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Measurements: 19 (20, 21) in chest; length, 15 ¼ (16, 16 ¼) in, sleeve seam, 5 ½ (6, 6 ½) in.

Yarn: 4 (5, 5) balls Emu Baby Bri-Nylon 3-ply

Needles: No. 10 and 11 knitting needles and No. 11 crochet hook
Gauge: 30 sts. x 40 rows = 10 x 10 cm

3 small buttons

1 ½ yds. and ½in.-wide ribbon.

Abbreviations: K, knit; p, purl; st(s), stitch(es); st-st, stocking-stitch; rep, repeat; beg,
beginning; inc, increase; dec, .decrease: tog, together; sl, slip; t.b.l, through back of loop(s);
w.fwd, wool forward.


** Using long No. 10 needles, cast on 203 (227, 227) sts. and work 4 rows in st-st.

Next Row: K l, * w.fwd, k 2 tog, rep. from * to end.

Commencing with a p row, work a further 5 rows in st-st, dec. 1 st. at end of last row. 202
(226, 226) sts. Commence pattern.

1st Row: K 38 (50, 50), * sl. 1 purlwise, k 9, p 3, (k 1, p 1) 9 times, k 1, p 3, k 9, sl. 1

purlwise, * k 36, rep. from * to * once, k 38 (50, 50).

2nd Row: P 48 (60, 60), k 3, rib 19, k 3, p 56, k 3, rib 19, k 3, p 48 (60, 60).

3rd Row: K 7, (w.fwd., k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10) 2 (3, 3) times, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 5, * sl 1
purlwise, k 9, p 3, rib 19, p 3, k 9, sl. 1 purlwise, * k 5, (w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l., k 10) twice,
w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 5, rep. from * to * once, k 5, (w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10) 2 (3, 3) times,
w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7.

4th Row: As 2nd row.

5th Row: K 5, (k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7) 2 (3, 3) times, k 2 tog, w.fwd,
k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 4, * sl. 1, purlwise, k 9, p 3, rib 19, p 3, k 9, sl. 1 purlwise, * k 3,
(k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7) twice, k 2 tog., w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog.
t.b.l, k 4, rep. from * to * once, k 3, (k 2 tog, w.fwd., k 1, w.wfd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7) 2 (3, 3)
times, k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 6.

6th Row: As 2nd row.

7th Row: As 1st row.

8th Row: As 2nd row.

9th Row: K 13, (w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10) 2 (3, 3) times, kl,* sl. 1 purlwise, k 9, p 3, rib 19,
p 3, k 9, sl. 1 purlwise, * k 11, (w.fwd,-k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10) twice, k 1, rep. from * to * once,
k 11, (w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10) 2 (3, 3) times, k 3.

10th Row: As 2nd row.

11th Row: K 11, (k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd., k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7) 2 (3, 3) times, k 3, * sl. 1
purlwise, k 9, p 3, rib 19, p 3, k 9, sl. 1 purlwise, * k 9, (k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog.
t.b.l, k 7) twice, k 3, rep. from * to * once, k 9, (k 2 tog. w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7)
2 (3, 3) times, k 5.

12th Row: As 2nd row.

These 12 rows form pattern. Continue in pattern until work measures 2in. from eyelet holes,
ending with a ws row.

To Commence Shaping: Keeping continuity of pattern, dec. 1 st. each end of next and every
following 4th (3rd, 3rd) row until 162 (166, 170) sts. remain. Continue without further
shaping until work measures approx. 10 ½ (11, 11) in. from eyelet holes, ending with 6th or
12th row of pattern.

Next Row: K 18 (20, 22), cast off 45 sts. for pleat, k 36, including st. used in casting off, cast
off 45 sts. for pleat, k to end. 72 (76, 80) sts.

Next Row: Work to end across all sts.

To Shape Raglan Armholes: Keeping continuity of pattern, cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 2
rows. Dec. 1 st. each end of next and every following alternate row ** until 44 (44, 46) sts.
remain, ending with a ws row.

To Divide for Back Neck Opening -Next Row: K 2 tog, pattern 20 (20, 21) sts. and turn,
leaving remaining sts. on spare needle. Keeping neck edge straight, continue to dec. at
armhole edge as before until 12 (12, 13) sts. remain, ending with ws row. Leave these sts. on
spare needle. Join in wool at neck edge to remaining sts, pattern to last 2 sts, k 2 tog.
Complete to match first side of neck.


Work as back from * to ** until 36 (36, 38) sts. remain, ending with ws row.

To Shape Neck-Next Row: K 2 tog, pattern 10 (10, 11) sts, turn, leaving remaining sts. on
spare needle. Still dec. at armhole edge as before, dec. 1 st. at neck edge on next 5 (5, 6)
rows. Keeping neck edge straight, continue to dec. at armhole edge until 1 st. remains. Fasten
off. Slip centre 12 sts. on to spare needle. Join in wool at neck edge to remaining sts, pattern
to last 2 sts, k 2 tog. Complete to match first side of neck.

Using No. 11 needles, cast on 36 (38, 38) sts. and work in k 1, p 1 rib for 1in, ending with ws
row. Change to No. 10 needles and pattern.

1st Row: Knit.

2nd Row: Purl.

3rd Row: K 5 (6, 6), * w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10, rep. from * once, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l,
k 5 (6, 6).

4th Row: Purl.

5th Row: K 3 (4, 4), * k 2 tog, w.fwd., k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7, rep. from * once,
k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 4 (5, 5).

6th Row: Purl. 7th Row: Knit.

8th Row: Purl.

9th Row: K 11 (12, 12), w.fwd, k 2 tog t.b.l, k 10, w.fwd., k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 11 (12 12).

10th Row: Purl.

11th Row: K 9 (10, 10), k 2 tog., w.fwd, k 1, w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 7, k 2 tog, w.fwd, k 1,
w.fwd, k 2 tog. t.b.l, k 10 (11, 11).

12th Row: Purl.

These 12 rows form pattern. Inc. and work into pattern, 1 st. each end of next and every
following 3rd row until there are 54 (58, 60) sts. on needle. Continue with-out further shaping
until work measures 5 ½ (6, 6 ½) in, ending with ws row.

To Shape Raglan Top: Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows. Dec. 1 st. each end of next and
every following alternate row until 6 sts. remain, ending with ws row. Leave these sts. on a


Using back-stitch, join raglan seams. With rs facing and No. 11 needles, k across the 12 (12,
13) sts. on left side of back neck, 6 sts. on top of left sleeve, pick up and k 11 (11, 12) sts.
down left side of front neck, k across the 12 sts. at centre inc. in last st, pick up and k 11 (11,
12) sts. up right side of front neck, k across the 6 sts. on top of right sleeve and the 12 (12,
13) sts. on rs of back neck 71 (71, 75) sts. Work 3 rows in st-st commencing with a p row.

Next Row: K l, * w.fwd, k 2 tog, rep from * to end.

Commencing with a p row, work a further 3 rows in st-st. Cast off.


Using back-stitch, join side and sleeve seams. Fold hem at eyelet holes, picot edging, on to
ws and slip-stitch down. Set inverted pleats into position and catch down cast-off sections on
ws of work. Work a row of double crochet along each edge of back neck opening, then work
three buttonhole loops evenly spaced along one edge. Sew buttons on opposite edge to match
loops. Sew a small ribbon bow to top of each pleat.

Australian Women's Weekly 9 February 1966, Baby knit page 12

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