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Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 20 questions.

Which of the following is a standard for selecting a topic for a

speech in a public speaking class?
Your topic should be appropriate the audience's needs and interests.

All of these are standards for a good topic.

Your topic should be culturally sensitive.

Your topic should deal with matters of substance.

Choosing a speech topic involves several steps: A - Selecting a

topic area B - Formulating your specific purpose C - Generating a
list of possible topics D - Wording your thesis statement E -
Focusing your topic F - Determining your general purpose.
Which is the correct order of these steps?



When you scan newspapers, television, and magazines to try and
get ideas for your speech, what are you using?
interest charts

media prompts

media prompts

mind mapping

Which of the following is a question you can ask yourself to help

brainstorm for a speech?
What topics interest me?

What topics interest my listeners?

What topics develop from my research?

All of these are good questions to ask.

For ethical reasons, you are advised to avoid all of the following
topics except
anything that might promote hurtful or dangerous behavior.

You should avoid all the above topic areas.

anything that might promote illegal activities.

any topics upon which you cannot possibly speak with responsible knowledge.

What should you refrain from in the initial stage of


free association


wild thinking

All of the following are examples of general purposes except

to inform.

to entertain.

to persuade.

to question.

Wendy would like to explain to her classmates how to study for

tests. What is her general purpose?
to inform

to persuade

to celebrate a special occasion

none of these

What is the general objective of a speech to persuade?

to influence beliefs and actions

to create impressions goodwill

to celebrate shared values and traditions

to share knowledge and enlightenment

The general purpose of a speech in which a speaker wants the

audience to understand the difference between a computer virus
and a computer worm is to



The general purpose of a speech, in which a speaker wants the
audience to donate blood at the next school blood drive, is to




What does the specific purpose of a speech represent?

the response desired from the speaker

our honest biases and stereotypes

the response demanded from the context

the response desired from the audience

"Sexist language is psychologically, socially, and financially

harmful" is an example of a
general purpose statement.
specific purpose statement.

speech title.

thesis, or central idea, statement.

Which of the following does a specific purpose statement need to

a summary of your supporting materials

a well-crafted visual aid

a list of your main ideas

the goal for your speech

"After listening to my speech, listeners should be able to name

the four steps in treating a sports injury" is an example of
a persuasive specific purpose.

an informative specific purpose.

a specific purpose for a special occasion speech.

none of these.
Is it appropriate to develop a speech topic based on something
you heard on a television talk show?
Yes; brainstorming ideas from a television program is a good way to develop a

No; most topics discussed on talk shows are inappropriate speech material.

Yes, but you have to address the topic the same way the talk show did.

No; using televised information for your speech topic is a form of plagiarism.

An informative speech has been assigned, so Angel starts to

worry about what he can possibly present to his class. That night
he takes out a blank sheet of paper and just starts writing down
every possible idea for a speech topic that he can think of. What
is Angel doing?

topic narrowing



It's the end of the semester, your brain is fried, and you just can't
come up with a creative topic for your persuasive speech. As a
last resort, you pick up the daily newspaper and decide on a
topic by looking at one of the headlines. According to your
textbook, is this advisable?
No, newspapers offer boring material, which does not make for a good topic.

Yes, but topics generated from newspapers take much longer to develop than

No, it is a form of plagiarism when you get speech topics from a newspaper.

Yes, scanning newspaper headlines may be an effective strategy to find a

speech topic.

During your speech you ask your audience to sign a petition

increasing the student parking areas. Your general purpose is
to notify.

to entertain.

to inform.

to persuade.

Searching for logical divisions in a subject is a strategy for

determining your
main ideas.

general purpose.

specific purpose.
preview statement.

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