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Motivation for Achievement in Mathematics: Findings, Generalizations, and Criticisms of the

Author(s): James A. Middleton and Photini A. Spanias
Source: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Jan., 1999), pp. 65-88
Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
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Accessed: 23-11-2015 14:56 UTC

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Journalfor Researchin MathematicsEducation
1999, Vol. 30, No. 1, 65-88

Motivation for Achievement

in Mathematics:
Findings, Generalizations, and
Criticisms of the Research
JamesA. Middleton,Arizona State University
PhotiniA. Spanias,ArizonaState University

In this review we examine recentresearchin the areaof motivationin mathematicseducation

and discuss findings from researchperspectivesin this domain.We note consistencies across
researchperspectivesthat suggest a set of generalizableconclusions aboutthe contextualfac-
tors, cognitive processes, and benefits of interventionsthataffect students'andteachers'moti-
vationalattitudes.Criticismsare leveled concerningthe lack of theoreticalguidancedrivingthe
conductandinterpretation of the majorityof studiesin the field. Few researchershave attempted
to extend currenttheoriesof motivationin ways thatareconsistentwith the currentresearchon
learningand classroom discourse.In particular,researchersinterestedin studyingmotivation
in the content domain of school mathematicsneed to examine the relationshipthat exists
between mathematicsas a socially constructedfield and students'desire to achieve.

Key Words:Achievement;Attitudes;Beliefs; Motivation;Review of research

National assessment data from the 1980s (Carpenter, Corbitt, Kepner,

Lindquist, & Reys, 1981; Dossey, Mullis, Lindquist,& Chambers, 1988) have
indicated that American children tend to enjoy mathematics in the primary
grades but that this level of enjoyment tends to fall dramaticallywhen children
progress into and throughhigh school. In addition, although studentsfeel that
mathematicsis important,the numberof studentswho want to take more math-
ematics in school is declining steadily (Dossey et al., 1988). These statisticsseem
alarmingwhen coupled with the fact that childrendo not possess the mathemat-
ical knowledge thatthey will need to functionsmoothly in our increasinglytech-
nological society. The problemis consideredimportantenough for the National
Council of Teachersof Mathematics(NCTM) to place the motivationaldomains
Learning to value mathematicsand Becoming confident in one's own ability as
two of its foremostgoals for studentsas an attemptto change the natureof school
mathematics(NCTM, 1989).
Our purpose in this review is to describe theoretical orientations guiding
researchin mathematicsmotivationand to discuss findings in terms of how they
facilitate or inhibit achievement.First, we discuss definitions of motivationand
distinctions among types of motivation in education. Second, we discuss theo-
retical orientationsand describe representativeresearchfrom these orientations.
Third,findings from the reviewed studies aredrawninto a set of conclusions rep-

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66 Motivationin Mathematics

resenting what is known regarding students' motivation in mathematics,how

inequities in mathematicseducation are reflected in students' motivationalpat-
terns, and the role of the teacherin enhancingor inhibitingstudents'motivation.
Last, we raise criticisms regardingthe role of theory in informingresearchand
the lack of adequateconceptualizationprevalentin operationallydefining moti-
vation, achievement,and mathematicsas a contentdomain.
Although pertinentwork has been done in motivation outside the domain of
mathematics,in this article we focus on studies in which the participantswere
studentsin mathematicsclasses or mathematicsteachers.We made this choice in
response to criticisms that context has been largely ignored in studies of teach-
ing and learning (Romberg& Carpenter,1986). Moreover, there is convincing
evidence thatstudenteffort andperformancecan be betterexplainedby task-spe-
cific analyses of motivationin mathematicsthanby generalmeasuresof motiva-
tion (Seegers & Boekaerts, 1993). By focusing on studies within the mathemat-
ics educationliterature,we hope to draw out conclusions that are sensitive to the
context of school mathematics.This analysis allows exposition and criticism
regardingthe limitations of our knowledge about motivation related to mathe-
matics as a content domain.


Simply stated, motivations are reasons individuals have for behaving in a

given mannerin a given situation.They exist as part of one's goal structures,
one's beliefs aboutwhat is important,and they determinewhetheror not one will
engage in a given pursuit(Ames, 1992). Two distincttypes of academicmotiva-
tion interrelatein most academic settings-intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Academic intrinsicmotivationis the drive or desire of the studentto engage in
learning "for its own sake." Studentswho are intrinsicallymotivatedengage in
academic tasks because they enjoy them. They feel that learning is important
with respect to their self-images, and they seek out learning activities for the
sheer joy of learning (Middleton, 1992/1993a). Their motivationstend to focus
on learning goals such as understandingand masteryof mathematicalconcepts
(Ames & Archer, 1988; Duda & Nicholls, 1992; Dweck, 1986). Students who
are extrinsically motivated engage in academic tasks to obtain rewards (e.g.,
good grades, approval)or to avoid punishment(e.g., bad grades, disapproval).
These students'motivationstend to centeron suchperformancegoals as obtain-
ing favorablejudgmentsof theircompetencefrom teachers,parents,and peers or
avoiding negativejudgmentsof theircompetence(Ames, 1992; Ames & Archer,
1988; Duda & Nicholls, 1992; Dweck, 1986).
When individuals engage in tasks in which they are motivated intrinsically,
they tend to exhibit a number of pedagogically desirable behaviors including
increasedtime on task, persistence in the face of failure, more elaborativepro-
cessing and monitoring of comprehension, selection of more difficult tasks,
greatercreativityand risk taking, selection of deeper and more efficient perfor-

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 67

mance and learning strategies, and choice of an activity in the absence of an

extrinsic reward(Lepper, 1988). Moreover,intrinsicmotivationis relatedto stu-
dents' perceptionsof theircompetencein mathematics,to whetherthey are moti-
vated by curiosity or by grades, and to whethertheir orientationtowardacadem-
ic achievement can be characterizedas a mastery orientation.Intrinsicmotiva-
tion in othersubjectareasseems to be only moderatelycorrelatedwith these vari-
ables (Gottfried,1985).
Researchers have found that although achievement, ability, and perceived
competence each contributeto students' desire to learn mathematics,intrinsic
motivation is more complex than the additive effects of these domains. When
students see themselves as capable of doing well in mathematics,they tend to
value mathematicsmore than studentswho do not see themselves as capable of
doing well (Eccles, Wigfield, & Reuman, 1987; Midgley, Feldlaufer,& Eccles,
1989), but these expectations of success also influence short-termstrategy use
(Meece, Wigfield, & Eccles, 1990; Pokay & Blumenfeld, 1990), therebyinhibit-
ing or augmentingachievement. It is likely that studentsmust feel comfortable
with mathematics,must be challenged to achieve, and must expect to succeed
before the developmentof intrinsicmotivationcan begin.
The findings of these studies suggest that the decline in positive attitudes
towardmathematicscan be explained in partas functions of lack of teachersup-
portivenessand classroom environment.These findings, along with resultsfrom
nationalassessments (Dossey et al., 1988), suggest thatmotivationalpatternsare
learnedand, what is particularlydistressing,that studentsgenerally learn to dis-
like mathematicsand that this dislike becomes an integral part of their mathe-
matical self-concepts.
When one looks at the subtle ways in which motivationsare formed,modified,
and sustained, it becomes clear that there is no such thing as an unmotivated
child. Childrenare motivated. Motivations help guide children's activity; they
provide a structurefor evaluatingthe outcomes of activity; and they help deter-
mine whether or not children will engage in future mathematicalactivity. The
following discussions describeprominentapproachesto investigatingand apply-
ing motivationaltheory. We presentthe main theories, review research,and dis-
cuss results in terms of classroom practices that facilitate or inhibit students'
developing productivemotivationalpatterns.

