IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1: NLP - What's That?

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IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’

NLP – What’s that?

Aim: Learners read a report and demonstrate their understanding of opinions and viewpoints
expressed therein by answering straightforward True/False comprehension questions.

Topic: Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Time: 30-40 mins

Concept: Reading and understanding reports is a vital skill in today’s world, particularly in business
environments, while NLP is a topic that should have broad appeal among language learners.
Reading the report and answering the true / false questions tests learners’ understanding of
the text, their grasp of opinions, viewpoints and connections. It also involves guessing the
meaning of words from context, so don’t pre-teach any vocabulary.

Suggested Procedure:

1 Board the acronym NLP and ask learners to discuss what it stands for and, if known, what NLP

2 Give out the text and ask learners to read it and make a quick decision about what type of
learner they are – i.e. Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic. Let them compare their thoughts and reactions to
the text in pairs. Feedback open class.

3 Give out Task Sheet – True/False questions and ask learners to answer them individually first
and then compare in pairs and justify their answers (see Teacher’s Copy for answers). Then feedback
open class.

4 Finally, have an open class discussion about NLP and your learners preferred learning styles
and just what a difficult task you have trying to satisfy them all!

Extension: If learners are particularly interested in the topic, they may like to do the activity IQ or MI? –
Reading 3 which features another similarly constructed report on the theory of Multiple

If desired, the NLP report can also be used as a model for analysing features of written
reports in English.

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’



What is Neuro-linguistic Programming and how can it help human beings become better learners
and teachers? This report aims to describe and analyse some of the facts about what has now
become a lucrative but also controversial industry, with a multitude of seminars, workshops, books
and audio programs offered worldwide.


The basics of NLP were founded in the early 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who were
based in California, USA. They wanted to know why some world-famous psychotherapists at that
time managed to achieve much better results with their patients than others. After carrying out in
depth research they concluded that there are three principle forms of communication between
human beings and that these communication styles are mirrored by three learning styles.

Learning Styles – V.A.K.

The main conclusion to their findings was that everyone has a dominant sensory system:

 Visual – you like see or visualise things

 Auditory – you like to listen to or talk about things
 Kinaesthetic – you like to move or ‘do’ things

Therefore, if you are someone who is highly visual you will find learning English by listening to
tapes tedious and unsatisfying. By comparison, if you are an auditory learner you will not benefit
from a presentation that only uses slides and pictures.

Now, this does not mean that a person communicates or learns with only one preferred sense.
Obviously, everyone processes information using all three sensory systems above. However,
learning is definitely easier and more effective if the material is presented in the way you prefer -
either, V. A. or K.

What learning style are you?

First, which of these phrases do you most identify with:

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’

 That looks right to me

 That sounds right to me
 That feels right to me

Secondly, choose which characteristic most represents your personal preferences.

Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic

When you want to try to see the word in say it phonetically to write the word down
spell a word, do you your head yourself

Are you better at people's faces people's names what someone did
remembering …
To relax, do you prefer watch TV, read or see listen to the radio, play play sports, a game
to … a play music
When learning new to show pictures/write say the words many let you write them
English words do you the words on the board times and ask you to down/match the words
prefer the teacher to … repeat them to their definitions

Please note that it would be very unusual if all your answers were from one column.

What are the repercussions?

As stated earlier, nobody is a purely visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner. In fact, it pays to
develop your other senses to maximise the benefit of all the signals reaching you. The ideal
learning environment is one that communicates to learners in all three sensory modes. Sometimes a
learning style can clash with a teaching style. For example, a child can do badly at one subject one
year and then brilliantly the next with a new teacher. Therefore, a teacher needs to ensure that they
use a variety of activities in class; activities that have V, A and K elements in them.


During the 1980s NLP was hailed as an important advance in psychotherapy and counselling. It has
also had substantial influence in education and training in a wide variety of different fields,
including English language teaching and the business world. Nevertheless, many people remain
sceptical due both to its non-traditional approach to psychology and the fact that there is a great
variation in the quality of training and standards of practitioners.

