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October 8,2020 Ineffective airway D: “Sigidas it akon paginubo ngan ginkukurian ako
4:30 pm clearance pagginhawa kun nakiwa ako” as verbalized. With
productive cough and presence of adventitious
sounds, crackles and wheezes, on lung fields upon
auscultation. Vital signs recorded as follows: PR-
120 bpm, RR-25 cpm and O2 saturation-93%.
A: Elevated the head of the bed and assisted into
semi-fowler’s position. Changed position
frequently. Validated auscultation of lung fields,
noting areas of adventitious breath sounds such as
crackles and wheezes. Assisted with deep-
breathing exercises. Encourage increased fluid
intake as tolerated. Planned and scheduled
activities to allow optimal rest periods. Monitored
respiration and chest movements. Started IVF with
PNSS 1L at 20 gtts/min. Started Aminophylline.
Tapered Hydrocortisone to g6h, Salbutamol +
Ipratropium nebulization to q6h, and Budesonide
nebulization to q12h. Slowly tapered O2 sideflow
bu1 lpm until 6 lpm maintaining O2 sat >95%.
5:30pm R: “Medyo nakaginhawa na ako hin mauropay
yana kesa han kanina” as verbalized. Adventitious
breath sounds, crackles and wheezes, still heard
on both lung fields. PR-108 bpm, RR-23 cpm and
O2 saturation-94%.


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