Behavioral Theories of Motivation
Throughoutmost of the 20th century,behavioristtheories of motivationdom-
inated the literature.In this perspective, motivations are seen as incentives for
performinga given behavior(Spence, 1960). Newer reformulationsof these the-
ories (McClelland, 1965, cited in Covington, 1984) have focused on the poten-
tial conflict between an individual's perceived necessity for success and per-
ceived necessity for avoiding failure.

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68 Motivationin Mathematics

Althoughthe decliningpopularityof behavioralresearchhas led to a declining

numberof studiesin this paradigm,this theoreticalorientationhas providedpower-
ful knowledgeaboutstudentmotivationin mathematics.First,researchindicatesthat
success in mathematicsis a powerful influence on the motivation to achieve.
Studentsperceivesuccessas reinforcing,andtheywill engagein mathematicsif they
expectto be successful.In addition,studentswill notonly engagemore,theywill also
tend to enjoy tasks for which they have a moderatelyhigh probabilityof success
more thantasks for which the probabilityof success is nearchance (Dickinson&
Butt, 1989).Althoughsuccessmay not be the only determinantof on-taskbehavior,
it is clearlyrelatedto the achievementmotivationof childrenin mathematics.
Second, and more important,an orientationtowardachieving success in math-
ematics can be built into the mathematicsclassroom. When students are given
incentives to achieve, the motivation and achievement of entire classes can be
raised (Alschuler, 1969). When childrenare rewardedfor choosing a high level
of personal success in mathematics,they tend to enjoy mathematicsmore and
achieve more than when they are not given incentives. Slavin (1984), for exam-
ple, recommended the provision of group incentives to motivate students to
achieve (i.e., providing a group reward for individual learning). Because the
group score is rewarded,childrenare motivatedto help others in the group and
are pressuredto learnwell themselves;throughthis practice,individualaccount-
ability is emphasized.This practiceallows studentsto attributetheir successes to
themselves and theirfailuresto the group,thus reducingthe individual'sonus for
failureproportionatelyto the numberof studentsin the group.
Severe limitations are, however, evident in this paradigm,which depends on
achievementmeasuresthatuse eithermultiple-choicetests or well-defined prob-
lems. It is unclearhow more realistic problems,ones that provide more avenues
for failure,would affect the success rateof children.Also unclearis whethersuc-
cess should be defined as success with a problemas a whole or in the steps nec-
essary to solve the problem. The operationaldefinition of success inherentin
behavioristresearch,with a focus on discrete observablebehaviors,may be too
molecularin scope or too removed from children's attitudesto be a valid index
of their achievementmotivation.Time-on-taskis often used as an index of moti-
vation (e.g., Dickinson & Butt, 1989). Reliance on time-on-task,however, intro-
duces a confoundingvariableinto the researchdesign: The difficulty level of a
problemis relatedto the time requiredto solve the problem,independentof moti-
vation. In addition,because behavioristtheories have not traditionallybeen con-
cerned with individualdifferences,they fail to provide informationon how stu-
dents define success and failure in mathematics.
The most compelling argumentagainstthe use of incentives or coercion, how-
ever, is the "hidden costs of reward,"well described by Lepper and Greene
(1978). Engaging in an intrinsically motivating activity under conditions that
make obvious the fact thatthe activity is merely a means to an end will diminish
subsequentintrinsicmotivationbecause the presence of the rewardis the prima-
ry reason for the studentto engage. Consequently,in the absence of the reward

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 69

students become less likely to engage in similar tasks in the future. The most
salient (and most misrepresented)feature of this line of research is not that
rewards necessarily undermineintrinsic motivation but that the expectation of
tangible task-contingentrewards tends to weaken the intrinsic desire to learn.
When rewardsare not expected, intrinsic interest does not seem to be affected
adversely nor do noncontingentrewardsseem to have any real effect on subse-
quent intrinsic motivation (Deci, 1972; Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett, 1973).
Lepper, Keavney, and Drake (1996) even suggested thatjudicial applicationof
rewardcontingenciescan be beneficial for developing sufficient skill in a pursuit
so that intrinsic motivation can develop. Although this longstandingprinciple
has recently been contested (Cameron & Pierce, 1994, 1996), a plethora of
researchsuggests that when rewardsare used to get someone to engage in some
activity, the probabilityof subsequentdisillusionmentwith the activity increases
significantly (Kohn, 1996; Lepperet al., 1996; Ryan & Deci, 1996).

Attribution and Learned Helplessness Theories

Researchersin the 1960s and early 1970s, when they began to examineindivid-
uals' perceivedreasonsfor theirsuccesses and failures,foundthat success is not a
universalmotivator.Much of an individual'sintentionto initiatebehaviordepends
on the value thatthe consequencesof success have for him or her (Atkinson,1964).
Researchersbegan to focus attentionon what factors studentsperceive to be the
causes of their successes and failures.Attributiontheoriesdeal with how the out-
comes of an activity are evaluatedin relationto the individual'sperceptionof his
or her own contribution(i.e., ability and effort) and the contributionof the task
demands(i.e., difficuity,consistency,precedent)(Weiner,1972).
In mathematicseducation,attributiontheoryis the most widely held of the the-
oretical orientationsdiscussed in this article,perhapsbecause (a) attributionthe-
ories are cognitive, describingthe processes by which motivations are acquired
and changed and (b) they are applicable to a remarkablerange of domains.
Moreover, attributiontheories provide a middle ground between competing
models of motivationsuch that findings can be discussed in termsof reinforcers
and contingencies or in terms of students'thoughts,plans, and goals.
Attributions and achievement in mathematics. Students in the lower elementary
gradesaregenerallyhighly motivatedto learnmathematics.They believe thatthey
are competentand that workinghardwill enable them to succeed. Many first and
second gradersdo not distinguishbetween effort and ability as causes of success
in mathematics(Kloosterman,1993). However,thereis considerableevidencethat
some studentsbegin to differentiateability for differentcontentdomainsas early
as kindergartenor first grade (Wigfield et al., 1992). By the middle grades,many
studentsbegin to perceivemathematicsto be a special domainin which smartstu-
dents succeed andotherstudentsmerely"getby" or fail. They begin to believe that
success and failureare attributableto ability and thateffort rarelyresultsin a sig-
nificantchange in theirsuccess patterns(Kloosterman& Gorman,1990).

