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ANNUAL REPORT ow THE, SOCIAL & ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF THE PEOPLE OF JOHORE FOR 1939 ny BARRON, wes, CONTENTS 1 Geoqraphy, Chinato an Hisary 11 Population WHat V11—Commere 1K Warer and Cast of Living (labour) X-—lveatin XL—Communintons and Tranapert XIl-Pable Works 2xiIL—Jantiee and Police XIV—Lagialaton XVBanking, Crrony and Wehie XVUL— Mane — and and Suevere ‘Town Batre ‘Nese Ania Genera STATE OF JOHORE ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1999, —GROGRAPHY, CLIMATE AND HtsToRY. 1. Johore iss at, the extreme south of the Bley Pnitla Trl bonded on be north by Pango the nr wea hy Negi Sembilan an alec, onthe wet by the State UE Mtlce, oa he smut by the State of Tebray a on the Stat bythe Ch Sou yar ike that of Wale fearon ‘nately 7.0 square win. "The ater en neat yt vere ‘ith Jato.‘ country lees panto tha any eee Part of the Penal Jotore Bara (South) 1066) oa Kota Tings! (Southewe) 118371840 Pootian (oath net) vax? ona ‘anng (Contra) smote ata Pat ret) rt) Seyarat (Ser) 12 Me (orehonet) usr aa “he hes antl wag reson at To Tale Katte, Ho ‘Tinga es 14020 aches) the lewent at Rene aay Pst ihe Wd thn thew tre, lowest S14" Fat alerang in January he hgnen ares nim onperstate seceded nat F4S° Fat hore Babe fe Morb loon. oan i Sethe 28h November: the west °F, at Klong on 2th Senoor ‘Hernan nim rar ond wa ata Heo a ime ‘Tava on 5th uring the past thee years the temperature hat been a son Year itches Mainam | Lawest Minimum vo ove. vor, 198 wer, ser, 1999 wer, wr. 4 loty—See 1925 Report, garage 3 H—GoveRna, 4. See 1988 Report, paragraphs 7, L—-PoPuLaTION, 5, The mean opalton of Joore in 198, a mide 1 aa of paragran i of he od Europeans 350 Lam Eortane me Singin seromo 130380 ato Chines alto tata) Seeo0 Tedine ws200 ‘S200 “snan0 Others sio0 "T6630 Total. 60—99 RRO FR” The following. tae. givon the climate taal mean ‘epuation forth of the en vents a8 Ces ae {etal ‘tumcrted papuon' atheist “ape ste $e 1s00 aman 97300 teoaon sisoo0 —insaon Sse ian ay 7000 feu o00 isesio aon 2360 garam zuumo S120 inate oar ‘asm ‘ano 185 (Conan St saan, sad Tiling ee ge th xm ic a en ten saat rai tee orth wate of at Fae ‘mbined forthe pst Uhre yar : aver wo ato et 1 en am in se ise Wmeatatn, {gic The principal grope of dean ang to Gath are ae "ever ot 7 Sorat eb reat bitin des of Saney 121 Fees (a oma te Patmorary Twbetne @ Diaetat and reer se Ber ert a are Dina Ea Disease pcmaney, chi) bth ad J forming Th mts ner L282 gs fired wit ity ag DON Ahearn, ett SEE AP oe ea Guenatena i foci pee tee wae Here eaOe Sartig at aS, Waee wae we Sietinca Tay dren Set, Recor ss etc hig coc os seat eee ni stl ae apne SoS ie AK See Se RAT Stretton os SMTe cated gmeame mage Seater eeu ake a ren il Raa, ibn a, en har i i a, ee eT ee ee ee Se eat Sa SERA Ss ees ais li es ibd sag tn vata” Eater ent enya sumer of cane seman oh. st D8 Was 0 "Hr ere nan, Petbetoded ane “G0 died, “Oes patients remained tt che nd th utr lumber 3 win ues ee iiss mee fa oF Vitae ths Phe Lope dant contain 314 pers a te od of 18 yc the year 18h new eagea ware ndmted, The total namie fine teed was HE, From the Au i hon, Svere sean and 13" 1iod Ek 5 Temas ema the per Ayu th en the yea ‘The acndne nth pinay shot wow If whe ere ‘ison Hone (e) Joke Bahra cases mere rtd a i-ptonts ring te perth doth Stee gf Jodl cecal the tal umber of ‘tadantes'aotptnts dosing th” yar est iiste 0) sour, ith death, were teat 4 ‘spades "The ttl nner ‘Ee ing th sear rae incaing 131 repetitions See 1988 Report, armor 1 VL-NATURAL RESOURCES. ‘The quanliien and values of Mineral exports forthe mba oman ne E eee en [gn_ene a se re mala] za ae saulron|— famonfinane — paataraian 10. The yousy cangw showed a mining labor force of 90 aginst 1b in Task: “These ate cafe a falls ‘iy minerals wore vais [aus fuss] in | sie = [ame sow fuser fase | | re = | aoe sor [ums [226] — | 200 | asa Ry Method of Payment By Metbod of ning | wa [oe = : | HHyprawne + (oiGraet remo - oat | ome] saat |e rave =o | ase | as etatDredeine-| 2 | ath | sos set -[ “ae | aa | a | vo | aso | oe Eugene | | rs Malays | oo} oa] asf ae Kuper | 0 | ow | ow | Insane tas | ase | se | aso teen - [tae | apes | aaa | aoe All he above tablos neue id ad una abr year amounted to 18215 sees, L251 forty 102 for Iron, 107 for 9 fr hin lay, 494 for bmaite an 1 fr voles 1S Tie fewrition the outpa was aubjet to the Ta Conte Schome. "The following de gee a comparten htan International sl Domesie quotas duriag the yar bat ies nt Include Bue tobe Inurntinsl shore Doma owas Mash 1% 2% Amie J 10% my Ist September 20%, cus, “The Baer Stock was continued daring the frat qots evo of 1389 aa ah Intertnsal ucts of 10% was ltd 1o'the Slate” Av Trenazan dno aeept her sare he Suller Stock « portion af Tresepuns alten was sven to tg) Pore Th sly opm ine wich i 9 ‘gowa or blk aur When chescaly ane, wbich sso, ‘eTnea i ranwpront end hos m etal oatent of sh ist fig nove iy wining hi ine emi Sat nr ll dele wag, ae tgs oven [Export of tiore from mines ae gover by the Interns: tia ia ar ach eae ep, "he alter Sear hong tothe mine heat stocks being ace esr ofthe ie othe var than’ e the commencement "He poms ‘Heda one siath a the sas of te mine ‘The roporton ofthe lal expat tae frm Europa ompat or mated ines nat Fea Comal SSE fo ‘tins ender Clese menage. (© Frowora te Laan the fre of Haematts Bos sell SRSA eal me a Rg inte State, bik ewne