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Status epilepticus

 When seizure lasts too long or when seizures occur close together and the person doesn’t
recover between seizures
 Any seizure greater than 5 min
Tipe status epilepticus
Convulsive status epilepticus
 Emergency situation that can occur with prolonged or repeated tonic-clonic seizure
Status epilepticus occur when
 The active part of a tonic-clonic seizure lasts 5 min or longer
 A person gies into second seizure without recovering consciousness from the first one
 A person has repeated seizures for 30 min or longer

Nonconvulsive stasus sepileticus

 Long or repeated absence or focal impaired awareness(complex partial) seizure
 The person may be confused or not fully aware of what is going on, but they are not
“unconscious”, like in a tonic-clonic seizure
 The situations can be harder to recognize than convulsive seizures. Symptoms are more subtle
and it’s hard to tell seizure symptoms from the recovery period

Seizure medications
 Brivaracetam
 Cannabidiol oral solution
 carba

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