Agenda: 2. Second-Half Plans For Batch 1 3. Sir Brad's Advice For Working and Full-Time Reviewees 4. Minutes

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August 23, 2020

1. First Preboards Feedback
2. Second-half Plans for Batch 1
3. Sir Brad’s Advice for Working and Full-time Reviewees
4. Other announcements

1. First Preboards Feedback
a. Batch Average – Note that the results are ZERO-BASED. There are corrections, so grades will
change. Please check on Schoology.
i. 70% for Sir Brad’s Subjects – AFAR, AT and Tax
ii. Others – Not mentioned, but take note that it really is difficult.
b. Tips from reviewers
i. In General
1. Practice more for those who feel like they’re lagging.
2. Be accustomed to the reality of the board exam.
a. Zero-based.
b. Corrections and adjustments are under BOA’s control. Don’t assume that
they’ll consider all of the examinees’ complaints.
3. As to the calendar or review pace
a. Make sure to follow the schedule - Focus on retention.
b. Find balance between your environment, responsibilities and time.
c. We have 9 months until May 2021 CPALE.
4. Exam-taking
a. Maximum of 3 attempts per question.
b. Shade 15 minutes before the exam, and review your answers.
ii. Audit Theory - Common weakness is Test of Controls.Read Transaction Cycles.
iii. Audit Problems
1. Don’t take it to heart – the exam is more difficult as compared to the actual exam.
2. Use this as a chance to assess which topics you need to master the basics.
3. There are 4 bonus points! Please wait for the updated solutions manual.
iv. Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting
1. All are solvable.However, the batch still needs to improve on speed.
v. Taxation
1. Tricky, so make sure to take note of the rules, and the differences (i.e. NOLCO
vi. Financial Accounting and Reporting
1. Aim to perfect it. Focus on concepts.It is already doable.
2. The exam is similar already to October 2019 CPALE.
vii. Management Advisory Services
1. The examis more difficult as compared to the actual board exams.
a. 50 and above – Good
b. Below 50 – Focus more on the why rather than the how.
2. Don’t take the subject too lightly – make sure you know the concepts of the
topic, so you can still answer unfamiliar problems.
viii. RFBT – not mentioned, but check below for changes in Pinnacle’s teaching method.
2. Second-half Plans for Batch 1
a. Instructors
i. Sir Lester – In charge of MAS – Financial Management and AP.
ii. Sir Rain – MAS until Transfer Pricing, and FAR.
iii. Atty. Jay Duhaylungsod - New RFBT instructor for Corporations until Special Laws.
iv. Atty. Donald – The preboards video format will be same for the following uploads
moving forward.
b. Objectives
i. Sustain the current momentum despite postponement
ii. Mindset: Study continuously. One take.
1. Discourage burnout & wasting time.
2. Everyone can pass the May CPALE. Just follow our tips and suggested routine.
c. Access is extended until December 2020 for Batch 1 enrollees.
d. Timeline
i. 2020
1. Uploads will be 3 times a week only, MWF, from August to November.
2. Suggested study time – 3-5 times a week. Don’t study over the weekend.
3. December –Second Preboards. Secondhalf topics only.
ii. 2021
1. January onwards
a. Atty. Jay will shoot for the other RFBT topics.
b. Reshoot selected topics (weaknesses identified from thepreboards)taught
by a new reviewer.
c. More tax practice questions
2. Final preboards – Cover to cover
3. Pre-week – Before the boards. Last minute reminders.
3. Sir Brad’s Advice for Working and Full-time Reviewees
a. Working reviewees – Continue with your current pace and schedule.
b. Full-time reviewees’ options - Continue your full-time revieworwork.
i. Points to consider before deciding
1. Check whether you really need to work
2. Consult with your parents
3. Consider your safety in your line of work – make sure it’s work from home.
4. Make sure that you have time to study.
a. Ask HR about the day-to-day workload of your job.
b. Consult with HR prior to your acceptance of their offer if you can take a
leave for the board exam.
c. Take note: Audit firms – May is the busy season.
5. Remember that the CPA license should be your priority.
c. Motivation: Do it for yourself. Prove to yourself that you can. The career and wealth will come.
4. Other announcements
a. New thread for questions in the Facebook page.
b. Handouts
i. Given on Monday through email, except for RFBT and Taxation.
ii. Those who paid for hard copies – reduction for those who choose to extend.
c. Uploads start on Wednesday.
d. There will be a testimonial dinner once the conditions are already fine.

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