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Question-1: Marcia buys a dress that is on sale for 15% off it's original price.

She uses a
store coupon to obtain an additional 10% off the sale price. Marcia pays $91.80 for the
dress. What was the original price of the dress? Explain each step.
The Price Paid (Sale + Coupon) = $91.80 is obtained through following discounts:
 15% off Original Price
 10% off Sale Price

First, we find the price before the 10% Coupon.

The discounted price (with the coupon is obtained by):
Discounted Price ( coupon )=Sale Price∗(1−coupon discount )

Rearranging the relation, we can find the sale price:

Discounted Price coupon 91.80

Sale Price= Sale Price=
1−coupon discount 1−0.10

Sale Price=$ 102Now repeating the same procedure for the 15% sale, we can get the original
Sale Price=Original Price∗(1−Sale discount )

Sale Price
Original Price=
1−S ale discount
Original Price=
Original Price=$ 120

Hence, the original price was $120.

Question-2: Solve the equation sin (π/4 - x) – sin (x + π/4) = 1 for 0 < x < 2π. Explain
each step and substantiate your conclusions.
First, we expand the given trigonometric equation using the following trigonometric
sin ( α ± β )=sin ( α ) cos ( β ) ± cos ( α ) sin ⁡( β)
Expansion gives us:

sin ( π4 ) cos ( x )−cos ( π4 ) sin ( x )−[ sin ( π4 ) cos ( x )+ cos( π4 ) sin ( x ) ]=1
π π π π
sin ( ) cos ( x )−cos ( ) sin ( x )−sin ( ) cos ( x ) −cos ( ) sin ( x )=1
4 4 4 4
Cancelling same terms (1st and 3rd) having opposite signs:

−2 cos ( π4 ) sin ( x )=1

−2 cos ( ) sin ( x )=1

−√ 2 sin ( x )=1
sin ( x )=
−1 1 π
Value in Quadrant – I (θ ) = sin ( )=
√2 4
We know that sin is negative in quadrants III and IV. Hence, as the equation has a negative
solution, thus the values of x should also lie in quadrants III and IV as well.

Value in Quadrant – III = π +θ=

Value in Quadrant – IV = 2 π −θ=
5π 7 π
Hence, values of x for given equation are x = ,
4 4

The plotted graph (in radians) shows that

graphs of sin (π/4 - x) – sin (x + π/4) and

the constant line ‘1’ intersect at points:

(~ 3.92 rads) & (~ 5.49 rads) between
0 < x < 2π. Hence, our result is correct.
Question-3: During your first week of training for a marathon, you run a total of 10 miles.
You increase the distance you run each week by twenty percent. How many miles do you
run during your twelfth week of training?
We know that for the first week, total miles ( D1 ¿=¿ 10 miles
With each week, there is an increase of 20% with respect to preceding week:
D n=D n−1(1+ 0.2) where n is the current week
D2=D1∗( 1+ 0.2 )=10∗1.2=12 miles

D 3=D 2∗( 1+ 0.2 )=D 1∗(1+0.2)2=12∗1.2=14.4 miles

D4 =D3∗( 1+0.2 ) =D1∗( 1+ 0.2)3=12∗1.2=17.28 miles

Thus, we can generalize as:
D n=D 1∗( 1+0.2 )n−1
For 12th week, n = 12:
D 12=D 1∗( 1+0.2 )11 =74.3 miles

Hence, I would run 74.3 miles in the 12th week of training.

Note: It can be seen that the derived formula is similar to that of compound interest:
F=P∗ (1+i )
For compound interest calculation, n starts from the principal year ‘n=0’. For our case, the starting
week is n = 1, hence the exponent contains (n-1).
Question-4: Use matrices

P= [ 31 42] Q=[ 13 −20 ] R=[−21 41 ]

To determine whether expressions (P + Q)R and PR + QR are equal. Explain each step.

( P+Q ) R=PR+QR
We can solve the L.H.S & the R.H.S of the equation separately & compare if the results are equal.
Solving the L.H.S:

( P+Q ) R= 3 4 + 1 0 ∗ 1 4
([ ] [
1 2 3 −2 −2 1 ]) [ ]
Solve the parenthesis first by adding corresponding entries of matrices ‘P’ and ‘Q’.

( P+Q ) R= 3+1 4+0 ∗ 1 4

1+3 2−2 −2 1 ]) [ ]
( P+Q ) R= 4 4 ∗ 1 4
[ ][ ]
4 0 −2 1
Now, multiplying the resulting two matrices (product of the entries of rows of the first matrix with
entries of each of the columns in the second and then taking sum for each corresponding entry):
( 4∗1 ) + ( 4∗−2 ) ( 4∗4 ) + ( 4∗1 )
( P+Q ) R=
[ ( 4∗1 ) + ( 0∗−2 ) ( 4∗4 )+ ( 0∗1 ) ]
( P+Q ) R= 4+(−8) 16 +4
[ ]
4+0 16+0
( P+Q ) R= −4 20
[ ]
4 16
Solving the R.H.S:

PR+QR= 3 4 ∗ 1 4 + 1 0 ∗ 1 4
([ ] [
1 2 −2 1 3 −2 −2 1 ]) ([ ][ ])
As done previously, solve the parenthesis by multiplying matrices.

PR+QR= 3∗1 +(4∗−2) 3∗4 +(4∗1) + 1∗1 +( 0∗−2)

( 1∗4 )+(0∗1)
) ( )
( 1∗1 ) +(2∗−2) (1∗4 ) +(2∗1)
( )
]) ( [
( 3∗1 ) +(−2∗−2) (3∗4 ) + (−2∗1 ) ])
3+(−8) 12+ 4 1+ 0 4 +0
([ 1+(−4) 4+ 2
]) ([
3+ 4 12+(−2) ])
PR+QR= −5 16 + 1 4
([ ]) ([
−3 6 7 10 ])
−4 20
4 16 ]

Since L.H.S = R.H.S, the expressions ( P+Q ) R∧PR+QRare equal.

Question-5: The Earth revolve around the sun along an ellipse. The sun lies in the focus
of ellipse. The largest distance from Sun to Earth is 152.1 million km, and shortest is
147.1 million km. Find length of semi-minor axis of ellipse and eccentricity of ellipse.
What is the distance between two foci of ellipse?
(Consider the following image as a reference, for better understanding)

We know the maximum distance (aphelion) and the minimum distance (perihelion), hence:
2 a= Aphelion Max− Distance + Perihelion M∈−Distance

2 a=152.1million+ 147.1million=299.2 million

a= =149.6 million
Again, by looking at the diagram we can see that,
Aphelion Max−Distance =a+c
c= AphelionMax−Distance −a
c=152.1 million−149.6 million=2.5 mllion
2 c=5 million
The eccentricity of ellipse is given by:
2.5 million
e= =0.0167
149.6 million
Finally, we know that for an ellipse with a > b:
c 2=a2−b 2∨b2=c2 + a2
2 2 2 2
b =(2.5 million) +( 149.6 million) =22386.41million
b=149.62 million

Hence, the length of semi minor axis is 149.62 million km, eccentricity is 0.0167 and
distance between two foci is 5 million km.

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