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22nd Year of Publication

B anking
Registration RNI No.67802/98
Volume - XXII No.10 : October 2019


Contents of this Issue

• PS Lending - Export Loans
• PS Loans - Non-corporate farmers
• Bharat Bill Payment Systems
• Large Exposure Framework
• Risk weight for personal loans
• Remittance of Govt. receipts


• Taxation Law (Amendment) Ordinance
• Turn-around time - E-transactions
• Bi-monthly review of Monetary Policy
• Concurrent Audit System
• Banking Ombudsman Decisions

DIARY OF EVENTS : Sep-2019: 7

Those who win, are those, who think they can • Policy, Economy
• Banking Developments
Corporate & Distribution Office
• Capital Markets & Insurance
1008, Sector 45-B, Chandigarh
Phone 0172 2665 623 General Awareness : 11-12
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Executive Editor - S. Chand Singh Editor in Chief - Sh. N S Toor

2 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019

B ANKING Priority Sector Loans - Export Credit

POLICY In order to boost the credit to export sector,
RBI decided (on 20.09.19) to effect following changes pertaining
by the external rating of the counterparty.
On a review, RBI decided (12.09.19) to reduce
the risk weight for consumer credit, including
to export credit: personal loans, but excluding credit card
1. Enhance the sanctioned limit, for classification of export credit receivables, to 100%. Other stipulations remain
under PSL, from Rs.250 million per borrower to Rs.400 million the same.
per borrower. Remittance of government receipts
2. Remove the existing criteria of ‘units having turnover of up to (physical receipts) to Government
Rs.1 billion’ account
The existing guidelines for domestic scheduled commercial banks Office of Controller General of Accounts,
to classify ‘Incremental export credit over corresponding date of Ministry of Finance has prescribed revised
the preceding year, upto 2 per cent of ANBC or Credit Equivalent timelines (on 19.09.19) for credit of physical
Amount of Off-Balance Sheet Exposure, whichever is higher’ government receipts into government accounts
under PSL will continue. at RBI, in supersession of earlier instructions
Priority Sector Targets - Lending to Non-Corporate on this matter. As per these time lines, the
Farmers – FY 2019-20 period is T + 1 day (including put through).
The system-wide average of the last 3 years achievement with For branches in North Eastern States the period
regard to overall direct lending to non-corporate farmers is notified is T + 2 days (including put through).
by RBI every year. There is no change e-receipts time line which
The applicable system wide average figure for computing continues to be T + 1 working day as per Govt.
achievement under priority sector lending for the FY 2019-20 is circular dated 9.3.16.
12.11 percent as per RBI notification dated 19.09.19. The instructions become effective from
Bharat Bill Payment System - Expansion of biller October 1, 2019.
Recovery of Interest on delayed
As per RBI guidelines dated 28.11.14, BBPS, is an interoperable remittance of Government Receipts into
platform for repetitive bill payments, which currently covers bills Government Account
of five segments viz. Direct to Home (DTH), Electricity, Gas,
Telecom and Water. As per RBI circular dated 13.02.13, in order
to bring uniformity in the procedure of
RBI decided (on 16.09.19) to expand the scope and coverage of
reporting both central and State government
BBPS to include all categories of billers who raise recurring bills
transactions to Reserve Bank, it was advised
(except prepaid recharges) as eligible participants, on a voluntary
that the petty claims of delayed period of penal
interest involving amount of Rs.500/- or below
Large Exposures Framework will be ignored and excluded from the purview
As per RBI circular dated 03.06.19, on “Large Exposures of penal interest.
Framework (LEF)”, banks’ exposures to a single NBFC is
To bring further uniformity in the procedure
restricted to 15 percent of their available eligible capital base,
for reporting both central and state government
while general single counterparty exposure limit is 20 percent,
transactions to RBI, it decided (26.09.19) with
which can be extended to 25 percent by banks’ Boards under
the approval of Comptroller and Auditor
exceptional circumstances.
General of India that instructions given in para
RBI decided (12.09.19) that a bank’s exposure to a single NBFC 7.4 of CGA’s OM S-11012/1(31)/AC(22)/2015/
(excluding gold loan companies) will be restricted to 20 percent RBD/332-424 dated March 9, 2016, will be
of that bank’s eligible capital base. made applicable to State government
Risk Weight for Consumer Credit except credit card transactions also i.e ignoring petty claims of
receivables penal interest involving an amount of Rs.500/-
As per extant instructions, consumer credit, including personal or below and excluding them from the purview
loans and credit card receivables but excluding educational loans, of penal interest, and applying the limit of penal
attracts a higher risk weight of 125 per cent or higher, if warranted interest of Rs.500/- on per transaction basis.
(COMPILATION- SAPANDEEP TOOR & MANJOT TOOR, - on the basis of information available on RBI Website)
Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦ 3

Video Lessons
External Benchmark Based Lending
RBI amended its instructions contained in Master Direction dated
03.03.2016, on 4.9.19, as under:
(a) All new floating rate personal or retail loans (housing, auto, CAIIB-JAIIB-Promotion Exam
etc.) and floating rate loans to Micro and Small Enterprises B-Sheet Analysis
extended by banks from October 01, 2019 shall be benchmarked
to one of the following:
Certified Credit Professionals
1. Reserve Bank of India policy repo rate Foreign Exchange Operations
2. Government of India 3-Months Treasury Bill yield published • Use lap top / Smart Phone, as our class room
by the Financial Benchmarks India Private Ltd (FBIL) • No travelling - no boarding/lodging charges
3. Govt. of India 6-Months Treasury Bill yield published by FBIL • Learn as per your time and place convenience
4. Any other benchmark market interest rate published by FBIL. • Watch any video any no. of times during validity
(b) Banks are free to offer such external benchmark linked loans
to other types of borrowers as well. www.banking update
update.. com
(c) In order to ensure transparency, standardisation, and ease of

understanding of loan products by borrowers, a bank must adopt
a uniform external benchmark within a loan category; in other
words, the adoption of multiple benchmarks by the same bank is
not allowed within a loan category.
Spread under External Benchmark
Banks are free to decide the spread over the external benchmark.
However, credit risk premium may undergo change only when
Based on latest trends of IBPS exam. A large no. of bankers
borrower’s credit assessment undergoes a substantial change,
already succeeded by using the course material. If unable to
as agreed upon in the loan contract. Further, other components attend class room program, this is the best option.
of spread including operating cost could be altered once in three Course Kit : The course kit include:
years. (a) subject-wise basic study material,
Reset of Interest Rates under External Benchmark (b) assignment to improve retention
The interest rate under external benchmark shall be reset at least (c) objective type practice exercise
once in three months. (d) recalled questions
Transition to External Benchmark from MCLR/Base Rate/BPLR (e) mock test papers.
Fee : May differ from bank to bank. May be checked before
Existing loans and credit limits linked to the MCLR/Base Rate/
remittance). Fee to be paid in advance.
BPLR shall continue till repayment or renewal: How to enrol : Call us at the numbers given below.
Other conditions

