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3rd year BSBAHRM


ACTIVITY 1: True or False

1. O 6. H
2. O 7. V
3. V 8. H
4. V 9. V
5. V 10. N

ACTIVITY 2: Choose the correct answer

1. Presidential 6. Check & balance

2. Executive 7. Constitution
3. Judiciary 8. People
4. Legislative 9. Statutes
5. 1973 Constitution 10. Communism

ACTIVITY 3: Identification

1. Democracy 6. Constitution
2. Local Government 7. Public administration
3. Executive department 8. Constitutional law
4. Legislative 9. Polis
5. Code of Hammurabi 10. Law

ACTIVITY 4: Choose the appropriate letter.

1. V
2. O
3. H
4. V
5. H
6. V
7. O
8. V
9. O
10. O
11. H
12. H
13. V
14. V
15. H

ACTIVITY 5: Answer the following question briefly, but concisely.

1. The importance of developing social consciousness to nation building would help us so much in our
community. Every people would be aware in our society that can help the people to be ready in
everything as possible.

2. Political science is the social scientific study of political institutions and political behavior. ... Under
the rubric of political behavior, political scientists study how and why people choose to participate in
politics, the determinants of vote choice, and the nature and origins of public opinion.
3. Supremacy of the constitution is a system of government in which the law-making freedom of
parliamentary supremacy cedes to the requirements of a Constitution. Parliamentary supremacy is a
peremptory rule of constitutional law, that legislative assemblies can make or repeal laws as they see
fit, supreme over the dictates of the judicial branch, and subject to the stated jurisdiction of the
legislative assembly, if any. However, some jurisdictions, such as Canada, have placed limits on the
Parliamentary supremacy of legislative assemblies within their territory by enacting a paramount law,
usually called a Constitution or a charter as in Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

4. A Constitution can best be described as the rule of law. It is the set of standards and principles that
the government, and therefore all laws made by the government, must abide by. A statute is a law
formulated by a legislature or parliament. The key here is that those statutes must follow the rule of
law (ex. the Constitution). So if any law is not allowed by the standards and principles of a country’s
Constitution, it is invalid and illegal.

5. As a Filipino we should have good knowledge (if not all) of the Constitution. Because simply it is the
basis or somewhat framework of how our country should be run (type of governance, laws that will
govern our nation, territorial rights, etc.). We should have at least basic knowledge so we know when
people abuse us as a nation whether from the inside or out or if we ourselves are stepping on others
as well. The constitution should at least embody the necessary stuff that would dictate how we should
move as a nation.

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