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G.R. No. 119930 March 12, 1998 actual output.

It further insists that the nature of

this work status as described in the contracts had
INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD., petitioner, already been squarely resolved by the Court in the
vs. earlier case of Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION v. NLRC and Basiao 3 where the complainant
(Fourth Division, Cebu City), LABOR ARBITER therein, Melecio Basiao, was similarly situated as
NICASIO P. ANINON and PANTALEON DE LOS respondent De los Reyes in that he was appointed
REYES, respondents. first as an agent and then promoted as agency
manager, and the contracts under which he was
appointed contained terms and conditions identical
to those of Delos Reyes. Petitioner concludes that
since Basiao was declared by the Court to be an
independent contractor and not an employee of
petitioner, there should be no reason why the
On 17 June 1994 respondent Labor Arbiter dismissed status of De los Reyes herein vis-a-vis petitioner
for lack of jurisdiction NLRC RAB-VII Case No. 03- should not be similarly determined.
0309-94 filed by private respondent Pantaleon de los
Reyes against petitioner Insular Life Assurance Co.,
We reject the submissions of petitioner and hold
Ltd. (INSULAR LIFE), for illegal dismissal and
that respondent NLRC acted appropriately within
nonpayment of salaries and back wages after finding
the bounds of the law. The records of the case are
no employer-employee relationship between De los
replete with telltale indicators of an existing
Reyes and petitioner INSULAR LIFE. 1 On appeal by
employer-employee relationship between the two
private respondent, the order of dismissal was
parties despite written contractual disavowals.
reversed by the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC) which ruled that respondent De
los Reyes was an employee of These facts are undisputed: on 21 August 1992
petitioner.2 Petitioner's motion for reconsideration petitioner entered into an agency contract with
having been denied, the NLRC remanded the case respondent Pantaleon de los Reyes4 authorizing the
to the Labor Arbiter for hearing on the merits. latter to solicit within the Philippines applications
for life insurance and annuities for which he would
be paid compensation in the form of commissions.
Seeking relief through this special civil action
The contract was prepared by petitioner in its
for certiorari with prayer for a restraining order
entirety and De los Reyes merely signed his
and/or preliminary injunction, petitioner now
conformity thereto. It contained the stipulation
comes to us praying for annulment of the decision
that no employer-employee relationship shall be
of respondent NLRC dated 3 March 1995 and its
created between the parties and that the agent
Order dated 6 April 1995 denying the motion for
shall be free to exercise his own judgment as to
reconsideration of the decision. It faults NLRC for
time, place and means of soliciting insurance. De
acting without jurisdiction and/or with grave abuse
los Reyes however was prohibited by petitioner
of discretion when, contrary to established facts
from working for any other life insurance company,
and pertinent law and jurisprudence, it reversed
and violation of this stipulation was sufficient
the decision of the Labor Arbiter and held instead
ground for termination of the contract. Aside from
that the complaint was properly filed as an
soliciting insurance for the petitioner, private
employer-employee relationship existed between
respondent was required to submit to the former
petitioner and private respondent.
all completed applications for insurance within
ninety (90) consecutive days, deliver policies,
Petitioner reprises the stand it assumed below that receive and collect initial premiums and balances of
it never had any employer-employee relationship first year premiums, renewal premiums, deposits
with private respondent, this being an express on applications and payments on policy loans.
agreement between them in the agency contracts, Private respondent was also bound to turn over to
particularly reinforced by the stipulation therein the company immediately any and all sums of
that De los Reyes was allowed discretion to devise money collected by him. In a written
ways and means to fulfill his obligations as agent communication by petitioner to respondent De los
and would be paid commission fees based on his
Reyes, the latter was urged to register with the working for other life insurance companies or with
Social Security System as a self-employed individual the government. He could not also accept a
as provided under PD No. 1636. 5 managerial or supervisory position in any firm
doing business in the Philippines without the
On 1 March 1993 petitioner and private respondent written consent of petitioner.
entered into another contract 6 where the latter
was appointed as Acting Unit Manager under its Private respondent worked concurrently as agent
office — the Cebu DSO V (157). As such, the duties and Acting Unit Manager until he was notified by
and responsibilities of De los Reyes included the petitioner on 18 November 1993 that his services
recruitment, training, organization and were terminated effective 18 December 1993. On 7
development within his designated territory of a March 1994 he filed a complaint before the Labor
sufficient number of qualified, competent and Arbiter on the ground that he was illegally
trustworthy underwriters, and to supervise and dismissed and that he was not paid his salaries and
coordinate the sales efforts of the underwriters in separation pay.