1. Other existing borrowers shall have the option to move to
External Benchmark at mutually acceptable terms.
2. The switch-over shall not be treated as a foreclosure of existing Course is based on exam pattern of IIB&F. A large no. of
facility. candidate have succeeded in all 3 papers in first attempt with
3. Interest rates on fixed rate loans of tenor below 3 years shall our study material.
not be less than the benchmark rate for similar tenor. Course Kit : The course kit include:
4. There shall be no lending below the benchmark rate for a (a) subject-wise basic study material,
particular maturity for all loans linked to that benchmark. (c) objective type practice exercise
(d) mock test papers.
5. All floating rate rupee loans sanctioned and renewed between
Fee : Fee differs for different papers. Fee payable in
1.7.2016 and 31.03.16, shall be priced with reference to the Base advance, for which details may be obtained by calling
Rate which will be the internal benchmark for such purposes. 01722665623 .
6. All floating rate rupee loans sanctioned and renewed w.e.f. How to enrol : To enrol, advise name, address for
April 1, 2016 shall be priced with reference to the Marginal Cost correspondence, eMail id, mobile phone, bank name, subjects
of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) which will be the internal for enrolment.
benchmark for such purposes subject to the provisions contained
in Master Direction.
DS Institute of Banking
7. The periodicity of the reset under MCLR shall correspond to Office:SCO No.32, Sector 33-D, Chandigarh 160 020
the tenor/maturity of the MCLR to which the loan is linked. • Phone: 0172-2665623, 09988221167
4 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 BANKING FEATURES
Harmonisation of Turn Around Time (TAT) and beneficiary card account not credited.
customer compensation for failed transactions Transaction to be reversed (R) latest within T + 1 day
using authorised Payment Systems 2.b : Point of Sale (PoS) (Card Present)- including Cash
RBI observed that a large number of customer at PoS A/c debited but confirmation not received at
complaints emanate on account of unsuccessful or merchant location i.e., charge-slip not generated.
‘failed’ transactions’. Auto-reversal within T + 5 days.
A ‘failed transaction’ is a transaction not fully completed 2.c : Card Not Present (CNP) (e-commerce)Account
due to any reason not attributable to the customer. It debited but confirmation not received at merchant’s
could be failure in communication links, non-availability system. Auto-reversal within T + 5 days.
of cash in an ATM, time-out of sessions, credits could 3: IMPS : Account debited but the beneficiary account
not be effected to the beneficiary account due to lack of is not credited.
full information or lack of proper information and delay If unable to credit to beneficiary account, auto reversal
in initiating a reversal transaction. (R) by Beneficiary bank on T + 1 day.
On 20.09.19, framework for TAT for failed transactions 4.a : UPI : Account debited but the beneficiary account
and compensation therefor was circulated by RBI. is not credited (transfer of funds).
The principle behind the TAT is based on the following : If unable to credit the beneficiary account, auto reversal
1. If the transaction is a ‘credit-push’ funds transfer (R) by Beneficiary bank on T + 1 day.
and the beneficiary account is not credited while the 4.b: UPI : Account debited but transaction confirmation
debit to originator has been effected, then credit is to be not received at merchant location (payment to merchant).
effected within the prescribed time period failing which Auto-reversal within T + 5 days.
the penalty has to be paid to the beneficiary; 5.a : AEPS : A/c debited but transaction confirmation
2. If there is delay in initiation of a transaction at the not received at merchant location. Acquirer to initiate
originator bank’s end beyond the TAT, then penalty has “Credit Adjustment” within T + 5 days.
to be paid to the originator. 5.b : AEPS : A/c debited. Beneficiary a/c not credited.
General Instructions covering the TAT : Acquirer to initiate Credit Adjustment within T + 5 days.
1. The prescribed TAT is the outer limit for resolution of 6: APBS : Delay in crediting beneficiary’s account.
failed transactions. Beneficiary bank to reverse within T + 1 day.
2. Wherever financial compensation is involved, the same 7.A : NACH : Delay in crediting beneficiary’s account
shall be effected to the customer’s account suo moto, or reversal of amount.
without waiting for a complaint or claim from customer. Beneficiary bank to reverse within T + 1 day.
3. Customers who do not get the benefit of redress of 7.B: NACH : Account debited despite revocation of debit
the failure as defined in the TAT, can register a complaint mandate with the bank by the customer.
to the Banking Ombudsman of Reserve Bank of India. Customer’s bank responsible for debit. Resolution within
4. This directive comes into effect from Oct 15, 2019. T + 1 day.
5. ‘T’ is the day of transaction and refers to the calendar 8.a : PPIs- Cards / wallets : Off-Us transaction: The
date. ‘R’ is the day on which the reversal is concluded transaction will ride on UPI, card network, IMPS, etc.,
and funds are received by issuer / originator. Reversal as the case may be. The TAT and compensation rule of
should be effected at issuer / originator end on same day respective system shall apply.
when the funds are received from the beneficiary end. 8.B: PPIs- Cards / wallets : On-Us transaction:
6. Domestic transactions (i.e.originator and beneficiary Beneficiary’s PPI not credited. PPI debited. Transaction
are in India) are covered under the framework. confirmation not received by merchant. R e v e r s a l
Turn Around Time (TAT) and customer effected in Remitter’s account within T + 1 day.
compensation for failed transactions using Compensation : Rs.100 per day in all cases, beyond
authorised Payment Systems the period of time limit.
1. ATM/Micro ATM: Customer’s account debited but IMPS = Immediate Payment System, UPI = Unified
cash not dispensed. Payments Interface, AEPS = Aadhaar Enabled Payment
System (including Aadhaar Pay), APBS = Aadhaar
Pro-active reversal (R) of failed transaction within T + Payment Bridge System, NACH = National Automated
5 days. Clearing House, PPI = Prepaid Payment Instruments–
2.a : Card to card transfer- Card a/c debited but the Cards / Wallets

Summary edited by : Arundeep Toor - Source RBI website.

