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1/32 Scale Sopwith's wonderful Pup was develope from a design that thei test pilot, Harry Hawker, legendary chalhed out on the factory floor for his own personal runabout in the Iter stages of 1915, Featuring wing warping technology this ninabout formed the basis for the Sopwith Sparrow of ‘which oly 4 were made, In February 1916 Sopwith tookitupon themselves produce a singe stat fighter prototype based on thi design slightly, redesigned, strengthened and with ailerons replacing wing warping for lateral contol. Given the serial numiber 959, this prototype attracted the attention ofthe Royal Naal Air Service (RNAS) who were suitably impressed encugh toorderthe ype into production asthe Admiralty9801 Type. ‘Tae Royal lying Corps (RFC) wer likewise taken by the prototype with Mz) Gen. H.M. Trenchard famoualy stating’ Let usget a squadton ofthese! ‘which ead to them ordering it into production as the Sopwith Scout. Despite being offically knowns the Admialty $01 Type orSopwith Scout twas uickly given the eminently more appropiate, abet strictly unofficl nickname Pup’ after a remark by aBrig, Gen, W Sefton Brancker upon, comparingit to the larger Sopwith 1& % Strutter. ‘The Sopwith Pup was universally ike by the young aviators of the RNAS and REC charged with fying it. More than 2100 Pups were but by The Sopwith Aviation Co Ltd, William Beardroore& Co Ltd, he Standard Motor Co Ltd and Whitehead Aircraft Lid. Most Sopwith Pups were powered by a 80hp LeRhone $c engine although many others were fitted with 80hp & 100kp Gnome or Clerget engines. Ever adaptable, the Pup was rotified for shipboard use by the RNAS as the 990a Type taking of from both aircraft carrer and platforms mounted on gun turrets. Despite hnaving only one gun, its light weight and maneuverability ensured it was a good match for the twin gun armed Albatros Dil, Fokker DIL, Haberstact fighters it faced in late 1916, At least 29 REC and RNAS pilots achieved ace status in the Pup with victories daimed over the aforementioned fighters as well as the later Albatros Dlls and Vs, observation balloons, various two seater, seaplanes and S Gotha bombers before being withdrawn from frontline sevice in the ater stages £2917. WWI? aircraft colours are contentious at the best of times and we have done our best to provide what we consider to be acourate painting, {information Upper surface linen areas were dopedin Protective Covering number 10 (PC10) or PC12. C10 was made from mixes of yellow ochre, iron oxide and lamp black pigments and could vary between dark olive drab and chocolate brown depending on themix and time spent exposed to the elements, PC12 i slighty less controversial although previous reports oft being ed brown ar in errand it was actually a dark chocolate brown, The undersides ofthe wings, tailplane and fuselage wereleft lear dope Irish linen, usualy with a chin line long the leading edges fished with the seme PC10 or PC12 asthe upper surfaces, Metal cowling panel were often painted Battleship Grey on the exterior withthe incides left unpainted, lft unpainted altogether. Small metal fittings and brackets were usually blak Allsfaes exhibited a shiny gloss appearance when new which wouldoseits shine and fade elatvelyquic. Richard Alexander 2018 ooo ae ‘Sopwith Pup, J Bruce, 1966. Osprey Sopwith Pup Aces of Wold War 3, Norman Franks, 2005. 1914:18 Aviation Heritage Trust. Private Colectons, #92055 SST TT a Se 1/32 Scale ‘Choking hazard. Keep small parts and plastic bags away from children. Use glue and paint in a well ‘Ventilated area. Always wear protective eyewear when cutting and a protective mask when painting, sluing and sanding. Do not breathe dust from polyurethane resin parts (if included). Beware of sharp edges on metal parts. Assembly: Read all the instructions carefully before starting assembly. Use glue intended for plastic models. Assemble metal and resin parts (if included) using Cyanoacrylate (CA) or epory glue. Before assembly select a marking option and note optional parts required in instructions. Rigging: _Iflinstalling rigging please drill out all location holes