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Unit 6 - Assessing the Value of Agency Services

Unit Overview
Not every service or transaction performed by a travel professional requires the same time and effort.
Agents invest more time and effort in delivering some services and less effort for others. There are four
basic categories of fees to implement: transaction, alteration, administration and professional fees.

Unit Objectives
After completing this Unit, you will be able to:

• Measure and express the value of the services your travel agency
• Distinguish between four categories of agency fees
Real World Application
The goal of this Unit is
In this unit, you will first assess the various services you provide to
to provide a process for
your travel customers. By identifying the advantages, disadvantages
assessing the value of
and potential risks for each of the four basic fee categories, you can
your agency’s services
match a fee type to a service. You will appreciate that there is a
for the purposes of
value for every service you perform. A worksheet will ask you to list
setting fees.
each service you deliver to your customers, categorizing each one
by service type, and assess what your current charges are for these

Time: approximately 15 minutes

Travel Agency Fees:

A Professional Approach

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