BANKING FEATURES Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦ 5
Bi-monthly review of RBI Policy (04.10.2019) 5. Internal Ombudsman by large non-
On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic bank Prepaid Payment Instrument
situation, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to reduce the (PPI) Issuers
policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 25 basis To strengthen the grievance redressal
points to 5.15 per cent from 5.40 per cent with immediate effect. mechanism at the entity level itself,
Consequently, reverse repo rate stands reduced to 4.90% and the marginal RBI decided to institutionalise an
standing facility (MSF) rate and Bank Rate to 5.40%. internal ombudsman scheme at the
large non-bank PPI issuers (entities
1. Non-Banking Financial Company – Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-
who have more than 10 million pre-
paid payment instruments
Based on the recommendations of the Malegam Committee, Non-Banking outstanding). The internal ombudsman
Financial Company-Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI) were created. is intended to facilitate a swift and
RBI proposes to revise these criteria as under: cost-effective complaint redressal
i. Increase the household income limit for borrowers of NBFC-MFIs mechanism within the entity and
from the current level of Rs.1.00 lakh for rural areas and Rs.1.60 lakh provide an additional tier for grievance
for urban/semi urban areas to Rs.1.25 lakh and Rs.2.00 lakh, respectively. redressal.
ii. Raise the lending limit from Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs.1.25 lakh per eligible 6. Payment System Data
borrower. Dissemination
2. Offshore Rupee Markets RBI publishes data (in the RBI Bulletin
The Task Force on Offshore Rupee Markets (Chairperson: Smt. Usha and on the RBI Website) on various
Thorat) recommended several important measures to incentivize non- payment and settlement system
residents to access the onshore foreign exchange market. RBI proposes indicators. RBI decided to disseminate
to accept the following recommendations: more granular information on payment
i. Allowing domestic banks to freely offer forex prices to non-residents data covering the payment systems
at all times, out of their Indian books, either by a domestic sales team or authorised by RBI. With this, the entire
through their overseas branches; and gamut of payment systems data will
be available in the RBI Bulletin/Website.
ii. Allowing rupee derivatives (with settlement in foreign currency) to be
traded in International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs). 7. Acceptance Development Fund
3. Non-resident Rupee Account – A Review of Policy With the rapid growth in the issuance
of cards in the country, there is a need
RBI has been taking steps for popularising the cross-border transactions
to ensure growth of acceptance
in Indian rupee (INR), especially in respect of external commercial
infrastructure across the country,
borrowing (ECB), trade credit and exports and imports, thereby reducing
especially in Tier III to Tier VI centres.
the exchange risk for persons resident in India. Continuing these efforts,
To increase digitisation in these areas,
RBI decided to enhance the scope of non-interest bearing Special Non-
RBI decided to create an ‘Acceptance
resident Rupee (SNRR) Account by permitting persons resident outside
Development Fund’ (ADF) in
India to open such accounts to facilitate rupee denominated ECB, trade
consultation with the stakeholders.
credit and trade invoicing. Further, restriction on the tenure of SNRR
account, which is currently 7 years, is also proposed to be removed for 8. Expanding and Deepening of
the aforesaid purposes. Digital Payments Ecosystem
4. Liquidity Support for the Proposed 24x7 National Electronic Funds To expand and deepen the digital
Transfer (NEFT) System payments ecosystem, RBI decided that
State/UT Level Bankers Committees
It was announced on 7.8.2019, that RBI will make available the facility (SLBCs/ UTLBCs) shall identify one
of National Electronic Funds Transfer on 24x7 basis for members of district in their respective States/UTs
public from December, 2019. To facilitate smooth settlement of these on a pilot basis. The identified district
transactions in the accounts of the banks maintained with RBI, RBI may be allocated to a bank with
decided that RBI will extend the collateralised liquidity support, which is significant footprint which will
currently available till 7.45 pm on NEFT working days, round the clock. endeavour to make the district 100%
This will help in better funds management by banks. digitally enabled.
6 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019

Practical Problems based on Banking Ombudsman Decisions eLearning

Study Material
1).The complainant alleged that he had no regular income and had received
money from the sale of land / properties, which he wanted to place as fixed
deposits but the bank instead mis-sold to him an insurance policy without
explaining terms and conditions and having an annual premium of Rs.99,000
for five years. Further, he had approached the bank within the look-in period MOCK TEST - CDs
and thereafter for cancellation, but the bank did not consider his requests Features of CDs
stating that the product sold to the customer pertained to insurance company • Explanation for each question/answer.
and it did not have authority to refund the amount. BO observed that the • Improve understanding and retention.
bank had not examined suitability / feasibility of the product while selling it • Remove confusions. .
• Improve time management. Set your own
to the complainant as it had ignored the fact that the complainant was
time during practice.
unemployed without any regular income. Further, the application form wrongly
• Test your preparation before Exam.
mentioned that the complainant was employed with a regular income even
• Practice on-line without use of internet.
though he was dependent on his father’s paltry family pension. BO advised • Questions are shuffled when used again.
the bank to refund premium paid by complainant and interest as applicable • Large no. of questions based on latest
for deposits of more than 1 year from date of selling insurance policy till date guidelines and memory recalled questions.
of refund and Rs.10,000 as compensation towards loss of time & harassment.
2).The complainant stated that the bank was paying him double pension and
Bank Promotion Exam - Rs.300
despite reminders, had not rectified the error. The bank realized its mistake
after considerable period and sanctioned him a loan to recover the excess Bank Promotion Interview - Rs.300
pension, which was a financial burden on him. The bank submitted that the Banking Ready Recknor - Rs.300
complainant was enjoying double pension for 19 months and had not reported CAIIB (New Syllabus)
the matter. After realizing the mistake, a loan was sanctioned after obtaining • Bank Financial Mgmt - Rs.300
his consent and with proper documentation. BO observed that bank did not • Advanced Bank Mgmt - Rs.300
take any corrective action despite the complainant informing them about • Retail Banking - Rs.300
double pension was being received by him. Further, it had adopted an incorrect • Risk Management - Rs.300
procedure of sanctioning a loan to recover the excess pension credited to the CAIIB (Case Studies)
complainant’s account. BO therefore advised the bank to close the loan • Advanced Bank Mgmt -Rs.300
account and adjust the interest charged on the loan against the outstanding • Bank Financial Mgmt -Rs.300
amount to be recovered. Bank was advised to recover in monthly instalments. JAIIB - All three papers Rs.300 (each)
Economics Mock Test - Rs.150
3)The complainant had opened a Fixed Deposit (FD) and authorized the
Book-Keeping Mock Test - Rs.150
bank to allow M/s. XYZ Enterprises to use the same as a guarantee for
opening a Letter of Credit (LC) for import transactions of the latter. The
complainant alleged that the bank extended a loan facility against this FD to Online Mock Tests
the enterprise without his consent and prior information to him. He further Promotion,CAIIB/JAIIB, log in
alleged that on becoming aware of the same, he withdrew his guarantee /
permission and instructed the bank not to allow any more withdrawals.
However, the bank continued to allow the same and later informed him that
his FD would be released only after adjusting the outstanding loan amount
and interest thereon, extended to the enterprise. On enquiry, the bank submitted IBPS Bank PO / ClerK Exam
that even though the intention of the complainant was to give FD as collateral
security for LC but as the ‘Proforma Invoice’ did not permit issuance of LC,
Score High with Latest Study Kits
the bank had sanctioned a loan against the same. BO observed that the
complainant had authorized branch to allow to use his fixed deposit as
Anywhere Anytime Learning
guarantee to open LC but, bank without obtaining his consent extended loan
facility against FD. Further, his instruction regarding withdrawal of guarantee
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and not allowing any further debit was not acted upon by the bank. In view Contact
of the above, the BO directed the bank to credit the amount of FD along with 09814 331 661
interest till the date of actual credit to the account of the complainant. 01722665623
Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦ 7


