Sharekhan Capital Gain Report Beta (FY2016-2017)

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Sharekhan Capital Gain Report Beta ( FY2016-2017 )

Customer ID : 1767002 Login Name : NABARUNDAS Customer Name : NABARUN DAS

Stock Name Quantity BuyDate SellDate BuyRate SellRate HoldingPeriod

PNB 50 20160329 20160426 81.8583 89.8788 28
PNB 50 20160104 20160426 113.3728 89.8788 113
SPICEJET 50 20160321 20160404 59.6566 67.2357 14
TECHM 10 20160407 20160418 451.5792 472.2364 11
Total 706.4669 719.2297


1. Product is still under development and could be susceptible to calculation errors. Clients are advised to review their records independent
2. This is an additional service provided by Sharekhan. Sharekhan in no manner accepts any responsibility for the information displayed.. Y
3. This report shall not in any manner be construed to be an opinion issued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspects of the tradin
4. Information displayed is as available with Sharekhan. Client is expected to review the same before relying on these reports. Clients have
lients holding period. The client is expected to account for the same while maintaining their portfolios.

6. Presently these reports are provided for Equities and Bonds only.

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Realized Gain/Loss

vised to review their records independently.

onsibility for the information displayed.. Your portfolio has been divided into long term and short term or speculation, purely on the basis of the holding pe
axation or accounting aspects of the trading activity of the clients. The clients are advised to take independent view from the relevant experts in the said fie
ore relying on these reports. Clients have been provided the option to change the information as provided herein. Sharekhan shall not be liable for the info

Page 2

tion, purely on the basis of the holding period. Sharekhan does not take any responsibility on how such trading activity may be construed as by the regula
w from the relevant experts in the said fields for such aspects. Sharekhan shall not be liable for any loss, tax, cess, damages etc., whether directly or indire
Sharekhan shall not be liable for the information displayed or the information that may be modified by the clients.

Page 3

ctivity may be construed as by the regulatory authorities.

s, damages etc., whether directly or indirectly by the clients for relying on the information provided to the clients through this report. The client understand

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through this report. The client understands that their reliance on the said reports is at their risk and responsibility alone.

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Capital Gain 2016-2017

Sharekhan Capital Gain Report Beta ( FY2016-2017 )

Customer ID : 1767002 Login Name : NABARUNDAS Customer Name : NABARUN DAS

Stock Name Quantity BuyDate SellDate BuyRate SellRate HoldingPeriod

PNB 50 20160329 20160426 81.8583 89.8788 28
PNB 50 20160406 20160426 81.76 89.8788 20
SPICEJET 50 20160321 20160404 59.6566 67.2357 14
TECHM 10 20160407 20160418 451.5792 472.2364 11
ITC 10 20160407 20160427 322.2977 331.4579 20
AXISBANK 10 20160427 20160510 471.7158 478.1933 13
SBIN 20 20160517 20160530 177.61 197.2368
SBIN 10 20160505 20160530 179.83 197.2368
SBIN 20 20160115 20160530 184.26 197.2368


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Capital Gain 2016-2017

Realized Gain/Loss Investment % Profit / Loss

401.025 4092.915 9.79802903309743
405.939999999999 4088 9.93003913894323
378.955 2982.83 12.7045456831264
206.571999999999 4515.792 4.57443566931336
91.602 3222.977 2.84215493936194
64.775 4717.158 1.37317851129853
392.536 3552.2 11.0505039130679
174.068 1798.3 9.67958627592725
259.536 3685.2 7.04265711494627
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0!

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Capital Gain 2016-2017

Last Update
12. May. 2016

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Capital Gain 2015-2016

Sharekhan Capital Gain Report Beta ( FY2015-2016 )

Customer ID : 1767002 Login Name : NABARUNDAS Customer Name : NABARUN DAS

Stock Name Quantity BuyDate SellDate BuyRate SellRate HoldingPeriod

ASHOKLEY 50 20151209 20160222 87.094 91.7657 75
ASHOKLEY 50 20151204 20160222 91.1215 91.7657 80
ICICIBANK 20 20151110 20151130 265.3526 274.602 20
ITC 20 20160229 20160304 276.8878 316.4131 4
ITC 20 20160106 20160205 317.1625 322.7693 30
PROZONINTU 200 20160321 20160330 24.8193 28.4037 9
PROZONINTU 200 20160314 20160330 25.5744 28.4037 16
SBIN 11 20151211 20160127 227.1486 180.4528 47
TATAMOTORS 20 20160107 20160314 347.3684 367.4599 67
Total 1662.5291 1702.0359

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Capital Gain 2015-2016

Realized Gain/Loss Investment %Profit / Loss

233.585 4354.7 5.363974556
32.21 4556.075 0.706968169
184.988 5307.052 3.485701666
790.506 5537.756 14.27484346
112.136 6343.25 1.767800418
716.88 4963.86 14.44198668
565.86 5114.88 11.06301614
-513.6538 2498.6346 -20.55737962
401.83 6947.368 5.783917017

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