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70 Motivationin Mathematics

When studentsattributetheir successes to ability, they tend to succeed; when

they attributetheir failures to lack of ability, they tend to fail. Gender studies
have shown that girls tend not to attributetheir successes to ability but do tend
to attributetheir failures to lack of ability, exactly the attributionalstyle that
leads to failure. For example, Meyer and Fennema (1985) studied the relation-
ship between students' attributionsof success in mathematicsin the 8th grade
and their subsequentachievementin 11th grade.This study was a departurefrom
most attributionresearch,at least as it relatedto mathematicseducation,in that
it assessed the relationshipbetween attributionsand futuresuccess in mathemat-
ics instead of currentsuccess. The authorsfound that attributionof success to
ability was the most consistent correlateof Grade 11 achievement.Conversely,
attributionof failure to lack of ability was the most consistent correlateof lack
of achievementfor both males and females. For girls in particular,when ability
was controlledfor, attributingfailureto lack of ability was associatedwith lower
achievement.However, attributingfailureto lack of effort was also a significant
predictorof lack of achievementon computationproblemsand high-level, con-
ceptual mathematicstasks. Boys' attributionswere not as pronouncedas girls'
for these variables.The authorsconcludedthat attributionsmay be more impor-
tant as predictorsof success in mathematicsfor females than for males.
Kloosterman(1988) studied how seventh gradersperceived the role of suc-
cesses and failures in influencing their motivational attributions,their mathe-
matical self-confidence, and their beliefs about effort as a mediatorof mathe-
matical ability and failure as an acceptablephase in learning mathematics.He
found that attributionalstyle (a combined score, scaled in the directionof inter-
nal, stable attributions)was the best predictorof mathematicalself-confidence.
The belief that effort is a mediatorof ability and that failure is an acceptable
phase in learning mathematicsalso contributedto students' self-confidence in
mathematics. Although girls, more often than boys, felt that failure was an
acceptablephase in learningmathematics,the fact that girls also thought about
theirfailuresmore thanboys did may have contributedto differentialeffects like
those reportedby Meyer and Fennema(1985).
These findings are significant in that when students conceive of ability as
amenableto change or augmentationthrougheffort, they tend to expend more
effort in mathematicsand, thus, are better achievers than studentswho believe
that ability is fixed. Because the belief that occasional failure is acceptable in
learning mathematics predicts mathematical self-confidence, the practice of
allowing childrento strugglewith challengingproblems,even in the elementary
grades,is supported.When childrenwho have not experienceddifficultproblems
in mathematicsencountera problemthat cannot be solved in a routine fashion,
they may have theirconfidence shatteredunless they believe thatoccasionalmis-
takes are a partof learningmathematics.
By the time they reach college, studentsgenerallyhave formed stable attribu-
tions regardingtheir successes in mathematics.Because the attributionalpatterns
of studentsin mathematics-relatedmajorstend to focus on ability and effort as

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 71

the causes for success and lack of effort for failure,females, who tend to attribute
their failures to ability, may be systematically excluded from mathematics
majors as a result of their prior mathematicseducation (Amit, 1988; Bassarear,
1986). In addition,because studentswith unstable attributionsfor the causes of
failure in mathematics tend to dislike mathematicsgreatly (Lehmann, 1986),
these studentsmay also be filtered out of mathematics-relatedmajors.
Amit (1988) studiedthe attributionsof universitystudentsin five majorareas
and found that, overall, females tend to attributetheir successes in mathematics
to externaland unstablecauses, whereas males attributetheir successes to abili-
ty, an internaland stable factor.When attributionsof success were analyzedtak-
ing academic major into account, however, students tended to attributetheir
causes of success and failurethe same way regardlessof gender. Studentschoos-
ing mathematicsas a majortendedto attributetheir successes to ability and their
failures to other factors. In fact, as the mathematicalrequirementsfor participa-
tion in college majorsincreased,so did the attributionof success to the internal
factor of ability. Studentswho attributetheir failures in mathematicsto internal
factors and their successes to external factors are unlikely to choose a college
curriculumwith substantialmathematicscontent.
Learned helplessness and dealing with failure. An outgrowth of attribution
theory has been the specific attentionof researchersto learned helplessness, a
condition in which, because of lack of successes and the attributionof failure to
lack of ability, individuals begin to view success as unattainable(e.g., Dweck,
1986). Unfortunatelythese beliefs persist as a resultof educationalenvironments
that (a) place high value on ability and lower value on effort and (b) offer little
opportunityfor individualswith diverse learningstyles to supplementtheir abil-
ities with sustained effort (Covington, 1984). Because helpless individuals
believe that success is out of their grasp and attributefailure to internalfactors,
learnedhelplessness often becomes perceived as a trait(i.e., stable and unchang-
ing) (Dweck, 1986). Helpless individualstend to show little motivationfor chal-
lenging tasks, and, in fact, when facing a challenging task, they display lower
achievementthan can be attributedto ability.
Although the findings of most studies regardinglearned helplessness are dis-
heartening,there is some evidence that attributionscan be positively influenced
through classroom instruction. For example, Relich (1984) hypothesized that
when studentsare providedattributionretrainingin conjunctionwith skills train-
ing, their feelings of learned helplessness should be reduced and their mathe-
matics achievementshould be positively affected.
Those providing attributiontraining attemptedto make students aware that
they were achieving success on increasinglydifficult problems as a result of at
least average ability and high effort. Studentswho received the attributiontrain-
ing displayed superiorself-efficacy gains and fewer learned-helplessnesschar-
acteristicscomparedwith studentsreceiving no attributiontraining.
Relich (1984) then proposed a causal model that contrastedthe direct effects
of attributiontraining with the mediated effects on achievement and learned

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72 Motivationin Mathematics

helplessness. Results of a path analysis indicated that although the attribution

traininghad a moderatedirect influence on achievement,strongerpaths resulted
from mediationthroughself-efficacy. The attributiontrainingalso had a direct
influence on reducing learned helplessness; reducing learned helplessness, in
turn, had a direct effect on students' development of self-efficacy. Thus, it
seemed reasonableto predict that the attributiontraining's effects on achieve-
ment were mediatedthroughself-efficacy via reductionof learnedhelplessness.
Intervention and the role of the teacher. Attribution training has been found to
be effective in helping students develop positive motivational patterns and
increase performance in other content domains as well (Williams, 1993).
However, a major difficulty in designing appropriateinterventionstrategies in
the mathematicsclassroom is the tendency for teachers' attributionsto parallel
and reinforcethose of their students.Teacherstend to initiatemore concernwith
boys, promptboys more, and have more social interactionwith boys than with
girls (Fennema& Peterson, 1984, 1985). Thus teachersmay unwittinglyunder-
mine theirstudents'achievementmotivationby reinforcingfailure-orientedattri-
butions, especially for their female students.
For the most successful students, teachers tend to attributesuccess more to
ability for boys than for girls, and teachersmore often see boys as the most suc-
cessful students in the class. When less successful girls fail, teachers tend to
attributetheir failureto lack of ability, lack of effort, and task difficulty, where-
as boys' failure is more often attributedsolely to lack of effort (Fennema,
Peterson,Carpenter,& Lubinski, 1990). It seems then that teachers' attributions
of their students' successes and failures are reflected in the ways in which they
interactwith boys and girls in their mathematicsclasses. These differences in
interactionpatterns,in turn,tend to contributeto differentialgender-relatedmoti-
vation and achievementpatterns.