AUTHENTICATION: Insolvency Regulator IBBI has taken a Events
crucial step to hasten the process of authentication and
verification of information of default by borrowers for
bankruptcy cases. It has now strengthened the role of an
Sing, Chairman of the 15 th Finance
information utility (IU) by allowing it to access the data of MCA-
Commission has said that the
21 database and CERSAI portals to speed up the process of
Commission is not obliged to go by the
debtor default authentication.
Government’s “Growth Forecasts” (GF)
and will arrive at its own independent
ASSESSMENT: In a big relief to taxpayers, the Government
judgement while finalising formula for
has set the ball rolling on faceless and paperless income tax
devolution of funds to states by the
proceedings with the notification of the income tax e-assessment
Centre for 5 years commencing April1
scheme. Under the scheme, the national centre will send notices
2020. The Commission is to submit its
to Assessees explaining the issues for selection of their case for
report to the Government by November
assessment and the assessee will have 15 days to respond. The
30. The Country’s GDP Growth fell to
centre will then allocate the case to an assessing officer using
an over six-year low of 5% in the first
an automated system. All communication will be conducted
quarter of the fiscal. The Commission is
electronically and an assessee or his representative will not have
not bound to accept the numbers on the
to be physically present. A personal hearing will be allowed in
nominal GDP as submitted to the
case a modification is proposed in the draft assessment order
Commission. The Commission is duty-
and an opportunity is provided to the assessee. Assessees would
bound under the Constitution to arrive
be allowed to make their submissions or present their case in
at its own independent judgement.
any unit and the hearings will be conducted exclusively through • SUPREME COURT RULING ON
video links or any other such facility. LIMITATION PERIOD: (Case-
DEALS: To boost the use of debit cards, the National Payments operative Bank Ltd.) In this case the
Corporation of India (NCPI) has rationalised the Merchant Supreme Court has ruled that a claim for
Discount Rate (MDR) for RuPay debit card transactions across payment under the Insolvency and
Point-of-sale (POS), eCom, and Bharat QR code-based merchant Bankruptcy Code (IBC) should be made
transactions. The MDR has been revised to 0.60% for within 3 years of it becoming due. It set
transactions above Rs.2000 with a maximum cap of Rs.150. aside the rulings of the National Company
This is, at present, capped at 0.90% for transactions above Law Tribunal (NCLT) and the appellate
Rs.2000 with a higher cap of Rs.1000 per transaction. tribunal in which the Tribunal maintained
Additionally, for card-based QR transactions (Bharat QR) the that debt is a continuing liability and it
MDR has also been reduced to 0.50% with a maximum cap of could not be time-barred.
Rs.150 per transaction.

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8 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 Financial Events

• ECGC SCHEME UNDER EXPANDED SCHEME: The regulatory oversight by NFRA. However,
expansion of the scheme offering higher insurance cover for NFRA has now amended the rules to
export credit was announced by the Finance Minister. Cost include even “new corresponding banks”
of credit for exporters will go down significantly with foreign (Basically all PSBs) within its scope. This
and rupee export credit interest rates likely to be below 4% would mean that NFRA has been
and 8% respectively under the ECGC expanded export Credit empowered to monitor and enforce
Insurance Scheme. To facilitate banks, the Ministry has compliance with accounting standards and
enhanced insurance cover for banks up to 90% for the working auditing standards; oversee the quality of
capital loans for both principal and interest and modernisation service rendered by auditors in public
in premium incidence for the MSME Sector. For accounts sector banks and even undertake
with limits below Rs.80 Crore the premium rates will be investigation of the auditors of the PSBs.
moderated to 0.60% per annum and for those exceeding Rs.80 NFRA will have sweeping powers to act
Crore it will be 0.72% p.a. for the same enhanced cover. against erring auditors and auditing firms.
Institutions Network (MFIN) and Sadhan, the RBI-recognised WITH CENTRAL BODY: The Labour
self-regulatory organisation and industry association for the Ministry has proposed to hand over
microfinance industry alingwith FIDC have jointly released control of the over Rs.10 Lakh Crore
the “Code for Responsible Lending” (CRL) for the micro credit corpus of provident fund, pension and
industry. The CRL is sector-specific and entity-agnostic. In insurance schemes under the Employees
addition to the CRL, a revised Industry Code of Conduct Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) to
(COC) was also released for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) a Central body which will be headed by a
that will act as a binding and compulsory set of principles Central Government-appointed Chairman.
with respect to lending practices. This is a significant self- The Labour Minister will no longer be the
regulatory step across all RBI-regulated entities and others Chairman of the Board, unlike the Central
that aims at safeguarding the interests of low-income Board of Trustees of the EPFO. The
customers through enhancing transparency and compliance. Ministry has also proposed that the
• GOVT. TO START ISSUING UIN FOR LAND HOLDINGS: Government will create dedicated funds
The Government will soon start issuing Unique Identity for all 3 schemes that will be administered
Number (UIN) for Landholdings as part of an exercise that is by Central Board, thus undermining
expected to bring transparency and end the issue of dubious autonomy of these institutions.
land ownerships. Work has already been started on assigning • FM ANNOUNCES TAX RELAXATION
a standardised unique land parcel number to each surveyed FOR INDIA INC: The Union Finance
plot. The unique identity number will have details of state, Minister has announced tax relaxations for
district or zila, tehsil or taluka, block level and street India INC. Corporate tax rate has been
information, wherever applicable and all relevant information slashed at 22% if the corporate forgo all
about the plot including its size and ownership details. The exemptions. Effective tax rate will be
unique identification number could subsequently be linked to 25.17% inclusive of cess and surcharge
the Aadhar and revenue court system. and there will be no minimum alternate tax.
• NFRA ON AUDITORS OF PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS: The Businesses enjoying tax holidays currently
National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) has made it are to continue paying tax at the old rate.
clear that it has oversight powers on the auditors of public They can opt for the new rate of 22%
sector banks. There was a contention that PSBs do not fall when the tax holidays expire. Further, local
within the definition of banking companies under the NFRA firms incorporated on or after October 1,
rules and therefore auditors of PSBs can not be subjected to are to pay tax at 15% if they forego
Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦ 9

exemptions. These companies are required to begin production Employment Guarantee (MNREGA)
by March 31, 2023. Their effective tax rate will be17.01% Scheme to upgrade their skill and equip
inclusive of cess and surcharge. FM also said that the enhanced them with better employment
surcharge on sale of securities including derivatives by FPIs stands opportunities. To ensure that these
scrapped. Moreover tax on buybacks of shares announced prior MNREGA workers attend the skill
to July 5, 2019 also stands scrapped. training programmes, the Ministry
• SUPREME COURT RULING ON SECURED ASSET: (Case- would make good the loss of daily
Bajrang VS. Central Bank of India) In this case, there was a livelihood of the family-to the tune of
residential flat in Mumbai which was a secured asset. When the Rs.200-250 daily. The Ministry has tied
bank tried to take possession of it, invoking the SARFAESI Act, up with Krishi Vigyan Kendras to train
the tenant obtained a stay against the landlord who sought his the MNREGA workers in preparation
eviction. The bank alleged that the landlord and tenant were in of organic manure and basic storage of
collusion to defeat its rights. The Bombay High Court gave crop produce.
judgement in favour of the bank. When the tenant appealed to the • SBI TO LEND NHAI WHICH
Supreme Court, the apex Court ruled that the tenant was OFFERS HIGHWAYS AS LOAN
overstaying and the right of the secured creditor was above that SECURITY: The National Highway
of the tenant. Authority of India (NHAI) is to raise
• SEBI EASES NORMS FOR REGISTARTION OF FPIs: SEBI money by keeping its assets as
has issued a notification for easing the process for on-boarding collateral. According to the terms of
overseas investors. The notification states that the foreign portfolio agreement, SBI will lend the NHAI 80%
investors (FPIs) are no longer required to meet the broad-basing of the project cost and the rest of the
criteria under which at least 20 investors were required to establish money will be arranged by the
a fund. However, in order to ensure the money coming is clean, Highways Authority itself. The loan
the FPI contributing a minimum of 25% or identified on the basis would be repaid over at least 15 years.
of control should not be part of the Sanctions List notified by the The money to repay the loan will be
UN Security Council and also should reside in the country earned through toll revenue from
identified in the public statement of the Financial Action Task securitised highways. The new method
Force as delinquent countries. has been named as “Securitisation
PROCESSS: The Supreme Court has settled differences among principle for securitisation model. More
various high courts and declared that the chief judicial magistrate banks are expected to adopt it in future.
(CJM) is competent to assist the secured creditor to take • PSB FRAUD DETECTION
possession of the asset in case of default under SARFAESI Act. EXCHANGE TO BE FORMED: The
• TRAINING TO UPGRADE SKILL UNDER MNREGA idea to create the Exchange is the
SCHEME: Starting October, the Ministry of Rural Development brainchild of three public sector banks-
would train labourers enrolled in Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and