the active solicitation of new business and in the
furtherance of the agency's assigned goals. It was Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the complaint
similarly provided in the management contract that of De los Reyes for lack of jurisdiction, citing the
the relation of the acting unit manager and/or the absence of employer-employee relationship. It
agents of his unit to the company shall be that of reasoned out that based on the criteria for
independent contractor. If the appointment was determining the existence of such relationship or
terminated for any reason other than for cause, the the so-called "four-fold test," i.e., (a) selection and
acting unit manager would be reverted to agent engagement of employee, (b) payment of wages,
status and assigned to any unit. As in the previous (c) power of dismissal, and, (d) power of control, De
agency contract, De los Reyes together with his unit los Reyes was not an employee but an independent
force was granted freedom to exercise judgment as contractor.
to time, place and means of soliciting insurance.
Aside from being granted override commissions, On 17 June 1994 the motion of petitioner was
the acting unit manager was given production granted by the Labor Arbiter and the case was
bonus, development allowance and a unit dismissed on the ground that the element of
development financing scheme euphemistically control was not sufficiently established since the
termed "financial assistance" consisting of payment rules and guidelines set by petitioner in its agency
to him of a free portion of P300.00 per month and a agreement with respondent Delos Reyes were
validate portion of P1,200.00. While the latter formulated only to achieve the desired result
amount was deemed as an advance against without dictating the means or methods of
expected commissions, the former was not and attaining it.
would be freely given to the unit manager by the
company only upon fulfillment by him of certain
Respondent NLRC however appreciated the
manpower and premium quota requirements. The
evidence from a different perspective. It
agents and underwriters recruited and trained by
determined that respondent De los Reyes was
the acting unit manager would be attached to the
under the effective control of petitioner in the
unit but petitioner reserved the right to determine
critical and most important aspects of his work as
if such assignment would be made or, for any
Unit Manager. This conclusion was derived from
reason, to reassign them elsewhere.
the provisions in the contract which appointed
private respondent as Acting Unit Manager, to wit:
Aside from soliciting insurance, De los Reyes was (a) De los Reyes was to serve exclusively the
also expressly obliged to participate in the company, therefore, he was not an independent
company's conservation program, i.e., preservation contractor; (b) he was required to meet certain
and maintenance of existing insurance policies, and manpower and production quota; and, (c)
to accept moneys duly receipted on agent's receipts petitioner controlled the assignment to and
provided the same were turned over to the removal of soliciting agents from his unit.
company. As long as he was unit manager in an
acting capacity, De los Reyes was prohibited from
The NLRC also took into account other Petitioner contends that De los Reyes was never
circumstances showing that petitioner exercised required to go through the pre-employment
employer's prerogatives over De los Reyes, e.g., (a) procedures and that the probationary employment
limiting the work of respondent De los Reyes to status was reserved only to employees of
selling a life insurance policy known as "Salary petitioner. On this score, it insists that the first
Deduction Insurance" only to members of the requirement of selection and engagement of the
Philippine National Police, public and private school employee was not met.
teachers and other employees of private
companies; (b) assigning private respondent to a A look at the provisions of the contract shows that
particular place and table where he worked private respondent was appointed as Acting Unit
whenever he was not in the field; (c) paying private Manager only upon recommendation of the District
respondent during the period of twelve (12) Manager. 8 This indicates that private respondent
months of his appointment as Acting Unit Manager was hired by petitioner because of the favorable
the amount of P1,500.00 as Unit Development endorsement of its duly authorized officer. But, this
Financing of which 20% formed his salary and the approbation could only have been based on the
rest, i.e., 80%, as advance of his expected performance of De los Reyes as agent under the
commissions; and, (d) promising that upon agency contract so that there can be no other
completion of certain requirements, he would be conclusion arrived under this premise than the fact
promoted to Unit Manager with the right of that the agency or underwriter phase of the
petitioner to revert him to agent status when relationship of De los Reyes with petitioner was
warranted. nothing more than a trial or probationary period for
his eventual appointment as Acting Unit Manager
Parenthetically, both petitioner and respondent of petitioner. Then, again, the very designation of
NLRC treated the agency contract and the the appointment of private respondent as "acting"
management contract entered into between unit manager obviously implies a temporary
petitioner and De los Reyes as contracts of agency. employment status which may be made permanent
We however hold otherwise. Unquestionably there only upon compliance with company standards
