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Cardigan: To fit 22in. chest; length from top of shoulder, 10 ½in.;

length of sleeve seam, 6 ½in. with cuff turned back.
Sunsuit: to fit 22in. chest; length from top of shoulder, 18 ½in.

Yarn: 7 balls Patons Turbo Orlon

Needles: No. 11 and 13 knitting needles
Gauge: 32 sts = 10 cm

6 buttons

Abbreviations: St-st., stocking-stitch; twist 5, slip next st. on to cable needle and leave at
front of work, knit into front of 4th st. on left-hand needle, but before slipping it off knit into
front of 3rd, 2nd, and 1st sts., then slip all sts. off needle together, then knit st. from cable
needle; in., inch: tog., together; alt., alternate; w.fwd., wool forward; p.s.s.o., pass slipped
stitch over; dec, decrease; w.r.n., wool round needle; t.b.l., through back of loop; g-st., garter



With No. 11 needles, cast on 38 sts. Knit 8 rows. Proceed as follows:

1st Row: Cast on 3 sts., k 3, sl. 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 34, k 2 tog.

2nd and Alt. Rows: Cast on 3 sts., purl to end of the row.

3rd Row: Cast on 3 sts., k 6, sl. 1, k 1, p.s.s-o., k 32, k 2 tog., knit to end of row.

5th Row: Cast on 3 sts., k 9, sl. 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 30, k 2 tog., knit to end of row.

Cont, in this manner, casting on 3 sts. at beg. of every row and dec. 1 st. each side of gusset
in every alt. row until 90 sts. on needle. Now cast on 2 sts. at beg, of next 4 rows, still
shaping gusset. Keeping 2 sts. in g-st. at each end of needle in every row, cont, to dec. as
before at each side of gusset in every alt. row until 94 sts. rem.

Work straight until side seam measures l ½in., ending with knit row. Proceed as follows:

1st Row: K 2, p 19, k 1, p 50, k 1, p 19, k 2.

2nd and Alt. Rows: Knit.

3rd Row: K 2, p 18, k 3, p 48, k 3, p 18, k 2.

5th Row: K 2, p 17, k 5, p 46, k 5, p 17, k 2.

7th Row: K 2, p 16, k 7, p 44, k 7, p 16, k 2.

9th Row: K 2, p 15, k 2, p 5, k 2, p 42, k 2, p 5, k 2, p 15, k 2.

10th Row: As 2nd row.

11th Row: As 9th row.

** 12th Row: K 19, twist 5, k 46, twist 5. k 19.

Rep. 9th and 10th rows twice and 9th row once

**. Rep. from ** to ** 3 times, then 12th, 9th, 10th, and 9th rows once.

*** Next Row: K 2, * k 1, p 1, rep. from * to end of row.

Rep. last row for l ½in., ending with right side facing, keeping 2 sts. in g-st. at each end.
Dec. 10 sts. evenly along next row (84 sts.). Cont, in st-st. for 2in., ending with a knit row.

Next Row: K 18, p 48, k l 8.

Next Row: Knit.

Rep. these 2 rows 3 times.

To Shape Armholes-1st Row: Cast off 12 sts., k 6, counting st. on right-hand needle as one
st., p 48, k 18.

2nd Row: Cast off 12 sts., knit to end of row.

3rd Row: K 6, p 23, k 2. p 23, k 6.

4th and Alt. Rows: Knit.

5th Row: K 6, p 22, k 4, p 22. k 6.

7th Row: K 6, p 21, k 6, p 21, k 6.

9th Row: K 6, p 20, k 8, p 20, k 6.

11th Row: K 6, p 19, k 10, p 19, k 6.

13th Row: K 6, p 18, k 12, p 18, k 6.

14th Row: K 22, k 2 tog. t.b.l., k 6, turn, leave rem. sts. on st-holder.

15th Row: K 6, p to last 6 sts., k 6.

Keeping 6 sts. in g-st. at each end of needle in every row, dec once inside border of 6 sts. at
neck edge in next and every alt. row until 12 sts. rem. Work 16 rows in g-st. on rem. 12 sts.
Next Row: K 5, w.r.n., twice, k 2 tog., k 5.

Next Row: Knit, working w.r.n., twice as 1 st. Dec. once at each end of needle in every row
until 2 sts. rem. K 2 tog.

