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515 -le~





-faDlANA UNl\fERSlfi
- The Federal Secretariat, N,C.N.C.,
- Lagos, West Africa.

--~--~·-"- .,, ,_

Nations and Peoples of Nigeria and the, /

. ·:...D~pl,:- seat!ble of the solerrin duty of every patriot. to

... '
pi'om6te ·the welfare of their 'cmiii.try; .. · .
99.!1;~,~4 il?:t! factors o( capitalism 8:nd . imperialism
.":;·• .• ,tl\i~'=:th.e.~ nonttal growth of N1g:ena and the
w):,::. ,<~>::;:~~~e6~}"'°f ~t~o!1s;' '' . . .· . : '
tl•,.: ~:-~~den~ that only ·by the crystallisation of democracy
ij,;\ :Ti "im. aspects : of their national. life and- tlrought-!ffici~, 0

;;L -economic, political-can they progress · pari passu. 'With

~il-.._~et: Natioa~ . , . ,
~{ I~ Belieying tht Nigeria a•d the . &meroons .should now
~y· -evolte ·into a· democratic 'State to. -enable their comm.uni- 1
z;/: ; to•~ and COJ!b'ol _the . essential. means cof .production j
· r· .:Ima. d~butj.on• __ and- thereiy_· more effecti:ve,ly promote. '
p9litical. freedom, economic security., social equality, · re-
ligious toleration, and .commmial welfare·; . ' ·
~d,,--_f;.. . . -~; - : ~'- ': - '-.~- ._ : -_'."·, , __ ._; ~?-.

-A<' Certain that the. follo~g Constitution expresses the will

and wit:1hes of the majority 9:f their P-eople, who believe that
U1.e,.~ystern. of Crown Colony. government' is ob5olete and
- I?, : ~~~1a-b'e, abfoga~ed _with · ail the implications ef colonial
..,, ,,,,;µit~. ~.and .,.substil:1.1\iJlg· therefer the COR\Illonwealth of
":1Q"igeria · and the· Oamefoon2;
~- Hopeful thatth.e Atla.Rtic C~arter is evidence afa sincere \
. --«~ d.5n the pa:rl i:>f-it1urlgna.torieli, namely, Great-Britain
. ~'·:="timl United States ·of ·America -and othet nations:acceding
;I'. :t:> thereto, to preserve, and to, extend democracy as a political \'
•·;. mstitution and alway2c£ lite,.tlobally;
- · §;~1'~ri~tig •that ; Attide l!l ·of the Atlantic Charter
{ j.Jf),tates: ~• They respect the ngat· of_ all . people. t~. ch~'le
:, '"', :·t11e form of Government under which they may hve ''
. ;r_
Now undertake,- as_of right, to a,rr{igate_lO':-them;ielvea-
the_ stai:us _of an independenLself-governing political com- '
munity; . _ /· · , : - -.
1. The Commonwealth uf Nigeria and the Cameroons ia. 1
a :federation of aboriginal 2'fr-ican Tribes and Nations _
· · whose peoples are ftee ·.anc:, equal and wno arE" ·Jtomiciled
in the territories comprising the Comm0nwealth-~:<mier'
to form a more perfect union, to mai11tain law an<l...
to admini~ter juRtice, and to insure the safety, happ
peace and tranquility of their p~pfo. _ · _ .. .
2. . The C?mmonwe~lth sball b.e ~der.,~e- ~ a t r ~ ~ . .,~
of a Pras1~ent, a.~sJ.St~ hy .... :vACe-Pr~q.ent, :d.o~~~, ·~
.b.e the Ch;urman of the_ Asseiµbly. -____ · -
B; The Oorilmonwealth sJial(be organized iate. Stat~' 9.\1
National and l_inguistic b~~. - .:.,:;--:,
4. Each State shall l.,e a member oCthe Commottwetd!h -
,, aft<l shaU enjoy ·legal ~~ty :with. other_ States: ill :all
."'the.t' appertains. to the- pri vil,eg~ and" rtgh,ts__of federatioa. J.

