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• Ease of Crystallization

- Crystallization is inversely related to the ease of solubility.

Thus fructose is the hardest to crystallize while lactose is the
easiest. Fructose containing syrups like high fructose-corn syrup
(HFCS) tend to become sticky, unless wrapped in moisture-vapor
proof material. Some candies are dusted or coated with lactose or
powdered sugar to prevent absorption of moisture in storage.
Powdered sugar contains cornstarch to prevent lumping or caking.

• Hygroscopic Ability • Melting point and decomposition by heat

- or the ability to absorb moisture from the atmosphere is - Dry sugar melts at 186⁰C (367⁰F). At 210⁰C (410⁰F), loss of
directly related to the case of solubility of sugars. water units from the sugar molecules occurs, yielding substances
called fructosans and glucosans. Prolonged heating causes further
• Degree or Intensity of Sweetness degradation resulting in dark brown, highly viscous syrup with
distinctive taste and odor. This is the process of caramelization and
- this is a quality in the kind of sugar and is related to
the product is called caramel. Beyond this stage, smoky burnt sugar
solubility. The ranking of sweetness follows that of solubility:
is no longer desirable due to complete breakdown of the molecule
fructose, sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose. Using sucrose or table
yielding carbon in the familiar black form.
sugar is the basis for comparison, the relative sweetness of the
other sugar given in Table 10-4. • Maillard reaction or non-enzymatic browning
Table 10-4. The Relative Sweetness of Sugars
- is distinguished from enzymatic browning which involves • Sweetening agent
the action of enzymes. The color change needs two reactive
- is the most obvious role since sugar is universally used to
radicals: free aldehyde from a carbohydrate or sugar molecule and a
add sweetness. It also has the function of altering other basic tastes.
free amino radical from a protein or a nitrogenous source.
It is also functions as a flavor-binding agent.
• Hydrolysis
• Main ingredient
- Is the splitting of a molecule into its simple components.
- sugar is confections like candies and icings, acts as the
Sugar can be hydrolyzed by acids, enzymes or alkalis. The rate of
structural foundation of the product.
hydrolysis is affected by pH, temperature, time of exposure at a
given temperature of cooking and catalytic reagents. • Preserving agent
- In sugar cooking, fruit, juice, cream of tartar, vinegar, calamansi or - in highly sugared products such as candied fruits, jellies,
lemon juice acts as a weak acid needed for inversion. The enzyme jams and other similar products, it has a dehydrating effect on the
invertase also promotes inversion. spoilage microorganisms. Sugar also binds with water resulting to a
reduced availability of the water for microbial activity.
- Strong alkalis, decompose sugars, e.g. hard water is
alkaline enough to bring about decomposition. Weak alkalis hasten • Colorant and flavoring agent
caramelization. Baking soda is an example of a weak alkali.
- brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup, caramelized sugar
- sucrose combines chemically with water which is not to be and honey provide distinct color and subtle flavor to food.
confused with water in solution with the sugar. In the latter, the
sugar dissolves and the process is physical. The chemically • Texture modifier
combined water is lost during caramelization. - Sugar determines texture in many products. These effects
• Fermentation are due to crystallization, aeration, foaming, and its viscosity and
- sugars are altered by fermentation. Glucose is highly
fermentable by yeast. Sucrose, invert sugar, corn syrup and • Peptizing agent
fructose, but not lactose, are also fermented by yeast. - in batters and dough, sugar in increasing amounts
- Lactose is acted upon by lactic acid bacteria to produce prevents gluten development, resulting in a tender moist product.
lactic acid. This is what happens in cheese making, yogurt and sour • Volume and structure improver

Functions of Sugar in Food Preparation

- in jellies, cakes and cookies, sugar is part of the framework • Aspartame
and volume of the product. It precipitates pectins and together they
- is dipeptide synthesized from amino acids phenylalanine
form the network for gel formation.
and aspartic acid. Both amino acids are completely metabolized in
• Humectant the human body.