bhanttes Copan wi cee aif one poficed to Japan were I's sed ‘pun oro texted fom the ie tated ner Ende ag then Ene Cine af aha datag the “nonsoe Beed {Borembe oar eta, en impose og Ese ‘esas, 2 trate the’ Se from te highs ato ‘Seamer whch are anchored ‘roel noe feon te Shore "barine the maraoenpored ate a Scae Ae tore an the whele a tho eas pation eared day ee Ape Ses eT sr nie i ‘est Const throughout the wholy Year, ts that comet Is not ‘Moca by the mansoone ay eine g_P sat eq Stk cert ee sara? Bales pln, conte enay fee tabi ioe ore, Canim exe and alent Of Dining for the mineral command Jato on «sal seat daring ina whe eter geopns hs aed Toads touts sacceatvly imran. ‘Tho sf ated ‘Seduce tha ten ot Netra Eng spn eye ‘Ae resent hero aw two mines producg, both nt Bat Pabal ‘gina eons emote are Sarge Ki ‘Bites ap "ad tae to Japan, weve We Tho Fay cormenced with ey Ie tin gate ese and scram te cote fi tes Hs at Sin Ge a taf he et” after‘ un os ees ‘is Reread succes igh fee whee Sathr st Nahr eto theta red tyne inne ty th men ce te eae Prafuetho of kemare and tute sntneed to expand proximately $16110/09 ewe that for 1888. “in accordance ‘Uitte ae ela Uer fee Pew eal onl at TC) ah ren ences op el rage of ee hag ers in eden. al peti ‘a all dl di holdings, whl coma S3 Seta See ete a Comparative gure of experts and value for ths vat (Delving dry wight equvalet of int), ‘Quantity Value asap i. 1988 esasea0 17. The are of buderated rule a the en of 159 gf aco at apa 17300 for 1058 48, The, general conation of small holdings remained ogni oh, okt at une Sal ‘een fointained sta high fevel throughout, oervaons dint: ‘RE ttn tthe pets nd per Cel award fe coe of ere nie Jean of oki, and ‘share system of Bro: Following the owtrenk of Hotton» severe shortage of nop of form at cate sid was expend, el profit: ii comely" ey nda by ee, ge ibe fat tro carlin ea cee ‘Etlen of temomie ditrbuton. "This shortage eatwed bo ite FUhin ad wes omcqee fr extending he woo of usa Pen aeatory aaaitter neodng siphons sei feral panne he aon was eee yan (a) Povle and. Duceses—Moaliy, Rot, (Certetomala ‘gmbriai) ttn tothe ot provaon dita eae, ‘ESP ied St nt ‘eh changes inthe wee nl tah the’ whcle tote meters Were nay woe hee an esl ec tein ener oe tn Seal and edits holiness (©) Oiium Hevee: the nfo was mdr than sual (4) Rot dneaes conte recived atetin anh Psa ols tary, Servi ona ‘Mpecte of cote management were conduciod throughnat the 20, Covent The aes under cognate euletin Sepia Gamat batts’ “The rete nap o the opt ‘stoitend Cho a fr a ee lag Weigle qua, Dao onedictory pee, ‘Baay sal avers pave maintained aautefactory amount of interest in radeon an further prea ans approved paler oe ‘Ertl dung tha coupe the yar” Th tal nora he Satan estve to nants the yon dey tric cpr the quay icantly gen Lo eae pea ‘rer the Horta Kaos grade From.the 25" dy ‘ages of lapdard dein sporting inthe northern cco af ‘he Sata, 208 nul f cpa ware predol Grin Yet, he ee i of hy 16 ni Mang entre At les A or tian riche Chinese dents and ae thar Toned twas Sos tay Sve eee eae tans ten {het price has nea markted.'Some resentment was caesey Aobabi chit el cimumpticy tn cre ef cece Batlateg Rion dari, oka ‘van recone uring the gear : sn 2 Arn gt wer i cp the endo fn, ecialythewhlo af whieh igen in mac ie ent wase= Spit hehe eh GORE rst riven spots tle as mes ly MH SEAIO108 ond th S318 its tloed a iho5b soe ta Be fle Nf Rat ant 18 ger the comaderilg Wein da uel ea ae dee fen eg, Fame of plc Sy Shore hes ihe BAL of Chinese cullatars to teetabicn Le Taieas Rice aneaaanet sae eg itl a ncn! ht PeaNeiah ra are he aga ESL aL get AR ts 2, Zita Utuare pe aig the mi po Sat ur free rae eaten. ‘At the ‘ad ot year wan entmatd that 2s ates were der al ln whieh compen wich 480 fa Tc. "The most serous pest fhe crop nar the" chrpnomeld Beale rant sera ain which attache th on: 25, Pinapylee—the sling rice of the yack wax und ye Caan of Pearce alg frat were fed ona tls at 300 porta ot 11 unde 9 Scaaes fay wheal af cats for aden alisha favourie, marke peers nines tng arch and Mato 6320 pe cae for. ACG cae ok ihe dierent for golden war extended to onary. The auireak of hones September. produced needs Steeae inthe et of eset arise prelate Se Wha earth Carta Bn enujat the bases on hich sling pole was olan ‘rene further the slag rio of tha uc. A the Son of teen the pice for. A ees wae S85 press snd eke ‘cred ade Ingold qsity 339 pr ie sconce ‘Wl te Wyetact of The Cunt Bed Sod bear's ite relalneip tthe sali ofthe Pace At ib Sept oe rion orion a et ‘egal to approxtately ce sgy-Ave fr” hand, ‘las wae dled in aterdance'with the {chet aa down the byes of the Cntat "Hoary cacti hie the Slip a the pk cg se me of Ut More (ldrated as ol crop, “There ban nen a dotease of Ovet Er a ett Mateo tat ie gr tigi tes en sas Boar ener eiee saat Sart fevvorrved by canning factories" Tee were once at IRR ite faa aca to A610" cae ange wth SBE es Tae a actor ‘peratig™ in Sinyore are te at tay Akpentent on Tonore tor saps of ioe trol oad utoinaey son00n out wore ext fom the Sate ‘ptt a So ce “The folowing fable tows the act Wares ase otisae —“Thoosae ie srarcam ase amos ia Sesion ageanea Sane grat tin of ene tr Toute for'u uch longer peo Ther infact Srehemvtin arora cee ‘hestanaard of upto, saetactory, bt onthe she the SCR ce eee fae es rp ctrtn ta aa ive factories wer in operation daring the short and tne seasons ening Sgpentel “barn th tr seat cont ‘Ment in Ofte fur flrs ens ware Woke (0) Crops grown om large exten, 25, 00 Plo. —tThe ara under this erp a the end of the ear ie SoD aan of wie bet acetone pure “PS sates ng i hl for of etn al a wc te protic, The!lw price ceadia a the endo 18 showed Hiteigtowemen ong the year el! Goverment ‘These prices compare mith am atzage for he yt ef S143 108 ar eer efor ttl 700 tts (©) Crops grown ezetuiely on smallholdings 2, Fed.