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CE 312 Structural Analysis _ Final Examinations December 2016 THE PAPUA NEW GUINEA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS - 2016 CE 312 — STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS & DESIGN 1 Third Year Civil Engineering ' December _2016- 1:30 pm ROOM: HLT —-CIVIL ENG TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 1 2. 3. Pe Check that there are 12 different pages of this Examination Paper. You have ten (10) minutes to read this Examination Paper. This paper contains 38 questions in three (3) Parts. Part A Multiple Choice Questions (30 marks) Part B Matching Type (10 marks) Part C Short Answer Questions (30 marks) Total 70 MARKS RING DEPARTMENT Write your name, student number and course on the front page of the answer booklet. Answer ALL questions. All answers must be written on the ANSWER SHEET provided. No other written material will be accepted. Mobile phones, notes and notebooks are NOT allowed. J70 1|Page CE 312 Structural Analysis —_ Final Examinations December 2016 PART A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (30 MARKS) Write the LETTER AND WORD/S OR NUMBER ASSOCIATED TO IT of your best choice on the answer sheet provided. NO MARK for letter only. 1 marks each. Example: Question: _ If all members of the’truss lie on one plane, the truss is called Space Truss Plane Truss Space Frame Not in the list com> Answer: B. Plane Truss Start here QUESTION 1 The Moment at a hinged end of a simple beam is A. zero B. one C. maximum D. minimum \ QUESTION 2 In a structure, the numbers of ifidépendent joint displacements that the structure can undergo are known as. A. degrees of rotation B, degrees of freedom C. flexibility method D. stiffness method QUESTION 3 The coordinate system which is arbitrarily oriented at the convenience of the analyst to describe the positions and displacements of all members in the structure is _. A. xy coordinate system B. Local coordinate system C. Global coordinate system D. Adjusted coordinate system fe ae 21 Page CE 312 Structural Analysis —_ Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 4 A structure which is composed of straight bars joined together at their ends is called__ A. truss B. frame C. beam D. none in the list QUESTION 5 The form of isolating each joint of the framework is called __ A. equilibrium B. known forces C. unknown forces D. free body diagram QUESTION 6 This method can only be used to determine the internal forces in the members of statically determinate pin-jointed trusses. A. method of joint B. flexibility method C. displacement method D. method of virtual work QUESTION 7 For a system of forces acting on a particle, the particle is in statical equilibrium if, when it is given any virtual displacement, the net work done by the forces is zero is a principle of __ A. virtual work method B. flexibility method C. stiffness method D. method of joint QUESTION 8 Determinacy status which reactions and internal forces cannot be analysed by the application of the equations of statics alone is called A. Stiffness B. Flexibility C. Determinate D. Indeterminate QUESTION 9 For a two dimensional framed structure, which equation proves the degree of indeterminacy A i=(m+-3j B. i= (3m +1) -3j C. i= (2m +r) 2) D. i=(6m+r)-6j 3| Page CE 312 Structural Analysis —_ Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 10 A structure having fewer reactive forces than equations of equilibrium are called to be in A. Stiff B. Mechanism C. Partial constraint D. Improper constraint QUESTION 11 The method of analysis satisfied when the various segments of the structure fit together without intentiona! breaks or overlaps. A. Equilibrium B. Compatibility C. Flexibility D. Force displacement QUESTION 12 Degree of redundancy (dor) is equal to__ A. m-dof B. m+ dof C. m= dof D. None in the list QUESTION 13 The principle of virtual work can be stated in equation as__ A.D Fx=0 B. DFy=0 c. bu D.M=0 sale alive QUESTION 14 : The number of degree of freedom for an En’castre beamis__. > Dons QUESTION 15 Ina linearly elastic structure in static equilibrium acted upon by either of two systems of external forces, the virtual work done by the first system of forces in undergoing the displacements caused by the second system of forces is equal to the virtual work done by the second system of forces in undergoing the displacements caused by the first system of forces is called___ A. Virtual work principle B. Maxwell-Mohr Theorem C. Slope-deflection theorein D. Maxwell-Betti's THeorém 4|Page CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 16 " Is a structural framework composed of interconnected bars pinned together at the ends to form a stable series of triangles is called__ |. Frame Beam . Truss |. Not in the list aeooe QUESTION 17 The equation K * r= R, what is K a.known external forces b. unknown displacement c. stiffness matrix d. none in the list QUESTION 18 The more general name for a connection between adjacent members is termed a. element b. node c. degree of freedom d.not in the list QUESTION 19 In the flexibility method, the unknowns were _ a. joint displacements b, reactions c. the redundant actions d. not in the list QUESTION 20 If Q is load factor, S is shape factor and F is factor of safety in elastic design, please state the correct relationship between these parameters: a Q=S+F b.Q=F-S c.Q=S-F d.Q=SxF 5| Page CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 21 Pick up the correct statement from the following: