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~I$ is a secret that for )'cns I've tried to share wuh Brud machines do ha'-f lhe" Ila ....~. Mosl a.t InnC.'<iblc
1 ft,~nd. whn c.,., k. b." it ........ ~ ...,~n:l no (",e beli",cd in lhe" knud"'II ' " Olllll, ~nd ",1""8 eyd~., rh~y puree
"'kmg bmld I~ fun and easy Timc-mnsRmmll. )"~, Mess): fru lls and nul!> thai ue aIIdN al Ih e htgmmng of Ih~
ddln,[dy K~:odlng, whIle menIally n:b~lng. will un: rour kneadlllg crde; ~nd Ih~y h3~~ r.llt~ IOt~mlKc for dQugh
muscles lIu l dimcult l ~o !l\i11 ,s paHlcularlr sllff or soft. Bu t thf nfWer modds
Ilr~~d dough IS palien!, nexiblc , and tobant of ru.,.~ d,ffncm $CUI ngs for diFferem "" rltli~~ uf b.ead -
m'st:l ku , The .c","ntls are w()nd ufu1 - the fragrance, the whole-w heat brud neros more lime III rise Ihan whlle
lexlu'e. Ihe laSle of f~h . b.,k"d b'c,,,j an: unbc"'al1lc . BIll btead; sweet hreads need less h.,king lime
l><:callse I",oplc are often Intimldaled by the mys,cncs of And if your brnd mach",e slill d uesn'l gl~e you en()ll,!:h
rC~~I, brr,,,j·ma king at home has b.:cn ir da"gn of nnlblhly, )'UU can ius! Itt Ihe madunc d" th c k"c~ding ,

becoming ~ lost art Ihen remo\'e il from Ihe machine ~nd ICI il nSf and bake
Using a b.ud ",ach,ne. b:lkUlg b.u<.llxwmes one of an-uru mg lu yuur Illllclabic
Ihe easitSl lasks In 'he kllchen. yel ;, produces spectacular
rcsuhs YOIl don", h~,'c to "'''fry GETTI NG TO K"OW YOUR MA C HIN[

Y) 110.
that WaieT "ill be 10() col d 10
aCli\, iCC ),ast, or 5(l hOI Ihal
Maslcrlng bread -machlnc bolking 15 hke gelttng \ 0 know

, , r. , II k,IIS .1 t~ bread nuch",,,
rtgubUd lhe t("'perature
Ih~ qu"k. aoo idirn;ync .... s'Q of an)' neW pi tt' "r
rqulpmem. Somc nuchines knead longer than olhers Ot

, You " 'on~ Ix
dough "nul rour mu..,lo
allow longer ming time Some b..,ad I""O$Iu,'c dllfc..,m
capacllI"" lhan olhcn, although IhC")' are lalxled as lhe
samc SIU. Sorll': m"dds requite a lillie more liqUId nr }'USI
ache Ihe hread machllle ,,-,II do all
I~ knudmg In. ,v" Thcre'~ no rwced Ihan olht rs. Flo". ~b..orbs ""'}Ing ~'nou"IJ of hquld
10 wony Ihal dr~hs lrom I~ alr-condlu(lning unn ,,~II
dependmg on Ih~ ....~~Iher The dou,!:h rt"iIClS d,rre'~nl ly 10
Interfere" IIh rlSmg dough Ih{' dough IS prOltcl.,.) ,,-hI Ie ,,':lter lhat IS highl y acid,~ ." albhne
II's mSltk Ih~ m3(hmc From a dark . dCrM: pumpe rnlckd To gCI accustomed 10 a ne .... nuchme or Ihls book. SIan
10 fealher_lI,!:hl Whll~ bre;>cl to a S"ttl J»neliOnC , ma king a will. ~ ~i"'l'l~ ''''-'1'''_.u,h >b too.iL ... hlle b,~aJ. ~"J ""'~

ddiclOU~ ~rr~y of brutb IS no num: work Ihall sunply how 11 comes OUI. If )'OU ha\'c any problems, refer 10 the
measuring Olll Ihe mgredlenlS. And SUl(f moSI m~chmcs
Troubles hooting Guide Oll pagCll 1+-15
hovc lilners, Ihe ingredients un Ix measured InlO Ih~

bread J»ll JUSt bo:Fore you go IQ Ixd and Ihe Freshly cooked
b",ad will bo: hOI whell )'OU ",~h up_
With a b",ad machine , you can crCatr all infinite Yariely
of loaws 10 $ul l your 1;l51CS, )'our panl')' CUpOO.1lU, and the
5I:a!>On. Sub5l l1ulc dried cr~ nhcrric5 for ",isms in"
Christmas bread , add cracktd ",hul 10 a I""oritc bread 10
S"'c 11 rno.., fibo r, or dt<;or~IC a br.idtd Io;!f wilh Ihe al1110nds lef, ovc, rrom anolher baking projtcl. You
no longer ha"f 10 5I:Ulf for o.dma1)' brc{d

,IIA" """

- - -- - - .. lA 5U IIl" G <.. 1 .

B I ' . AD r AS

EAl>IN G pAD D l1

Before fnll
Ihe )'C~SI
IS froh

lISSt:mblc alllhr Ingrrdiems Ik SUIT that

Alllngredltnl~ should be al room
1C1I11"'r.tlUrc . Cold hquids and butttr un bc hUltd IT Ihe
micr,)"'avr (1 usuall), add Ihe hUller 10 the hquill "",I heal
Ih em 1O)I<lh",), lIo)d a cold tgg in ),ou. hand fur five
IlllnUlrs 0.. $(I "hile you rC"it" Ihe " 'CI I"' , ur PUI 11 in a
1.0" I of U'Jle' no hotter Ihan 8O' F ,\h hough fr1J/;en )'caSl
should be gwen lime 10 (nmt 10 room lenll"'r.tWIT. )-USI
lhal has h.-en S1.nrtd In the rdngrr:uot "'Ill come 10 r..>Om
tempenu Uft quickl)' (""ugh " ' [(hOlIl spectal Irt~tmcr,l.
t-e'er put yuslln the mlcmWa,-e
Ik SUR' the kneadmg p;>ddlr IS ",eli S<'lIIOO m the ~ouom
of the l);In Add the Ingredienls in tht orde. Su~CSled br The lnudlnx PJddlr Ihollid bc _II .Nled in tht bon.
the manuuc!\lTu's instructiuns This mar vary f.unl ont [hr brNd pan

",~chm. lu If you arc lISln)l Q timel , Ihe ordor
II,. "~_~I.
rna)' dmtge; scc " U~llIg Ihe Timer." below Fil the bread
p"n Stcurd)' Into Ihe brl"Jd machinr _SeleCt settings on Ihe
control! according 10 the manuraclllrrr"5 l11S!rUClIOTlS
an.d ])R'SS "Start. "
To cherk Ihe dough" hile the bread is kneadIng, !..>ok
ror it to r(lnn • faIrly smoolh ball 1""1 IS a bit lac k} t<> Ih"
touch and Sl'1l1rs only shgh tl)' "h"n thc ~dlt s to]ls
knudln!: If. ahcl the IIIglcdlcms art mIXed . Ihe impnm of
t he J...ddle R'mains In the dough and the wgn look. Indt
pgged, J,j,J lIIore hqUld. Slart wnh ont tahlespoon. Ihen
add "ddllKmal liquid Oll~ teaspoon at a lime . givmg tht
d",,):h 10 absorh the hquid hefu.e addlll): more. If Ihe
dough is SO so ft Ihat I. ltl5<:s it~ sh.~>c:IS

SOOn as the tnddle P,",,1(':5,

add morr nour , ont Add ingrwltntJ In the order suggestfd by th e mJnufaer
labl~Tl at a tllTlt
Although th~
InstruCllons ht m05t
breads. \Orne breads l i t
d~'gntd 10 h."" dough Ihat
is a httle ~tmcr or safln.
non'l h" shy ahoul
keeping the lid up and w,tdllll!: 11 Ihis
~Iagc_ It
is only when Ih" hread is In .he
rmng and b;tkmg stages that an ope" lid WIll Inlerfcrc wilh
lempcnllure commls
when Ihe bread IS d one . rCmO'"e it from Ihr lrlOlch",c
and the l»kmg pan immroialrly Ollierv.iS(". rhe SIU:n
relraSt'tl hy the bread " 'ill oondc~ mthe pan . nlakmg Ihe
bread ~y on the outSIde The bread should be allc"'w
10 cool for 20 10 30 minute.; herOft' )'0 .. s hce ",10 "

ADDI flO"~ lablcspootlS "f dT)' 11"lk per /I ounces). b\ll the dr)' m,11.
FruL! and vcgetabl'"5' :odd..! at Ihe Mguullug of the kne~d should he layered "uh Ihe other dT) ",grwlents 50 lru.1 it
cyde wilt M puried or shredded uno liny piecC!>. If )"OU dOC!i nOt comc In CnmaC! "nh the watn prcmatu",t) I
""ani Ihe ,-ai,ms!O ",mam "lml. or "th~r fruit :0 remain m Iu'c not had an)" lroubk usmg small 'luanlillt") or bUlicr
chunks. "dd tl 10 to 15 mmuteS 11th) the kneading q'd •. on bread made nvcmi)(hl HO"n'rr. if )·ou wish, )'ll" (all
M'bt machineS now have a beepcr th~t stgnals" hen us SuhslilUte ,·cgeMhl .. OIl fOf hulter
time to add the addtnon~
If you ~'c "''''g 110" Ii",,,,. tu ."..1.. ,he bo-cad .. nd h.. ,·< 0\ t'-BAK[D BREAO
no chOlet btL! 10 add all ingrWlenb ~( d,e hfgmnmg.
consider the moisture cOntenl ollhe addnions..Jmc)" dncd An) of Ihe b""K15 In Ihls cnokh"ok can he baked .n a
apricotS or ma~lcd red peppcrs 1)1'1)' add 3' mu(h as on. or con"cntiunal ""en t u:;c a 'It.·mch loaf pall for musl
two lal,1e,JX'tJlls of jui,·" if Ihry g" Ihrough the ennrC breads. The I ,,_pound brud~ made wilh I".all fluur may
knfudlng proo:c$S. Also. kcall~ too:> mu~h sugar '-"I) reqUire a larger p.~n The I·pound breads Iha. Include r}"C
mle,fne " ·,,h (he )'east. hlgh·su~ .. addlllnnS Ilk<: calld,ed or 10""l-\lul(n flours elln bt, cookcd 10 the Qi,-mch I"'n . but
frun ~hnllid M added laIC III Ih. Imuding q'dt \\,11 nsc highef and look III"", allrncm'" In ~n 8t,.",ch I"'n.
1,;nless othern1SC mdl(;1(ed. mos. breads should M ~ked
LSI .. " Till TIME!! al 350T for JO 10 35 mmutes
If you arc usmg the bread machine Wnu so that the m,,,iug A .... ullonary not .. aboul bakmg sheets and brr;<d I"'U~

will ~ drla)·.d. the mgrcd\enlS shnuld hf la)·.rcd so lhe many of t),e [".ns a'':Itlahlc uxby arc of a (OnSlfnCllon 0'
yeast d'>C5 nOI co me in", cnllla~1 wilh liquIds prcn!JIlurfi). m.utria l thal than)(cs the ,,,,,king condlllons. D",,j,Ie·
Gcnernll)~ you should pul the liquids In first. lollowed h)' 13)'c",d pans with an 11I5,,1""'g 3IT cu,hioo protOCt agJlllsl
the dry tngr~d,cnts. and the re~St last s.~1t and ,,-hea, germ j;Ctlrchmg. but hread cooked ll\ Ihese pans w.1I lake longet
nul alKl intenc", wuh ,I>c: YUq ,f an)' slgntf":lInt (0 ~ke. Somt of (he ht.",,)~ apens'v( pans ,,"Ilh bbck
quanmies ~'" m prolonged COm~ct wnh .h.. y.."'t s"rbc~ will b"",,'n .hf bltad f"-Sler and n«<.llo" .. r ~k"'g

RI.'<:Ipc$ eont aintng perishable IlIgrcdlcnts su:h .... (1/.1:> (fmPCratures and/or shoner bakmg Ilmc:s. If )"on usc: a
or """Sf checsc should nOi ~ made usmg Ihe nmn. gldss loor pan , rcduce Ihc ovcn temperature b)· 1) I:
u"less Tile dda)' is onl)" an hoO! or.\oO. You can SubsTilUlr
".tn and powdered nulk for wholc milk (use three

eople have occn baking bread since prchistonc White flou r _ incl"ding bread nour and all·purpose
P lim es, ocgmnm8 with an unlta\'cned bread "lade of
mcal grou nd fro"l corns o r heechnuts and mi,~cd wilh
nour - consists of the milled cud05perm . with the bran
and getm removed. All-purpose nour is milled 10 be us<:d
water. The first IU"coed bread is ht.lic"ed to ha"f been in a "ariel ), of ways a nd is m"de with a combina,ion of
baked by the Eg)'ptians about i,OiX) ~.C. 5<:>me dough hard and ,oft wheats, Bread nour, mHied s[Kcifically for
left out for hours eaptuITd wild ),eHt from the air hread . is made o nly from hard wh eal. Bread nour has 3

When the dOll!\h ,,'as put on the hearth to mokc, it higher gluten conten t and "ill absorb more liquid, Bread
puffed up. That was the firs l sourdough . all hough made with hr~~d nour w,11 rise sigmr;cantly hig~,er than
b"ktrs went to great lengths 10 minimize the sour hread !!lade with all-purp<lS<' nour.
taSte while lakiug ~d\"alllagc of its lea\'emng '1ualiucs Whole_wheat l10ur contams tht bran, gum, and
later, bakers diS<:O"er~d 8 )'ust)" byproducI of beer endosperm of Ihe wheat OCrr)'. 11 has proportiorutdy less
breWIng thaI dId not crenlC such asour taslc. It was not gluten than bread nour or all -purpose nour, 11 riscs mor~

until the 19th centur), that compressed yeaSt WaS slowl), and nOI ., high_ 11 ma)' also have a slightl)" b itter
perfected. n3\'or For those ITasons , man)' whole·wheat breads are
In bask bread. lhe Fast. aeti"atcd by warm water and made with a combination of whole·
fed I,y sugar, luments. II createS ,,~)' bubbles o f carbon ",hat and whue l1ours.
dim:tde g~s th"t makes the doogh rise. GIOlen, an clastic Some bakers
rIme", in 'he dough . s<reIChes ane holds In the gas add wheal
bobbles , The more gluten in the nour, the heller the gl uten for a
bread wiU ris<: higher loaf.
G raham nou r.
rLOUR named aftcr
Dr. Syh-ester
"",Icy, IHiUel , (flII S, rye, and wheat howe heen milled for Gra}mm. a 191h-
thous:mds of years in Europe aud A,ia . Corn was a grJin (nuur), htalth-food
of the Amerieas . Only wheat and, to a Itss<:. extent , I)'e , devotee. Os a coarsely
haw Ihe glulcn necessal)' to make leavened bread, The ground whole·wheat nour
othr grains s hould be used in combination "ith wheat milled froOl soft winter wheal,
nour to make bread, It has less gluten th~n whole-whu! nou r and will no! tis<:
., high. Th quality of g raham 110ur \"ari~s widely, Somt
WH E AT r L O J RS manufaourers package inferior nour w,th wheat bran and
\\'ho:at nours, Ihe m05t commo nl )' used nours, are label it graham nour.
milled from lhe wheat berry, The be rr)' consists of St:molina nour is a high -gluten white nour m,lIed from
three parts: the outer durum or hard Wmter wheat. It is most often used ill pasta
hull . or bran: the (a nd may be labeled pasta nour) . It makes J ddi:ious
small gcnn Or hrcad whm used with othc r nour. By itself. it m. hs a
embryo inside ; heav), loaf
and the Tritieal. i$ a man-made grain , a hybrid of rye a nd
endosperm, a wheal. It ij a high-protein gmin wit h the ha rdlllfSs 01 rye
starchy and the gbtrn of wheal . although ,t is best combincd wnll
malerial that wheat nour. This grain ,,-as crea ted with the inten t of
fee..!s the (uln",,,ng It in difficult growing conditiuns ;n poorer p"rts
embl)'o . of the world.


Quino;> flour, an ancient pearly gmm from Peru, gives
bread a n Ull)" flamr. It is "cT)' high in prDldn ,md ,5
Rice flOUl, Ihc nour mOst commonl)' u,w il\ glule'l-free
breads , 's milled from ~ithcr while or brown ricc . It ,nakcs
bread wnh "- sweel fla,'or and chew), texlure, Brown rice
flour inch,ulcs Ihe brao
So)'ocan flour gives bread u mOiSI t ~'IUT<: and '5 ,"cry
high in protein, but shnuld be used sparingl)' be"'au",, II

adds a slight biller fla\'or It is gluten-free.


A few of these gra",s arc eas, ly found ,n grO(cry slores, hut

ABo\' [ raneuon~ (pag~ IHI mosl ,,~11 be fnund nnly in health-food SloreS. The)' w,ll
add taste antl teXWT<: 1<> bread, but will not cnmribule to
1lS nsing. The)' should be added in small quantl"cs,
Non-wheat flours are low io gluten or glutcn-fr~e and typically 2 to -I lablespoons for a I. pou nd loal.
should oc u.sed in combin~lion with wheat flours unl ess
you "'quire glut~n-free bread for health reasons , II !l lAI
Rye is a hardy gram that grows ,,'ell In cold, wct Many forms of" heal arC ",'aila blc as grains The wheat
cI,mates wheT<: wheal dues no1. Thats wh)' so many ocrry ;s Ihe whole groin , and il is mu ch tO<I hard 11> ('~ ' as
Scanrlin~,'ian and Russian breads arc rye orr.ds. Ry,> flour it is. It ca n be soflened by sprolliing (the ocrT)';s soaked; II
contains some gluten, bUI 'nust be mixed with wheat flour. w~!Cr Ihat is t'hanged al lCasllwice a da y for seveml da)"s)
" k d,um or light rye Oour consists only of the endosperm . or by cooking (th~ berry i~ boiled wilh lOIS of ,,.,,In for
Dark ryt and pumpernickel a rc milled from the bran, an hour ).
germ , a nd endospe"" or the r)'e berry a nd a re coarser, Crncked wheal;s Ih,' wheat k rT)' tht has h,,~n broken
dMkcr flours. Its grind and con,cnl m~y "ar)l: sorn~ mlo p,eces, but is suli too hard 10 ca, without ,,,,,k"'g
manufacturers markct a blend of whole wheat and dark ryc It can be s()h~ned b), boiling for 30 to -1O minutes,
as pumpernickel. Bulgur is a wheat berT)' that has ocen sleamed and
Amaranth flour WaS a staple of Ih. Azt«s , It hns a null)" cracked, 1\ adds crunc h to bread . To cook 1>ulgur, bo,1 III

slightly spicy fla\'or, h is higher in prOlein than most water for "ix minutes and dm;n Ihoro"ghl r
flours, but is low;n glulen Wheat hmn, the OUler hull of the groin , IS also known
Baric), flour, millcd from a gram tlu" wiles [';','k 10 the "s millet's br,n or ""Pn;Kc.,«<I bmn flakes. It interferes
Sw ne Age , has a sligh t I)' sweet laste, a soft leXlure, and a with Ihe elaslicily 0/ gluttn and shou ld be us.ed in sma ll
low gluten content q"autiti~s.

Buckwheal flour is made from the triangubr seeds of a Wheat germ IS the
ceTf,,1 gr~ss. II adds a I'u IIg~t'" earthy fla~or to bread. It is e mbryo 0 1 the wheal ocrT):
alugh.fal flnur, low;n glul~n. It is high III nutrients , has
Corn flour, "ull~d from Ih~ ",hole kernel 01 corn , aclds a a nUll)' l1a"or, and tS
""'tt fla"or to bread . It is gluten·free, Com sureh and hIgh in oils which can
Brillsh cornnour arc milled only from Ihc cmlosperm, cause II 10 turn rancid if
M,[le~ flour, "ulled si nc~ Neolithic IImCS and a staple il is nOI kepi refrig~roled.
[000 in pms of Africa alld Asia, adds a yellowish color and Bmn (~Hals. 5urh as bran
a plea>antl)' grilly texture 10 bread It is low in glulen, Oakes or All-Bran, art made wilh
Oa~ flour, made from oats thai haw been ground mlO wheat bran and "Iher ingredients,
(lowder, is very low in g luten and must be mIxed wilh including sugar and salt, and may be
wheal flou" but is high in p role,n. toa.>ttd They add good fla ' ot and texlure to bread.


Cornmul, milltd Irom com, ~dds a SWetl n~"or ~nd,"

uncooked . a crumbl)' It)UU", . II an mlnfur .... nh Ihe

gluten. so shoul:l be: used. m sm:on quantities unless it ii
cooked or softened In boIling ,,",uer fom.
/l-hllel . .... idely used as birdSW:l , can be: added 10
bread in small U10tmii In its .... hole. unhuJled 51a1 e,
Oalmeal, Ihe mOSI nutntious of the c~rC~ 1grasses.
means old.f~sllloned rolled oats in this cookbook, The
husk is removed and Ihe gr~ln is shced. "earned, and
roll~d, The dricd 0.015 mar ha"e Irouble absorbing
thic!u;,r liqUIds §Jeh as applcs:oucf or bUllem"lk In Ih,~

cookbook. mosl re(llM's usmg IhOSt: liquids call for a

lillIe boilmg ....ater 10 be: poured o\·u Ihe oallT",al htfo~
olher Ing"'<ilems arc added
Ou br.n IS I"'" hull of 1M ""t and is high m soluble SWEEHN[RS
fiber. Oal b""n Cln mtencR .... i,h Ihe g1ulen In bre;ad
YcaSI fermentS besl when it f«d~ on sugar. Sug.>.r also acts
dough and should be used. in small quantities,
a. ~ pre.ervalin and conlribUICS ,O Ihe golden color of 'he
between land -+ ounces for a l-pound I""f
crust BUI 1<Xl much sugar will irterfere wilh Ihe r eas!"s
rising aClion and cal\1iC Ihe brca<llo (o llnl'~ Mosl yeasl
breads and rolls arC nol "cry SWttl, c,'en if Ihry ar~ d"55(rl
Yea.1 is a living organism Ihal r.. activaled ... hen it breads_ Dessert b",ad~ usuRlir get their sweClnrss from a
comcs In Comar l " '; Ih warm hqUlds. It fermentS m051 gLa~e. dr)' sugaf topping, or anoncr addilion whlch;s
re",lIIy when It has sug.>.r to fecd on. which is " 'h)' mosl made afler haking
bread rc(lpc$ cor.1am a1 IUS1 a teaspoon of sugar. The aJ.llUon of ca,w:l iw fruit IS a panlcu lar problem
Howe,·cr. il Will ~15(I feed on nour ....Ilh bread. machines. When ean.died frul1 .s used , il is
In .h" book , )"a5' .neo:tltS acth'~ dry y~_ 1 h.d Ihe usualJ)· in brods lhal alrcad)' II.,'" ... \"~.,.I ,.bl""'poon. of
sweelener The kneading ,,~Il shrtd Ihe andied fruil and
best re.ul lS wilh I yeasl made slM'eifiCilly for bRad
machines and sokl U1 " ·ounce jars. Yeast in p",. Rlease more sugar ;nlO Ihe dough . umdlcd fruil should be
measured em'doJ>($ also worked, although Ihc bread added late In Ihe kncading cycle. or kneaded in b}" hand if
dId nol ri51: 35 high. I also u,sled a rapid·risc )'cast, and Ihe bread is \0 be baked iUlhe o"en.
il worked lIicdy on Ihe bread "\ach.n~'. rapid.l ... ke Sugar also s<:orehes easily. A gTOWing number of
c)"Cle. bUill rose Ihe least of all four rcasts I IDled. machmes havc a s(XCial $Ctling "ilh shotl er cooking limes

Ikcau~ Ihe whole·wheat nour needs 3 longer rising

for .weel breads. If your machine docs nol have a swttl-
IM'riod . I woukln\ recommend using a quick·riso: yusl bread sctling. choose lite light·enSI o plion
when )"ou make wholc· ... hca, h,~ad In small quanlities - I or 2 lablespoons _ sugar. bm"'n
sU8" r, Itoney, and mol~SSC5 can hf subsmuled for cach
SALT other in Njual ~,"ounts. Sugar and bro.... n sugar can al ..... ys
be: subslituted for ~~ch other. TablHpoon for lablc.spoon.
Salt i. crll,c-~I 111 hrud It s1rcnglhens the glu ten. Salt· ,"OSI honeys arc slighl!y SWeeler Ihan sugar. If Ihe rcei?"
free bread may rist nicel}", bm Wililhen coli.pst. ca lls for more Ihan IWO lablespoons of swcclcner,
Hown'fr, salt In high concenlrnlions also inlubits Ihe SUbsltlult IWO pariS honey for Ihree llatlS suga r (e_g_. 2
)"casl's riSIIlg action Sa lt and yea51 should n(,'n be lahlespoons of honey lor 3 lablespoons of sugar). Molasses
added 50 Ihal Ihcy (Ome in colllaCl wilh nch mh", is not as SW'(1 as sugar. When slIbswullng ,"u", than 1"'0
prior 10 mixing. fleeausc some sodium is neccsnl)' fat tablespoons. usc four p.artS mul<1MCS (01 Ihree parts sugar.
b~ad, ,nost salt nbstilulU Cannol be IJ!Cd. Conlectioner;, sugar conlllms corm.tart h ~nd sltouW not be
u~d as II substitutc
lc:ss commonly us.;,d sw~e!eneT5 in b",ad are maple EGGS
syrup and corn syrop. Maple syrup can be substituted in
Eggs give bread a §Ofler cruSI and richer fl.vor and
eq ual quami tu!s . Corn .syrup is 11.01 as SWeet as sugar and
contribute 10 the lea " cning. In thIS cookbook. breads were
should be substituted with 1"'0 parts corn S}TUP for one
tested uSing large eggs , which arc equal to about 2 ounces
pan sugar.
of liquid. I generally '\'01ded ucipes Ihal call for only part
Liquid fonns of sugnr, including hunty, mobsses. cum
of an egg, and Increased olher liquids by 2 lablespoons
sYIUI), and maple syrup. shou ld be counted toward the tO lal
instead . \Vhen Ihe bread's egg)" characlcr is imponant.
liqUId COntent of the ingudients. If the substl(ution
though , ~cip"s will call for an utm yolk. Breads
involves sub$lilunng a dry form for a loquid form. or vICe
contammg eggs should not be made on a timer unless the
VCT53 , you wil l need 10 adjusl the liquid ingrediems
dday IS no morf than one hour.


