer step 6-11 pimp controk peor worning syste operon worming syten (prepares O68. aan shawn From rou ea) (pre.) meskes 069 pilot control * me OF0 Naps erting voter, fon drive iene) O11 ititizatien On fit ane less jae OF pte voltge ieseD ' OF} Geter, ging, eicorging ieee) O12 ten, opeotig situation ieee) 4 scar rca Diese O13 Cnting ogi eet Ges buat tut off O14 mater Sere” stop contol. Diese) O76 is od colon presare Cieset) Dis anerpviatpoeie 6 thigh O16. pp ests ver ben indication 1 cites, tv ite Oiesed oir ap exurt, Quin Gra Peilting or ie O18 ap cotrt, Sox ono O18 up eotrt: Ox O20 pup extras wale enrol gare i O21 fam errs sents ies Oo> op cont, cases (lei) 023 ino nga contrat grt D Oat inn wow cre rt 1 0% inde wpe erreur 28 fiir ful msegesostog Diesel Oa indo riper cortral. art Oop fering nyrauie fou ies Oar indo riper cotral. grt 9 Gat Failing egies tome ieseD Oa8 tpt of earltep mr Gb temp. nga st, oltzler fon Opn sup for stass Oe O83 FI gael teeroure Oop tus gi extrotier CMT Diesel) {34 angitatigpt tape Died O31 ters pm centr Ciel) 08S Sarna Stott O22 aergerey suo Died) 4 Gp storerrot hording oF pour-wutputs s Oe? store doe / elf morteace gover spy for seas internptes? ————®S__t_] wintwoee Fia- oe | 090 agintenance, conFiraation o | G21 Truesaintr/ennter a. release i apply for siomre ok? = Mt peer 033 oH oS 0% @ o 3 oo on 00 06 ue 3 BRRRR2 FIBeewe © 2007 v5 Sb pus, Fire supression systen (pte solve iL tone Fsroutic oil tev stove ond tnvel broke Giese ispesaures For pnp control 22 pilot pressure Diesel) Sioeortonsiry check Fate eit batter Diese iL filter (Diese hygrautic tan teeter Fitter ger ubriotin fia ayten esege) tate sisten Oren tate aiten (ep D Lobe aiten (sep 2 Lobe satan tap 2 tite atten (ep tobe atten (ep tobe aiten (sep Lote aiten (tap 5 tite sien (sep tate aiten (sep Usbe aise (sep Late aaten tap Lobe ster eep tate aitenCtep 10 tobe ajeten(eep 10 i t : This page is both: o contents page and the abingragron. According to the peagron Lop, the Tnitioeation”subpogran is cored out only once, hile the other popes curavtinesare clled again cd gain, ech after te other jinhalt 7 Havpt-ProgronaschleiFe Englisch) contents / main progran Loop ‘englich) oun one ers. [171.08 Fodor AblauFdi agramm eee - Flowchart 15081 , 82, 86 bssoSand “Pet = age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) KOMATSU Tent Feat 955 442 40 a} a3 BLoeaIBKe 2 /091 064 Clog stewootiv = FALSE, a2 815+ See 122 Gl B43 pessire oi tehy= 2 eee = 247 Greene) ‘46 Crating sotor-ong TRUE) 019 B15 S see > 12? (46. Be3cretievetni tering tine = @ min Cove) ‘M6 runing retor-on =TRUE) OT B18: Saee> 13? (GD. Bla creieve-enitoring=tine =O min (ove) 82 raring. nstenory = FALSE 2 O18 B15 Seec> 13? (WG. BlG-peesire si teh 122 see = OY tro presen O57 Pummingsesteno = FALSE 2 (a2 815! § sec > 13 (5D BUG gesnireouiteh 2 2 sxe =O Go preston) 982 Pinning ater = FALSE ? (a2 B18; Seec> 4-10.07 (ES. BMG peenure_slteh = 2 see =O (no prestire] 8 Panning. nater oy © TRE 2 DO BI; Saeco 2+ 18C? (GG B46 pessireoiteh «22 sn = 24 Gres) 55 rgmingcmtar_oy = THE 2 Oa BIS! S560 = 124 186? (OFF BAG fvssire-suiteh «= 2 owe = WV Gressure) ? O64 (cunterarnl-releoe tie 8 1G. 2 eee (GD Ble pecsure siteh = 2 enc = 2 Gresar®) 961 (canter oval reese 03 B16; Dace = (55 BUG pevssireoiteh 2 se = DV Gjresare) 45. (euntermmval-releoe-v > 0) OB IPs Dee IBA eessire oul teh= 2 see = 241 Gresare) OFS Loutersaret-releoe-u > 0) De 8 1x1 3 ee (HG. Ble retseve-tnitoring.tine = @ min (over) O45 counter moval releases > 0) 74 8 Vee, Blgees 2 see GD. B46creieveenitoring.tine = nin (ove) 45 (euntermnval-raleoe-s > 0D Ble, Bldx + 2 see DRs or? 80 (log en Lina affoa dese = 0? ia £7. Dee c4n7 980. (lop-ed.Lineor-u Bie = Ov? 3 £7: Deec> I0A7 O51 (log noua elas Dace = OV? G3 E75 260 ¢ C200 47 6 (ast Liew 3m) Oi 824: 2sec = OV? Gi E71 Se005447 964 Uast_Lte-w = Th) OH 825+ Dsec = OV? O73 £7: Secc BOK? 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Glewotiv) OWT BGG 1 Sse (c= bor or 2° 55.3 bor)? 2, Cote 1 O46 tGlenoetivd O87 8 BS-n 2 eee > 40 bar? 24, Cote 2 ty 035 885 2 see < 30 1% lGlovpeed.on = ESO) WO 1.3 SS 038 8 86 » 2 sec « 3 02S Glow speed.on = FALSE) MO (SIT-3 28, Cote 1 9% Usimcspenien = TRE) M0 GII.3" 00? OB SBE: Ose > 20 Co 1 {3 ‘Rening.ntr-oy = TE? O38 8. | Sane eS bor olen > 55.3 bon 2 30, tae 2 4 orgs dee or? O38 Bio's Sse Ce “SD bor or > i be) ? BA, tee 2 8 OBA Deve = OV? 23 BM: See Co SD or > I be) ? oY 13 aps dees Oe {39 8 re See (es SD orl Be) ? a 1 Fae: dee = OV? Oi 7a Sse Ce SD boo > le)? oY 3 tg Bes Dee ot O38 90s Sane e100 ofer me 350)? aw te ies dee Soe OG Gaines Pe 9 2 1 Fas dee = OF? Os are i 2oe aN? ay 3 aD. dee = OF} > oY 13 ae: 2b = OF? Rote >= 120 0 2 a Fae dee = OF) foe a ad? oY GF 108 | § See Ce 0.'nk ater > 2.0 00) a 7 B08: § Sec < eS x7 oY O73 Hon: Bare > $94? a Ot Soe, glo B73 I ain> S42 ov Ot sls, sia, 8173! Sane ¢ 847 a = son, ae, ais: gon cx? 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BA presoure.sviteh 1= 2.sec = OV (no pressure) G70 166 r= 24V (For 10sec) g 8 B15: Sone C24 C2 OMG BO -posowe-siten 22sec © HY Grete) OT 8 re 2 Tr ae) Z 2 B18) Soe <13-207 OT Be-posowe.piteh {=D See = MY Gremre) 2 OTF 455 f= 2 lr Ise) : t Guerverweisliste i Seite 7 3 oe cross reference List A = Tapaveraae nara © | 508), 82, 8 baa ep lf SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Feat jalateBiattor | 5 a: TS Flowchart KOMATSU K Eee ea ae 955 442 40_ alas | 3/091 the em 7 sisson OV o Hl 65, ie kD Ge) actesnvel Lar lotion © O15 sec © 20 Conn pt ee Get SeltefnowaClnlestion {O18 Se © tenn “ mis 2 @ Se 82 06 OME. 2 160, Oe toe soe 31. TahLer manuel Le_Schnierzyklen = 10 te gneon e (87 1000_A.noint. -> to aenory Blan to 080 1000.h.noint, 1= 0h oe I av % 080 =1000-hnaint. := 1000hraint. - 1000 h eoplo oe 090 “1000_h.naint. < 1000 h 2 ono ~ O11 -1000_h.naint, <- from nenory oO so Es 08 _1000_h_naint. TSO? ae ion w --1000_h_naint. Sh? 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F TWN, Hone Datun ue Tapawenaie wanes & [SORT 80, 86 pees = eo. [17.12.08 | Kaddour AbLauFdi agramm dent Fs [TAT Ts Flowchart _| MOMMATSW | 955 442 40 gla3 | 4 /091 pL SVR are INH Bao qssuaiy 7A tolandlagram F Biiwpo MOAT Wil DIOGO NOT IEEE TD wT 53. agitchSl.on > 19 se 2 6 sereove tin ton ung + MSE 3 ere 4 “tertensi-on > 10 ane? O50 Gereowe tine ten Longs 8 ere {63 “tegrten.S-on > 10 ore # O65 eres tien ang = FALSE err 4M “Regrten sion > 10 ane? O46 dereoae tin toning = TE 3 ere 473 “Aerteh S-on > 25 ane # {6b decree tine tena = TE 0 err {35 “Aeorteh ton > 30 se ? 4 decree tine ton ang « TRE ? 8 ere 47 “apuiten lon > 2c 2 Ott digit epy-sweerss + GOlnin = 207 eee 47 “tearten Son > 70 ane? Oita nefamanc = 2 ere 11 “langege iron erg 4 digitaretitCamaerv «5 See o ere 91S “ist Le et 3 the 2 tas in" te 9 ere 3 “Lat_ue- th? > 4 hw? 30 lo = mE > ©? ere {6 “Leste: ts > to ery (20 iow «= Fuse Ole ere 11 “Lastest Fron etry Ces ico = TRE oH ee {0 “Lowiseantr ait > T0ane te emo me? Oe ener 08? “Libeeoumarss > wo ntery (ao <0 = Tae? Me rer 11 “Libeceoters © Fron sentry 2.50 «= FALSE oe err {1 “nol releae cover = cegwol release canted = TRE Oe Sree {1 “tot elewtcnotr-y © 10° 35. evergrey 1 old oH err {7 “pom iines "to nemry {23 erergeey- mit ald oh See 11 “Some tine-y © fen ary O35. erergee it ald OM ener 6 “Platconvol waned + 0 sec 4 epi lor FUSE ener 18 “pilt-conol ose > 20 ses 2 et rpanflog = TRE 3 ere 16 “Siatconvol varied? (0 ae spas © TE? Ot erer 16 “pitatconrol warped. > 2 ee? trp fap TRE? OH rer {8 “Femig nto > ot ie 7 oot oH eee 468 “Fuing.atr-2> 60 ane? fir OM Sree 913. “Fumingsrtiesng v= Oe frre 6 rer {2 “ening.mtor-on> 10 eee? rae 00 ere 0 31S acc? O12 rar S= I Cfter tse) 08 ener on >is? 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Lin pesos : t Guerverweisliste i Seite 7 3 oe cross reference List A = Tapaveraae nara © | 508), 82, 8 baa ep lf SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Fert jalate@iattor | 3 a: TS Flowchart KOMATSU K Sri ere STN 955 442 40 alas | 5 /031 SERRSSSSSRSERERRRRSS 0 ost ou Flog.end Line pressures <= TRIE 70 info fsa Line pessres 5 ino flog er Line posses O95 info Hagan ine pesos o% nfo {agen Lin preseres 5 nfo flog Line presses = o info Fagan ie. pressrecs + TE or ine flagviunte 1 The 9 {BI info 218 G 0) flaglotb-s v= FALSE {95 nfo flsglantclae += TE 185 info flaglont_lsbs = TE 2 2 ino flsglontis = THE? 2 ino flsglantclbey «= TRE 3 info Hlagronatcyele-v = FASE 2 ino flspaovatyee-y = TRE ? nfo flegamoatjele-u r= TRE ? ou info Hagamuatigele-y = THE ? {22 info flsgamvaeyee-y = TRE ? {32 info flagastoret'v > FL 2 ine glen activ = TE {23 info ath gare FILE {23 info Felten <> me 3 Ino heniale set" {23 nfo gists 2 {23 nfo Pigtaleastor-on te9 nfo hgutalesetr-ony (23 nfo hignctaleastr-oy {20 Interv vs EASE higtaisastor {23 Interat = FASE hgialesctone (2) intent = TRE higiatesstorne 625 Interval + TE igutalesetoe ca highiale ntorne (ar Language => to nenory highiale ntor—e 62 Lost-ite-u = |S highiate-ntor_ony (62 test lbe-u = 0 high isle notr ong (62 Lest teu = lost tute #1 hig demon nigcide store) hig ie-notor_ong hgncacastr-o rigid store OF Lost lute-u > 38 had tines i= 18 ee 12 Low ide-notors Faldtines = 15 see O77 oucie-notory ald tines = 15 see O12 Low itennotora faldtine-y = § tin 12. Lowcie-noton haldtiney = 5 in O12. owcite-notory fald-tiaes = 5 in O12 Loeciennotona Fld tines = § sin "G0. Uube counters Faldtines = § in gp. siono = TRE? ald tae = 5 ain alse ald tines © 0 nin? Tae Faldtiaey =O nin 2 THE Faldtiae-y =O nin? 000 += TE Tneraes tia. tongs tes sano = TRE? Inrange lenges 2p som: FNSE increoe tie. toe_brg-s inert. og inreoe tinea longs 75. Lost nove. dunno (78. Last nove-nor donner ds (78. Uoxtnoveceor eure 178. Loxt-novecnosdownerds TE 018 pilot-controlnos.wsed.2 + TIE ? 018 pilot-cotrolvosuuced 2 + TUE ? O16 pilot-controLvas.used.2 = FLEE (O16. pilot-control-voo.ined2 = TRE Fening-ouee | {2 Rening-toto- 13 ronming.oter2 {2 renning.rotor2 {5 ring storing 13 rnming rotor 2 ring store {Go erming-oter 12 rnming.otore 12 rerming.otore 0 Farineoteoy 2) seriaa tree? {Go serious erert {G0 Serious error = TR 2 {6 Sure sinui supa sppA-k ee Sur sineuitsuput pup hot 6 urtscieuit-otgugpop AIS = TRE 2 Ge ourt-cinult-eutpecgop AX = FUSE 6 Surscieult-eutn gop Als = TE ? 8 urtscieuit-sotpt-gpop AIS += HUSE 6 ouetseinut-supe-gpom. tek > TRE? oa ‘ 4 ‘es ‘ Secciattoape or Serene cmipa gob Srrtscireult-eutpt- gro. ‘Bert circ teutput ortsciret-autpt- gop. (31 Std: ton ile-moir-at036e 31 Sutdoun- Lon ile-motrall eee (70. utd: Lon ile motor. 058e 3 AS rd a . Stine message 012. sutdown-nersage 013. Sutdoun message O34 Sutdon.moteage (70. utdow-nersage O16 Sutdown-nessage OTP utdonsmateage 03 Sutdew nator Ot Sutdownsmater| O70. Sutdonseatet 012. Sutdou:nate-I 10560 6 nfo {4 Sutter tert are 20 info 2310 33 Sutin mtr? TE 1 info i132 {4 Sutter f= TE © info tae {7 Sutton ster TE info 1316 812 Sutin ter ote v= TRE {0 inf ita {4 Suter ater ate 35 inf tn 16 Satan mtx {38 info te Ge Setar mere 5 info Ita 0 Setar info tn 7 Sutin 2te ite 18 S14 utd natone Ope = TRE 2 inf 130 O00 Seer overeat /2 nox = Fuse O14 Sts str lee 2 inf 134 {00 tar vested 1/2. = TE 7? Sutin, natr see 28 info 138 {I posetine = 10 nin {3 Sap ere 6 inf It Csi josetine- f= 1D nin {20 Simple rer 1 inf 138 6s, jose tine i= 3 see {20 Simple rors {BI info 3a (55. poue:tine- = 30 ome Se Slewsigor ere a inf 10 Ojos tine f= settings 64 Sleusignalierer (= Sle.sigreLeror 1 Ole info 130 Of pose tine t= setting © Slesipotiere: 67 {63 info 1382 {64 fost tiny © Onin (24 sow peed.on v= SE 0 inf ite (63 fase tine #0 se? {est speedon 12 THE 22 inf te O22 Fitstemtrot_vssed = TE 2 Oe ston etic 234 Info 1308 O16 tat marl wns! = FASE 13 Stone 53 inf Ong fitsemerlvn nest = TE 0 Soa info sie Orr itatemtro.wsased.t = TRE 2 Stott 270 fe 136 One Fitter vaeaped| = TRE? 7 stadt 0 info 6 G21 piltcentroties_oed | = TE > Sesto t Querverweististe Seite 7 oe cross reference List cpeareraalie fd Tie ete Fe, tase Ta Sue Corpsererssite Zeca CO | S081 , 82, 86 frosent-aoe 1 eas SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Feat | Lat Bate a: TS Flowchart KOMATSU K Eee ea ae 955 442 40 alas | 6 /091 qssuaiy @A TS bolandiagaem F SVG ROA TS wll DIG eT Ieee TaD wt om oe on on oe oa a8 013 o 1 =~ oO 12 9 92 02 37 O18 a stondstitlsotar-2 025 step = 12 Stonat(Lvotor-2 Oar step = 37 StondstilLnotor2 « aL Erutk canter = truck counter StondstilLaotar-tt Sra seam ? Stent (Lvotar-a 222 oem? Stondst Lateral 15 $24 info = 1405 eee) StonstlLaotar-o 2+ 5052 info = Led see) Stott Lateral {5 jporsgnts 00 EandtactarotL CBr er sl poige > to mtry ant ater OW ipo step 5 Fon mong SirdatltCastrx {ar ier step 1: vo mney Eidatactorsx (2 ero 1 USE Sant astorox (25 teva = Te sindstastre Oe ieo.u WED? Stonst(Laotor + StondstilLaotor-x Stent lL rotor-e StonetlLaotar- StonstilLaotaro StondstilLaotaralL Storer stop. aoiort Storton_stop.notor| Stort-ar_stop-a0tor2 Stertor_stop.rotor2 Storer stp.totor2 Storer _stop-aotor-any Storton_stop.notorang Storer stop.aotorany Storar_stop.aotorany Sterton_stop.notorang Storer _stop.aotoran Stortar_stop.actorany Sento atpamtart Since stp tare Star stp ter Sento atpamarr Sactaesi ae? stip £2? fap =) So re step si Soi steps Sop low So iow Sip iow So iow So low ea Ite Sip tts ee iis stip 20 { sup 8° IRE? 5 tap Sa 255 stop 8 «= TRE 2 Sep t GuerverweisListe oe cross reference List Tom Compererttie ica OO [> SOB], BD, 8G eee ey — 182, 86 jpesson-core eo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm dent Saar ace SO Ta pena emalane nl eonchert | MOMANSU | g55 442 40 ala3 | 7/091 3 ee i nig ite — migra ff | 1 _ srowlistes tine) <= : ‘una op fs] Ts ee] =D | >| ening. mee (ine) — rani. wie ra aE Fi tenia u | mee He vigor ras fue] ruse rae ras sine. speed. tone (vines) —} L—— | | |_— Die ebae Kure 2eigh, wie do Motor x steht, onuft, Wut, stopp, und Es The upper pot of the diogrn shows the aotar's x stots. You see, Fest the Wiese Stee, For jeden ustond des Motors enait standstill aotren’ einen motor is tw stndetll, then it starts, ears, stipe and is at a'stondstiL. Het, Weon dir Yor etillstent, ist “standstill nctr-x = TRIE” uate). Worn Stte ogon. For every state, “stant linter-r" receives 0 olue, TT the Ger Hot storan, staph ofer Uut, vat “stanstlmnars = FASE" auc). tart oto stn Oe voln wil be “atowstieotor = TE Fe Ne br" sant rine Cat lcionen Aone le Seunden. Strat steht dor” rotor stant, rare or sap the volue will be ‘standstll otore = FUSE nee aie gue eit au 0 Sete, tniy iF te volute TRE tho cvespnding tier wll tnt the seins. Oth Die gies terreus oe gilt For "arning ton tease the tines bos the volun 0 seas : ” Ihe sone process pes for “runing ster sine see. chnge wind ei_jden Debby gute. "nee afed. cong wil be restarted ot oy seed chore ld Ber anata od ane oy Tiga pating Condo od Lang Teaparatar pra terperotirehygroute ol stoi rah TD issasity gros coding to 150 Terperotr in“ ve rs Perea verwiny | malt. | e850 | PRMULIN | Set Oenne| —Biodue | EA ad © | wz | we | oa | vse | wero} arse | ore ret | ees | sme | Oorenne| sess | from 26 Tig 7 pe no] Wee [We oe | SE | ve] wits —| Dien | Wes —| Sm | route | SE —| ewes Tag 7 pe vo. | ates € 7 2 io i 12 Teor os = is 7 ne 5 72-100 z = pe pair 2 2 i zB 2B oD 2 [ate pw 2 5c © aI = Tabet SO] abs [se S s @ [a Tapmotr Byron taparotire hyo sv eh Te a scanty gros ocosing to 150 ; Tamer in CY sats | Kao [Se Tlls| sett Tei] NTOLNRIC| Ares [Se Tells elt Tes 2 eo wos | 425 4 [ircic i132] rete 032] ezea00 | Fluis aa] oiL TIS | Oi M6 8 rex | sttitians 3 Teas, wee een | eee | ae] Sets Batre : igi. 7 upon | 13 ia 8 is 7 7% rH = g Ti es 5 3B 2 =a =i = =z cio z PIE 7 2 1 5 » = = B 190 650 2 = og = 5 2 5 3 Tea: So] s ar e a a 5 a Tapratr Gari 2 ferperotre gor oil 1 5 tsar ach ISD 5 Wind of oi ozordig wo 180 utparauce nc | tar | ein [MAREE it i Sisplog £05 Tea | CAPISO | 75H T40 i iigik. 