a. Ina loaded beam, the moment at which the entire section of the beam becomes fully plastic, is called plastic moment b. The ratio of plastic moment to the yield moment, is called shape factor c. Ina fully plastic stage ths beam, the neutral axis divides the section in two sections of equal aréa d.all QUESTION 22 A truss containing j joints and m members, will be a simple truss if a.j=3m-2 b.m=3j-2 c.m=3j-3 d.j=2m-3 QUESTION 23 Principal planes are subjected to at, nowmal stressescas Walaa tangential slresses b. tangential stresses only c. normal stresses only d. none of these. QUESTION 24 Pick up the correct statement from the following: a. For channels, the shear centre does not coincide its centroid b. Bending loads should pass through the shear centre to avoid twisting For | sections, the shear centre coincides with the centroid of the cross section of the beam c. All the above as 6| Page CE 312 Structural Analysis” Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 25 The assumption in the theory of bending of beams is: a, b, c. d material is isotropic. Young's modulus is same in tension as well as in compression . each layer is independent to expand or to contract all the above QUESTION 26 In plastic analysis, the shape factor for rectangular section, is a. 1.4 b. 1.6 c. 1.5 d. 1.7 QUESTION 27 Beams composed of more than one mater so as to behave as one piece, are known as , rigidly connected together a. Compound beams b. Composite beams c. Indeterminate beams d. Determinate beams QUESTION 28 ‘ The shape factor of standard rolled beam section varies from a. 1.10 to 1.20 . 1.20 to 1.30 b. c. 1.30 to 1.40 d. 1.40 to 1.50 7| Page CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 29 In plastic analysis, the shape factor for a triangular section, is a. b. c. d. 1.34 2.43 " 1.5 25 QUESTION 30 A material is said to be perfectly elastic if a. b. c. d. It regains its original shape partially on removal of the load It regains its original shape on removal of the load It does not regain its original shape at all |. None of the above CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 PART B. MATCHING TYPE (10 MARKS) Questions 22 to 25, Match column Right with column Left by WRITING THE CORRECT LETTER ONLYon your answer sheet. Example: _ Left Column Right Column QUESTION 0 /|Is a structural framework composed of A. Frame interconnected bars pinned together at the ends to form a stable series of triangles is called _ | QUESTION 00 | The equation K* r= R, what is K B. Truss - C. stiffness Answer: Question 0. B Question 00. c Start here _ Ans | Left Column Right Column QUESTION 31 A rectangular array of element A. flexibility arranged in rows and column method which as a whole is considered a |__| single entity QUESTION 32 Redundant actions are the B. matrix unknowns . QUESTION 33 Coordinate system which is C. statically oriented along the axis of a given determinate member and is used for that member alone QUESTION 34 Unknown quantities are the joint D. local displacement coordinate QUESTION 35 All system for which the reactions E. Method of of supports can be determines by joints means of equations of equilibrium F. Stiffness Method CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 PART C. SHORT ANSWER QUESTION (30 MARKS) Questions 36 and 38 Please solve and write down answers on provided answer sheet. A_|_ WL 4m Figure 1.0 5KN QUESTION 36 (10 marks) From the given figure 1, solve the figure by a. showing if it is statically determinate ornot (2 mark) b. DOF (2 mark) c. with method of joint displacement (3 marks) With reference to figure 1, find the value of joint displacement [x], if relative values of AE/L of members one (1) and member two (2) is 25 and 20 respectively d. show matrix formulation & (3 marks) CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 37 , (10 marks) A cantilevered beam of uniform E! is supported at “A” and ha vertical forces at four positions along the span labelled “B’, “C’, “D" and “E”. (Note that “E” is at the end of the cantilever. A unit force acting at “E” produces deflections of 0.41 and 0.71mm at “B" and “C" respectively. A unit force acting at “D” produces deflections of 0.27 and 0.62 mm at “B” and “C" respectively. Determine the deflections at “D" and “E” caused by 15kN and 25KN frces at “B” and “C” respectively (Acting at the same time) using the Maxwell and Betti Theorem. Figure 2.0 11| Page CE 312 Structural Analysis Final Examinations December 2016 QUESTION 38 (10 marks) For the cantilevered beam shown below, apply the method of virtual work to determine the following at the specified points: a. The vertical deflection and the slope of the deflection at point C b. The vertical deflection and the slope of the deflection at point B Use for El for a 460UB 82.1 where |,, = 371,000,000mm‘* & E = 210,000 N/mm? 1200N 1.0m 2.0m A B c Figure 3.0 END OF PAPER 1 1 1, 3H gear gh i [i (2h +h) + Lilak +h)! Blin) | Laake Ja(k+2h)]! 1 ie jul git hat i 1 an) a+ ding Ja(l+a)]e 1 lig, 7 git barca yal sh 3 1 2 om yy Gar 3h)e ai 1 1 1 wt qglittale sit Lu HOnrsye jut i 1 2 it lar adel rea TIC _ Ide =" Hil _¢ WA OW TIE — ou rai0Z1 en 8 (= 27s+*,101- 101) of (WN) "0 Aysuqey emUMTREH ca Ive 77 8 (x1r- 19+ x) ae mm [>x> 105 (e-x0) p= 6 (2-1) >= wd p>x>o wy (x-ve) Po¢ od TIE _ we 1a9 Be x— 7p) 26 aa? 6) us sary sip We J peoy pai HUDSON — uMs_ TeADINIRD T NOLLOTTAGC WAWIXVA * dO SWHGL NI NOILDAS ANV LV NOLLOF dad | GNa aaaa LY ad01S ‘WAAL Waa AV INWUO NOLLOAWdIG wad

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