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Subject Code and Title BIZ101: Business Communications

Assessment Report Outline and Source Analysis

Individual/Group Individual

Length 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning

a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level

of study.
b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing
appropriate to the level of study.
c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi- modal material in
both a business and academic context.
d) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in
presenting business communication
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 3.2 (Week 6)
For Intensive (6 week) class: by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT
Sunday of Module 3.2 (Week 3)

Weighting 25%

Total Marks 100 marks


Assessments 2 and 3 for this subject relate to the topic of implementing a digital communication
strategy in an organization. Choose one of the topics below as the focus for your assignments:

A. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate

B. Communicating companywide employee recognition
C. Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools
D. Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and chatrooms in
the workplace
E. Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees
F. Using an internal intranet/social Intranet for employee interaction

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Instructions for the Report Outline and Resource Analysis:

The Report Outline is a plan of the report you are going to write for Assessment 2B. The
report outline tells the reader what to expect from the report.

The Report Outline tells the reader:

- The purpose of the report (what it will be about, what questions will be answered)
- The structure of the report (what sections or parts will be included in the report)
- The purpose of each of the different parts of the report
- Four research sources you will use to research information for the report, why they
are relevant to the topic, and why they are credible.

Please use the following outline to help structure your Report Outline:
Introduction Background of the issue
Purpose of the Report Outline
Topic of the report
Purpose of the report
Intended audience (Who will read the report?)
Background of the organisation
Type of communications strategy you have chosen to implement
Body List the main sections or headings to be included in the
Discussion section of your report.

Find four research sources that will be useful for completing the
Assessment 2B report. Two of the research sources must be from
reliable academic sources, such as academic journals. The other two
sources can come from media sites, books, magazines, websites,
YouTube or TEDtalks.

Provide the following separately for each resource:

1. Name of the resource (e.g. 21st Century Communication)

2. Type of resource (e.g. website, article, video)
3. A brief summary of which each resource, justifying why it
is relevant to the topic of your report.
4. Evaluate the reliability of each resource by applying the five
reliability tests.

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Explain what questions will be answered in the conclusion of the
report (but don’t provide the answers).
Recommendations are advice about what to do next in order to
improve or solve problems. Outline what problems or types of
improvements will be addressed in your report
recommendations (but don’t give any recommendations).
Include references to all four sources of research information in
Reference List
the APA style.

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Assessment Rubric
Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Assessment Fail (Unacceptable)
(Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Attributes 0-49%
50-64% 65-74% 75 -84% 85-100%
Number of sources Identifies less than 4 Identifies 4 sources, Identifies 4 sources, from Identifies 4 sources, from Identifies 4 sources, from which
sources useful to complete however there are less than which at least 2 are from which at least 2 are from at least 2 are from reliable
the Assessment 2B Written 2 reliable academic sources reliable academic sources. reliable academic sources. academic sources.
10% Report on the chosen topic. identified. The sources identified are All sources identified are The academic sources identified
The usefulness and/or generally useful and useful and pertinent to are critical in the discipline to the
suitability of the sources appropriate to complete the complete the Assessment discussion of the chosen topic.
identified to complete the Assessment 2B Written 2B Written Report on the All sources identified are highly
Assessment 2B Written Report on the chosen topic. chosen topic. pertinent to complete the
Report on the chosen topic Assessment 2B Written Report on
is debatable. the chosen topic.
Referencing Does not include correct Attempts to include Includes in-text citations Includes in-text citations Includes in-text citations and
references or in-text references or in-text and references from and references from references from suitable sources;
citations; does not use APA citations; however, these suitable sources; uses APA suitable sources; uses APA uses APA style, containing no
25% style. are sometimes insufficient style, however may contain style, containing minimal errors.
or incorrect; uses APA style, minor citation or and or no errors.
however may contain some referencing errors.
citation or referencing
Summary Sources have not been Most sources have been All sources have been All sources have been All summaries are consistently
summarised (i.e. more than summarised (i.e. all sources summarised appropriately, summarised appropriately, clear and coherent; in the
one summary missing for have partial summaries or however this still needs coherently and clearly. summaries, the main ideas are
30% one of the sources). there is one summary some work to achieve a synthetised as they are needed to
missing for one of the clear and coherent flow of All sources are justified in justify the source selection in
There is no/ a limited sources). ideas. relation to their relevance relation to the topic of the
attempt at justifying to the topic of the written written report (i.e. main ideas
relevance of selected The summaries are There is a generally report clearly and from sources are used to justify
sources. inconsistently appropriate adequate attempt at consistently. selection and relevance to chosen
to the task, as justifying the relevance of topic).
demonstrated by an all selected sources,
interrupted flow of ideas however this still needs
and at times lack of clarity. some work (i.e. relevance to
topic and task inconsistently

BIZ101 Assessment 2A Brief Page 4 of 5

There is a basic attempt at
justifying the relevance of
all selected sources,
however this needs
substantial work (i.e.
relevance to topic and task
not entirely clear,
Reliability evaluation The reliability evaluation The reliability evaluation The reliability evaluation The reliability evaluation The reliability evaluation is
shows no understanding of shows superficial shows a generally shows a clearly competent comprehensive, thorough and
source authority, audience, understanding of source competent understanding of understanding of source appropriate in all tests,
35% transparency, objectivity authority, audience, source authority, audience, authority, audience, demonstrating a highly
and currency, with transparency, objectivity transparency, objectivity transparency, objectivity competent understanding of
omissions in all of the tests. and currency, with and currency, with only and currency, with no more source authority, audience,
weaknesses in all of the weaknesses in some of the than one or two weaknesses transparency, objectivity and
tests and some omissions. tests and no omissions. and no omissions in all of currency, with no weaknesses
the tests. and no omissions in all of the

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