0 Test Initial Clasa A Xii

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1. a.

Read the following text and create questions to which the underlined words are the
Joe came home from work and opened his mailbox. In his mailbox he found a yellow
bottle of soap; soap for washing dishes. The dish soap was a free sample from a soap
company. The company mailed small bottles to thousands of people. It was a new soap with a
little lemon juice in it. Joe looked at his bottle. There was a picture of two lemons on the
label. Over the lemons there were the words “with real lemon juice”. Joe thought he was
going to eat a salad for dinner. He put the soap on his salad and ate it. Soon, Joe felt sick. He
wasn’t the only person who got sick. They put the soap on salads, fish and in tea. Later they
felt sick. Some people had stomach ache; some others went to the hospitals. Luckily, no one
died from eating the soap.
(Sandra Heyer, True Stories in the News)

b. After reading the text, decide if the following sentences are true(T) or false(F).

1 .Joe found a soap in his mailbox.

2. The bottle of soap had two lemons on the label.
3. Joe thought the soap was in fact dressing for salad.
4. He was the only one who ate the salad with the liquid dish soap.
5. No one died after eating the soap.

2. Choose the correct form and underline it:

1. It took him years to become successful / successing.
2. We don’t know whose / whom is the car parked over there.
3. The news I’ve just received is / are not at all good.
4. Is this your / yours seat, please?
5. When you will see / see him, tell him that he forgot his umbrella here.

3. Imagine you meet a good fairy who can fulfil three wishes for you. Write down what
these wishes would be. (about 150 words / 15 lines).

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