- because of its hygroscopic ability, products with added • Acesulfame K

sugar especially fructose and invert sugar, keep the product moist
- is a sweetening substance in Swiss Sweet and Swiss One
and soft.
and Sunette. It contain sulfur and nitrogen in its molecule like
• Tenderizing effect saccharin and cyclamate. It has far no adverse side effects unlike
- in protein gels like custards and in starchy sauces or
puddings, adding sugar delays gel formation and results in a more • Sucralose
tender product.
- is a sucrose molecule with the hydroxyl group substituted
• Nutritive quality with chlorine.

- Simple sugars are readily digested and absorbed for quick • Sugar Alcohols or Polyols
energy. In infant feeding and dietetic foods, special sugars like
- reduction of the carbonyl group of reducing sugars
lactose, dextrose, corn syrups and dextrimaltose have specific
produces sugar alcohols, also called polyols. As alternative
functions. Dextrose solutions are used for intravenous feedings to
sweeteners, the most common are sorbitol and xylitol. These two
supply energy requirements as quickly as possible compared to oral
sugars occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables. But consuming
excessive amounts might cause diarrhea.
Synthetic or Artificial Sweeteners
• Synthetic sweeteners are otherwise known as artificial, high
These are plants or parts of plants such as roots, tubers, bulbs,
potency, non-nutritive, non-caloric, caloric-free, alternative
stems, shoots, leaves, fruits and flowers used as raw or cooked,
or intense sweeteners. These are substances that can be
served generally with entrée or in salads but not as desserts.
used in small quantities to sweeten foor and drink for
individuals who need to cut down their sugar intake. CLASSIFICATION OF
• Are useful in dietetics as non-caloric sweeteners, i.e. they
add sweetness without adding energy value, which is Vegetables are classified according to parts of plant used, chemical
desirable in weight reduction and diabetic diets. composition, and nutritive value.
According to Plants Used or unripe jackfruit, okra, patola or sponge gourd, kalabasa or
squash, kamatis or tomatoes, siling hindi maanghang or sweet
Roots are underground parts of plants. Good examples of these
pepper, siling labuyo or cayenne pepper, siling maanghang or chili
vegetables are apulid tsina or water chestnut, kamote or sweet
potato, kamoteng kahoy or cassava, karot or carrot, gabi or taro,
labanos or radish, remolatsa or beets, singkamas or yam bean, tugi Flowers are exemplified by koliplower or cauliflower, bulaklak ng
or spiny yam, ube or purple yam. kalabasa or squash flower, and katuray or Sesban flower.

Tubers are short, thickened, fleshy parts of an underground stem According to Chemical Composition
such as Jerusalem artichokes, and patatas or potatoes.
• Carbohydrate-rich – such as seeds, roots, and tubers.
Bulbs are underground buds that send down roots and are made up
• Protein-rich – include seeds such as legumes and pulses. To
of a very short stem covered with layers. Included in this group are
name a few: the mungbeans and the soybeans.
chives, garlic, leeks, onions, and shallots.
• Fat-rich – such as nuts, olives, avocado.
Seeds are parts from which a new plant will grow. They are referred
to as legumes and include beans such munggo or mung beans, • Fiber-rich – such as green leafy vegetables, celery stalk,
broad beans, chickpeas, paayap or cowpeas, frijoles, kidney beans, broccoli.
lentils, pinto beans, mecan peas or soybeans wax beans, and white
beans. • High moisture content – such as kabuti or mushrooms,
kamatis or tomatoes, kintsay or celery, koliplower or
Stems and shoots are stalks supporting leaves, flowers, or fruits. cauliflower, labanos or radish, letsugas or lettuce, repolyo
These include kintsay or celery, tangkay ng gabi or taro petioles, or cabbage. The term “succulent” refers to the juiciness of
labong or bamboo shoots, malunggay or horseradish, rhubarb, vegetables because of its high moisture content.
ubod or coconut pith, palm heart and asparagus.
• Gas-forming vegetables – when digested, they form
Leaves include talbos ng kamote or sweet potato tops, kangkong or gaseous compounds like hydrogen sulfide.
swamp cabbage, ispinaka or spinach, repolyo or cabbage, mustasa
or mustard, petsay or Chinese cabbage, dahong sili or pepper • NUTRITIVE VALUES
leaves, sibuyas na mura or spring onion or shallots, leeks and • Vegetables are high in water content; hence they are
scallions, all members of the onion family, which differ only in size considerably lower in calories and proteins than most of the
and stem. grains and legumes.
Fruits include ampalaya or bitter melon, upo or bottle gourd, sayote
or chayote, pipino or cucumber, talong or eggplant, langkang hilaw
• Vegetables are also excellent sources of fiber, various  Vit. K, which is found in nightshade vegetables like
essential macrominerals and microminerals, vitamins and broccoli and dark green, leafy vegetables,
phytonutrients. participates in the clotting process.