—The awe un yd vet o9d dy ag xin be 7.0 tre SS, nce 0 tnd Teo Re fenn get” eam ci eas tw ing fe Yo cea te Ut er en Se reine fart aniatetry sate of aa RSE Stmber of erat ple had ttn ‘sgtdencd fo steel a treo ick nto einatim, "Aree crete ete Tis recone ire ac a Atte ees at Mea" im previa sears Muar was pa pat EP wield eine" ene gly ‘rioting heroine pss a te went are ares nope haute ‘PisRiartance were undertaken in the deteeta of Mune 1,808 Comarca 8s Sete soci Srtiatihance ong neereazmbrag ba ac a ae ante keto war dnaye) operat ante, teat See as ar ae mat Seok ita shh tial ae Blt eel eeu ah tae Sole Ser, gare aiter a Renan gett ita mesa pieces ECR cca nea tee SRg Sy aa aie ra iy ak arena es Sy a Sreiuba ina aoa mong masa hc a TSR othe ea the yar an unly tat SEBEL laborer header a eve ereirieg sek ae stig To nme aaa dy a i is ‘eve tine ath cotrl of the ave Common pst ESS rae ae eran remem SSIES SN Shatig enamel eal ‘att season sod wee airy wel tered ‘The gran Seamer Ae caer hers ele < Ri ieetei eace as SE ih pein Re eel Sy oe acme paemamrae met errs aaa, eae ieee tee eee ‘Drainage ond FrigntionSehorns funtion gute satin snc dn thar sere nfatonrabie wether ‘te teeth ite rea with veto oes eta and ‘atendod comtrl of available water i" ‘A programe of wor soerng the improvement ad exe tion erting sense espns of pte new areas Wetidinee ite the seep ple af te Goverment we ‘Ean op ern the ver Sn we ean on Phe shandoned sama, the improvement and posible extension of tome aco Screw ‘of elt eas iecemns cera ‘oncinately S400 eres of pani lad Desig he ae 22 ear 1 sl ampes‘were cles and bd he se a0 compare sty ie The 8 i ratte eniely inte peo ‘elie fina mattnxue is Tenge centered i Rete a AS Pahl tho matory of te aetna satel Sead Inet yor for 0 ela Fae ea a on Potchol-teee ths erp onthe wane ‘The sags der tis copa the et of th awa aint on HS ash agi 869 acronis pene tog i oma hla prods, raued tt Comtintan’ wi te Nahe" Prces bidned inthe as have eat bey en secs i eto po ai TH salad at Bn : cay Bint te ee el ni Tob ace ech spaapted fom ciate, fe 0 es ly ara osha at the endef ees « ened setdog heed appear int hefner ten ly Incrotteg hy" 1.673 seven during ihe yeur ta 2°uata of Sti ata ft half of the stag ene at i Snes atu na Bat Phat He tis aes lished) n the hay of Chines and Pt nga, withering” The eorts mate tatanfe fe ay tga iol yeoacton of dae aod the cee ahegel eh oder pe ots creel tae The pila of he Sas ae ge apes ‘ras anja during the, year toe eh aoe Daun could be nese vary consderbi t's ssa ‘ag avs, Phe icin ase {elit repens for vegetsble pastas sd ses tag om atetin toto ast of mene In wow af tho tate yh in Bnope ie was devon vars the nde he sear sre trg T he no d r sat cart as feof ‘hnting materials ta meet any demands at may 32, _Mnatnare u—‘The eatmated area der frat es a ‘evant i are inthe hands of smal holes hs caivation of tus fruits puriuarly oranges of the inert “Cae? aay “nc ave! recent bone BERioa inane tin” eee promise proving Sa Shc to eat orate 3. The umber of anima aashtered, i» Goverment safes bees hr fr ol omsunptinn, wore ee Uren Sete) "E30, Showy nnd eote 308 lat Bar ore spr tee ee 06 Roca eae ee ea ad te eee her ete hope Dy Tan and threat number Soha Dele = joys pegs it me a 4, there are Saberet run all the soit {ieten wort he Hart Cau sing the mato smn otic hyd vey oe empl apace fayette, Dep i cet tr srs, spent saret ean tert Siegal te Sear Stain pany wtasieeaaraiee Sf sar dea examen a ti i ry ces bye ops ad ro an tn” Phy for lee ere ot ueder een, fig am salt sal fo Sei Ges tye an eran a 104 oe he res yar eatng ‘Meee erected batho the aut aad the West cat. “Tee Soo ieet dthaah peas eae Heo ais Be ee eel wie ies saci och cy et Fhe ae uct tothe Slava nr, nly Cat ul See eras oe Grek 25. The forests roduce ter, rewond chaesl and ach ‘mor products ag salons, reo ned or peeaber nd ty {TH Tuer used fr the aaactre¢ chewing Fam 8,_The otal utr of mbes and ts expressed In round eared as 1 F100 HUSBAND be fea {Hc ime efoe actouied fr 86800 10800) ute et et Sn cs xn me tor th or fn pew hgh rc cp of the fuk th cog it's Gale eonnldtred for reservation. "There i, however, bod tovbe atime ng befor sah ution se vected nth ours Fate or bth fling ese mur thes ets the rsa Fiber ae eta. pormied "Toa iber, pers ‘cgrectd in" ound| menoement aunts "blot at {SIRES al eae et 8p wf ‘nd tok {318,008 cube ft Sch nll aunties wen fo Sahn, Seager “tnd Petng rors” tated 183,55 iia at tm Pr fand export piven In tabular form i Seay are fot rely compatable ae they sd aor ad round tint dog) Tope The export of sawn inter to the United Kinglom ot nce TLI58 Cc ead i enmlnltT51%._ In addin abut 296,000 ere of Sit Saves hae en peovlinalyagred to by Govern MaqCH bre the pecomage up toabout 20%. ‘The Com ‘isda of andi rcmmenel on free etn Ino fon of 26 bse might wel be more Hn» Ste 50 wall hee arcu f'n pale crprt trade ee Sobor, ‘Wi Sinzboro on oe lnrea inher eonauming etre ibe st rekon her dost fore can tount ana send. eS eremng demand for tnber ofall cles "That demand iecfeeun tng spled fm toner