- . 5. Eack State shall be administered -by & Go.emot; _

. ·as.-usted by a Lieutenant-Governor; who- shall- -he ,respon.
sible to the Cabinet for the a.dministration--of·-the Stater
\ 6. · Ml power Jn, the Gonunonw'eltlth: lieloDgi! ti> the peopfe .
J___ and shall e_xercised through their .executive, legivla~
1 ti ve an9 jurecial' ~titutioM~ · · - ·
•_ _ '1. Th.e land, its deposits, water.a, .forest~, mines~. railWJl],'JI~ ,
banks, pQSW and _telecomm~catiQ~. _~e State pr~rtl _.

or under State . control, that 18, the property- or control . c,


1 of the peo{!le. · ' · · · ~' ,_ · -· ·

t 8. The rigat of pt>rsolial properly of,~titen.s lll tlle -
i . ·of their toil or entt:J;l)~ or_ ,~li~ta:D~. if5 hereof ii~_,
l rant.eed. - · · · ·
IL BASIC RIGHTS: -- _, - .::D ;·:~;
The following. basic righbl of th.e _citizen ;are.. herehy :pa:..

, ranteed· by the Com,non~e_alth :f!UlJject to d11e · p t ~ of c::

law:. · · · - i~-
J; The right to pre-nataLcaie.

2. Tke right to post-natal· care. ·

-~ 3.: The
right of .b?ing cared for during Hlnes.~ 1;r i~jury
caused .bj natural or other factors. :· ·•· 0

~~l'£::-'4'he rignt t~ taw. cleinentary, secondary

· education. · ·

·.•.;_ ~&;- Thf':right to toii', in ca~e of individuaf rieert:
/ '

6 .. 11'h~ right to leisure ; t_haJ is, the estabfo,hment of leave

~..-ifh fuH pay annually, .arid· the maintenance by the State
· ,:.~f a wide- network of sanatotia, rest hou~ ~and dubs' for
• ....:-use by the people .
. _'J. Th•\ to recreation; that iR, tne righffo play on
.~ee(~t¥-grQUnds provided by the State throughout the
;.~:..and-. ur~ -_ar~as of the Commonwealth, and :the
·~} of the individual to travel anywhere. . . .
•. ,· 8. The. right to peri!Onal R~c1irity ; . that is, :the :recognition
,..,_.-Of 1he sanctity of the person of an individ-i;tal froµi inter-
. ~nee 1:.y private or public or State agents.
. 9. The right to material security; that is, the right to he

_ .
< .;:..
•against . old age, illness, incapacity fo work, un~
employmen!. ·
The right to sex equali~y ; that

;>. -~:,',· _ . . .
the 3:ccepta~e of
hffl>m~... as--tl:ie equal of man m the enJOJ'Il\eilt of aJl rights
t); , ~~teed by Constihltion,
: . _· ,
-·~ .


. _
. , .

_ ,:-~~71l. · 1'he.ngh.t: fo social eqnal1~y; that 1~, the acceptance
• : ''"""()f' the. equality of the citizen, irrespective of tri_be'. race -
~lout· or creed, in all fields of life. ·
.;. ---~ . . . . '.,·- ..
•. . l . . .
· '!'he. nght to Jeligmm. ,toJ,,.rat1on ;_that 1s, the- n~; to
. . - ~ p -m· act:ot<13.Ilce with the tentlts- -of one•s reJig1ous
<~ :• - . •• - .. --·· o: . c~:· .
, ~;~., The tight to conscience; thatis,.t,h~right tQ.~ve
•• J-~ a.4yjhing, 'and fo pfopcund. any ·thf!OJ'Y. ox:. to ! romulg~te
. . , . thesis. .
t' >~•.' Thi right to speak or to write; that is,· th~ right _to
. ~~1l~y,opini8t:i.. · • •: . :, ·•· ... · .., .
; 15. The right-to assemble ; that. is, the, right to- meet: in •
~ublic ~rid private and engage in any discussion.
· 16. The right ·to procession ; .that, is, the right tQ detll()Jl- ·
strate publidy ; · · · ··
17. The right to associate for social profe~onal·or o~u.-
pational purposes. · · •
18. The right to collecti b3J:'gaining ; that is, the righHo
··· · demand for tietter wodring conditions, to strike. fa picket,
to boveott, . to arbitrate, to conciliate, and otherwis.e:,to
settle ·1abour disputeP. · . · · _·
19. 'fhe right to domestic security ; th~t ja, the .right of~
dwdling ·nouse or business of jhe c~tj~~ t9 .be•~M~
from s~arch ?T ·violation.
20. The right to bear arms for personal safe,ty, _ .·-·.
21. The right to speedy and public trial l,y an imp~rtjal
jury. > ·
' . . ' ' .· ..., ... _-· '\

