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In this chapter, the researcher discusses about background of the research,

problem statement, objective of the research, scope and limitation of the research,
significance of the research, and definition of key terms, the function of those
topics are to make the readers know the basic problem of this research.
A. Background of the Research
English is an universal language. It is used by most people in every
country. It is also as a tool for communicating, expressing ideas, thoughts,
opinions, and feelings, both orally or written. In Indonesia, English is a tool
for absorb and develop science, technology, and cultural arts. In this era, the
ability to communicate in a full sense is the ability to speak, for the ability to
understand and or produce oral and or read texts that are realized in language
skills. In realize those skills, students must have a motivation in learning
English. Motivation is very useful for increasing students interest in learning
Motivation “energizes” human behavior and “gives it direction”(Dornyei,
1998, p. 117), Students who have high motivation in learning English will be
able to absorb the lessons because they have high spirit to be master in
English. Students also will encourage themselves more actively to achieve
their goals in improving their ability in English.
In the other hand, Motivating students in the English as foreign language
(EFL) classroom is often a complex and difficult task that involves a
multiplicity of psycho-sociological and linguistic factors (Dornyei, 1998;
2010a), linguistics factors is a major problem why students do not like English
subject. Many students avoid this lesson because it is not their mother tongue
and many of them have a bad time with English lessons, because they think
that English is something boring. That is why, most of students in Indonesia
are very difficult to understand about English. Therefore, the importance of


motivating students to learn is needed to encourage students to understand the

things that they do not know yet.
Based on the problem, the teacher should be creative in the teaching and
learning process. Teacher should have the way to make students interest and
understand about the importance of learning English. To increase students
motivation, teacher should have a tactics to make the class look fun such as
make a class communicative, make English practical, forge relationship, and
give the students positive feedback.
B. Problems Statement of the Research
On the background of the research above, the research formulates the
problem as follows: “what is being the main factor to increase students
motivation in learning English at SMPN 3 Tarakan?”
C. The Objective of the Research
The objective of the research is the factor in increasing the students
motivation in learning English at SMPN 3 Tarakan.
D. Scope and Limitation of the Research
Scope of this research is motivating students in learning English in SMPN
3 Tarakan. There should be a limitation in research in order to limit the
discussion of the research. The limitation of this research is to know the main
factors in increasing students motivation in learning English at Eighth Grade
students of SMPN 3 Tarakan.
E. Significance of the Research
The researcher hopes that by finding the main factor to increase students
motivation in learning English at SMPN 3 Tarakan is beneficial for the
researcher, teacher and students.
F. Definition of Key Terms
The operational definition of this research is to clarify the terms and
defines the scope of the study and thus not generate any other interpretation.
As for the affirmation that the term needs to be explain as follows:

Motivation is an important factor to drive someone to do something, or an

energy and strong desire that is in someone who is able to do something to
achieve the goals.

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