Fasten off. Join in wool at neck edge and work on rem. sts. to correspond with other side ***


Work as. given for front to waist, rep. from *** to *** as given for front, omitting


Sew the 2 cast-on edges tog. With right side of work facing and using No. 13 needles, knit up
70 sts. round leg edge and work 11 rows in g-st. Cast off.


Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.



With No. 13 needles, cast on 50 sts. and work 11 rows in g-st.

With No. 11 needles, proceed as follows:

1st Row: K 6 (p 7, k 2, p 5, k 2) twice, p 12.

2nd Row: Knit.

3rd Row: As 1st row. **

4th Row: K 14, twist 5, k 11, twist 5, k 15.

Rep. 1st and 2nd rows twice and 1st row once **

Rep. from ** to ** 6 times and from 4th to 8th rows once. Proceed as follows:

1st Row: K 6, p 8, k 7, p 9, p 7, p 13.

2nd and Alt. Rows: Knit,

3rd Row: K 6, p 9, k 5, p 11, k 5, p 14.

5th Row: K 6, p 10, k 3, p 13, k 3, p 15.

7th Row: K 6, p 11, k 1, p 15, k 1, p 16.

Work 2 rows in st-st., keeping 6 sts. at front edge in g-st.

Shape raglan and front slope as follows:

1st Row: Cast off 4 sts., knit to last 8 sts., k 2 tog. t.b.l., k 6.

** 2nd Row: 6, purl to last 2 sts., k 2.

3rd Row: K 3, k 2 tog, knit to end of row.

4th Row: As 2nd row.

5th Row: K 3, k 2 tog., knit to last 8 sts., k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 6 **.

Rep. from ** to ** until 12 sts., rem, cont, to dec. at neck edge every 4th row, dec. every row
at armhole edge until 6 sts rem. Work 3in. straight in g-st on these 6 sts. Cast off.


Work to correspond with left front, reversing border and all shaping and making 4
buttonholes, 1st in 13th and 4th rows from commencement, 4th at beg of front slope and 2
more in between at equal intervals.

To Make a Buttonhole- 1st Row: K 2, cast off 2, patt, to end of row.

2nd Row: Patt, to last 2 sts., cast on 2 sts., k 2.


With No. 13 needles, cast on 88 sts. and work 11 rows in g-st.

With No. 11 needles, proceed as follow:

1st Row: P 12, k 2, p 5, k 2, p 7, k2, p 5, k 2, p 14, k 2, p 5, k 2, p 7, k 2, p 5, k 2, p 12.

2nd Row: Knit.

3rd Row: As 1st row.

** 4th Row: K 14, twist 5, k 11, twist 5, k 18, twist 5, k 11, twist 5, k 14.

Rep. 1st and 2nd rows twice, then 1* row once **.

Rep. from ** to ** 6 times and from 4th to 8th rows once. Proceed as follows:

1st Row: P 13, k 7, p 9, k 7, p 16, k 7, p 9, k 7, p 13.

2nd and Alt Rows: Knit.

3rd Row: P 14, k 5, p 11, k 5, p 18, k 5, p 11, k 5, p 14.

5th Row: P 15, k 3, p 13, k 3, p 20, k 3, p 13, k 3, p 15.

7th Row: P 16, k 1, p 15, k 1, p 22, k 1, p 15, k 1, p 16.

8th Row: As 2nd row.

Work 2 rows in st-st.

To Shape Raglan: Cast off 4 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows.

Next Row: K 2, purl to last 2 sts., k 2.

Next Row: K 3, k 2 tog., knit to last 5 sts., k 2 tog. t.b.l., k 3.

Rep. these 2 rows until 40 sts. rem., then dec each end of every row until 28 sts. rem. CO


With No. 13 needles, cast on 40 sts and work 11 rows in g-st.

With No. 11 needles, cont. in st-st., inc once at each end of needle in 3rd and every foll. 8th
row until there are 56 sts. on needle. Work straight until sleeve measures 7 ½in., ending with
a purl row.

To Shape Raglan: Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows.

Next Row: K 3, k 2 tog., knit to last 5 sts., k 2 tog. t.b.l., k 3.

Next Row: K 2, purl to last 2 sts., k 2.

Rep these 2 rows until 6 sts. rem. Cast off.


Join band and sew to back of neck. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.

Australian Women's Weekly 10 February 1965, page 29

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