. , 22. The right to legal defence ;- tlta± .. is, tli.~.risb,t.;.;:~, ~.

accused person to be represented by .. c~ftl ;,i!> ,a
criminal offence at the expense of the Rta~,e.. ·

'· · 23. The right to judicialj:onSJdffr~tmn':'~~t is, the ri~~

to be puni'lhed not with ex:eessive fines or to kng
of impris~nm~nt, Qr to -:t1e 8llljected to pun~jve~:penlY:p.o5
of. a conJu,;t1ve (;baracter (e:g. fine. and p:npU$01}t'J\~nt~
without option). . ,,., . . ,, , . ., , .,c,/, .
24.· Th..e right to ellJl!,I'ge ~r Jne>4eythe Co~titutwn;,:tjta.1;
is,.f:he right l)f the people of the Common.wealth to : r ~
\ to themselves, the powers not delegated to· the COR\1ll()l1.-
we~th ; and th~ir right to maintain that the enumeratloa
·· · in t'h.e COMtituti•n• of certain rights sha!]. not be'.cton11~
to deny or to disparage others retained hy th.~ ~ple,

.. !¼5 .. · ?,'he,right. t-o life apd safl;ty

, . . . ;
v.i;oteft~OM •f
. -
... . .
.. --

26. These tights shall not be abridged in any·way exoop~

by due r,»eeess of law.
j ... 'l'.he ~xecutive. power
8hafa-be ves.tec:l i~ ,a ·Pr~~dent, a
;,, .• , ~::,Vi<;:e-President arn;ta Cabinet of Mini11ters of t,he Uominon-
.y~,wea{th who
•';-;..-·'·~·--.- .
shall ·hold
_·. .
oftrce for
a term of
five vearK

, · 2.. The .:'ssetn~lr 11h.all rljafi:e laws reg~IatiJ1g ~he _meth~

'Of selectron df ··the President and Vtce-Prestdent, their
emolument11,, pefquisites/ari:d for filling tneir post, in ·case
,·. t. of death or ,removal from office~ and other privileges.
• - - ' • - • -- -

' 'a. N6 pef~n, eicept a natiirai hem citizen of the Comrtmn-

: ._vJari~
. . · wealth at the .time of the .~doption of this Constitution,
. or·· his . desc~•ib'om in, the Commonwealth shall be
:of President or Vice-Pre1id~n! ~I"_: a
'.r~r~f~- -:~ .;,,~~/;<,+~-~;~-.,_i,t··?\~~-t.-.,~f~~~, ·:- ., _ · " · ..,
1'.~i};; ;~i;i;the fresil&'it dall have ppwer, with the c<msent ofthe
\:, ·' :;5'0a~jn~tr,.,Jo. a~oint diJ;>l?matic and --~~msulax: officials,
f",c.,~·~: aii:,d 'a!l -Other ?fficers of the ~l vil serV!Ce .~he
f::1:\>r _--:~ft6mfuonwealth, prc,cla1m a state of se1ge, grant amnesty,
{ii-~;, :l'pardon . and commute punishment, except in·• case 0f
~;:· 'r impeachment. ·· · .
!{(\ :J.. ·Th~ ,fre&ident
:=-;;..,·~~- . . ' . .
-: shall b_e Commander-fn-Chief of the
·111-.·~~•e. atmed forceR of the Commonwealth. · ..
~;.: r ,;.,:J. ·,,.The Pre!iident Rhall always8ive to the Assembly in-
t,•;; <~··utormatfon of the state ·.of the ('.,ommonwealth aa_d.• make
,.; 'rooommendations which he deems expedient ia the . in-
, ~lfi;S!_Qf the Corpmonwealth. · ..· ·•.l . , . ,
:;,;~~-i:fibiPr~dent\ the Vice-Pt'esident-andiall theMini~~rs
,. " . of State aM cl vil · ·oUicers ·of the C~l'hmonwealt-h · ·shall
,~.;{,.;;,,~renmved fro~ o£fice on im~ment for, and .on cQn-
·?,~"''viction of, treason,'bribery, or other relative crimes, mal-
.:>.: >ft>,asances, and misdemeanours. · · ·-
:ff~iz~_:·. ,-;, .. ·.,"' ., - •r - • • '>