ors paren Fe the cane, Hoa tnd Kota Ting nist othe dln ‘Moa an sively wueniae On tate and, arene, ‘Gin ling etanot be flowed up by deprcental lear ‘Sheraton whch ene adequate vegetation of the deseo ‘font epee he mate trees fled 430, Regeneration Improvement flings (fst tcstment) ‘vere nt nthe sung habe, Gang Aro Moran a Purl corer ovo sto ron of 2021 heer as et of Sieh ted constant anit 12 cs per are ‘Ree Then GE Fe 3) wa cto ont oor a ren tho Merang oro at a eat of $480 ($40) per sore 40, With eet from January Ast, 1989. Goverument {oud ro dsm sd atone nd Een neitant conoervatae repel tare tre nw fot rent tet, wo aor aco eran one anda ‘ctr anand ‘maroon anon dcr" subastat Srecrnioe’ This cgammation aloey Ge tanore jo dew ‘eave of thie Ue thle proper wos which the 41, Sh proston of anatase as are performed ia oor ee. dimes ener thy etn ef tera Feral peice wath he Sai mal ney tere are facie, ute tapos elma ‘tn whieh teenaged a Se propo of thos Po ‘otis ot 'epore Arce pepron of the Norayes a aon to then tare wrth ual enor, sre ter ln eeaecrngrork-sae and utig er " rr » vit—contence, 2, Ti tal rade amounted to $12589282 a compared wiv Find ae . a "The figures were ax fllows:— 5 porte sn202808 Exports 05,009 nravoaet Lose Re-xpurte atats | = TBs of imps for 188 and 1989 oer he varia + ‘a ocd Drink and | moaoaw 2012448 Raw Matra a etilen ‘many manctactared= 247600 Barro Artcles whely or mally mantra 2oaznswo — 2128es34 Para! Post 8500 gst (ui and Baton = 20 | “aman “Tamas hve ws thus a nsenso of $882 628 nth otal nora ss soma wih the pear T8 peehaly tie wie eet pier the cating Arlo nay eta TP" ntveting act tt ey Toh Toe ad | 1 fh pete eth al fect dk aad tobacco enna | | 45, The Sowing table shows, under the ain sad, the _qunlly 2 vl of exports Tor 1868 nd 1988 Feet owen | "eae se Reka - |_ seein sense = [ssn fia gts tears hr tps 1 08, Irorease eee. ie pit the great ht re Ife rnen cry Sine the ot atte hese Eh naturally er edan on the revenue of Sate wh Teles ot "move tha Ef hs cals apt rete nak kas Te ath a Arca ear hay, S308 Eecinataich acy eas eee Hermalin he tt cme coat cg ramen ana Se gt am a ees ie aria ee ‘teamed ar ae ea traunt i Johove rubber skip Getto ether comes ‘through Siisapore shipping agent. " = vin—tanoun, ‘gurks al cher ested forms at eogloyment contr bite to Sata aeralihemnre sie, ae Women xu sa sil wi 3, Amiel immigrate tii was stoped by the oxen of natn dy buen tf eet SES ened aye ere perl te "The tl numberof sisted romigrants destined fo Jol ‘ac ev ba ding the Janes ed fOr oboe F a x. niin, to the anasted iuplgrants thes is, 0 cenaeratle feat Bow of eomsessel grants Sa Te ta algig a Gigs a ao in a en te Phares by the Government fi Te ot querer Te go koown howe. many of Thee Merion were destined tor Johore 4th The (otal numer of Unig Inhowors, repaid targa the Lag ie hare ahr dane the pea Was eV aand with 55 h 1OHS aera ey vol atelier reg a a sen ee ae et tae FRE, ae corer Pc a hen of he ear oni othe, Sete ee eee Ser rade ach i en Picea ae ea ee ok ig | ee, ee ena oe Tal mmr let ye Mey oh conan ach am meee oe a = Sate eco er nee ae nthe depot for aang labourer, ling fr sent o eater que ral conte | ila nce te yr A of 308 els wre a poplin of Johor gerund nthe Sab, asia asst Tami, 2.138 Tapes and Ho Malai NorchrnTaia "minded oe The average I ation for 1899 an estimated to be 260"as agin 84080 In 88 | ese 1988 Report, pave 80 2 Fr ‘he flioving tabla summary trom these retry showing | {he number of returns received and the total namber of uur ‘e'rlvate employment inlang woidag'inr bak ene hens toe eal of ach Sf the a Te ves No.of Rewiey Ievanese Otters eles [once | nar i iaaene aa | NootRewas | | Javanese we} oom | ua (li serge Tnon int population wd tbe deat rat x ihe forthe working opin oly as cpr hd Fetures fr the year 1006 abe a flores | Ones va eas | Private employment oy Government emplorment «Set PS WORK AND WAGES, (oySee 1998 Report, rove $8 Average ium ats er the ae nein er rede aol or kad mores ae pete aa farm blow’ ams | amg | =e { B28 | 28 ours of wark—See 1098 Report, page 2. rertine watk—See 1088 Report, sage 2. (0)—See 1088 Report, poge 8. Tune. Se BH. ER GH Wewlets 5.606. 55.606 aSDe GBD “the vorage rate of pay for uml) Chinese Ikourene yoke day" mit wot" 150 eee tay 9 fd ‘a eonteettn eena rm 70 eats tS = ea (e) Sev 198 Report, section (0), ye 88 (a) See 1984 Report, setion @), pare 36 sn Tielaen, tour which the ma tact ah Semembat ang, he eva boro elec Duel wa $808 tn Apel $35, ie vate 45.46 a atthe Ninny of Sey $8." ie od the Sar howe tort heh romani Toe vhs wars WE boet ‘wholesale by che emplope sid cetaled to lboarees. "EE No detallod eres arava ofthe ena af ving for {Ban he in Sed i cont cv etal See hither fact which i homever, sel to some eXten hy the ‘inet othe commana astm of fens (000), poner 26-40 Johor athe cof he eat a inefene of 25 hem toa All rise shoots quid for Government Grant in 2th tal ott of Fanta eared en ERA ‘The construction and aiptenance of 4 acl canbe auroral Ea‘ ty ace Payee ‘hire Ure'ae tenor mre bauer chiles of aman Pas een be Ste‘ ere and Teslns 52.4 provision under the Lalr Cale (Amendment) nara, {85 repent wna fo Set fend 8 £2 Sear ch ae wh bene oa r 2% eee i saplod ander perm fom, che Conraer ita al ely ant cosilerale mum of Inn ot sitar Phre were vane 15 such poi im oes cad af the Yar Sis ue tina ater tas {pe iaboarees were registered ron ‘stindr he Lato Ge and fname of rr earl aeamclaie eae