7 upeme[—1 —[ 2 z = tS Tabel.len, DeFinitionen § 16 ise [st tables, definitions 5 ConputererstelLte Zeictning (CAD) | 80 [gp art te Tey Hae Date] ou | tne fe eal "15081, 82, 86 pessoa “Te 2 SEE AblauFdi agramm Tet Fereat [BtoteBlotier | ws Flowchart KOMATSU K par Caer OH 955 442 40_a}a3 | 8 /031 Ds Wtig este Frogens os bedutet "C58. = 20 2" Dont ist folgende Frage geneints Ist der Eingang der EES, on don das Relais KS3 mepschlessen ist, auf 2477 os badeutet “K89 2 see = 247° Dart ist folgende Frage goneints Ist der Cigang der EES, n den dap Relais (23 lngechlossen ist, seit 2 Sekunden urunteroreten auf 2679 (rd wine Zeit nicht cngegeten, ie “KOS = 267 2", dom gL winen EntpeLL2et we 0.05 Sed, ls sete ar. os beste “ercor = 100" <1) ofr “info e000" @) 2 Bei (I) wind die eLaeceite 100 ouF der Textaaeige gezeigt wd ie Speicher ge- spltert. Bei (2), also bel ino, vind die Melding ur gzeigt,cber nicht ge speictert. ae bedeutet “return” 2 “aatien’bedeutt Rlclahe mun Havpterogon (Gos out Seite | obgeb it it Von Seite | ove wird tum Beispil gerode Seite 24 oufgerufen. Sind alle Aatgnben uf Seite 2¢ cngprbsitt, bewek $35 Prograra out “turn” und tobe ave Seite 1 Zurek, und 248" onan witaren Rar dor Zee "24. Oona kama er nh ste defen ran, Dos int (auf Seite 1) der Aurut der Seite 25, aloo "25° Darn wird Seite 25 cogcarbeitet, bis das Programm wieder auf “return” St und wieder Seite | aaektatt, Nirnoleraeise werden ole die Seiten ee rach er deen soporte tt oe dedkutat “foe Goteed x= 1, 2.7 Dae Toit des Programs wind webefach dychtouen, und 240 wen do Ste wo “For x 1, 2 taht Bis 2un Sets ‘rev. Generel ied dese Vorgeherseise ge- nL, veon ein glaichenFragramtei fir Motor 1, Motor 2 use. be Beispiel for xe 12 hc 2A ext becetet, dob ratheinander die Asginge FSE-1 und 38-2 auf 24V gasetzt wer de. dich for die Sehaeranlagen wird ein SnLichesVerFtren verwendet. Bei dn Sehaieranlogn wird arattt x ein -veingeetet oe bedkutat doe Frogezichen 7 2 Das Frogezeiehan kan ghesin wedin ols “Won 0 ? dn 8° Beispiel fr 992 Filter 9 «D loo 7 Fitter 0 @ KS 2 error 9 lon 9 error = 100) Diese Programtil wird swinal irchlufen. Das este Ma for KS3, doe aveite Hat oe 00, Das erste Mol giLt alse bei (1s MEW HOB 7 OMW ists der Filter 98; und tei (2) VENUES HAW st “eear = 8 Darn kennt os Programa cut “net” und durehutt di Routine ein zweies Ya One sveite WoL git olza bei (2s HEM KI0D 7 MW ist"s der FiLter 100) urd bei MEW C1002 OME ist eror = 100 FO; Frequently asked unstons ot is the ssming of “8 = 260 7° The weaning is: [5 the input of the ECS which is comected to the relay £99 on 2W potential? What is the seaning of "9 4 2 see = 200 2" The neoning is: Is the input of the EES ich is cumncted tothe ray X99 For to sends on 2 potential, without any intecraption? CIF there i890 ts specified, “GH = 240 2°, @ etndord Lite of 0.05 serends Ie dies, vey ter.) ot is the asaning of “error 2 100" C1) a “info ss1000" @ 2 (wns, the aessoge page 100 should be dispLoyed on the text display ond Be ressge shuld be stored in tha meter (for Later printout). INF ot (2) also shove the nessage, tut des rat store te message in nenry hat is the seaning of return’ 2 The meaning of ‘return’ is to jump back to the rain progr (eee poge 1). For rples Just before wos eolled page 2¢ fran the noi program. Nox a comands page 24 ore executed ond Finally Uh Lost cota on this poge ig “ete. Now te progran returns to poge I, t,he ain progran, ust below “2 The next com FolloesshichIs'°25 This nears, nou the eamnands on ge 25 should be perforued. The werk on page 5 continues until “return” is Teaches ond the program execution returns agin to page | ond £0 on hat is the seaning of “Tor inter) x =1, 2° The Faltwing art of the pogron shouldbe executed several ines, Fron the Ploce where “Fee x= 1, 2" 1s Fund, vtil “ewxt™. Worm this precede is ld far equl comand sequences, ecnerning te actors 1, 2 and 0 e, rapt fore 1,2 a8 200 The meaning is: One after each otner the KSB and KQB-2 oe Set to 24 Az fer the brieotion syste @ seilar procedure is ved. Concerning the Lubricetion aytene (Ube) is used instead x (For rater) at is the seaning of "2" 2 The question mark may be rend a “IF ©? then 8” Exarpier fee KO 2 Filter 9 a 00 7 Fitter 00 @) KB 2ere ee @ 100 2 error <= 100 This progras part will be executed tics, The Fist tine encerning K99 ond the send tits eoesrning K100, The First ing 0608 at (> IF #98 7 THEN is the Filter No, 99) end Ur, @) IF H99? TEN abt “erver = 90 Following, the progran exgcutes until “nest” od mans the sane progron part 0 secnd tine, The satond tine raed ot (2s IF F100 ? THEN t's the TLter Wo 10 ond ot 4) IF KI009 THEN set ‘error = 100". FAQ: Haufig gesteLLte Fragen FAQ: frequently asked questions eS = Tapas foams 95081, 60,86 aaa ey seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ieee at [ oar a amin ongnart | MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al a3 [9/091 qssuay 9A bolandiagam F Siam ROA IS wll DIGS DeT Ieee TaD wh Ds Wtig este Frogens os bedeutet “ECS LED, HS = 24, Code = 5° 2 fn dan ECS bLinkt die LED (Leveeioge/ Lanner) HI. Und zwar anerwiederho- land S nol nit siner Pose. Code stant also for die Anz der BLinkipulee. Die nao dee BLinkinpulsebezsichet ein Gert, Zim Beispel. bei der Uberochang er HochavekF iter ain FLtee Ne, 5: os badeutat “treet poge, 1)" bezichugsveise “tprv. page, 10°? Dieses sind Yerweise. Sie werden verwendet, ven ein rogremteil nicht out eine finzige Seite goes, wie 2 Bespiel bei Ger Seneierntoge, “inet pope, 10° iB Ceersetzt ‘ence Seite bei 1", 4. hie Live gem out der reetan Seite weiter, und avar genau dot, vo ouF der nBchstan Seite “ipev. page, 1)” steht (urd ds het Cearsatat“verherige Seite bei 12, Oage Yarveise gibt es nit etrerenNamern, ols wit 1, 2, 3 urd so weiter ae sind “Ties” 2 Finer zien die vergagin Selanfen oder Stine Warnlsrweise tun sie doe i= rer, ase sie nicht won Progra “Hintlieh” out den Wert 0 UL Seven ge alten weeden. Tit Fann aan daan ear, 8 ssn Zeiten Zugeniesen ween (Coninede += ste) , ade 498 in dir Abroge noch ein Zeit geFrog wird (COnin end > 20560 0, (Taar sing overden nit eines Untentricn*." geknn- eicnet, doit sia in der GuervewsisListe seprat sortie verdn) Fiver, die auf er Seite “InitioLisierung™ oe der Speicher goolt eden, Lufen sypcren nit de Betriebsturdecihler. Dog beiBt, sie zBhlen rir Sekwndn, wen rindesters ein Motor Laut. Luft kein Note, dm stopp sie (xe wan eive Steppe chalten und wider staten Karn). Ale anderen Tiner Luter systeon nit dar Zeit (vie eine Stppun, die pan nicht nbalten kaw aru sind einige Linien gostrienelt un andere nicht? Die gestricelteLinie sell ons Lesen der Oiogronee erleichtern. Sie nariert die Nerroroute’, den He, cen dos Progronn in Horalzuetnd niet For den aenatzuttonsgeLan Felgede Amat Hnupeotecen + Arkeltsirehzol thher LerlauP), auf Btricbsterperotr, yorutik ist ou Betriebstenperetur Dreh- und Fteverks Boggr Grant urd Fre nicht, echanische Brease glist, Eireichting + wird niche brvegt lndhbel und Fubhebel wnat), ito ere 2 einign Seiten sind wahrere Wage wterschiedLichwarkorts don bitte die Ekg av diesan Seiten beasts, FO; Frequently asked unstons Wot is the ssaning of "ES LED, HBL = 241, Code ANLED Cora Lamp) ot the ECS wiLL fen, The sequence wi be Flashes ond FoLloting 0 poise. And this gain end open. “Cod” is written for the naar of| Flashes. The ruber of Flashes indicate piece of equptent. For exorple high esoure Filter 9. 5. at ig the seaning of “Cost age, 17 and “Igrev. page, 1°2 These are cress referees. They are oes, IF 2 grogeam pat doen"t FL on only coe page you ny see on the popes concerning the Lesion cero. The meaning oF “(ext age, 11S, the Line continues on the nex page, ond this exactly atthe Lototion mere i weittan “Gres. page, 1°. These cross references ore vse with several ruber, Eg. 1, 2, 3 ond £0 on hat ore “Tiners" 2 Timers count the ruber of bygone sounds, Narsoly they do this aluoys, only iF the peogran Keeps the Liners vole artficiolly 89 0 ses (aero sends) Tinrs or ise ied by © tine sich is allocated Lo the tiver(Qninende «= 0 sl, a by the qustion fer a tine value (nin ended > 2 eee 72, (ition ly tiners ore nvted with o vderbar °°.) Some tines ore restored fron nan-voetile snery (ee poge “Initiolization” These Vines ore syenranized with th haw aeter This wane, Uy don"t con tinue 19 etint seconds wien the moar is Steppes. They work soxehow Lite 0 stapr och with STOP and RESTART button. ALL other ties cont be stopped, they strip with te Lime only @ Reset ko O se Is possible) ny ae sone Lines broken Lines and others are nat beaten osha"? The broken Line 12 wate to inpove thereof Lity 9 the diograns, It arts the renal uoy, the pogrom viet, if the excavator ign “etonard candition’, Star (hed canton ars Yin aotors + warking speed, eperating trperctre Hyraic + operating temperature Slew ord travel: novenent rat activated, nechica broke released Aetozent snot aoved (joysticks and pedal not octivoted Dit-toe Fue 1m sane sheets, several. ines re uoked with afferent styles; please see the spacial planation on those pages FAQ: Haufig gesteLLte Fragen FAQ: frequently asked questions 7 a a 128] as AblauFdi agramm a Et [CTT Sag eecaramioeen touchart _| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40 alas |10/091 qssuaiy ATS eladlapam F Shay ROA wll DIG Ie GENS aD wT ole usgige auf OF setzen reset all cutpus to OV tte Yoricblen ouf FALSE setzen reset oll variables ta FASE Fetrietedoten 3 Loten (otenbck 3 EPROM > mA) load epration date 3 Gbtabock 3 EEPROM => Ra focus 12 _ specs. Level amy. tine-y © fro nenory viper step 15 < fron aoary alle Znler auf 0 etzen Teast all eauntrs te 0 lle Tine bei 0 see staren stort ol titers (ot 0 8) -toysiteh15I.en = 0 86> Stromirsogung 5 ‘GlbstroLing) sinsehatten SigragsbersinsthaLtn (est) ‘witeh ah EC Saf avintoorce power ply uarer OH Cac) 100 = 24 15:24 Cer 1 308 Batrebsoaten | Lode (oterbLock | EEPRDN => Ra) load operation deta | (oteblck | EEPACH => Rat) for it I 2 four seter < fron senoy posse tines & fron neory last Libe.-u < fron netery “ube cauter-u & fron netory “tusk counter < Fron enery “0.nmaint. < fran eeory o0.pomont. from weeny ooo pint, < Free neery Tro0-Aoint: < Fron nxery [ooo Aaint. «Fron mxery etrebedoten 2 Las oterbLock 2 EFADH © Ra) loot operation dota 2 otobock 2 EEPROM > RaW) foro «21,2 usrailie oll type < Fron seory _tronenieaion oil type < from nnory “Metre pause fron sory longings < Froenarory Inia 250 Anint, < Free pery sehen inital 1000 Aoint. < Fron nexeey Ld Ds Noch dea Einscholten er EOS wird dieser Prosromteit in einige MeL areh- losfen. Daten, die bein hussehalten der EC nicht verLoren gon Soe, werden fous dan Splcher (dr ouch eh Stromverserging splshert) in doe Program ge- rote Es After te E25 hasbeen svitcod on, this progeon port i nan Cry) nee to set wp Ws boiceufigution, Specie date Is restora Fru Uw ramvaat le Initialisierung Ge Tee initialization = = Gapamesite ncara © [S08] 82, 86 eee ee 182, 86 jpcssoo-eoe SEE AblauFdi agramm ent SST Ra aera cal pongnart —_| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40 a/a3 [11/091 for actor += 1, 2 = tater stant tar at stent eter Lauft / engine rune sensor or eae fet ? es Cingut ot 1023 digit)? E Bx >= 2113 1Mmin? if) Hotdung: Probien Moot Uberwachng Hotordeeahi | essogts tele aofulewenitring engine sons Srromerscegug fot Sensoren getire? 17 info #1345 => error = 542 (after T0se0) poner supply for sansirs interrpted? 1-22 info =1345 = error = S26 (after Ose) Fis = ov? m | Steomersongung fie Sennen ok 2 oe sngers ok? 1 power supply [oo Fs Ae = 27 6 Shutdou soto see 4= TRE Shutdou aoto-2 see i otorstilistong 2 oor ot stones Lt? E Ox: 05 see ¢ 200 rpm? sotor ring ? es Leo 6 Bex 1 05 ane > SUD pn ? 2 2, Cae "0 Sigplyber eirctaten aszee 195 42207 (or 0569 utd. eye Hoter Leen? seg {__.