The ,."riety of liquids us.;,d In bread-bakmg is nearly Fals are us.:d 'paring ly in most breads. but are important.
infinite. Most common are waler, milk , bUllermilk . eggs. They act a5 preservat, and give a tende r (e1<IUre. French
beer, and potato water, but don't bc: surprised 10 come hread goes Slale quickly ~cause il uses no fat [\ulln.
across r~cipe'i lhal lisl wine , or~nge juice, or other liquids. margarine , \'egetable oil. shortening, and lard can bc: us.:d
Sour cream, yogurt, nnd cO!tage cheese should bc: count~d interchangeabl),. In small quantities there will be no
as liquids, although their consistencies differ and the noticeable differcnce. If you are substitut ing more than one
amount of other liquid needed rna)' ,'ary. Pureed fruil and tahlespoon of a SQlid fat fur a liquid fat or vice versa, the
v~getables such as appl~uce and mashed pot:uoes also amount of othu liquid in the dough will have to
contain some liquid. Water thaI polato<:s have bc:"n cool<ed bc adjusted
in adds flavor, nUlrienl5, and a sofler te1<ture 10 bread. Lard gives bread a slightly flakier texlUre and crustier
Waler will give thc bread a crisper crust. Mosl tap waIn finish. I don\ like to use margarine beta~ it can contam
is fine, bUl soft (ad dic) water may produc~ soft, lOticky waler. If }'ou'... walching cholcste rol and Wan ( a su Oslitutc
dough, and hard (alkaline) for hUller, use vegerob le oiL You can sUOslillllC 01,,'( oil; In
water will i nterfer~ wilh quantities 1"", than (h ~e tablespoons . you arc nO! likely 10
Ihe f.rmentallon of notice a difference in taste, especially if rou're not uSlIlg
the yeast. extra-virgin ohve oil. Specialty oils, such a> SCliamc and
Milk will give Ihe wainul oil. are slrungly fl""ored
],read a SQfle r crust and and should be used
more golden color. \'ou sparingl)'.
can substitule ~ual If }'ou want to cut
amounrs of whole, every bit of fat Out of
skimmed, and n"Il ·fa t your hread , }'OU can
milk for each Olher. subslimte applesauce or
Powdered non_fal mi lk IS vcry helpfu l to bread-ba king, pur~~d prunes. l'UTted
particularly when the bread is being b~ked on a ti mer fruit comains some liquid. so
and the ingredients will be sming 31 room temper ature the amount of other liqUid in
o,·emight. Powdered milk IS alSQ used when the ~cipe Ihe w:ipe lOa}' ha," to be reduced.
tail s for ~nOlher liquid - such as heer or applesallce - BUller should alw,,),s be brought to room ttmpcrJture
but you still want a gold~n color and softer cruSt. before (he dough is kneaded. Soft buttet m'1<e5 mort
Use 3 tabl~-spoons of powdered milk p"r cup of liquid e"tnl)'. Th;, is cspeciallr (ntical in high_fat breads like
1lU1lcrmilk will gIVe the bread a tcnda crulnb and a ],int brioche.
of langy [bvOT. 11 also adds to the aCldlly of the dough and A nOle about grUSlng baking sheets or pan5: use bUller
may need to be neutmlized wilh a pinch of baking soda. or solid vegetable shonening. Oil will SQak luto the dough
Some margarines rna)' scoreh.


The m'lSl fn:quull cause of Irouhk wllh brtad made HI a BREAI) C O U .A PSEI)
br~ad machHl~ is I()(} much or I()(} lillk liquid. K~ep in mi"d
• Too much liquid. Ne~1 limc reduce liquid by 2
Iha, flour absorb> moislure from Ih air. Tha, 's why ~ I".fof
tJlblcspoons. Ihen monitor Ihe dough as il k " "ads and
bread "'")' lUrn oUI perfec, o~e ,ime and awfullhe ntxl. In
adjUst liquid or nOUt for ~ firm but <lIcky dough .
humid wcalhrr. ,ht flour rna)' h.,·c already arn.<>rb(d an
• You omined Ihe salt or u",d a ",It sul>$.iIUl e. Th. shu e"
tX,,,, I or 2 ,ab lcsJ'O"n< "f rnoi~wr(" If )'ou add Ihe usual
necds some salt 10 support i, ~s it rises. MinImum amou nt
amount of liqUId, lima)" nlUslH()(}m and col l.p5(:. or develop
is Ii I••spoon for a I-pound loaf. ); leaspoon for . 1 ~..
a coa~. hQlellcx, ure . Likew;",. ,f Iht dimalt ,s very dry.
pound loaf l<.IOSI ,;alt wbslilulcs WI ll not wor k.
,he flour may nted" Imlt nlr., "'Ol5lUr•. or il will h,'·e.
• Too much s ugar D...,rea", b)' 1 lablespoon ne~' lime.
den,",. he",,}' tnlU ... or a gnarled lOp
You'", gelling in'" dangcrous lerritory wilh more Ihan
Check Ihe dough about 10 minutes Into IIIe kneading
Acup SUS" for a I-pou nd 1001. (l lablespoons for a l ~­
eyde. Th~ dough should b( sm()(} ti. , SUfI, and slil\htiy OJck)'.
pound loaf, . !though ,<;(\rne redp<:S will work Wilh morc.
h shou ld ,",lIle Jusllh. sligh'esl bi •. bUI hold its shape when
Don\ forge. tl>", sugaf)' addilions like (andicd f,,",
Ihe kn.~dlng p.ddk SlUps. If ,h~ dough is ,·tt)' sofl. ","les
inc ",a"" Ihe quam ily of sugar.
qUICkly when Ih~ kneadUlg paddle ~'ops. and ean', hold Us

,h'I)<':. add I ,ahlespoon "I fl""r If the dough i, stiff "'ilh

ragged tdg~s and Imprints of the p<oddk remain m ,he BIt F.A Il liAS IIURNED CRUST, RUT CENTE R IS fiNE
dough for mort ,h.n a couple of ,",conds. add I tablespoon
• Too much sugar t.~ <au,", Ihe crust 10 burn. Sel comrois
Qf hqu,d.
for sweel b",ad and/or lighl Crust. If it sll ll burns - or YOUt
mach ine does nOt hav~ thost "llln~ _ fedu"" SUS" (or
other swe.!ener) b)' 1 lablespoon . Or ... mo"c-,h~ bread 5
Ingredients should be al rOOm IcmperJlure. BUI "room "' LnU les befun:: Ihe "LJeh, "~ is don~ Or bak~ the br~.d in
, emperJlurt"- may be I()(} hOI or too cold in p3n,,,ularly hot a loaf pan ;n a convtnlional o"~n.

or cold ",~"her. If Ihe insreiliems grc I()(} <old. ,hey may

not .cti,·al~ I he yea" soon enough . If Ih~y ar~ 100 w.rm ~ BItEAD NOT BAKEl) II'" CENTER
such as on " hot da)" in a knchen Ih31 i< nol ajr-cond;t;on~d

- Ihe yeasl m~J' cau,", the dough 10 ri" I()(} mu,'h .nd • Too much liqUid or nol ( nuugh fluur. N"~";me. reduc~
overflow Ihe mJchm~. hlll,lid by I lU Z tablespoons OJ Ulcrca5t nvut by l,v 4
lablespoons (if the bread pan has room for. l.rger loaf);
ADDING FRUIT AND VEGET,\BLr:S ,hen monitor dough as it kneads, and adjust flour or
liquid for a firm I>ut sll~ky duugh. Th~ br~ad machln~ ha.
Another ".rtabl~ Ihat (an put too much liquid inlo th. l"'k 'ol.",,"er for dough Ihat "aries much ItOm a SlOt r. t;"
dnugh is fruil Or vegotables. If fruil 01 "cgtlables are added of hquid 10 flout. Olten. Ih<= same b",ads _ especiall)'
.. Ih~ b(ginning 01 'he kne.ding cyclc. ,hey will Ix ground 5,,'Ut breads like klLgelhopf or panellone _ wl lI ,u,,, oul
up and rele"'" mOr~ liquid lhan If Ihey Wcrc added al Ih~ fine when bal<cd in a con,'e,,"onal u"cn . Se, Ihe bread
beeper or aflcr Ihe lim kneading. If you're uSIng Ihe IImer ma,'h, ne to make dough. then remove iI , punch il down .
to knead the bread , h3\'( 10 add lrui I Or "egtlables at Ih~ and PUI il In a buu"rtd loaf pan . LeI i, ris< in a "',urn
beginnmg.• nd can'l ch...,k Ihe dough durmg Ih. kneadiltg. pl"'e lor 45 mlnuleS to I hour, ,hen bake al In' F for
reduce liqu,ds I>}' I to 2 leaspoons for drier .dil itions like about 3{) minules.
raiSIns or sun-d ried 'om"oes. and b)' I to 2 lablespoons fot • If it is a ''''Ce' hread and has sIIcky poC,,"lS . red"e~ Ihe
Wellct addilions . like shredded appl e o r maS'cd reil P"ppcrs . sugar or swee tener b}' I lablespoon

o Not e nough yeast. Increase yeasl by';! l<asj><lOn next time ,
o N(>I tnough liquid or 100 mu"h fl(>ur. If Ih~ b""d pan h35 o Ye~Sl is nol fte5h. Proof by puning 2 teaspoons of )'easl In

room (or ~ larger loaf. add 1 10 I labbpoofi> o( li<juiu ~ cup "'arm "";ller 105 10 115' 1'. If II docs nol d~velo l' a
". ~ I lime; otherwise. n:duc~ flour by 2 10 4 toblespoons. thick head of fo.'m ,n 5 to !() minutes. discard Ihe yeasl
Monitor doufoh as II kneads and adjusl li<juid or nour (nr a o You'rt using ",pid -rise r',,,t or Ihe rapid·"", "y(k The
[inn but sl icky lulur•. (Nol~ ; If you lap the measuring pri", for lhis shortcul ,s . loa/that dotsn't Tis( as high
cup ..,veml limes to g~t flour 10 ","le. ~'ou may be o You're using yeR51 Ina t d0t'5 not do wd l In bre.d
cmmm ing 100 much flour into the measuring "up.) machines. S",,,,,h to y.asll'mduced sl"'cifocally [01 bread
o Too much low.gluten flour. Breads that co nsiS( enti,ely of mach",es .
Ile or. 10 a lesser C~ICni. whole· whu l flour "'ill oc dens<: • You u~d hot liqu td _ o\'Cr 11 YF _ and II killed Inc ycast
and hU'1"' 5<Jmelnnes , this i. desir. ble. If It is n"'l . o Not enough Itqmd. Increase liquid b)' J labl"'pOol1 nexi
substitute bread flour for pan o( th, ry' or who le·wheal Urn • .

flour. Or add whut glmen . an addiliw available a l health. o Too much sugar ( holle)', molosses. etc .) may oc in terfeTl ng
food slo,.,.. will. yeast. If it is • high·sugar bread (o r if it has sugary
o Too ma ny extms. such as oatmnt. whe .. getn,. fruit. or addulons like ca ndled frull). reduce SlIS"' by I
nuls subslit u ted for flour, If th e", "room In }'our b","d lablespoon. Or inc",a~ )'e"" by '~ teaspoon, COI\\'crscl)',
pan . add I ounce, bread flour and aooutlta lllr_~poo ns yeaSI works ocller when Ihe",;s at leasl I leaSpoon of
of liquid , O lherw;s". rtdutt the exlTaS. sugar to /~d it. Although some rt"I»<'S .• uch as F",,,ch
o Dry grains soaked up tOO much liquid, Oatmeal ts a Bread , get along wnhoul ii , the y~a>l r;s.s OCller wilh a
parttcular o ffend ... Add 1 10 l labl.5pooru; of liqUid. s trul,li amount of s weetener,
o You'", using 100 much 10w·glu l~n flour, Inc n:...., Ih~

proportion of wh i" flour. Ot subslilutc bread flour for a ll-

BIlEAD liA S rot US HROOM T OP WITII AIR purpo5<' flOllr
UNDERNEATII , OR liAS T UN N ELS OR COARSE o Your (.'1" wal~1 i. 100 hard (alkaline) . Add I leaspoon of
1I 0LO' TEXTUIIE lemon ju ice Or "inegar
o Too much saiL Tiu, rna)" oc OCC"u,," you added ""it)'
o Too mu"h IJqu id . Next lItnc, rtduce Ihe a mounl of liquid
<xlras, like salted nUIS. w"hout rcducmg the amou nt of
b)' I to 2 tablespoons. Ihen monlwr Ihe dough as it
kneads and adjuSt Ihe amount of hqui d Or flour fur a finn
o You allo".d the salt and rust to come In conla", will.
bu' 5tk ky dough.
each olhn prior 10 ml~tnK' A h'gh t otl("cnlration 0/ sa il ,n
• Too much yeaS! . R.du~~ yu,t b)' I~ tcaspo<ln for ~ s malkr
d",,<,;1 comaCl Wilh },easl Llll1 kil l the yeast
loa f. 'II teaspoon for a larger loaf.
o YOll opened the lid during thc T,s, ng stage and allowed
,,'arm ai r to "",a po<

o Too much )'eaSL R~duc< the amoun l of )·t"'l by aRf...\!) !)O ESN'T 111 5 £ AT M . L Ai'iD IS A STILKY
'II leaspoon n .. t time, OR BURNT LWER ED .\ IESS
o Too much liqu id. especially if Ihcrt art large air pocketS '"
o You forgot to sel In. paddle in Ihe pan . or It ,,'as not
bread, Redu", liquid by 1 to 2 tabl"'poons neXt time.
fitml)" ;eatcd and came!<>OSt
Chf~k kneading, and adJU51 nour for firm . stick)' tulure ,
o You omuled the ,;.alt . Soh supports Ihe gl UI <n and "ops II
collapsing. bul il also SlOps Ihe ),east rising 100 high .


17 25
17 26
E GG BH A[l RH B~b\D

50\,R C~lA:'1 CORNM£.'\l. BN eAD
COKN~lb\l_ ~'b\'>T BR b\lJ
18 2S
10 28
liGH T Rl L BR l,ll) If ALlAN Il t: RB BR EAI)
10 30
21 33
BUCK r U MI' ERN I L K[ L 5..,1.0' L UNN BR~AD
23 33
25 H

Tilis is (III all-purpose whilf' hread. It is a good basic recipe widl which yml
((m try different brands of flour wul ),((ISI, as well as ;:"pcritllcnt wilh slig/II
varia/ions in Ihe alllOlmlS of ing,('(lictUs.

I lb l.o.lf INGR~UIEN I S I l,lb LOAF ,H 1110 0

~ cup w.ler ): cup PUI ~H ingredients in bread pan in order suggcsted by

): cup milk Ii lbsp you r bread machine inst ru ctions. St-I for while bread,
1 Ibsp bUItCT I ~ ,bsp medium crus\. Press Slllr\.
1 In.p sugar 111: IMp
~" l lO ,sp
2 cups br~ad nour 'ru~
, "P }'t;1S1 I Ibsp

=Kr......... .

Th is is a dense, ,Iighd)' sweel bread with a high proportion of

whole-wheat flour. It is good for lOa51 or sandwiches.

I Ib WAI' , ... c. a rDI ENH I\). lb WAf M ET H OD

l; cup mI lk ~ cup Pm ingr~diems in bn:ad pan in ordt:r ~uggC5lCd by yo ur

'~cup W.let Ii Illsp bn:ad machine inSlructions. Sct for whQle-wheal bread,
2 lbsp bUlltr J Ib.p medium crust. Press Slart.
2 1bsp hon~y J IlIsp
I lhsp sugar I Y, lbsp
, "P "",II , "P
I Iicups whole-wheal nour 2:.\ cups
~ cup bread nour ;:; cup •
, ", yeasl I lbsp

, .. .
This is allother all-purposc while bread, but [he addition of egg g iyt:s it
a subtly richer ]la\'or and lex/un: [him basil': whift bread.

I Ib LOA!' INGM~ I) I U"" S 1.... lb 'IMF

l + lyolk inyWients in bread pan in order suggested by your
II cup m,lk X cup br~d machine i~lruclions. Sci ror ",hile bn:ad,
I 'bsp bun~. I \I Imp mediu m cruS,. Press Slart.
2 Iblop sugar 3,..,
I lS I'
~" 1\\ lSI'
2 cups brtad nour J cups
I A lSI' y=' 21« lSI'


• ••
Th is bread is specifically for lOllS!. Un/oaSled, it is d ry.
Thinly sliclll, il makes oullelll melba /Qast .

J Ib IO.U l ... o:; .. ~n ' t"'l S I " Ib lOAf !"LlHQO

, POll iogrediellls in bread pa n order sugges lcd by you r

'" In

llbsp " .l1u 1\ c u p bread machine instru ctiOIlS. Set for whil e bread,
.~ cup "",U T cru m Xcur medium crust. Press SIa n .
2,.., bunu Jlb5p
I ,lisp supr Ili l bsl'
, "P ~" Y. lSI'
); cup cornmeal '4 cup
I '~ cu1'1!i bre;od nour 21( cups
1'II lJp )'<'asc 2~ tSf>

.Je,., EgR S", . d

'" ... - -
TIlls is a srrongly flavored rye bread, goodJor mea! sil udwichcs.

I 1b UMf ' NGRI. " I •. In s I v, II:> In.lf "' U II O"

): cup waler I cup Put ingredients in bread pall in order suggested by your
1 lhsp ve~etable oil I II rllsp hread machi n e in,rrHcr;on~. <;PI r~r whole_wheal hrparl ,
I rbsp sugar I l'I rllsp medium crus!. Press Start.
I !Sp .h 1\6 t.p
, 0,
dri(d rlillwccd I IllsI'
dehydrated mmcro I ,Ilsp
2 Ibsp commu l J [bsp
1II cups brrOid flour I cups
~cup rye flour ICUp+Zlbsp
2 lSI' ycas. I ,bsp


T his ligh! ryc bread, made wilh beer, is lighrer ill wlor and l alll'!: rhan
mas! rye b,mds. Mildly jhYOfed, il is good for sa nd wiches.

1 II:> lOM ' NGl fbL~N TS I '" 1b !.OAr ... fTII O !)

j{ cup nat betr I I' wps Pur ingredients in bread pan in order suggcsted by yo u,
I rh<p "p,~tahle nil , 0,.: , .... 1' bTeJd m~ch;ne ;n5troctiOn s. Set for whole-wheat br~ad.
I tbsp honey II! tbsp medium crust. Press Start.
1 tsp ",II 1\\ lSp
I tsp car. ..... ay Sf~ds 1\\ tsp
I \( cups brr:ad Ilour I'~ cups
I cu p lye nou, 1II cups
2 tSp )'e.,.! 1 tbsp

.'Co'f!' On ion Dill Rye Bread


T his is an excel /em blf(l(l jor sandwic hes or cul1al'ts.

1 Ib lOA" 1 1'<(. ••. n luH S L\, lb LOAf ." [THOD

j:; cup milk I '~ cups Put ingredients in bread pan in order suggested br your
I Ibsp v~g~labl~ oil I'~tb5p bread InJchinc inslrUClions. Sci ror whole-wheal br""d,
2 ,!>sp mQl;lSS(S 3,bsp medium crust. Press Starl.
, "P ~I, , "P
2.bsp un5"'cclCUW cocoa 3 tbsp Ahem3!ively, 10 make baguettes, remove dough from
powder bread machine aft er first kneadmg and punch down .
, "P caraw~y suds I ,!>sp CUI dough in two eq ual parts. Roll each pari into a
II ~up br~ad nOll. ~ cup
thick rope, abou18 inche510ng for the I-pound recipe,
I cup 1)'( nom I II lUps
10 inchtl ror the \:O-pound ' ..eipe. Put baguen~s on a
}$ cup whe-It-wheat nou. )I cup
baking sheet that has ocen spri nkled with corn meal. Put
2 tbsp cornmeal 3,bsp
2 .sp yeas, I lllsp
in a warm place and cover loosely. Let rise until
doubkd in ,·olume. Bake in a preheated 350' F ove n
aboul 25 minut es, or unlillooves arc cruSty a nd sound


~ .. e+-a:» eo. ·

T his is a dense, fla vorf ul rye b'"faJ, good jo/" smtdwiches. The dough SllOUld
be checked early ill (h e Imeading slClge 10 su if more liqUid or flour is needed.

I Ib LOAf INc.rOIHH S l \'l lb LOAF .. E Y II O D

\\ cup huue"nilk ): l'UP pUI ingredients in bread pan in order suggested by your
~ cup waIn 6 IllsI' bread machine inStfl.lctions. Sel for whole -wheal bread.
I lllsp "'gelahle oil l !h tllsp medium trus!. Pre5S Starl.
2 IllsI' molasses ) IllsI'
I ~ l~p ~ar;l.w"y seeds 2~ 15p

' "P baking sod. '.p

I "P oil I~ tsp
I \'i cups br,.d flour 2:4 cups
):: c up pumpernickel nour I Ii cups
I II lSI' yeasl 2\\ lSI'
* ., • - . .-

Tb is is a very dCIlS/:, voy flavorful bread, made wilh (l coors( grind oj

pu~pernickdflour. Although Ihe texture is lightened somewh(li by the
addition of mashed potaloes, it is not a hiS" riser It is delicious wilh swee!
burter a/one, bUI is also good for sandwiches_ Because Ihe gri nds of
pumpernickelJ10urs IIIlI)' Widely, all breads may no! have the same result.

I Ib WAf ,,,'G " ~ DIE1'<lS I '" Ib LOA! M EIIlOI>

'~~up cornmeal 6 1bsp Put cornmeal in bread pan and pour boiling WaItT over
i4 cup bOllmg wain 6 tbsp it. Stir. Let cool IS minutes. Iflhe cofftt is hal , adll it
'~tu p ver} ~1f<"'g coffee 6 \bsp immediately after stirring in the watcr. Otherwise, add it
l> cup m",hed potatoes \: cup WiLh Ihe mher ingredients. PUI remJining ingredienl5 in
2 1bsp powdeTCd milk 3 Imp
bread pan in order suggested by your bread machine
llbsp v'gNable 011 J tbsp
instructions. Set for whole-wh£a l bread. medium crust.
J Ibsp molasses ~ ~ Ibsp
Press Star!.
I lbsp uns".tlened cocoa I ~ Ibsp
I Isp ",II II> ISp
lisp coraway...,ds IIhsp
II cu p pumpernichl flour I cup
II> cu ps bread floUl 1 cup$
I II tsp y.... 1 2'.4 tsp


• •

, I"~

~ .... -
A hhough Sl'IISOl1lCj with mu s", ,~1 and Ihy ml', th is brrad i5 mo re sublly
flavored Ihml you mig /lI Upt'CI . " goes well wirh mealS, whe/hl''' as a ,Iinner
bread or Stlndwid, hretld.

I lb l.o.\f IN(;l(DI[NU I l1 lb ltJ.<F ).!UNDD

Xcup n~1 br~ r 1'.4 ~Uf>S Place I,ll ingrcdi en!s in bread 1);1 11 in onkr
21bsp po",dered milk 3 IlIsp recommended b)' your bread machine Instructions. XI
I I,,",p ngtlablt oil ill illsp m.'l(hmc rOT white bread , medIUm crust. " ms Start.
I Ibsp sug~r I~ ,b.ip
lillsp Dijon -sl)"le mustard ) lhsp
'ri ISp dried Ihymt \1I~p
, up ~h I IS ISP
2 CUI" brtad nou , 3 cups
I h lOp r easl l~ l.'ol'


Mashed pof(llQf!'S adtl subtle flavo r and fex/ tlll' to while bread. Usc Illis as
yo u woulrl ust" ordi nary whire bread. Po/mots SC{ls{JIl t:d will! ga rl ic or herbs
(Idd a n kl' flavo r /0 Ihe bread.

