Risk Lesson Learned

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Lessons Learned During the Risk Management

MOOC Risk Management for Development Projects - 2 ed.
OLP PROGRAM JAN 31, 2020 02:52PM

Risk Management Plan

Agent Acquisition
We embarked on a project to acquire agent in different locations
and regions to help hit our target market.

Most of our target areas are the suburbs with  so much

What we did was to mitigate the risk of going there but instead
got one agents, gave him incentives to recruit for us.

Risk Management at a construction project

How to determine risk in a project
site Word document
The thing that went well for the project was that we completed PADLET DRIVE
an industrial construction project well ahead of time and as a
part of bene t a new contract of similar project of bigger value
was awarded to the rm that I was working for by the clients.
The thing which did not work in the favor of project was damage Risk Management
of a service road connecting main highway to the project site in Risk identi cation and its responses during the Project
month of rainy season. This resulted in delay in supply of some execution is very important factor.
important materials otherwise we could have saved more money
by completing the project even further well ahead of time.
Next time in similar situation, I will give the responsibility of
monitoring the connecting road to a team, especially during
rainy season. They will keep an eye on the damage level of the 1.Risk Management process
connecting road and do the repairs when ever it is needed. Not 2. Risk Identi cation Process
at the last moment... 3.Qualitiative Risk Analysis Process
4.Respone planning process
Kumar Gaurav 5. Project Risk Monitoring process

Risk management
Risk Management Process is important for
it is a a cycle and need to be assess and measured during the life
to the project . any project for its deployment and
sustainability of a project highly depends on correct assessment budgeting
of potential risk and remedy mesures

Risk Management Process

Risk Moonitoring
Risk Management

Risk Management process

High risk of volatile nature of labourers in


lesson learned during risk management


Early identification of risk factor



Risk management are going more detail and

Early identification of risk factor understanding the risk during the project. It
Welding procedure speci cation (WPS) quali cation is one of the is great to know about what will happen
quality processes in welding; thus requires thorough risk when facing difference level of risk and it
management process.
also know how to improve during project.
The project document speci es the parent materials
components and matching electrodes must be speci ed to avoid
mechanical failure... Lessons learned
what went well? The subcontractor proposed the use of an
electrode that matches the materials of the parent materials but
of lesser strength as indicated in the project document. We
identi ed this risk, and quickly analyzed the likely event and
probability factor and impact decision...
We proposed a response to have 2 procedures done with
subcontractor presented electrodes, and the project document
highlighted electrodes, with the aim of subjecting both test-
pieces to mechanical testing for the risk validation. At the end of
the day, the testpiece with subcontractor electrodes failed
mechanical test, and the project documented passed. 
The risk response plan, MITIGATE, made us to work within time
frame, and saved project for dangerous consequences of
fatalities which would have happened if the undocumented
electrodes were to be used on parent materials for the welding
of linepipes (parent materials)
Profitability ratios
Olushina Ijadunola 
Word document

Before starting the project you need to make a good and

effective plan. Success comes through with a good plan

If the risk can be determined early you can entire the cause and
the affect.

Lessons learned.  hampering project implementation cost
Risk management is a necessity check for every peoject because
we are in an environment full of uncertainty.
Risks affect project either positive or negative. Development of Residential Project
Problems effect a project negatively.
Planning System
Oluchi Okereke 
I used PMBOK as a framework to develop planning process, then
validate the risks to experts. Then discussing the cause and its
The best of plan has risk. I learned that risk preventive actions. Then by performing questionnaires to get
data about its probability and impact. Continue to risk analysis. I
management exist because we lived in the found 6 higest risk. Then, performed to establish an
environment of uncertainty, in every improvement to the planning process standard operating
decision there’s a risk involved. The higher procedure.
the risk the greater the threat, the greater
What went wrong, the quality information of the risk is low and
the opportunity. Risk management has open
creating a lot of biases.
my curiosity in a way I could never have
imagine..... Thank you all for this great Actions, it should complete all the step provided in this course
opportunity giving to me . Abdulsalam to improve using risk management quality citreria. It should be
Maryam more SMART. Speci c-Measurable-Attributable-
Relevant/Realistic-Time Bond.

Although stakeholders were identified, their

objectives and drivers was not fully
explored to ensure common goals so they
created friction and delays to project

Effectiveness on risk management

Completely different level and much more understand about the
effectiveness of implementing those methods.
Police Capacity Development
I did risk management for several student's project by my
organization and seems i could maintain the risk from every
project pretty good. But after i took this course, i realized that i Early Risk Identification and, Changes to
could do better from what i've done before, such an interesting
Project Execution Strategy
experience and i'm looking forward to implement this method in
further projects.
I worked with several projects in the low-income country,
however, I recall one particular project ‘mHealth Project’,

Risk Explanation which I had to manage several risks in order to make it

Best part is not just to identify the risk but also document it in
the most effective way (the SMART way) with Cause event and When we initiated project activity to train local female
effect community health volunteers, we distributed training
materials along with the mobile devices with SMS feature to
track and refer potential health cases identi ed by them to
Iterative risk identification, assignment of nearby community health centres, to cover broader
risks to the most appropriate parties, community to provide health services in remote areas of the
country. However, mobile device has been sabotaged by the
involvement of SMEs during planning
husband of trained female health workers which has
stages eventually impacted the work of female health volunteers at
the eld level. 

Early risk identification In order to mitigate the risk, we’ve made changes to project
execution strategy and take on board those husbands of female
Early risk identi cation and their response plan will help us to
health workers, trained them together to reach the potential
achieve the project objective within project timeline without
cases at their community. Later, both the trained female health
workers and their husband worked together to identify (mitigated the risk) and found a common solution. This opened
potential health complications at the community. As a result, up for an increased level of cooperation, and we were able to
referral has been increased and project has been able to exploit specialised stakeholders in the ongoing planning process,
deliver health services to broader community without due to the opportunity that our partnership had meant.
compromising the objective, cost and scope.

The lessons that we have learned from this initiative is to Implementacion de una banca virtual con
make project initiative as participatory as possible and to
enfoque omnicanal
identify risks early so that different strategies to risk
responses be implemented in a timely manner and new risks -
can be monitor throughout the full spectrum of project life


Risk Register
Risk management is a critical step to identify, assess and
mitigate the risk to a project at the onset. Most important is the
risk register. It is like doing a math problem but inadvertently
used a wrong number at the beginning. The steps are  correct
Surprises around every corner! but the output will be wrong leading to bad advice. The
For the last half-year or so, I have been involved in a large scale important and critical aspect is to ensure that the main
conference project and initially we had sought to partner stakeholder(s) are genuinely engage and their participation and
externally, despite a risk of loosing ownership over the process. buy in is critical to the achieving the goal of the project.
However, during the initial planning phase, it did become clear
that we were looking at the key theme from each our own
perspectives, and to avoid risking the project, we compromised


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