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After completing Let’s Warm Up, tick the column that determines how often you practice

what the statements say. Do this as objectively as possible. Bear in mind that there are no
wrong answers. You can use your performance in Let’s Warm Up as a basis in completing this
Usually Sometimes Seldom Never
1. I interact, negotiate, and create meaning with
others while taking into consideration varied
cultural backgrounds.
2. I do not think that my own culture is better than
3. I understand that communication can be
influenced by culture, gender, age, social status,
and religion.
4. I demonstrate sensitivity when I communicate
with others.
5. I communicate to share information across
6. I use effective intercultural communication skills.
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central
Office. First Edition, 2016.
Usually Sometimes Seldom Never
7. I communicate to understand different cultures
and social groups.
8. I appreciate different cultural perspectives.
9. I can easily communicate with people from
diverse backgrounds.
10. I respect the values and traditions of other

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