Bank Fin Mgmt Accounting & Legal Aspects of Principles of

Adv Bank Mgmt Banking/General
Finance 8th Edn Banking 8th Edn Banking 8th Edn
4th Edn Rs.200 4th Edn Rs.175 Awareness

Rs.200 Rs.200 Rs.200

10 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019

Allahabad Bank-which were entrusted by the have made representation to the SEBI for deadline
Government to look into the rising of the number extension by a few months since the circular may
of frauds in the banking system. The banks have otherwise will lead to heavy selling.
recommended to the Government forming a • FINMIN ALLOWS PSBs TO CREATE POST OF
“Fraud Detection Exchange” with a 74% private CGM: The Finance Ministry has allowed the Public
partnership for sharing the data on a real-time Sector Banks (PSBs) to create posts of Chief General
basis. Banks would soon be able to seamlessly Managers (CGM) as per their business needs. CGM
share data on frauds through a dedicated posts can be created in banks that have a total business
exchange just like credit reports if the proposal of Rs.10 Lakh Crore or higher. Such CGMs will act as
to form a specialised exchange gets the an administrative and functional layer between the
Government’s nod. According to RBI report, the existing levels of General Manager and Executive
banking sector reported 6801 frauds involving Director. The number of CGM posts created should
71, 542.93 Crore in FY 2019 as against 5916 not exceed the ratio of 1:4 between the total number of
cases involving 41, 167.04 Crore in FY 2018. posts of CGM and GM. For the posts of CGM, the
• GOVT. TOLD PSB CHIEFS TO REFORM qualifying PSBs have been allowed to consider GMs
BOARDS: The Department of Financial Services with a minimum of two years of experience. However
has asked the heads of public sector banks to this norm may be relaxed up to 50% with the approval
initiate the process of reforming their boards in of the Bank’s Board.
line with the governance changes announced by • BSE STARTUPS PLATFORM TO RAISE CAPITAL:
the Union Finance Minister as part of the mega The BSE has launched its start-up listing platform in
banking reform package. The banks may give December 2018 to facilitate funding for deserving start-
the risk committee of its board a mandate to ups by enabling them to raise capital from the market.
periodically review adherence to the risk appetite For listing on the BSE start-up platform, the start-up
framework of the bank and to fix accountability should be registered with MSME/DIPP or have a
in the event of breach of approved risk appetite. minimum paid up capital of Rs.1 Crore. The company
Banks have also been asked to form a risk should have been operational for a minimum of two
management committee and to combine the years before the date of filing; it should have a positive
nomination and remuneration committees. The net worth among other financial criteria. The post-issue
management will be accountable towards the paid up capital of the company (Face value) shall not
board of the PSBs by way of the board be more than Rs.25 Crore. The BSE had become the
appraising the general manager and above ranks first stock exchange to get the approval from SEBI
including the managing director. and launch its start-ups platform in December 2018.
• SEBI GUIDELINES ON UNPAID SHARES: Now Alphalogic Techsys and Transpact Enterprises
Small and mid-cap stocks worth thousands of have become the First Companies to get listed.
Crores of rupees which are lying with the • GOVT. LAUNCHES UP DATED TECH SCHEME
brokers because clients have not fully paid to FOR MSMEs: Govt.has launched the updated Credit
purchase them, could come for sale in the market Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) to allow
due to recent SEBI’s circular. As per guidelines, MSME access to capital. The Scheme provides an
with effect from October 1, brokers will not be upfront subsidy of 15% on institutional credit up to
able to keep unpaid shares in various accounts Rs.1 Crore for MSMEs in the specified 51 sub-sectors.
or even pledge them. Data collected by brokers In the re-launched scheme, there is an additional 10%
show that the value of pledged shares stand at subsidy for SC/ST entrepreneurs while special
around Rs.1 Lakh Crore and these are part of provisions have been made for 117 aspirational districts,
the non-promoter and retail segment. Brokers hill states and the northern region.
Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦11


• Air Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Lakh Cr Net Worth- Wealth
Bhadauria has been appointed as- Hurun India Rich List 2019. Hanbdook of Banking Infor- Rs.400
Chief of Air Staff. • Bank whose withdrawal limit mation - 2018, 46th Edi-
tion by N S Toor
• The Indian Institute of has been raised by RBI from
Rs.1000 to Rs.10, 000- Bank Credit Management Rs.300
Technology Bombay leads India
(2017) edition by N S Toor
representation with a 111-120 Punjab and Maharashtra
Banking Problems /
Band Ranking in - QS Graduate Cooperative Bank (PMC Rs.300
Rationals and Situation
Employability Rankings 2020. Bank) Analysis (2017) N S Toor &
• Arundeep Toor
• EPF interest has been approved India has advanced four
by the Government at 8.65% for places to 44 th position Model Test Papers for Bank
Promotion (2018) N S Toor Rs.225
2018-19 against 8.55% last globally-Digital
Competitiveness Rankings Analysis of Balance Sheet Rs.175
approved for 2017-18.
(2017) N S Toor
• For First Time in History, as per Index.
How to Face Bank Inter-
decision taken by Supreme • Network which unveiled an Rs.200
views? (2018) N S Toor
Court, Single Judge is to decide- online refund process- GST
Bhartiya Banking (Hindi) Rs.275
Bail and Anticipatory Bail Cases. Network. (2017) N S Toor
• Madhukar Kamath, Chairman of • Payment Bank which got in-
Model Papers in Hindi N S Rs.150
Mudra Group and Mentor of principle approval from RBI Toor
Interbrand India has been elected in August 2015, to start Banking Rationals and Prob-
as- Chairman of Audit Bureau of operations shortly- NSDL lems (Hindi) N S Toor
Circulations for 2019-20. Payments Bank. JAIIB Objective Type
(all books by N S Toor and
• 178-Year Old Debt-plagued • CBDT clarified that “Person
Arundeep Toor):
Group of UK which became for Income Tax e- • Principles of Banking Rs.200
bankrupt and collapsed after Assessment will not be • Accounting and Finance Rs.200
leaving 6 Lakh holidaymakers eligible” without- e-Filing for bankers
stranded and sparked the UK’s Account or PAN. • Legal Aspects of Banking Rs.200