• They should constitute the bulk of our diet.  SOURCES OF VITAMIN B-COMPLEX

• Vegetables vary widely in composition and nutritive value,  Beans and leafy greens are rich sources of vitamin
depending on the part of the plant used. Leaves such as B-complex.
cabbage and lettuce are expected to differ in value from
 Green leafy vegetables like ampalaya tops, kulitis,
potatoes or carrots which are are roots or beans and peas
pepper leaves, kangkong, saluyot, and dried beans
which are seeds.
are rich in riboflavin.
 Dark leafy green vegetables are good sources of

Green leafy vegetables are recommended sources CARBOHYDRATES

of vit. A.
• Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharide with more than
Common carotene-rich leafy green and yellow 20-sugar residue.
vegetables include alugbati, ampalaya leaves, kalabasa leaves,
• Polysaccharides are natural constituents of both plant and
kamoteng kahoy leaves, kangkong, karot, gabi leaves, letsugas,
animal tissue.
malunggay, mustasa, petsay, saluyot, sili leaves, yellow camote and
yellow corn. • Dietary fiber includes polysaccharides, oligosaccharides,
lignin and associated plant substances.
Vegetables that are good sources of vit. C include
cabbage-type vegetables, bell peppers, lettuce, potatoes and dark Food sources of dietary fiber are often divided according to whether
green and yellow vegetables. they provide predominantly soluble or insoluble fiber.
SOURCES OF VITAMIN E AND K  Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It is readily
fermented in the colon into gases and
 Vit. E, found in nuts and spinach, is a potent
physiologically active byproducts, and can be
antioxidant and helps to keep the body cells
prebiotic and/or viscous. It tends to slow the
movement of food through the system.
 Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. product, and have significance in determining the degree of
Fermentable insoluble fibers mildly promote stool acceptability of that unit to the user
regularity. They tend to accelerate the movement
• Attributes of Vegetable Quality
of food through the system.
• 4 Signs of quality in vegetables
• Color and Appearance
• Phytochemicals literally translates to chemicals in plant. It I
the basis of many herbal food supplements that are so • Flavor (taste and aroma)
popular today.
• Texture
• Pytochemicals may be simple substances like selenium or
complex chemicals such as phenols, athocyanins, terpenes, • Nutritional value.
flavonoids, and others. TEXTURE OF VEGETABLES
• All plant pigments are phytochemicals. • Textural parameters of fruits and vegetables are perceived
ANTIOXIDANTS with the sense of touch, either when the product is picked
up by hand or placed in the mouth and chewed.
• These are substances that prevent oxidation of other
molecules, but in phytochemicals, this refers to substances • In contrast to flavor attributes, these characteristics are
that protect cells from the effects of free radicals that are fairly easily measured using instrumental methods.
produced in the body as a consequence of normal • Most plant materials contain a significant amount of water