aia Gagne eran wa eee Indian, Latonr— There ware no, sain strikes, bout stepen'te Mintrtance steting Ian lnourers ing Oe inte Labonte fe hal of the your wns ult Bat ‘ore more'sme sizer Guha Sd bal Iq ase Was thers dn ince [a me etalon ws aad ring tho ser, 15%, The conditions of laborers ata whole were sine Je inoresing to rocord that sre ctaes a ta thet steno peoviing entertainment fr ha ours et working hogan" esate "tore te nice act {roti nthe drama hal api a Been pk ‘shar and th wis toca mo ho eon eth ate a wuketr has ben prac and Jabour Cases There were 2 egiie ner section 96 of gellar Coie as Compared wit edi te preven ea {nd Satine ade by 401 abuses as ele EDS ae ROS scr ene em ga cay eer ae seotbtiany pte cursory arm, ote eee eS Err Ee: Dung the year there wre 9 testo asst 2 ina neat he ud ne Fhe‘ of penser weed Mt ha hidcen —tTrere were leven cvadcen Bnet. Women ay Gilat the ed of 188 there were 18 Johar Bee te Gate Rak" Sarre mel Sth ine ‘Thent-one others were ated Go the Po Lee Ruki 1059, i ure ilar ine Bo Lat Ra ret te Home Indiv Home. "The total of Sohre its retaining i the Folteing Kuk at the ease of yer wt 9."ty Sete 3 ctl unr th Wren a Ci Prieta Ensen Lessing 29 foroon Svc cavitens wer aan pole gan gestions of all existed mu a thi nd liatlaft ta ton fhe pte re sed by» comporan hy Sppental tadyTeqetor of ul ta The saad ta lon a heal conte co he hgh Teel at. rire Banking cdots sa 18 send see 84, Onion Si 198 Rept, yrnraph Te, yas Government Seoatn—In she 80, Maal, Religious schol eo tal 1a tol Yon a ue as In the 140 May Verotnlar Ray’ seal here were 6X7 sal tn 2, May, Verna Ci stl thre ware 208 yan an In the € Hoglih Hoy’ acho there were 9 Ea ot Kealichens anda average sine oC 251 Fr 2 viet Shon is a cath it Sd ee ath iy a ae Ss Repel. ep MT le ont ea natal rea Sette ne a eh | cecupmtsteam aera be eat a Et nef 5, Regt o Chinn esac, sb ote any REE Boaea of Chinen Wane of thse Seal ae tae or ‘the Covenment. Ail bt tee af aaa repaint ina few qari Pen “The Johoe Tre She wae cred in 182 with the edo Mite” By big, "nha copii. el ee ie educa hea Ge ur gulf futier ENTS cSt carpet and taining the coro ae fife te ie hes de ene i Aitpigart Asta bots Cuertey Drang a adn set hc working oto spe quate sd eat cab Matta nln gong ao ling jovmery an expen Freee rer erae anche! midi Gece ay aad sing)" and Bern try “eyo ‘mneguito nels, te). In dig othe to courses netianed abo ho fling ve betel i emer soFanany, 1910S ‘An sets cousn,« course io motor mochaion a ‘uton’ Giure ince eine “shop "yractes a rat ‘Semytarcoarae fo briluyng” and usoring.” Ths lat uel cows spleen Ye earpenr cot, te her {iene atv egw sng thee ears” Intense feo cued the muh Yo ben ore an to alse a hh on er estan he perro a ma sn (0 & may er er a Nigiri SEL ts ae derek un ice Seana na cune ieee = r The annual contribution of $12,000 was paid to, Rafag | ‘cotee ithe Sopertsendes at Edson pss Sate sr the Clog’ Cosel aed attended al meting, } 0, amen, Mosk, Ae t Drama See 188 Repo, aang mie of ata og rm 18 18 one 2 ed os Singing wns taught in all of the Rago schol Elementary act i taught in all eho, All he Boglch Sons had teary and wba ce a ‘ested by yodiea authorities, who give ‘uivee egieting Soiled itimatrye Teaches tal school ae eased footatte fie ton pd ati, feelen a eabeeairie Dept teeumest of Goverment sche was cari on gpa extenll'in'the. Stes of Takowe Bah Bate Pa, tara Sata X1-COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORT, (See 1998 Report, paragraph 88, poe The total umber and tonnage of yl entered and eared at the port wana f= Sa eect am || a Consting aa | 98396 | ssi | ote ¢[ ss [asc | a | a ao them flaures show an incre of 19,578 tons entered wd ghee Seca 8 oe cic So hiaciel then cee ees yee ‘and the remiing 32 eae at dau for Teo ‘Ore. Figure. elie Tatars “The total tonange ofthe atte trae fr the st roe [se |e] | asim | tases | oon ascass | nist | osiase 4, hore State Raiay—Sr 198 Reort morph 9, 5, Post Offer Mais ot—Poatl fui te roid fu altho Lea leer lg he Satta ete at thet gee of the ear St Pox Oia enacting ll Kies of [Puta an telegraph baines, and 29 petal ayer are SRNR al are ene yin ta Stat ne ay ‘oor eh and hy steamship to play onthe Jobore ivr Mall FE cates en ag alo Sioa aa Lamp tian wih al para of the word ir aveabe Tsuen Singers fed Kale Lip Trua tetphone gommaneaton is ‘ile fetren al Sore exchange an ll exchanges hroapott Hiya "nd betwen lohpe “and Setherand Iodine, he Philp Isanie sd Sim trough Reals Lasnpur en Secey nme fo Oy ge ea ol aaa ie Bk ee ane tear Muar ae ‘isk Beseaber inhale ot SITZIL80 in rent of Inert Pa riind the ae ae 5% A comparison of posal business for the lst three 4, A cammrison of pata or the lst ss 1088989 eed “Letters, papers and parse ‘hendal , 5,647,200 5,630,200 5,708,908 Valuo of Money Ordre tthe? 2net66 aera er. 859 Value ef Money Ones "la ms686 ss1sus sons » ‘xILPURLIC WORKS, ei bes, i, and aithodieh otk nas “eer "npc dei thew gare ‘ther ong othe dys he ao rater Stree ce mao hic Ane thse my pall are amped "The net Tata foe UH the Tuy Ain 9 ee Ipsatian Hoyt a ramp th Sion Trai gis Seok Ein aa cna sat of Guar or Cover oy Quarles forthe Stale Commissions « pew Rng seel forte al nomber of Guarters for Goverment sya fh et of urers or ate Pat: ‘te Bn Sod or Gils, extensions and trations to the Gaerne agi NB aadolactd' aren or ernest ier Sexumat— "Af bd cjve's wad atthe Sepamt Hoopla, exten, sions alate tytn Cement Bee, nas for ‘Gitoms and