i·. Jt. The Cabinet, shall be nisponsible foe making <lecisions

. . of State policr. . . . . _
-~'"' :H-~'';fhe Cal;>jnet shall be composed of the follO\viag Minist~rs
>;;.. ,$~t~: ~nose function 'it shall ~e to 'ad vi,se the President :
~~~·*•~esiaent, Mini<Jters of Agrici.tlture, Communications,
~fence, Education, External Affairs, Health,· tnternal

Trane: ,
!,;.,.: ~:-

Affairs, LabOUJ', Min~. fublicity, Social Welfare,

Transport, Treasury, Works. - · '
JQ•. The ·.President shall
be elected by tpe citizens of ~e
Com_fJlonwealth ; and sl:lall ·be .veste(l with· 'auth<>riJ:! _to
select a CaNnet of Ministers of State to form a Govein-
ment which shall be __answerable to the Assembly for the
- administratio_n of the countey. -He Rhall be em1ioweted
-to remove from offi~.any Mini~ter of State, _.. ,.
11. f.\11 laws arid resa-ipu of any kind that relate to State
_a.fairs shall _De f;Ql,lp,ter-sig,!led by the Minister. of State -
· corlcemed. ·
- - • : - • ' - •
· · ' <
· • •
- •
1. The,islative power shall be vested in tb.,e
of the Commonwealth, comprising two liouses, i.e. th~
!House of Nationalities aJ¥l the House 01-Representatives~
_· ,2. ·.The Commonwealth Asstem~ly sh~l be. ~om~ -of
members electaj,.,l)y the people, according to the provi-
si9ns 9£ electoraf-1aw. · -
3. Each State shall equal repr-esentation ~f mffllllers
.in the houRe-ofNationalµ:ies and in the house of ~ n . ,
-tatives · each State', shall be -representro ~ g to
-4. The President, Vic.e-President ·and ·member-A ·of the_-' ,
Cabinet shall b~ ex~olficio ·members of. the Commonwealth
· Assembly. . , , .
5. Members of the Asflernbly shall receive cornpemafivn
for their &ervices, to be determined by la.w and_paid QUt
of the ~re"'81}ry of. tlie Commonwealth.
-~6. E~ry law 11hall, require the consent of the A~enfbly
·. by a simple majority.· _ · _- - :
1. 'The Assembly shall. hold the power to make law and -' .
to perform other legislative acts, to wit:
(a) .To levy and collect taxes, dutie@, and excises. .
.(~)- To,' bom;>w m_oney .and pledgp. the _cr~it of ·.tn,e
· Commonwealth and to refund same as· it shall deem
. fit. ' i ~.
12. The Assembly shall not have pew er to enact
the following·laws:
(a) Suspension ,0f writ of habeaa corpus,
of rebellion or state of emer1$ency.
(b) Any.ex post facto law.
(c) I>iscriminatozy legislation which is applicable to a··
particular tribe ·or nation or race of Commonwealt~ ·
• nationality. · · ·
(d) Faport ta.x or duty from one part of the Commo.a- ·
wealth to another ..
(P) Shlpping and anc:tiorage dues on vessels of common- .
wealth nationality ,,plying within Commonwealtll.
waters. ·
(/) Validation of any inadvertent act which had becopie-,:
. a fait accor:ipli. · ··
·(g) · Approval ;f foreign titleR and honours.
(h) Grant of any State in the CommoIJ.wealt.,_ power·
· w!'nch is inronsistent with the sovereignty of· the-.
Commo~wealth. · '. · ·· _ " {,
13. The Ass1:;mbly shfl.11 be convoked annually. · •· '
1~. Any Member of tl1~ .As8em.bly may be ..removei-~m
. office, if three fou~hs of his constituency so desire, on ~.-,
·petition to the Assemoly. · ·
. '
1. The judicial power. shall be ·"vested in the Supreme-
v Court of : the ,commonwealth and other: inferior Court&:
