Senior High School - Pre-Work Immersion Seminar

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Senior High School

Pre-Work Immersion Seminar

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone

of you who are here to take part in this important meeting. We
are all aware that our children will soon enter a critical stage in
their lives, where they will experience firsthand how to function
in a workplace that could potentially become their career path
in the future. They are now going beyond the confines of
__________, and are moving headstrong towards communities
for work immersion, for real-world encounters. It is vital then
that they are properly guided and sufficiently supported by you,
our dear parents and guardians, as they extend across the
work immersion experience.

How do you show your guidance and support? Apart from

providing them with the financial requirements of this work
immersion experience, may you also support them morally—
communicate with them, ask them about their worries, give
them useful pieces of advice on how they can respond
appropriately to possible issues that may arise in the
workplace, such as how they can get along with coworkers,
supervisors, and/or managers, or how they can survive the
pressures of juggling various responsibilities. As parents, you
have an active role in the success of your children’s work
immersion experience. And, we will help you fulfill this role by
enabling you to fully understand the nature and rationale of the
senior high school work immersion program through this
afternoon’s meeting.

Last year, the fielding of our students for work immersion

was a success, not only because we have a team of competent
faculty coordinators from __________, headed by Prof.
__________, but also because we had a strong support system
from our parents and guardians, who willingly shared their
resources, and who generously recognized our efforts. We
acknowledge that our students inevitably encountered various
forms of challenges during their work immersion last year, but
they were not burdened because our parents and teachers
patiently carried our students through every challenge. We
hope that this cooperation and harmonious relationship among
our coordinators and parents would also be realized this year,
so that we may organize, yet again, a successful work
immersion experience for our dear students.

Again, I would like to thank our dynamic Senior High

School Coordinator, Prof. __________, with her team of
efficient __________ teachers, which includes Mr./Mrs.
__________, who is facilitating this afternoon’s meeting. And,
of course, to all of you, my dear parents and guardians, who
are here this afternoon, I am very grateful that despite your
busy schedules, the welfare of your children, OUR children,
remain to be on top of our priorities. Again, thank you so much,
and, together, let us all educate ourselves with the nature and
rationale of the work immersion experience, and with the other
matters pertaining to it.

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