| nigh ite ? = © Bx 0.8 ate > 100 pn ? i “0 i ' t —— | © sendtit.noteore = TRE? PD atertorstp.rtence = TRE? ow ita mtere Tae? 6 bi: *E sine. spedonge = 0580 snes spod.stenge += 0 ste | sine.sped. sage += 0 ote sterdtil nlark TRE startarstop.potarc THE toed nee TE While tre = TE \ stot or_stipastoc = FALSE stonftiLactonx = FASE stoftitLactarsc = FSE stot aotie-e Uowlélegrtiron = FASE lowlalesotor = FALSE startorstop-potorn = FILSE stort ar-stapantorx glee atone = FALSE high aotone = FALSE ighleaston = LSE ton idle. soter-e ' | _stondst LL nator standstill aotor-x += 0 sec \ ! Le ' ! coming tae ening star “naming 1 0: Mose Betriebezvtend. Die Yoardehaaht wind ougowertet, sie ist dos Keiteiun fr den Betriebzuston, In nteren Teil diate Seite werden Voriaolen so gesetzt, dab je nec Zustand des Yotors inner WR EINE cuf TLE gescoliet ists Alo entsder StilLaten, aoe Stor, or Stop oder High le situation. The speed of the noter isthe crite For the owir pot af Use poe, you 8 thot worihles receive Hotor: Betriebszustand (Diesel) ‘values, Pleose notice, tht aluaye ONY ene voriable is set to TIE, This mens either stiLlstond o storto.stop ar Louie oF high ile motor: operating situation (Diesel) = " Capatrstelie cers 69 | "60B), 82, 66 pea ay ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat | aLoUABT tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SW | 955 442 40 gl 13 |12,/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuad DATS Rolaidlapam F Siwy OATS wll DOGS eT Ieee TBD wr nindetere in Motor? Es ALL actors ot stngetiLL? At Least one soto is starting or stopping? At east one ater is ing? Le Wotener? Startet oder stoppt mindestens ein Notor ! StonstiLlotaeel = THE? wil stent, ws. stent lL mter-alt = FALSE -stondetiUmoto-oll = 0 see eningsee| = TRE? "i ening soto? = TRUE ? c ening notr-any «= FASE foening taro high idlemoter-1 = TE 2 cr Dighidteoter-2. = THE? wu igh idle otor-ony = FUSE tor? v= Tue 7 ES a StondtiULaotar-oLL = TRE Stortorstop_mator-any «= TRE ruening.notor-ay «= TRE 1 { ve i { ! Dipping = TR { { 1 Verknipfungen (Logik) Diesel) Linking (logic) Wiesel) Tat teF [Rey Toe Ta "15081, 82, 86 premade TF a tou = Coapuareratllve Tesh CD seen. fr 12.0} Keine RoLauFdi agramm it: 1 8S Flowchart, age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) KOMATSU | 955 442 40 | 13 Feat | LoeALBTeo 13/091 g eee ee ener , / Maria Sessa gta pte eae ” 0 ¥0. ‘Strowversorgung Sensoren ot 2 Lam Serarany se eeepc 1 cS eel ect ee tees ee ete sae “ seep 4 ae sms me? nee enema AE sate one =e 2 a vl me alczseral teeter sat. ? eee Priore “ en shutdonn tart 10586 = FALSE Yotortautspercen ES Bottenie und Sear carne ECS bottery tertotterie verbinien one starter battery KI = OF Harn obechatten “iteh off hen K 203 oF iso eegine run ole lot der Woter vn selbst stebegebLeten 2 veg 4 Be motor step by itslt 2 je" cant notor = TRUE 2 ry otrtoutepereen sible engine oun Kax = oF Ds tee sit dr Hatostar tr Startostebetatigt (AL rotor stort svitenergoges ? Sfx 4.0 see = 2007 ca ets enargeney 5 30s 2 5.2 S312 Sd.2 Sm 12 "0 Yotortau Fraignen ble engine ran Sh = 267 ten abacholten suite off born ka ov utd nesoge += FALSE Notonzeige Le avschaten indication Le stort / st oF Er ter stot / step control. Ue the start- an tap-s - reurn pp Steuerunge Hit der Strt-Toste wird de Motor getartt tpt. Oost die Versergagespannung for die ark absinkt, wird eine Gottrie hrszeitig fr ie to centrol the to, He 0 voltage drop nay occur dxring engogaent oF the starter eoter, one Pererereress Hotor Stort / Stop Steuerung (Diesel) motor stort / stop control (Diesel) trey daw aug nye or tp cnr ised we La See eee —| Ab LauFdi agramm face 2 ar [aa hs Flowchart | MOMMATSW | 955 442 40 gl a3 |14/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) A3 qssuaty WATS oladdlapam F Shay ROA wil DIOS Ie GENS TaD wT i TE stator stp ofoony = THE ? vol i so Tops Hy Bie ttt 7 Tepeete Wyo mt ld? Bis Saa> Info BL is at, vrsihtg tite ‘ inte sit bs ok, wrk eet rf io 0 ! ! ——————_— I \ Khlevespontnct retin Kanrrespenauckfsigben ret cle pelo! yesre rele colt preta!peoare ‘nos 20 vm ! i I Lt i ! age 1, 2,1 1 tree eee teens stag te, eb 0: Bene ya cmp 2d Kalra ei. KthLervorspanndruck cooler preload pressure own | toe | Sopserrstie tics © T9508), 82, 86 passed | boat SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Feat | Lat rBLateor Sa pecs elec HoNgnart_| MOMATSU | 55 442 40_a|a3 15/091 S = TRE ? ro Stovertnigel adhe Fulpedl batStigt 2 YES antrol Lever ar pedal oktunted ? KIS = Ov? vol pilot control vs. 4581 = pilot cotrot.nogseed.1 > 20 se 9M ——__a} es pilot ontel was used. = FALSE pil control ves..sed.1 = TRE Stevertnigel ade Fulpedl betStigt 7 YES ntrol Lever ar pedal oktunted ? KIS = Ov? vol pilot control vs. used2 += 0 see plot control voz uied.2 > 2 age 7M e pilot anes? = FASE plot ctrl? = TE Aaqun i was ; 2 8 & : 0. Posrrterungen rsh 2 oe ad 20 se rteitsnterbrethrg i &: Pose recogitions ofter 2c an 280 verk ben t Punpensteuerung: Arbeitspausenerkennung | & panp controls work breok indication | 3 = = Caractere ©] > ™)5081, 62, 66 pea wy ag 2 SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Foret jplate@iattor | 8 a pcmienl ongnAE —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 43 [16/091]? pS startin stapaterany = TE 2 val Service-Scholter S195 = Onin ? pS sevice iteh 5155 © in ? 515.09 Service-SchaLter SIE ‘eoviog onteh SSS = Onan? SIS8. nor = OV 2 vol 1 ! Verstueang tettigt 2 YS pilot control eewated 2 pilot.centrol woe. veed.1 = THE? vol Tapes ya. Bsr? es este ner saon? al Bs Sea 57 nol Nicht ain arin at ain avin pin = FALSE De Th, 12, 13, 14 = Temperotiron Sich Seites“Tobeen, DeFinitianen’ Es Tl, 12, 13, T= temperatures ste pages “tables, definitions’ rin, wenn Yorsteurang sehr 20 sec Lang nicht betStigh surge int dos BL ine Maealtenerotur 2? "9 ' ' Vorstnerig btigt 2 ves pile contrat ecwates ? pllatcntol son used1 = TE "9 ' | — t on, Wh 5010 woe $04 0 nr see Sites been Detter” Wot SOKO aoe 504 0 ox 1 2,13, 1 Pal = SE both = TE “bles, eeinition ! \ ere 01 1/2 os, we de Yorstmarrg be 2 tolten 5. (TD onitigt wird cart vers oach Date Moeitspne eine hile Bltemperoue ger 13 eto wind fer | inet den esten 2 ses eer Irbeitepase, Tagan : 1/2 uo, Fe plot catrol is atvates with to cold hyoutie ol C2) or it oftar 2 se we reo ool temperoure higher = 3 vos resized ot Punpensteuerung: SOX Qnox lua the fist 20 of werk Bre pump control: SOX Onax raputrsale tery em | 8 Tg ae Fy tae Ta roe = Coes ces OO | "5081 , 82, 86 frssto-aoe Tes SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Feat | Lat rater ai: TS Flowchart KOMATSU ( ME 995 442 40_a}a3 |18/031 j i : : Rg i : i ; i z HS gtondstitaoter oll = TRE ? ci ' pe stort.or stop sotor-ory = TRE? val ' ! ves SH ¥6eStater SIS = nin feee———"85 sevice auitn S15 = Onin ? S155.0nin = OV 7 “a Sevioe-Scalter SISS = ow 7 YES service evith SIS = Onox ? S15. dnae © 0 ¥ 2 va Vorstevrung btatigt 2 YES pilot control actus 2 ~—"] piletcontol wor eed? = TRUE? vat Serpe tr 7 ! Bis Se i eS ' ' tos 1 0 40 ' i ' ! Nicht On on ich Ox c cro FE ox Feagn Nd Teperotir fr. BL nicht Holt ? i not old 7 > TR? De Th, 12, 13, 14 = Temperotiron Sich Seites“Tobeen, DeFinitianen’ Ee Tl, 12, 13, T= temperatures ste pages “tables, definitions’ Ds Ono, wen Vorsteutrng BeLtigt st und dos HL nicht zo tole O12 ist Es Dror if the pilot control is ootiv and the oil isnot to coulé O12 Punpensteverung: Onax pump control: nox Te Ta "15081, 82, 86 tou = Coapuareratllve Tesh CD seen. fr 12.0} Keine RoLauFdi agramm it: 1 8S Flowchart, Feet KOMATSU age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) 955 442 40 a BLoeraIBTe 19/091 IntervaLlsteverung ein Scheibenwischers. Interval control For one window wiper. Intervlt eingeschattt 2 interval sited on 2) A Sit 220? 15 Intervat-Tiner > 10 ee 2 Interv tiner > 10 se 7 sesh intrvol-tawr > 10 s8¢ 2 hw ws woth interval. timer = 0 82 -sonhinterval. timer = 0 ae veg __‘Intervoll-Tinr <2 sae 2 ES nxarvl tinoe <2 see 9 Mem och. Incervoltner <2 986 2 uous “Longe” eisshaten, ous “Lengear™ ioe “slow” of. inteovol = FUSE Interval i 8 2 a e a e 0, Sioa 2m en 8, 2 evi, Be i E: wind wipee 2 oon, 4 ff, 2 a0 0, B sk of t Punpensteuerung: Ventilsteuerung (Teil 1)| & punp control: valve control (part 1) ; = = Capameie oes ©) [GOB], 62, 86 beeps ey 2 SEE AblauFdi agramm Tdene-W Fareat [BLeteBubtter | & a amend ongnart | MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 43 [20/091]? l Veostoueeng betstigt ? pilot control actuated ? pllotcantrolvos.sed.1 = TRIE 2 fs Teapecotr tysh Al x talt ? tempiratir hud oil to cold 2 BIS: Ssec 19280 2 Interv tiner > 19 se 7 sesh intrvoltawr > 19 s8¢ 2 hw ws woth interval. timer = 0 82 -sonhinterval. timer = 0 ae veg __‘ntervoll-Tinar <4 see 2 ES nxarvl tinoe <4 gee 9 Mee och. Incervoltner <4 986 2 eschuindigeitastate “Longson’eirecalten. esctuindigeitestute “Logson’ avescolten, spe node “ston” on Spe node “slau” off Intaovl += TRE intevol = FUSE i 8 2 a e a e 0, Sites 2 se win 15468 0, 2s Wig 15 Ae 3 g Ewin wiper 2c en, 156 of, 2 86 6, 18 8 ffs one t Scheibenwischersteuerung (Teil 1) 3 window wiper control (part 1) 3 ; 2 = = Tapamertie toes ©) [G08], 62, 86 eee py 2 SEE AblauFdi agramm Tdene-W Fareat [BleteUbtter | a a pacing —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 43 [23,091]? Zusammenfassung der Bedingungen Fir Geschwindigkeitsstufe “Langsan” Combination of the conditions for speed step “slow”. i Gaschundighitssture “Langan” vingescholtet 2S sped level “stow” Suitched on 7 11.2 = 24.9 GOV 0 Wiscer Fie dos Machen der Seite eingisehliet ? YES wiper foe soeen woah sxtahed on? 510s (26160, 24075800) = 200 2 0 isch fie de IntervatL-isehen eingechaltet 28S ‘viper For interval nude eitehed on ? + interval = TRUE? 0 ecu “Langoat” asechalte, vex “Laneat”sinechalte, ode “alon"off lon speedon = FALSE Faguc 0: Geschwinggheitstufe “Largs” ein, wann ait $1 eingeshattet afer tingethaltet ech Seheibeneastanlope oder Interall-Stevrg, Es sped node “alow” on, iF evitted on with SIT or hed on vio woeeh yster oF intevol conte sede “slo slow. speed on = TRE Scheibenwischersteuerung (Teil 2) window wiper control. (part 2) EE seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt poor fa paren ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 43 [24/091 WischernotorreLais entsprechend den oktuell eingeschalteten Geschwindigkei tsaodus steuern control. wiper relays along current speed node ec “Longean’nieht eingischattet ND ped Level “fa Geaetwindigesitastute “Sowell” nicht eingeschattet 2 switched en AD 1 not ited on? Uiscer sschalten (elon speed.on = FSD MO GI.3 = 0 an rae a2 eit re“ R22 ede “Senet” sede “fot” aff wiper aff YES Gesehuindigtl taste “Senell” nicht lng Wissen etnechalten ait 2a ees “Sewell” asenelten rece “fost” off w » ds “Longonn’eingescaltat (N0 rate: 2 ade “slov" suited en 0 sed Level “fost” rot etched on ? (elon speed.on = TRE) NO GI1.3 © OD 7 » ees “Langoan” night eingescaltes ND YES Gescvindigeitastute “Senet eingsshattet 9 Wischernethatn 2 eda “Sena” sinscelten ode “elon” pot svitshes on ND Speed Lave “Tout” switche on 7 Colom spind.on = FALSE AND GIT.3 = 240 2 » Fu window wiper control. (part 3) Scheibenwischersteuerung (Teil 3) = me Capasaite iioars 95081, 60,86 pa ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat | aLoUTABT tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SW | 955 442 40 gl 13 [25/091 age eve GeRTarRaTE DIN Behe Nach Abschalten des Modus “SchneLL” ab Endposition einen Longsanen ZykLus einLeiten. After swiched off the mode “fast” start From endposition one slow cycle ‘0 i) Goschundighi tes sss 9 Shei step ep ‘Seht” nicht eingeschattet ed Lev “Fast” rot i tehed en ? s.g0V? ve 0 Wishar oben, Rechte RuLipositon erkont 2 Upper wipers arrive right zero position? pper-righ 2001? 1s 2He0.0 «2 TE Ma Pashee NuLipsition enter 2 right 26 positon recognized 2 Ne? 1s acho vinsceltan wiper eo att 2a “Senet” gaechlten 22 eo = FASE feet Startinae stort tine «= Osee See step sep 0. Puen & Scheibenwischersteuerung (Teil 4 window wiper control (port 4) = = parasite eons © | 5081, 62, 66 eee eg SEE AblauFdi agramm ent a rr aT em uetrt | MOMANSU | 955 442 40_ a1 [26/091 Modus “Langson” Fir 2 sec holten, dann For die weitere Steverung nach Schritt 1 schalten. hold mode “slow” For 2 sec, then switch too step 1 for further controls Ee js "0 No 2 sec Stertzsit Progonendlende rege eel end Scheibenwischersteuerung (Teil 5) window wiper control. (part) tou = Capasaite iioars 95081, 60,86 pa seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt foo ara col bongnart —_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40/13 [27/091 g ! stondti lL notar-e = Tae 2S val s ( 1 i | i { | fo 1 | i rening.sotor = Tue? —" val cromming sotarn <5 s0e 2 a etilLmotonx < 5 ace 9 “2 15 ator hab been stopp 17 info et 7 u » 1 Dy, Men der Yoter stillsteht oder Liu, wird jewels Fir die ersten S Selunden sine Walang oegeibe, Es han the water is ot loys (foe the First standstill or ruming respectively, a nessa is is seine Ausgabe der Start/Stop Heldungen output of stort/stop messages tou = Tapas ears © | 15081, 82, 86 karan ey — seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm Co ea |aTCRTr acs cal pongnart | MOMATSU | 955 442 40/13 |28 091 ° foe F 13-7 Stromirsongng Fir Storer / power spy For sensors SchldeseLschalter dbgescholtet. ? egoniten in off gestion ? S10? vat vs bogie an > 100 6} Sponnungavesergung unterbrochen ? YES power aly interrupted ? Pus OV? 5 Notdings Spay azgeflten nescges no voto F137 eer o= 60 rt reuse 0: Die Poteniottberaaching wird For die Auslenting von Melange be doe bein StonosFal eine FlgeneLdsgen entstehen. Noch ata Wiesereinschol tan einer uegeliatenSicherung werden alle Cberschungin, die mit singe Stuer spnnang verrieget sind, verzigort reigegben Er The potntoisnnitoring ie uted for Fang at oF nesapes, to proventfal~ low up messges in cove of eurventintrrptien. after resetting of tipped Stroaversorgung fur Sensoren Diesel) Sie evr el metry et ei eel le st hn power supply For sensors (Diesel) eS = Gapamesite ncara © [S08] 82, 86 reseed eg 182, 