Eames House Environmental Monitoring and Climate Control PDF

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12/04/2019 Eames House Conservation Project

The Getty Conservation Institute

Eames House Conservation Project

Environmental Monitoring and Climate Control
The GCI is conducting interior and exterior environmental monitoring at the Eames House in
order to develop an understanding of the environmental and physical conditions affecting
the site, the house, and its contents. Environmental monitoring activities include installation
of an on-site weather station tower, temperature monitoring, relative humidity monitoring,
and measurement of light and ultraviolet exposure.

The results of these studies will enable the GCI to better understand the environmental
conditions affecting the fabric and develop appropriate conservation approaches. This will
include the design of a minimally intrusive, conservation-focused climate control strategy to
create an appropriate environment for the interior collection.

The Eames House's interior collection comprises an array of furnishings, textiles, books, folk
objects, and artworks. One of the site's character-defining features, the collection is
especially vulnerable to damage caused by fluctuations in temperature and relative
humidity, as well as prolonged light exposure. The GCI seeks a balanced approach to
climate regulation that will protect the building and its contents while allowing the Eames
Foundation to continue exhibiting the house and its contents.
GCI Senior Scientist
Shin Maekawa
conducting exterior
monitoring with the
Page Eames House weather
January station. Photo: Holly
2015 Brobst.

Former GCI Senior Project Specialist Kyle Normandin taking light and
ultraviolet light readings in the Eames House living room. Photo: Scott S.

www.getty.edu/conservation/our_projects/field_projects/eameshouse/eames_monitoring.html 1/1

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