other Subordinate Sta ae voce git a fr 1p Yl mae waa eereett eee a * NaN Mose ann sumer of ew “A new 12 roamed wing tthe Senige Osler Rest Hoe eit ni i rata Ne ern artes gaan eee ROADS AND BRIDGES. ‘ho foal length of ow Roads sonata daring the year was i'n of hac which met 6 cane nee appreaeh OAS is aan tal ath ‘ST aon he ein od ites cme rg ts Zne Bride of 0 fet ove a Tena wl pane oer the Sr Hew a ME Anise fa Sa 1 ae Fan ee iit peg ans a, Wont pico inland oeer'theS Kaone eect dig te once of sm yay stn me sah a" oui supply cranium ero Moa ton ie ele Shy mae Paces ik vet wt @ Sih anal beta ararer e Bie maued cari iieargered BOEa omen wa eet ha amet ae eta ink ft ey ee BECP AOE etna ae Byes es rub ames eet hag fei ear J cate pe of slr ameter. tat Pa a we th Sgr On no EET t el pe he veal IP ae Soans a ae tara tad nae tpi eae sail matte Ang ein ar Sires tba eiinlion eg Es tee uate colour svar nese Sy es Mu Se nea ee ats Se at Uh BL soared eo Ae ce ia a ei Socata eee weak ee UE Gt ahi a a smh eR es Mata te Be ie ee Ri crater eae ao Eb eam estan oe at evan a my ay pnd Rel em ath a anol i ogee et et ee SEES ee at elt ae ree ie ad i Ltn, an poe ear Pa not fk SEE gc ee se mete ee Seri Sanh Sai Se SRO al cee fk 7 = my Ol oar tts Hume and ender wero rovided at th vase a ecard ch water and ues Fog ass, Hee ar egy a nid parallel withthe adjacent. seats he Boeke fol "Ri hal real in goat rasan? a ‘worther capacity af the supply, ood Se ota Tiga — ‘The supply Lough 12.000 allan ne hor pes ‘don plant was maintained throughout the year, ®lm ‘A water column vertu mete ws installed on th [Bain and a mercurial manometer was provided fetes Boy EiSe though coc hi i ae Fencing of the eachment area Sena the, euchmen ee near the Sta wa a Mersing — ec ee Sak fee tinee oc yee i Asean rant iat foe midiage Sen ne abi receTH? oDIN,ravity supply, from the Sungst ata ro Government approval an a lang wee pease {he Intake, map Ey save tea ‘ender oe pie fine mates wee vie Becca se total Jenn of open eet ans ad mb ies saa ashes Eh were Taka and te tis era Stop crt ane ad ft pote yetnen iat Gunny the ear hore ary SE ie at ieee pin ao the ia New te dead Sagh fot of open RAE onle snd 12738 Cet of bail pipes Were Petals of the mlleges of all ator of roads atthe tnt teat ve oY (Amat or trod surfaces .. “810 38 () Natale not Asphaiod a2 (6) Geavad race a 3t (0) Comers “oom ‘atl nh of Anal sroylld tad courte mates” 81418 (o) Barth Rows as "Total ilenge of rds “> eat (9 Avoroach roads snd back nes 156 Grand Toal .. GT tne fy Watney ad Tle, sone crash, [iSsmoties and ther mechani ant To. ‘The total ores power of pant inti and roi tered und ie senor Ege amaned to26.00 IE Saas meee mae ‘Renita emo Nechanel pla ed in conection Mike Main “underage ture toTperase, and ioe tis eee he prt ote sn afar as! engine “The total output of qurses, daring 1030 amountad to ua cable yard of gral or her pment or metamorDe HSE RIRO cle ands of tate and 1191 tn of dene 7 ay at aoe od he ener hing Gettin haat the ye a "he ndings were made in 72 Ta ual esendire of the eprint ding 609 amoied ga CSR IE Sat ay he ‘under the following hendinga:— an : sisghaae Speci Servis Analy Recurrent Other Charges Peron amen ‘The Annually Resurenteapenitare on Works and Bo nus Nas S05 oo Ron Pate ant ae PE aa ‘eelanecus Series EAS eee Of pr nl eg on seats cat Se ro 801600 on Watersworn and $98.580 on Mcluntous Wess 1, oe nel cama of te i ate scaerting stations contled Se" Covet infesed GE ts Rare ie WM conten of ee eves; showed tna of aS on yet ag 7, Comespnding with the erased ong, the work ‘oaks Sx maining td oneratng was af, ot compare soos BSSBGE OF 880 was SST, compre with sea Ma ta he, ary oa tee kh tei te et ones Satin {herGGh She dun oda and Tigh Teneo snewur. "The Stheme far whee S200. has bean ye Monat appoved i atimatad ithe ayes Reese 17, The Drainage and evestion Departmen whic previo teen's ‘enact ther. betes hh hat nf Joho rom the Veing of ie yen nd "wae on’ ea wala ree snum of sche dls Liles condo ane apron tandem Nea ees, Sethe eden for ulate State, and after fll consttation with lca wathottiey akan shrgt aces ans opty oh Be ee ee de nicer e atta ee ned ah were racy of Eee ceca i cei te oa Ee cal cre ic fa Fe oe ete cast pric eestor eras eisai order to prepa the land hyn eae Tor prlminary carga plang nd er ras reign ute was caved oun cmiton with «a Patina wort deen ath airtrrlaten {Shmalr fran eies was slo dara he A River cating programme was drawn up and steal tat aed ‘out ip ncoranen ith the. Hiv eotsorany ety eatin by the Adar, Dealagy sod Iegaton Malay State, an progres sn mad wth fo dain wenvars 09 fhe Sinbrone Senxarang Drainage Scheme ‘Tm Basioerag, Stat wan cmidayssenatnnd dura he ee ele the bias sa Teh Saeed eh eat tea XIlL—JUSTICE AND PouICE. ‘m, Mhe tota) number of encase separ to the Paie uring heen nombre $4250; te, gree mer fn ‘es, toi ty Soa20 st 1006 und Epo eBid They pried 217 acable fener “nnd 2280. nonacnaSe Serpe" The temaining 5835 were cus, which up coat ‘eto po offence or pore found eter to rele ton ill ‘Maro ins number af Istaneen ofl iforation. Of thn ‘taney atest were aden 389 cne an neon ‘irae in 859 cae, 6 ‘The owing tale shows the malt teaver of serious vie fr the ptf Par come Pfs k Jou | s| a] a sgh PPA Fo bil from th Sea aa agains, 4188 ins,” OF these T368 yer cent, ere Coinere, Sine af ae ant Behe nani 2 a ee nee oe cae creeruciaa a ea Tag, calender el wee bes aa eau References to Cour 4 The