metabolic processes. and other liquid-soluble materials surrounded by a semi-
• Some phytochemicals can reduce inflammation and permeable membrane and cell wall.
eliminate carcinogens, while others regulate the rate at • The texture of fruits and vegetables is derived from their
which cells reproduce, get rd of old cells and maintain DNA. turgor pressure, and the composition of individual plant cell
QUALITY OF VEGETABLES walls and the middle lamella “glue” that holds individual
cells together.
• Quality is a term which denotes a degree of excellence, a
high standard or value. Kramer (1965) stated that: Quality • In practice the term texture is used primarily with reference
of foods may be defined as the composite of those to solid or semi-solid foods; however, most fruits and
characteristics that differentiate individual units of a vegetables are viscoelastic, implying that they exhibit
combined properties of ideal liquids, which demonstrate
only viscosity (flow), and ideal solids, which exhibit only • The second group of vegetables includes those whose flavor
elasticity (deformation). is determined by a number of volatiles, none of which
conveys the specific characteristic aroma. Examples in this
• Cell walls are composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectic
group include snap beans and tomatoes.
substances, proteins, and in the case of vegetables, lignin.
• In the evaluation of fruit and vegetable flavor, it is
• Tomatoes are an example of a fruit vegetable that is
important to consider “off-flavors” as well as desirable
approximately 93–95% water and 5–7% total solids, the
latter comprised of roughly 80–90% soluble and 10–20%
insoluble solids. • These off-flavors may be produced through the action of
enzymes such as lipoxygenase or peroxidase, which form
reactive free radicals and hydroperoxides that may catalyze
• Flavor has been defined (Anon, 1959) as: A mingled but the oxidation of lipid compounds.
unitary experience which includes sensations of taste, smell,
• When these reactions occur, the result may be the
and pressure, and often cutaneous sensations such as
development of undesirable flavors described as rancid,
warmth, color, or mild pain.
cardboard, oxidized, or wet dog. However, there are
• Flavor is typically described by aroma (odor) and taste. instances of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that result in
desirable flavors. For example, hydroperoxide lyase
• Taste has been divided into five primary tastes—sweet, catalyzes the production of typical tomato flavors (Anthon
sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Umami can be described as and Barrett, 2003).
a taste associated with salts of amino acids and nucleotides
(Yamaguchi and Ninomiya, 2000). Odors are much more PIGMENTS AND COLOR COMPONENTS IN VEGETABLES
diverse and difficult to classify, but an attempt by Henning
(Gould, 1983) includes the following— spicy, flowery,
fruity, resinous or balsamic, burnt, and foul.  It is similar to the heme of the hemoglobin.

