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You are expected to use support from the academic literature to enhance your reflections.

Math and science Ohoud Yaser Alshamsi

Lesson (unit/page) Student teacher

MST Ms Suzulle School KG 2C

Class KG 2C Date 21\10\2020

What standards or LOs were being addressed in the lesson?
Math: Count sets up to 20

B. Make number quantity correspondence, represent numbers in different ways, Read and write numbers up to 20, Compare two sets of things,
and identify which group contains more, fewer, or the same number of things


Ask questions about living things in the local environment through observations of Science, use prior knowledge to conclude what plants need to
stay alive, identify that the sun makes it possible to grow food, Describe the basic parts of a plant and describe how the main parts of the plant help
keep it alive, recognize that plants change as they go through different stages of their life cycle

 How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation?
There are no special needs in the class room but I did a student differentiation in the activity, master students: master
student will draw two group using less and more and they will write the word less, more in each group
development students: they will draw two groups of flowers using less, more and they will write each number of
flower. emerging students: they will only draw two group of flowers less and more then they will count it with the
How did you use positive reinforcement? Methods? For what? I used a positive reinforcement during my
lesson, if some student gives a correct answer I offer a praise and told student a good world to boost self-confidence
into the child and also told them I’m so proud of you, and give them a thumb up and clapping and cheering, and they
will feel excited to do better next time
How did you sequence or scaffold activities so that they built gradually towards the learning objectives?
Model and explain the activity for the student before giving them to ensure they understand what they
have to do, and help them if they needed.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (that is, describe the lesson’s place in the unit of work. What did
students need to know before today’s LOs were addressed? What topic comes next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that?)
Math: Count sets up to 20

B. Make number quantity correspondence, represent numbers in different ways, Read and write numbers up to 20, Compare two sets of things,
and identify which group contains more, fewer, or the same number of things


Ask questions about living things in the local environment through observations of Science, use prior knowledge to conclude what plants need to
stay alive, identify that the sun makes it possible to grow food, Describe the basic parts of a plant and describe how the main parts of the plant help
keep it alive, recognize that plants change as they go through different stages of their life cycle

Centre activity time:

Use your white board and draw a two group of flower with less and more, then the teacher will show
the student an example

Who is the lesson for? The lesson for KG 2C boys and girls
Where did the lesson take place? We did the lesson on Microsoft teams
What were you aiming to achieve in your lesson? My aim is in the end of the lesson the student can count
from 1 to 20 by different ways, and to know the part of plants and what the plants need to grow up and
recognize living and nonliving things
What experiences did you provide to the students to help them to achieve your aims for them? I used a
positive reinforcement during my lesson, if some student gives a correct answer I offer a praise and told student a
good world to boost self-confidence into the child and also told them I’m so proud of you, and give them a thumb up
and clapping and cheering, and they will feel excited to do better next time, and motivate them in a good way even if
they do a wrong work I hope that they do better next time.

Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson? Students was exited at
the end of the lesson because each one of them explain what they did in the activity and they felt confident
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? By motivate the student more and tell
them if you be a good today you will be my start for today, also I think I have to work more on student
management because we teach the student online and I cannot control them in a good way but I will try
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? Before I teach the student, they are
familiar with word plants because the learned letter pp and they took word “plant”, also the student
familiar with counting by using their fingers because the learned to count 1 to 5

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective.
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Use your students’ performance on the end of lesson
assessment as support (Give proof in your portfolio)
The students understand the concept and they were on target because at the end of the lesson 80% they
know how to count 1 to 20, also 70% they know the part of the plant, and I notice that when I give them
chance to explain what they did in the center time.
But I think I have to focus more on emergent student to give them more engage activity and observe them
by asking them a lot of question to give them chance to talk and share on the class with others

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
What are the implications for your professional practice of helping students to enhance their learning in
this particular way? (i.e. what skill will you have to develop or learn? What professional development will
you have to undertake?)
 work more on student management because we teach the student online and I cannot control them in a
good way but I will try too
 focus more on emergent student to give them more engage activity and observe them by asking them a
lot of question to give them chance to talk and share on the class with others

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