exist major distinctions between the two such as those enumerated under Sec. 6 of the
agreements. While the first has the earmarks of an management contract. 9
agency contract, the second is far removed from
the concept of agency in that provided therein are On the matter of payment of wages, petitioner
conditionalities that indicate an employer- points out that respondent was compensated
employee relationship. The NLRC therefore was strictly on commission basis, the amount of which
correct in finding that private respondent was an was totally dependent on his total output. But, the
employee of petitioner, but this holds true only manager's contract, speaks differently. Thus—
insofar as the management contract is concerned.
In view thereof, the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction 4. Performance Requirements. —
over the case.. To maintain your appointment as
Acting Unit Manager you must
It is axiomatic that the existence of an employer- meet the following manpower
employee relationship cannot be negated by and production requirements:
expressly repudiating it in the management
contract and providing therein that the "employee" Quarter Active Calendar Year
is an independent contractor when the terms of the Production Agents Cumulative FYP
agreement clearly show otherwise. For, the Production
employment status of a person is defined and
prescribed by law and not by what the parties say it
1st 2 P 125,000
should be. 7 In determining the status of the
2nd 3 250,000
management contract, the "four-fold test" on
3rd 4 375,000
employment earlier mentioned has to be applied.
4th 5 500,000
5.4. Unit Development Financing validated portion (P1,200) was monthly starting on
(UDF). — As an Acting Unit the first month of the twelve (12) months of the
Manager you shall be given during appointment. Thus, it has to be admitted that even
the first 12 months of your before the end of the first quarter and prior to the
appointment a financial assistance so-called quarterly performance evaluation, private
which is composed of two parts: respondent was already entitled to be paid both
the free and validated portions of the UDF every
5.4.1. Free month because his production performance could
Portion not be determined until after the lapse of the
amounting to quarter involved. This indicates quite clearly that
P300 per month, the unit manager's quarterly performance had no
subject to your bearing at all on his entitlement at least to the free
meeting portion of the UDF which for all intents and
prescribed purposes comprised the salary regularly paid to him
minimum by petitioner. Thus it cannot be validly claimed that
performance the financial assistance consisting of the free
requirement on portion of the UDF was purely dependent on the
manpower and premium production of the agent. Be that as it may,
premium it is worth considering that the payment of
production. The compensation by way of commission does not
free portion is militate against the conclusion that private
not payable by respondent was an employee of petitioner. Under
you. Art. 97 of the Labor Code, "wage" shall mean
"however designated, capable of being expressed
5.4.2. Validate in terms of money, whether fixed or ascertained on
Portion a time, task, price or commission basis . . . ." 10
amounting to
P1,200 per As to the matter involving the power of dismissal
month, also and control by the employer, the latter of which is
subject to the most important of the test, petitioner asserts
meeting the that its termination of De los Reyes was but an
same prescribed exercise of its inherent right as principal under the
minimum contracts and that the rules and guidelines it set
performance forth in the contract cannot, by any stretch of the
requirements on imagination, be deemed as an exercise of control
manpower and over the private respondent as these were merely
premium directives that fixed the desired result without
production. The dictating the means or method to be employed in
validated portion attaining it. The following factual findings of the
is an advance NLRC 11 however contradict such claims:
against expected
compensation A perusal of the appointment of
during the UDF complainant as Acting Unit
period and Manager reveals that:
thereafter as
may be 1. Complainant was to
necessary. "exclusively" serve respondent
company. Thus it is provided: . . .
The above provisions unquestionably demonstrate 7..7 Other causes of Termination:
that the performance requirement imposed on De This appointment may likewise be
los Reyes was applicable quarterly while his terminated for any of the
entitlement to the free portion (P300) and the following causes: . . . 7..7..2. Your
entering the service of the the corresponding Company's
government or another life "Agents' Receipt" to be provided
insurance company; 7..7..3. Your you for this purpose and to be
accepting a managerial or covered by such rules and
supervisory position in any firm accounting regulations the
doing business in the Philippines Company may issue from time to
without the written consent of the time on the matter. Payments
Company; . . . received by you shall be turned
over to the Company's designated
2. Complainant was required to District or Service Office clerk or
meet certain manpower and directly to the Home Office not
production quotas. later than the next working day
from receipt thereof . . . .
3. Respondent (herein petitioner)
controlled the assignment and Petitioner would have us apply our ruling in Insular
removal of soliciting agents to and Life Assurance Co., Ltd. v. NLRC and Basiao12 to the
from complainant's unit, thus: . . . instant case under the doctrine of stare decisis,
