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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University

Main Campus
Tagbilaran City

VISION: A premier S & T university for the formation of a world class and virtue-laden
human resource for sustainable development of Bohol and the country
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and
sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields, undertake research
and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and
the country.


Submitted by:
BSED-Social Studies 3-2

Submitted to:
Section I. Read and analyze the question carefully. Limit your answer to 5
sentences only. (15pts)

1. Differentiate geocentric theory from heliocentric theory. (5pts)

Geocentric and Heliocentric theories are both revolutionary models of how

universe was viewed. The Geocentric theory that came from the idea of Aristotle and
was expanded by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy explains that Earth is the center of
the universe and every other celestial body rotates around it. Moreover, it was
supported by common sense because the sun appeared to be moving around the earth
as it rose in the morning and set in the evening. On the other hand, Heliocentric theory
viewed that the sun is considered as the center of the universe and the celestial
bodies move around the sun, that is why being called as “Sun-Centered Universe”.
This idea was proposed by Aristarchus of Samos and was further developed by
Nicolaus Copernicus in his mathematical model to explain the motion of the heavenly

2. Why institutions of authority tend to reject new ideas? (5pts)

Basically, it is not anymore new to our minds that society before widely
considered religion as a central force in the society. Thus, institutions of authority tend
to rejet new ideas especially when new discoveries and beliefs will contradict religious
views. This is how religion influenced human beliefs and principles before. People
believed that new ideas would only cause growing uncertainties and doubts and some
are afraid to permanently change the ways they are used into. In general, the superiority
and power of Churches and religious views ignited people’s way of thinking to reject
rather than accept new ideas or ways of thinking.

3. Out of event or circumstance mentioned in section1, which do you consider to be the

most significant? Why? (5pts)

In my own point of view, I will consider that the climax of scientific revolution
where Isaac Newton’s works had paved its way to success was the most significant
event during those times. Newton’s contributions widen everyone’s horizons in viewing
the world and understanding every concepts in mathematics and sciences. In other
words, his work during Scientific Revolution became very relevant and substantial to the
field of education and even in real-life scenarios. Up to this day, Newton is still
recognized because of his contributions that has been applicable and significant to
every individuals’ intellects and way of living.
Section II. (30pts)
1. Provide present scenarios of the legacy of enlightenment. (3pts each).


A belief in progress The build build build program of

encouraged individuals in the Duterte Administration is associated to
a. Belief in society to always keep going the belief of progress. Despite of the
Progress and live with a belief that hard times, the goverment is still looking
despite of the breakthroughs forward for progress and success of this
in life, its good to take the projects and to the Philippine situation
risks because progress as a whole.
awaits ahead.
Our perspective to accept
LGBTQ in the community is a best
b. Secular example of secular outlook. Undeniably,
Outlook Secular outlook offers others tend to reject and disrespect this
multiperspectivity. It gives us new community because they are widely
opportunity to perceive influenced by the traditional religious
situations applying different belief that God only made two sexes:
perspectives. A chance to let the male and female. I would like to
people’s way of thinking highlight that the terms sex and gender
indulge on weighing things differ from each other. The issue there
better rather than focusing is not on the sex anymore, but to gender
only to the other side of the or to the subjective feelings of maleness
coin. or femaleness. It is clearly about their
feelings and human as we are should
respect each others’ emotions. I just
hope that we could apply secular
outlook on this issue.
It gives impact to our Example for this is the importance
c. Importance of society because individualism of individuals in every organizations. As
Individual promotes independency. such, the participation of every
Thus if people learn to be individuals in the Philippine economy
independent, he/she could enables the economy to work. Without
surely stand on its own and the presence of every individuals,
flexible enough to face life nothing makes organizations in the
challenges. society.

2. Provide arguments based on Rousseau's traditional view towards women. Is it still

observable in today’s society? Limit your answer from 5 to 10 sentences only. (10pts)
Criteria: content (depth, relevance) -7pts; grammar (organization of ideas)-3pts

“We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons..but few have the courage to
raise our sons more like our daughters”, Gloria Steinim. These claim will support
Rosseau’s traditional view that women held decidedly to be in subordinate position.
Definitely yes; I can say that it is still observable in today’s society. Women as victims
in rapes, harassments, role confusions, discriminations,etc. merely defines that
women are still seen subordinates. Up to this day, there are still observed cases like
this such as inspired true-story documentaries flashed in televisions where women
are directed to only stay at homes, do household chores and not even sent to
schools. On the other hand, the world is changing and our viewpoints must too. Let us
change our perspectives that men are superior and more capable than women. Be a
forerunner for gender equality, for gender empowerment. Human as we are, we all
deserve to be treated equally, to be respected and to be accepted the way we are in
the society. A gender-equal society would be one where everyone can be
themselves. Enough for gender discrimination.

Section III. Read and analyze the question carefully. Limit your answer from 5-10
sentences only. (15pts)

1. Has the social or political context of cultural life changed during and after the
Enlightenment period? Why, or why not?

Indeed, Enlightenment period changed and influenced society and culture as a

new generation of philosophes had new ideas about liberty and the condition of women
which were spread through an increasingly literate society. In the social context of
cultural life of the people, new ideas and discoveries changed the typical system of
society before and even religious institutions has been challenged during the Age of
Reason. In fact, popular culture took major forms wherein religious materials included
devotional tracts, saints’ lives, catechisms, manuals of penitence, and Bible stories;
Almanacs appealed to the readers and the Tales, fables, burlesques and satires,
mixtures of fiction and history in which miraculous events frequently helped bring the
story a satisfactory conclusion. Moreover, enlightenment thinkers also brought political
modernization to the west. They sought to curtail the political power of organized
religion, and thereby prevent another age of intolerant religious war, thus promoted the
concept of separating church and state. This is also the time when John Locke and
Rosseau developed social contract theories, which explained that government’s
authority lies in the consent of the governed, is necessary for man to live in a civil
society. Generally, similar to any movements in history, enlightenment brought changes
to the social and political context of cultural life of the people and brought impacts in
transforming to our present society now.

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