with a 0.5mm drill it to a depth of at least mm. Painting: Only use paints designed and suitable for plastic model kitsets. Decl: | (Coat ee ale ree Sok mum ye: fr 15 seconde Seo Enclcg paper cota oe pointed surface of model (not just clear coated plastic). For large decals itis helpful to apply a drop of water to the area they are being applied to, This will make it easter to maneuver them into the correct position. Hints & Tips: Please visit our website for additional photos, hints and tips to assist you in getting the best result from your Wingnut Wings model, Bf SYMBOLS Construction Step @) Choose @ Attention LB Remove @) PartNumber & DoNot Glue ED optic A Duill ity Photo Etch Part @ Cement For Metal oe Other Side é Paint Colour PAINT COLOURS TT [EB clear Doped Linen (CDL)- serni gloss | _2 (x10) +XPS5 (x1) _|22 (x10) +148 (a) 117886 [EB Light Wood? comi glose ‘XE78" 93 30340" Dark Wood"- gloss ‘xF68* 160" 30111 [EE Leather -semi gloss XES2 62 30219 [Ey Black- semi gloss xe 85 [EB] Aasiinium - mate ‘XEI6 27001 [FA brass XBL 54 [EY P12 - semi gloss ‘XP62 Gd) + XFLO (xl) 170 26120 [BG cus Metal x10 27004 [BI copper XF6 12 Rubber - matt XFCS 66 35042 [Ep Bettlechip Grey (BSG) - matt ‘XE82 106 35164 H FE White — semi goss XE? 3 [EB Blue - semi gloss ‘XEB 25 25056 H [Ey Red semi gloss ‘XE7 60 31350 | [Ey sea XES6 27003 [EY 2c10 dope - matt & semi gloss ‘XF62 (x2) + XFLO (x1) 155 26120 a PC10 paint - gloss ‘XE62 155. 14083 Nota: Apply lear varnish to achieve the desired gloss or semi glote finish "See our webeite hints and tipe for puinting wood. om OI am Matte SAE NS [enor Used Photo Etch, ©} cocerr > Control column and hand grip from the beautiful 80bp LeRhone powered Sopwith fea” ETD, Note the irish linen fabric, bracing wires, wooden stringers, frames & foot boards. Also note the sunlight shining through the castor oll soaked Irish Linen on the bottom of the fuselage. The handle on the bottoms lft ofthe instrument panel was for winding in the empty doth amaunitionbele found on Sopwith Pup 6179 LQ>. The other aircraft depicted in this model had disintegrating link ammunition belts or were unarmed. AEE Rigging material not supplied. Colours shown for clarity only. @Brosuiace os @ @ @ Ug Gi} = Oval side cowiing hatch detall Oval side cowl from 100hp Gnome powered from 100hp Gnome powered {! hatches ETH | Scmits Pup o222 Sopwith Pup B7575, Note the additional stiffening ribs on the 100ap Gnome style cowling Remove intake pipe detail T ‘Tail ekid detail of the beautiful Bhp LeRhone powered Sopwith Pup reproduction N6205 “Betty” built by The Vintage Aviator LTD. 5 om See am ua TE SAE NE page 7. Apply rudder decale 6) « [is before attaching ‘control horns B3 ‘Two photos showing 100hp Gnome powered Standard Mator Co built Sopwith Pup 5903 following a forced landing. Note the lighter shade of the starboard aileron cockade. Ey Aileron control cable pulley inspection window from the beautiful 80hp LaRhone powered Sopwith Pup reproduction 2167 buile by The Vintage Aviator LTD. Aileron control cable pulley inspection ‘window ‘< Whitchead built 80hp LeRhone powered Sopwith Pup AG214 was tunarmed when photographed here. Tt wont on to serve in 56 Reserve Squadron London Colney || and 56 Training Squzdron, Vickers Mk.1* Vickers Mk.1* showing the brass breech ‘block, muzzle details and air vents cutinto the cooling jacket. Note that this gun features Hyland type B loading handle of a different design to the Hyland type B commonly fitted to the Pup and featured in ourmedel IN rae EAN oc Chute for disintegrating link ammunition belt TESORO CUT oxrs-092) ania Vickers Mk.1° detail from an unidentified 100hp Gnome powered [| Sopwith Pup. ‘TOP WINGS Remove Paint interior of pulley inspection ‘windows ae per step (be) Top winge CET OROOOTT UCT Paint ailerons and epply codlade decals before Sangconelbons G3 ort upper alleron and contol hor deta from Whitehead bul Sopwith Pup ASZ14 seen on page 7. 