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’


Read the text again and answer these True/False questions

1 A lot of money is made around the world using the theory of NLP.
2 For each communication style there is an associated learning style.
3 Every person has one exclusive learning style.
4 A student who insists on writing down everything the teacher says is a visual learner.
5 You will become a better learner if you find a teacher who only uses activities that
reflect your preferred learning style.
6 Some NLP seminars and the teachers that present them are not very good.

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack


IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’


Read the text again and answer these True/False questions

1 A lot of money is made around the world using the theory of NLP.
2 For each communication style there is an associated learning style.
3 Every person has one exclusive learning style.
4 A student who insists on writing down everything the teacher says is a visual learner.
5 You will become a better learner if you find a teacher who only uses activities that
reflect your preferred learning style.
6 Some NLP seminars and the teachers that present them are not very good.

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’


© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

What is Neuro-linguistic Programming and how can it help human beings become better learners
and teachers? This report aims to describe and analyse some of the facts about what has now
become a lucrative but also controversial industry, with a multitude of seminars, workshops,
books and audio programs offered worldwide. Question 1


The basics of NLP were founded in the early 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who were
based in California, USA. They wanted to know why some world-famous psychotherapists at that
time managed to achieve much better results with their patients than others. After carrying out in
depth research they concluded that there are three principle forms of communication between
human beings and that these communication styles are mirrored by three learning styles.
Question 2

Learning Styles – V.A.K.

The main conclusion to their findings was that everyone has a dominant sensory system:
 Visual – you like see or visualise things
 Auditory – you like to listen to or talk about things
 Kinaesthetic – you like to move or ‘do’ things Question 4

Therefore, if you are someone who is highly visual you will find learning English by listening to
tapes tedious and unsatisfying. By comparison, if you are an auditory learner you will not benefit
from a presentation that only uses slides and pictures.

Now, this does not mean that a person communicates or learns with only one preferred sense.
Obviously, everyone processes information using all three sensory systems above. However,
learning is definitely easier and more effective if the material is presented in the way you prefer -
either, V. A. or K. Question 3

What learning style are you?

First, which of these phrases do you most identify with:
 That looks right to me

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’

 That sounds right to me

 That feels right to me

Secondly, choose which characteristic most represents your personal preferences.

Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic

When you want to try to see the word in say it phonetically to write the word down
spell a word, do you your head yourself Question 4

Are you better at people's faces people's names what someone did
© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack
IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1
remembering …
To relax, do you prefer watch TV, read or see listen to the radio, play play sports, a game
to … a play music
When learning new to show pictures/write say the words many let you write them
English words do you the words on the board times and ask you to down/match the words
prefer the teacher to … repeat them to their definitions

Please note that it would be very unusual if all your answers were only from one column.

What are the repercussions?

As stated earlier, nobody is a purely visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner. In fact, it pays to
develop your other senses to maximise the benefit of all the signals reaching you. The ideal
learning environment is one that communicates to learners in all three sensory modes.
Sometimes a learning style can clash with a teaching style. For example, a child can do badly at
one subject one year and then brilliantly the next with a new teacher. Therefore, a teacher needs to
ensure that they use a variety of activities in class; activities that have V, A and K elements in them.
Question 5


During the 1980s NLP was hailed as an important advance in psychotherapy and counselling. It has
also had substantial influence in education and training in a wide variety of different fields,
including English language teaching and the business world. Nevertheless, many people remain
sceptical due both to its non-traditional approach to psychology and the fact that there is a great
variation in the quality of training and standards of practitioners. Question 6

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

IHWO Activity Pack - Level C1

Reading 2
‘I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
connections are discussed.’



Read the text again and answer these True/False questions

1 A lot of money is made around the world using the theory of NLP. TRUE

2 For each communication style there is an associated learning style. TRUE

3 Every person has one exclusive learning style. FALSE

4 A student who insists on writing down everything the teacher says is a visual learner.

5 You will become a better learner if you find a teacher who only uses activities that
reflect your preferred learning style. FALSE

6 Some NLP seminars and the teachers that present them are not very good. TRUE

(see the annotated copy of the text for the justification of these answers)

© International House World Organisation C1 Activity Pack

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