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Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation ….

from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.


Saimir A. Lolja, Receta pa Komb: Lufta e sllavo- Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of
komunistëve për “çlirim” ishte një luftim për communists for “liberation” was a fight for
ripushtim .... prej marrëveshjes Entente Anglo- reoccupation…. from the Anglo-Soviet Entente,
Sovjetike, Helga's Secrets, Tirana, 2018. Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.


If the Entente League of Britain-Russia-France would have had full freedom, would the Albanian Principality
have received the endorsement of formation on 29 July 1913? Why and how? The answers are inside this book.
On 2 December 1943, in the newspaper “The Nation”, the western scholar and also the Chairman of the
Albanian Parliament Mihal Zallari published the article “The Universalism and the Nationalism”. He outlined the
avalanche that was coming onto Albanians from the Slavic East. His bell rang: “The communism, which is another
form of universalism, appeals: Abandon your brothers by blood and I will make you brother to all peoples of this
world”. Why so and how? The answers are inside this book.
On 22 May 1944, at the at the village of Suhadoll of Dibra, Albania, the son of Cen Elez Ndreu from Dibra,
spoke to the British SOE officers Julian Amery and Neil Billy McLean: As you know, there are three parties in
Albania: the agents of Germany, the agents of Russia, and the agents of England. That is quite natural, but what
none of us can understand is why the agents of Russia get paid in English gold”. The answer to that not-yet-
answered question is inside this book.
Before, throughout, and after WWII, who were the imperial directors of the Albanian theatre in the century
XX? Why and how? The answers are inside this book.
Albania is a place where East and West civilizations and mindsets clash. Why and how?

Saimir A. Lolja
Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation …. from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.

The first duty of secret intelligent services was to fish. Why and how?
The Albanian lands were pruned to the extremes. Why, how, and from which?
The game with the words expressed in English – Albanian – Shqip. Why, how, and from whom?
What were WWI and WWII?
Three artificial states of Yugoslavia (Greater Serbia) were created in the century XX. Why, how, and from
The song of the Holy Slavic War (Svyashchennaya Voyna) or the Slavic Jihad is still singing. When and
The civil wars are international civil wars. Anytime and anywhere?
The same rain of golden coins, all-encompassing military aid, training, communications, food, and dressing
fell on Yugoslavia, Albania, and Greece during WWII. To which, from which, and why?
The population suffered many massacres through WWII. Why? For instance, the Massacre of Borova village
on 6 July 1943 was preplanned and demanded. Why, from where, and from whom?
Why was the number of 28’000 “martyrs” used in Albania after WWII?
Hundreds of tons of gold were pirated out Albania in late 1946. How, when, from whom, and to where?
What and of which was the policy of Containment-Liberation-Titoism?
“Diver-ants” entered Albania in 1949-1954. Why that tag? Why were they “repatriated”?
British Royal Navy ships stroke mines in Albanian waters in October 1946. Why, how, and from whom?
What was the Iron Curtain after WWII and extension of which line was it?
The fairytale of the Cambridge Spy Ring that served to the USSR is incomplete. Why?
Why pruned Albania got closed in a cage for 45 years and the years after 1991 have had actors of the same
playwriting with unchanged outcome?
The social experiment of Closed Universalism ended in 1991 and the social experiment of Open Universalism
started right after. Why?


Preface …………………………………………...
Introduction ………………………………………
Abbreviations …………………………………….
Glossary ……………………………………….….
Seeding first for tasting later ………………….….
Fishing in troubled waters …………………….….
Brilliantine in the middle of mud ………………...
Ahead of time and on time ……………………….
The exponential service ………………………….
Imperial clouds overlay discretely ……………….
An international civil war within and after ………
Massacres for war and attrition ………………….
The Albanian state ……………………………….
Conduct from pirates …………………………….
Slavic observance only ………….……………….
No-fly island …………………….……………….
Sealing off the envelope ………………………….
Shuffling the assets……………………………….
Stopping for a moment …………………………...
References …………………………………….….
Saimir A. Lolja
Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation …. from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.