9 = rom am ee CD ©) sore cnome encive Engine detail from the 80bp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup seen on page 21. A (orr0.007) ceo 100HP GNOME MONOSOUPAPE ENGINE Paint tyres (2) interior of wheel (2) and spokes and valve@ 0665164) Undercarsiage detail Grom the unidentified 80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup show on page 21. “|< Port bottom aileron detail from @| Whitehesd built Sopwith Pup A6214 seen on page 7. 12 ze CT ERNE TAT Pro ‘80hp LeRhone powered Sopwith built Pup NS186 is shown here with Le Prieur rockets at Bastchurch in October 1916. Le Prieur rockets were trialed for ‘use against balloons and airships but it is reason ably unlikely that any of the aircraft depicted in ‘this model were fitted with them. RTOS CH Ta If you choose to install the rigging please drill out all location holes with a 0.5mm drill bit to a depth of at _2renot really applicable to the Sopwith Pup anyway). | | PAINT COLOUR SCHEME AND DECAL GUIDE Sopwith Pup “Gnome” [EQ sopwith Pup N6179 “Baby Mine”, TC Vernon (1? victory) & AW Carter (17 victories) Blight 3(N) Sqn RNAS, March to April 1917 80hp Gnome powered Sopwith built Pup N6179 “Baby Mine" was from a produe- tion order placed with ‘The Sopwith ‘Aviation Co Ltd in January 1917 for 50 aircraft (number N6160 to N6209). NG179 was one of at least 9 aircraft from this order that were fitted with a 80hp Gnome engine instead of the more common 80hp LeRhéne and was delivered to 3 (Naval) Squadron in Febru ary 1917, It was being flown by TC ‘Vernon on 4 March 1917 when he was il his 2nd, 3rd and 4th victories on 23 &29 LESS (01905-4) pr 1917 [eas recured to Dover for eps via the Alt Depot at Dunkin May 2917. Then N6179 went on to serve in Seaplane Defense Flight where 7 victory ace LH Slatter was credited with a victory over a Gotha on 29 July 1917. ‘Sopwith built Pup N6200 “Bobs” was. meer ‘80hp Gnome powered aircraft from the same production order as [LW and a ‘was delivered to 4 (Naval) Squadron in April 1917. It was being flown by AM Shook when he was credited with hie ist 3 vietories on 24 April, 9 May and 12 May 1917. On 19 May 1917 Shool’s engine filed and he was forced to land in the sea H with N6200 being towed to Dunkirle where it was repaired before going on to serve elsewhere RTE AL Se eS ST 100hp Gnome Monosoupape powered Sopwith Pup B2192 was from a production order placed with Whitehead Aircraft Ltd in April 1917 for 100 aircraft (numbers B2151 to B22S0). It was serving atthe School of Special Flying at Gosport by ‘August 1917 where it received the striped finish seen here and was flown by HH Balfour and EL Foot. Itwas with 62 Squad- on by 6 October 1917 and then 43 Training Squadron being crashed on 15 March 1918. > Sopwith Pup B2192 at the School of Special Flying, The striped colour scheme has ‘bean described as black and white, which is entirely believ- able, but we have included additional red stripes as an option. 100hp Gnome Mono- soupape powered rebuilt Sopwith Pup B804 is in the foreground. FH 100hp Gnome Monosoupape powered Sopwith Pup B5904 “A 1” was from a production order placed with the Standard Motor Co Ltd in July 1917 for 250 aircraft (numbers B5901 to B6150) and was delivered to 61 Home Defense Squadron by September 1817. Note the overpainted cockpit coaming & side cowlings and unpainted engine cowling, The 100hp ‘Gnome Monosoupape engine was initially experimentally installed on Sopwith Pup A653 in May 1917 ‘Trials showed that it was 2 minutes quicker to climb to 10,000 feet compared to the usual Shp Pups, which proved to be a considerable advantage for Home Defense aircraft trying to intercept German raiders. EN Toe ra eT 200hp Gnome Monosoup- ape powered Sopwith Pup S906 “Impikef” is from the ame production order as [pp and served with 44 Home Defense Squadron in 3918, Later it saw service with 36 (HD) Squadron ‘until atleest late December 3818 by which time its engine had been replaced with a LeRhone. > Sopwith Pup B5906 being refueled at 44 (HD) Squad- ron. Note the striped control surfaces and lack of ‘armament. 