Goal Theories: Relating Mathematics to What Is Valued

Goal theoristsdelve more deeply into the cognitive bases of the reasonspeople
do what they do. They are concernedwith understandinghow people thinkabout
engaging in meaningful(or meaningless)activity,and they also conductresearch
on people's perceptions,interpretationsof academic and social information,and
patternsof self-regulation(Ames & Ames, 1984). Moreover, researcherswho
groundtheir work in goal theory often incorporatethe generalizedfindings from
the attributionliteratureand attemptto posit how reasons for success and failure
are relatedto what is valued (Ames & Archer, 1988; Dweck & Leggett, 1988).
Duda and Nicholls (1992) suggestedthatthe basic dimensionsof goal orienta-
tions corresponddirectly to distinct implicit theories (or beliefs) of how success
is achieved in academic work (see also Ames, 1992; Ames & Archer, 1988;
Dweck, 1986). An individualwith a mastery (or learning goal) orientationval-
ues the improvementof skill or knowledge in a given domain and believes that
success dependson workinghard,attemptingto understandthe domain, and col-

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 73

laboratingwith others.An individualwith an ego (or performancegoal) orienta-

tion values establishing "superiorityover others" (Duda & Nicholls, 1992, p.
290) and believes that success depends on social comparison and assertion of
superiorability. A third orientation,work avoidance, is an especially disturbing
goal patternin which working hard is not valued. An individualwith this goal
orientationbelieves success resultsfrom, for example, "behavingnicely in class"
or other behaviors superfluous to study and academic thoughtfulness. Work
avoidance is often developed as a coping methodfor preservingfeelings of ade-
quacy by eliminating any threateningor difficult activities so that a legitimate
negative evaluationof one's ability cannotbe made by others (see Covington &
Beery, 1976, for example).
The interplay between goal structures and intrinsic motivation. An individu-
al's intrinsicmotivationis mediatedthroughthe types of goal structureshe or she
has created (Meece, Blumenfeld, & Hoyle, 1988). In particular,possession of a
mastery goal orientationwill positively mediate intrinsic motivation such that
one will become more actively involved in a cognitive task. An ego goal orien-
tation (i.e., primarilyseeking social recognition) has much less effect on one's
developing active cognitive engagementpatterns.
Motivationalpatternshave both generalityand specificity. The patternsof goal
orientationsandbeliefs aboutsuccess listed above seem to be generalorientations
that students,at least by the time they are in high school, apply across different
domains in their lives. However, feelings of personalsatisfaction,relevance,and
boredom seem to be createdby studentswith respect to specific tasks (Duda &
Nicholls, 1992; Seegers & Boekaerts, 1993). A child may enjoy solving story
problems in arithmeticand yet feel that her ability is undervaluedby her teacher
or peers. In such cases, the ego goal of gaining favorablejudgments of compe-
tence may begin to undermineher intrinsicenjoymentof the task. Both the salien-
cy of goals and the strengthof her intrinsicorientationtowardthe task are impor-
tantpieces of informationthe child will use to determineherengagementpatterns.
Because of differentbeliefs about the naturesof differentacademic subjects,
even masterygoals can have differentialeffects on learning.Studentswho view
mathematicsas a fixed body of knowledgetend to develop goals of memorization
of facts andprocedures.These studentsalso tendto emphasizedeterminingcorrect
answersas the primarygoal of mathematicslearning.Studentswho view mathe-
matics as a process, guidedby theirown searchfor knowledge,tend to value con-
structingrelationalunderstandingof concepts,and consequentlythey are motivat-
ed intrinsicallybecausethe knowledgethey developis theirown (Underhill,1988).
Fortunately,the ways in which teachersstructureclassroom inquirycan great-
ly influence students' views of mathematicsand can lead students to develop
more powerful conceptual structuresin the process (Cobb et al., 1991; Cobb,
Wood, Yackel, & Perlwitz, 1992). Studentsin inquiry-basedclassrooms are less
likely to develop ego goals than are students in more traditionalclassrooms.
Moreover, students in inquiry-orientedclassrooms are less inclined to believe
that conformityto the solutions of the teacheror othersleads to success in math-

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74 Motivationin Mathematics

ematics, and they tend to believe more strongly that the classroom is a place
where success is defined as attemptsto understandmathematicsand explain their
thinking to others. These attitudescontributeto increased student performance
on conceptualand nonroutinetasks thatpersistseven in the face of poor instruc-
tion later on (Cobb et al., 1991; Cobb et al., 1992).
Goal orientation has been found to be a strong predictor of achievement
(Henderson& Landesman,1993). Studentswith masterygoals tend to perform
betterthan those with ego goals regardlessof the learningsituation.
Students' goal structuresalso interactsignificantly in situations that involve
extrinsic rewards. When students are provided with both coherent goals for
achievementand an extrinsic reward,they tend to achieve more than studentsto
whom statedgoals are not presented(Schunk, 1984). Moreover,when an activi-
ty is not intrinsicallymotivating,dispensingrewardsmay not be productiveaca-
demically unless the rewardsare coupled with an appropriategoal structure.It
seems likely thatwhen goals have no intrinsicvalue to the students,some reward
or instructionthat exerts social pressureon the studentmust be tied to the goals
to make achieving them worthwhile(Brown & Walberg, 1993).

Theories of the Self" Personal- Construct Theories

Personal-constructtheoriesare idiographicapproachesto examiningindividual

differencesin humanthought(Snow, Corno,& Jackson,1996). They arebased on
the premise that individualsconstructknowledge abouttheir worlds and use this
knowledge to predict outcomes of activities (Kelly, 1955). The purpose of
employingpersonal-constructapproachesin the studyof motivationis to describe
constructsystems of individualsin orderto uncoverthe ways they evaluateactiv-
ities. Usually this descriptioninvolves some sort of "mapping"of the relation-
ships between constructsto ascertainthe cognitive structureunderlyingthe moti-
vation. Whereasthose using otherapproachesto the study of motivationare typ-
ically concernedwith the outcomes of motivationalprocesses (e.g., ability attri-
butions,achievement,etc.), personal-constructpsychologists are interestedin the
processes themselves: They assume that motivationresults from rationalcogni-
tive processes, and they providea methodfor understandingthese processes.
Owens (1987), for example, used personal-constructtheory to describe two
teachers' attitudestowardmathematicsand mathematicsteaching. Although the
teachers'conceptionsof theirmathematicsbackgroundswere remarkablysimilar
and althoughthey tended to rate themselves as most similar to the person they
consideredtheir"best"mathematicsteacher,theirconceptsof whatmakes a good
mathematicsteacherdiffered markedly.The teacherwho felt that more difficult
mathematicswas enjoyable also felt that inquisitivenesswas a desirabletraitfor
a mathematicsteacher.The otherteacher,who enjoyedmathematicsthatwas eas-
ier, ratedinquisitivenessleast desirableas a traitfor a mathematicsteacher.
Owens concluded that their constructs about mathematicsand mathematics
education play a powerful role in determining how teachers anticipate their