Biggest repatriation since World • Sanjiv Mehta, MD of CAIIB Objective Type

(all books by N S Toor and
war-II- Thomas Cook. Hindustan Unilever has got
Arundeep Toor):
• Bank which is to link all Floating ET Award and declared- • Adv Bank Management Rs.175
Rate Loans to Repo Rate from Business Leader of the Year. • Bank Fin Management. Rs.200
October 1- SBI. • Borrowings which grew over
IBPS Bank PO/ClerK
• Amitabh Bachchan who two-fold to $4.98 billion in • Study Kits Rs.3000
entertained and inspired for 2 July over the same month a • Banking & Financial GK Rs.400
year ago- India Inc’s Foreign • E-Books Rs.1500
generations has been selected
• E-Learning through Video Rs.3000
unanimously for - Dada Sahab Borrowings.
- DVDs covering reasoning
Phalke Award. • Currently 4 Banks, which are ability, quantitative aptitude,
• Indian Company which has been under Prompt Corrective English language, computers
awareness, Banking & gen-
rated 3rd Best Regarded Company Action (PCA) Framework,
eral awareness
Globally- Infosys. may come out from the
To order these books, please call
• List, according to which Mukesh Framework with the 0172-2665623 (10 am to 6 pm) on
Ambani, Chairman of Reliance induction of capital funds by any working day. OR
the Government- IOB, CBI, Call Skylark Publications, New Delhi
Industries Ltd. has topped the list
(Ph 011 23361966)
of Richest Indians with Rs.3.8
12 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 DIARY OF EVENTS
UCO and United Bank of India. • Govt. holding has shot up in Public Sector
• As per CBDT notification, PAN to be generated automatically, Banks over the last five years from 60-
if Taxpayer uses- Aadhar for filing IT Returns. 70% to over 90%.
• National Body of Automobile Retailers in India in which Ashish • Country which has scrapped Foreign
Harsharaj Kale has been re-elected as President- Federation Investment Limit in Stock and Bond
of Automobile Dealers Associations. Markets almost 20 years after it first
• Index in which India has moved up six places to rank 34th – allowed access- China.
World Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. • Rankings according to which “No Indian
• Bank which has launched a DigiSmart Credit Card that is University has come in Top 300 in the
focused on millennials - Standard Chartered Bank. World”- Times Higher Education World
• Rating Agency which has upgraded the outlook for Punjab University Rankings 2020.
National Bank to “Positive” from “Stable”- Moody’s. • Digital Transactions increased from 1013
• To examine the need for an Institutional Framework for Cr on 2016-17 to 3134 Cr in 2018-19.
Regulation and Development Valuation Professionals, the • Bank which has been penalised with a fine
Govt. constituted a Committee which is to be headed by- of Rs.12 Lakh by SEBI for Disclosure
IBBI Chairman MS Sahoo. Lapses- ICICI Bank.
• Index in which Vienna has been named the “World’s Most • Bank which has cut its deposit rates to a
Pleasant City”- Global Liveability Index. record low -0.5% from -0.4%- European
• Country to which India has extended $1 billion Line of Credit Central Bank (ECB)
which is “Unprecedented”- Russia. • Gujarat State has retained the Top Slot in
• Bank which has extended Rs.6000 Crore Loan to Andhra the Country- Logistics Performance
Pradesh Government for undertaking social infrastructure Index.
projects in the state- New Development Bank formed by • Bank which will provided Rs.3000 Crore
BRICS Nations. funds to finance mini and mega Food
• Country which has injected $126 billion into its slowing Parks across the Country- World Bank.
Economy- China. • India’s First Cricket World Cup Winning
• There are “Eight Maharatna” and “Sixteen Navratnas” in the Skipper Kapil Dev has been made-
country- (CPSCs) Central Public Sector Enterprises. Chancellor of Haryana Sports University,
• Small Finance Bank which has been barred by RBI from Sonipat-
opening new branches for failing to meet the deadline for • Rating Agency which has assigned “Stable
getting its shares listed- Equitas Small Finance Bank. to Negative” Outlook to Power Sector-
• Country, which for First time since 1995 has been downgraded India Ratings & Research.
by Fitch as Recent Political Turmoil raises doubts about its • Maharashtra Government has decided to
Governance- Hong Kong. set up at Wardha to mark Mahatma
• South Mumbai’s Tardeo has been- Country’s Costliest Gandhi’s 150 th Anniversary- Swachh
Residential Location. Bharat World University.
• Rating Agency which has revised its outlook for NBFCs to • Ordinance has been cleared by Union
“Negative” from “Stable” and also cut its Growth Forecast Cabinet to- Ban E-Cigarettes in the
to 10-12% from 15%- India Ratings. Country.
• NDTV India’s Senior Executive Director “Ravish Kumar” has • Report according to which Hyderabad
received- Magsaysay Award. International Airport Passenger Growth
• Countries which have inaugurated the First-ever cross border has been “3rd Highest Globally”- World
petroleum pipeline in South Asia to help the landlocked Airport Traffic Report.
Himalayan Nation- India and Nepal.