·• the·-Assemblymay.from t~me to time determin~.•·;n
~-2,~ .Th~_judi(~~of th~ sµvrem~ 'ai:ui_ in~en,o~,~p~~~.~~~;ll .•
.... hold. the.1r offi~.s. dw-mg _g_ooH beha viour1 .a,n~ !!hall.~~
. - -e-mo~ume11ts.~d ~9wsites .~,"~ompimsa!fun fof:c..~
services, wb,1c1i .shall not be diminished dun~ th.f:J.t:c"~
of office. · •-
9 .
:c 3. The judges shall appointed from among Common- "'
wealth nationals who pqssess proper qualifications, and .
_'}ho judge may·b~ deprived of his office, unless l.y way
es. • -of, 'criminal sentence or disciplinary ptthishtnent or -- old -
• · age or senility, according to law.
4, The jndicial p·~wer'shall ~xtend. to all cases in law and
equity, arising out of this Qonstitution, the laws of the
th; : :-,:Commonwealth, l'reaties made or wkich shall be made
/ affecting tb.e Commonwealth, and eus!om.ary law .
Oll- :' /.:5. ,'Ihe Supreme Court, of the Comtn-.mwealth shall have
·: appellate juriqdictiQn both as fo law antl fact, ,excepting
where acts d. tlie Assembly are i~.ccntfict. ·
oµ- . ,•- :,~. ' . .'

.' · it· ' -Tqals · and judgments· of the courts of the


th_ -'""Oonimonwealthshal},M determined by law and conducted.

'"'"·,,, . publicly, · excepting where in the inte~e~t of public'
pe- ~/:.:; ;~fety a _trial in camera is deemed by th~ court to be
" },ein\,>dient.
'(r -~~lr,

,~~tii. -Trial of all crimes, e~cept in case..s of impeachment or


~,::"where the acQised person elects Rummary trial, shall· be

w~ J;··. by jury and soch trial f.hall he held at the place where
he- . ~<the crime_ was committed ; when a ctime is not comtriftted
"' /
:~~th1n the territorial limits of the Commonwealth, the-
;1;..fAAsetnbly may, by law, direct where the trial shall be-
&f~d: . _- . . , . .
Qm Y""t{ T~ea:so~ against the .Commonwealth shall consist. hi
n a --,, lt-vying war against any State which is a memlier oi'tlie
~ ·,t;~mmonwealth or in aiding the enemy of the Common-
.,,,~\VWth: oyertly. or co~ttly, dir~tly or iQdirectly.
;.; ·.' · ·; Th'e ·coutts '0:i the· Comtnonwealth shall have power to-
te ruieS'•regarding •practice in the Various courts of the
ine' tB.IJlQflWealth.
mrt&: I_':;-:;._'._:.,_!. j ,:•. •

D •' t:•;ifur\~·are ·iadepen(l.erit and-.are- 1mbject only to the

sf:~C: the,z_faJ?,d; their acts, therefore, are subject
~-~ ~jbelsm withm the bound~ of the law. ,..,
,l•·.· ' Vt. ··CIVIL SERVIOE~ . . .
. . ie ~'Vil 1#.tvic~ oftli.e Conunonwealth siall' be a minis-
:1-:organ for admini<itering the affairs of the State.

2. Ministeri;; of StaJe.shall b~ respoasible to the

forthe efficient functioning of tlie ~vil setivce.
"i3.. 'l'here shall be a ~rmanerit ruisistant · t~ the· Mini;te'r'.;}
:c,f State who shall J;;e styled " Ditector>'. and ~e shaltb?
responsib~e to the Minister .of State for the cffi~ient ad~
ministration of the Minis~ry con',t)me-d. · .
4. · A Director of any Mitiistry shall be appojnted by, and,,,_':
: l>e responsible to, the·Presid~nt and may be removed from,f
-office by him. · · ·
K The follo~g Ministri~s of ~ate _shall be esta;blli;hed: ~:
and may b~ increased orothe~ adJtts!ed _rui the ~m- :.
bly shall'see fit : Agriculture, Commumcat10ns, I>efen_ce, :,
Ecfueation, External · Affairs, Health,·· internal Affairs, ·