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 75

teaching roles. In addition,it seems reasonableto assume thatthe teachers'prior

mathematicseducation experiences, especially identification with their mathe-
matics teachers,play a pivotal role in determiningwhat aspects of mathematics
are motivatingand thus how they approachteaching mathematics.
Lucock (1987) found thatchildrenin high-abilitymathematicstrackstendedto
find mathematicseasier, tendedto enjoy doing mathematicsmore, and tendedto
consider mathematicsto be more useful than did childrenin lower ability tracks.
These findings are hardly surprising. However, when children who enjoyed
mathematicswere asked to performroutine work (i.e., learning without under-
standing),they became disillusioned with mathematicsand tended to give up. In
addition,gender differences were found between the ways in which high-ability
boys and low-ability girls internalized success in mathematicstasks. Lucock
found that high-ability boys tended to fail with confidence; that is, their confi-
dence in theirabilities was fairly robustin spite of failure.Low-abilitygirls tend-
ed to succeed with diffidence; that is, their insecurity tended to be robust even
when they were successful.
Constructing an intrinsic motivation for mathematics. Middleton, Littlefield,
and Lehrer(1992) attemptedto test a theory of how academic activities come to
be regarded as intrinsically motivating. Their analysis revealed that children
tended to organize their constructsinto three general categories: arousal,or the
cognitive stimulationaffordedby an activity; personal control, or the degree to
which the activity was considereda free choice or of appropriatedifficulty; and
interests (a loosely defined category), or the degree to which the studentsliked
the activity, the importanceof the activity, and their ability in performingthe
activity. Students, girls in particular,seemed to identify with their teachers in
evaluating the motivational value of academic tasks (as was also found by
Owens, 1987). In addition, children tended to rate mathematicsas less fun as
they progressedfrom elementaryto juniorhigh school. On the basis of the results
of the study, Middleton et al. developed a model of academic intrinsic motiva-
tion. They assertedthat when one first encountersan academic activity, she will
tend to evaluatethe stimulation(challenge, curiosity,fantasy)it providesand the
personalcontrol (free choice, not too difficult) the activity affords.If her arousal
and control requirementsare met consistently, she may choose to include the
activity among her interests.
Using this model, one can gain some insight into the reasonsthat motivational
attitudesseem to be so stable over time. If a studenthas classified mathematicsas
an interest,she will tend to engage in mathematicswith enthusiasmwithouthav-
ing to evaluatethe engagementrequirementsof the task at hand. If she has clas-
sified mathematicsas "not an interest,"she will tend to avoid engagementwith-
out evaluatingthe task at hand.Thus, once mathematicsactivitieshave been clas-
sified with respect to interest, little furtherevaluationtakes place. Because one
must continuallyandconsistentlyevaluatearousalandcontrolto classify an activ-
ity, it seems likely thatonly radicaland consistentchange of the requirementsfor
engagementin mathematicsactivities will effect change in motivationalpatterns.

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76 Motivationin Mathematics

Otherresearchhas indicatedthatteachersand studentscan be highly similarin

the ways in which they define intrinsic motivation in their classrooms but that
highly motivated studentsmay tend to focus more on high arousal and less on
controlwhen engaged in mathematicsactivities, whereasless motivatedstudents
may tend to focus on low arousal and more on control (Middleton, 1995). In
addition,teachers seem to have little backgroundknowledge pertainingto how
studentsview mathematicsactivities from a motivationalperspective.The teach-
ers' own personalconstructsof what makes mathematicsintrinsicallymotivating
play a pivotal role in determiningthe types of activitiesthey choose or design for
their classrooms. Overall, however, teacherswho are betterable to predicttheir
students'motivationalconstructsseem to be betterable to fine-tunetheirinstruc-
tion to meet the motivationalneeds of their students.
Middleton(1993b) examined the changes teachersmade in their motivational
constructsafter a year of implementinga reform-orientedpilot curriculumthat
provided students with more opportunitiesto learn, more choices of strategies
and activities, and more challenging problems than a traditionalcurriculum
would provide; its activities were situatedwithin real-worldcontexts. The data
indicated that teachers' beliefs about intrinsic motivation broaden and expand
before they deepen and differentiateand that carefully designed curricula,cou-
pled with strong professionaldevelopmentexperiences, can influence a shift in
teachers' attitudestoward providing an atmosphereconducive for the develop-
ment of students'intrinsicmotivation.Teachersbecame more attunedto the con-
ceptual complexity and challenge of the mathematics activities, placed less
emphasis on task ease in defining what makes mathematics motivating, and
began to perceive the importanceof personalizingcurriculato make the mathe-
matics more meaningfulfor their students.
Results of studies in the personal-constructsparadigmhave shown that moti-
vations in mathematics education are highly individual, are related to per-
ceived ability, and are relatively stable with regard to success and failure.
Some of the individual differences in motivations can be explained in relation
to students' identification with their mathematics teachers. Perhaps more
important,researcherscan begin to outline how academic activities can be tai-
lored to students' individual differences such that intrinsic motivation in math-
ematics can be fostered by paying attention to stimulation, control, and inter-
est factors.
Researchersin the personal-constructsparadigm,however, have providedonly
limited knowledge of students'motivationalthoughtprocesses. The majorlimi-
tation thus far has been that they have made little attemptto explicate the perti-
nence of extrinsic motivatorsto mathematicslearning. Furtherresearchin this
paradigmis critical to understandingthe roles of grades and other incentives in
influencingstudentmotivation.In particular,because they deal with the process-
es by which students evaluate mathematicsactivities as worthwhile, personal-
constructs methodologies seem uniquely useful for discovering why intrinsic
motivationis superiorto extrinsic motivationin academic areas.

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 77

A second limitation of personal-constructsstudies is that they are prone to

experimenterbias in the interpretationof measures of construct organization.
Withoutwell-articulatedmodels guiding their interpretation,results of personal-
constructsstudies are difficult to interpretsubstantively.

Descriptive Studies
The last approach discussed in this review deals with descriptive studies.
Includedin this categoryare studiesthathave some theoreticalorientationbut do
not fit neatly into any of the categories mentioned previously. For reasons of
clarity and cohesion, we have groupeddescriptive studies accordingto similari-
ties in both the variablesexamined and the motivationalpatternsdiscovered.
Mathematicsanxiety. Individualswho perceive mathematicsas difficult and
their ability to do mathematicsas poor generally avoid mathematics,if possible
(Hilton, 1981; Otten & Kuyper, 1988). Such studentsare termedmath anxious.
Hoyles (1981), for example, examined the stories told by students about inci-
dents (in theirmathematicseducationhistories)thatthey felt reflectedsignificant
influences on their learning. She was interested in discovering the perceived
causes of their mathematicsanxiety. Studentstendedto derive satisfactionfrom
a task when they were involved in successful work, and they tended to blame
their dissatisfactionon the teachers.The studentsseemed to appreciateteachers
who provideda structured,logical progressionfor students'work as well as suf-
ficient explanation,encouragement,and friendliness(see also Quilter& Harper,
1988). Although the sources of satisfactionand dissatisfactionwere similar for
mathematicscomparedto other subjects,the ways in which studentsinternalized
these experiences were markedlydifferent.Studentswere much more concerned
with their own roles in mathematicsversus in learningother subjects.They also
tended to have strong feelings about what they were capable of doing, and they
tended to internalizethese feelings into their self-concepts. The stories Hoyles
studied showed that students' anxiety, feelings of inadequacy,and shame were
common in interpretingtheir bad experiences in mathematicsand that students
generally recall more bad experiences in mathematicsthan in other subjects.
Despite these similarities with respect to their recollections of mathematics
learning,pupils differedin the ways in which they could achieve satisfaction.For
some, challenge added to their satisfaction;others stressedunderstandingof the
"whys"as well as the "hows."Some were satisfied with just being able to know
what to do to solve a problemsuccessfully, and many were quite concernedwith
the accuracyof their work and the grades they received.
Nakamura(1988) describedmotivationaldifferences between high-achieving
and underachievingmathematicallygifted students.One of the primaryresultsof
her researchindicatedthat gifted childrenwho exhibit high achievementtend to
experienceflow (a constructthat correspondsto enjoyableengagementin mean-
ingful activity) more often and anxiety less often in schoolworkthan their lower
achieving counterparts.Higher achievers also tend to spend considerablymore