Compilation : SP Sharma & Sapandeep Toor Source : Financial Newspapers, Financial News-Magazines & Financial and Institutional Web-sites
Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦13
MOCK-TEST b Rs.40 cr c 12.11%
PAPER c Rs.25 cr d 12.97%
d Rs.10 cr 10 Effect from April 1, 2019, a
Questions on RBI Policy bank’s exposure to a single NBFC
06 Incremental export credit over
01 In case of a failed ATM is restricted to ___ per cent of its
corresponding date of the
transactions (a/c debited but cash Tier I capital:
preceding year can be included
not dispensed), the turn-around
in priority sector loans in case of a 10%
time (restoration of amount) fixed
eligible exporters. The total such b 15%
by RBI w.e.f. 1.10.19, is:
amount on aggregate basis can c 20%
a 7 calendar days
be upto ___ per cent of ANBC d 25%
b 7 working days
or Credit Equivalent Amount of 11 Consumer credit, including
c T + 7 days Off-Balance Sheet Exposure, personal loans but excluding credit
d T + 5 days whichever is higher? card receivables attracts a risk
02 The turn-around time in respect of a 2% weight of ___ per cent for capital
failed e-transaction does not match b 1.5% adequacy purpose?
in which of the following: a 50%
c 1%
a card to card transfer = T + 1 day
d 0.5% b 75%
b Point of sale (card present) = T + c 100%
07 Generally, tenure of external
5 days
concurrent auditors with a bank d 125%
c IMPS = T + 5 days
shall not be more than ___ years 12 Agency banks are required to
d UPI = T + 1 day on continuous basis spread disbursal of pension over
03 In which of the following failed e- a 7 years the last ___ of the month, except
transactions, the turn-around time for the month of March:
b 5 years
is not T + 5 days
c 3 years a last 4 working days
a National Automated clearing house b last 3 working days
d 2 years
b Point of sale
08 No concurrent auditor shall be c last 2 working days
c UPI – Merchant transaction allowed to continue with a d last 2 calendar days
d Aadhhar Enabled Payment branch/business unit for a period 13 Agency banks are required to
04 A ‘failed transaction’ is a of more than ___ years. credit the pension for the month
transaction which has not been a 7 years of March on:
fully completed due to any reason b 5 years a 31st Mar
not attributable to the customer.
c 3 years b 1st April
This does not include, which of the
d 2 years c 1st working day of April
09 The system-wide average of the d 1st week of April
a failure in communication links
last 3 years achievement of 14 Bank branches are required to
b non-availability of cash in an ATM
priority sector targets with regard have structured interaction with
c time-out of sessions to overall direct lending to non- a cross section of pensioners
d all the above corporate farmers is notified by serviced at the branch on
05 Incremental export credit over RBI every year. The applicable quarterly basis, where the number
corresponding date of the system wide average figure for of pensioners of all governments
preceding year can be included in computing achievement under and departments exceeds a fixed
priority sector lending priority sector lending for the FY number, say:
classification, where the export 2019-20 is ___. a 1000 or 2000
credit to an individual borrower is a 11.34% b 500 or 1000
up to Rs.__ ? b 11.79% c 200 or 500
a Rs.50 cr
Disclaimer : We have taken every care to provide information, we believe to be accurate We strongly believe that the subscribers
and reliable and do not assume responsibility of any kind nor shall be liable for losses & are the best consultants, we have. Based
consequence arising from use thereof. Since this information is based on the published on their feed back, we keep on redesigning
reports mostly, correctness or otherwise thereof may be verified by the user with the and restructring this publication. Kindly
original sources, in advance. .......................................................................Editor send your suggestions and views.
14 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019
d 100 or 200 as she is also having the death the bank
Recalled Questions certificate. b Board of Directors of the bank
15 Mr N issued cheque for Rs 8000/ b the payment will be made to the c Reserve Bank of India
- and left some blank space after wife of deceased being legal heir d cannot be written off
the amount in words and figures of the former. 22 A business firm has been
and gave it to his clerk. His clerk c the payment will not be made as sanctioned working capital limits
added one zero after amount with the death of the former, of Rs.6 lac at 25% margin by the
written in figures and Y in the nomination has been cancelled. bank and book debt limit of Rs.4
amount written in words, making d the payment will not be made as lac at 50% margin. What will be
it as eighty and 80000/-. The with the death of the former, total margin requirement to avail
account is debited for 80000/-. survivor gets the authority to the limit fully
Who is responsible? operate the account and nominee a 4 lac b 5 lac
a there is material alteration and comes in to picture only when c 6 lac d 6.5 lac
bank is negligent. Hence bank none of the account holders is e 8 lac
liable. available 23 What is the maximum time
b there is forgery due to which the 18 Prepaid Payment Instrument available to a customer for
bank is liable (PPI) for Mass Transit Systems lodging complaint to
c customer is negligent in writing (PPI-MTS) issued may be Ombudsman:
the cheque due to which the reloadable in nature and at no a 1 month from date of complaint
alteration has taken place, hence point of time the value / balance made to bank and no reply
customer is liable for the loss. in PPI can exceed the limit of received
d since bank has paid the amount ____: b 1 month from date of complaint,
of an altered cheque and customer a Rs.1000 reply received but customer not
was negligent, the loss to be borne b Rs.2500 satisfied
by both of them equally. c Rs.2000 c 1 year from date of receipt of
16 A loan of Rs.4 lac was sanctioned d Rs.10000 reply from the bank but customer
during April 2015 and it started 19 For service oriented micro is not satisfied
showing irregularity in the month enterprises, the investment ceiling d 1 year from date of lodgement of
of Oct 2015. This account will in equipment excluding land and complaint with the bank + 1
be classified as ____ as on Mar building is: month, where reply has not been
31, 2018: a Rs.20 lac received.
a special mention account b Rs.3 lac e c or d
b sub-standard account c Rs.5 lac 24 CGTMSE amount of guarantee
c doubtful up to one year d Rs.10 lac cover for a balance of Rs. 80
d doubtful above 1 year but up to 3 20 As per provisions of which of the lakhs in case of an eligible normal
year following, the nominated bank MSE borrower in other than NE
17 Corporate Bank had opened a gets a period of ____ days to states, will be:
saving bank account in the name verify the documents drawn a Rs.55 lac
of Mr. Subramanian and under a documentary credit: b Rs.60.00 lac
Murlidhar operated as ‘former or a RBI guidelines, 7 banking days c Rs.37.50 lac
survivor ’. The wife of Mr. b FEDAI rules, 5 banking days d Rs.52.50 lac
Subramanian, who is nominee in c UCPDC, 5 calendar days 25 Ravi your customer of a saving
the account comes to your d none of these is correct bank account is approached by a
branch and informs you that Mr. 21 As per Section 20-A of Banking person called Ram to give an
Subramanian has expired a month Regulation Act, the loans in the introduction to enable him to open
back. She also hands over the name of bank directors can be a saving bank account with your
death certificate and requests for remitted (written off) with branch to which he agrees.
payment of the balance. permission of which of the Subsequently it is proved that
a the payment to the nominee will following: Ravi gave introduction though he
be made on proper identification a Management Committee within really did not know much about
Banking events updatE ♦ October 2019 ♦15
Ltd. (NMCEIL): 35 What is the effect of not
Ram. In such situation:
a 50% negotiable crossing:
a Bank can hold Ravi responsible as
b 40% a The collecting banker should
he carelessly gave the introduction
c 30% confirm about the genuineness of
b Bank cannot hold Ravi responsible
d 25% holder before collection of his
as Ravi has not violated
30 Risk Weightage on Consumer cheque
introduction rules
Credit/Credit Cards, for capital b The not negotiable cheque cannot
c Bank can recover 50% of amount
adequacy ratio purpose is: be further negotiated.
from Ravi
a 75% c Collection of not negotiable
d any of the above
b 100% cheque will not get protection
26 For which of the following
c 125% under NI Act
category of loans the risk
d 150% d A transferee cannot get better title
weightage for Capital Adequacy
31 In a partnership firm, the no. of than a transferor and he also
ratio purpose is 125%:
partners cannot go beyond 100 cannot transfer a better title than
a exposure to capital market
depending upon the nature of he possesses.
b exposure to real estate
business. The provision regarding 36 The cause of action has arisen on
c loans to strategically important
this maximum no. of partners is Jan 22, 2017 under Consumer
non-deposit taking NBFCs
mentioned in: Protection Act. In this case, the
d exposure to NPA account in
a Indian Partnership Act 1932 suit can be filed by which of the
housing finance loans
b Indian Contract Act 1972 following dates:
27 If director of another bank
c Companies Act 2013 a Feb 21, 2017
requires a loan of Rs._____, the
d Banking Regulation Act 1949 b Jan 21, 2018
loan can be sanctioned by Board
32 A kite flying transaction represents c Jan 21, 2019
of Directors or Management
which of the following: d Jan 22, 2020
a when overdraft is allowed by a 37 A fake Demand Draft has been
a up to Rs.10 lac
bank to a firm paid. The reporting to RBI for this
b Rs.25 lac and above
b when additional loan is allowed by will be made by:
c less than Rs.25 lac
a bank to a firm to cover the a the branch that appears to have
d up to Rs.50 lac
amount of irregularity in the issued the DD
28 In a public limited company,
account b the branch /bank that has
maximum and minimum no. of
c when a bill is drawn without presented the DD for collection
share-holders is:
consideration by seller of goods c the branch that has paid the DD
a 50 and 10
on buyer of good. d RBI shall decide as to who is to
b No limit and 7
d when loan is allowed for low report
c 100 and 2
amount transaction 38 Against which of the following
d 1000 and 100
33 Financial literacy centres are securities, the banks cannot grant
e any number at the discretion of the
eligible for funding support of loans:
maximum Rs. ___ per financial a shares of approved companies
29 A uniform margin of _____ is to
literacy camps? b mutual fund units
be applied on all advances /
a Rs.10000 b Rs.15000 c debentures of companies
financing of IPOs / issue of
c Rs.20000 d Rs.25000 d certificate of deposit issued by
guarantees on behalf of share and
34 When a loan is given by a bank banks
stockbrokers or on behalf of
on the security of railway receipt Answers
commodity brokers in favour of
(RR) or goods receipt (GR) issued 01 d 02 c 03 a 04 d 05 b
commodity exchanges viz.
by a transport company, which 06 a 07 b 08 c 09 c 10 b
National Commodity & Derivatives 11 c 12 a 13 c 14 d 15 c
Exchange (NCDEX), Multi type of charge is created
16 c 17 d 18 c 19 d 20 d
Commodity Exchange of India a pledge
21 c 22 c 23 e 24 b 25 b
Ltd. (MCX) and National Multi b lien
26 a 27 b 28 b 29 a 30 c
Commodity Exchange of India c hypothecation 31 c 32 c 33 b 34 a 35 d
d assignment 36 c 37 c 38 d
16 ♦ Banking
Banking events ♦
events updatE updatE ♦ October
October 2019 ♦ 2019
16 Registration RNI No. 67802/98 Postal Regn No.CHD /0001/2015-17
Concurrent Audit System - Revised RBI directions DATA COLUMN
Concurrent audit aims at shortening the interval between a transaction Business of Banks
( cr) Mar31'18 Sep13-19
and its independent examination. It is regarded as part of a bank’s early Aggregate deposits 10805150 12722830
warning system to ensure timely detection of serious errors which helps Cash in hand/RBI 570490 604316
Investments 3043660 3605284
in averting fraudulent transactions and preventive vigilance in banks. Bank Credit: 7881890 9701160
Based on recommendations of Expert Committee (headed by Shri Y H -Food 53930 64736
-Non-Food 7827960 9636424
Malegam) RBI reviewed and the revised guidelines (18.09.19) as under: Cash-Deposit Ratio 5.27 4.63
A. Coverage Investment-Deposit 28.14 28.03
Credit-Deposit 72.95 76.91
1. Can be decided by Head of Internal Audit of banks, with prior approval Money Stock
of Audit Committee of Board (ACB) of the bank. ( cr) Mar31'19 Sep13-19
M3 (Out of which) 15430870 15648476
2. Minimum areas of coverage are given in Annex. (a) Currency with public 2052230 2108258
(b) Demand deposits-Banks 1626310 1428383
B. Appointment of Auditors (c) Time Deposits - Banks 11720590 12081271
1. Concurrent audit can be done by bank’s own staff or external auditors (d) Other deposits with RBI 31740 30564
Sources of Money Supply
(including retired staff of that bank). (a) Net Bank credit to Govt 4387790 4769366
2. If any partner of a CA firm is a Director on bank Board, no partner of (b) Bank credit to Comrcl sectr 10380180
(c) Net Forex assets of Banks 2977860
the firm should be appointed as concurrent auditor in the same bank. Important Banking Indicators
Statutory Liquidity Ratio 18.50% (12.10.2019)
C. Accountability Cash Reserve Ratio 04.00% (15.02.2013)
1. In case of external firms if any serious acts are noticed in their working, Overnight LAF (of NDTL) 0.25%
14days term Repo(of NDTL) 0.75%
appointments may be cancelled after giving them reasonable time . Reverse Repo Rate 04.90% (04.10.2019)
2. Bank should frame a policy for fixing accountability noticed in working Repo Rate 05.15% (04.10.2019)
MSF Rate 05.40% (04.10.2019)
of bank’s own staff or retired staff, working as concurrent auditors. Bank Rate 05.40% (04.10.2019)
D. Tenure Small Savings Interest Rates
PPF 7.9% (01.07.2019)
ACB/ LMC of the bank can decide the maximum tenure of external 5-year NSC 7.9% (01.07.2019)
concurrent auditors with the bank. Generally, tenure of external concurrent Sukanya Smridhi
Senior Citizen Saving
auditors with a bank shall not be more than 5 years on continuous basis. Capital & Money Market Indicators
The age limit for retired staff engaged as concurrent auditors may be Parameter end-Sep18 end-Sep19
Dollar-spot TT (Rs.) 73.89 70.75
capped at 70 years. No concurrent auditor shall be allowed to continue BSE - Sensex (points) 34377 37673
with a branch/business unit for a period of more than 3 years. NSE - Nifty(S&P CNX) 10316 11175
Foreign reserves (Million $) 400525 433594
Annex - Minimum areas of coverage under Concurrent Audit Gold /Oz in USD) 1198 1521
1. Cash transactions including physical verification of cash, etc.
2. Loans & Advances including physical verification of securities,
delegation of Powers for sanction, Security Charge Creation, end use GDP@constant mkt prices (cr) 2018-19 :: 14077586
RBI's growth estimate for FY 2019-20 7.2%