86 jpesson-core SEE AblauFdi agramm Tet SST Ra a crs col pongnart__| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40/13 |29/091 qssuiy ATS Rolaidlapam F Shien ROA IS wil DIGS DeT Ieee TaD wT for motor 421, 2 Hl Hy 10 Aste son > 10 ne? ws} 1 ! stondtillaotar-olt = TRE 2 18 swrious error = FASE Simple error = FLSE Diogosa tone GENTRY eet Li Aiogostic lop CENIRY eeportssiaple ever 2 Worx. serous erronx = TRE ? sie error ening notorme = TRE? ves wt Fes 2aee= 1 Inpulse ? ry we? to Langs FehlerseLaing Moternegler messogh: eran nessoge op eentrol systen Simple error? error Simple error? ? error Diagse lone CENTRY seLdet cebren Fanler 2 iagostic Lp CENRY reports sericus error 2 HSPs 0.2 gee > 1 Impulse ? a simple error © TRE etng 1 mesg Ds Motsrregee CEM: Bei Lovfenten Matar esehein eine nFerntian, wn die gelte Diogeselnhte brea. Wenn die Lange DLink, Legh ei Fer vr, haben were mb, ei stahenden Hato ist eine Diogtseablrage es Es Engine controLir CEMRY: If te actor run, information with be tuen up Fe yellow lop ison, hen the Loxp Flashing, there is 9 mist which ‘ould be repaired ineadiatly, AE standing mtir condition it is pousibLe to gt a Aiogostic query by svitch Hotor: Motorregler CENTRY (ieseL) motor: engine controLter CENTRY (Diesel) = me Tapas tonne 95081, 60,86 pa eS ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat | aLoUTABT tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gl 13 |30/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuiy SO ATS Roladlapam F Siena OATS wll DIOGO DaT INNS TaD wT Urehaahtschalter steht ‘oof “baer Leerut” ? speed oviteh is in high fale position ? Sm 207 wt ' utdwn_low idle oter-ll Nene = TRE ? il ves ater steht auf “nissriger Leerout” 7 vs ‘ator in “Low idle” postion ? Kae = 0? w| see sped.change += 0 see ' a i pois niger? , 330-207 ' w \ fo renotsoate be ' ES stoi = He? Wi lm ' vf ace pen srt 0 if 80 I at ean stapes Re erg Daa tow ie ie 58 rotor auf honen Lsertauf schon ‘witon aot to igh idle Ks Ds Motsr OshaohLseurng: Mit dem Orehzchschalter ia Hondwbel wird nieshi- gfe ter ober Learlou? gow@lt. Stet bei Moteestart dee Drehzhlschltar oo “haber LasrLou, wind dieses von Htereetnae igoriect und erat beat, wera de Sthalter midohet in oie Position gisthatet wide Es Wotan speed controls Uo the speed snitch in the joystick to choose tho motor spd, If Uo speed seitch ig in high-ile potion at abtor stort, this omunet MILL Be ignored by te ator controle. Wait until the moter is funning, svitch Back &o low iale nd than to high idle ta archive high ile ‘shutdom Lov idle.notr-aL.10s0e = FALE Fobeverk eingschaltet 7 ‘ronler activ 7 K 7 0,1 Soe = 200 2 a) x5 VES Derhurt eingeschattet # lew ostiv ? KBs © > HV G1 eee, 490 wl) 3900 = 209 Hote steht out “ater Leselad” 2 ‘oter in “high idle” position 2 Ke 2209 wi) wes _since_sped.change += 0 see Urehsaht steht ouf “haber LaerLout”? ator out nisdrigen Leet seolten ‘witch aotor to tow ide Kee Motor: Drehzohlsteuerung (Diesel) motor: rpm control Diesel) eS = Caprese tioara | 9S0B), 60,86 baa ey seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ee a fara fa pce pongnat | MOMANSU | 955 442 40 a|3 [31/091 qssuiy SATS Roladlapam F Siwinw ROA IS wll DIG eT Ieee GED wT for $ Be 7 Notas Aotieg 1 shutoff loser $3 7 Notlue Staverolock , ut-off yale look 5.38 7 othe Ppercan 1 eneginey shut-off pu 008 5.384 Notun Gegergericht 1 enegeney aat-offcoterasight 5 36 7 Nath Kobine 1 ensegenoy sbut-offs operator's cab 5 SE 7 Sichebeiteshatter 2 safety arith = heyevteh 51.00 > 10 ste 2 vs] | Hots betatgt ? eeseginy Sa HT ostvated 2 Teor dee = 07 Si. 2ee = 0? Shei 2ee = 071s SBd.2ee = 017 SH: Dee = 0? SS Dee = O07 att 1 mf e ' ' Infos othe geet ' fo energy hte octets ' $e 7 info ! $38 ? info ' $3? Info ' $20 9 Info ' S32 Info ! 558? Info ' ' ' ' es ieo i 50 7 HMB x= 2, Cote 1 ' 3306 7 HMB = 247, Cote 2 ! 5 7 HMB = 4, Cote 3 ' 3334 7 HMB = 244 ote 4 | 1536 2 HIG «= 24, Code S ' 558 7 HG 12207, Cad 6 I “ Ds therwochag dee Moths Shelia, atdunge Hotrstenp wegen Wot-hus Not-Aus (Diesel) Menitaring the eorginey uta ator energency shut-off Diesel) tou = Tapas ears © | 5081, 82, 86 kaka ey — seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt foo i aS Flowchart. HOMATSU | 955 442 40 al a3 [32/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) ? MO egnitenS1_on > 10 se 2 vst i uD ha ie xo t val Brondsensor meldet kein Feuer ? fire detected ? S| exam Ae ae fa meet Beondsnsoe salse bain Feute 2 fie detects? x1 = 07 ~~ I etding: Boonsensr watt FEUER nessges Fire dete 12 eer p vorberei tet prepared Ds horwochng det ECS Notbntnisbsscholtart nd dor Foueiechanoge Notbetrieb, FeuerLschanLage E, Mnitoring the sorgecy shut-off od Fire Spresion ste ECS-by poss, Fire suppression systen tou = apart iioars 95081, 60,86 baa ee seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt foo fa piel ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 3 [33/091 1 esprrboppe geahlassen 2 gute volte cil-tonk eleaed ? 531280 = ‘ wt { Ws o7 standstill sotar-all = TRE? few water x2 1,2 ote Stas batgt 7 notor stort suiteh engoged 7. A eLing:toestge, wi Aspertape 3 exe a? ich wallace . esse: oer stapped, Ecoe gle valve til tak et fll peed inf 196 > ever 15 (te eed ; sil Aspertgpe { sedi ute It i gs scr sit deed, cou gta vee { x eit tat font fully rad | cere 50 i shun setog = TE i ! Sipeigber visttton i each i 155 = 0 Gar Ted) shen stir ove shite soi Shuto ster2 Nese thutdon soton2 weep 1, Dervathng AbsperreLppe avschen Hyrouiktane wn ne laut wird unterbaden, wenn die Klgpe nicht voLitindig ge Es Monitoring the gate velve betwen hysrouLic tank and suction tak, Motor run 1 diesled iF evolve isnt completely opens AbsperrkLoppe SlbehaLter gate valve oil tank a Le Caprese tes 0 | 45081, 82,86 frsedayat ttt fettey tos ts — | Ta AblauFdi agramm Ree Ea oa hs Flowchart _| MOMMATSW | 955 442 40 gl a3 |34/091 age eve GeRTarRaTE DIN Behe Secor Foe Na seein for refit level —~d4 c Seon foe Winimu Blstons TT hyse ol seein for aininin level nk Ds Barwon des Hyrovik Stands burden, ‘ig ‘ g p—_-teyviteh ston > 10 coe 2 Bistod wt Hehe 9 cit lve tea ling ination evel 2 Bue 2ee = OP j Es wing trot Minna Blstond genes 7 ees sare signl sininve anoy ? Baa 2see = 0? i vol eon 125 otdings Blstncesnsoren ges ei sich dle Signole wisirspeche, ussog: ail ave strors alfuetion, (becouse signals are not consistent cu ninimin Bist cogeiton 2 lL Level below ninaum indication 2 12 fate 2ae = 07 ¥ edge hye, SL unter aininn Melding, Hyfrouti esos hgh iL level teow sinimae estos refi = evar += SBD Cater see) ero etangs hy Serourelnewegng sperren issble ve of bucket bucket off Oyo Leet) esses hyo LeveL teow init eee += 590 BL unter sininan ouLonaeige HybroutitaLtonk, MoerLou wird vote: er Blatondurter doe Minin ebgesinen ist. Vorhar wird eine Hel en” uegegeben Es Monitoring the hyérauLe eit Level nthe hyihouie ell tank. Hoter run is Gisaled if the Level is belou minima, Before this boppens, o nseage “refill iL” is displ 8 HydrauLikéLstond hydraulic oil Level tou = apart tonne 95081, 60,86 pa eS seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt foo as col pongnart —_| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40 a3 [35/091 2 fe 8 16 7 Drebertstrense/ slew trate 84 7 Febwrataet/ tro ga se tate -_stondstiLLwotor-oLt > 300 see 2 woh forming aotersny > 10580 ? 1 | t UrucksthaLter aedet “Bence gchlassn” 2 presure suteh signals “trate clased” 2 _ BiG: 2e0 = 07 BMG, 2e80 = 17 i wo 22-Oruk abgtatten pressure down ? 1s B06, 2 eee 30 bm? ne | Sehidselechalter cbgeschaltet 2 Key itch in off position 7 2 11s OF? | v5 Uruehsehater met “Bronce geStfot” ? pressive switch sigrals “broke epee”? 816.258 =202 8G. 2a = 207 “es Lp" keyouitch. Sion > 300 see ? cS Hetdings Orckschaer eldot asco gst Tne, Two aie Htaren nicht Loufe, sustage pressure sulteh signals “brake is opened” 8 16 sInfor Obueckstreae gpechossan B18 sinfo, slew beoke closed 8 42 sMoLaings Fobvertstranae gechlossen, obwhl dar Hater aft 8-4 vseceoge + trovel.beke closed, even iF matin iz rurning 8 16-7 info =1322 868 2 eran += 2 ten iF the gotors ere not runing ai? 8a? eure 0s thers der nchaniscin Oreaeks- it Foraker, ard Hoer Gute, wird be geecnlenener Bree ene Melaing geeigh. Fie die Fubewerhbren- se ist diate sie Feblenesin. Bl tehnde Htaraisan ole Brncen ge fehlasan atin, sine Linge ein Fehler ver ld). Es Haitoring the sev ant the teoelGeehaica bake. en he woke is rorning, 9 sto 18 capo, if bate ve clea, Contsning i Er Drehwerks- und Fahrwerksbrense (Diesel) broke, iin erur wate, IF all wotors ore ot atonstL, Uw brates mutt be close, etherise tare is Setthing rang tesa). sla ond care ino ols i aS = Capa tice OO | SOR), 82, 86 pas ES exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm dent Fareat [BLott/BUBtter 8 eran sonchart _| MOMATSU | 955 442 40 a3 [36/091 qssuaiy So ATS Roladdlapam F Sate ROA wil DIOS DaT Io GeNe TaD wr 2 for motor a= 1, 2 8 6S 7 KIruok Mor x / X-presaore of moter x ! { tensor or cate defect input ot Oo 103 digi 2 EE 3 8x «Sone (ee “Gar on > 55.3 bo) 7 . af 1 ening notirne > 1S see 7 eg __Al-Drvk av hoch 7 8 xs 2 ve > 40 bor? D, Barwon des XI-Deuckes (ir die Puapeerege lng Folge ee Fst der ruck zu hee, eral, Ein Dfett. des Seners eer der 2leitungan wind rach igh ichtere ongezig Es Monitoring the I presure (For pup contol). h weasoge WiLL be eisplyes 1F the pressre is tao igh or out of range. Ifo defect ie detected, 0 essage willbe ciple X1-Drdcke For Punpenrege Lung Xl-pressures For punp control tou = Capac tions | 9S0B1, 60,86 pa ee seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt foo as col bongnart —_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40 a3 [37/091 stncr ce coble dest Cnput ot 0 or 1003 digi Bs Soe Cer -6 tr oe > 55.3 ba) 7 high ldteotarony > 10 ge OR No Louie actor > 10 see ? t tine. speed. shange > 1502 ? Leite ader Tankare bettigt ? YES_ Loder or refiLLing arm octuned 7 paeerea bien 2 Sa 0? a , WES presnre to high ? 8B; 2eee>S2 bar? 86: eres 95886 s arror OT 0? 1 hervathng von Syeterricken Int der Oru zu hoch ede 2u nie ig ? Ein Defekt ds Seecre adr dee Zuleiting wird rach WGghicteit agtzeigt Es Monitoring syrtan prasures I the prestie too high ce too Low? Fo aeect is detected, 0 vssoge will be displayed X2 Steverdruck (Diesel) X2 pilot pressure (Diesel) tou = Capasaiteiioars 95081, 60,86 pea ee seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree at foo acral ponenart__| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40 a3 [38/091 fer Sta ? Arbeitsruck Pape 18 6 1 857% 7 Arbeitscrck Pape 28 5 , 8 BTe ? Avbeitscrock Pope 3 1 887d 7 Arbeitsceck Pape 4 , B07 Aitetenperctir ‘ Seolaranioge Zener / Seomaronioge Ortwerk Sehiaronoge Eievehting / ncn or cable Bo: S ee Ce 6% 1 S ae (ee -50 bor or B Gte 1 § ane (= -50 bor or Bats, See 890: See & Ds oervathng von Sercaren: Ein Defekt ds Seeare adr dee Zuleiting wird rach Wighichtoit ogezeigh Es Monitoring syrtan pressures Fo aeect is detected, 0 vssoge will be displayed Level grease barrel level grease barrel level gross barrel cperating pressure pup 1 26 cperating prestire pup 2 8S eperating pressure pup 2 perating pressure pup 4 ws Cirgut ot 0 01083 digit) ? 50 bor of >= 481 bo? lec gear Lube tosinent gear Ube 2 error = 752 2 errer = 758 2 errer = 764 2 arrer = 770 2 arrer = 855 Sensor-Grenzwert-Uberwachung sensor boundary check = me aparece tocar OO | "COB), 82, 66 pea | yp ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat | aLoUTABT tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40/13 [39/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) Season meldet Riklou ‘sear signals: ct Filter clogged? 0, stn es wo 4 pe, Bo Berieteunprote 7g aise see « Tarts) Yeang: Filter verstpt essoges FLter el BE + error 8 De Th, 12, 13, 14 = Temperotiron Sich Seites“Tobeen, DeFinitianen’ Ee Tl, 12, 13, T= temperatures ste pages “tables, definitions’ : hervocnng des Filters in Hyroutiltont Won win Fil vrstopt iat, wied cine Melding ovageeben. Die Ubergeifing erfolgt our bei bebe ieboar ren BL urd wird Fir Joui La 15 Sehunden rach einer Gnin/Onx Urcholting aug sett, NeLdet der Sercen bei stanender Motor Oruckif Terenas FelerneL ing Es Monitoring retven eit filter in hyeautic tanks IF the Filter ie elogaes, eesog WiLL be deploys. Hei toring 18 doe ery, iF the oil if ot operating terperctre ond willbe enitted en Uw Fest 15 seconds after Guia change, Press. aifference during aoters are at stent indicates o Foutt sino. speech > 15 one 9. 2 =] ys oil ot egeraing temperature 2 M2 825. 