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78 Motivationin Mathematics

time than low achieversin activities that affordhigh challenge and requirewell-
developed skills. These activities, accordingto Nakamura,are those associated
with the greatestamountof enjoymentfor the high achievers. Lower achievers,
conversely, tend to avoid challenge. Instead, they choose activities with chal-
lenge below their ability level, presumablyto avoid the anxiety caused by high
levels of task difficulty. In other words, higher achievers tend to enjoy academ-
ic challenge, whereas lower achieverstend to feel overwhelmedby challenge.
In short, when teachers emphasize understandingof mathematicalconcepts
and providefacilitativeclassroomenvironments,studentstend to be more recep-
tive and less anxious with regardto mathematicalactivities than when teachers
stress rote activities and are perceived to be authoritarian.Students who have
good experiencesin mathematicstend to be less math-anxiousand less inhibited
in pursuingmathematics-relatedcareersthanstudentswho have bad experiences.
In mathematics,perhapsbecause it is viewed as a difficult and importantsubject,
studentstend to internalizetheir experiencesinto their self-concept more thanin
other subjectareas.
Motivation and underrepresented populations. Rohrkemper and Bershon
(1984) examined the efficacy statements minority students used to motivate
themselves to solve mathematicsproblems correctly. Their findings indicated
that some childrenmay begin to feel a lack of efficacy in mathematicsas early
as thirdgrade. In addition,a high proportionof studentsreportednegative inner
speech (e.g., "If I don't get this right, I will maybe fail") at the outset of problem
solving. These negative self-perceptionswith regardto mathematicsmay under-
mine students'abilities and efforts to persist when faced with difficult problems.
In additionto the attributionliterature,many other studies have documented
gender differences in students' mathematicsmotivation. The consistent pattern
that develops is that females are socialized into viewing mathematicsas a male
domainand into perceivingthemselves as being less able thanmales to do math-
ematics (Fennema& Sherman,1976). Males tend to feel more confidentin learn-
ing mathematics,are more convinced of the usefulness of mathematics,and iden-
tify more with mathematics,in general, than females. Gender-rolestereotyping
does not solely affect females with low ability and motivation.Even girls with
high ability may perceive mathematicsas a male domain, or they may defer to
the "dominantmale role" because of other social pressureswhetheror not they
perceive mathematicsas a male domain (Jackson& Coutts, 1987).
In the middle grades,students'motivationstowardmathematicstend to crystal-
lize into theiradultforms. Studentswho like mathematicstend to reportthatthey
startedliking mathematicsat aboutthe seventhgrade.Studentswho dislike math-
ematics reportthatthey starteddislikingmathematicsat aboutthe seventh grade.
Theirreasonsfor liking or disliking mathematicsseem to focus on the transition
from elementaryto middle school instructionalpatterns,especially the perceived
supportivenessof the teacherand new rules for determiningsuccess in mathemat-
ical tasks(Eccles et al., 1987;Midgley et al., 1989). Girlsin particulartendto iden-

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 79

tify with theirmathematicsteachers,andthis identificationis relatedto girls' inter-

est in mathematics(Fennema& Peterson,1985). By the time studentsget to high
school, interestin mathematicsbecomes one of the best predictorsof students'per-
ceptions of the qualityof their mathematicalexperiences,more so thanability or
the desireto achieve (Schiefele & Csikszentmihalyi,1995).
The researchon genderdifferencesin mathematicsseems to paint a consistent
picture.Like the researchon students'attributions,otherresearchon gender dif-
ferences has indicated that mathematics is perceived by females as a male
domain. Females tend to defer to males when interactingin mathematicsclass,
even when their abilities would indicatethatdeferenceis unwarranted.Girls also
tend to identify with their mathematicsteachersmore than boys do. In addition,
inasmuch as motivationalfactors seem to predict academic achievement more
for girls than for boys, it is reasonableto assume that girls' feelings of disinter-
est and even anxiety in mathematicscontributeto gender-relateddifferences in
achievement.What is not known is what factors cause girls to be less motivated.
Research regardingthese causes is necessary to dispel the myth that girls are
inherentlyless mathematicallyable than boys (see Secada, 1990).
Interventionstudies (e.g., Croom, 1984), however, have shown that appropri-
ate instruction,guidance,andcontinuedsupportcan positively influence students
from underrepresentedpopulationsto continue studyinghigh school mathemat-
ics and can foster improvedattitudestowardschool and towardmathematicsand
science in particular.

The Current State of Research on Motivation in Mathematics

Although research on motivation may not be in its infancy, it has barely

reachedtoddlerhood,and, like a toddler,it seems to be going in many directions,
frequentlygetting into trouble. However, some consistencies are evident across
studies, and these consistencies representthe currentboundariesof our knowl-
edge. Drawing togetherthe findings from the studies reviewed in this article,we
are beginning to define the body of knowledge pertainingto motivationin math-
ematics as it exists today.
First, findings across theoretical orientations indicate that students' percep-
tions of success in mathematics are highly influential in forming their motiva-
tional attitudes.Researchindicatesthatthe effort a personis willing to expendon
a task is determinedby the expectationthatparticipationin the task will resultin
successful outcomes, mediatedby how much the individualvalues eitherpartici-
pation in the task itself or the extrinsicrewardsassociatedwith success in the task
(Brophy, 1986). Studentsneed a relativelyhigh degree of success in mathematics
for engagementin mathematicsto be perceivedas worthwhile(Alschuler, 1969),
and they need to feel thatsuccess in mathematicsis attributableto theirabilityand
effort (Fennema& Peterson,1985). In addition,students'beliefs aboutthe nature