Gout f, Appeal st on fe cain Tete exh cin! Mim baste” Fn Corso Rest idtate and Be peas fom the Cort of the Jade Criminal Cit Criminal Cet ohare Babe ee ap 4am 80 ats Tne 199 stat Penton toate se aut si oor siz ata Pabat Sus aan 0 Enda wo ames Seesmat a wo 22H 10 luane 205k Baws a. Thera two State Pros, ape at Johor Bary lu 'Wanr aban "The European Inpetor of Bl Superintendent staat Bandar Maran Thre fr tm second epean Warr. 2, The Johore Dabrw pion wae wal for the cust ‘ot prone dtgong sonbencee Yor cial fence, of edn Stele feta ot ratanded fr further earington april om Sl meas sda serge of SUT fon 1988 and 28 for 19 88, The Rapa ahaa gual was abd fr the csty ot tnt ara ter of twa eng {ecm for fertier cern and parsons cof Sibeat the dascrage ot oo gmton war Pe iit etait ara mae et $0, Tharsis no tine nit for Gen, ad pment at any tine haar the compton af the ‘serene spor an iterntine secures frisnurs ws "he aman af Sar FeSedded ia poporiln tothe petal of Imprisonment seve. to eyatem of probation inthe State Prisona “MS 2, The pcos war ved regulary by vsingJuties tonsa tne per "No serous compte ere eel UHe'ztheal eal or che pesoners ole pa XIV.—LEsIstarion, Se eee hes See Soe temo oy ‘hey were a falas veers date ta [fev of the Isso foundering of et hi 2. The Salon Enactmen, 169, reps acts ein proves forthe pune af 3 The Unable Publis Eanes 689, Bovider"Tr” he" prepetin “afapetig, etibting br remo esa es 4 mnt ne one ta or tag on yt rE onan el a ot 1 Mee Mg ete) Eo, Rage Saey ek SARS BSS ase ‘The Jotore arpa. Volutere (Amend) "pct 94 changes the Gestion oe ‘The Jorg olugwe Furs, Amendment) ut ein is, ny ena he rove “The Carney rat 180, implements an ‘tras Seements ante Covert of the nfaeate Seay State for he esha oft Cieeney Comision i al ‘The Mexitralion of Allens (Amendment) Enact was ‘tes Roly the Pale of sth emp ‘The Bini (Amendment Braciment, 188, blogs “yond he ermal Zemetomon a oo Ein wi he Feeney Sits hw Land (Amerdment) Bnatpen, 150, eae utters ag ois dante SEEa ate vn of exes coon ‘The_Baksivos (Amendment) Reacts, 1638, gems enlaies eign ty the Bah {ovefament Tom tbe prove of Oe Pena ‘The Fond Control Enatet, 10 provides fr the ‘nseratin, inne andra fh dagen sul of fot in the State ‘Te Anaera (Amendment) eaten, 189, pines al oon ap ravi iva of ending tat is row without pie sanction ofthe Coie! otra The Peres, ent, Zamna 10 ‘the in wehilea when entering te State ahall not eutbjtto restrictions pid Se Ceo ne 18 The Road Trae (Thid-Party Toran) (Amand nent) Bnacten, 1658, provider ot ara ay te bong saan n eet of oe Jer, ho hen renred eatment te Bs one etn nm gn 21, The opum and chnd (Anan ogiment Enactment 0 ax to conform wih the la in {ores other Malay att 22 The Post Ofice (Amendment) Eoatment, 1858, ‘athrne the Poet manor Caner dist ial ous septa to ants 22. The Trasion Ragines aad Mote Cav (Aten Tae Ebasnent, Togo eoetaer for tbe Frio" the ine of homer another Se ence YA, The Mayen fetaiebment (Peon Enactment, aah ives ca ty Aen Steen hs 25. The teres of est ation) natn iad itis ineenst of ent opr a ‘ovintes th esc of tants terse 25, The Quarante and Prevention of Dice (Amend. mae Emcee with he 2, The Fad Contd (Amendment) Raseiment 000, ‘ec certain neniments othe Bnd XV-BANKING, CURRENCY, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. D4 See 1998 Reert, singh 198, page 60 XxvL—PURL FINANCE AND TAXATION 28, MevnueThe toa revewe of the Sata. in 888 soup io $16,015 cpa with thesia SE ang acu! tevense a? Mak atau fas ‘phone’ A shows the rove snde the ul eae or he eae hr and To Inert the Investments he Opn Rese Replace amend Wand crtiaed tobe erated is Toe pened vee of Bebate ‘eh elrel ay S ays and. in 180, 6._Rxpendiere—The lal expen of the State oned te 'IN858500° cepared ith "anal Uf BON tale expe we 18 oc Bake a ‘hare Waa thot eft oh the years working in 130 of 17690, “Appenit ff seth ezpendtare under the ah Hatin eer an im 1, Debl-—thete ls no Pale Dot og, Amele— Appendix shore tho State bun soxt Shunt to elo ncasing the Opium evens pls: {oon Fund f $18,435,042. "Inventmonta amounted to 87.990,071 Thai te 818455063 Conn the Op Rowenta Rene AGH Rind), hos Roures"Toprnet te cos pce of petiole faeces The make value of he ive il Docent, 1909 wager than the eet price nth exc of Sven Hapncnet Wand ett exceeded Ge Sa ce by seen " ee eo Revenant for the Is 3 8 1987 ztsioss sam. t52 108 rig220m 188.00 1090 siouo1s 2098500 Tot. Braver ATTA aus Fame am ea nett Ke Sit ‘tanjae'an the 1999 working. ONPSTO# WHR Me dei of ‘The State an large reserves ant wil evaly in tho {utube neem 1am open thts Wo agrees Cet {an Tormey to nest urgent Feqrements Hh st he ‘aed tof tame! fee, ach ao Gaetan ations eee sepia the Imprement of ator ak Tors e 100, Land—The ele ehargen ar premlumam aint of adel ar fn ts 0s ante for sere ot ‘Mota creat. oP icant eee sgeare fot fr FEEEEUUT Sommers purpwe aretha aetoed) ptao anman gut ry 0 uta oh ana on SBE SUR EAC ehveh efory few rent fee tn, Thee ‘Mea hone q waiver of pre rea the mney of nae FRisied with Coonan and efecaty te general ft of which ‘artic seta tom 2 Uo $2 ta sre 10, Cavioms—inport dts ae impose a the flowing useing ean” ©, $1.90 to $1750 « pout ‘obacco ram $1.25 to $800 « Bathe ‘or 100 maha In boxe ot Keane sta een ‘hore are alo ig tice on eston ple gods, motor tyres ad soporl maeeinenus niles, but aici af these EGS Edited free when of Bick npr ct, ean cme ee age oma iim of 1 a are oh al ri Set Hu na ate Seta eet