2ae= 07 ce UL sotoralt > 15 see ? wl sorning stars > 15 80 7 val OLfiear vestapt 2 wes Langs Sesue- ir Kabel essges serait or cable aolfunetien oa Ricklaufkaaser (Diesel) return oil chanber Wiesel) Tae F [Ree Tae Tota "15081, 82, 86 7 Posso0-6p7e Teo tou = ConpterestelLte Zievang (0) seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm wo: Tas Flowchart TeV a DN oe KOMATSU rane 955 442 40 a Feet A3 BLoeaIBTe 40/091 fee motor x2 1, 2 8 dl.x 2 Filter Lterantieb Msserinles / Filter fan coolant cooler 8 27 9 Fleer Getriebast 1 Filer gear oil 8-26 9 Fiver Lfeeroncieh BUAthiee —/ Filter Fon dive oil raditar 8222 Fiver Paparregeling 41 Fitter py regulation 8252 Filter Le 4 Fitter took oft 15S Grobfitear Gukhter 1 strainer oll cooler Sensor weLaet Filter versteptt 7 ho eansar signalss Filter clogged ? Bix 2a = 07 Bx. 2a = O17 B 2x. 2 = O17 BRs2sec = 0? BBs 2sec = w? 8165 « Dene = OF? 1s 1% 82P- Box 7 standtilh notere > 1S ase 7 YES 22, 825, IES 2 “stands LL-notor-obt > 15 ee 2 val 5 lx 877 28>" 2 runing motorx > 15 560 ? D2, 625, IES 2 “rurmng.naterany > 15 560 ? va sine. speed tangs > 18 sao 9 Mt ve hyde. BL ou Bet ietatemparatur 2 » yer. oil at operating temperature 7 ——— BIS. Sone» 12+ 1807 ves Hots: Seneor- eer Kobelstirang wil ei stondenHotaren keine Druck Foren aéglion it Hotdog: Filter vrstopt esoges serie or ecb aolfunctian essoges Filter clogged becouse pres. oiference is impossible uring sotorstiListand BI 7 evar 105, 21-2 7 evan e112 BD)? ever = 54 520-2 7 even 1084 B17 err 22 7 err B22 2 error B25 2 wrror 165 2 error Ds T, 12, 13, 4 = Tomperatizon Sich Seites“Tobeen, DeFinitianen’ Es Tl, 12, 13, T= temperatures ste pages “tables, definitions’ eurn 0: thervornng diverse BLFiLtes Mean ein FLtee verstope iat, wird eine Me- ing sxgegeten, ie Tkergrifung erfolgt cur bei betriebouraen BL. Meet der ‘Serer Oru ffeane bl stehenden Motaren -> Fearne ding Es Monitoring retun oil Filter (in hyseaulic tks IF the Filter is clogged, @ nessage wil be deploy. Hei toring Is done erly, 1F the oil is ot operating terperatre, If the senain sigholeprestie difference shile oll rotors re of GLfilter Diesel) Su emebip whnhwo’ taeoa cil Filter Wiesel) ee La SEE AblauFdi agramm fee in fa pcre ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 3 [41 /091 qssuai a) AS Roladlapam F Shy ROA wll DIGS eT Ieee TaD wT ? stondtitloter-olt = TRIE? 1 vot ves. WtFitter verschutat 2 Stosir meet Unteuck ? US air Fier clogs ? suse reports Low pressure ? BU 2e00 = 17 Boe 2ae = OF ce Holdings Sensor- oer Kabelsticing, ‘il bei ststenden Matera keine Uruk ferene mighich st escogts sensie ce cable aalfinetion bicouse pres. aifference 15 inossibLe during anton stillstnd eon = 812 D: thervocnng des Luft Lars on HysrosLiktoks Neo der Filter werstpFe ist, ied eine Melding sagegeben, Vliet dee Seesor Orveldifferene bei stebenden Hatoan => Fanleralaig, Es Monitoring air breath Filter (ot hyeoutie tks IF the Filter is clogged, @ ressage wil be dleploye. IF the star signls pressure olfferece wile att ‘motors are at stondstiLl, something must be wrong with the sensor or cable -> Hydrouliktonk-LuFtFilter ror esse. hydraulic tank breather filter ConputerersteLLte Zeich » Jy éene-We 4 F TTH-He, tare ts oa | toe | Sapeesete tiones OO S081, 82, 86 paar TS Beers. 117. 12.08 | KodiourT AblauFdi agramm Tet Foret [BLoteBUBtbee fhe Flowchart | MOWMMATSW | 955 442 40 gl a3 |42/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuaiy (DATS Roladlapam F SAD ROA IO wll DIG Ieee TaD wT ? for sotor 28 1, 2 8 1D 7 Getrehescnierung Druck gear Ltricticn eessire BSP 7 M4 Papensttadruck 4 pup support presore { _stondstillotarx > 7080 ? ves Urek ouegefotten ? lace oF pressure 2 A = Sensor sole Uruk verhanden 2 arco sigrls: presaire existe ? Bites 2eee = 7 Bas 2ee0 = 017 6 Yelang: Seer oer Kabestéoy vp ene sesange serer or eblesoetion Sir 2 arm Sir ever it ela oe 817-2 2 error 1130 eraser 80 2 error 160 Os Terwomng de Gtrivbeeheerungs lat ke Drck dr Setiabesehierng is apfoien, eFolgh eine Meldsng. Meet der Sear bei steer Motor, 8 Drck Norton ist don stint tues sieht ait en Sear oer de ten ud 2 bt eh ei Pang Es tnitering gor Ltriat on (TDs IF Bare Iso presur, a wessge WL be dimplaged. If Gonos ripeta promre she the est tn ot etndetL, Getriebeschnierung sonathing met be wrong withthe Seese Gr eal > erie asap gear lubrication apterersalte Te > Tig eo te FY — Yona Taal oo Cl Comneessreie ces | 5081, 82, 86 eased 1 es exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm dent Fareat [BLott/BUBtter HT prcrsranstrnl vouchart | MOMANSU | ‘955 442 40 al x3 [43/091 qssuai WATS Roladdlapam F SAE ROA TS wil DIOS Ie Gee aD wT MeLdungen 9 Messages fie 12 Stmerntage Zenral—/ Ube syten cata ous? x 2 Sthwleramlage Oevert ibe etn slew ger ago? x 18 3 7 Semernloge Ele ichtng / Le ayer ata os. Orvctouooszeitdherstnitten 2 ox. inreoce tine exceeded 7 inerese, tin. too Longa = TRUE 2 vel wil ver wd xs ox, Etlastngszeitdberctrtten ? ox, relief tine exceeded 7 nccesntie.t00-Lengra = TRIE 2 vs ES canter op cole oefect (input at 0 or 1023 aight)? S17 BU «San (20a or >= 20a ? 2 B10 Soe (Baker 3-20 a 37 8 Sse CeO ak ar > 20D 7 | fetes of Reserve? ayn rete Level rte? 2 ac, sts ad» sow 39 hit hte hte ‘s ves 12 info 22 info 3 inte Cantainas /eontoiae 7 Wenoolfoss / renovnanle tare? Infos Serviceazsige zal dor offenen Sehaierayeend Infos sevice display Ghaber oF open lubrieaticn eye) £2 digital rill senna S see = 247 2 empty flags ci "0 ie Infos Fetfane nosh infos reiU. grease bore wT B06 7 Info s81382 2 BIOS ? Info 1378 173 7 info 2 8108, 8108, 173 + 8D xin cot? 22252 digital capty.soncoru + 6 ain = 200 2 "0 arose container oer reserve tevel 2 +7 Bg, 6103, B173 + Tain > SX? 1 217 igitatrfit seen + 1 nin= OF? 1s ° en ety flags = TRE? ” empty flogry = FALSE "0 rose continer expt ? = __) Yong Fottbeslier (oer ensetwint essoges gose Dovel. eaty appears Stop Pasee Tine Setaorpunge ousscholten ‘sviteh OFF ube pp uelay 2271 OF e378 wav Enelasungeentiloeehelten itch off releoce vive uel? Yoo 2a Sowitt 1 wechseln 517 igh ie motraoy = TE 2 Fes X27 raningsoterow = TRE ? en = sep go TRE 0. Merge ezegen Oruckourocet,Entastngazit Chretien, Ft Reserve, Leer ie Es evo mages presse inereot Lis, reese Cine oxsbe, gee bra reir, empty Sehnieronlage (NeLdungen) Lube systen (Hessages) = = Tapaacrsaitie core "5081, 62,86 baa | ey SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Feat | Lot TBC crs col poncnart—_| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40 a3 [44/091 qssuaiy WA AS Roladlapam F Siwim ROA wil DIOS Io DENG TaD wT Verzxei gen branch Muss Sehaisung if Cperatersode obtiv 2 ruol Ubeication vio opratar toe activ 2 Step 4-u oc stop S-u oe stop &-u or stp Tou? 0 in operator mode Letzte Sehlerung vir > 2h YES lost ian before > 34? last tbe > 3 he TRE © ves valle Scnierung argforgert 9 MES ——_______gu) eruol \uscation demandes = 1 063 2 Counter marel releoe-y > 0 10 (revi. tay = FALSE? “Moro. ab ob Seteite 4 ‘ranch to "anual Ab" fram step 4 step tu = THE U= 2-2 (eamter-navol-releoe-y > 0) HO (ervice.tay = FALSE) MO CGev.oetiv) 2 Veewweigen 0 ves____tanunlleSchicring in Sevicenode bereits oktiv 2 savel (necation vio sevice noe olvady otiv 2 Step B-u oc stop -u ce step I-u or stp Tu? 0 in rhevalle Senierung argeforaert 2 YES vol \utrication demandes? + 1063-2 (oantereral.releoe-u > 0 MO (trv. tay = FALSE)? = 2°? (enuntersmanl-releoe-u > 0 0 (ervic- kay = FHLSE) MO lev. astiv) ? cy service mode Veerasigns ay “Now vio service sole” ob Seteite 6 anual Lub via service node” fran step 8 step Ou = TRE 1 Yersueigen zur wan Searing in Oproternde ade Servcsnade Es beareh to manbl Libeleation in geratee mote or sive made SchnieranLage (Verzweigen) Lube system (branch) = = Ee Ba Te | a RblauFdTagranm SS ae ee tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 al 13 |45/091 age Va eRTTATRETE TNH shin) Schritt 1 (ormaler Betrieb: Schritt 1 bis 3) step 1 (normal. operat in step 1 until 3)) step lu = TRE 2 1 Sind die Beirgungan fie den Serwienstart efGLLt 2 1. GaP minders ein Hotce wn 2. Int ie Pawenzelt vere und 2. Int das Dreher betatigt ? Oe 5) re the condition for te Lteication stort FulFiLag ? 1. 0t Least doesent egine can ? 2, pou tine over ? 3, slew cet ? (LS cal 12 2 COhigh idle oteroy “THE MO (pnsetine_overw ? AMD = 12-7 CObigh-ieceotr_eny=TRUE) 0 (pou. tineover-w MO Cv acti) ? {lv © 1 or 3 AMO Ge © 21)? Cleuming.noter- ay TRIE) 0 (pee. tine over) ? (ies 21 MO = 21? Clening-notr-ery TRIE) 10 Gpaeetine-everd MD eeocivd ? or m0 Yeloet EndductnéntererfolgreicheEntlastung 7 recognized the end Line suiteh no lrieation pressure ? 12 BE pressure suiteh «= 2 see = OV Goo pressure) M0 flag end Line pressure 2 2-2 Bl pressre_svitch := 2 sec = 0 V (wo pressure) MNO flagend.Line pressure = TRUE ? 3.7 BITAprensie.avitch v= 2 8c = 0 (ro pressure) 10 Flog.end.Line prestineu += TRE 2 0 Dover die Enelartng av lange 9 ES relieve tie too long ? 1 7 BAB relieve monitoring tine = O in (over) A8D BE pressure evitoh v= 2 see = 26 reseed > 2-9 BU -roLieve-rontering.tine = 0 ain (over) IND BEE pessire sited 3-7 BITAreLleve.nonitring tine = O win CovrX80_B174 pressure svtoh ry Seomlerpunpe einenalzen vtth on Lite pap oer ear e279 " wed 2M 2 Eneastung aescalten enti on) fvteh of release (valve en) 12 Ya 20 527 Yo 2a 32 via «= 200 Inoreat. tine too Longe «= FALSE verese tine. t00 Longs Uhecnochngezeit storten stort tontoring tine FiULingeni toring tine toain 2a Sowite 2 wechseln change to step 2 ‘tap D> TE flog.erdLine.pogressure-u += TRUE ecrese_ ti. tonLong-u += TRE Ds SchnierzykLus starten: Schnierpunpe ein und EntLostung aus Normale EntLastung erkennen Fehlerhofte EntLostung erkennen Lube systen (step 1) Tae Thea, tase oa Feat | LonALBeo Esstort Lubrication cycles Lubrication punp on and reLease off recognize nornal release Schnieranlage (Schritt. 1) ecegnize wrong release eS = Coapaerersaie era ©) | 50B] , 82, BG kash » 82, 86 pess00-a07 seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm Tet a age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) a8, Flowchant__| MOMAT'SU | 955 442 40 alas [46/091 qssuaio Wo AS Rolaidlapam F Siu) ROA TS wll DIG DeT Ieee TaD wT Schritt 2 (ormaler Betrieb: Schritt 1 bis 3)) step 2 (normal. operat in tep | until 3)) step | until step 2 ve recognized Ye end Line sx us 1? BB.pressine.svitch = 2 2 BA pressures rr) overt F1LLing anit "0 ! 37 B17 pressure svtch TE 2 16 Erte der Endrulaehter Scherer? toh Ubeication presire 2 = Deve = 24 Greseue) ? = 2 one = 20 (pressure) 2 Dane = 24 (gress) 7 stort pau Cite Hattazeit Schaarpunpe suiteh oF ? 2 2a setrite 1s Seberang zu Longe? wor ication tie ove? tines = Dain ? ‘tert pa pvc. tine hols. tine Sshalerpune with off 2 we? 230 2u sebeite change ! Ds Pnpe cusschoLtn ud Worker setzen, wenn Endiruclachter Schierdruck ret. Pe ousscholton und Merkor und Ferner setzen, wet der Ouctoufba 2u Lnge duet. Es ovioh off purp ond eat Flog, Fe Line ited Liteicaiengreseureraeogized. ‘vich OFF punp ond set Flog ond ere Flag, iF the insreese Line is too Long og.endLine pressures Pasereit Hottezeit Sort told tite Posezeit wit Eistellart stoten ih ajusted volun passe.tine- «= setting-u ‘tort hold tie hole. timesy = Sain ncichatten 3 wecheatn ‘change to stp 3 step So TRE Increoc.tinetoo. Leng «© TRE ? i eattingw storten y= Sain cusshotten 3 wechontn 0 step 3 step Pu i= TE Schmieronlage (Schritt 2) Lube systen (step 2 eS = Capasttie fiom OO SOB), 60,86 keke ee a seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm an 2 ea [Bac fa pce ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 3 [47/091 qssuai WAS Roladlapam F Swim ROA IS wll Due Ieee TaD wT Schritt 2 (ormoler Betrieb: Schritt 1 bis 3) step 2 (normal operating: step 1 until 3) Luft Hein Mo 217 high idle ote = 27 runing eotr Dy Pepe auschalten, wenn Kein Motor ou haber Orehahl Lut Es exon off pimp, if no engine cane in high ile a egine rns ? ony = TRIE 2 Hattezeit starten start eld tine hole. tinesy = Sain Sehalerpunpe sviteh off usechatten see pap veo SchnieranLage (Schritt 2) Lube syste (step 2) tou = Capac tioars O ™9S0B1, 60,86 kaka ee a seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ee bat poor asco poncnart_—_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40a 13 [48/091 ; 8 i : Schritt 3 (ormoler Betrieb: Schritt 1 bis 3) step 3 (normal operating: step 1 until 3) "0 ‘s 0 step 34 = THE? 1 Yaltezeitvorbeh 2 ald tine over 2 hld.tine-y =O nin? Entlstingeinschaten (enti 98) suiteh en relieve Coal off) Yass 0V 90 yee 1 2? 32 Uhernohangazelt de Entastung storten stort reLievenontering tine ebive.toni toning. tine «= 4 in 1s Sorite 1 wach chonge to step 1 stop Fu += TRE Dy Enelastng einschalten, wer Holteeit vorbe. Es rebieve on, if bold tine over SchnieranLage (Schritt 3) Lube systen (step 3) = = Tapas anne © | SOG), 82, 86 keckean ge sy — Ba Te | a RblauFdTagranm SS ae ee tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 al 13 |49,/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) ; 8 i : Schritt 4 Manuelle Schmierung im Operator-Hodus: Schritt 4 bis 7) step 4 (manual Lubrication in operator mode: step 4 until 7)) 1. Bo aindstans ein Hotor 2 1. Goes one engine un? 17 high ie_sotor-ory = TRUE 2 29 maning.ot "0 end Line snltsh actuaded 2 ws Sind die Beirgungan fie den Stnieestre elle ? tee te conditions Fer the Lubrication start FulFiLad ? Yost Endductnseter efolgriche Entlastung. 2 Seomieepunpe einsnal vtth on Lite pap oer ear vez 7 wed 2M 2 Eneastung aescalten enti on) teh of release (valve wet 2 Ya v2 2a 0527 Ya 24 wea? Inerease. tin. verease tine too tongs oo. Long oo) vie «= 24 = ASE Uhecnochngezeit storten FiULing ante toring tine ines 2 2a Sowite 5 wecaeln change to step 5 ‘tap Seu a= TE 108i U=1 2 BG presse sviteh v= 2 sec = 0 foo pressur) NO flopend. Line posses i= TRE ? U= 27 Bi pressresviteh «= 2 s0e* 0 tro pressure) NO floperdLineprosares += TE ? again. gree + TE 537 i7Apresoe.evteh v= 2 = OY Gp pesmi) NO Flap Linepesares += TRE ? dover ge treating 2u tye 2 Tetive tie ob Long ? 12 B4.reLiev itoring tne = On Cnr AO. BE presse. svteh sine oe tinge «= 2 2 86eLive.enitaring tine = nin (ver) 0B presi. seltch ee 32 alPe relieve nnitering tine =O in Cer BYP presiresiech i= 2 se = 247 Grease) ? Os Schnierayklus stortens Schnierpunpe ein und Entlosting ous Nornale Entlastung erkernen| Fehlerhofte Ent lasting erkennen Esstort Lubrication cycles Lubrication punp on and reLease off recognize normal. release Schnierontage (Schritt 4) recognize wrong release oF 3 Lube system (step 4) om Coaptererstelite Zien (00) | Bm [ge eg tae a ee ie — ‘15081, 82, 86 Fema 31 = zi ae AblauFdi agramm dente Feat | Lat rBLateor iy F girl ent —_| MOMATSU | 355 442 40 a[a3 [50/091 qssuai 5) ATS Roladlapam F Siwy ROA IS wll DIOS eT Ieee TaD wT Schritt 5 Manuelle Schmierung im Operator-Hodus: Schritt 4 bis 7) step 5 (manual Lubrication in operator mode: step 4 until 7)) 1, Pape ausschaLtan und Werkersetzen, neon Endiruluchter Schierdrck set. Pe ouescolten und Neher und Fehlermarkerestze, wenn ar Oructourby 2v Longe dat Es ovioh off purp ond eat Flog, Fe Line ited Liteicaiengreseureraeogized. ‘vich OFF punp ond set Flog ond ere Flag, iF the insreese Line is too Long 0 e 5 3 2 BITE presse. ow "0 "0 sop Su = TRE? Erte der EndrulaehterSehaeraruck ? recogizeé the and Line suitchlibieation presse ? U5 7 BEG ponesire. ites 2 e60 © 247 Greene) = 2 ? Bib ewes. sui ton= 2 ges = 24Y Geese) pressure = pressure switch open = 24V at controller input ve Flog.end_Line pressures «= TIE oe 2 see = 20 Gress) og.sonacycle-w += TRE? Pousezsit nit Feston Vert storton Start pause tine with fixed vue pusetine-s += 19 nin Hattezeit starten ‘tort hold tie hold. tinery = Sain Schlerpunpe ozecalten sviteh off 2 Setrite 6 wecestn ‘change to stp 6 step Oo «8 THE co vert aie Seberang 2 Lange 2 lutrieatian tine over ? FiLLng monitoring. Increase. tine to long += TRE ? log saul Pousezvit nit Feston Yet storton stort gouse tine with fined vokoe pxse.tinew «= 10 nin Leu = TE? Hottezeit starten stort told tive odin = Sain Sthalerpune ousscolten suite OFF ube pup weor weo Ma oF 2a Sebritt 6 wectentn change to stp & step Bu = TE ! ‘Schmieronlage (Schritt 5) Lube systen (step 5) eS = Capac tioars OO [SORT 60,86 heakea ee a seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm a a pan ongnat—_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 3 [51/091 qssuaio SY ATS Roladdlapam F SOD ROA wil DIGS eT Ieee TaD wT Schritt 5 Manuelle Schmierung im Operator-Hodus: Schritt 4 bis 7) step 5 (manual Lubrication in operator mode: step 4 until 7)) ves Luft Kein Mater 2 a engine rns ? 