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80 Motivationin Mathematics

of mathematicsand mathematicslearning greatly influence their definitions of

what success in mathematicsis. Currentpracticeleads studentsto develop atti-
tudes thatvalue speed of computation,following the example of the teacher,and
correctnessof answersover learningand understanding(Kloosterman,1993).
Moreover,learnedhelplessness,lack of success, and the perceptionthatfailure
is due to lack of ability seriously underminestudents'motivationto learn;these
factors may also affect the ability to process complex mathematicalinformation
(Dweck, 1986). Studentsalso seem to requirea healthy appreciationfor the role
of failure in mathematicalproblemsolving (Kloosterman,1988). The likelihood
of failure in a task increasesthe task difficulty, thus increasingthe value of suc-
cess (e.g., Brophy, 1987). Further,learningappropriatecoping strategiesfor fail-
ure is necessaryfor developing a healthymathematicalself-concept.
Motivationsdevelop when studentsevaluatethe demandsof the mathematical
task (Seegers & Boekaerts, 1993). To allow studentsto feel successful in mathe-
matics without underminingeither the value of success or a healthy attitude
towardfailure,teachersmust structuretasks such thatthey presentan appropriate
level of challenge and difficulty for students(e.g., Middletonet al., 1992). Thus,
mathematicsactivities must be difficult enough that studentsare not bored, yet
tasks must allow for a high degree of success given appropriateeffort by the stu-
dent. Moreover, studentsshould be encouragedto attributetheir successes to a
combinationof ability and effort and theirfailureseitherto insufficienteffort (so
failurescan be overcome throughrenewed diligence) or to confusion or reliance
on inappropriatestrategies(so failurescan be overcome with additionalprepara-
tion). Studentsmustnot be given cause to believe thattheirfailuresare due to lack
of ability for fear of exacerbatingtheirfeelings of learnedhelplessness.
Second, motivations toward mathematics are developed early, are highly sta-
ble over time, and are influenced greatly by teacher actions and attitudes.
Studentsseem to consolidate their motivationalattitudestowardmathematicsin
junior high school (Eccles et al., 1987), and these attitudesin the middle grades
predictthe courses taken and mathematicsachievementin high school and col-
lege (Amit, 1988; Meyer & Fennema, 1985). These motivationsare internalized
into students'self-concepts, thus affecting how they see themselves with regard
to mathematics-relatedactivities. Students with high self-concepts related to
mathematicstend to be more focused on the selection and use of specific strate-
gies for successful problem solving and are more likely to pursue furtherstudy
in mathematics(Meece et al., 1990; Pokay & Blumenfeld, 1990).
The preponderance of students' recollections of bad experiences (e.g.,
Oldfather,1992) explains in part why students' liking of mathematicstends to
decrease when they get older and why enrollmentin higher level mathematics
courses has declined. These studentsdo not see mathematicsas being integralto
their academic self-concepts, and they try to avoid the anxiety resulting from
involvement in mathematicaltasks. Because anxious or alienated students are
unlikely to have or to develop the motivationto learn mathematics,the teacher

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James A. Middletonand PhotiniA. Spanias 81

should be patient, encouraging,and supportiveof students' individual learning

styles. Students will feel more comfortabletaking risks if they know that they
will not be criticized or humiliated for making mistakes (Brophy, 1987).
Studentstend to attributetheir feelings about mathematicsto their identification
with influentialteachers or to their reactionsto bad experiences, for which they
blame teachers (Hoyles, 1981; Otten & Kuyper, 1988).
It is unclear,however, what role cultureplays in the ways in which motivation-
al strategiesareimplementedin the classroom.Hess andAzuma (1991), for exam-
ple, found that Japanesestudents are expected to be more self-motivatedthan
Americanstudents.In Japan,overtcontrolof tasksby the teacheris minimal,effort
is valued over ability,and determinationsof interestand success are primarilyleft
up to the student.In the United States, motivationis still primarilystimulusdri-
ven-that is, teachersin the United States are expectedto make instructioninter-
esting and appealing,and studentsareless likely to be blamedfor inattentionif the
topic is personallyunappealing.In essence, studentsare expectedto dislike math-
ematicsandarenot provideddirectionor supportwhen they fulfill this expectation.
Third, providing opportunities for students to develop intrinsic motivation in
mathematics is generally superior to providing extrinsic incentives for achieve-
ment. To facilitate the development of students' intrinsic motivation, teachers
must teach knowledge and skills thatare worthlearning.In otherwords, students
must understandthat the mathematicsinstructionthey receive is useful, both in
immediateterms and in preparingthem to learn more in the fields of mathemat-
ics and in areas in which mathematicscan be applied (e.g., physics, business,
etc.). Use of ill-structured,real-life problemsituationsin which the use of math-
ematics facilitates uncovering importantand interesting knowledge promotes
this understanding.However, utility and importanceare not sufficient to devel-
op students'intrinsicmotivation.
Students who come to value and enjoy mathematicsincrease their achieve-
ment, their persistence in the face of failure, and their confidence (Gottfried,
1985; Lehmann, 1986; Meece et al., 1990; Pokay & Blumenfeld, 1990).
Tailoring activities to provide stimulation and student control and matching
activities with students' interests increase intrinsic motivation (Middleton,
1993b). Providingincentives for success, however, can and does encouragestu-
dents to achieve (Alschuler, 1969). Furtherresearch regarding interaction of
extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in the context of the classroom is necessary
because no academictask is free from the influence of either.
Fourth, inequities exist in the ways in which some groups of students in math-
ematics classes have been taught to view mathematics. Girls, in particular, may
be influenced throughgender-role stereotyping,teacher expectations, and peer
pressureto view themselves negatively with respect to mathematicsmotivation
(Fennema & Peterson, 1985; Meyer & Fennema, 1985). Girls, far more than
boys, feel that their failures are due to a lack of ability in mathematics,and this
attributionalstyle may lead them to believe that success in mathematicsis unat-

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82 Motivationin Mathematics

tainable (Benenson & Dweck, 1986). Unfortunately,teachers' thoughts and

behaviors tend to reinforce learned helplessness in girls, furtherwidening the
gender gap in mathematicsachievement(Fennemaet al., 1990).
Last, and most important, achievement motivation in mathematics, though sta-
ble, can be affected through careful instructional design. If students realize that
theirsuccesses aremeaningfulandresultboth from theirabilitiesandfrom a high
degree of effort, they are likely to believe that they can do mathematicsif they
try (Relich, 1984). Providinggroup incentives leads to cooperationand recipro-
cal instructionin mathematicsproblem solving so that all children are given
opportunitiesto succeed (Slavin, 1984). Creating interesting contexts within
which problems are situatedstimulatesstudents' imaginationsand illustratesto
them that mathematicsis useful in various applications(Bransfordet al., 1988).
Most important,a supportive,authoritativeteacher serving as a model and as a
friend gives children the confidence and feelings of self-worth necessary to be
comfortablein mathematics(Covington, 1984).
In addition,teacherswho are more attunedto betteringtheir students'motiva-
tional belief systems are betterable to adjusttheirclassroompracticeto motivate
their students(Middleton, 1995). This finding would suggest thatpreserviceand
in-service programscould profit from detailed examinationof the researchfind-
ings in the field of motivation, including the studies reviewed here. Particular
attentionshould be paid to developing strategiesfor assessing students'motiva-
tional beliefs in the classroom so that teachers' awarenesswill be linked to the
instructionalsequence. In such a programteacherswould be able to use practi-
cal knowledge abouthow students'beliefs are formedand changedto tailortheir
instructionto betterinfluence their studentsto take chargeof theirown learning.
Thus, it seems that there is hope after all. Motivationto achieve in mathemat-
ics is not solely a productof mathematicsability nor is it so stable that interven-
tion programscannotbe designed to improveit. Instead,achievementmotivation
in mathematicsis highly influencedby instructionalpractices,and if appropriate
practices are consistent over a long period of time, childrencan and do learn to
enjoy and value mathematics.Thereis a buildingbody of evidence thatindicates
that the larger, more general goals of schooling can be restructuredand rein-
vented with a fair degree of success so thatthe school culturebecomes conducive
for student learning and motivation (e.g., Maehr & Anderman, 1993). The
researchreviewed in this article also provides evidence that classroom practice
can be positively reinventedso thatthe cultureof the classroomcan become con-
ducive for learningand enjoying mathematics.
Little is known, however, aboutthe socially constructednatureof motivations.
What happens in the mathematicsclassroom when students work together and
create a shared reality? Do different interpretationsof mathematicssupport a
motivatingenvironmentfor some childrenbut not others?Preliminaryfindings
indicate that studentsin cooperativegroups perceive the input of others in very
differentways and reactto the social situationin both positive and negative ways

