What Are The Differences Between A Tsundere, Yandere, Kuudere, Yangire, and Dandere - Quora

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Yangire Dandere Kuudere Tsundere Yandere Otaku Similarities and Differences Related Questions

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Elender Góis Gallas, Watched a lot of anime

Answered July 17, 2019

Tsundere (ツンデレ, pronounced [tsɯndeɾe] )

A Japanese term for a character development process that describes a person who is
initially cold (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier
side over time. The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン), meaning to turn
away in disgust or anger and dere dere (デレデレ) meaning to become 'lovey dovey'.

Yandere (ヤンデレ)

A term for a person who is initially loving and caring to someone they like a lot until their
romantic love , admiration and devotion becomes feisty and mentally destructive in
nature through either overprotectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined. The
term is a portmanteau of the words yanderu (病んでる), meaning (mentally or
emotionally) ill, and deredere (でれでれ, "lovey dovey"), meaning to show genuinely strong
romantic affection. Yandere characters are mentally unstable, incredibly deranged and use
extreme violence or brutality as an outlet for their emotions. Yandere are usually, but not
always, female characters.

Kuudere is not a joint as literal as the others, it comes more from the way the Japanese
pronounce "cool" and "cold." Although they remember Tsundere, they are very different
characters. 1

These characters are so cold, that they are almost robotic and do not understand their own
feelings, because they do not usually have any.

Yangire: a Japanese term used to refer to normal people who suddenly become violent at
times due to a past trauma.

That is, according to the site Otomes Place, yangire is an extremely sweet, captivating and
lovely person. But deep down he has a "rotten" soul, which feels an uncontrollable desire
to kill people seemingly for no reason at all.

The difference between yangire and yandere is that, yandere kills for love, already yangire
kills just because she likes killing.
10.3K views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Mikan Minatozaki

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Fox Winters, lives in The United Kingdom (1990-present)

Answered May 17

A Tsundere is someone who tends to act harshly towards other people, treating them as
idiots, but they get lovey-dovey around a certain character (sometimes referred to as a
“Trigger Character” as they trigger this reaction), particularly if that character does
something protective, heroic, kind, or in just about any other way positive. They can’t be
honest with their own emotions and thus almost never admit that they love the trigger

A Kuudere is a character who often appears emotionless, except around their own trigger
character and even then in rare, specific and private situation … (more)

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Roisin O'Connor
Answered November 25, 2019

Well a tsundere is

Tough on the outside soft on the inside

Hot headed easily offended

Refuses to show weakness secretly cares for people


Soft on the out side tough on the inside

Sweet until emotionaly hurt

Will do anything for there love

Obsessive and jealous

Physicotic tendencies


Cold type

Logical thinker

Cool and collected

Blunt with opinion

Friendly in private


Distant type

Socialy awkward

Rarley opens up

Extremely shy

Can't express emotions

hope that answers your question there all quite different but each to there own xx
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