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45. Arkivi Qëndror i Shtetit, Fondi 257, viti 1932, Dosja nr. 16 dhe nr. 17.
Saimir A. Lolja
Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation …. from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.

46. Ilir Hashorva, A mund të quhet thjesht diktaturë regjimi komunist shqiptar? 28-11-2014
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59. Vedat Kokona, Kujtime endur në tisin e kohës, Botimet Kokona, Tiranë 2005
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63. Nigel West, MI6, British SIS Operations, 1909-45, Panther Granada Publishing, 1983
64. The Photo Collection of Vandeleur Robinson Albania in 1939 and 1944-1945,
65. Edwin E. Jacques, Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present, McFarland, 1995
66. Margaret MacMillan, The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914, Allen Lane, 2013
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68. World Affairs, Defining Canada's Role, Oxford University Press, 1 February 1998
69. Gazeta Atdheu, No Colours or Crest by Peter Kemp, Nr. 6-11, Mars-Qershor 2016.
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72. F. W. Winterbotham, The Ultra Secret, Dell Book, New York, 1974
76. Kadri Dingu, Konf. e Mukjes u përgatit dhe u zhvillua prej Shërbimit Sekret Britanik, 22-09-2012
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85. Erald Kapri, Britanikët: Arsyet pse dështoi Brigada I kundër gjermanëve, g. Panorama 08-12-2013
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87. Nigel West, The A to Z of British Intelligence, Scarecrow Press, 78th edition, 2009
88. OSS Thomas Eftim
89. Anijet amerikane me ndihma ishin gati në port, por Enver Hoxha i refuzoi, g. Illyria 30-05-2014
Saimir A. Lolja
Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation …. from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.

92. Gjergj Thanasi, Kuislingu patriot Kol B. Mirakaj dhe partizani tradhtar H. Lleshi, Citynews, 16-11-2016
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95. Alqi Koçiko, Çfarë ndodhi me Gjin Markun, beratasin mirditor, g. Dita 09-09-2016
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133. Viktor Suvorov, Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II, Naval Institute Press, 2008
135. Fritz Radovani, Kush na e shiti atdheun?, g. Dielli 28-11-2016

Saimir A. Lolja
Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation …. from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.

138. Auron Tare, UDB, raport per CIA-n: Na duhen njerëz si Tuk Jakova, g. Panorama 28-04-2013
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147. Hoxha-Mugoshës: Nuk duhet vrarë në masë, pushkatoni veç përgjegjësit, g. Shqiptarja 05-12-2015
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152. What makes a civil war? 20-04-2006
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168. Erald Kapri, Britanikët-Komunistët burgosën 1200 shqiptarë para çlirimit, g. Panorama 22-02-2015
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184. Ylli Polovina, Masakra e Korçës 9 shtator1943: 180 të vrarë e të plagosur, g. Shqiptarja 08-02-2015
Saimir A. Lolja
Saimir A. Lolja, The Nation-Free Recipe: The war of communists for “liberation” was a fight for reoccupation …. from the
Anglo-Soviet Entente, Tellwell, Vancouver, 2018.

185. Ylli Polovina, Masakra e Gerhotit: Pse u fsheh nga ballistët dhe komunistët, g. Shqiptarja 04-02-2015
186. Alqi Koçiko, Si u shfaros divizioni “Peruggia”, g. Dita 16-04-2016 /
187. Erald Kapri, Plani anglo-amerikan për të ndaluar influencën ruse tek Hoxha, g. Panorama 21-12-2014
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196. Marenglen Kasmi, Masakra e 4 shkurtit 1944 në dokumentet gjermane, g. Dita 04-02-2016
197. Uran Butka, Urdhëri i M. Shehut vrau 22 veta në masakrën e Martaneshit, Gazeta Shqiptare 16-02-2016
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Saimir A. Lolja

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