Lal>aut, Mines, Pa'bficity, Social Welfare, Trade, Trantport, ·
'Treasury, Work1:1. ·
,6. There sh~ll be a Civil Service :Board to be appoint~ by '.2
-- the President whose function shall he to exii.rnine, appoint, •
: grade, promote, dismiss, retire and define the -tenure· of .
· office and privileges of civil servants, on basis of merit, c
. ai::cor~g to law. . . · ..
'7. Onl~ natinnals.,ofihe. Conunonw~Uh shall: b~ ~ligiblk.
:forempioyment in the.civil service Qftae.'CO,mmonwe~;-;

the President may with the· coruient of the Cabinet,. g:r:~t -

permis9ion to non-nationals t~ ~ve under sp!:'cial con- .
-Oi'tiotJs. . . . .. . . ,
.r..-~he imposition of a new tax or the'·an· ,
·-e:n~tmg one 8hall be determined by the As~bfy, . , ·
. ~- .'.J:'~e raising_ of national loans and contracting ;otfi~ of
11ab:littes tc. the charge of ~. °?mmonwealth Trea..'ftltY,
excert those ·tha.t are provided 1n the bild~et .9ha}l .,.be
-dete.JIQ'lined by the As~blv; ;
~. .. - •
• . - .' • • J

'3. The expe11ditute· and, revenue i>f the Commonwealth,,

.···~be&tetminetl h~ the A$Seffibly by aa alUlUaJ budget.:
... .;. .

.faith; sex, ed11cational rank, domicile, social . origin,
. -: ):>roperty status and past activity, have the right .of fH.U-
r q:iliie and to participate in elections ; any .person. wb<l is
• "insane, or has been condemned by a court of the Common- .
wealth to death or to be deprived of electoral ~hts: or
i .];las· not resided within the territo1;ial limits of the place~
.. of ele<:tion for at least six monthR before the election,
c .ah~ nQt enjoy _the right of frnnchise.
·3, Every Cominonweaith national shall have Que vote at .
any election, Federal, State, Mun'icipal or Rural. · "
4. Votingat all elections shall Le~by ~ t ballot.
·• ~- Any :person voted to represent an.y cqnstituencyin-JWY -
. .legislature, Federal, State, Municipal or Rural, sh,all re!!.Ort, ·
·; to that constituency at intervals not later than two weeks -
after a legislative sessicm and io give a.a account of his/
· .her stewardahip ; such perso_n may be r~oved from office
if three-fourths of the voters of. that constituency petition
·- the legislature con~ned to that effect. -

'.. l~ Fu1i faith ~nd cr.e~t shall be giveri in·eich State. to:the :
. .;public acts, recor&>, and j.µdicial pro:;ee4i:ng3 ot the Sfates
: of the Com,monwea.lth. '.l'he Assembly may by law pres-·
.cribc> the manner in which ,acts, -records, and ._pro- .·.
.-ceed.iogs sh~U be proved and the effect thereof. · '- '
· · '2. Nationals of. t~ Comm911~~altb," · are
entitled hi all
immunities and privileges of- citizenship within the c;:6n- . of the 0om.~o.nwealth aml may be given appropriate ;
protection l>eyond the territorial limits qj. the Com)i)on-
wealth in accordance witli. International Law and cm~tom.
8. The Assembi:v ~hall 'have power fo amend the geo,,,ra. •
phical b@undaries o.f the Commonwealth; - .. . . .
4., . This ~µ._tuti9,n may 1e am~nde,lif thrl!e,q11att~& o __·
the Meml>er~pf, the House ot Na.tio~lities.and,th~ Ho-qse of
Re:J?_r~ent~tives so decide sitm1ltai;ieously in .
·- ~ons,, and such amenome~t· shall become part of:the
, -0oll8fitution.' · · · · · ' · ·

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