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COVERALL Feenticl MATERIALS REQUIRED American Thread Company “Dawn"* 2 Balls—White 1 Le hetland Floss. nC pine Kaitting N amment thmuygh the eenter—914 ge 8 sts=I inch Cost on 58 sts and work in tit Sth Row. K2* Yam over, K over, K 2 ungether, P 2, K'2 repeat from * to end of mw ending with K 2. Work § rows of ribbing. Remainder of th (K drow, PL row). Next 4 ewe Nextrow increase | every 6th row, until sow even then deere on needle, Work 10 hen inerease here are 72 ats on needle. et stea uch side one 1 de until there ane 22 sts ws even then increase 1 st each side until there 1 nceile e 4 rows even. Next row de. Next 5 Rows w Next Row. P 2, peat from * to end o bind off, With right s ts around leg and w bind off loosely and Sew seams. Crochet a cord 35 around top and finish eores with KNITTED CAP MATERIALS REQUIRED American Thread Company “Dawn” Pompadour Yarn. 1 Ball Whiteand 1 Rall of Color 1 Pr, Bone Knitting Needles #11 With Whi and 60 rows bind off loosely. To make Cap. White ast on $0 sts and K 48 rows. Attach id in half having the eo fe east on and bound side, turn on right side o that seam just made will m. Sew the twe the back of eap, Sew tions together very loo Tura baek eolor over White for ap. Lace ribbon thro for front of cap to form tie at lower edge 0 finish with 3 rosebud 1 ilhustrated.

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