3 = te on S rec ‘An unidentified 80hp Gnome powered Sopwith Pup. Note the non-standard slot cutin the upper face of the engine cowling, E es Kee AE } 100hp Gasme Monesoupeps powered Whitehead but Sopwith Pup BS292 undergoing final soenbly Note the engine conting ia the right foreground, 1100hp Gnome Monosoupape powered Whitehead built Sopwith Pup B5344 “3” which has suffered a heavy landing at 3 Training | | Squadron. Note the heavily chipped engine and side cowlings B ‘Seen here after an incident that resulted in severe engine damage, BS905 wasa.100hp Gnome Moi from the same Standard Motor Co Ltd production order as [D> and [:> 3:D Modelling by Mark Mille ‘A background in technical dlustration and long "J | term passion for modeling and early aircraft has J) | enabled Mark to produce some of the most stunning 3D renderings of aircraft that anyone is 11) iike'y to see, His artwork bas appeared in ‘numerous publications from Cross & Cockade, ‘Over the Front, Schiffer and Windsock amongst others. Mark ‘worked for Wingaut Wings from 2007 to 2008. ‘Toview examples of Marl’e workepleace visit bttp:// html Profile Art by Ronny Bar Ronny Bar developed aksen interest in airplanes Be | from an ezrly age. living close atthe Bl Palomar jfile Force Basein Buenos Aires. Heist ein the FESS NY ck seat of 2 1.34 Mentor trainer at the age of Os BS) ca, and was soon drawing alclanes and bulling toide: Spitires and. Measerechmict Gest. Camels and ober later. He became a euceesful bce player with a creer lasting over 85. years in several Rock bands, recording ten albums (one of them ‘ing a Netional hit cling more than 100,000 copies) and performing countless concerts, TV shows and tours all over ‘Argentina [Now retired from the R's'R scene, his interest returned to his early patsion: Aviation Artwork, Visiting the WW aircraft collection at Hendon focused his already growing interest for that historic period. His artwork ie ly appearing in journals and publications like Windsock Worldwide, Windsock Datafiles, Cross 8. Cockade and Over the Front. Visit Ronny/e Facebook page “wv facebook. com/RONNY-BAR Aircraft Profles-156538664131/ Pad, | BeAr Steve Anderson Steve Anderoon is an avid historian of military avation, with @ specal interest in the many ‘beautiful biplanes and tviplanea of World War L ‘The alreaft and battles of famous World War | aces such as Baron Manfred von Richthofen Getter known as the “Red Baron’), James ‘McCudden, Raoul Lufbery, Emast. Udes, Werner Voss, and other pioneers of dogfighting are among Steve's favorite subject, ‘Aa Artiat Fellow of the Ametican Secety of Aviation Artist, Steve ‘creates works that reflect scrupulous attention to historically accurate detail rom the calorfl markings on the fueelages to the tie of day of an actual battle. Visit Steve's website st: wwwanderson-artcom. | 32055 Product Manager, Richard Alexander ‘A native of Welington New Zealand, Richard ‘Alexander haa a long term intoredt in military history, ace ars clea drivers from motor sperts golden er ofthe ‘60s, An accomplished modeler Richards models have twice bean awarded Best | Overall in. Show at IPMS(NZ) National | Convertions and earned him the inaugural TamiyaCon(NZ) Master | Modeler award (long with dhe assodated trip to Japan) in 2001. Many of his works are in private collections around the wold, though hemo longer accepts commissions. | Richard has been in the model and hobby industry since 1991 and binge with hima keen eye for detal anda passion for ensuring our ‘models are enjoyable to build So if there is anything you don’t lke | about this mode, you can blame him. | | 16 you do have comments, requests or suggestions, Richard is | contactable at richardewingnutwings com [Historic aircraft photos courtesy of the 1914-18 Aviation Heritage Trust and Colin Owers (unless credited otherwise). 99, | | AO =o n 32055 ‘Sopwith Pup “Gnome” (0192036A_| Aparts 01320138 _| Bparts (0132018¢__| Cparts (0132018D_| D parts 482E0011_| Bparts 100hp Gnome Engine "13280014 _| Bparts 80hp Gnome Engine (01320556 | Gparts (0132055P_| Photoretched metal parts 7132055 __| Instructions 19132055 _| Decals label l-fefae 32071 Sopwith E.1 Camel ‘LeRhone* 32042 AEG G.IVLate 32073 Sopwith SE Dolphin Available now from ©2019 Wingnut Wings Ltd. PO Box 15-819 Miramar, Wellington 6022 New Zealand. Allrights reserved, Designed in New Zealand - Manufactured in China.

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