• Stevens (1985) stated that it is possible to classify  It contains 2.7% of magnesium.

vegetables into two major groups, depending on their flavor
 Formed from chloroplasts of plants.
characteristics. The first group of vegetables has a strong
flavor that can be attributed to a single compound or  There are two green forms: Chlorophyll A and B and
group of related compounds. Onions with characteristic two yellow forms: carotene and xanthophyll in the
sulfide compounds,and celery, with distinctive phthalides chloroplasts.
are examples of this group.
 Not soluble in water but is dispersed with pulpy bits  Widely distributed that vegetables without
of fruits and vegetable tissues. anthoxanthins are more the exception rather than
the rule.
 Pure chlorophyll is soluble in fat solvents.
 Group of fat-soluble yellow to red pigments mainly
found in plants especially in dark leafy vegetables.

 Two general types of carotenoids: carotene and

xanthophyll. 1.

 Lycopene, a derivative isomer of carotene is the red

pigment in tomatoes, and canthaxanthin in red


 All phenolic compounds.

 They are pigments widely distributed in plants and

include two groups of pigments: the anthocyanins
and the anthoxantins as well as tannins.


 Give the red, purple, and blue color to many fruits,

vegetables, flowers and leaves like red cabbage and


 Almost colorless or pale yellow pigments, which are

found in light colored vegetables like potatoes and
yellow skinned onions.
5. 3. The active aldehyde theory

ENZYMATIC BROWNING Classification of Fruits
• It is a reaction which requires the action of enzymes and Descriptions of Each Type of Fruit
oxidation in order to occur. 
• 1. Aggregate fruit- This type consists of many tiny seed-
• It takes place in some foods, mostly fruit and vegetables, bearing fruits combined in a single mass which develops
causing the food to turn brown.  from the many ovaries of a single flower.
• It is a process wherein the oxygen in the air can cause sliced • Examples: raspberry, blackberry, cherimoya
fruit to brown.
• 2. Berry - Each of these fruits is derived from a single ovary
• Oxidation results in decreased shelf period, progress and may contain one or more seeds.
rancidity and these fresh produces lose the color, texture
and the flavour. • Examples: grapes and banana (a berry that has lost its
ability to develop seeds because growers have long
“The longer you keep them exposed to air, the lesser will be the propagated it vegetatively with the aim of getting rid of the
vitamins.” seeds)
NON ENZYMATIC BROWNING • 3. Drupe – The single-seeded stone fruit develops entirely
from a single ovary.
May be a result of any of the three general types of reactions:
• Examples: cherry, plum, peach, nectarine, apricot, prune,
1. Nitrogenous compounds and sugars
siniguelas, avocado, and mango
2. Organic acids and sugars.
• 4. False berry - These many seeded fruits result from the
3. Nitrogenous compounds and organic acids. fusion of an ovary and a receptacle
2. The distinct mechanisms are now known to be involved in • 5. Hesperidium-The citrus fruits are the most common
the non-enzymatic browning of food and food products: examples of this type of fruit which develops from a
compound ovary into a many seeded, multi-sectioned fruit
3. 1. The Maillard reaction or the Melanoidin
enclosed in a tough, oily skin.

4. 2. Ascorbic acid mechanism

• 6. Multiple fruit - The ovaries and receptacles from multiple • Many fruits are advantageous for the simple reason that
flowers on a common base develop into these fruits. they are relatively low in calories yet high in vitamins and
minerals that regulates body processes.
• Examples: pineapple and fig.
• Fruits are also an excellent source of fiber needed for a
Classification According to their production of ethylene (ripening
healthy digestive system.
• Fruits are essential in the diet to prevent certain diseases.
1. Climacteric fruits produce ethylene which causes high respiration
rate during ripening • Lack of Vitamin C: cause of swollen joints, inflammed gums,
and weakness.
Examples: mangoes, bananas, papayas, and avocados
• Lack of Vitamin A: cause of beriberi (potentially fatal disease
2. Non-climacteric fruits produce little or no ethylene.
of the nervous system)
Examples: pineapples, grapes, citrus, pomelo, strawberries and
Vitamin Content of Fruits
• Vit. A - yellow fruits rich in carotene
* ripen only while still attached to the parent plant and so cannot be
picked early and stored for later ripening Sources: Ripe mango, papaya, banana, melon, cantaloupe, yellow
corn, sweet potato/yellow camote
Composition and Nutritive Value of Fruits
• Vit. C - Citrus fruits
Sources: Guava, oranges, calamansi, tomatoes, dalanghita,
• Fruits are generally higher in moisture content than most
other foods.
• Vit. E -Antioxidants
• Fruits usually have moisture content as low as 71% for
jackfruit to as much as 94% for native melons. Sources: nuts, avocado,kiwi, blackberries, cranberries, apricots

Nutritive Values • Vit. K -helps in blood clotting process

• Most fruits are fair to excellent sources of calories (due to Sources: grapes, tomatoes, prunes, pomegranate, blueberries,
their sugars), fiber, various essential macromolecules and blackberries, prunes, avocado 
macrominerals, vitamins and vitamin-like factors.
• Vit. B complex

