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Some think Marijuana should be. Others disagree?

Marijuana is very popular popular plant, and it is drawn from cannabis plant. So,
Why is Marijuana so good? What is her secret?
Marijuana is used for medicinal and recreational purposes, and it would be useful
if not exaggerated with it.
First of all, people will find it to get harder to addict to Cannabis, for example to
Alcohol or Tobacco products. And it is safer than many other drugs.
Secondly, Cannabis have had a medical benefits, it can help to people with
AIDS/HIV, with spreading cancer disease, to control epilectic seizures and many
other unpleasant disease.
Moreover, legalizing marijuana many countries around the world would be have
bigger profit just beacause of Cannabis industry.
On the other hand, people who exaggerate with Cannabis would have a problems
like depression, anxiety or they would be have serious problems in real life…
Additionally, Marijuana is not as dangerous as people around the world thinks,
but people should have used Cannabis in limited quantities…
Finally, If you are going to used Cannabis you have to know that you must not
have to exaggerated with it because it there is a high possibility that you have had
a many changes in your life. SO IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO USED CANNABIS

Maden by: Rafael Kovačević, 4.d.

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