4517 highs ie. note = 27 runing noor-ory "0 1, Pape ausschatan, wen Hein Hotaru Es sich off purp if ra engine ru. Hattezeit starten start eld tine hole. tinesy = Sain Sehalerpunpe sviteh off usechatten see pap veo SchnieranLage (Schritt 5) Lube systen (step 5) tou = Gapaneile ocerg [GORY BD, Tag Fy asa seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm eS ee bat fora acs ical pougnart_—_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40/13 [52/091 i g i £ Schritt 6 Manuelle Schmierung im Operator-Hodus: Schritt 4 bis 7) step 6 (manual Lubrication in operator mode: step 4 until 7)) 0, Ene step 6u = THE? ‘s 1 Yaltezeitvorbeh 2 ald tine over 2 hld.tine-y =O nin? 0 Entlstingeinschaten (enti 98) suiteh en relieve Coal off) Te mesov 29 Ye + 32 vie Uhernohangazelt de Entastung storten stort reLievenontering tine ebive.toni toning. tine «= 4 in Zu Seite wechseln chonge to step 7 stop 7-4 += TRE Es rebieve on, if bold tine over tang einsthaLten, wen HaLezeitvorbel SchnieranLage (Schritt. 6) Lube systen (step 6) = = Tapas anne © | SORT, BD, 86 eckean ge ey — Ba Te | a RblauFdTagranm SS ae ee tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gl 13 [53/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) i g i £ Schritt 7 ManuelLe Schmierung im Operator-Hodus: Schritt 4 bis 7) step 7 (manual Lubrication in operator mode: step 4 until 7)) "0 step 74 = THE? ‘5 eitarhin keine Somierung in 1 ain Tote eferdetich 2 Fuetherners ro lbeicot ion eyes in 10 nin toot necessary ? (unter novel releases = 0) AND Clast-Ute-w <3 9)? 0 Povsenceit abgelovfen ? se tine over 7 pmos.tiseu =O in ? ves 1s Seite 1 wens chnge to step 1 step by 22 TRE Ds Enelontng einashaiten, wom Holteeit vob. relieve on, iF fold tine oer SchnieranLage (Schritt. 7) Lube systen (step 7) Compnirerttie idea OD | ORT, BD, BG ate Nowe Bear. [17.12.08] edaour AbLauFdiagranm Seer. wt. aS Tae F [Ee Tae Tota 7 500-607 Ie a Flowchart | KOMATSU age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) rane Feat [Lana 955 442 40 aja3 54/091 ; 8 i : Schritt 8 (Manuelle Schmierung im Service-Modus: Schritt 8 bis 11) step 8 (monual Lubrication in service mode: step 8 until 11)) Ds Schnierzyklus startens "o 1. LGuFtmindesters ein Wotce re the conditions far the Luteication stort FulFiLad ? 1. ses ene engine run ? X21? high idle soteroy = TE ? 552 remming.mtar-ony = TRE? 0 Helier Ensrucenntererfolgreiche Entlastong 7 reeoized Ue on Line suiteh no Lbrieation pressure ? 2 BAR presare.suiteh x= 2 see = 0 (0 pressure) MO log. erdLine_poesire-y 1= TRIE 2 2.9 Blbpressre suteh += 2 see = 0 V (wo presure) IMO flapend.Uinepressire-u += TRUE ? 37 BI7A proses aviteh ‘ee = 0 (oo presure) M00 flag Sind die Birgungen fie den Srmierstart eG 9 ine pressire-u Sehalerpunge einecatten suite an ite pap re) veo 7 Ye 2 v3 7 ve On Entastung ouzscalten (entil nt vito off release (valve on) vel? te 52? Wo 23 7yiae = 207 ineroee tine too ings = FALSE rerooe tine 200 anges = FALSE Uervochungezeit starten start monitoring tine FiULingsnitoring tinea <= 30 see Zs Sorits 9 waeheeln chonge t step Flog.endLine.togressire-u = TRUE Re? Sehmieepunpe ein und EntLastung aus Normale EntLastung erkennen Es stort lubrication eysles Lubrication punp on ond release off recognize normal release Schnieranlage (Schritt 8) Lube systen (step 8) = me tapas toes 95081, 60,86 aaa eS ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat [aL tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gl 13 [55/091 age eve GeRTarRaTE DIN Behe Schritt 9 (Manuelle Schmierung im Service-Modus: Schritt 8 bis 11) step 9 (manual Lubrication in service mode: step 8 until 11)) Extent dee Enarvladehter Schereruck ? recognized Wed Line suitchUbeieation presse 2 2 81. proseure.svitch 1 overt. ai Sebaerung 20 Longe ? lworicotian tine over ? FiLLing monitoring. tines = 0 in 2 "0 1, Pape ausschaLtan und Herken setzen, neon Endiruluthter Schierdruck set Pe aueecolten und Nerker etzen, vsnn dee Crucaufbou zu Longe dort Es ovioh off purp ond eat Flog, sf ed Line suited Litrication pressure retogized. Svich OFF punp nd sat Flog, iF the increase Cine 18 too Lang we ! ' pressure = pressure switch open = 24V at controller input ogo Lina 2 THE og saul Powsezvit nit Feston Yer storton stort gouse time with fixed vole puse.tinew += 30 se0 Leu = TE? Hattezeit starten ‘tort hold tine otd.tiney +218 ae Schaerpunpe ‘itch oFF nsechatten 2 Sebi 10 vacheetn ‘change to tap 10 step Wu += TRE og sael.eyete-s «= TRIE ? Fousezeit nit festen ¥ert stort stort pouse tine with fined vokut pse.tine- «2 30 oe Hattezeit starten stort hold te ota.tne-y #218 ase Schaerpunpe vith off wel? 29s ame nsechalten abe pure reo " 2 Seteite 10 wectoetn change te step 10 step 10-0 + TRUE Schmieronlage (Schritt 9) Lube systen (step 9 eS = aparece tides 6 | 1508], 82, 85 pad a seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ee at fara fa ciel ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40_ al 3 [56/091 qssuaio Se AS eladdlapam F Sm ROA wil DIOS Ie DENS TaD wT Schritt 9 (Manuelle Schmierung im Service-Modus: Schritt 8 bis 11) step 9 (manual Lubrication in service mode: step 8 until 11)) 1s Luft Hein Mo a engine rns ? = 17 highs ide. noter ony * FUSE? = 27 runing aoarony = FALSE? Panpe cusseholten, vem tein Hater ut Hattezeit starten start tel tine hole.tiney v= 15 ae Schalerpunpe suiten off cnsechalten ube pate reo we oF va oF 2 Sette 10 wectoetn change te stip 10 step 1-u 4 TRUE Schmieronlage (Schritt 9) Es such off pup, iF ro engine rs. Lube systen (step 9) tou = Tapas tions 95081, 60,86 pa eS seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree Lt forma fa cme nga —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 als [57/081 Schritt 10 (ManuelLe Schmierung im Operator-Modus: Schritt 8 bis 11) step 10 (manual Lubrication in operator mode: step 8 until 11) % step Wu = TRE 8 “5 otters verte 2 old tine ov 2 hold.tine-y= Onin? Enulosting inschatten ett 8) siteh on relieve Golve off) " uri a Yesa¥ 0227 We 23 7 me 1 Seite 1 setueln org to step I ap Te 2 TRE i g 2 . & 0, Entating eingtalten nr Hotazit vere Schnieranlage (Schritte 10) Es raiav on, HF hls tien er Seer apterersalte Te > em Tray tase Ta re c Coogee neces 0 | "15081 , 82, 86 jpessoo-and “Tes exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm si Tdene-W Fareat [BLote/BUBtter it Flowchart. i ST i rar HEE KOMATSU | 955 442 40 a] 43 [58/091 Sehritt 11 (ManuelLe Schmierung im Service-Modus: Schritt 8 bis 11) step 11 (manual Lubrication in service mode: step 8 until 11)) "0 step UN-u = TRIE? ‘5 eitarhin keine Somiening in 30sec Tott efordeticn 2 ES Fuetherners no libricot ion eyes in 3060 toot neeseory ? ceunton-sovalreeasey = 0 7 1s Seite 1 wens ‘0 chonge to step | step by 22 TRE Povsenceit abgelovfen ? se tine over 7 pos.tine~s=0 sto 7 change to step Bu ; 8 i : 0, Men witore Sebaryelon noted, cena Bi Stitt 8 stanton, Sn in Astnatitbotrise wecanin.[ Schmieranlage (Schritte. 11) IF mre eles nacesaory, cae nce branch &o sep 8, Otbernise change to ovemstie de Lube systen (step 11) = me aparece ican OO | "COB), 82, 66 aaa yp ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat [acoA tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gl 13 [59/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) Schn i erzykLuszéhler lubrication cycle counter hnieeyklus erfolgreteh drehtavfin ? Lubrication eyele avoessFult done (fag. Lie. on-s = TRIE) 0 (Fog. ineof-u = TRE 2 Sehaieraybluszneeinkreentienen ” increnat Lrication cycle canter lobe counter = babe. caunten #1 og. enna pressures «= FASE Flg.endune.o_presoure-y © TRE Vollendete Setmienug srken set flag for Finhad lrieation cycle Flog. lost ibe += TRE Os Noch wooden Selreyl wird a Steryhuninee wn 1 rh Schnieronlage (Schnierimpulszéhler) E: Iernst ubeietion eee citar If Lreaton ele 16 ee abe aysten {lubrication ele euunterd ua |e _| Capers tacos OT" 5081, 82, 86 sated = Fae = SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Forest | Lat Bate hs Flowchart | MOWMATSW | 955 442 40 gla3 |60 /091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) Nanueller ZykLuszshler Manual cyele counter ves Taster foe aarueLeSeblerungbettigt ? ey for manual Ltrication actuated ? S see = 24 cout op) 19 $24 ey noualLubrieation 2-7 $25.keyarul.lubriction += 0,5 eee = 247 (Cunt 5 15015 eee = 26 eau op) ey 7 58-ey nelLieeat % aler foe ware. Sebleraytlen erin Inorenen counter for anual lubrication eycles counter noual react s= counter noua rlense- #1 po ! ws Hveller Stmieraytlue efolgreich duehlaston 2 Henval Lnteieation cycle suzcessfull. ne 2 me? wel ten Stmierayktusrdler deeaaetlares ecreent anual Lubrication eye counter nuntar_roual relaane-y ~ | Ceonter somal release-u = 0 IND (Flag mua eysle ry unter roual reeone-u Flag for voLendeteaanulLe Setnierung roctsetzen reset flag For fineted nun, Late ication eels og.aarul. cycle o# FASE Schmieronlage (ManuelLer ZykLuszéhLer) 0, Nah voltendotn mauelL ergeferderton Seblarubiu wird he sorwale Zkluciar un enierih Ee Deereant anol Lrication eye couter IF © mona. ubrieation cyte is de. Lobe ayaten Coouol eyole eunter ima = aparece ican OO | "EOB), 82, 66 pene yp 182, 86 jpesson-core exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm dent a ear [ac Oa rmrtatcnl pNCnart | MOMANSU | '955 442 40 als [61/091 Timer Fir die “Zeit nach der letzten Schmierung” steuern. Control of Timer Luke kein Har? 0 engine ous? 12 nigh idle oter-ey = FUSED 2-2 rarming.noton.any = FASE ? ” 5 Stnden ce Sobor Thee hes without Lie ura? 0 arin Sebmervergng eolgreich ? lubrication cyle siesseaful ? Flog tat. ” “Time after the Last Lubrication” ‘8 lest bes 1s wtges Fohlende Orewerks inal? ieation cause by slo signal? ‘leu sgpal ever = 6? 1 lubeu = THLE? Tiaee Tsar 2351 im Sebundntatt oth, wen ein Wotor Gufe etriebetundeséhLer tute) Tine wied ols obgelasfengesetzt, veo § Stunden Long trotz Loven Nach erfolgreichen Sehmierayts wird der Ter Far “Zeit nach der Letzten Semierag” nureigentz, Es UF any egine/otar oe, tie in Set Linge of run. 9FF, iF for 8 ure 8 Lurieation oscured caved by alssing slew era. Fast tine for “Tine oFtr Lost Likeleation, iF lube icetion cyte 18 seecessfu ond pulse tact increase vecbei 7 1S Se “Lerate Setaierung’ er inerevnt tose for “Last ibeiatien” last. lwbeu + 1 “Letzte Sehmicnng” oveksot2en reset cine For “Last brieat in” last.Luberu = 0 Ting fae “Lotaue Seanering” ols dgolovFen setzon set tine for "last Lubrieation” a8 vee ost. Lube += eureestundenaiber tein Seberang erfalgte, weil dhs Dreweksigral. ete. SchnieranLoge (Tiner letzte Schnierung) Lube systen (Last Lubreation tiner) eum = Tapas tions 95081, 60,86 pa ee exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm cn aT Ra bag Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 al 13 [62/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuaiy @ ATS elaidlapam F Shwe ROA wil DIG DeT Ieee TaD wT Orehwerk betatigt 2 slew activated ? remark: Far 0,5 se eingeshaltet 2 sled Fer 5 see octiv ? W527 RTDs OS gee = 2612 "0 16 Eine Ninute veegogin nahden de Letzte Seelerung 1 afer 2 ade 3 Stunden vorbel wer? ne minute over efter the Last ibriction | or 2 or 3 hare wae over 2 = 2°? (last bers = Theaind OR (last_Uberu = 2hImind OF Lat. Libe-s = St lnin) 7 ry Eine 0,5 see Lange BetStigung dhs Ores wird rape ihe. Die gespeienarte OrteckabetStigung wird sindlich (01 in) zucehgesta, Es St Flog if law is activate for 0,5 ae eset stored sie activation hourly (+ vin Dretwar tbe gang werken Set flag for slew ost etien w= 27 flag.slayoctiv = TUE Fase Flag “Irehurteettigung” Reset Flog “stew ostivetion™ U=2 7 Flageslewoctiv = FASE Schnieranlage (rebwerk betatigt 2) Lube system (slew actuaded 2) = = Tapas anne © | ™|50G1, BD, 86 ecient Ba Te | a RblauFdTagranm SS ae ee tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gl 13 [63/091 age Va eRTTATRETE TNH shin) Schmierung doerxachen Lubrication moni toring 20 65 or ein Seniervergang efolgrlch ? lubrication eye avcesteaful 2 log. tactuiru = TE ? » Letzte Sthaerung 1 ode 2 aoe 3 Stun vere und Drobuerk nicht Betigt 7 lost Ubrieation 1a 2 er 3 haure ove on slew fot activated ? (Uost_ube-u = 19 Clot Lubes = 2908 Castube-s = BD AND Flog slawetly = FALSE) ? ” Keovung fle erfolgeiche Sedwionsg eekost2e0 reset Flog For sucstsoful ubreation log. last Lubru += FALSE Anh der Stunden chee Sehnienang wagn felenden Orehuerlsignl ricketzen eset nutter of urs witout \bricoton coved by slew signal ve2? slew signal. error 1 Kerong fie sefolgeiche Setnienng setzen ‘it flog for sucessful Ltricatien 27 Flag ost teu «= TRE Anaehl. dee Stunden che Sehaienarg won Febenden reburlsignl z2hlen (aunt nutter of hous without