For and Against Essays

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How many times have you heard students wishing for notebook computers instead of
the “old-fashioned” textbooks? Learning with the help of a computer is definitely handier and
more effective, but it also has many drawbacks, such as high costs and damage to students’
On the one hand, textbooks mean a significant amount of weight for students to carry
every day on their backs. The advancements in technology have made it possible for them to
keep all their classes and homework, from all the subjects they study, in one single laptop,
which they can take with them anywhere they go. Furthermore, introducing this method of
learning will provide students with access to the latest information, as computer-based lesson
plans are updated in real time. As a result, students can find the most accurate and updated
information for whichever subject they are studying.
On the other hand, technology means great expense. Computers are expensive and not
all schools or families can afford them. The student experience should not be based on what
people can or cannot afford, everyone should have access to what they need to learn and this
is taken care of as schools are providing students with books. In addition, they take around 6
classes a day and this learning system will overtax children’s eyesight and tire them even
more. Consequently, they will develop health problems and poor eyesight.
In conclusion, I believe that using notebook computers instead of textbooks is a more
successful method of learning, but a more disadvantageous one as well. (255)

I’m sure you’ve heard, at least once, a student complaining about their
school uniform. While having to dress in a certain way may restrict students'
freedom of expression, it may also reduce peer pressure and bullying, as well as
keep students focused on their education.
Firstly, a school should be a place where students can feel free to be and
express themselves, not only an institution where they are limited to studying and
having good grades. It can’t be denied that clothing choices are a crucial form of
self-expression and, at their age, teenagers shouldn’t be forbidden to show their
personality and attitude through what they choose to wear, as long as they don’t
offend or upset anyone, of course.
In contrast, students social standing would be based more on individual
character. When all students are dressed alike, competition between them over
clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less
fashionable outfits can be eliminated. Furthermore, when having a strict dress
code, students can concentrate on their schoolwork and they don’t have to worry
about what they are going to wear the next day.
In conclusion, school uniforms are a great method to improve attendance
and discipline. However, I believe that students should be allowed to manifest
their creativity through the clothes they wear. (221)

Technology is now a big part of our society and personal lives, as well as our
foreseeable future. The main purpose of intelligent homes and cars is to save time
and make life easier overall, but we cannot deny or ignore the fact that this results
in lazier people and safety concerns.
One very convincing argument in favour of these inventions is that they are
tremendously time-saving. Before the advent of modern day technology, life was
burdensome and everyday chores consumed too much of our time. Today, smart
home products can take over everyday tasks, from starting our coffee in the
morning and doing the laundry to alarms warning us if someone has entered the
perimeter of our home. Moreover, intelligent cars allow us to go places without
having to physically drive, which means less fatigue from driving and less accidents
and they make parking faster and easier.
Nevertheless, a major disadvantage of smart homes and cars is that our lives
are controlled by robots and we slowly stop any kind of physical activity. We rely
on these devices to do almost everything for us, which results in slothful people, -
because we can now turn off the lights with a simple handclap instead of getting
up and we no longer have to drive, we simply put the car on “self-drive”. Besides,
while we can lock our doors from a distance, we may also be at risk to hacking as
technology has become a dangerous weapon.
To conclude, intelligent homes and cars are great inventions because they
facilitate our existence considerably. However, I think that safety concerns and the
fact that we become inactive are important disadvantages. (276)

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