7..2. Assignment of Agents: postulating that both cases involve parties similarly
Agents recruited and trained by situated and facts which are almost identical.
you shall be attached to your unit
unless for reasons of Company But we are not convinced that the cited case is on
policy, no such assignment should all fours with the case at bar. In Basiao, the agent
be made. The Company retains was appointed Agency Manager under an Agency
the exclusive right to assign new Manager Contract. To implement his end of the
soliciting agents to the unit. It is agreement, Melecio Basiao organized an agency
agreed that the Company may office to which he gave the name M. Basiao and
remove or transfer any soliciting Associates. The Agency Manager
agents appointed and assigned to Contract  practically contained the same terms and
the said unit. . . . conditions as the Agency Contract earlier entered
into, and the Court observed that, "drawn from the
It would not be amiss to state that respondent's terms of the contract they had entered into,
duty to collect the company's premiums using (which) either expressly or by necessary
company receipts under Sec. 7.4 of the implication, Basiao (was) made the master of his
management contract is further evidence of own time and selling methods, left to his own
petitioner's control over respondent, thus: judgment the time, place and means of soliciting
insurance, set no accomplishment quotas and
x x x           x x x          x x x compensated him on the bases of results obtained.
He was not bound to observe any schedule of
working hours or report to any regular station; he
7.4. Acceptance and Remittance
could seek and work on his prospects anywhere
of Premiums. — . . . . the Company
and at anytime he chose to and was free to adopt
hereby authorizes you to accept
the selling methods he deemed most effective."
and to receive sums of money in
Upon these premises, Basiao was considered as
payment of premiums, loans,
agent — an independent contractor — of petitioner
deposits on applications, with or
without interest, due from
policyholders and applicants for
insurance, and the like, specially Unlike Basiao, herein respondent De los Reyes was
from policyholders of business appointed Acting Unit Manager, not agency
solicited and sold by the agents manager. There is no evidence that to implement
attached to your unit provided his obligations under the management contract, De
however, that all such payments los Reyes had organized an office. Petitioner in fact
shall be duly receipted by you on has admitted that it provided De los Reyes a place
and a table at its office where he reported for and management system in which herein private
worked whenever he was not out in the field. respondent worked. This obtaining, there is no
Placed under petitioner's Cebu District Service escaping the conclusion that private respondent
Office, the unit was given a name by petitioner — Pantaleon de los Reyes was an employee of herein
De los Reyes and Associates — and assigned Code petitioner.
No. 11753 and Recruitment No. 109398. Under the
managership contract, De los Reyes was obliged to WHEREFORE, the petition of Insular Life Assurance
work exclusively for petitioner in life insurance Company, Ltd., is DENIED and the Decision of the
solicitation and was imposed premium production National Labor Relations Commission dated 3
quotas. Of course, the acting unit manager could March 1995 and its Order of 6 April 1996 sustaining
not underwrite other lines of insurance because his it are AFFIRMED. Let this case be REMANDED to the
Permanent Certificate of Authority was for life Labor Arbiter a quo who is directed to hear and
insurance only and for no other. He was proscribed dispose of this case with deliberate dispatch in light
from accepting a managerial or supervisory position of the views expressed herein.
in any other office including the government
without the written consent of petitioner. De los SO ORDERED.
Reyes could only be promoted to permanent unit
manager if he met certain requirements and his
Davide, Jr., Vitug, Panganiban and Quisumbing, JJ.,
promotion was recommended by the petitioner's
District Manager and Regional Manager and
approved by its Division Manager. As Acting Unit
Manager, De los Reyes performed functions beyond
mere solicitation of insurance business for
petitioner. As found by the NLRC, he exercised
administrative functions which were necessary and
beneficial to the business of INSULAR LIFE.

In Great Pacific Life Insurance Company

v. NLRC 13 which is closer in application
than Basiao to this present controversy, we found
that "the relationships of the Ruiz brothers and
Grepalife were those of employer-employee. First,
their work at the time of their dismissal as zone
supervisor and district manager was necessary and
desirable to the usual business of the insurance
company. They were entrusted with supervisory,
sales and other functions to guard Grepalife's
business interests and to bring in more clients to
the company, and even with administrative
functions to ensure that all collections, reports and
data are faithfully brought to the company . . . . A
cursory reading of their respective functions as
enumerated in their contracts reveals that the
company practically dictates the manner by which
their jobs are to be carried out . . . ." We need
elaborate no further.

Exclusivity of service, control of assignments and

removal of agents under private respondent's unit,
collection of premiums, furnishing of company
facilities and materials as well as capital described
as Unit Development Fund are but hallmarks of the

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