Ubrieat on coved by slay ghal U2? slov.signal.eror 4= slawsigulemer +1 mo Bei eefolareichr Semeierung Fog Fir “Erfolgreete Semierung” wieder rckotzen 1a Heaah der etrienstnden “Dine Slmierug wegen Febleden OrebaeksigraL”rUeksetzen ‘Stunden zalan “One Schierung wegen fehlendn Ortwerts gal” nd fleleraeitigerflgreicheSehairurg simuliarn, um FehLerselaing zu vethindsen, Es Resot flog “eveestful ibeietign” ogoin, iF Udrication wes successful and eet ranber oF eparating hau “without lbrieot in coved by igeing slaw sigrat™. Cunt hes “Withot Lubrication eoused by issing slay sigral” and Simulate sucessful Lublcatat ion, in erder to prevent error nesoge Schnieranlage (Schnierung Gberwachen) Lube systen (Lubreation monitoring) ia = Caprese ines SORT, 60,86 keaka ee ep seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm a fe fa pan ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 3 [64/091 qssuai G1 AS Roladlapam F Sie ROA TS wll DIGS DeT Ieee TaD wr Funkt ionsdiagromm ection chart. | output condition for normal Lube cycle Coutomatic mode) (step 1 - 3) pice tine oo Cains 10 mites) setting 20 minutes setting 20 inutes {oan 69 minted ovo suit poy py yp yp pp (Fitting mentor in "Fined 10 minutes "Fined 10 nates (ines 10 sinutes) ' ' jstond stint] fp p++ 4 poy 4 4 a old tine ne Te Ta Gressire hls tine 5 5 (ines § mites) nutes sinter oto ett poate yp pty yp decrease nox tine | runs ' c= 1 i= Uretieve mentoring) ' ‘ ' ; eee ' sinutes i sirates tod ett 16 br panne : : i ’ 0 bor poy ty a poy ty fp 1 | ¥7 abe pup votve | t t fl eustearers te te | 3 | we te pop vate io ot OP 1] voratinw wie fo ano} ; I * fo 2 | toretiee ve ; ' ; ' 3 | ve ratio vtve ‘ ' ' ' fertopeo | f 7 ty yoy, yy 4 fy aly yi, eee tt +++ ++ t+ ——} 1 | 30 presse sich fp, 28 2| 86 presnreontch 3 | street site mee Ket : . . : ow | 213] 3[3if af ifafaf offi et ais [ap fi fi fafat | ninutes: 0 10 20 30 40 STEP 1 - 3: normal Lube cycle YP/N3/ Y142 YTo/ Y90/ V1420 Lube valve release valve STEP 1 ov ov STEP 2: 24y 24av STEP 1: ov 2av Ds husgang- und Eingpngssignalvertavf fir den “Noraaten Sebmiorytius” (utortikbetriet) enti 1 bis 3 Es cutput condition For “eorea Labe cyele” Cutewtic node) (Step 1~ 3) Schnieranlage (Funktionsdiagrann zu Schritt 1-3) Lube system (action chart for step 1-3) = me Tapas anne © | 15081, 82, Bb heehee ey ep a | Ta AblauFdi agramm a fe eS Flowchart MOMATSY | 955 442 40 a}a3 |65/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) ; i Funkt ionsdiagromm ection chart, output and input condition for manual Lube cycle (For operator) (step 4 - 7) cat osinutes) ves Fined 10 minutes Fined 10 minutes Fined 10 einutes tn Sn) jeoe ay T4444 +4 +++ ++ Citing woitarng| | tad 1 ines {ad 1 ines "ae wines ad 1 ies tine ate ' } : i prem el ne las fold Cine ms fixed Fined: fixed Grove fld tie (Fixed § minutes) s 5 5 prev Jy Ld. torom vection | cue | | mH ' tia ' Td ' Cities) : ' : ' Ces ¢ nites 1 ‘ 1 ‘ 1 ‘ 1 LL. tt sabe * * press f i 1 i t i owe Yop yt poy yy 4 ppyty 4 $44 tot} tS St Ht 1] wie pap save | ' va os 2 | 1 pp wae ' ' oo 3] meee pp soe ' ' an —+— +4 —— +—t 1] voratiow wie fo no] — . i 2 ta ratioe te : Vf : Vf 3] mvt ae ‘ ys } yy recone joy a dy {oy dy iy ity poy 1 | greta ne fe 2 2) be pennre oh 3] sin pears otc re Me , . , u sep | 5] 6] 6/67] 7] 7] 5] 6] 6] 67} 7] 7] 5)6 |6 | e7}7 17) 5) 6 minutes: 0 10 20 30 40 STEP 4 - 7: manual Lube cycle for operator Y7 / ¥9 / Y142 Y?a / Y9a / ¥142a Lube valve release valve STEP 4 ov ov STEP 5: 2 24v STEP 6: ov 24v STEP 7: ov ov (pause time runs) IAC TEE EE d Bee tin “mot Ue le’ equa ap SD ; ————— Schnieranlage (Funktionsdiagrann zu Schritt 5-7) | & Lube system (action chart for step 5-7) 3 i Ne TE +82, 86 Frssne-apd “ST g SEE AblauFdi agramm ident a vara | 3 Sa pens cle 4ovgnart__| MOMATSU | 55 442 40_a|a3 66/091 i Funkt ionsdiagromm ection chart. output and input condition for manual Lube cycle (For service) (step 8 - 11) fouse tine one ey Fined 30 seins Fixed 30 seen ised 30 seconds tron 0 mint) su atti py py 4 }-4+-4 inersose noc tine | nes es hed 3 ssconds Fikes 30 stents (Ling moniter ing) : : ' (va 10 ites ' ' jstond stint] 4) fp h ++ 4 r } —_a ald tine ne fined Fined Fined tard site| fee p44 4 pt +444 a en ' ' im ! Celie nonitarin) ' ' roimiterirg | (nas minutes ' ' ' ' fotond tit] pf gp f+ 4 Ven toe ; : x presnre ' ' ' t ‘ oe re p44 4 t+ t+} + a 1 | 17 tate pap votve | ou : ' : ' 2 | ¥9 Late pnp vole ‘ ; ‘ ; 3 | We Une pup vole ' ' ' ' oe ' | | \ \ | ' t +++ + +++ + t+ 1 | ra reese vse fu (coca) i ; i ; i 2 | Yas ratiew valve ' H ' ; : 3 | ve ratove vote ' ' ' t ‘ Foner) {4 4 h ,} 44 h py 4 4 4 a + ++ t + +++ 1 | 04a gresnire aiten [pone 2 2 | 046 presereanteh 43 | 8174 presi eit race in esses, 07 : sep | 9 3[ 10] 10] 10] 11] 11] 11] 8{ 9] 10] 10] voftr fin fir [9 [9 | 10] 10 seconds: o 10 om 9» 0 5S 6 7 a 9% 100 STEP 8 - 11: manual Lube cycle for service ¥7 / 9 / ¥142 Y7a / Y9a / ¥142a Lube valve release valve STEP 8. ov ov STEP 9: 24a 24v STEP 10: ov 24v STEP 11: ov ov (pause time runs) 1: ugar und Eingpngssignalertovf Kir den “NonellenSehaierayblun” (Fie dn Serviced eh B bis 11) Es cutput on input eb tign for “aoual Lae cycle” (For service) (step 8~ 113 Schaieranlage (Funktionsdiagrann zu Schritt 8-11] Lube system Cact ion chart for step 8-11) = me Tapas anne © | SORT, 82, Bb heaciean ge | ey pe a | Ta AblauFdi agramm a fe eS Flowchart MOMATSY | 955 442 40 ala3 |67/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuai GATS Boladlop amb Siwhw ROA wil DIG Io DENS TaD wT ? for motor = 1, 2 EWR 2 GrenaLoctragelng gestrt / p fl Hl = _-heyswi tch_151_0n > 10 see? ves! ' WW -Puming.wotor-1 > 60 sec ? 1 | = rming.noter-2 > 60 o0e ? vst E 22.22 2 Gronlastregelung gestirt 2 / purp control trable ? a=] ER. » (>MNOIoe, 2040) © 27 wt ' i ! ©5221 wre tT ' i ' I ' ' ' ' I aia ! Ds: zvign van Helge ofr Setaen vn Flogs die drch einen ES-E Ee Digplay of aes or setting of Flagscoges wich ore triggered by on GrenzlostregeLung punp control. tou = ee oe es 182, 86 pessoo-soe seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ident-W 2 ea |acCRTr age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) i Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gaz [68 /031]§ g 1-32? Yeesteerung 5.7 Fabrerwarnatoge 1 pilot eentrot 1 aperatar narning asten 1 7 Materieoliing ven Bn / wer ud rn rnd) 1 i H 0 y -egviteh Sten > 10 0 ? | t i 152 2 Vorstevring geotéct 7 / pilot control treble ? Dm: 0? 57-7 Fobearsrnanloge bettigt 2/ operon warning systen stun 571 OS o¥e = 2007 » 9 saringatrsny # TRE 2 ' mY See rer eee els eee pent ws | 12s Ine ei 8 m8 2 ' | | {___i ed? 0. amon eB 57 + eon 2134 beg Vorsteverung pilot control Fahrervarnanlage (Vorberei tet) operator warning systen (prepored) Ds Azvignwinae Wolaing durch PSEingang ovpst Display of nestoge which are triggeed by on ECS ing Hotorabschal.tung von Boden (Vorbere’ tet) motor shut-down From ground (ean) (prep. ar Coqueesee iors © |=" 508], 62, 86 pase Py Se | tala RblauFdTagranm Co 2 ea |acCRTr aa cal poncnart —_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40 a3 |69/091 vs 814-1 7 stondtitlsoter-1 814-2 ? stendstitLsoter-2 = TRE? THE? ves foo xt? snsir or cable fect (input at 0 or 1023 sight) ? 14x + 5 see = 100 oder >= 15°C) 2 af t sotorvebected/2 ax = PSE i B11? standotiLL rotor = THE ?_¥5 8142 2 stanstiLLeator2 " we 8161 Patetanstpntrt TRE? B11 Pts stat Sis2 Psurtw-supaur? wy 6 lr fed 8 42? ro Ia hom tort oe vette Som toto ME etn Lil trae uti 1 ET, 12,13, T4= temperatures DiI Te 0, Coches (Bluse wl nue Dar Lstaresreg Es Monitoring cootont texperature and coolant fan drives Temp. KihLwasser, Lifterantr. (Diesel) Ut omr 8 nin theorem os hd " dhn tr nox gerd IT tw cote Te ba temp. cooling water, fon drive Diesel) On | toe | foarte times © | "15081 , 82, 86 prssovane ta SEE AblauFdi agramm ent Feat | Lat rBLater —— Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 al 13 |70 /091 qssuiiy 70 ATS Roladdlapam F Shae ROA IS wll DIG eT Ieee TOD wT 9 8.63 2 FoULstong KroftstofE 1 Fant vet sensen or eae defect Cngut ot 0. 1023 ight) ?_¥ES B53. 5 se Ce fl mt t x ode 9= 150.017 0 boone an > 10 86 9 ws | | ! 1s BaD. Sea c 5k? Hl info 338 val KroFttoffatot ou $8 obgesin ? Fuel Level Less than 5k? 92 i : Anzeige einer Melaing, wien do Inhalt des FraftstoFFtons ovf SH abgeiten Display of o massage IF the Fuel Level is t Sk Leftover pesition Kraftstofftank (iesel) fuel tonk (Diesel) = me aparece ices OO | "EOB), 82, 66 pea yp ea | — Ra AblauFdi agramm ed a ear [ace tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SU | 955 442 40 gl 13 |71 /091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) i owin oe exble deck input at 1023 digit) R&D 5 enc 2240.9? stort.orstp-notorary = TRIE ? vf Fetrietespoung 2 gering ? sytem voltage too tow? 9 ROD + 2 gor = 187 ol ! etrebesprrung tu hech ? ‘aeten valtoge (20 high ? jee ROD: 2 sec >= 2? Ds herwocng dee Betribaeponng (2). 2u boeh? Zu nirig? Es Monitoring the eysten voltage (240). Too high, too Lou? ws erron 986 Betriebssponnung (Diesel) systen voltage (Diesel) tou = apart oars 95081, 60,86 pa = seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm ree a foot acs ahcol pongnart —_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40 a/13 [72/091 ? ene bln fet tip 09 ce ME dite 2 € 71S see >= 0A? ' val | ' strat > 15 ae ir ein die Botterien 20 winig gota batteries oe chong to less E Te 2eeee4n? vo) Lasesron 2 hach 7 charging earrent ta igh ? E71 2c > 2047 val fatterie Lose und EntLaestron. Test oufLoteFolar ud au he Stns, fs Batery charging ord eistharging current. Test for trou ord too high ou v5 It per Yerdin aie Battarien gloien, E71 Se00> 4h? | Ist dee ENT Lofestran au hoch ? cierant to high ? is battery @ is charging E 7s Seeee C200 4? no} ” 8007 es ? Ist ie Batterie Leer 2 Is the battery discharged 7 RO: Sse 2507 | ve eon = 914 nk dr Dottaries are chnges ltteugy the wotars oe at stand 7 eon = 684 we Nelaings otter ion werden nicht gskesen meesoge: boteries ore no chorges eon = 908 Batterie: Lade- / Entladestron (Diesel) battery: charging, discharging (Diesel) tou = apart tioars 95081, 60,86 baa ee ey seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm Co 2 ea |aLCATr aca col pongnart —_| MOMAYSU | 955 442 40/13 [73/091 BG-x, BIGx LuftfiLter Motor / aotoroieFilter i onda note > 15 862 = -rningaatonx> 15 e007 r sine senetcnge > 15002 ws| | | ves_Mb-LurrLter versehute 2 Orucssholter nla Ofer ow rotee-vifi Lee lags ? LuFtFltr, bao dr Motor stant 7) YS Bbc, Bide 2 ese OF 2 preiareawiteh indieates sFfeenick —9 feesnare,olthngh the ator Is ot stonctill ? vf Bib, 819 2 eee O12 | "0 | elas Orvkacolter defekt | petaiiipeere oaeNoineT 81641, 841 error I tee, ge» errr 1178 8 16-2, B12 + error | B 16-2, 19-2 + error s=1184 | — I 0s Haar Lafitte Verses, vertopt nd deals Orch fears au ro? fs atin sirclowen Motor: LuftFiLter Diesel) it, clogged on thaefere is the geste ifFrece ton high? motor: aircleaner Diesel) capaeersle fa > em Trp ate ey — tase Ta ot one Covparenerssiite Zetemea OO | ® "15081 , 82, 86 pressoo-apd Te a exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm Tdene-W Fareat [BLott/BUBtter it: 1 8S Flowchart, i tear ponent —_| MOMANSU | 955 442 40_ alas 174/091 ? { 4 teteitestnden Lang keine ZentraLstnicoung efolgt ? a central Lake ietien daring 4 werking Rows? late. t-1 924 bee 7 vol ve ‘epistles eagt 2 moiter te orig artigo ee ‘incite e725 thae9 vol Febery Schufelbschaltang, weil Schierung 4 Betriebsstunden osgefellen estos boket shut-off aon toro lerication ding 4 working hairs econ 21250 t Sehaufelbeeging aufgrud Bltemperatur sparen 2 _YES sable bctet novenent doe to oil tenperatre ? aeket.oFfoiLton) = THE 2 val Sehoutelbeoging oulgrvd HyouLikSstendspeecen ? iobla bokat morta dit to Mytoutic ok Lave? bucket oF Collie) = TRE ? Schavelbewgang freigtben SchuFelbevegng perren erable bucket novnent issble bvtet rovenent cS ae X50. OF fe Os Seaufeaschltrg: Di Stutebengng wed shescatet, wera 4 eit tude 0g eine Sieg efalgrich aceite mse, ade er db Hy aut Senter int Es nerd elngen eget : Bute su Fs The sovennt ofthe bsket WiLL be sacle, IF tee ws siccesful Lbriation dring the Last working hours. Aas, if the hygaie SehaufelabschaLtung Git ie evehate, the bucket rovennt WiLL Be dialed. Kresiage is deploy bucket shut off iperersalie eiaearg | 8m (ace Fe — tae Ta roe = Capsoreseis cons OO |! 