verification of funds, monitoring of accounts with excess drawings. GVA@2011-12 basic prices (cr) 2018-19 : 12906936
3. Adherence to KYC / AML guidelines including monitoring of transactions GDP projected by Govt. for 2019-20 : 21007439

in accounts, FATCA and CRS, monitoring of transactions in new accounts/ Fiscal Deficit Target (2019-20) 3.4% of GDP : 703999 cr
Revenue Deficit Target (2019-20) 2.2.% of GDP : 470214 cr
staff accounts, reporting of CTR/STR, etc. Wholesale Price Index : 3.2%
4. Remittances/ Bills for Collection including SWIFT transactions, Money Supply (M3) expansion - YoY : 10.3%
monitoring of overdue statements. Exports during 2018-19 : 331.0 bn
Imports during (2018-19) : 507.06 Bn
5. House Keeping including reconciliation of accounts, monitoring of Export target - 2017-18 (in $) : 310 bn
General Ledger/Subsidiary General Ledger/Parking Accounts etc. India's share in world merchandise export : 1.70%
6. Treasury operations. 7. Non fund based business. India's currency rating (S&P) : BB Postv
India's external debt (Mar 2019) US $ : 543.0 Bn
8. Foreign Exchange transactions. 9. Clearing transactions. Tax-GDP ratio (2018-19) : 12.1%
10. Verification of Merchant Banking Business. Apr- Jul19:Export $ 107.4 bn Imports : 166.8 bn
Per capita Income 2018-19 (Rs.) : 126406
11. Verification of Credit Card / Debit card business.
Indian economy's ranking in PPP terms : 3rd
12. Conduct of employees, mis-selling of products, etc. Indian economy's ranking in world in value: 7th
13. Compliance to RBI guidelines and internal Policy guidelines issued
from time to time.
• DATE OF DESPATCH - Oct 10, 2019

Published by Chand Singh at 1008, Sector 45-B, Chandigarh - Printed by Chand Singh in digital form. Editor - Chand Singh

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