J Ib lOAf INGIf! IlI £ N1S l l:. lb lOAf " ~ I II OI)

II (UP m;l.5l1cd polal(~s I: ( UP Put ingr~dicnt5 in bITad pan 111 order ~ uggest~d by )'our
71bsp pola'O "'aIU II cup b~ad machll1~ Inst ru ctio ns. If you don·t hav~ th~ wal~t
llbsp wgl:uo.blr oil ) .bsp lh ~
potatoes " 'e re boiled in, ust plain water. Sc t for
I thsp 1m", 1'II .bsp white bread, medium crust. Prl'Ss Stan.
, up
~" 1\5
) cups

'rup< brtad flour

Th~ rr.:iJ>f: IS b;ucd on plain mashed pot~totS ~ no milk,
, "P yus. I Ibsp
bUller or salt. However. if yo u have leftover mashed
potatoes with additions, jU5t adjust the rtcipc s\(ghtly,
for example by reducing the ""~t er b)· I tablespoon.

I frT ~~. Mrn,~rd Ih nd



.-:c • • -

Grllhmnflour, a coorsely grouml wholr.whralJlour. gh'(5 (his bread a

slighlly chewy leXIUn:. MO/IISseS subd), dumgrs fhe jlU\·or. II is good for
IOml , grilled (htest smu/wiches, or as a dinner bread.

I Ib I(W 1l<"" U)lOITS I '" II, WM " ( TH O!)

!hup """er I I' cUfII' Put illgred,cn ls in hread pan ;11 order suggested by your
1 lb!;p .'cgelable oil 1% ''''1' bread machine mSlnlCliol\5_ Sct for whole-whea l bread,
210sp molass0r5 J IMp medium crust Pus:!; Star!.
~" ,"p
I cup b",ad nou, I i ('ups
I cup graham nom 1>1 cups
I II l'>p leas! 2;:.151'

T his is a basic ')I!bread, good Jor $(mdwichrs or ~5 a dinner '''rad. II can be

bakrd in /II(' bll"ad nl(lchinl' or in lhe 0\"/"/1

J Ib l.lMI LNG . (DI~Nn I ~l lb WAF

~ cup ,,-.,(( I '" cup

1 ''''r "~g' OIl 1Ii I~p
~ 1Sf! mula>Sc!> 2 tllsp
1 ''1' ~" I t, Isp
I ~ cups
ca""'''y ~Us
brt3d nour
ryt flour
21' cu""
l cup.llbsp
2 lSp )'NSI 1 lllsp

'U rH O n

Put ingredients In brad pan In order suggolcd b)' )·ou.

brad machme inSltllCllons. 'iel fur'" hok·,,'hc:u bTl'ad.
medium crus!. P1'l:S5 Sla rt .

For Ol'cn-b:tked bread . SC!I machme for dough stage.

When dough is TC;Idy.•emow· illrnm Ihe machine and
PITSS down. Sharx it imo a large ba ll and nallen It

sligh ll y. O r roll 11 mto a ral ooguclle. Piace il on a

baking shce l that has been sprmkled with cornmeal
Con' , t he brrad looselY.!i.e1 it in a WUrn plan>, and leI it
rise until do ublL>d;n volume , about I hour.

Make a w~sh 01 I c!;g lig lll ly healc n wllh 1 lah lespoon

"f milk. Ge nlly brush the egg wash o\'e r
the lOp al\d Sides of Ihe loaf Bakr
lht: bread a pn:healw


115F o\'rn unlil thf lOp and

bottom are cruslr ~nd
~und hollow when
thumped _ nboul 15

Boi led w lllmeal adds flavor to this (XII, ye/low bread. lI S good Jar loaSI ,
saudwidu:s, 01"j usl calen ",(11m wilh swetl buuer.

Ib lU'F I ~G l[DI~"1S 1 I, Ib LOAr "rl " o Il

I cu I' watu I i! cUI'" Boil WIIter in 5m311 sauce (nn. Add sa lt and bulter. Then
"",II I ~ I~ pour cornmeal in ~ Ih,n , u 'Can. , s lin ;ng LU,,,,,,.,,,ly. " m il
II! lbsp btlllu 21' Insp miXlUre forms a thi ck paste. Cook one minute longer.
II cu p ccr nmui ): cup
sl irring all th e while. Remove mixtu re fro m heat ~ nd se t
j; c up milk 61bsp
aside 10 cool.
t 151' suS"r I II ltlsp
110. cups bread nour l~ cups When cornmeal paste has cooled, PUt II in the bread
I II lSI' yca .. 2\( l~p pan along with th e o lh er ingrediems in lhe order
suggested by you r bread machine inSHuClions. Sci for
while bread . medium crus., Press Sun.


OUIIIlt:al , wJu:m gum, and huUermilk gi\-C,his bread a soft, loose texture
and delicate fla ,'o r. It is ddicio!ls wil h cheesl',

I lb lOAF '~C '[ I>'E~ T S l ll lbUW' ",[1 11 0 1>

\IIeup "try hOI ""'e. \5 cup Put oatS in b~ad p,an . Pour " (1)' hOI or boiling waleT
'~cup rolled (1,01 $ )I; cup over , he oatS and s. ir. Lei sil at I ,·~~t l 'i min"'es I'",
(no. 'luic k o;)lmtal )
remaining ingred ientS in brt:ad p,au ill order suggested
'l cup bUUtrmdk I cu p
by )'00' brr:ad m~chi ne inst ruct ions. Sc:l for white bread,
1 .b.p bUll.. 16 1bsp
2.b.p sugar
), .... medIum cruSt. Press SIan .
IISp 1\1 lSI'
\1 151' ba lc iogsoda \1 ISP
21b.p " 'he .. germ ),....
I \I. cups b<tal nour 211 cups
1\1 '51' )'faS' 2'>' ISp

I e BRfAtJ S

This IS (l delirio lls whIff' brrad, S(Clsonrd wilh garlic find /lalian herbs. II
makes ,ldicioU5 chuse or mrlll sant/wiches, IImi is (II! excel/cnl di nner bread.

Ilb ,pu ,.qalP , F " T S 1'l lb U''U' >4 £ 111 00

l.bsp 011
oh.·~ 31bsp Heal oil in a small skillet. Add the g<1 rhc and hcrbs.
dow ",.,he. 1'tt»W 1 or 2 Saule for 2 minutes, lakin!!: can: nUl to le I (he g~r!i c
I lSI' ,Iri~d ba,;1
I', l~p

scooch or II willlurn biocr. IF ncccsSllry. r1'movc the pan

~ l~p dried orrgilno
, from Ihe stO\'C. The herbs will conllulling coo king in

,. , ..,
dried ms..m~')
the oils hut.
dned .hpnt
~ Cli P w.II ." ~ cup PilI Ih e herb oil and re lT1~lning mgredients in hrcJd Ila n
.~ CUll milk 6lbsp in order sugge~led by your buad machlnt mSlruc tioll5.
'''P wpr I t ISP Sci for while b...,ad , medium crus! P~Slan.
~" l ~ ~p

1 cups brt~d nou, J (uPS

I I, lSI'
\ ""'" 2\' 151'

- ,.
, •

, ,

• • tI
, ;•
• •

• -
...-- .. « ••

T his ligh! whole-wheal bread is slightly sweet ant/flavored wilh of/mge and
( umin. a pungfn! spiCl.'Jn::qucndy used ill MD:ican, Middle Em/ern, Asian,
and Medirerranean (Oolli'lg. Try {his bread wilh chidun or fish.

I lb lOAP $ NCo "F.D I U HS 1 ~, lbLON "~T"O"

II cup milk ): cup PUI ingredients in bread pan in orr!.:r sugg<'5lcd by your
t cup waltr 610sP bread machine instruclions. Sri for whok-wheat bread,
2 llbp _~getable oil 3lbsp medium crust. Press Slart.
3 llIsp sugar 4'1i Ibsp
I lb.p gnu-d orang~ ~rI I 'Ii Ibsp
:.: "p ground cum,n 1\( ISP
I II t,p
I ['p
llbsp cornmeal 3 IMp
l:>cups br. ad flou, 2:4 cups
\'l cup I.,hok-wheal flour ); ('up
1'/\ ISp yellSt 2't ISp

Th is is (/ sligluly swccr bread. Try it (oas/cd with cream cherse.

Ib I.OAI I NG R CDI E N T S 1(, Ib LOAr " '; T II O I)

\0 cup ",OIer ): cup Pur all mgredients except pecans in bread pan in order
,~ cup mil k 6,!>sp suggcs ted by you r bread machine instruCTions. Set for
2 tbsp bu n er } Ibsp while bread, med ium crus\. Press StaTl . Add pecans
J .tlsp brown sugar .. I> ,lisp after firsl kneading or whell machine beeps 10 add fruil
1 ,\ ISP cinna mon H IsI'
or IlUlS
It: ISP ~h \: \~P

'f, ~up oat br.n

2 cups bread flour 3 cups
I y, ISP }'fa51 21i lSI'
II cup chopped pecans ): Clip


S ally LWlI1b,-ead originated it! Grc(l/ Britai n, but Ihc SOll lll f m Unircd SUl/cS
has clai med it as irs own. TraditiO/wily, il is balled in (/ lube 1J(1Il .

1 Ib WAF I NG •• n' F. NI S 1 \-, Ib WAf MtTH O ()

rul ingredients in bread pan in order sugges ted by your

\'I eu p
, nll l ~

V. c up
brcad machine instructions. Sci for sw~cl bread , light
~ cup hUl1~r 6lbsp crust. Press Slar\.
3 I!>,;P sugar 4 ~ lbsp
Aitcrnalivcl)'. to bake the bread in a lu be pan in lhf
\I '-'V oh
bread nour
~ ""I'
3 cups m'cn, SCI bread machine for the dOll!)h Sla!)c. When
l l'ups
1\I " V rU'1 21'; ISP ready. remove dough and punch it down . The larger 10al
goes i ll a 9- or IO·mch moc pan. The , matl loa[ wi ll fit
in a 6- or 7-inch lUbe pan or 5- or 6-cup soume or
casserole dish . Butter the pan and lurn lhe dough in it
SO all SIdes are buttered. CO"er loosely. put It! a wann
spo t \0 rise unlil doubled in volume. Bake in a
prehemed 350T oven umil go lden and a skewer
inserted in the bread comes oUi dean. 25 to 30 tninutcs
l H' lIlOwn Sug .. r~CM\ Bread

A nadama bread i.~ II New Engla nd hrarrh b,ead, made wilh corn meal and
molasses_ For variety, SUbSliwlc 7\ cup wllOle-whea! Jlou l"for an equal
(lnlOU rU oj (he bread flou r.

I tb WAf ,"'"R[D I U <TS 1 '" lb '-OM ,,[ TUOD

l: cup w31n I Ii cups PUI ingredientS in bread pan in order s uggesled by )'o ur
I IllsI' \'~gcl.ble oil 1'6 tb:;p bread machine instructions_ Set for while bre3d,
31b.p mol.sses i ll \bsp mediulll crust. Press Star!.
I "I' ~" I \> lSI'
\: cup cornmeal 61bsp
1 Cll!", b=d flour 3 cups
I V. ,sp yeast 2lf. lSI'


It 0" EY ORA "(;r M lLTI G RA'''' BRE"O

J9 H
MAPI r f'FCAN 8I1.E""'f,15T B ~~"I)
40 47
« ••

This is a densely IcxlUred bread wilh rill': fltlvo r oj seveml grail/s. 1/ includes
enough bread flou r [hal il rises inw a smal" w mpuclloaJ.

llb lOol I I " C.Rf.1I 1 U' T S 1"':. lbuMF l'U. I II 0 l>

l! cup
l' cup
mIlk ,,..,
I' cup PUI mgr«li~nts in bread pan in order suggeslw by you r
buad machi ne instructions. Sotl fo r ... holt:-wh ~al bread,
21bsp "~g~tabl~ 011 1 ,..,
medIUm cruSt. Press Sum.
211>$p ho,,~)' 3 (blop
I lSI' ~h I II ISp
... cup wh~a l germ I> lbsp
I' cup 0111 brom I> Iblop
I/. c up br~ad flout I " cu~
I cup IIoholt_whvll flout Il!cur-s

'"P )'U'it I lbi;p


a: • • ___

BII/gur is cracked whea! thaI has been parboiled. 1/ adds frba (md crun ch
to wholt-wheal bread.

I Ib Ul.\f I ,, (a 1I11 [1<1 S I l'l lb LOAF M[l l1 o D

I/. cup bullt'mllk
v~gu.blt 011
I \I.
cUpi I'ut ingrtd ients in brut! pan in onin suggested by your
brnd machine inSlructions. XI for wholc-whCllI bread,
2 (bsp hon~y ) Ibsp mroium crus!. Press St~ n .
~" l~

'" 1'1>
) Imp
baking soda
~ ~ Ibsp
I lb!;.p cornmral I I! Ibsp
I cup buad nOUt I I! cups
I cup ,,'holr-whr~1 flour I II cups
2 ISP ,= I IMp

G~"' I N l~ l "'D§
- .... » ...

T his is (l moist, luxmy wllOlt-whc(l! b,.cat!, wid! cracked wheallzeldhzg

fUIII/'l and heft. II is a good sandwich bl'f:(ld.

I Ib lUll; I~ G .fDltNT S 1'1 Ib lOA.' .. . r. TU OD

II t up cracked "'hu, 6 ,.., PUt crack~d wheal in small s.aucepan with I 102 cups
9 1bsp bult~Tmllk .40 cup waler. Snng to a boll, then reduce heal 10 mediUm and
2 lbsp bUltn 3 Imp leI boil for 6 Immlles. Remove From hUI and dra in
2 lllsp booty } IlIsp
thoroughly. lei wheal cool about 15 minutes.
• bp ~I, I \l ISP
'~ l~p bakongw<i.o I( ISp Put cooked WhC3! and all mher ingrrolcnl5 in brud pan
I (UP brc~d nOllr I ~ c ups in order suggl!Slcd by your bread machine instructions.
1 cup whol~'''''hnl nOIlT I~ Clip" XI for whole-wheal bread. medIum cruSt. Press Sl~rt .
I ,..,
''''' "~ Check the dough after abou! 10 minutes of kneading.
DCpt'ndmg on how wdl -dr:l1n cd the cracked wheat W3S.
the bread may nrcu a lilll ~ mo~ bUllcrmilk or flou r.
---..... ..~-

Wh cm germ. sesame seeds. cwd swiflowcr suc/s add (fullch

/0 this I1glil wholc·whcm brC(lc/.

1 lb I ,O~I 1 SC.( O I fSTS PJ1blO .. ~EI HOD

l\ cup buuumilk II; cup pUI all mgredlcms t)iCrpl seeds In bread pan m order
)Ii (U P ""'Ier :6 cup suggeslcd by )"our bread machme mSlrucllons, Set for
I 11KI' 'l'g~ ... bl~ oil 1)1 lbsp whole·whe:u bread. medIUm crUSI p~s SiaM. Add
I IlIsp sugar 1;\ 'bsp
seeds arler first kneadmg or when machmc beeps 10
jl, lSI' I>;okmg sod> , "P
add nuts
I 151' ,..11 I l\ '~p
21bsp WaSled" heal germ 3 IllsI' To toaSI wheal germs and sesame seeds. put each in 3
ih up wholc·\OIhf~1 nour ); cup sm:lll. ung skil let ()\"cr medium heat Sh ake the
I" cups
1)1 151'
brud flour
),ea SI
2,. cups
1>. lSI'
pan occasionally 5() Meds do no. 5C()n; h. Cook um il
they arc IIghll)' brown. Let seeds or wheal germ cnol
3 l!>sp r~w. ~Mfl~d -t ;l Ih:,p
sunnu"n ««ds
befoTe addmg Ihem 10 th e dough
l1bsp 'GaS!"'" ~mc Sfttls I h Ibsp


TlIis brcUlI uses h,Q Janns oj mil/cf. TIre millel flour Ullcls flavor ; unci whok
h lll/Cli milll'l gin's il cnmcl!. Usc il Jor druse a ll I(I{ISI Qr Jar Stllldwiches ,

J Ib lOo\f 1." Glt0 1 E."lS I '" lb 1O.\I

)!. tUp "'''In IIj cuf'> PU I l11~red,cnlS III bread pan on order suggcsled b)' your
1 Ih!;p ,'c~rtuhlr 0 ,1 I \! !!>Sp bread lllachine InSlrUCI;ons. Se! for whole·whcat brcad.
2 Ibsp hont) 3 Ib.p llledlum crUSI. Press SIan.
t !5P ",It Ii:; lSI'
3 11",1' whl>l~ hulled m, 11 .. 46 11>,;p
II l'Up mlllel nour \! cup
II cup ... holc·"hf3 1 ROUT 1 cup
I cup brt"d Rour 1\, cups
2 rsl' )'eacsl I Ib.p

Thi S mu lti-grain bread is swcncned wilh maple synlp. bill il is SlillnOf (I

sweet brtlUl. Flavor allo com e_~ frotl! pl'C(UL~, w hich {lrt (l(irlu / a! Ihe
begirming and grotwd up by lire Iwwding (lelian. Bu/gll r wlleal, softened
slig/illy by hoi/i riS W14W; (lisa !Ulds lex/ ure.

1 Ib LOAF ''''GR ED I~~' T S ] \, Ib !'oM'

bulgut wheal b Ib.p

'. cup
~ ,"UP boiling ...... ter 61b.p
1O Clip Imlk ~ cup
2 1bsp bUIU, J I~P
JibsI' m~ple syrup 4~ Ibsp
I lSI' ~h I ~ lSI'
~ cup ' -hopped pee.", 6 tbsp
)'. cup UI bmn 6 IMp
~ cur> whole-whe., nOlir l '~ CUllS

I cup h"'ad flour ] ',i ell I>S

I Y, l'l' )' c ~ st 2 '~ lSI'

~rr" OI}

I'ut bulgur in bread pan. I'our ooiling waler ova II and

sti r. Let cool IS minutes . 1'01 remaining ingredients in
bread pan in order sugge51Cd by rO ll t' bread rn~ch i ne

mSlrucllons. Set for wholt-wheal bread , medllllll cmsc.

Press Slar!.
~ ..... # . -.. -

T his i~ {/
delicious b,-caJ, mmlc mois/ and sligluly sweet by pnmcs, and
fortified wil h bran cnell!. Even P'lIIlc-hme,-s like (his brc<ld, as /ollg <IS they
don't JmolV pnu1f:s an: rile sarel illgredirnt. The wa/llI!!s nre added (If rhe
beginni"g, so rhey fill': grOLHId 1,/> lI1orcfil!t"y thaI! 1151«l1, adding
more fI(/vol" dum ( nlll ( h .

Ib LOM I SG . ~I"{STS I', Ib W~f .. ..., ,,o [)

l" <' up ",a,e. I cup I'UI ingredients in bread pan in order suggested by you r
J Insp powde"d milk 4~ I!>sP hread ma chme instructions. Sel for who le-wheat bread,
\! cup chopped pined )i; cup medium crust. Press Slal!.
I (!:>sp wg(lOblc oil l '~ Ib>p
I IllsI' mol. ,s<:s 1 (, Ibsp
I lSI' .h I 'h 1'1'
~ cup chopped walnuts 6 IMp
II cup bnlO Oakes (ee ..... l) )'; cup
I Clip whole-"heal nour l 'h cups
J Clip bread flour I \! cu ps
1'~ lSI' yeosl l /. "[>
--... * > '--'

Tll is is dOl st. IU;llrty lm:tld, only slig/ttly SIVerl, bur fragnmr with tropiwl

jlCI\,ors. II makes cxcdlf:ll/ lvast, but don 'f limi! YOl4rsdf 10 bUller - spre(u/ if
with (realll chuSt' or peanut bUller. Use a bl'fll! ccn:al such as
All-Brim, nOI bran ftC/ hI'S.

I Ih 1,0.\1- I"Gl[IHt .. 1S l'l lb"lAf

Put ingrcdicnt$ in brud p,m in ord er sugges ted by )'our
... cup '"
mIlk I!. cup bread machl1lc mSlrI' Cllons. Sci for w hole_wheal bread.
I. cup m~5htd ript' billU"" )\ cup medium crU~I , Press Sian.
2 (~P b Ull fr j Ibsp
Ilbsp hon~l' ) Illsp
,; cup n~k~ cocOnut II "~p
II I>p "h /. lSp
y; ,up bran c~rul I> cup
I cup ",'hok·"hul nour I ~ cUp:>
I cup b..,~d nou, 1Ii cups
J'i. ISp j'USl l r. ISP


---=" .. . --

Thi~ is (I dCllse but lIloist breC/d. high in fibe r provided by br(ll1 ct.",,/ (nO{
J1ukrs ) such as AI/-B/'(ll!. II makes good brratl fo r tOllSl 01' s(Uldwidrl'$.

I Ib H"" I'HaU)'ll'< l ~ I ', Ib !D."

.. cup milk I ,. cups PUI ingredients in bread pan in order 5uggcs led by yuur
I ,o.,p '·'gClabl.OII I ~, Io"p bread machi ne inslru Clluns. Sci for whult·wht al brc~d ,
L .hsp .u8'" L 'bop medium CruSI. Press Sla r!
, "p uh I " 1)1'
II cup bran urnl )\ cup
/0 cup "hol•. wl,.~l flour I " cUI'S
1 cup brnd flou. I'" ClIps
Li, lSI' )""aM 2" I)P
• • •

T his bread, pclfec / fo r brt:alifas!, is drtlse wilh a sojltexlure, moist and

fla vorful. Millel ami blt/gur wit/WI (,dd II lillie (nll1 el!.

1 Ib LO.\I , ,,,, .. . EO ' Hi I S 1 ~ lbHMr ' H T HOO

Kcup ".."'~r l'i cup PUI Ingredients in b.-cad pan In order suggl'5ln1 by you r
11 cup bun~""ilk 'I( cup b~ad machine ill5truCliou s. Sel fOT whqle-wheal bread.
I l/:lsp '-'gelable ,,;1 I ~ 'bsp medium crust. Press Sl ar!.
limp h u ",,), J .bsl'
I lbsp gr.,td orange r;"d I I! .bsp
I", ~l, I II tsp
I l/:Isl' bulgur " -IK,,, I \II lbsp
I \bsp "hoI. hulk<! "h.", I I! tb§p
\4 cUI' soy nour 6lbsp
~ cup amoranlh. nom 61bsl'
II cup -h..,,' nour
whol.· .... J cup
111 cups br~d nou. 2 cups
yuSt I 'bsp
2 "'


.. .....
T his heall hy bread has a dense bUI soft falUn:. II is good for toast
or sandwiches.

1 Ib 1.0.\1' 11"(: ' [["[1'< 1 5 1\, Ib lOAf .'1 ~T " O "

)l. cup pl,,;n rogurt )t; cup Put ingrtdi cnts in bread in order sugg("St~d by you r
'" C\lp ""lller 6 tbsp bread machin~ instructions. Xt for whole·wheat brad,
I t~p ,..,,<cubk oil I ii tbsp mnhum crust. Pr~ Start.
2,.." honey ) l~p
I bp ~h 11\ ~p To tOllSt wheat germ , PUt 11 In a small dr)· skillet ovcr
3 tbsp f'O,,-dcrro milk 4\{ lbop mediu m heal. Cook , sh~king occasionally SO se'm
II cup toasled wh""l gNm 6 lbsp docsn'~ scorch, untillighlly browned . let wheal germ
! cup bread nOll' ! Ii Clips cool before adding it to the dough .
I ~, wholc·whtat nOllr Iii (uPS
yeast I t~p
• ••
Th is is (I lig ht, whole -wheal brca,/ fro m California, full of dales aud
sunflower seeds. It makes good /OIlSI and I'egerarian-Iype sandwiches
of avocado or cteam cheese.

llbuw IN G.ED I EN'S I '-l Ib I.OM .. ( I H OD

~( UP SOtlr c!'tam )I; cup Put an ingredients except su nno" :n seeds and dales in
Ii( cup ""lie. 6tbsp brucl pan in order 5uggtsted by ),our bread machine
2 1bsp buut. ) Ibsp inSnuCl ions. Set fOT whoie-whul bread, medium CruSI.
y, lSI'

-" ,.,
J tbsp Press SIan. Add seeds and dales at Ihe beeper or afler
firsl kneading.
21MI' 0;01 br1ln ) tbsp
II cup whole-wheal flout )Ii cup
l \l c,,~ brnd lIou, 211 cups
I 'It IS!) ,.~. 21' lSI'
JibsI' sunllowu ~.d~ <4"" tb5p
\( cu p chopp«! d.'es 6 IMp

TltislJrcalijasl br"ld,jragralllwil h appk WId citl1lWlI on ami enriched wilh

wheal genII "m' bran ureal. makes cxedlfllf lOaSI. As Ihe water cOllum of
apples I'(/ri c~. you IIUlY uced 10 add (/ small wl10lml of W(l/ c r or flail r.
Howcw:r, chuk fhl" dough lale in the kllrading Slagc, as Ihe bran flilkes
will ubsorb some liquid.