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James A. Middletonand Photini A. Spanias 83

(Mulryan,1992). Naturalistic,observationalresearchseems a plausiblefirst step

in examining how individual and social motivationalsets become negotiatedin


Although the current research on motivation in mathematicseducation has

providedprofoundinsights into why studentsachieve and why they fail, we have
some criticismspertainingto the lack of theoreticalguidancedrivingthe conduct
of, and implicationsdrawnfrom, the majorityof studies. The researchon moti-
vational variables in mathematicseducationhas been primarilydescriptive and
inadequatelyconceptualized.Often motivationhas been thrown"intothe pot" to
add a little spice to studies originally focused on other factors-such as mathe-
matics achievement.
Particularlyevident is the lack of conceptualizationof how mathematicsmoti-
vation develops over time. With few exceptions, researchershave neglected to
examine the motivationsof studentswhile they change and develop over sever-
al years of instruction.If we as mathematicseducatorsare interestedin effecting
change in students'motivationalpatterns,we need furtherresearchregardingthe
acquisition,consolidation,and maturationof students'motivations.
In addition, measurementprocedures have been primarily atheoretical and
poorly defined. A prime example is the operationaldefinition of motivation as
student engagement (observed affect, time on task) without the use of comple-
mentpatterns,engagementitself is not motivation.Engagementcan be influenced
by a numberof factors that distortthe actual reasons behind students' levels of
task involvement-fatigue, for example. At the otherend of the spectrum,those
conductingmost motivationstudies reviewed in this articlehave used self-report
measuresas indices of motivationwithoutactuallylooking at andlisteningto chil-
dren who are engaged in mathematicalactivity. The potentialbiases associated
with self-reportmeasuresof attitudehave been clearly delineated(Gall, Borg, &
Gall, 1996; Pintrich& Schunk, 1996). When secondarymeasuresof motivation
are used, some additionalmeasureshould be administeredas a validity check.
Moreover, even the theoreticallydriven studies are limited in their explana-
tions of why studentsare motivatedto achieve. Most describe personalitycorre-
lates of motivation,differences or similaritiesin existing groups, or the correla-
tion between motivationand achievement.Few attemptsto predictand then test
causal relationshipsbetween factors influencing motivationhave been made. To
build a more extensive body of knowledge about motivationalfactors in mathe-
matics education, mathematicseducation researchersmust attend to theoretical
or model-basedresearchthat is designed to ascertaincausal and interactiverela-
tionships between motivational domains and student achievement (McLeod,
Reyes, Fennema, & Surber, 1984). Moreover, throughthese models they must
begin to examine the interplayof motivationalfactors as they exist in the social

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84 Motivationin Mathematics

and cognitive worlds of the child. Researchersusing causal modeling have made
a first attemptat large-scale descriptionof the web of factors influencing and
affected by motivationalstructures.Furtherresearch along this line of inquiry
holds promise for untanglingthe causal relationshipsbetween motivation and
achievement. At the other end of the spectrum,naturalisticstudies of students
engaging in meaningfulactivity can providepowerfulinsight into the ways indi-
viduals and social groups define motivationalconstructs,modify these defini-
tions thatarebased on situationalvariables,and abstractworkablegoal structures
that informfutureengagement.
But even with the application of appropriatemethodologies, nearly all the
researchconductedin the areaof mathematicshas utilized a model of mathemat-
ics instructionthat is not conceptuallydriven.Researchersstudyinga conceptual
model of instructionhave found that the effects of such instructionon student
motivation are quite different from the effects of traditionalinstruction(e.g.,
Bransfordet al., 1988; Cobb et al., 1992; Middleton, 1993b). In addition,when
studentswho are motivatedto learn mathematicsconcepts in a meaningfulway
are forced to work on routine,skills-relatedmathematicsproblems,their enjoy-
ment of mathematicstends to plummet (Lucock, 1987). Thus, even the positive
results from studies using more traditionalmodels of mathematicsteaching and
achievementmay be irrelevantor even misleading(Romberg& Carpenter,1986).
One final criticism is aimed toward the use of theories in motivational
research.Although studies may be situatedwithin a theoreticalframework,little
attempthas been made to test the adequacyof currenttheories.Researchershave
used theories to explain behavior,but they have done little to increase the accu-
racy, precision, and applicabilityof these theories. Consequently,very few new
theories or reformulationsof existing theories of motivation have been forth-
coming. Noticeably absent are approachesthatcapitalizeon researchin the cog-
nitive science domain. Because they are focused on individualdifferences, cog-
nitive science approachesmay prove to be powerful theoretical tools for the
motivationresearcher,especially in the area of goal theory, by providing theo-
retical means for examining volitional decision-makingprocesses (e.g., Corno,
1993; Cruz, 1992). A primarygoal for future researchersshould be the testing
and refinementof motivationaltheoriesso thattheirrangeof applicabilitycan be
delineatedand exploited.
Alschuler, A. S. (1969). The effects of classroom structureon achievementmotivationand academ-
ic performance. Educational Technology, 9 (8), 19-24.
Ames, C. (1992). Classrooms: Goals, structures,and student motivation. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 84, 261-271.
Ames, C., & Ames, R. (1984). Systems of studentand teachermotivation:Towarda qualitativedef-
inition. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 535-556.
Ames, C., & Archer,J. (1988). Achievementgoals in the classroom:Students'learningstrategiesand
motivation processes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 260-267.
Amit, M. (1988). Careerchoice, gender and attributionpatternsof success and failure in mathemat-
ics. In A. Bourbais (Ed.), Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the International Group

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James A. Middleton and Photini A. Spanias 85

for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 125-130). Veszprem, Hungary:
HungarianNational Centrefor EducationalTechnology.
Atkinson, J. W. (1964). An introductionto motivation.Princeton,NJ: Van Nostrand.
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James A. Middleton, Associate Professor, Departmentof ElementaryEducation, Arizona State
University, Box 870911, Tempe, AZ 85287-0911;
Photini A. Spanias, Instructor,Departmentof ElementaryEducation,Arizona StateUniversity,Box
870911, Tempe, AZ 85287-0911

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