Sources: watemelon, plum, tomato, strawberry, apple, banana

Divided into two: 1. Parenchyma cells - its function helps the plant in photosynthesis,
storage and transport. Has intercellular spaces which explains the
1. Soluble Fiber- dissolves in water and is viscous.
release of air when you boil a fruit.
Sources: Ripe bananas, apple, pear, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes
2. Conducting cells - composed of long tubes through which water
2. Insoluble fiber- does not absorb or dissolve in water. and salts/nutrients are distributed throughout the plant. Its fibers
are primarily responsible for the stringiness and toughness of a fruit.
Sources: cereals, whole grains
3. Protective cells - are specialized parenchyma cells and secretes
Phytochemicals cutin and suberin.
• only found in plant foods Flavor compounds of fruits
• different kinds of phytochemicals gives fruits and veggies • Sugar - as a fruit ripens, its sugar content increases
their bright colors (pigments).
• Acids - as the fruit ripens, acidity generally decreases. E.g.
• helps boost immune system and reduces risk of heart citric acids in citrus fruits, malic acids in apples, tartaric acid
disease in tamarind.
Sources: Blueberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes • Tannins or phenolic compounds - "mapakla" flavor of some
Antioxidants fruits like santol and underripe banana. Tannins do not
disappear in ripe fruits but merely become insoluble.
• substance that retards oxidative rancidity in fats by
becoming oxidized itself and stopping a chain reaction. Pigments and color components in Fruits

• Sources: Strawberries, grapes, oranges, plum, wild berries, • Chlorophyll

mangoes, cherries - formed from chloroplasts of plants. There are 2 green forms :
Texture components Chlorophyll A and B and 2 yellow forms : carotene and xanthophyll.

• Texture associated with the structural make-up of fruits - is responsible for the green pigments of both vegetable and fruits.
including qualities such as toughness, stringiness, slicing • Cartenoids - group of fat soluble yellow to redpigments
quality and crispness. found mainly in plants especially in dark leafy vegetables.
Some plant cells that is responsible for the texture of fruits: There are about 80 cartenoids in nature. They give orange and
yellow color to fruits e.g. papaya, tomatoes, red watermelon, etc
• Flavonoids - are phenolic compounds. has 2 groups of 5.Effect of metals Copper and zinc brighten Little effect
pigments namely anthocyanins and anthoxanthins.

• Anthocyanins - give the red, purple and blue color to many

fruits like beets and grapes.

• Anthoxanthins - are almost colorless or pale yellow

pigments. 6. Effect of prolonged Olive green Little effect unless
heating excessive; may darken
Effect of Various Factors in Plant Pigments

Name of Pigment
Chlorophyll Carotenoids
Enzymatic Browning
1. Color Green Yellow and orange
• Enzymatic browning is one of the most important reactions
that occur in fruits and vegetables, usually resulting in
2. Water solubility Slightly soluble Slightly soluble negative effects on color, taste, flavor, and nutritional value.
It is a reaction which requires the action of enzymes and
oxidation in order to occur.
3.Effect of acid Changes to olive green Little effect
Non Enzymatic Browning

• Non‐enzymatic browning involves a set of chemical

reactions that take place during the preparation or storage
4. Effect of alkali Intensifies green color Little effect of foods. It is responsible for the formation of brown
compounds, which are volatile flavor molecules that affect
the sensory quality of foods

• Distinct mechanisms known to be involved in the non-

enzymatic browning of food and food products:

• Maiilard reaction or Melanoidin condensation

• Ascorbic acid mechanism

• Active aldehyde theory

– This type of browning reaction is not easily manifested in fruits

unless enough time is provided

 It may be a result of any of the three general types of


1. Nitrogenous compounds and sugars

2. Organic acid and sugars

3. Nitrogenous compounds and organic acids


◦ Pectin is a natural gelling agent that occurs in fruit.  It helps

your jams, marmalades and jellies set.

◦ Some fruits have enough natural pectin to gel firmly; others

require added pectin. The best type of pectin is found in
just-ripe fruit. Pectin from under-ripe or overripe fruit will
not gel. 

◦ Unlike gelatin, which is made from animal parts, pectin

comes from fruit.

◦ Commercial pectins are made from apples or citrus fruit

and are available in both powdered and liquid forms.

Jellies are usually made by cooking fruit juice with sugar.

Jellies have the smoothest consistency and are made by crushing a
fruit and discarding the solid chunky leftovers. This leaves only the
fruit juice, which is then mixed with a substance called pectin and
heated to form the gelatinous spread. 


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