11b"lAF '''G ''. D U'''T ~ 1\, Ib I.oA' 1oI n lt o "

' "P pttltd, gralM apple \! cup I'UI ingrcdlwls in b.nd pan in order suggested by your
~ cup ,,-aIC. l' cup bread m~chillc Instructions. Sci for whole·whc~ l bread,
2 tb;;p bUlicr ) 'bsp medium CT\I51. Press Slarl.
2 Ibsp honey J \""'P
3 lbsp powdntd milk 4 \\ IMp To toast wheat germ, put II in a small. tlry sklll<- l. Cook
I lSp gh I \l l~ o\'er medium heal until browned Shake and stir
I 151' c,nnamon III lSI' frequently to keep wheat germ from scorchmg. Lrl It
II cup 1",,11 n.ka kueal) )( cup cool boerort adding to brtld pan
2 lilsp loaSlW ... heal germ ) lilsp
1 cup whole-whnl nou. I ~ cups
):; cup brud nour I /, cups
U tsp yta ~ l H ISp


49 59
49 60
50 60
50 61
52 62
53 62
54 64
55 65
56 66
56 67
58 68
58 68

The varicly oj grallolas available is [remelle/ous. Different types CWI cl1(irely

dWIlge rile c/lliracter of lhe bread. a dler thall adciiliol1s lib~ dried Jru its ami
lIuts, dH~
biggest difference is ill sweetness. This breacl, served unroasled with
bUller, was (/ javorite wil11 lite Jlicnds wlto I riecl mallY oj my experiments.

I Ib WAr 1I'1(;II;t! OIC NTS ]1" Ib LOAf "HTIIO O

Y, cup water ~ cup Put 311 ingredients except dates in bread pan in order
/0 cup milk 6 tbsp suggested by your bread machine ins tructions. Sct for
I tbsp vcge table oil I t. lbsp whole-wheal bread, medium crus t. Press Stan . Add
! lbsp hone), I Y, IMp
dales after first kneading or when machine beeps \0 add
%ISP clnnamo n )l Isp
I "P ~h I f, lSp
y, cu p gr:allola \'. cup This recipe IS based 011 a basic, not -Ioo-sweet granola.
I y. cups bread nom You can adjust the amount of ho ney in the recipe If
I '. cups
II cup whole-wheat flour ~ cup
}'ou're starling with a part icularl y sweet granola,
l 'A tsp yeasl 2 "': ISP
subs titut e olher fruit, or add nUlS, Omit the cinnamon if
'A cup chopped dale" 'Ii CUll
the granola is alrcady spiced,


SlVee! pora/o bread has i(s rOOlS in (he sOlllhem Uniwd Stales, It has a
del icale flavor (Hill pale orange w lor, bill is 1101 a sweef bread, Serve il as (In
accompaniment to soup or salad, or lOp it widl me/led cheese,

1lb l.OM I N GR Il IlI [NTS ! h lb LOAr I>t ETIIOD

1\ cup cooked, mash~d 1 cup Put ingredients in bread pan in order suggested b)' you r
bread mac hine instructions, Set fo r whole-wheat bread ,
61bsp milk 91bsp
medium crust.
2 1bsp b Ull er ) \bsp
21bsp sugar 31bsp You may tlse canned sweet potatoes for th is recipe, but
1Y, tsp
1 15p
~" only if there is no sugar or syrup added . Oth erwise,
2 cups bread flour J cups bake o r boil sweet potatoes and mash them without any
2 "r ),ca51 1 lbsp additions, The amount of milk needed lila)' vary slightl ),
depending on the water content of the sweet p0l31Ot'S,

Tlti s is CllIZecli um-,vcight whole-whecu bread. COllage cheese lightcllS if,

bll/gul' wheal adds (nwel!, and zucchini adds sublleflavOl: II 111(11/(:5
excellent wast and is a/so good Jar sWldwi chrs. The alllOUII' of wa tel' /lce(led
lJIeI)' VOIY, depcndil1g 011 rhe w(l[ r r (olllelll of [he coltage cheese. so dledl ihe
dough during 11I1CC1ding.

I lb 1O.U l"GI.(O l [l'oITS I \.-z Ib LOAJ-

'(, CU fl ({){Iage cheese l' ( UP Put ingredien ts in bread pan in order s uggested by yo ur
." cup water 6 tbsp bread mac hine inst ru ctions. Set for whole wheat-bread,
If, cu p gT:lIcd r~w zucchiru l' cup medium crust. Press Start .
2. Ibsp bUller J IM p
I lbsp sug~r I Y, lbsp
I LSI' salt I y, lSI'
) \bsp bulgur ...... heal 4~ lbsp
Y, cup wholc-w helll flour I cup
I f, cups bread nou r 2. cup5
1'r, ISp yeast 1\': ISp


COfrage direst gi\'es lhis bread a Jrat Ilery /ighl U.X'liIrc, T,y i/ ill a sandwich ,
TIle amoullt of wm e!' Ileeded may vmy sligh/ly, depellding 011 Ihe HCluicJ
COIl/ef1/ of IIle co//(/ge cheese,

I Ib Ltl"F ..... GRl OllNT S l '-l lbUlf\1 ~1f.T " OI)

7i cup oollag~ chrese I cup PUI ingredlcnts in bread pan In ordc r suggcs ted by yo ur
I 'gg 1 egg ... 1 yol k brea d ma chin c instructio ns. Set for whole-wheat bread ,
2 ~, Ibsp water -I Ibsp mcdium c rus!. Press Sta n .
I lbsp bUller I 'Ii Ibsp
I Ibsp honey I~ lbsp
\'l Isp salt )\ ISP
I ~ cups bread flour 2% cups
1\ cup whole.whe!ll flour )\ cup
2lSP dril'd dill I tbsp
I 'Ii l~p )'caSt :li: I5Jl U,", II T Zu("(:hlni Bread



4 •

l •

, \
"'ill.• ". •

T his is ave'), f/lIvorJul brend, widl IIle complementary IC/stcs of Cllft/clar

cheese (I lld greCP! chilies. If IIsillg/reslt dJilies , cllOose A/whei llls, green New
Mexico chilies, or IJoblwlOS. You lIIay add aja/apeno or two serrano chilies
Jor exlHl heal. A /l OIC lit die bofLolII oj Ihis recipe tells Ito\\! /,0 wast yo ur OWII
chilies, bur you e (H1 subsrilille (milled green chilies wilh a sII1(1l1/oss oj
jJavOl: Tllis is (/ hearty bread dUll goc.; weI/willI soups, Slews, mId S(l/ads.

I Ib LOAf I NG R ( DII' NTS I l l lbwAf

2 m;lll!cd nod 3
chopped chilie5

1, CUI' milk 9 100P
'Ii cup grated s hllrp J (U P
\ Chcddl'f cheese
2 I».<p bUlI t r 31bsp
1 \SP sugar L~ ISp

IIsp ! II lsp
2 cu ps bread nUU f l eups
] Ii l!>p r~ a s l 2/. l SI'

Mf.TlI O I)

Put ingredien ts in bread pan 111 order suggcsted by ),OU T

b read ma chine mSlruClion s. Sel fo r whi le bread,
mediu m crusl. Press Sta n .

To roast chilies: set oven to broil. Cut chilies ill half

lengthWise (pohlanos should be cut in three or four
lengthwise pieces). Remove Siems and seeds. taking ca re
• 10 avoid handling the ~ed s
or inner veins. Place skin
side up on foil or broiler pan of 10 6 inches unde r
broiler. Broil umil the skin is bhstered and mostly
I brown or black, but don't leI the flesh burn. Don',
cxpect the skin to cook uniforml r Removc chihes fro m
.' broiler and place in bag o r foil envelope and close. Let
the chilies sleam in the foil or bag for about 10 minules.
Rl'rnove chilies from bag. Peel and discard skin. Chop



Tlt is is (/ moist and savo ry bread, seasoned witl! hasH, Parm esall d,cese, mul
sUII-dried I,Olllaloes. Serve it wilh sweet burter, or use il fo r SQndwici, cS. You
((HI mid lhe L ommoes a/ Ihe begillllillg or after the inilial llllcadillg. If you
add rhe tomatoes at Ihe same lime as dI e ot/ler ingredients, Ihe bread will be
a deep red-orange with ve l)' Jew bilS oj IOma/O.

I II> LOA" ING R E ll tENTS I "- lb LOA~ M ETH O D

II cup wa ter Xt' Up Add all ingredients except !OlllJIOCS in the order
Y, cup milk 61bsp suggested by bread machine instructions. SCI machine
21hsp olive oil 31bsp fur white bread, medium crust. Pres5 SIan .
IIsp sugar 1\l ISp
1 tsp ~h l 'f. lSp If tomatoes are oil-packed. biOi them dry. (Tomato oil
2 "P dried bas'! J ISp may be used instead of all or pan of [be olive oil in the
\'\ cup grated Parmesan ~ nlp recipe.) Chop tomatoes or cut with kitchen scissors.
Add them to the dough after the fi rst kneading. or when
2 cups bread nour 3 cups
Ihe beeper indicates it is time to add fruit.
2 l~p yeast J tbsp
\\ ClIp chupped sun -dried 6 Lbsp

T llis is not Ihe traditional .~wecl, delise, ba lling powder pllmp/lin brccu/. bllt
a liglll (/11(/ slighlly sweet yeast bread Ihal is flavo red wilh pump/Ii '!, pecalls,
(lnd spices. Ear it wm'lll wUIl buller or lIlullC lurhcy salldwiches wilil it.

I lb ltHl I N(; H [ UI[ NT~ II'l lb lOAf ME TII O O

\'i cup llIi I k '(, cup PUt ingredients in bread pan in ()fder suggested by your
~ cup purted pumpkin 11: cups bread machine instructions. Set for white bread, light
2lbsp but ler 31bsp c rus t- Press Start.
J lbsp sUS;lr 4 '6 Ibsp
if, ISP s;.h }; ISp The amounl of milk needed may vary slight ly, dcpcndin~

l isp cinnamon I ;' ISp on the waler contelll of the pumpkin. Be sure you arc
1, ISP ground gmgcr )'. ISp using pure pumpkin . nOt pumpkin pie filling.
~ lSp ground cloves '.<: ISp

Ii cup c hopped petllns ): cup
2 CU llS bread nour 3 cups
2lSP ycaq I lbsp

!ilis is a lig/II w/lOle-wheal bread, lI!ade .~pecial by tile addil iOlI oj lar! dried
dll~ rries and wasted hazelnuls. 11 is not (I SWCCI bread, so it goes Wilh meals.

I Ib LOlli I NG KE I)I[ N- I '~ I ~2 Ib LOAF

\Il cup milk ~ cup

21bsp butter J Ibsp
l tbsp 5ugar 3 tbsp
1, tsp Sill! , "P
1\1, cups bread Oour 2 '~
'Ii cup whole-wheal nOlH X cup
1'I, 15p yeasl l~ tsp
." c up dried cherries 6 tbsp
3 \hsp c hopped toasted 4 Y, lbsp


~t all ingrcdienLs except cherries and hazelnuts in

~d pan in ordt r ;;uggc~u;J uy your brt'au machine
"l!>lructions. Set ror whole-wheal bread, medium crus\.
f>re~ Start. Add cherries and hazelnuts :Irter the first
Uieading, or when the machine Signals 10 add fruit.

'ote: To toast shelled hazelnuts, spread them in a single

~\e r on an ungrcascd baking sheet. Bake them in a
~50 F oven fo r !O minutes, stirring two o r three times.
Wow the n uts to cool, wrap them ill a coarse towel,
and rub them together to remove the papery membrane.

Tllis is o n ' lsscrtiw: Im:cul, flavo red wil/I g reen olivC5, Jew cheese, sWI -d ried
IOIII£II QfS, and thy mi'. Scrw it \\Iil l. PCl51(1, homemade fo tllClIO soul', allI i/JCiSIO,
or salad. / 1 CCl II be /}(Iiled ill lite bread machine', or shat'cci in lo (I rO lilld loaf
(/ "tll){l l~c(l i ll the OVe/l ,

! lblllM I l'I(; R [ 01 1" ;'n 5 I II Ib' METIH} I}

'I, cup W~ l tr I r up Pu t firs! seven ingrcclicm s in bread P ;l ll in o rd er

2lhsp o h,'(: oil 3 1bsp s uggest ed by you r bread tllac h ine instru ctio ns. SCI for
I lbsp '> lIgar l ~; lhsp
w hile bread, med iulll crus t. Pn:ss Start Toss rcmai lling
'It l~p dm'u Ih) IIlC \:: bp
i ngr~dicnt s with nour. then add them to the dough ~I fter
I lS I' !>.Ill I )\ \SI)
fi rs t kncildmg or;l t the becper.
2 cu ps bread nour J lUI"'>

1/: 1~ 1' )'('a ..1 21. I ~ p To bake in the own , SCI the bread lmlehine ro r d o ugh
'I' ~u p cru mbled \I, cup Slagc. When do ugh is read )". rcmove a nd punch down.
fCla lh" l'S('
Sha pt" in to a rou nd IO:lf. I' UI o n a lxi king s heel that has
" ('up chopped
l'(, arst· !) 61b$p
g ree n o!i'"tl been sp rinkled wilh cornm eal . Co\'cr loosely and put in
21bsp chopped ~un·d ri("d ) Jbsp a warm place to n sc Ulil il do ub led In l'OIUIllC. Brus h the
10malOCS s urface with a g la: c or I egg mixed wi, h I ths!> water.
]: Ibsp bread nour ) \hsp and b.1ke in a preheated 350' F o l'cn u n til golden. a bout
25 mi n utes.


Old-j M/Jiol1t'c/ rolled DaiS mid {/ /l iCf (rx/Urr IV this b,.m Jif(/ ~1 brad

I Ib lO"r I:»C RI.D I E JIol S I lj lb w.\~ .\I( Tl I OO

'l, cup milk ~. cup PUl ing redic nts III brc;ld pan in ord er slIggl'Sted by yo ur
'f. cup Ilater 6 t bsp bread machine ins truc tio ns. ScI for w hltc bread.
I tbsp bU ll er I ~ t bsp medium crus\. Press Start .
llbs p hom·) 3 1bsp
I 1 ~ 1' SOIl! I , ISp
I )'; cups h ~~d flou r 27, (uPS
h l'Up rolled OO IS ). cup
~ cup c hopped wal n u l ~ ). cu p
l ~; \SP )"Casl 2,. \~P RIC " I Olive C h ef'Sf' Brf'J d



Tllis {Ipple-flavored bread is Oll/Y slighlly sweet, bill Jrag, '"al1I with spice.
Oarll1w/ CInd ha.:::ellllils give it (I Ilia texture. h is bCSI os (' brealljc,s( bread.

Ib 1.0\1 IN('IF.Dlfr<o' r s I 'l Ib l.O,\~ ~' f. r ItO Il

~, cup old-f;lShionctl l' cup Put oatmeal in bre'.lJ pan. POUT boiling waler over
ro11('d oms
oatm eal. Sl ir llnd leI S ll 15 minutes. Add rcm:Lining
'I. cup boili ng water If, cu p
ingredients. excep. hazelnuts, in order suggested by
y, cup un S\\'C~ lcncd ~ (U P
applesau ce your bread machine instructions. SCI for wh ite bread,
I< cu p w:llcr 9Oml o n oz) medium crust. Press Start. Add hazelnuts after firs t
I lhsp vcgctilble 011 1/, Ihsp kneading or a l beeper.
I tbsp hone)' I V, tbsp
The a pplesa uce s ho uld be thic k. If 11 IS runn y, simmu il
'l tsp c mnamon ). .sp
in :l s mall s.1 ucepan to evapora te excess water. Me:lsure
It. ISp allspice ¥. ISp
Ilhsp po"dcred milk 3 Ibsp the applcs.1uce after cooking, s ince water ma y acco unt
for nearly half the vol u me of some store-bought
'II tsp
~" )I. ISp

I ):; (uPS bread nour 2'6 (UPS applesauce. Also check the doug h after five minutcs of
1\'l tsp yeast Utsp kneading and add water o r no ur if needed . Omit the
g ( IY, oz) ehopp<,d toasted fi() g C!V. oz) ho ne )" if the ap plesauce is pre-sweetened.


Try this bread willI meat/oaf sWlCiwic/lcs, pasta, light soups, alld sa lads.

Ib l.OAI I )IIGRtDIU<lT~ 11·2 Ib LOAf Mf. ·rItOD

! tbsp ollIe Oil 31bsp Heat oil in a skillet. Ad d basi l. Cook fo r I minute over
J ISp dried bsil l 'h tSp lo w heat. Remove fro m heat and let it cool.
7> (UP rlCOIla chC1'~ I (tIP
Drain off any watery liqUid from Ihe ricolla cheese.
3 tbsp
I egg -t- 1 )'oJk
-f 'h Ibsp Put cooled basil oil , dmined ricolla, and all re maining
! ISp sugar I thsp ingredients except walnuts in bread pan in o rde r
I tsp
~" I" ts p s uggl'sted by rour bread machine instructions. X I fo r
! (uPS bread nour 3 cups
white brC<ld, medium cruSI. Press St3rt. Add the w<llrmlS
I 'II tsp )·cast n, tSp
chopped walnuts al the beeper or <lfler the fl rst kneading.
'10 cup 6t~p

ewu/ied pi nu llJple swee/e ll s this bread, w/ti dt is also jlm'ored wilh cocouu t,
Illi/meg, and g ingel: II is delicious {oaSlell (JIu/ sl}l"cad wid l cre(U1] cheese.

I lb LO,\f ii'<(; REO I f.: N T S l l.~ Ib l OAF METHOU

lI. cup waler )( cup PUt all but last three ingredients in bread pan in order
~ cup III ilk 6 \hsp suggested by your bread machine instructions. Add
llbsp bu\{cr ) lbsp aboul half the pi neapple, which will be cut into bi ts by
211lsp hunc)' 3 [bsp
the kneading. Sci for while bread, medi um crus t. Press
V. [Sp ground ginger 'I, IS))
Start. Add re maini ng pinC:lpple, COCOIlUI, and nu ts at
I~ t5p nutmeg If, ISp
beeper or aflt r flrSI kneading.
,/, ISP ~h Yo ISP
'f, cur wholc-whC<l1 nom y. cup
I Ii cups brend flour 2'4 lUps
I y, ISp yeast 11. tsp
\'i tUp dke.d sugared Y, cup
'!: cup grated coconut 6 Lhsp
1. cup chopped 61bsp
m~c"d"m i" mUs

Th iS is alighl , slightly swCCI lllilOlc-wheal bread. 1/ is goodJo,. roasl,

and del icious lVilh apple or pump/till bUller:

1 Ib I.OM" ' ''GItE''I~''r ) 11! lbl<l,It M ET IIDI'

,(, cup wat er l' c up Put all ingred ien ts except ra isins in bread pan in order
'i< ("UP mLlk 6lbsp suggcsted hy your b read machine instructions. Set fo r
Ilbsp bUller 3 lbsp whole-wheat bread . medium crust. Prl'Ss Start. Add
) \bsp brown sugar i ll lbsp raisms ;!fH' f the first kneading, or w hen th e 11111c hinc
'I\: ISP s.~ h Y. ISP
Signals thai it is time 10 add fruit.
2 "P clIlnamon 1 Ib:.p
l 'i ('ups bread flOUT 2'1> cups If you want whole raIs ins, add them afte r the fi rst
/) cu p wholc·whcal nour /. cup kneadin g. Add them at the beginnin g i f you want a
ll~p yeast I tbsp darker color and a n overall sweeter, rais in)' tasl C. If rOUT
'n rup rn isills \\ cup raisins arc so dry that yo u plump them up in hOi ...."<ltl':r,
blot ever)' bll o f wat er o rr them before adding them , Wet
ra isins will aher the fl ourfliquid balance.


Thf flavor oj gillger (HId Cll'r'/cs is j llsl righl ill Ih is brc(I(l, tasty bill 1101
ovenyhdmillg. G ra/wl)] flow· gives if good fexlllrc.

I Ib WAf 11'o (; REO I [NT S l ilib 10 M ~ 1 [nIOD

'h cup waIn II cup Put ing redients in bread pan in o rd er suggested by yo ur
.,., cup unsweetened 'I: cup bread mac h me instruct io ns. Set fo r whole-wheat bread ,
medIum crust. Press Sta rt.
l lhsp powdered milk J thsp
] lhsp bUllel I ~ tb~p Th e amou l1l of water needed will depend o n the W:ller
2 tbsp molasses ) tbsp content o f th e: applesauce. If the applesauce is runn y,
] ISp ground ginger I 'll ISp s immer it 0 11 the sto\'etop to c"OI porate excess wa ter.
'6 ls p ~1, l' IS!,
Check the dough during kneadi ng 10 sec if the amo unl
I cup bread flour 11> cups
o f fl OUT o r wate r needs to be adj us ted.
I cup graham nl/ur ] 'h cups
]\\ tSp ),casl n.lsp

\Vitll ilS lropicalJ1avm; this bread goes well widl (Ifruiled dlic/tCI1
sa/ac/ s(/I1(/wich.

Ib LO.U I l"G R " DI ~r< T S 1'.! Jb LOAr

'Ii cup old-fashioned '/, cup
rolled oalS
'4 cup ooiHng waltr b lbsp
y, cup pureed nwngo II cup
:t. cup milk 61bsp
I lbsp bUller I ~ lrop
2 lSp sugar I lbsp
'/, ISP ~h X 151)

Ii lSp ground ginger '/, tsp

'A L~p nutmeg IS ISp
I Yo l:UpS bread nom 211 c ups
2 lSp yeast I lbsp
'(. c up chopped 6lbsp
m3~adamla nUIS


PUI the oats in bread machille pan and pour the hoiling
waler over them. Stir so all the oalS are weL Let sit at
least 15 minutes. Ad d aHthe remaining ingred ients
except the nuts, SCI ror -,II il ile bread, medium crus!.
Press SIan. Check the dough after about 10 minu tes.
Depending o n the water content of the mango, the
dough ma)' need a lillie morc milk or nour. Ad d the
nuts ahe r the first kneading or when Ihe machine
signals 10 add fruit or nuts.

I milm i.\' is a Il i/chell -s illil SO rl of cO l1 coct iO I1 lII a cie Ill' of ll lly Il i llel of dried
f ruit, seeds, 0 ,- /lu ls, from Ihe Of!linliry 10 Ihe amic, and may be SlVeclI':lIed
wilh bils oj WCDII II/ , 01' ol her goodies. LillCh'ise, Trai l Mix Breiul is a
Iii /ellen-s inh sort oj bread.

1 101 lHI I S(a UlI t'lTS I h lb lOAr ME TII O "

't, (UP \1.ller (.cup Put all ingrediellts except troll l mix in bread pan in
" cup milk 6 tbsp o rde r suggested by yo ur b read mac hin e instrtl(lions. Set
21bsp vegetable oil J lbsp for whole-wheal bread, mccliu m cr U SL Press Start . Add
:1. \bsp hOOfy ) Ibsp trail mi x al Ihe beeper o r afTe r flrs l kn eading.

bread nour
2 cups If the o nly Im il mix you can fi nd is a mix of raisi ns and
¥. (UP wholt.whc31 nour I cup s unflower seeds, d octor il IV uh dales, d ried llp rico lS,
I ~ ISp }'(3)1 2/. ISP d ried cheTne!., pecans, o r cas hews. Coa rse ly chop who le
'I: cup trod mix )0 ( U P nuts such as al mo nds. Avoid using chowlmc in lhe t mil
mix as il tends [0 b urn in a b read mach me.


. - -...... * --

D ried '.prieols (IIul molasses give llris /)r('ml a 'dill oj swerlllf!"SS, wllile IIIf'
gmltomJlow· gives il {I slighily dlcwy lexlufe. /I S (/ delicious brcalif(/SI bread
dUll ,tlso goes we/I wilh chiellCIl or cream cllcesc sWldlVi cJlCS.

I Ib ltl"r IN C Il( D I I· N T S ]I l lb I(U~ ~ ' E T" O()

Y. l·Up waler I cu p I'UI ingred ients III bread pan III orde r suggested b), )"o ur
I d,.,p ,tgcwblc 011 I 'f. Ib)p bread l11ach ine ins tructions. SCI for wh u ll'-whC3 t bread .
210sp mob~s 310sp mcdl Ulll crusl Press 51.I Tl .
." ~u p eoar.,eI)' chopped 'f. cup
dned apncols
21nsp powdered .ml!.: 3 tbsp
,/, l"p s,lh ); IS!,
I c up bread flou r 1'h cups
I cup gr:lham flour l ~, cups

I,{; l~p )'t'a51 2"10 lSp

it/ GilT Trail MI x. Bread



Th iS is bllscd 011 a brca(/lIIac/c ill 'he French colllll lY51(/r amid pear orc/umls.
II /1(15 a dclicmc. swCC't flavor of pcars. 11 is (I lIice lea or "rcallfasl bread,
or call be used ill mildly flavored sandwiches such as creall1
direst W Id cucumber.

