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We dont like the feelings of being lost,dissapointed,hesistant or weak. But it is part of

being human and one of the important part of finding yourself and the truth. If there are no bad
feelings,we will live in a world that where everyone is happy and satisfied on the things that are
wrong. We will also not know our mistakes and continue to do things freely and rascally because
we have joyful or positive feelings.

When the bad feelings overwhelmed or eat us, it is important that we return to ourselves.
Because ourselves is the foundation or home when we are lost. When we get there, it is now our
choice to build our home, which will lead to the deepest unknown discovery of the self. It doesn't
matter if we build our house in a beautiful or muddy place because we cannot perfectly know
ourselves and always watch our mistakes, what is important is that we have a home to return on
when we feel the feelings that we don't like.

2. What is your own philosophy in life

I have my own philosophy in life, but I couldn't organize it because my philosophy came
from my experiences, observations and own opinion.

I think my philosophy in life is random. I like to observe my surroundings' behavior and

that concluded to the thought that there are many choices, things, or words that are stealthily bad
but everyone couldn't see it much because it requires deep understanding and it is being
normalized until this day. This thought came from my experience. I was once a very bad person
who blabs badly to people in order to make others laugh. I observe that almost all people do it, so
why can't I? As a person who did it in the past, you can not really feel anything but satisfaction
and happiness because you make your friends happy, even though it is not in a good way.
Another example is we can see in today's world, especially on social media, there are many
people who are making memes or hilarious images of a certain person because of their flaws.
There are various reactions, but most of them are laughing and tagging their friends. Despite that,
there are few people that defend the person. It is only my opinion, but it is hard to apply
compassion when we feel happy or when we are laughing at something that is badly laughable.

Another of observation of mine is about friendship. Others might thing that the friends'
foundation is trust. Based of what I've experienced, most of the people tend to have a fake
foundation called badmouthing. I believed that it is a bad core of friendship, but this kind of
friendship sparks joy. As I said earlier, even though something is bad, we feel happy feelings.It is
a tough medicine to take, but we are unconsciously happy when we make fun of others.
Badmouthing someone makes us satisfied because it is our feelings of frustation, boredness or
the urge to make someone laugh that we are releasing. Both Badmouthing and trust make the
bond stronger, but badmouthing has consequences. When two friends are badmouthing others,
the time will come that they will badmouth each other, then that will result to fake friendship.

There are many selfish people, but all of us were silently selfish for not considering someone's
feelings. We are blind for we cannot easily stop our emotions because we like it that way. I don't
know the specific way to have compassion, but I only think that if you can put your feet on
other's shoes, you will know what it feels like. If you also experienced the situation, that is when
you will understand.

Yes, I believed to these philosophers for their philosophies are being seen or applied in our
modern world.


I am Mary Moreene Valdez. I am 19 years old turning 20 this December 28. My hobbies
are watching Kdrama and Anime, I also taking care of my 3 cats here at home.

On describing myself, I wanted to be honest and accurate for it is the right thing to do. I
am a bizarre person. I like to dance and pretend that I am in a music video while lipsynching. It
helps me boost my confidence but I can only do that inside my room while no one is watching. I
also love to do things differently especially when it is a serious matter. I don't want pure serious
things, I wanted to add life or just a little humor to it. I am also perceptive and observant. I am
always curious around my surroundings and things that caught my attention. I am not perceptive
in the past, but I am trying to understand the things in a certain point of view. Because I am
observant, I became an overthinker. I overanalyze situations because I've got my conclusions in
the past. Because of my conclusions, I became more insecure and tormented by the words of
others. I also become unexpressive because I can not open to others anymore because I don't
trust them. I am dealing with my own thoughts and decide that maybe I should be selfish because
it is my fault that I am like this and it is my responsibility to be a better version of myself.

From the day I started to realize that once you did something to someone. it will come back to
you, I wanted to start being compassionate. I want to understand the situation and feelings of
others especially when they are not in a good state and remember that everything happens for a

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