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IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Listening 4

‘I can understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, specifications for
familiar products and services.’

Manuals On Air
Aim: Learners demonstrate that they can understand complex technical information regarding the
operation of a remote control device for an air-conditioner by labelling and correcting the
relevant parts of a diagram in an operating manual.

Topic: Technology

Time: 30 mins

Materials: Listening text, tape script and handout with listening task.

Concept: A straightforward listening activity that focuses on students’ skills at listening for specific
information. They are required to demonstrate their understanding by labelling and correcting
a diagram which appears in an operation manual.

Such remote control devices will be familiar to most students and therefore they will probably
instinctively know what is being described. But they need to show that they can process the
message and interpret the diagram at the same time.

Suggested Procedure:

1 Create a warmer in which students discuss the pros and cons of operating manuals that come with
everyday devices and gadgets. Ask:
 How many of them read the manuals that come with common devices e.g. mobile phones,
IPODS, electric razors etc?
 How many of them have later discovered features they didn’t know the gadget had?
 Are manuals useful?
 Have they experienced problems with translations?
 Do they ever read operating instructions in English?

2 Give out Manuals On Air Task Sheet and ask them to read the instructions and look at the diagram.

3 Explain that they should do the task in two parts – label the buttons first and then on the second
listening make the corrections.

4 Play the listening text twice and allow students to compare their diagrams between each playing.
See Teacher’s Copy for answers.

Variation:  An alternative is to draw a basic outline of a remote control yourself, with sufficient buttons
but no symbols. Students listen and demonstrate their understanding by converting the
spoken word into a diagrammatical form. Reassure them that they don't need to be a
Picasso to do so!

Extension: In stage one you could also ask them how many of them have an air-conditioner at home or
have one at work/college etc. What are some of the features of the remote control device?

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Listening 4

‘I can understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, specifications for
familiar products and services.’

Manuals On Air – Task Sheet

Task 1
You work for a company that makes air-conditioners. You are responsible for ensuring that
the Operating Manuals are correct. Listen to the description of how to use the remote
control device for a new air-conditioner, then:

1. label the buttons indicated (1-4) with their correct name

2. correct any mistakes on the diagram

1 _______________

2 _______________

3 _______________

4 _______________

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Listening 4

‘I can understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, specifications for
familiar products and services.’

Teacher’s Copy - Manuals On Air – Task Sheet

The fan Speed is indicated by

circles, not rectangles


1 Start/Stop Button

2 Temperature
Adjust Buttons. The
symbols are arrows  and not
‘v’, and the up is on the left, not
the right and vice versa.

3 Fan Speed Button

4 Function Button
The order of the symbols is
wrong. Should be:
Sun; snowflake; water drop; and
then black triangle.

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Listening 4

‘I can understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, specifications for
familiar products and services.’

Manuals On Air – Tape Script

1 To switch on the equipment press the Start/Stop button. This button is the third button on
the left under the display screen and the symbol above is a circle with a vertical line in the
middle. Remember to point the remote control at the equipment as you press the button. A
green light will show and the machine will omit a bleep to indicate that it is on.

2 To change the function of the equipment you need to press the Function button which is
located near the bottom of the device on the left-hand side, under a cover. Each time you
press the function button the mode will change and the appropriate symbol will appear in the
display. These symbols, which can be found above the function button, are, from left to
right: a sun, a snowflake, a water drop and a black triangle.

3 To establish the desired temperature, either to chill or to heat the room, you should press the
Temperature Adjust buttons. These are the two buttons below the thermometer symbol in the
middle of the remote control. The button on the left, which has an arrow up on it, raises the
temperature and the button on the right, which lowers the temperature, has an arrow down.
Remember temperature range for the chill function is between 18°C and 30°C and for the
heat function, between 16°C and 30°C.

4 The speed of the fan can also be regulated by pressing the Fan Speed button below the
Temperature Adjust buttons in the middle of the device. The symbol for this button is a
circle with rotating fan blades. You can set the speed at one of three different speeds: low,
medium or high. The fan speed is depicted in the display screen by an increasing or
decreasing line of small black circles.

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

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