1 Ib LOAF ' ,"C R E DI ENTS I I.: Ib to.l f

1, (UP pca r purt'c }. cup

abo ut J lhs p p('"~r liquid or wal e r 4-5lbsp
IISp hon ey I Lb~p
2 rbsp bUlle r 3lhsp
h tsp ~I , )<. lSP

1· ' ~p ground gmger IO bp

'I. lSI' nUl meg ~• •sp

1 cups bread nOllT 3 ( UPS
I Y, 15p Fast 2'1. lS I)


Make the pear puree hy peeling and cori ng 3 pears fo r

rhe smaller recipe, 4 or 5 pears fo r lhe larger o ne. CUI
each pear in several pieces and pUI in a small saucepan
with,l or 2 Ibsp wate r. SIan cooking over ve ry low heal.
The pears will qmck!)' start releasi ng I heLT own juices.
and no more v,-:\lcr wLIl he needed, Increasc to medium
heal. Cook thc [>Cars until they a rc vcry soft , abom 10
minutes. Thcn drain off :ls much liquid as you can,
saving the liquid, Put the pears in:l blender o r food
processor :md puree

tI,'leasure o ut the required amount of puree. Put it and

all olher ingred Ien ts except pe:.r liqUId In brend pan in
o rder suggeslf:d by yo ur bread machine instruct ions.
The amount of liquid needed fo r the bn:.uJ will depend
o n Ihe liqllld in the pu ree, so yo u'll need to watch the
dough fo r the first few minutes. adding pear liqu id (or
plain wa ter) un\1111 reaches the proper cons istency-
nei ther s tiff no r too soft. Set fo r white bread, ntediulll
crust. Press Sta rt. O nce you ha ve added the liq uid, the
bread docs nOI need an y furlh er :Htent ion ulilli it is
----- « II! * ...

nils bread is jlavored witl! crallben-ies and orange I'eel, bill dOll 'f save it
mlly Jor IIle IlOlidc,ys. II is slighdy SWffl, bue is 1I0f swcel f llOUg l1 10 be a
desse rt bread. Use if JOl"IOa5t or sandwkhes oj furhey 0 1" pork.

I Ib IOA~ ' NGlIll)'~Nn I ~l lb LOAr ", r.T II OO

IS cup water %cup Put ingredients ill bread pan in ord er 5UGGC5lcd by your
2 tbsp bu tler 3 tbsp bread machine instructions. Set fo r White bread,
) lbsp sugar 4~ tbsp
medium crust. Press Start .
IS ISP sah Yo ISp
21sp gr,ucd or~ngc peel I lbsp You may usc fresh or fro zcn t: rlm bcrrks, but all ow
IS t.)1' nutmeg )'; tSI' frozen cran berries to tha w before addi ng them to the
'II cu r cr~nberries I cup dough . If yo u add whole cranberries at the same Lime as
'4 cup whole-wheat nour l' cup lh .. mh ..r in grj>{lipm ~ , Ihe kn c;,ding ~c [ io n or the bTt~aJ
I Y. cups br~ad nour 211 cups
machine will chop them [0 the ri ght size. Altho ugh the
2 "P yeasl I tbsp
dough may initially seem dry. il will gain some liquid
from fh e cra nberries.

Thi s is a light wlwle-wlu:af bultenllill~ bread wil li dri ed fruit (111(/ a pind. oj
cimwmOIl Jar flavor: Use any combillarion oj dried j l1lil , illc/utiing tK.aches,
apricots, chenies, raisillS, lIml Jigs.

! lb l OAr I NG RI: OIt.NTS I ~l Ib LOAr )lETtI O Ll

\I Clip buttermilk ~ cup Put all ingredients except fruit in bread pan in o rd er
I 'gg suggested by yo ur brcOld 1Il:lchinc IIls truc tions. Set for
21bsp bUller 3 lbsp
whole-w heat bread, med ium cr ust. !'ress Star\. Add fruit
2 tllsp SUgM ) lbsp
a fter th e fi rst kn eading or w hen th e m achine beeps that
V. ISp salt l( ISP
iI's time 10 add frull .
'Ii ISp baklflg soda V, tsp
'Ii 1Sf> cinnamon )'; ISP
I \I cups bread nour 2:'<: cups
. \I cup whole-wheat nour }< c up
I y, ISp yeas! 2~ ISp
II cup cOlirscly chopp«! \I cup
dried fruit

Made lVi/h sClIlolinaflollr, Illis is a vel) ligllf brwd. The sage, wasted
ses(IIne seeds, (IIu/ roasted s weel red bell peppers m(lllC 11 ve,y flavorful .

IlbI OA! IN (, IEO'LNT ~ I "l Ib WAf

\Ii cup milk Yo cup
~ cup chopped, fooSied 'I,i cup
sweet red pePfH:1S
2 lOOp oli\"e oil 3 \bsp
I lb-ip sugar 1'1, 1001'
31bsp loaSIW sesame S«'ds 4'1, \bsp
~" 1'/, ISP
,/, lSI' dried saSe , "P
1'I, cups bread fl our 2 cups
11 cup stmohna flour I cu p
I ,/, lSI' }"casl 2~ ISP

-. ffliOD

Put Ingredients in bread pan in order s uggested by your

" read machine instructions. Set for white bread,
medi um crust. Press Start

To t03S1 se~ me seeds: put seeds in a smail , dry skillel

""'cr medium heat. Slir or s hake the pan freque ntly 10
'>top seeds from scorching. LeI seeds cool before usmg.

To roast sweet red bell l>eppcrs: CUI each pepper into)

r 4 nearly f1 al pieces. Place on broiler pan or doubled
..htci of aluminum foil . Cook under Ihe broiler un til
,j:m turns black and blisters. The picces won', cook
nocnl}'; remove each piecc when il is d onc. As you
~move each piece, put it in a bag or foil envelope 10

;.team for \0 minutes, Ihe n peel off skin.

If you add Ihe J>cppcrs at the begin ning of thc kneading,

III co mbinatio n with yellow se mo lina flo ur they will
um the bread orangc. They will al50 release more
moLsture into the bread . If yo u add the peppers laic in
be kncading, yo u may necd 10 add anothe r tablespoon
III milk. Yo u Illay use bottlcd roaSled red peppers Of

fQ;lS t your own.


The addilions 10 Illis yogun bread - almonds and figs - come from
Calilomia s Central Vallt:y. II is 110/ a sweel bread. allllOuglJ Ihe figs give
i/ (/ hi'" of sweetness.


'6 cup plain ),ogu n lr: cup Put all ingredients except fi gs and almonds in bread pan
;,: cup walt r 6!bsp in order suggested by )'our bread machine instructions.
I [bs p ,·tge table oil I '/, tbsp Set for while bread, medium cros t. Press 51art. Add figs
1 tbsp hone)' J tbsp a nd almonds after The fi rst kneading, or when the
V, ISP ~ I, , "P machine Signals ,hal it is lime {Q add fruil.
3 tbsp oa l br.m 4'/, tbsp
2 cups bread nour 3 cups
I Y, tsp )'(;15 1 2'.' tsp
'A C\lp coarstly '.6 cup
chopped fi gs
) Ibsp slivered blanc htd 4'/, Ibsp


..:.- . -
rhis is a light, ba rely sweet bread. wilh oalllu:al adding texture. It is a good bread
for breakfas f or a snack, cma 110 1 a f all lila; druse gum my, overly sweet IIlU.lllllS.

I lb LOAF II'GlEf) I E N T li l it.! lb lOAf .... ET H O Il

'gg Put all ingrediellls except almonds in bread p.1n in order

II. cup milk " cup suggested by your bread machine instructions. Set for
2 tbsp butter 3 tbsp white bread, medium crust. Press Sta rt. Add almonds at
21bsp suga r 3 1bsp lhe beeper or afte r the first kneading.
j "P almond extract I Y. ISp
21bsp poppy seeds 3 1bsp
y, ISp ~h

'h cu p . old-fashioned rolled

~c up
I %cups brnd nour 21( c ups
J y, ISp yeast 2'" ISp
)I cu p slive red almo nds 6 1bsp


70 78


75 ENGLIS H M Uff i NS
,. ... • •
• • •
• •
• ~

-. • .,

• •

• • ,


Sfiglllly SWCI.'I , flavored witl, ll.'moll , alld full oj pOlWY seeds, flli s braided
bread malles {III impressive appearallce at bnmc11 or lea .

Ib ( l l .\1 I NG R E O IHH S l'llhl l1M- M fT II O IJ

egg I egg .. 1 )'olk PUI all dough ingredients in bread mac h ine pan . SCI for
't. ( UP lemon rogU rl /. cu p wh ile Of sweet bread, dough s tage. Press S,art.
31bsp bUlle r ·t'!, IOsp
When dough is read)', remove from pan and punch
J Ibli p sugar of 'l. l!:lsp
J lbsp popr)' !.Cells i l'. \bsp down. CUI IIlto three equal picces. Lei 1\ resl 5 mi nutes.
2 ' ~p gr.lled lemon poecl I IDsp Butter a baking sheet. Roll each piece of dough inro a
1 151) 5."111 1/, 15p rope, abo ut 14 inches fo r smaller loaf. 1810 20 inc hes
2 cups bread Oour 3l Ups for largl.'f loaf. Braid three ropes together and lUc k ends
l 'h ISp )"ca>t 2/. lSP under, (o\'er dough and put in a warm place 10 rise
umil doubled, 45 minutes to I hour.
r. L AZt
Brusll dough wilh tgg-water wash_ Bake bread in a
I egg "1111(' beaten Wllh 2 ISp wall::r
preheated 350' F o\'cn until golden. 25 to 30 minutes.

Tlli s is
mudJ si mplified vcrS/Oil oj rlrl: jlahy /(Iyerca CroiSSClI1I 111m requi res

so mlldl lime (ill d fJmi cllce 10 mahe. It is very bUllery, bUll/I(; IWlla is
Iwmdcd ill fo tllf dough lVitll Ihe milt:,. illgraliclIls ills/e{ul oj beillg/olded ill
eiflerwelrds. II ~ Wt)' imporuIIII lIuII IIl f butler is (I f room Iftll!l)emf llre - 1101
mcl/ed - IVlwl if is used.

M'\;: L~ 10 I l'IG R [ I)I r.N T S M /\ ~ P, 2-1 M f.1' II 0 [)

'/; l"UP Will er X cup PUI all ingredients except glaze in brc~d pan in order
11b!.p !lowderI'd nulk ) tbsp s uggested b)' )'our bread machine instructions. Sel for
Y.i cup butler ;. c up white bread, dough sUlge. Press SlarL
I lh5p 5 U li:.JT I ~, tb-ip
I "P !>alt 1/) I ~p Lighily bUller IWO b.'lking s hecis .
1 cup-; bread nOUT 3 cups When dough is read)'. remove from bread machine and
2 lSp )"(,"51 I Ihsp
punch down. Cut the smaller recipe in two pieces. the
larger recipe into three pieces. let dough rest 5 minu tes.
(; 1 "1.,.
Roll each piece of dough into a circle about 10 inches III

I ''''' diameter and ." inch thick. To get the dough this thin,
pl!1l'i'l of SOIl!
you may need to let it relax a little during the rolling.

CUI each CIrcle into eight equal \\edges. Take eal'h

\\edge and roll it one morc lime wit h thc rolling pin to
na u en it_ Stanlllg at the wide end of the wedge. roll up
the dough toward the pOint , stretching the dough
s lightly as you go. Place, with tip under the roll , on
baking sheet. Pull ends toward front so the roll fo rms a

Make glaze by beati ng egg and salt together wilh a fork.

Brush croissants with glaze. Cover loosely and sel III a
warm place to rise un til doubled, about 1 hour. Brush
again wilh glaze. I3;lkc in a pre heated 375 F o\"ell until
golden brown. 20 10 25 minmcs.
'" ...... ---
This savO/y pull-apart brwd is (I Wlria/iOll on /J1/~ fr(Uliti otlal sweet mOil/ley
breCld. Sm'llI balls oj g,.rljc-j1avored dough are c1ippecl ill md/ed buffer
seclsolled with garlic Clnd herbs, ami layered in a Imhillg pall. Unlille sweet
mOliltey bread, wJlich /asres good hOI or cold, g,.rlic-herb mOlllICY breaclloses
its dwrm whel1 cold, so lime the ""Ilting oj Ihe breacl fa mahe sure il comes
0111 oj flle oven 5 mil1utes beJore mea l li me.

I Ib L<Mf 1~C.I[ DI ENTS I V:! lb t(MF Remove the dough from the bread machine and punch
I' cup rmlk 1'1\ cups down. Roll dough into a thick log and cut out into 20
21bsp \'cgClabk oil 3 tbsp 10 24 pieces for the small loaf, 30 to 36 pieces fo r the
lisp sUFfl r 1'1\ ISP large loaf. Roll pieces of do ugh im o balls (Ihey do nOI
lisp ~h I II ISp need to be perfect ly rou nd). Dip each ball in hut ter-herh
1 clo\'c garhe. prc~'it"d 1 or 2 small
mixture and laye r in baking pan. The pieces in the first
111 cups Dread flOUT 2 1{ c ups
layer should be close but not touching to give them
'1\ cup wholc· whcal nour X cup
room to rise. On each succeeding layer, place ba lls 50
1',1 ISp )'CaSl 21'. ISp
'+ Ibsp bUller 61bsp thcy overlap empty spaces on the laye r beneath. Drizzle
2 ciOl'tS ga rhc. pressed ) any remaining butter over the dough in the pan.
II tsp dried sage II ISP Cover dough loosely and put it i!l a warm place 10 rise.
't ISp drlcd rosemary. ~ lSI'
When bread has doubled in vol ume, abou t 30 to 'f0
'1\ lSI' dricd basil Yo ISP mi nutes, put it in preheated 350'F oven. Bake umil
bread is lightly browned and a skewer inserted comes
out clean. about 25 10 30 minutes. hl\'en bread on
MFlItO., serving plate, remove baking pan , and serve.
Put first eight ingredie nts in bread pan in order
If )'ou need more lillle to coincide the baking with
suggested by your bread machine instructions. Set for
serving a meal , you can slow down the risi ng by pUlling
whole-wheat bread, dough stage . Press SIan.
!hr asse mbled bread in Ihe refrigemlOr, Ihen leHing il
A few minutes before dough is ready, melt butler in relurn to room te mperature before baking. Monkey
s mall s killci. Add garlic and herbs. $aUle for bread IS naditionally baked in a tube pan , 10 inches
2 minutes. If the garlic or herbs brown too quic kly, across for the larger loaf, a 7- or 8-inch pan for the
rcmove the pan from the heat and let [he mixture smaller loaf. However, it looks impressive and tastes JUSt
continue cooking in its own heat. The garlic will as good when baked in round casserole dishes, about I
give the bread a bitter flavor if it burns. lightly oil inch smaller in diameter than the tube pall.
baking dish.

T lrese tllill breads/jells will hecp Jor several dllYs if IIley WI' storfel ill
an air/ ig/If COll/llina

MAlo..bH ING ~t.D I .: ""l S ~"'!( I:.~ 36

Y< c up WJll'"T I cup

.• \.\ c up vegelable oil 61bsp
, •

...... .. 2lS p
1 LSp
I \bsp

•• • ~.''''''
2 cups bread n"ur J cups
• 21SP yC~~1 I tbsll
about 2 tbsp I'cgcwbl<: nil about 3 lb~p

c~ white 1
:I. lbsp W~lcr 2 tbsp

sesame or pvppy seeds ur l"Oa rSC S~ll , opllOnal


Put all but last Ihree ingredients in bread pan in order

suggested hy your bread machine instructions. ScI for
while bread, dough stage. Press Slart.

Grease 2 or ) hllkillg sheets.

When dough is ready. remove rrom bread pan and

punch down . Cut smaller balch into 24 pieces, larger
balch into 36 pieces. Roll each piece bclwccn yo ur
palms 10 form a very s kinny rope. about 8 inches lo ng.
Place bread sticks I inch apan on baking s heets. Brush
lightl), wilh oil. Cover loose1), and set in a wann place
10 rise 20 10 25 minutes.

Preheat oven lO 350"F. Make wash of egg white and 2

tbsp wa ter. I3msh egg wash lightl)' on bread sticks.
Sprinkle with seeds or salt, if desired. Bake until golden
brown. about 25 minutes.
T hese soft bread slicks clo 1101 keep well, b ill they
are deliciol/s still wCl rmJrom /lIe oven. SllrillJde
Ba/l inE your OW /I ham/JII~er bi/IIS or hot £log rolls
(hem wi lh sesame or po"PY seeds or coarse sa/I.
is as easy as lila/li nE si mple (lillller ,vl/s.

),1111(1'\ 20 I S(; R(I) II. NTS '--1,\1( 1:\ 30

t.\AI(I:S 6 I NG . r P I (NTS MII,,!., 9
10 tbsp W;l1cr I cup

2 IMp
egg. ~paroled
vegetable oLi
3lbsp 'f. cup '"
milk .cup
21sp sU8~r I lbsp 3lbsp bulter 4'/, ll~p

1 .p ~h 1Y, ISP 2lbsp sugar 3 I b~p

2 cups bread nour 3 ( uPS 'I. lSI' ~h ~. ISp

I Y, LSp yeaSI l 't ISp 2 cups bread flour ] cups

21bsp waler 2 lbsp 2 l~p yeast I lhsp
2 tbsp milk 3 tbsp
soamc: or poopp>, seeds or coarse sa!! , optional
scs:lrnc seeds, opllonal

"E TItOl)
Separate lhe egg and pUl the yolk in the bread pan. Save
Put all ingredients except 2 or 3 Ibsp milk 3nd sesame
Ihe while for g~aze. PUt remaining ingred ients ex(epi
seeds in bread pan in order suggested by you r bread
last 2 tbsp wat er and seeds in bread pan in order
machine instructions. Sct for whi le bread, dough slage.
suggested by your bread machine instructi ons. Set for
Press Start .
whi te bread , dough stage. Press Start .
\Vhen dough is read)', retnove fwm bre;iCl machi ne ,md
Grease 2 or J hlking s heets. Make a wash of the egg
punch down. CUI smaller recipe into 6 equal pieces, the
white and 2 Ibsp water. Preheat oven to 350' F.
larp;er recipe into 9 pierI''' Ltl dough rest 5 minUlC5
\\'hell dough i:. ready, remove from bread machine and while yo u buiter one or two baking sheets. For
punch down . CUI the dough into 20 pieces for the hamburger buns. roll each piece into a bal! and nallen it
smaller recipe, 30 pieces for the larger recipe. Roll each to form a pall}' abou t 3 inches wide and 'A inch thic k.
piece between your pa lms to forlll a rope about 6 inches For hOI dog buns. ro ll each piece 11110 a 6-inch rope and
long. Place breadsticks on baking sheet abou l I 'I.i inches fialle n 10 Y.i inch thickness. Place rolls on b.1king s heet.
apart. Brush with egg wash . Sprinkle with seeds or sal\, Cover loosely and SCI in a warlll place to rise for 20
If desi red. minutes. Preheat oven to 400·F.
Bake bre3dslicks un\ll golden. 20 to 2S mi nutes. Lightly brush to pS or rolls with milk and sprinkle wilh
sesame seeds. if desired. Bake to 12 to 15 minut es, until
a s kewer in ~f'Tr«i in roll comes out clean.
~.: ..... . . .

TlICSC 'ye dinner rolls add c/cgall/ /OI/cit LO ""Y

all Semolina is a liard winter w/teal 0/· dl/rum flollr
mced, casllal or formal . Th ey're so good 1IU1I/hey IIscd 10 malIc pasta, bill il also mahes (/ good I1rea(/
don't need hI/lin: wlt ctt mixcd Ivitl! oc/lcr flours. By ilself, il lIIakl'"s {I
YCty lleayy, dC/1St: brcad. Howcyo; litis /(1(1. gre(l[
M.o\KES 16 IN G lF. PI F.NT§
witl! paSl a, is light ami fla"OIflil .
IoVKF-S 2-1

\I cup fla t hcc r I cup

2lhsp vegetable oil 3 1hsp I lb lOA!- IN(;IILDll'NTS I '-l Ib LOM
I Ibsp hon!:")' l 'h lbsp ):, cup watc r 1'-' c ups
I "P ~h l 'h I5p sugar 11. tSp
I "P
I l~p ca raway seeds I ~ tsp I ts p salt 1Y, ISp
1'h cups bread flour 2'1:: cups • 'Ii cups bread nour 21' c ups
}:: cup rp:~ flour 1'" cups Yo cup semolioa nour I cu p
2 ISP y~ asl I Ibsp I 'Ii lSI' ycast 2'1; tsp
2 tbsp melled bUller J Ibsp

'1E1 H OO 1 egg yolk bea ten wilh 1 l~r watCT

2-3 Ibsp S6ame seeds
Put all ingredicms except mehed bUHer in bread pan in
order suggested by yo ur bread machine instructio ns. ScI
for whole-wheat bread, dough s tage. Press Sla r! . .I-I ET II OD

Put all do ugh ingredients in bread machine pan . Sct for

When dough is ready, remove it from the bread machine
while bread, dough s tage. Press Start.
and punch it down . CUt the smaller recipe into two
equal pans, the larger recipe into three parts. LeI the When dough is rtady, remove from pan and punch
dough resl for five minutes. Oil\wo or three Inking down. Shape it into a fat baguette. Sct it on a baking
sheets. s heet that has been s prinkled with cornmeal. Cover
dough and put in a warm place 10 rise until doubled.
On a lightly noured surface, roll out the I1rSI section of
about 45 minutes.
do ugh into a cirde 8 to 9 inches in diameter. Cut the
circle into eight wedges. Starling from the (Jutsidc of the Brus h loaf with egg glaze and s prinkle with sesame
circle and working toward the poin t, loosely roll up seeds. Bake hread in preheated J7S"F oven until goldcll
each wedge. Stretch each roll slightly and pull it into a and bread sounds hollow when rapped on the bottom,
curve. Set it on the baking s heet with the point abou t )0 minutes.
unde rneath. Rept:.1 1 with all the wedges, then with the
rtmai ning dough .

let the dough rise untH doubled , aOOUl I hour. Bros h

rolls wi th melted butter. Bake in a preheated 400' F oven
until rolls are lightly browned, 12 to IS minutes.

LEfT Rye Cresceot Rolls


A deli cious /ayn of 1'("5/0 is sprcad (III (/ li~11I whok-whclI! dough , rolled lip
(lmJ ba ll cr/ into (/ /(/SI), lo(if IIwl gOl'S wdlwitlt soups, 5(Ii(u/5, paSlm, (ll1d
grilled /11('(1/ (Iud fish. rOll ((/I I US(' stoH,·hoHg/ll pCSfO or IIwhe YOllr OWI1,
jollowillg the fcci p{' below. li S impo rtant (11(11 y 011 tlmi/! off cxas .~ oil frClIl
Ihe pes/o. bra il ((Ill be (ultln l w rhe /Jf("(lc/ illstCCl<i oj plain oil.

Ib HlAr I~GRE [) ' [l\IT S I h lb lOA F

• Zt cup wain ::, cup

~ cup nllik 6 IllsI'
I ,n.;p \'Cg<'wbtc otl I'/' Insp
I lrn;p ~ugar 1If, tbsp
I lSI' s,ah ]'4 lSI'
11-' <:lIpS bn:"d nour 2'1. Clips
'I: Clip "heir-wheal nour Yo cup
21Sp )'I... asl I tbsp
'(. mp pestO 6 \bsp


PUI all ingredknls except pcs(O in bread pan in order

suggesled by you r bread machine instructions. Sel for
whole-wheal bread. dough slagI'. Press Start.

BUltl'r a 9 'h-ineh loaf pan ( large enough for either

recipe ).

Removc dough from bread machine and punch down .

Let tl rest 5 minutes. Roll it out on a lightly noured
surface to form a rectangle about R inches widc :md 14
to 18 inches long. Spread Pl"sto evcnl y over surface.
Rulllhe dough into a fat R-inch cylinder. Tucking the
PES T 0 edge under, put it in the loaf pan . Loosely covcr and put
1:«; Rr[) l n"T~ .\I[TflOI)
in a warm place 10 rise for I hou r.
I cup fresh Put all ingredients exce pt
Bake the loaf in a preheated 350 F oven until top is
olive oil in blender. Blend.
1 tbsp w"lnU1 pH'l'r;.
golden and a shwcr inserted In the bread comes OU1
adding a little oil at ;1 lime.
1 dOH' garli c. peeled dean. 30 In 35 minutes- Rcmovl' the b rl·ad frum the pan
Keep the pesw rough and
,,!;UP 1'3rm{"~:m
fairly dry $0 1ha1 oil doesn't ;lnd put it Ull a wi re rack to cool fur at least 15 minutes.
c hee~
soak into Ihe dough .
pinch ~"II
,1],,,"1 2 tllsp olin "II

T/1CS(' /iglll wlwlc-wlrull mils (lrc cxullnll wllh ciillUf[ If clesin:d, ac/cl Y.; /sI'
dried OIegww or (fil/ , 0 1' 21511 flull snipped ( h1\('s.

\1.1.... " 12-1 6 I l'ic, It I nl l:'lll\ \I\ ~I ' IH·H

'f, C li p !l1.~hcd Iltll.!1OCS /. lUp

I t'g);
~. n ip 11111k { ClIJl
I Ihsp I'rgClahlc VI I i l, ll.... p
I tb;.p I , lb~p
I I~r s.lh 1't. I'p
I ~, cups hrc:ld ilour 2 cup,
i" lUP "huk-" he.!l nuur 1 nip
1 bp \(','" I Ibsp
aboul llDsp rnl' htd hU ll er ahou! of cbsp

"1 111 0 0

Put all ingrcdkn15 exec!,! lllrlted butter in bTl'ad pan In

ordt'r suggested by rour hread machine in!>tnlctlOns. Sri

fo r wholc·\\hc3t b read . dou gh stage. Press Star! .

l lglllly 011 1210 16 muffin cups for the s malkr r('elfX'" .