ake ict Seg oer aia tah rae Shh Shigvek makes Siemens ac cy of oe "tmevptnos at fxed tates." AD Sete ey ae Sriihonets muh eri Te 110. bahara when the masbat ie “aud prema SE Ae abinat 80 fessor evo 31 inte, {he pce of unin bing ‘Slee af eit ¢ the ore ‘mca 209 a etorem. ‘the following able shown the main ems of easton 7 [a = : i | Ee °] BE | HERE | Sake = : i | ee 102 Chanda o pecialyprepare onium, is ought Com ‘the Govaramant ofthe Siculte Soments and i eald atthe SEES cts 5 be of 2 hen, 17019 tail mere sol 1688, x aga 17967 In 1208 A eh No od ih Fe ee Dir as ToS 2 ae ile cba SOUP kt of chan done wave tl, 10, cantons SM Ohta and Chends Unaetmen ete oa oa. Byte: dates are led on the manufacture of uteing ng gf he Iara et Tse uso 10)00 leer Some 4 Eh tin ot tho tier "Th ftlowing ible shows the xin Hosen fr the lak = “Toaty was sone te 59 Eaten and cold to the pubic, trom erties The Saas cre’ ie ‘eraichey len manatactaced amounted fo $25d00 Ss imperil RS ia“ RE conto ander he 104. rete: rvalty Ie ealleted oor of al eases parte tom Gio Ga fon n'csnerta Wer, and fon Boreas 135 Son unsonerid tar Doty ts coleced at varius tales on treme chara, ‘atts tar wit rbber aod mica Toes pce, or a, Reta andTelgaphe Ree aed tom se fers rch Bostal Ore, heart Irs and (28. 2 eni0 Mena Revenue cnt may of the flowing ome Acs 6, 12% oy, ann vain erate. ae us 9 at fuser: 0 snipe 1008 Bhewty—.. ats onto dene ‘si ae ‘he long. ale gies he ain ead of evn all a a sie aise lr Lighting. 5an7s0 ssn gana. General Assessment |. 213801 22700124408 ‘Market Peer ‘7206 “01765 “onan Water Soply sara anti onan Conservancy ius sta oar Duties OF numerous stamp dios the 17, Stame foto ae te ote prt Death Duties? Graduated rates from 1% to 20 cord Yo the tues athe aa with fla ‘tempi for estate nt excediy $00. 1 of chan aa on demand rt ih ‘heater aod ronpis tot tans enceadig ete Promitry Notes 10 xs fr every $10 or pare Cameras of Tematrs of arpa, A. foe seer $80 or part trot Sao te Soy fh gear heat ae of Moringes hare), $1 fo every $500 wat Powers or Letters of Attorney, $5 Copies oe dpsiats of orignal dcaments, 60 eats 108, Tre no Hot Ta, Poll Tax or Ineome Ta 108, aictraton work in the oe ofthe Commissioner a ands anf nee Sbgwn comnaion wih the eats a ie be vt a Number of Transfer ryitered S88 LNT SH Number of Charys reser m8 510 Other rene 18 1551.8 Mining Leases ise wom Mining Cortes tse ie ene Praaecting Lice etd he oa Prompecting Permit aed ree ete | Value of stampe aed to intrmente sroseck syni25. suaze2 Sementava (a temporary Jocument tae ascents of lems. Meera od eit Iw ie) the folowing sr iy Monies Mpiter oss 1988 La Sorat Sementara ee 60007 38886 sx7.06 LL The Lota aes under the Malay, Reser Ena mont was inated a 198 sete mosty Mant Frat peyton mere one eoseratian 12, The ares of alenated land stad at 1370616 crn oper why 3d mere 18" Tho apron one Toreicltara end yenaiea pen daring he ear fr the Aletionof State ted forthe cation a rae unr he ovis ¢ Torta Raber Regugion Agreement, a {fever gar of ene of Sa nes oe ta land ‘Increase from" $8.68098 to $4 745,884 Land. Rents eter! brought in, €ub4 Stabe nore wu i Ek he rleion t,he were ewy stator, Hate Pal gan tog he ae yas tin mae’ the eduction of rear Bary (eae {ie anor lt aval sve aan in ee and font fa fom Sh.aay ta 340 he ny a ete wth and Ocer for setement"Nee hematin ese arpa {eteautins for the suey of MALY kt a cea of ‘orate wih 168 Themaber of es ees of hh {ease antowan mien cmt Sesh Fat FOREIGN COMPANIES, 115, 228 For Companies remuioed on the regier at the en of the Jun vdeo 2 Ge ‘Goer an by croc 'So1 wore pl rewards fr the Sear ee, Chao ce i leben wa ens he ae hy imine ‘baring He enon i ae ‘Tank Sabkota, Te (6) hay fe High he San 17h ince absence from the State aod ut hisexpeese wah Hy Hxealeny the Genera Oder Commanding, Mars, jr apr Xd la i the oe ‘The Hon'ble Be W. E, Funys. cotcy Canora Adviser, $ReTAAET el dy Ralty Gove Aivdor wilk Eel Ni ling oy yeu wa thr yt acne sn lrg iach er at a Shee roretimmite he May sae, ye Sr dlp crate ath itr ade sey Sr sa re es con eee ‘Mthautts fr tafeeunting the Sates ood sony were Soar cers aie eee St Feith, HT hate Sa enc Ese i ae ee Se ie oat See Lee Want Stn rat Spo hre caters SEL heretrae en ere Sue ay pnt te Se hee elon slams Aaa s EMS paceaoe aa carat SRE" deen sot Sl SHAS and conlitlaving ee eleted members of the Baeate Me H. 8. Patrwn (170 Janay) Me arthur Shep (0h Mey) Dr, Northtont (2th Jy) W.€ Taylor (29h October Me 0. B,Verubles (25th September) Mow’bie Me W. D. Baran (260 December) ult flowing were ced Meners of the Can of Mr Hl, 8. Patersan (17th January Dr Aethar Step (St Bay) Mp8. Palle (th May) In le of Me DG. A, Peer SS Harper Ball (2th Aareh) in place of Major Me JW. Masha (01H Bay) in place of Se. Minds ‘Me H. Noreen (20h Jus) Me W. 6. Talor (1th Oetbar) Mr 0. 1. Vrabls (25th September) Move Me WD, Baton (26h December) cn filming i oro rs he Cam rn 7 heer (Jaap Dr. Stan ee yr tom th Ober) tu ont te ita Howe abe HP Popo ih eee scanners ane tar a he Seateweadly"e( the ett ther on issue’ and WW. D, BARRON, Genel Aver, Johore owe Bane, ene, 100 T A-Aetaa! Keven for 187, 1988 and 1999 Actual Hspenture far 1957, 1984 and 1990 {¢—Balanee Sheet on Stat December, 1999 —= APPENDIX. s s s sgtgare | sagaaee | szare passe eso oma | 388 ae Hy sean |e he pblcaone of the Sapa sey 0 there apparel a Vd th cl Bane ‘The same aur h tory of Malaya

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