5081 , 82, 86 prsmnt-apd Leal : SEE AblauFdi agramm ene Feat | Lata tag Flowchart __| MOMAYSU | g55 442 40 [a3 |75/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuay DATS eladdlapam F Sieg OATS wll DIU Ie Dee Ta wh ? for aotor 421, 2 B30 2 Blatuok, haber Lesrtout oi pressure, high idle B Alex 2 Kchlaosserruck, HL / coolant pressure, high idle 304, 8 41-1 2 seanftiUL actor] 8502, 84-2 7 stilt? me res mE? ' igi = THE 2 ‘ eLdng: Scoltong Hater in Ms Druck 2y niedrig ressges tur aotor in Low idl prestre too Low 1B 30-17 info s=1346 => ever 11285 (after Iloeed BAT? info «21386 => ener 421282 Cfter Oe) 41-2? info 1346 > enor 304 (often 10s4e) Signtgioereinscelten Tuazer Oh 1555 240 or 1948) shutdom nese += TRIE shutdown. ov. idLe enteral se += TLE 0: thervocnng BL- rd Khlacnserdruck Ist do BL- oder KhUwonserdruck in haben LeerLoo 2u niedrig, aerden die Hotiren in den niedeign LerlouF geschotet ud #5 efolgt ine Welding, Bei iran afett vin Senor oder Zuleitng wind ebenfalls tine Wolaing zgeiben, Es Monitoring all> rd colant presaures If oll- or coolant presere Is too low in high ide, 0 message vilL be displayed ond notes will be suited in Low idle -keyeiteh Ion > 10 sec. 9 vs stand stittnoterx > 70 see ? Ma vs bret ebeatien 2 prosee see 1 — wel eoavsecco? ” Hetdings Sensor cdr Fabel gett sestoge sonthing wrong with sear oe cable B30? enor v= 535 B52 2 eon = 708 shutdown store = TRUE ets ued Soh 7 Ws 24, Cade 1 8 50-2 7 N36 v= 20, Cade 2 SL- und KGhLwasserdruck (Diesel) (Hoher Leer LauF) eil- and coolant pressure (Diesel) UF eee ae cable tv o olFrction, ale 9 wssope wll. be dsp (high idle) i = Gapamesite ncara © [S08] 82, 86 recaps SEE AblauFdi agramm ee a fara acs cal pongnart —_| MOMATSU | 955 442 40 a3 [76/091 qssuai 76 ATS Roladdlapam F Shiw ROA wil DIG DeT Ieee TaD wT oerworhag Sldruoks Ist der Bld-uk ia nedrigen LeeeLof 20 nies, werden die for motor «= 1, 2 B Ix 2 luck, niedriger Leeaut/ oil pressure, Low idle Bk 2 standotiLtnotoee = THE 2.65 not Druck stgeftien 7 = peesare sireoce ? Bix: baw = 072 eS Signage vinschelten Tozer 0h 155 = 247 for 1088) hutdom.notory see += TRIE shutdom nessoge 1= TRIE beast und es erfolgt ene NeLdng Yeleings Abschaling Motors Druk 2 niedeig sessages disconctign aoters pressure 200 Ln 1-12 info 41946 > aor 42 SBD Cater 128s) 81-27 info 136 = error = 716 (after Ieee) _stond_stilL_sotor-x > 70 sec 72am Yelengy Sraoe oder Kabel getirt esses something wong with seraor Bei sinen Defekt van Sensr oder Zuletang wid ebefolie eine Neorg ousgegeben Es Monitoring ai pressures IF oll pressure Is t20 Lov In Low ide, 4 nescage wil be dispose and nt Lf sinc or cble hove @ nlf 3 will be sitehe of lo o resoge iLL be digploes -foyavitchS1.on > 20 40 7 2 ve 0 18 ruck ebgeotten 2 pressure decrease ? ue] Bix: 6 owe = 07 0 81-1 2 eran = 608 81-2 2 eran = 728 tute moto 12 TE Sldruck, niedriger Leerlouf Diesel) oil pressure, low idle Wiesel) tou = Coapuareratllve Tesh CD seen. fr 12.0} Keine RoLauFdi agramm it: 1 8S Flowchart, "5081, 82, 86 preset a Teenie F [Rey Toe Ta age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) KOMATSU 955 442 40 aja3 rane Feat [Loeb 77/091 qssuaiy 7 ATS Roladlapam F Sia ROA wll DIODE DENS TBD wT Freigatescalter ‘ten’ betatigt ? ‘on enable suiteh actuated ? SH = Ov? 0 Ut oreo. dees = TRE r ' | ase rns. olrey-noving ening star any> 20s 2 t 1 lost.novesas dwrnerds «TRE ? w etotanguore ist oben ? refilling or is wp? sa sav? ves Batonangeore ist oben 7 refilling om is wp 7 $2 = 20? wo Feigaesthlter "en" betitigt ? “enero evitch acted ? smear? ves ry etonungsre nicht beegin nt ave ref lLing era vie OV 2s OF i ves gethalte betaige ? pe putt switenartctet ? 3 18 0 crn is.olnendy. roving = TRE? » rns. olreody- moving «= TLE Batonrgeore ist oben ? refilling om is wp ? 523 20? ™ lost.nove tos. eure we 16 THE? Flog ricksetzan Flog reset Last nove.was doamends «= FALSE Fog aotzen Flog set last nove.vosdurerds «= TRE etnkungsore neben refiting orn up viata = 26 128 = OF Batonkngior sankon refilling oe down vi2ta = OV) 240 = 260 Ds Fie jogliche serbewging ub zest dr Freigteschalter 59 in er Kabineveratigt sei = Bal StLlstond der Hawptnatoren a der Tugschaltar nrandelner Boeging haushatt gezogen verde, Der fom neces ei jeden LosLosen die Beweging ichting. ~ In Batrietszunton | arn der rm rch einen. iges Ziebon om on Tugochoer obuetcelnd gesenkt cde gestppt nese Wenn der ten ben ist sbLL sr ols erates sinien = bei Louenden Wotan vird der Arn, enn er aban ist, gegen den coer hrcclog gepeasst urabhingig von Freigatescal tee) far any orn wovenet, the switch “remote control. enable” S84 mut be in the arable positon. (he sith is ooated in the oa. ot stonstill oF toin motes, the pull suteh S37 mist bo pulled of long os the ore stot ove, ‘After ry eleace oF the pull sulteh, the ora will move in the eppsite drestion ~ Imeperation condition | the arn ray be Lowered ond stopped rapotedly by 2 single pul ot the Bul suite = TF the arn isn the per position, it WILL go in lest =F the angine le runing andthe ora Is in the upper position, ilk be pusad ogengt the upper stop, independently oF the “eanate antral enone” suiteh + Betonkungsare (Diesel) refilling orm Diesel) Comptererstelltedeiebag (CAD ote Nowe 515081, 82, 86 [pcesos-ayr as Tate F [ae pee Data Bear. [17.12.08] edaour = AblauFdi agramm ae EA Flowchart age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) KOMATSU Feet AB BLoteaIBTe 78/091 Tent 955 442 40 a gest 1B ATS eladdlapam F SRG) MOAT IO wil DIOS Io DENS TaD wT 2 for actor «= 1 8 63 7 FatLstnd Kraftetoffeank 7 font tant lave 1106 7 FaLLstong Semieronlage Zetrat / LeveL gFeos barrel central Lube ond SetaieconlaneOreherk / vel gros Borel. Sx glor Lite sensor or cable defect Cnput t 0 or 1023 digit) ? 8.63 + So (0.0 wh oder > 20.0 a0) 108 + 5 ses (0.0 wh oder > 20.0 a0) B09 + 5 see (6 0.0 wh oder > 20.0 a0) val Tank woth ? tonk is Full ? 863. 5se0> 1082 ae 8108 | Seee> G04? B00 See> 907 va Tone nicht volt ? tonk isnot Fl? 853.5 seo BE? 108 Seo < 5? 8109 S seo < SE? val ves og tank full = FALSE Flog tony U____} _J YES Sataningnn oben 2 afiing orm in oper position ? $252 20? val Flog tank futt = Te ES -teyoiteh SI.0n > 25 see 9), | ns sucgeng ge foe 10 28 ein utp horn for 10 se, hatter Lenpentast ktivieet 2 YES 108-2 K-20 v= 26 For 10 ste ‘viten “Lop test” oetivoted 2 ——_—_ IOS 7 K 20 = 26 For 10 see $2 207 sel + Lge osecalten Lose einscatien teh off Lanp uth on Lonp 862 7 M28 = OF 23 7 M38 = 20 108 7H 76 = Ov 08 2 8109 7H 78 = 109 ? 108 7 00 = OV 108 2-H 90 «= 20 0. Bitar Vlleerg Yn dor Ten al ist wird die aietechte or Tanar eingistaltet und die Hipe Fir 0 sc. Lampontst ist agli 16 the tan is Ful, © signa Lamp ot the refilling arm is Lighte ard Betonkung: VoLlneLdungen analog Diesel) Paraiso fer 10 See A amp Ue 8 sopores refilling: Full messages analog iesel) Stan Hore Capaorerstets Zenza © [° 5081, 82, 86 fressieape tat exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm si Tdene-W Fareat [BLote/BUBtter it Flowchart. i ST i rar HEE MOMATSU | 955 442 40 a] 43 79/091 gest 79 ATS Roladlapam F Shaye ROA TS wll DIG Ie DENS GED wT Sehalter Lomentest aktiviert 7 YES vo Kaltes BL ? i oole ? eS BIS. Sue es Bey wf Tonk volt 2 tenk is Full ? B42 (oooll + 2 sec = 247 val Tonk woth ? tank is Full 2 $2 220? val Lonpe auschatten Lane einaehatten sith oF axe suit oo Laxp BO THS2 = OF B27 52 = 2 : Betting YotLelaigs Warn de Tonk vot ist, wid sie MeldeLeuchte on Tokar eingeacholtet. Lenpentest ist ailich Die Tenperatur oes bles wird diFerenziert, do bei armen BL der Level Giron Aueéerning haber ist Es If the tone ie full, sign lop 1 tom teats propre The temeratice of the oil iLL be distinguished, bacoue the exgension of wan cig grater tho tht of old il etontungsone in Rteseliing oben) refitLing ora In stacy position tp) 2 2s ne eeFilLing orn is Lighted. Betankung: Hydrauliktank (Diesel) refilling: hydraulic tank Diesel) = 7 Capasaitetioars | 9S0B1, 60,86 pa ee ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat [aL tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SW | 955 442 40 | 13 [80/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) qssuai BATS Rolaidlapam F Saye ROA wll DISD Ie GENS aD wT ° for wotor x a= 1 2 Scholten Lopenest oktviert 2 YES svitch “Lop test” 0: 38 =I? w| ot? Tonk volt tank is ull ? 10d 2 eae v= 2009 = ws Lone ousscalten fetch off axe rage 7 Hat i022 2 Hee i voUL int, wird die NeabLevete igen Lastaing ern on Tatars eingeecaltet. Langentest Es IF the tok is Full, sign onp at the reFitLing ora is Lighte tom testis propre etonungsare in Rubwstellung (bend 7 cefilLing 2a Lonpe einchatten 1. 1a moar peter ep? re va ‘witcha lop 19 HQ = 240 29 HMR? = 280 Betankung: HotordLtank (Diesel) refilling: engine oil tank (Diesel) = me taparestite idan OO | "EOB), 82, 66 peat | yp ea Te | a AblauFdi agramm ed Eat | aLoUTABT tebe Flowchart | MOMMAT'SW | 955 442 40/13 [81/091 age VST GER OTROTE TINH shes) Sehavetbenegagen Frei geen ble ute of tutet buna. of ita) FALSE YES sanser or cole oefct | Ciput at 0 or 1023 sight)? Hoan ' ' Meise 31 cunt, Sharelasrtng \ reso vera, ate shat i one 38 I Bowie? es Sehsettnearg sere civowmest 9 HS ditt ro ble oS: meno bate lta 1 TE wl BL sate bolt > cit very cota? WS eisrswect? ; ‘ ‘ Its Bn ut, wen || Infor olL too cold, warn up Drew rsaioes? gg ase cere fn sed? sisrseec Be 207 ml Dopeesih 4 tena ataten 7g ene fn seed Pier saeo 9? d rel cassie? herent sped? owrsmecte Re? wo} Mptesil 4 grena mtcaten 7 Increase fon speed 7 BIS: Seec>T4- 1007 Yentilotor 1 8 2 Orehachl: Moxinal Ventilator 1 2 Drehaohl: Mittel Yentilotor 1 Orehzahl: Mininol tan spect ao Tan eps adion fen | pees sini oY YGet ie FY BAW Y Gore BW Yel OF Vere hy bte oF Y bedi OY Bde OW : 0 reingacto| = TE? e Vertlotar 1 reels Miia 3 1 ton ge ie i ' Y belie eli OF & t 2 : Weritta 2 ects Mina fan 2 sed: ain Vse2ie 2 Toes OF 3 ss e 0611, 1, 1M = Tmprcien i sete Seite: “opeten Defi one 2 0. dervng HyrotHaLnpertsr ot BRer Lafterstearing: Bel eit eee ull ieesoe g ten A vird oe Shaelbengng geet wd ere Nelda ogee. heh be page “ale, : tun dt vnd ene fete sugar: tigi doen tit Le or 3 eh, irda etspreshede Ltr el been BL au sitter ts. aoc.) Orch geal. fe Ex nitering hoi oi tamprtare ot oft colar fn cintrls It th oil 7 i ‘ig overheoted, the bucket noverent will be discbled ond 0 wesenge is displayed. Temp. HydeaulikéL, OLkdhLer Lofter 5 If the oiL is cool also © message is displayed. If @ motor is running, the cor- . fi 3 tespording oi coler Fn wi be eitted to stn ar anc) spat f the os tenp. hydraulic oil, eiteooler fan 3 — = Caprese ones © |= "508, 62, 66 pee ee ee ers. [171.08 Fodor AblauFdi agramm dent Fereat BLoteBUstoe | & a Ta Flowchart KOMATSU K ira aera TON te 955 442 40 aja3 [82/091 senaan o¢ exe defect BAS 1 5 oe (ee -100 Coder >= 1155.0 7 Geteiebet toeritat 2 (fo oil overheot ax: Sone > TE? we et) 88-2 2 enor 12 5 etriate 2 too cold? + Sate c 161? vs Bax ranwaler Getriebettnlervorspomiruck reewal gro oi cooler grea greta Yd sr OV Tat, 162 sie Seite Ee TI, 102 ste 98: Toapirotue “abel, Dein tion tebles, defini ona! Ds Boervonhag TesperaturGetriebedl: Ist dos BL derhitzt, wird eine Melding usgegiten.Cberscreitet dos ES Eingagasigol den MeBbareich Legt ine St ‘arg des Seneors ir der Kabel vor und es wid eine Welding aueggeten, Es Monitoring the PIO gee vil taperotre: Ifthe olL Is overheated, o mscage Cingat ot 0 oe 1033 digit» 2 Catnebeblihlervrsgonauct eoice geo ol cooler preload gressire B64 cron B 482 7 error 12 220 YS a Tenperatur Getriebedl Si ro nleton ets beng sep PTO geor oil temperature ee La SEE AblauFdi agramm Ree Ea oa Sa pens elect 4ovgnart__| MOMATSU | 55 442 40_a|A3 83/091 qssuaa BATS Roladdlapam F Sham ROA wll DIOS DeT Ieee TaD wT for actor «= 1,2 Hoterstrenversirgug eingesshaltet 2 teqine por cap Sx tbed on? (O28 + 10 980, 24 ¥90 + 0,05 6 ‘Le 1 t iran Wotefentee 2 ee CONE indicates eine feitre 7 62 Hating: Hot safe abetellen essogee stop engi quickly { SE SE1.6 + error «= SI2 1 38 542.6 5 ror t Hele CORE eine worng 2 (CONE Indicates engine vening ? SAH + ADV + 0,05 sec, 0240 10 sed) = OV? ves Lang: Yotarprblen bald beaten "oh secs angio prblen air son 1 SE Sc.k sar BSH er be Ferre CSE Service ? service snr by CDE 7 Hens e05 a= 017 We Heeangs Hover: FUlssigteitsprsblen a rmissag: egints Liquid peoblan i 3E SUI] + rer ' 25 S42. 4 tren t Ds dn Lonentest von CEKEE for 10 sek cuslenden Ee enable GSE's Lowp test ‘ring 10 see after angi svitehas fF ce) = 2009 Hotor MeldeLeuchten (Diesel) engine signal Lonps iesel) tou = Tapas tions 95081, 60,86 baa ee seen. fr 12.0} Keine AblauFdi agramm Co SST Rae a cen pont | MOMANSU | 955 442 40 al 3 [84/091 qssuaiy DU ATS Roladlapam F Shaya OATS wll DOGS Ieee Ta wT i naniog.sotoriny = TRE 7 y netsigpel oder Fulpadn betatigt —cantol Lever ar pedal oetated ? KIB = Ov? 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A5.K AB. AS.X eusrn Bei Kurzshlub an einen Auegng (2.8, 45.21, oder einer Versongurgepan~ rung-Eirervn ( 16N), shale sich die Komplete hzgonegrupe ab (2 6 5 bis A5-8 += OP. Das Program scaltet die Musgngkgrapen ner dr: in, ston die Avwertung cbgechaltet Ist, (For Test 1) (hort lnouit output. grap += FALE) Es IF ere is'o short-circuit ot on cutput (. g. 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[Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm Tdene-W Fareat [BLott/BUBKter SO Ta pena analaaenl enchant _| MOMANSU | g55 442 40 ala3 (87/091 Ws stove sete > 2504 2 ro eto = TE? pg -our-neter >= 1000) 7 M83 250 THE r © geo = te? = 2 i Pear! “pvwint oe way) Segoe wm) S00. ein. TT nol ~ 1000.haaint. | "4 000 = TE aire nscine. >= 15009 Zito saint. >= 2000»? 1s ream r aon? oa 2000 i LG 0000 = TE r out 900, 3 0, Narurgatylen: Hern Hartung Lig vende, bra, sind, wird ein Hla cxsgeiten. Es wind peeichrt wen sine Martin Rest gt mh. : tintenece eters tn informtion fe dinplyet, rh winter chev be Wor tung done. Hesages oe Sard, iT-0abintearce is ornate maintenance rapaeersle fa > em Trg Tate ey tase Ta ot one Lonpuerrstelis Zetore 0) | 5081, 82, 86 pessoo-eae 1 es exo. [Tate | Resi AblauFdi agramm Tdene-W Fareat [BLott/BUBRter wo) aS Flowchart KOMAI ( fepigcrarar mre aS SU | 955 442 40_ alas 188/091 250 «= TRE HOpmint > 52 " 1600 = THE 0. 200 paint. es >= 2554? son = ae 7 1S wa te 2 | ton, = rave 7 1 wa i000, = rave 7 18 o fo 1 00 ve fo wa caso = we? wi 250 = we 2 fo. nfo, 2000 Vartang verbereitn tow. durehhren infor EIG00 Wartung verbreiten bw, drehfthren (00h Wartungverbereiten boa. durehfhen 0h Wartungverbreiten baw. drehfien nfo: ESD Vartng verbereiten toe. durehitren 20 b Vartan verbereiten bow, dnchfren nfo: 3100 hVortng veberbiton baw. dure Infos prepare or do 200 h nintenance info s=1si0 infos propore or do 200) h maintenance info 21800 infor prepare or do E1000 naintennce info =1460 infos progore or do 1000 h nintenaoe info 21480 infos progore do SOD h maintenance info 1460 Infos propane or do E250 h maintenance info 21460 Infos popore do 250 h nintenaoe info i470 0 Noeungatylons (ie vrhorgphonde Sete) Wartung , Hinton eles (ee previous pop maintenance — = Compererttie ica OO [> SOB], BD, 8G eee ey — SEE AblauFdi agramm ree Lt foo aba Flowchart | MOWMMATSW | 955 442 40 gl a3 /89 /091 age eve GeRTarRaTE DIN Behe tung archetee” 2165 jneenance dene" ? tung aetgeftet” 7 _ Yes jnteronce dene” 2 Info e316 2000-A.mant. > 2000 6 2 zea = 2000alnt. = Oh 20.A.nonts += 2000h saint, ~ 2000 “i bn : No ‘@1000 ‘a info 1312 ot 5 =

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