18 10 24 muffin cups for the larger n:eire.

\\'he ll dough is read )'. Tt' 1110\'C frum bread machine and
pu nch down. CUI smalle r recI pe into 12: 10 16 equal
pl(.'ces. the larger recipe into 18 to H plcces. Cut each
piece Into thirds. Roll each piece into a tin> NIIl and dip
In [he mc hcd hUll cr. P[;K'C th ree tiny balls in ('aeh
murrin ( U I). Co\'er loosely anJ set in ;t warm plan· In

me until doubled, 45 minutes to I hour.

Pre he.1t I)\,en to 375 F Lip,htlr brush tops of roll:. "n h

rl' mamin~ melted hulter. B;lke 15 [(l 20 IIlIllUll'S. until
h) P S arc golden brown



SoIl (Iud sl ightly sweet t1Uml'cmidu:i raisin rolls Th is recipe produces wonderftll mlgueues when
arc delicious wid, !linne,: still warm, but they become sw le Wit/lill a day.

1>I 0\ ":ES 8 - 12 I N(a~O '[ NTS MIIKES 12- 16 I Ib LOAr I I"G . 'W I ENT§ ) \1 Ib !.OAf

'&S 'I: cup waler I cup

milk ;L c up
y, cup , "P
~" l 'll lsp
J lbsp \'cgelablc 011 of Y, lbsp 2 cups brud nour 3 c ups
2 lOOp molas~ 3 1bsp 2 tSp yeaSt I tbsp
~l l~p !>lilt X ISP
21001) unsweetened coco~ ) lbsp
powder ~, ETiI 0 1)

1 lSI' caraway seeds I ~l lSp Put ingredienlS in hread pan in order suggested by you r
X cup bread flour I 'A cups
bread machine instructions. Se[ for French bread,
):; cup whole-wheat flour l '~ cups
mediu m crust.
Yo cup I)'C flou r \ '(, cups
, "P yeaSt 1 Ibsp To make baguettes. remove dough from bread mach ine
J Ibsp rai sins 4'1i tbsp after first kneading and pu nch down. Cut into two
t tbsp mehed buner 1'f, \bsp equal pieces. On a lightly flou red surface, roll each
piece into a thick rope, about 8 inchcs long for the
METH O D I-pou nd loaf, and 10 inches for the larger loaf. Place on

PUI all ingredients excepi raisins in bread pan in order a baking sheet that has been s prinkled with cornmeal.

suggcsted by your bread machine inSlmClions. Set fo r With a sharp knife , cut several diagonal slashes in the

whole-wheal bread, dough stage. Press Start . Add the top of each loar. Put dough in a warm place, cover

raisins after the first kneading or when Lhe machine loosely, and let rise. ulllil doubled in volume, 45 mi nut cs
to I hour. Make a was h of I tbsp egg white plus 1 tbsp
signals ils lime 10 add fruit.
water. lightly brush wash over surface of loaves. Bake
lightly oil an 8- or 9-i nch square pan for Ihe smaller bagueltes in preheated 4QO"F oven for abo ut 25
recipe. a 9 x 13-inch pan fo r the larger recipe. mi nutes, until crust is goldcn brown and bread makes a
When dough is ready, remove from hread mac hine ,HId hollow sou nd when thumped on the bottom and the
pu nch down . CUI smalle r recipe inlO 8 10 12 equal to p.
pieces. [he larger recipe into 12 [0 16 pieces. Roll each For crustier bread, place a shallow pan of boiling water
piece inlO a ball - they do not have to be l>erfectly
on the boltom shelf of the oven. Or lightly spray wa ter
round. Place balls about 'h inch apart in baking pan.
from a spray bottle into the oven when baking begins,
Cover loosely and set in a warm place 10 rise until and onc or twO more times du ring baking.
doubled, aOOm 1 hour.

Prchem oven to iOO' F. Lightly brus h lOpS of rolls wilh

melted bUller. Bake 1210 15 minutes, until a skewer
inserted in roll comes out clean .
. , G II T Pumpernickel Raisin Rol b

Th ese Jiglll eli/Iller rolls are seasoned wilh ga rlic alld blacll peppel; and will
complement a/mos/ any enl/'ce.


'U I -+- I yolk Pur all ingredients except milk in bread pan in o rder
3 lOOp milk 4'1i lbsp suggested by yo ur bread machine instruct io ns. SCI for
i{ cup mashed pota toes X cup white bread, dough s tage. Press Sta rt.
1 tbsp vegetable oil 3lbsp
LighLly oil an 8- or 9-inch square pan for Ihe s maller
1 lhsp suga r l y. lbsp
2 cloves garlic, ) recipe, a 9 x 13-inch pan for the larger recipe.
\Vhen dough is ready. remove from bread machine and
1'Ii ISP fresh-ground black 2\'. lsp
pepper punch down. Cut s maller recipe into 8 to 12 equal
I "P ~I' 1 '/, tSp pieces, Ihe larger recipe into [2 to 16 pieces. Roll eac h
2 cups bread nour 3 cups piece into a ball - it docs not have to be perrectly
1y; ISP yeast lV-lSp round. Place balls about ~ inch apart in baking pan.
21bsp milk 3lbsp
Cover loosely and set in a warm place to rise until
doubled , '+ 5 minutes to I hour.

Preheat oven to 375"F. Lightly brush to ps o r rolls with

milk. Bake J2 to 15 minutes, unt il rolls are golden and
a skewer inserted in ro ll comes OUI clean .


T1u~sc Etlglisll muffi ns w e a hil crisper !han Ilu: SOJI , sfore-hol/glll hillel, bUI
they ha ve a Jres herjlavol: Til e easiest way to tll(l lte OIWl is wilh a 3-illcll
rollnd coollie curler (wd a griddle, bill you call use a clean luna or pineapple
((111 ami a large sJlillet .

lolA KI:5 10- 12 I.'1G RE D I U IT S M"''' ''S 15- 18 M E T II O O

:0: cup "-'3if'r 6 tbsp Dissolve Ihc baking soda in the waler. PUI thc waler and
y, Ibsp baking soda Yo 1~1' remain ing ingredients execpl cornmeal in bread pan in
'h cup milk )G cup orde r suggested by your bread rmc hine instructions. SCI
21bsp vegetable oil J lb<p
for while bread. dough SlagI'. Press Slart.
2 "P sugar I IDsp
'I, ISP S<lit )'; ISp Sprinkle cornmeal on 3 baking sheet or large platter.
I cups bread nour 3 cu ps White cornmeal is more eSl hclicall>' pleasing all English
2 "P yeast I cbsp muffins, hUi yellow will do the job just fine , When
co rnmeal dough is read)" remo ve it and punch it down and CUt 11

in half. let it rest 5 minutes. Then on a lighlly nourcd

surface, roll out the first half 10 ~ inch thick. With the
cookie CUller, CUI out 3-inch rou nds. Put the rounds on
the cornmeal-cove red baking sheel. Ihen turn 10 coal
both sides. Repeal with the second half. If you wish,
you may roll up the scraps. knead them a little, let the
dough rest a few minutes. Ihen ro ll il Out and CUI a few
more muffins. Don'l reroll yet agai n - Ihe mufl"ins wil!
be tough .

Cover muffins and let Ihem rise 45 mi nutes.

If you have a griddle. set il for moderale heal. If not.

place a skille t - preferably one with a non-stick finish -
o\'er moderate heat . If the griddle or pan IS well -
seasoned, il will nOI require oi\. If nOI. use JUSt the
bares t Irace of oil 10 cook. Cook until muffin botto ms
arc nicely browned. then turn and cook the other side.
Cooking time will va ry from 6 1010 minules per stdc
acco rding \0 the temperature of yo ur Slove.
-... =.-................ .
Delise wltl clI CWY, bagels life u delight wll ell Ilu'y {In' split (md loclsled alld
sn-ved wi,I, bUller or crealll dlCese. ri,ey also make delicioll s sandwiches.
You ClllI experimellt by addi ng cllOP1)cd s(II//ced 011 ions, or rai sitl S and
ci llllWII OII , !O the dough.

~1,\1(f:) 8-1 0 I :>o:GM I IIIOIT S I.I.\~~' 12-15

I 'gg Put all but last four ingred ients in bread pan in o rder
)', c up m11k I cup suggested by your bread mac hine ins tructions. Sci fo r
I [bsp \'cgclahlf oil l Ydbsp while bread, dough stage. I' Tess Slart .
2 L~ p sugar I Ibsp
I'i lSp Mil Yo ISp
When dough is read y, remove from bread machine and
2 cups brl"ad flour 3 cups punch down. CUI sma ller recipe into 8 to 10 equal
l iSp )"('''51 I ll::sp pieces, the larger recipe into 1210 15 pieces. Roll each
I Ibsp sugar I Illsp piece belween yo ur palms 10 form a thin rope, aboul
I egg whue I 8 inches long wit h tapered ends. Bnng ends IOgclhe! 10
21sp Wa\('T 2lSP form a circle, wi th thc tapered ends overlapping. Wit h
SCS<l nJC or pa ppr seeds ur coarse s.h moistc ned finge rs, pinc h or lightly knead Ihe: joined
ends so Ihe circle is securely fastened, or il will corne
apart laler.

ScI the bagels in a warm place 10 nse. and cover the m

loosel)'. They should rise fo r 15 minUles. Preheat oven
to 400"F. While they arc rising, hring about 2 quans of
water to boil in a saucepan.
Add 1 \bsp sugar. Whe n Ihe bagels have risen for
• ., 15 minulcs, dro p one or IWO al a lime into the boiling

• waler. ha ndling the m as gently as possible so they do

not deflate. They will rise to the surface of the water
'. and swell up. Lei them cook I minute, then turn them
over and let them cook ) minutes longer.

Remove bagels, let drain over the wate r, and place on an
• • ungreased baki ng sheet. Beal egg while with water and
, brush over bagels. Sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds
or coarse sal\. Bake until golden , 20 10 25 minutes.



87 93
88 94
89 95
90 95
90 97
92 98
.- .. .
Th is is a a sliglltly sweel rye. bread, flavored wilh a delicious combinat ion oj
ora nge peel, Qnise seed, and ca raway seed. If CCIII be used fo r samhviches or
calUllJts , but I /illt it best wilh only sweet butler.

I Ib LOAf' I NGRED I EN T S I Y.t Ib 1.0"''' )ot ETIIO U

II cup w3 1er I \I: cups Put ingredients in bread pan in order suggested by your
I lbsp vegelable 011 1'I, Ibsp bread machine instructions. Set for whole-wheal bread,
llbsp honey 3 tbsp medium crust. Press Start.
I "P ~h I V. ISp
Y, ts p a nise Ked ' "P
y, tSP ca raway seeds ' "P
I \bsp grated orange ~el I Y. Ibs p
1'6 cups bread nour 2'.4 cups
~ cup ry( no ur 11' cups
I y, tsp yeast 2'.4 ISP •

P ull(1 is CI Finnish bread seasoned with ((I)(/alllolll, (I SIJicc l\Ii(ldy used

in SC!IIIClillC/\'iclI1 coolting. II is (III e"eryday brcac/ in Fill/aud, often dressec/ !II'
wilh misills ami candied orange pcd !or/lOlid(IY cde!Jrmiolls.

1 lb L,M! ' I'oC, ltllll lI\TS I 'l lh lOll ' 1 [111011

.", I+l )olk Put all dough mgredients ;n bread mar hine pan . SCI for
), tUP milk /. cup \\huc or sweet brc.. d , dough stage. Press Sian .
llh:.p bUller J lb:>p
31bsp SUWIT i ll lbsp
when dough is ready. take out and punch down. CUI
solh l. ISp 111((1 three equal pieces. Let it rest 5 miuutes. Butter a
" bp
lisp !o:round C.l nl:unom l ~, I~p baking ~ hC C L Roll each piece into a ro pe, ullom 16
1 <-Up" brcad flQur 3cu~ inches for s lIlalkr loaC 20 inches for larger loaf. Braid
1 t~p rc:t:>\ J Ihsp till' ropes. lUcking ends under. Cover dough and PUI in
a warm place [0 rise until doubled .

I egg while ocaten \Ilth 2 ISp watu I3rush clough with ep.g·w;Hcr wash, Sprinkle with
2 [~P slieet! or sli\'cred almund~ almonds and [hen Wilh su)!,:tr, Bake brc:1d 111 preheated
1-2 tbsp sugar 375 F O\Tn until golden , about 35 minutes.

This delise, !Owed NorlllcgiclIl bread I(lkes ils nllme from 1'Cr(eIV1, Olle oj rill:
illgrrti iCllls ill (I NOI1I'Q; iwl 1I00HllcollOl;( beel: ) 0 11 eWI IISI;' {llea/lOlie or 11011 -
lrtco/ro lic bea T /lis brc(ul. (1(1(11'1((/ froll! (I Jallles Beanl rccirJc, I'l"DtillCCS (I
soft c/o/Igh /itell docs /101 cooll (w il ly ill Ihe bn:(I(llIIllcllilll', so II is b(/Ju~d
ill 1I cOII\'ClIlio rl(l/ OWII.

IbllMI I I\C; R~nIU":T \ 1 1l Ib L'l,\1"

n cup nal dark beer ,.("up

<;: cup milk y, (U jl
llhsp ('orn syrup J lbsp
! lbsp ~ug.~ r J 10:.1'
)1,founti dOI' 1."!> ~, L~p
" "P
). I ~I' bl,Kk pcppt'r '( , lSI'

~_ tsp ;, I~ p

I" cup~ hread nour I i'< " UI~

I ,'up I)c flour !I- l"UPS
1'fJ l~p yl·.L~ 1 2Y- l!>P
2 1bsp r a l ~ II1 S J llY..p

~ 1[TII O D

PUlllll lngrcclicnls exccpt raisins in bread pan lfl order

suggested by you r bread machine IIlslrucl ions. Soc, for
who le-wh e,1I bread , d o ugh slage. Press Star! . Add raisins
after first kneading or when the machine beeps that it IS

time to add fruit

Oil all 8'h- to 9'1H nch bread pall for [he smaller loaf, a
9 Y,- \() IO ~-inch pan for the 1;arger loaf.

When doug h is fe,td y. femon' it from [he bread maehim:

and punch down . ~hapc it into a loaf. Place it in the
bread pan . Ihen turn so all sides of the dough arc oiled.
Cover loosely. sel II in a warm place. and let il n se unl1l
doubled III bulk, 45 mi nllles to I hou r.

Brush loaf with hot waler :md lightly prick the s urface
with a toothpiCk. &Ike bread III a preheated 375' F o\'e n
until loaf browns and sounds hollow whell thumped, 35
to 45 minutes.
-=«::« *=-

TJlis is a heavy, coarsely lexilired breacl.Jmgranl Bath blllIS, named aJla flie Eng/is'l ciry wllere.
wilh llnise. if is rnuliliona!!y eaten wiill cagillc, or tlzt.y origillllted, are. macle oj a
Moroccan Slew. egg dough.


)'. cup wate r l 't cups 'gg 1+I)'olk

Yo ISp suV r y, tsp \!. cup mil k X cup
1% tsp anise sced 2't ISP I' cu p bUller 61bsp
I "P 5<lh
coal"SC I V. ISp \'. cup suga r 6 1bsp
~ cup whole-wheat nour %cup '.4 ISp ground gi nger '/. ISp
l '~ bread flour 2't cups I' ISp mace
c ups
' "P
Y. tSp
2 1sp )'cast I tbsp '/: ISp
2 cup!> bread flour 3 c ups
21sp yeast I tbsp
.'I ET II Ol)
!A cup c urrn llts (or raisins) 'IZ cu p
Put all dough ingredients in bread machine pan. Set fo r
whole-wheat bread, dough stage. Press Stan , GLAZE

When dough is ready, remove from pan and punch I 'gg

down. Shape it into a round loaf and place it on a I tb:.p mil k
1- 2 tbsp suga r
baking sheet that has been sprinkled with cornmeal.
Cover dough and PUI in a warm place \0 rise unlil
doubled, 1 10 1\I.i hours. MET lI Ot)

Prick dough with a fork. Bake 12 minutes in a Put all dough ingredients except currants in bread pan
pn::hcalcd 400 ' F oven, then reduce heat to JOO"F and in order suggested by you r bread machine inslrucl ions.
bake about 40 minu tes lo nger, ulIlii top and bo n om Set for white or sweet bread, dough Slage. Press Start.
sound hollow when rapped with yo ur knuckles. Add the curran ts aft er the firsl kneading or whe n the:
machine signals iI's lime to add fruil.

Buner a baking sheet. When dough is ready, remove

from bread machine and punch down. Cut smaller
recipe inlO 8 pieces, the larger recipe into 12. Roll each
piece into a ball. Piau balls on baking sheel and sHg htly
fiatten each one:. Cover loosely and set in a warm place
10 rise until doubled, about 45 minUies.

Preheat oven to iOO°F. Make glaze by fork-beating egg

and milk. Ughd y brush lOpS of rolls with glaze and
sprinkle with sugar. Bake until buns are golden brown,
151020 minutes.
It IGHT 6ath auns

T his is W I cggy, lig/ll-textured sweet brcad, flavored wid, \'C1l1i/1(1 , lemoll, "nd
lIulmt'8 . 1/ usecilo be Cll/CII as WI Ea SIer Im' ad ill Po/"Iugal, bur 110 111
is caUn liS (I bn.'lrhjCl5/ b.-em/ YCM-roUlld.

I Ib L<Hr IN Gl TDlf.NT!'l J 1!Jb u lAI

'Ii c up
' ...
111 i Ik
iI cup
2 tbsp bU\!I'T
3 ,"'"
3 lbsp sugar 4'/, Ibsp
'I, lSp salt ~ ISP
I \SP ''andls l ~, tsp
:2 I~p !(rmcd le mon peel I lbsp
~J ISp nUlml'g Yo ISp
2 \: ups bread nou r 3 cups
I " tsp ),C 3S I 2't. l~p


PUI ingredients in bread pan in order suggested by yo ur

bread 1n3( liinc instructions. Sct for while or sweel
bread, light crust. Press Start.



Serve wedges oj {his hC(lI"Iy bread (IS an liors d'oeuvre or widl (I 111('(1/ ins/cad
oj garlic bread. Ills/f.'ac/ of btl tiel; elil) pieces ill Jdgh·qlw/ily alh'e oi/' Tilis
Im:cul is best scn'cd warm,

J Ih U1,11 I r-"G Ilt.Ol lr-: l ' 'i 1\1 lb L(J M

l\ l' UP waler ! cup

2: tbsp oli"1: 011 3 tbsp

I 15p 1{, ISp
2: cups bread nour )elll):>
1V. ,sp )' ea..~l 2 tSp
I or 1 1111nced garbc clon"s lor 3
I \SP dried rosemary I '/. I5p
I I'iP conrsc: sail l /, t~p

2 tb-. p oh'l: 011 3 lbsp

liSp gr:llcd PannCS<ln [ lb~p

.' 1 [1 11 0 0

PUI firsl fh'e ingredients in bTl'3d pan in order suggested

by your bread machrne instructions. Sci for whue" bread,
dough siage. Press Slart.

Preheat oven to 4OOF. Lightly sprmklc cornmeal on a

baking sheet.

Remuve dough and pllnch down. Let dough rC51 ahout

5 minUlCs. On a lightly floured s urface, roll dough in to
a round, about Y, inch thick Place dough on baking
shect. Sprinkle the garlic, rosemary, and CO:lfSC salt o\'cr
thc lOp, then lightl y press it into Ihe dough . With your
finge rtips, poke shallow Wdcl1lations all over the tOP or
Ihe round. Pour Ihe remaining olive 011 o\'cr the 101',

Jelling it pool in the indent:lIions. Sprinkle Parmesan

over the [01'.

Bake bread ulllil ligh tly browned. about 20 minutes.


These Mexican rolls are large and crusty, excel/flU will! dillller.

Mllli l~ 6 ...... G l t; D1ENTS M:\+:E) 9

ti cup "'al~r 1 cu p
lisp sugar 11. ISp

l isp IV. t5p
2 cups bread nOUT ) c ups
1Y. ISP yeast 21: 15p

G l A7. f.

I egg
I Ibsp water


PUI all ingredients except glaze in bread pan in order

s uggested by rOUT bread mac hine instructions. Sci fo r
while bread. dough s tage. Press Sian.

Lightly oil a baking sheet.

When dough is ready. remo\"c from bread machine and

punch down. CUI smaller recipe imo 6 equal pieces, the
larger recipe into 9 pieces. Roll each piece into a ball .
F la tten ball , Ihen gelltly slTclch and elonga lc (0 Conn an
o val. Now, working 011 the lo ng sides of the oval , fold
those sides in toward Ihe middle. Roll and stretch so the
center is th ick and lhe ends arc tape red like a spindle.
Place the rolls. seam side down . o n the baking sheet.
Cover loosely and sel in a warm place to rise until
d o ubled . about I hour.

i>reheat oven [0 400' F. Lightl), brush rolls with egg

glaze. With a sharp knife or razo r blade. make two
diago nal s lashes in the top of each roll. Bake 15 to 20
minutes, until rolls are golden and crusty.
• .. *

Th ese rounds of dough puff up wltell they are balled al high fCmptralllrc. CuI
opell an edge 10 creme pOc/lets that can be slUIfed will! all hinds oj fillings.

"'liKES 6 ISGl E lJ l l!N T S /.lAKES 9 and let dough rest about 10 minutes. This wilt klthe
~ cup water l 'iI cups dough relax so it will s tretch m OTC Tl"adily when rou
1 1bsp olivc 011 I Y. lbsp roll il OU1, rather than bouncing bac k. On a lightly
I lSI" sugar I '1l 1Sp floured surface. roll out each circle of dough to a
l!/, ISp
~" diameter of about 6 Inches. Ust: n OUT sparingly,
1'Ii cu ps bread nOllr 1 cup5 as too much nOU T will interfere wilh the moistu re
7\ cup wholc-whe:l1 nom I cup thai creates steam and causes the dough to puff up.
J 'I, l~p yeast 2\4 L~p
Cover the dough with plastic wrap or a barely damp
towel , and let the dough rise about )0 minutes, until
M ETH O D it is puffy.
Put ingredients in bread pan in order s uggested by your
Preheat oven to 175"1': Lightly sprinkle cornmeal on a
bread machine instruclions and sct for whole-wheat,
baking sheet. When dough is ready, carefully transfer
do ugh stage.
rounds to the baking shee!. Bake until dough pulIs up
Punch down dough and cut into 6 equal pieces for and is lighlly browned, 5 10 6 minull'S, then turn and
smaller recipe, 9 pieces for the larger one. Roll each bake until Olher side is lighlly browned, aboul 2
piece between your hands 10 fonn a ball. Flalten slightly minutes.

.....,. • « -

Tlli s bUllery bread is nOI quile lI,e same as Ihe class ic Freudl brioche ba llet/
ill a fluted pall, ')[It is a deliciously dose cousifl. AlOwlIgh il /twll/:s good
sandwiches, il is besl served si mply, loas/efl 0/' Hlt/oasled, willI bl/Llel:

I lb LOAF I NGI." " 1I!NT S l \o:z Ib lOAT M f.T H Oll

'.4 cup ....ater 6 tbsp Put ingredients in bread pan in order suggested by your
2 '88' 3 bread machine instructions. It is crucial that the buner
'h cup bUller %cup is softened to room temperature - not mehed - when it
1 tbsp sugar l'h tbsp is added to the ot her ingredients. Set for white bread,
, "P ~" ' "P medium crust. Press Start.
2 cups bread flour 3 cups
l 'h !Sp yeast 2'-' (Sp



P is t o le l.~ l Ire
st)/ i! roll.~ made ill Frallce ami Belgium , Tl"Clditiollal/y the dough
is aI/owed 10 riscJor so 'cral l lOurs all rJrcjirsf rising to develop lhejlllvOI;
illCli rise twice mOfe. The' dough is shaped infO (I plum-sized ball, chell IIctldy
srJ/if wilh IIle /ulIIdle of (/ woodell SpOOl! .

MM;~:> 15 ISGR EDIE I"TS \1,\1( 1'" 12 when dough is rC3d),. punch it d own. Cut s maller
Xcup wain I 't. cups recipe into about 15 equal pieces. the larger recipe into
3 tbsr po wdered null. -+y, Ibsp about 22 pieces. Roll each piece in to a ball. Dus t the tOP
2 tb!.p buneT 3 ,"'" with rye flour. Oillhe d owel-like wooden handle of a
I lbsp sug:lr I )'l Ibsp large 5l>oon. Usc the handle to split each mill almost in
I "P s.aIL I ""sp ha lf. The two sides of the ball should s till be connected
2 cu I's brl"ad nOut Jcups
by a na rrow s trip of dough. Hold each pistolet at each
I Ii ISf> ),easl 2\0 1Sf>
end of the split with yO UT th umbs 111 [he trough . Pull
'4 cup I)'c nuur Yo c up
ge n tl y to elongate thc ro ll , and the s ides will almost
corne toget her.
~ ., · rIl O O

Traditionall y, the roll is placed top (seam-side) d own on

Pul all ingredients except rye flou r in bread pan In
t he baki ng sheet. After it has risen , it is turned upright
o rde r suggested hy }'OUf bread machi ne instructions. SCI
and b:l ked. Howcver, if ~'ou arc all thumbs and tend to
for white bread , dough stage. Press Slart.
deflate the dough whe n )"ou handle it. JUSt leave it
If your machine does not punch down the dough fo r uprig ht and let it rise with the scant side up. Co\'er
yo u al this point. or if you can SlOp th e machine, them up loosely. put in a warm place, and let them rise
remove the pan. Love r il loose I)" put it in a warm place for 30 minutes.
and lei d ough continue rising fo r ano ther t\\O ho urs. II
Preheat O\'en to 425 F. Pou r boiling water into a shallow
Will have lTipled in volume, and yeas t fla\'ors Will
b.1king pan and place il o n the bouo m shelf o f the oven.
have developed .
The s team will give the pislOlelS a cruSty finish . Bake
Punch the dough d own and leI it rise agai n for 45 pis to lets until they Me golden brown ami crusty, 15 to
minutes. Buiter a baking s heet. 20 minutes.

Ltlrosll is (l puffy f/albrca(/ IIlal is crisper/ h(1I! piwlnwc/, bw soflcr rJ,Wl (j

emdln: UOII/J(ls vJ /(/\Iosh tI rc bmllcl! illlO pieces, tl ot cu t. E(II /avosl, pltlin
01" wit l! /Jullel:

M"'~ l' ~ LSG Rt:Olf'T ) ~LU..I·~ 6 MI. I II OO

,. leu ;:! \\Jlcr \ '1. CU~ Put wa ter, bUller, salt , nour, a nd yeast in bread pan in
3 I b-.p bUller 4\1, lbsp order SUggl'SICd by r our bread machine instrucllons. ScI
1 bp ~ I, n, tsp ro r white bread, dough stage.
2 cup" bread nuu r 3 cup~
I /" tsp rea,] 2'" I<;p Remove dough and punch down. CUI into'; pieces ror
smaller recipe . 6 pU.'CCS fo r huge r reci pe. Roll each piece
2 Ib~p '"
W~lcr J tbsp bClwccn you r hands 10 form a hall, lhcll Hatten eac h
1-2 \SP S("Sanll" or PUPP} 2- 3 lSI' ball slightlr Let dough rela." fo r 10 rninu tes or so. This
will help the dough stretch when you r\.l[J il QUI.

Otherwise. it will keep bouncing hac k to its origlll:tl

s ha l>C·

Pre heat o\'en to . WOE Make a was h by li&hll)' hc~Lttng

egg wil h relllaining wa ter.

011 a lightly floured s urface rollo u t the first round o f
dough unt il it IS pal>cr th1l1 . Tr.ulsfrr to a greased bakil1&
shee t . \-\orking quit:kl)', bmsh 11 with th e egg \\'<ls h.
Sprinkle wllh seeds. Put the (Irst round III the oven
immediately. and reprat 1hl' p rocess with each rou nd.
Bake each hwosh until it is puff), and lightly brown ed .

8 to 12 minutes .

• ..

• ••


10 1

Sourdough is !lIe produ ct of jcn llcll tafi oll in dough dial has been cd /owed 10
sir o u l fo r days and g ar her wild yeasts fro m th e (Ii I: /n (meiclIl l imes, il IVCIS
d Ie Dil ly leavening kllOlll/l to bread mIlius, (lnc/ lllllch effort was macie to
disguise Us sourtastc. If came bach j,1I 0 C01l111l 011 usage til mi ll ing w mps
du r ing tile Cal ifornia Gold Rusll oj 1849, then hir allew wave oi tJotJu /(l rily
ill rhe miMic of Ille 20/11 u nrUlY Now fil e lallg oj sourdough is a !avorirc
addi tion 10 m(l"Y breads,jrolll wafJ1es 10 English muff ins 10 lye bread, (llid
the 11105/ pal)///ar, (/ dense sourdough Freudl bread.
MaIl ing (l lI d maintain ing your OWII sourdough starter is 11 01 difficu lt.
A pOL oj sta rter w iles (It least (I few (/ays La fermcl1l and develop ( I sou r
fie/yo I" before you add it to flu: fi rst loaf, bill after rit(lf, il call be
used (llId rep/ell is/Jed (/cli/Y.

agai n.) The mi xtu re Is ready to use when it develops a

I cup low-fal milk. sI.:·lIldcd good sour s mell, usually three to five days.
1 cup hOI ....-aler
I thsp sugar To ba ke sourdough bread, you need !O prepare a sponge
2/, tsp ~ c l i\'e dry yeaSI at leasl six ho urs in advance. Mix some starter wi th a
2h CUllS all-purpose flour or brrad nour portion of fl our and liquid, as directed by Ihe recipe.
Replenish the starter with arnoulHS of fl our and wa ter
equal to the a rnou lH you removed. For ins ta nce, If the
!oI [ Tll o n reci pe calls fo r \1 cup of sourdough starter, replen is h the
Mix the milk , waler. and sugar. When Ihe temperature starler wilh \1 c up water and ~ cup flour. Bolh the
has cooled 10 belween lOS F and IIS' F, add the yeas!. sponge and the replenished starter s hould be put in a
Allow Ihe yeast 10 develop a fo~ m y head, a process tha t warm place, covrrcd loosely, and left to fe rm rn t al leasl
takes 5 10 10 minu tes. Then add it to the nou r and mix 6 hours, until bubbly.
If you use Ihe sourdough on an almost daily basis, you
PUI the bowl in a warm place. between 8O' F and 100 F, can leave the slan er pot at Ihe back of the 5to\'e,
like the hack of the stovc. l.oosel)' co\'er the bowl so replcnishing it after each use. II you arc onl y an
Ihat air will still circulate and the sia n er will gather occasional ha ke r, reple nish it, let il sit out for 6 to 24
airbo rne yeaslS. Within H hours. it s hould be bubbly hours, then put the Slaner in the refrigerator. The staner
and havc (he hcginni ngs of a sour smell . Stir it once or pot should he tightl y covered when it is in the
twice a da)'. The starter may separ.lte into a thick, curd- refrigerator. If you do nOl bake al least once a week,
like mixture on the bollom a nd gray watery liquids on refresh the slaner every week or two. Remove 1 cup of
liu.' 101'. That's normal, as long as it doesn't starter and discard the rest. Add 1 cup of water :md I cup
turn greell or pink. ( If il does. throw il out and SlaT! of flour alltl retum it to the refrigerator.
---~ . --
Tllis h eml is gODa Jor mCllI or d,cest: sandwiches. Use \wi/nul oil ;f yO Il have
iI, ollrclwise subs/ jill//" vegclclble oil. BcaHlse flle bread uses sourdough
start/'r, Ihe .~l}ollge sJroulc/ be mac/e Jlle lIiglll
before /Ja lli ng.

I Ib l lMt I NG RI. OlfNTS 11: lb LOAf 1'1 ( TH O D

I, cup ~ourdough Slan~ r ):; cup To make sponge. combine sourdough sta rter, 't. c up of
7lbsp waler ;.; cup the wate r and ~ cup of the rye flou r. Sli r well. Cover it
I thsp \\'almll or vcg<'lablc' 1V, tb!;p loosely and SCI it in a wa rm place to ferment o\·ernlghl.
I lb)p .sugar I ,/, I~p Put the sponge and all rem.unmg ingrcdiems except
lisp !>:lIt l'r, ISP walnuts in bread pan in order s uggested by yo ur bread
:1: tl""p cornmc,11 J \hs.p m3c hinc inSlrUtlions. Sci fo r whole-wheat bread,
I cup ryr flour I f, cup.. medIUm crus\. Press Start. Add walnllls after the first
I cup bre.ld flou r I Y. CUI'S kneadmg o r al Ihe heepe r.
l.p >'caS! I Ibsp
" I:UP chopped WJlnUlS '(, I:UI'

Th is I)' C bread mlllws grc(I( SQlIlIh'iclu:,s. 1/ e {l ll be

baJ:cd ;/1 ti re brcatillUldrille, bill is a/so govel bclhccl
ill 1111.' ovell . T llis is (lliellse (Iud J/m'OIfll l brc(I(l. bill if
is 110/ (I Itig/I-rise r.
I Ib LlHI I "G Rl. nl t. :' T S J I! Ib lOl l
]Ib uu.r ' ''C I I! O '( NT S ] I! Ib I ~l""
" cu p sourdQugh SlarieT 6 rbsp
t, cup "<lter I cup II (U P so unl ough stancr \I, cup
):. cup rye nnllr I /. cups \'ieur waler \'\ cu p
2 bp cam" J} seeds I Ibsp :4 ,",u p CT:tl"kcd whC~1 () liJsp
! IllsI' \'r;:;cl,lblc 011 I y, l~p 2 1bsp hUlWT 3 Ib:.p
I lbsp ~ugar Hi rhsp I I b~p honey I \I, lbsp
I L~p S;l11 IZ· lSp llbsp dried rmlk J lhs l'
I~ cu ps brt"td flour 1 cups ] ISP ~h IY, lsP
, "P )'e<lSt I ItK p ] cup brl'Old nour I II cups
I cup wholt'-wheal nour I ~, (;Ups
] II, ISP rea~1 2'A tsp
~ll t T" O D

J he night before baking bread. ma ke a sponge by

,' II T il 0 Il
combining the sourdough S lam' T, Yo cup WOller ('f, cup
for larger 10aO. rye nour, lind [ ISp caraway seeds. The night hcfore making bread, make the sponge by
:::::o\'cr loosel), and SC I in a worm place for lit 1c;ISI 8 mixing sourdough starter, 'f, l' UP bread nour, and :tbou 1
hours. 2 tbsp wattr. Cover luosely and put in a warm place for
at least 6 hours.
PUI sponge and remaining ingredients in 3 bread pan in
order s uggested by your bread machine instrucllons. Set Abo Ul 20 m inutes before sltlrling bread , put the. crac ke d
for wllole-wheat bread. mc(iluIII crus t. Press Start. wheat in a slllall saucepan. CO" e r wi th wate r. Bring 10 a
boil. th en boil 6 minutes, Drnin the wheat tho roughl y,
To hake bread in :I convent ional O\· CII . SCt the machine
the n let it cool at least 10 IIlHlllles.
for the dough s tage. Remu\'e when d ough is read}~
pUllch down. Shape illl/) 11 lung, fat loaf or a rou ncl loaf. Stir dow n the spongC' and PUt i( in (he bread mach ine
Place 011 a baking sheet slightly sprinkled with pan with Ihe remainder of 1he water. Add cooled whcal
cornmeal. Cover looscl)' and put in a warm place to rise and remai n ing ingredients in the order suggcsted by
unril doubled 11\ volume:, about I hour, fOur bread mac hine mstrUClions. Sct for who le-wheat
b read, medium crust. Press Start.
W hen brcad has risen. make a wash of 1 lightly IIl'aten
egg and I Ibs p water. Lightly brush t he wash
su rf:l ec o f the loaf, tak ing C3re not 10

den3te Ihe dough.


Bake bread in a prehra (oo 350' F o\'en unl1l bread is
crusty and makes a hollo w sound when lapped till Ihe
lOp a nd bottom,

RIG Ur Suu ru()u:-;:h

Whult·· WhcJl Ihl''1<f

SourdollgJr bread ((Ill be bolll sI14bborn (111(1 rCIIII'£/"(IIII(;III(I/, bill il is a/so

de/ieiDtls. Un/ilu: moSI oj 'he OIlter sourdough recipes ill Il1is boah, 'he
sourdough SIW IeI' ill Ihis bread is (I major ingredielll , 1101 j llst (I small
additioll for exIra flavo r: TIl e flavor will V(II), accOl~/i"g /0 Ihe type of
soU/riollgll Slarlcr you use alld the ai rbo rlle wild yeasts in your arc(!. Because
I he sponge sit s 0 111 Jar at least eig/II 1I00lrs and Qllsorbs /IIoiswre from
tlte air, Ihe amolll11 oj w(ller yOIl add IIUly also vw y.

1 lb LOAF I I'GRED'[NT S I ll lb LOAT M lE fll OO

'Ii cup sourdough Slarter I ('up The day before you bake the bread , make Ihe sponge by
y. (UP water 61bsp mixing Ihe sl:Hler, Y. cup nOllr, and 2 Ibsp water. Cover
2 bp sugar I \bsp loosely and put in a warm place. Lei si t at least 8 hours.
I [SP ~l, I Y. tsp
, Yo cups bread nour 2" cups Put sponge. 2 tbsp Walcr, sugar. sail , remaining nour,
2~p yeast I tbsp and yeast in bread pan in order suggested by your bread
I tSp cornstarch I II, tSp machine inSITUCliollS. Sel for French or while brClId,
2 tbsp water 3 thsp dough sllIgC. Press Start.

When dough is read)'. remove from bread machine and

punch down. Shape Ihe dough in lO one s hort . fal loaf.
one round 10.1f. or one baguette for the s maller recipe.
IWO bagucttcs for the large onc . Place loaf on baking
sheet [hal has been sprinkled wiLh cornmeal. Usc a
sharp knife 10 CUI several dillgo nal slashes in the lOp.
Cover bread loosely a nd sel it in a warm place to rise.
This is a slow-rising bread which may take an hour
or longer.

Preheat o\"en to 400 F. When bread has n sen. dissolve

cornstarch in 2 tbsp wtl1er and light l), hrus h it over lhe
surface of the bread . For crustier bread , place a shallow
pan of boiling waler on the bottom s helf of the oven . or
usc a spray bottle to squirt water into the oven several
times wh ile baking. Bake 35 to 40 minutes. until crust
is browned and bread makes hollow sound on top and
bollom when rapped with knuckles.

Cr~ N A\lO N SnC KY B U!\~ R ,'\ IS£ D D OUGHNUTS

106 II I
10 7 11 5
108 11 6
C IN NM.\ O.\l R AIS I N SWlltL 13 11.1: ,0,0 P ECAN CRESCENT R OLLS
11 0 I I6
1I I I I7
I I2

T hese sweel, sticllY hUllS can be lIssemblnl

advlI nce lIIul reJrigermClI
i ll
oW:ll1ighl. III Ihe Illuming, they \VilI have 10 fillish their second rising
before yOlt blllll, them.

I ~GREI)IE~ r S to 12 inches long. Spread the soft butter over the

surface of the dough. Thickly sprinkle brown sugar and
DO UG ll cinnamon over the surrace, spreading to edges. Roll
milk ~ cu p dough inlO a long cylinder or (·ylindcrs. SliCi ng
'>gg I crosswise through the cylinder, CU! into IS pieces rOT
3 IllsI' bu([cr 4',\ lbsp the smaller redpe, 22 pieces for the larger.
'l: eu I) sligar 61bsp
The roll~ can be bilked together in haking pans or
" lSI' sa h '(. lSI'
2 cups bread flour 3 cups separately in muO"in pans. The muffin-pan rolls arc
2151' )"casl I lbsp nealer and crusty on the outsid e. Ir you eook them in
baking pans. they will bl' sorter. An 8-inch square
F1 U . ING baking pan is the perfect size ror Hille rolls; a 9 x 13-
" (UP
hrown sugar i!i cup inch pan s hould hold 15 rolls.
I lSI' cinnaillon l'~ tsp
Make the syrup by combining butter, brown sligar, and
2 IllsI' ,·(·r), soft bUller 31bsp
wate r in a small pan. Heal until bUlter is melted and
sugar is dissolved. Stir well. Ihen pour syrup into the
bottoms or Ihe baking pan or mufrin-pan cups. Place
31hsp bUller 4'~ tbsll
I, cup brown sugar y. cup two pecan halves in the bollom of each mufrin cu p. or
llilsp ,,";!h.T 3 tbsp on the top of each roll if you :ue using a baking pan .
JO p·c(an hall'es H rlace rolls in rnufrin cups, or turn them upside down
(so pecans arc on the holtom) in a baking pan. Cuver
MET n Ol> rolls loosely, set 1hem in a warm place. and Ie! (hem rise
Pul d ough ingredients in bread pan in order suggested until doubled. 4S minutes 10 I hour.
by you r bread machine illsnuctions. Sct for while or Bake rolls in a preheated 350"F oven un1i11hey arc
sweet bread. dough stage. Press Start.
nicely brown ed, 17 to 22 minutes in a mufrin pan, 20 to
Remove Ihe dough from the bread machine and punch 25 minutes in a baking pan. The rolls must be removed
down. LeI it rest for 5 minutes to make it easier to roll from the pan immediately. or the sugar syrup will
out. While dough is relaxing, mix brown sugar and harden. Keeping in mind Ihal excess sugar syrup will
cinnamon to make filling. For Ihe smaller recipe, ro ll run off. invert the pan or muffin pan over a large plate
dough inlo a rectangle 7 to 8 inches wide and about 16 or baking sheet. Let them cool slightly, o r the hot sugar
inches long. For Ihe larger recipe, CUI down in half and will burn your mowh.
ro ll into IWO rectangles, each 7 to 8 inches wide and II

TJII S is (III Aus/dell! bread rcplllecily brol/gh! 10 FrwJ(:e by M(lrie Allloiu('I/I'.

II is a Swccf ,Jr uif -slUddeci balfer bread and will 110{ coo ll evenly ill Ihe bread
"We/Jillf', so mUSf be baked ill the OVCII. If is collsidercd so special (/ brcad
Ihal aJ1l1led tube 1'(/11 was crcatcd jo r iI , bill (/ Imllc/( 1'(111 or angel-food ((I/If'
()([II \Viii do nicely.

I !b UlA! IN G ~lDI[NTS P lib 1ll,II

2 .. 1 yo lk 'gg> -I c&&-~
3 tbsp milk l'i (;Up
'Ii r up buller y; cup
Ji\ \bsp sugar \Ii cup
,/, lSp va l1llla l iSp
2 1;;1) gr:ucd lemon peel I IDsp
,/, lSp SOIl! lisp
2 cups bread nour 3 cu ps
2"P r casi I IllSp
Y. cu p raisins " ('up
'Ii t' Up slil'creJ almond" cup

conrcciloncr;, sUg;lr


Put al l ingredients CNCept raisins, almond s. and

(O n rcctio ne rs sugilr in bread pan in o rd er sugges ted by
your bread mac hine inst ructions. Set for while o r sweet
bread , dough sta~c . Press Star!. Add raisi ns and almo nds
at the beeper or ah cr the first k n cadil1 ~.

Remove the dough from the bread machine and pu nch

down. Lcl ll rest fo r 5 mmUlCS. Bu lte r a 6-cup tube pan
for the smaller loaf. a 9-cu p lube pa n for Ihe la rger loaf.
Put the dough in the pa ll and sprc<1d it arou nd even I)'.
lover loosely and PUI in II Wafm place 10 ri se 4 5
mmu tes 10 I ho ur.

Bake kugel ho pf in a preheatcd 350"F oven until :1

s kewer inserted in bread comes ou t dc:m. 35 to 40
minu tes. Let cool 10 minutes. then invert on cooling
rack. Dust with confec tio ne rs s ugar while kugelhopf is
st ill warm.

Thi s sweet pHII~(/fJart b'-ead is ajavoriLc brea/ifasl /I"ca l. SmtIH halls of

sweet, oran ge-flavored Me dipped ill (I melted buucr sea _~0I1ed wUh
orange IiqucU/; dirJpcd ill ci nnamon alld sugar, aIld layered ill (I b(lhillg pall.
T/le bread is IVondoju! w/,ell wa rm, but slil/tastes good al 1"00111
lemperaLUrc. Tillie lhe mal~il1g of lhe braId so it collles oul oj the oven J 0 w
15 millilies before lI1eal time.

I Ib LOAF ING II.~IlL~ i'i T S I \.i Ib !.OAr mixtu re, then in cinnamon-sugar and layer in baking
'ii cu p milk I cup pan. Note: the pieces in the first layCT should be dose
1 [bsp bUller 3lbsp but not to\lChing 10 give them room to rise. On each
2 lbsp sugar 31bsp succeeding layer. place balls so they overlap empty
If; tsp ~l' 'A tSp spaces on the layer beneath. You can pUt the asscmbled
2 "P graled orange peel 1 Lbsp bread in the refrigerator the night before, and it will rise
2 cups bread nOllr 3mps
a li n 1e overnight. Let the dough retu rn 10 room
1y, tsp yeas\ l '/' \sP
lemperalUre and finish rising, then bake. Monkey brt:ad
3l bsp melted bUller 4Y" bsp
is traditionally baked in a tube pan, 10 inches across for
2 Ihsp or-~I\gc liqueur or 3 tbsp
orange juice the larger loar. a 7- or 8-inch pan fo r the smaller loaf.
I cup sugar 1 'Ii (uPS HowevCT, it looks impressive and tastes JUSt as good
IISp cinnamon l 'li LSP when baked in round casserole dishes, about I inch
smaller in diameter than the tuhe pans.
M £l"I\OD Drizzle any remaining buner and cinnamon-sllg,\T over
Put first seven ingredients in bread pan in order lhe dough in the pan. Cover il lousely, and put it in a
suggested by you r bread machine instructions. Set for warm place to rise. When bread has doubled in volume,
white or sweet bread, dough stage. Press Start. abo ut )0 10 40 mi nutes, put il in preheated 350"F o~·en.

Bake until bread is lightly browned and a skewer

Lighlly bu tte r baking dish. A few minutes before dough
inserted in the bread comes out clean, about 25 to 30
is ready, melt butter. Stir in orange juice or orange
minutes. InveTl bread on serving plale, heing very
liqueur. In a separate bowl, mix the cinnamon and sugar.
careful of the hot syrup that has collected al the bOllom
I'ut aboul half of the cinnamon and sugar in anothe r
of the pan. (Drain off excess syrup first , if desired. 0I· 1el
bowl. Each time you di p a bulte!), bail into the sugar, it
the syrup run onto the plale. ) Remove baking pan , let it
will drip a lillie of the bulter into the sugar, and the
cool a linle, and serve.
sugar will become hard to work with. Then replenish it
wit h some of the reserved cinnamon and sugar.

Remo \'e the dough from Ihe bread machine and punch
dow n. Roll dough into a thic k log and CUI it into :2.0 to
24 pieces for the small loaf. )0 to 36 pieces for the large
loaf. Roll pieces of dough into balls (they do not need
10 be perfectly rou nd). Dip each ball in butter-orange

Tili s is all eas), b,-mll/asl brcad 111(11 tastes /ilIC cinllalllon rolls, a/fhol/gh if is
IIvt (IS gooey. It is delicious lV(irm ami docsn', nced butler. The IJrcad ((/11 be
ll55cmblal flu!' nighl btjore. firm /cIf to rise in ,lie refrigerator 0\,£1'II1glll .

I Ib LOl l t'1GI[J)I I-N TS l iZ Ib LOAr

% cup milk I '4 cup~

I th5p bUller 1~ 1001'

) Ibsp sugar of'" l!)sr-
I lSI' s.;. It 1'I. ISp
2 cups bread nour 3eups
2lSP yeas! J lOOp
'f, cup r:ll~ins 61bsp
11\ 1001' I'cry soft butter 2 lOOp
',: cup brown s ugar 6 tb!,p
I lSI' rin n:U1l01l I /, lSI'

~1 F. TII O I)

Put firsl SIX ingrcdienls in bread pan in o rder s uggcsted

hr you r bread machine instructions. Sci for whlle or
sweet bread, dough stage. Press Start. Add the raisi ns
afler the first kneading or whcll the beep sounds 10
add fruit.

Remove hUller Irom rcfngeralor to soften it. Mix brown

sugar and cinnamon, BUiler a g'ti-inch loaf pan (large
enough fo r eilher recipe).

Rlo nl0VC dough frolll bread mac hine and punc h down,
Let it rest 5 minutes. Roll it out on a lightly fl o ured
surface to form a rectangle about 8 II1ches wide and
about 16 inches long. Spread the bulter, then sprinkle
the brown sugar mixture over the surface of the do ugh.
Roll It into a fat 8-inch-long cylinder. Tucking the edge
under, put it in the loaf pan. Loosely Co\'cr a nd put in a
warm place 10 rise for 1 hour.

Bake the loaf in a preheated 350"F oven until top is

golden and a skewer inserted III the bread comes Ollt
clean , 25 to 30 m1l111tes. Remove the bread from the pan
a nd put it on a wire rack. Let it cool at least 30 minutes
so lhe hot sugar docs not burn you .

T hese sm(/II, di(/lIJolld~sJwpC(I doughllllfS (lrc (/ slap/c ill New Or/calls, when'
they are lradi[ iOlwlly ealell warm wirl! ((ift ( HI /a;1.

M.... n oS i Ixvr'l IN GRED IE NTS MAt.:ES 6 IXlzn.l METHOD

.y, cup milk I /. cup~ Pul all ingrcdicnls except oil and confectioners sugar in
egg b read pan ill order suggested by your bread machine
,/, 1Sf'! vanilla LSI'
Yo ins tructions. SC I for while bread, dough stage.
21bsp bUlle r 3lbsp Press Slart.
II, c up sugar fI Ibsp
II, ISP salt Y. LSp When dough is ready, pun!;h down . Lei il rcst about
Y. IS!) nutrncg I ~ ISp 5 minutes. Then, on a lightl), nourcd surfa ce, roll dough
2'/, cups bread nour 3X (UPS in to a recta ngle about 'f, inch thick Working at a
I '/, ISP yeast 2 \': ISp diagonal to the edge of the rectangle, cut dough into
oil fnr frying l 'h-inch strips. Then cut the strips into diamonds with a
<.:Onfcclioncrs sugar new series of cuts, almos t bUl 1101 quite perpcndicular
to the first. Place the diamonds on ungreased baking
sheets. Cover loosely and put them in a warm place It)

rise for 45 minulCS.

Pour oil at least 3 inches deep i1110 :1 d eep skil let. wok,
o r saucepan. He:lt oil to 36S' E Watch the o il
temperature rarcfull)\ as it can climb qukkl y. Slide a
few bcignels into the hOI oi l. Do not nowd them. They
will bob back up to the s urface. Cook until golden on
the bottom , 2 to 3 minliles. Then turn and cook
:mothcr 2 to J minules on lhe olher side. You ma y need
to hold the bcignets dowll wi lh a huge spoon o r o ther
cooking u tensil to keep tbem from turning unwo ked
side up ag:lin.

\Vhe n bcigncts arc golden. remove them from the oil.

letting thcm drain for a few moments over the oil. Then
put them on severalla)'crs of papcr towels. Sprinkle
them with confect ioner's sug:lr. Bcignets should be
served warm . You may pUl the coo ked bcignels in a
warm oven while others arc cooking. Make surc thc oil
lcmpcmture returns to 36S' f befo re you "dd the nex t
balch of beignets.

Callis ,-;cc jrillers fIlade Illil/, a Y C(lSf clough (III(/ fried /ilIC sm(ll/
douglllllllS. TIle graills oj coolml rice disappear jll/O ,/'r delicious
Pliff.~ off ried clough.

\HI(I - ~ 45

\1i1 1>. I :. )0 t •...,G RlOJUH ~ \1F. Tll o n

,"', 3 PUI all ingrc chcllls exce pt Ill] and confectioner's sugar in
2 I~r vanilla I Ibsp brc:td pan in ordtr suggcsted by yo ur bread machine
b lbsp ~ ugar y, clIP
instructions. Scl ror whu c hread, do ugh s tage. Press
'I, [.'ip salt )I. L$P
'I, bp nutmeg {. l~p

,/, I~p gral ed !em ...." peel ~. ISp When clough is rein.!)', punch down. LeI it rest about
2 l UpS cooked. ('001('0 rice ) cups 5 rniruuts. Then CUI off w .. lnUl-Slzed pleces and place
2mps bread nour J cups them on a greased b.1king s heet . (Lightl y flour rour
] l .'ip p:asl l ~, ["P h;:lIlds. If necessary. 10 wo rk with the sticky baiter.)
011 for rr}lnl: Cover loosely a nd put them in a warm place [0 nse
conrtcuoner"~ sugar for I hour.

Pour oi l 31 lcasl 3 1I1ches dee p into a deep skillet, wok ,

or saucepan . 1kat oil 10 365 F. Walc h the oil
temperature cardully. as it can chmb qUIckly. Slide a
few rice balls HlIO [he hOI oil. Do nOI crowd them . The)'
will bob back up wlhe surface. Cook until golden on
the bOllom , about 2 mlllutes. Then lurn and cook
another 2 minUICS o n Ihe other side.

When rrillers arc golden. remove them rrom the oil.

JClling them dmin fo r a few moments over [he uil. Then
pul them Oil scveral bl),e rs of paper towels. Sprinkle
them with confec tio ner'S suga r. Cabs should be served
war m. Yo u lim y put the cooked calas in a warm oven
whilc others arc eookmg. Make sure Ihe oil temperature
returns [0 365 'F before you add the next balch o f I..-alas.

Coaled ill sugar or dri zzled wilh a sugar glaze, these dough nuts
are delici ous.

M"'KE~ 8·10 I NG R El)lfN T S M... ~ r:5 12- 15 ME T II OLJ

'4 c up milk ~ <.:up PUl all ingredients except oil and s ugar coating in
'gg bread pan ill order suggested by your bread machine
2 \OsP bUlle r 31bsp instructions. Scl for white bread , dough stage.
y. cup s ugar 6 lOOp Press Start.
'I, tsp
~" X IS P
When dough is read y. punch down. Let it res t about
2 cups bread flour 3 cups
l 't. lSp reast 21: tsp 5 minutes. Then, o n a lightly noured surface, roll dough
oil for frymg into a rectangle about ~ inch thick. Using a doughnut
cutter or a 3-i nch cookie CUller, ell! OUI do ughnuts. If
you are not using a do ughnut euner, cuI out a 'h-inch
confectioner's sugar hole in Ihe center. Knead scraps together and lei rest 5
granulated cinnamon and sugar minutcs. Rcroll the dough and CUI out more do ughnuts.
sugar glaze (see below)
Place the doughnuts on ungreased baking sheets. Cover
loosely and put them in a warm place 10 rise 45 minutes
10 I hour, unti l doubled in bul k.
Yo cup confectioner's ~ugar
\I, tsp vanilla About 15 minutes before doughnuts finish rising, pour
I tbsp wann milk oil at least 3 inches deep into a deep skillet. wok, or
saucepan. Heat oil to J6Y F. Watch the oil temperature
carefully, as it can climb qUickly. Slide two or three
doughnuts into the hot oil. Do not crowd them. Cook
until golden on lhe bollom. 1V. to 2\{ minutes. The n
turn and cook the other side.

\Vhen doughn uts aTe golden, remove them from the oil,
lening them drain for a few Ill0l11entS over the oil. Then
put them on several layers of paper IOweiS. Mak e sure
the oil tempera tu re returns 10 365"F before yo u add Ihe
next batch of doughnuts.

Put conrcctioners s ugar or a mixture of cinnamon and

granulated sugar in a paper bag with two doug h nuts.
Shake until they are coated Remove and repeat unti l all
doughn uts are coaled .

Alternatively. mix the ingredie nts for the sugar glaze

together and drizzle it over the lOps of the douglmuls.
'",-a. -

Koladu'.s a n" individual Czcchos lovallian pas/ d es wi l II fruit or d lcesc

fillings, oJfen eatclI {I( Easter or CilrislIIras. Be/ow arc reci pes Jor/lIIo
fi llings, or you ((m lise your fa vorite recipe Jar other j l11il, /1111 , or poppyseed
f illings. For special occasions, Sfn' /' a variety offillin gs.

MA)(I:S 16 I ,' I r. 1.[ 01 I"I'i T S MM I;S 24 METII 01)

.gg I + I yolk Put all ingredients in bread pan in o rde r suggested by

\I cup milk ): cup your bread machine i nstruclLo ns. Set for while bread,
SOg(20l) bUlle r 85 g (3 oz) dough stage. Press Stan .
." cup sugar 6 lbsp
lightly 0 i11 W() baking sheets.
'(, ESp l' lSp

2 cups bread nou r 3 cu ps Whe n do ugh is rcad r, remo\'e frOfll bread mac hine and
I \I ESp )'Casl 21' ESp punch down. CUt s maller reCipe into 16 equal pieces,
con feClioncrs sugar the la rgeT recipe into 24 pieces. Roll each piece into a
ball a nd fl ~Hl e n slig h II)'. Place baits abo ut 1 inch apart in
,,"PI. I C OT F I U . I N G
ba king pan. Cover loosely and set in a war m place to
(Makes enough for 16 ko laches)
rise until doubled. abo ut 45 minutes.
'h cu p chopped dried ap ricots
~ cu p sugar Preheat 0\'1' 11 10 37S'E Gentl}' use one nnger to make an
2 lbsp apricot brandy. ol'1lngc liqueur indentatio n in the top of each kolache, taki ng care no t
or orange juict
to deflate the roll. GenII), wide n the hole wi th your
nngcr. Put about I tbsp of filling (sec be low) in eac h
(Makes enough for 24 ko!aches) kolache. Bake until kolaches arc golden brown. 15 to 20

3 Ot cream che~. softened

minutes. Sprinkle with confectio ner's sugar whi le slill
~ cup ricolla che~ . w~ ter)' warm .
liqU ids poured off
I egg yo lk AP kl COT flL L I S G
3 l~p sugar
Put aprico ts in a s mall saucepan. Cover with wale r.
IS tsp fresh lemon Juice
Bri ng to a boil , the n reduce heat to very lo w. Simmer
until wa ter evapo rates, watching closely and stirring
frequent I)' so apn cots do no t scorch. J USt as last bit of
water evaporates. add sugar and hqueur and hea t just
until s ugar dissolves. abom I minute. Let cool slightl y.
then pur~ e in blender or food processor.

C H EESE f l ll ll" C;

Bea t all ingredients together until smoot h.


These Mexkwi lr/~af S are coaled with sugar and W ith pecans, brown sugar, and cillfJalllon , Ihese
served wirll hOlley. sweel rolls are irresistible.

~AKf5 16 I "GR[O I ENTS ~AKI:S 25 MA KES 16 l NG ~ED1ENTS MA KF.5 24

'Ii cup W~lcr 1\ (UP 'gg

'A (U P milk '.i cup 71 cup mrlk 11'. cups
I IDsp lard or solid I Y, Ibsp ~ cup bulter 6 1bsp
shorte ning ~ cup s ugar 6 tb6p
I Ibsp sugar t Y>lbsp 'I, ISp
'{, lSp ~h ~ 15p
~" }'; ISP
2'6 cu()S br(3d flout J Y. cU()S
2 cu ps bread floUl 3 c Up5 yeast I Ibsp
2 "P
I y, lSI' )'cut 2 '~ LSp
oil for frying I' II. lI NG

conftctioner's sugar 21bsp vny soft bUller JIbsI'

'Ii cup brown sugar ~ cup
I lSI' ci nnamon IY, 15P
'6 cu p finely c ho pped ): cup
Put all ingredienlS except oil and confeclioner's sugar pecan ~

in bread pan in order sugges ted by your machine's

instructions. Set for white bread, dough siage. Press Stan . ~E THOD

When dough is ready, punch down. let it Test about 'j PUI all dough Ingredients in bread pan in order
minutes. Then , on a lightly fl oured surface, roll dough suggested by yo ur bread machine instructions. Set for
into a rectangle about '" inch thick. CUI dough into 2- white or sweet bread, dough s tage. Press Start.
inc h squares. Place squares on ungreased baking sheets.
\Vhen dough is ready, remove it frnm the bre:.ld machine
Covf'r loosely and put in a wnrm place 10 rise': while you
and punch it down. CUI the s maller recipe in two equal
heat the oil , about 15 mi nutes.
parIS, the larger recipe into Ihree parIS. lei the dough
Pour oil at least 3 inches deep into a deep skillet, wok , rest for ') minutes. Oil two or thret': baking sheets.
or saucepan . Hea t oil to 3')O"F. Watch the oil
On a lightly flo ured s urface, roll out each section of
temperature C"J.refully, as it can climb quickly. Slide a
dough into a circle, aoout 8 inches in diameter. Spread
few sopaipillas imo the hOI oil. Do not crowd the m.
surrace with soft bUller and sprinkle with mixed
Cook until golden , turning once. Total cooking lime is
cinnamon and s uga r, and pecans.
l 'h to 2 minut es.
Cu t each circle into eight wedges. Starting from the
Remove sopaipillas from the oil, letting them drain for a
o utside of the circle, loosely roll up each wedge toward
few moments. Then put thelll on several laycrs of paper
Ihe point. StreIch slightl y and pull it into a curve. Sct
towels. Sprinkle with confec tioners sugar, or put sugar
011 the baking sheet with the point unde rneath.
and sopaipil1as in a paper bag and s hake . Make sure the
oil temperature returns LO 3')O"F berore you add the Let the dough rise until doubled, about I hour. Bake in
next batch. preheated o\"e n 37YF, 12 to 15 minutes.

Ku clten is all easy Jruil -Jilled GC n1UHI coffee ({,he.. Tilis recipe is jo)" all apple
WP1Jillg, bUf you c(ln SlIiJslilUle soft f rUi ts Silch as peaches or apricots and
sJlip cookillg Ille. fruil before ballillg.

lib LOM I"'GI E O I EN TS I \'J lb I.()A~ :-IET II Ol)

'gg Put all dough ingrcdienls in bread pan . Sel for white o r
II cu p milk ~cup sweet bread, dough stage. Press Start.
/. cup bUller 6 tbsp
Make the fruil lopping w h ile bread machine is working.
'" cup sugar 6 I b~p
y, (Sp ~h :.: ISp Pre-cook the apples slightly to soften them. PUI them in
2t;ups bread flour 3 I: ups a saucepan with the lemon juice and about V. cup water.
1 ~J ISP yeasl 2'" ISP Bring water to a boil, then reduce heal and si mmer
apples, stirring frequentl y, unlil they are barel), soft, 7 to
T O P' I NG 10 minUies. Add a lillie water if needed SO ap ples don',
) cups p«led and sliced 4'h c up& scorch, but there should be as lillie liqUid as possible in
the pan when apples are done.
lisp fresh lemo n juice I "P
~ cup bread flour or b tbsp In Ihe mcanlimc, mix the flour, sugar, and cinnamon.
all-purpose flour When apples arc done, toss them with about ) tbsp of
X cup sugar Y, cup
the lopping. ~·ti1\ the softened bUller with the resl of
IISp ci nnamon I V, ISP
the topping. Sel apples and topping aside un lil dough
21bsp bulter, soflened 31bsp
is read}:

BUller a IO-i nch round pan (I like fa use a s pringform

pan) or a 9-inch S<luare baking pan for the s maller
recipe, two 8-inch round pans for Ihe larger one. When
dough is ready, remo\'e from pan and punch down . Let
iI rest 5 minutes. Roll dough out to fit baking pan or
pans. Pallhe dough imo the botlOm of Ihe b,.king pall.
Arrange apples on top of the dough. Sprinkle topping
ovcr apples. Co\'er kuchen and PUI it in a warm place to
rise l5 to 20 minutes. Preheat o\'cn to 350-[ (The s horl
rising period Will produce a denser, chewier dough. A
longer rising period WIll produce a lighter, morc bread-
like dough.) Bake kuchen u ntil edges of cake are golden
brown, 30 to 35 mmutes.


I 19 124
12 0 12 6
121 126
123 127

T'm:~c Kings Brccul, or Ros({/ de los RL')'cs, is eatell jll Mexico {mel Puerto
Rico 011 Twelfth Niglu , )lIIlIUIIY 6, Inc day IIle Ihree hings brouglujcsils giflS.
A lilly ceramic doll, coin, or /i llW beall /Jwy he Meldell ill lite The
persoll who finds if throws (j party 0 11 C(III(I/e Mass, Feblllwy 2.

I lb U.1A1 INGM[OII; N 'I' S J!'-: Ib LOAf

egg I ... 1 yol k

." cop w~ln I' cup
21~p powde red milk ) lbsp
I~C llP bUlln 6 [bsp
:} Ilbp SUgJf 4 /, lbsp
grdloo orange peel 1 lbsp
IIsp Sltll 1'/, l!op

2 Cli pS bread Ilour 3 cups

2 I:.p >'eJSI 1 Ibsp
J lbsp (hopped walnuts i y, lbsp
21bsp r.11~ins 3 \bsp
3 1bsp candled c herries ·+/, Ibsp

G I. AZl

100 g (3~ oz ) co nfeclloner:'; SligH

I lbsp milk or cll'arn
't L~p vanilla

M~Tl I O D

PUI all dough ingredients excepl fruit and nuts in bread

pan in order s uggested by yo ur bread machine
instructions. Sct for wllite or sweet bread, dough stage.
Press Start. Add frun and nuts at beeper or aher first

\Vhen dough is rudy, rcmove from pan and punch

down. Let it rest 5 minutes. BUller an IS-inch baking
Bake bread in preheated -tOO F o\"en un III ~olden , about
sheeL Roll the bread into a rope, about 24 inches for
2S minutes.
I:lrgcr loaf. Bring ends of t he rope toget her 10 form a
ring. and place bread on baking sheet. Inserl a ceramic Make glaze by comhining sugar. milk. and \·aniI1:l. Tilt'
doll, bean, or foil-wrapped coi n into the dough from the glaze should be thin enough 10 driz:le II . bUI nOI runn y.
underside. Cover dough and put in a warm place 10 rise Adjusl milk if necessary. Whcn brrad has c\loled slightlr
until doubled, 4S minutes to I hOllT. but is slill warm, drizzlr lhe glJzr o"cr tIll' ring.

Th is sweet bread, flavored wilh orange ped ali(I (wise seed and decorated
willI sllllll and crossboncs, is traditionally cmen ill Mexico oll ihe Day oJOI/:
Dead. TJlis is a day oj celebmlioll in Mexico, whclt re/mives 1t0llor tlu: dead
by visiling llieir gnu·cs and leavingjlowCl's alld food fhere. This bread is
slu'1u:d and ballcd in a convenfiOlla l oven. The dough will /ir ill either
the J -pOIIIU/ or I 'Ii-IJOlIIul bread machillc.

I I'IGIE Dl[ N T S M El li OO

J: cup walcr 'l ISP am~ seed PUI all btl! las! four ingredients in bread pan in order
I. cup Imlk 3 cups bread nour suggested by your bread m~chinc ins tructio ns. Set for
2,,,, I tb5p yea~l
white bread , dough slagc. Press Stan.
'/. cup bulltT I egg while
/. cu p sugar 1. Ibsp waler Grease a bakmg sheet . Make. an egg was h by mixing the
'Ii ISP sah 1. ISP suga r egg wh ite and 2 tbsp wate r.
lis p groled orange j)(cl y. ISp cinnamon
When dough is read)'. remove It from the bread machine
and punch down. Cut off about ~ cup of dough. Shape
the rest of the dough into a large, round loaf about 2
inches high and place it on the baking sheet. Cut the
small piece of dough inw thirds. Roll twO pieces
between your palms [0 form skinny ropes. Flallen the
ends a liule so Ihey look like bones. Dip them in the
egg wash, then place them on lOp of Ihe loaf in an X so
they look like crossbones. Fiallen lhe remaining piece
of do ug h into a round. then pull il a lillie to elongate it
so il looks like a skull. Dip il in the egg wash , then
lighll)' press il OntO the loaf. just above Ihe c rossbones.
If desIred, add lears or facial features.

Brush the loaf wilh egg was h . Cover the bread loosely.
Set il in a warm place to rise un til puffy. 30 10 45
minutes. Preheat oven to 375"F. Brush bread again wilh
egg wash . Mix sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over
the bread . Bake until bread is browned and a little
crusty, 30 10 35 minutes.

H OI C ross BUlls, a n Ellg/is!1 {mclilioll, a re ell/ell 011 Good Ffirlay. WidlOUI dre
cross, Iltey maliC del iciolls hrea llj(lSI rolls year- rouml.

WoK£'> 12 to Ib I NG R ':'Dlt"'T~ MAKES 18 TO H .).I [1 H OO

'gg I • I yolk PUI all mgrcd icllIs except currants or raisins in bread
y, cup mIlk i' cu p pan in order suggested by you r bread machi ne
'(, c up bU !l ~ r 'Ii cup inStrucTions. Sct for while bread , d oug h stage. Press
:0 cup sug~r (I IllsI' Start. Add the curran ts or raisi ns :Iftc r the firs! kn radmg
IIsp grated ictnol1 peel I Y, ISP or when Ihe machine Sig nals ii's ti me to add frui t.
12 LSI' cin namon
' "P Lightly 011 a 9·illc h squa re pan or .. lO-inch round pan
',( ISp nutmeg I,z tsp
for the smaller loaf. a 9 x IJ-inch pan o r two 8 x 8-
" l~p ground dovcs
' "P
~ lSp
~" I' LSI' inc h square pans fo r Ihe large r rreire .
2 cups bread nour J cups
W hen dough is ready, remove frolll bread machine and
2 bp }"CaSl I Ibsp
curra nts Dr r,lisin~
punch down C ut sm aller reeipe into I2 10 16 eq ual
'" cup \! cup
pieces, Ihe larger reei pe into 1810 24 pieces. Roll each
G I. AZE piece inlo a ball. Place bans aoout '/,-i nch apart in

',I l"UP confectioner's sugar baking pan . Cover loosely and SCI in a warm place 10
1 tbsp milk or cream rise until d oubled , 45 minutes 10 1 h our.
'4 lSI' lemon juIce Preheat oven [0 375' F. With a sh arp k n ife or razor
blade, CUI a c ross in the tOp or each ro ll. Bake 12 [0 15
mi nutes, U1I1i1 a skewer inserted III roll comes out clean

Make glaze , adding s ugar or milk if need ed to gh'e it a

consistency that will allow you 10 dri zzle it over the
rolls but is not runn y. Let ro lls cool slightl y bUI nOI
comple[ely. Drizz le icing in a cross, fo llowing the eu[s
in [he top of [he bun .
-~ • • ~ « . -

TlliS is (III Italian Christmas bread dislillguis!tecl Challah is WI egg bread OWl is ovcn -ballcdfor the
by its tall, domed shape. jewish S(thlml/! . It is usually a siraighl , Imtided
locif, bur sometimes Ihe braid is coiled Ii/Ie a Sltail.
1 Ib LOAf I NGREDIENTS I "1 lb LOAF At Rosil Haslla ltal!, il may be fo rm ec' ill (/ circle,
symboliziltg a prayer risi ttg Iteavellwcml.
, milk
6 lbsp
3 tOOp butler "'I. 1001' lIb 1.01.1' I NGl EDIENT S 1 ~: lbi OAf
J Ibsp
suga r
4 /, lbsp
, 'W 3
'1\ cup waler y. c up
l isp gr.lled (emoll ~(I 1'1. tsp
1 lb" p bUller 1'/, l!>sp
IISp van illa 1'I. lSI'
211lsp sugar ) Ibsp
Y. lSI' anise s~ed X ISp
IIsp ~I , I \I, I~p
2. cups bread flou r J cups
2 cups brcad flour ) cups
21sp yea5t I lbsp
) lbsp pine nuts <tv, Ibsp '"P reasl I Ibsp

2lbsp gol den raisins J cbsI'

Glo\Z t
It: cup c hopped candied 'h cup
rruil I cgg ),olk
1 Ibsp nOUt I tool' IIsp waler
1-2 lSI' (lOppy seeds

M[T lI lll)
PUt all ingredients except pine nu ts, raisi ns , fruil. and
the iasl lablespooll of nour in bread pan in order Put ingredients in bread pan in o rde r suggested b)' )'our
s uggested by yo ur bread machine instruc tions. Set for bread machine instru ctions. SCI for while b read, dough
white bread, d ough stage. Press Sian. stage. Press StMt.

The high sugar content interferes wilh Ihc rising action When dough is read )" rC lllove and p unch down . Cut
o f the yeast, so it is k neaded after the fi rst risi ng. d ough into three equal parts. Roll each piece into a ro pe
Remove the dough and punch down. Toss candied fruit abo ut 12 inches lo ng for the small loaf, 1610 18 inches
with J tbsp nour, then gen Uy kn ead the fruit , raisins, fo r the large loa r. Braid the three ropes togelher. Pi nc h
and pine nutS in!() the dough . Put the d ough in a lhe ends toget her and turn t hem under. Cover the loaf
buttered pan and turn so all sides are greased. Panettone a nd set it in a warm place 10 rise until dou bled in
is traditiona ll y ba:;ed in a tall, cylindrical pan. Use a 1_ volume, 45 minutes 10 I hour.
pound coffee can o r as-cup soumt d is h for the smallcr Pre heat the o\'en to 350"F. Ma ke glaze by bea ling egg
loaf and a slightly oversized loaf pan o r an S-cu p rou nd )'olk and water wit h fo rk. Brush lightly over loaf.
casserole dish for the larger one. Sel it in a wann place. Sprinkle tOp with poppy seeds.
cover loosely, and let rise until doubled in volume.
Bake until lOp is nicdy browned, 30 10 35 mi nutes.
Bake in p reheated 350"F oven until golden and skewer
inserted comes OUI clean , 30 minutes.

l.",.T Panettone

This is {lbraided loaf, seasoned willi gi nger and nutmeg and full ojfruit (lml
lIuls. II talles somc IVOril to Imead iFI fil e Jnlil and to make /Il e elegant
bm ids. The. loaf is bal~ed ill dl/:: OVOI. Tllis recipe will fi t both the
1-l'owu/ and J 0-poulld IJalIS.

' ''G IIEllIEN 1"S Oil a baking sheet at least 14 inches long. When the
~ cu p milk 1 lbsp yeast dough is ready, remove and punch down. Knead in the
I 'U 't. cup shl ercd blanched fruit and nuts. CUI the dough inlO four equal parts.
~ <up bllttn 31monds Take three and roll each to fonn a rope about 18 inches
'f. cup sug~r 't (UP golden TaISLn $
long. Braid the ropes, pLllch ends togelher. and place on
I 15p ~h I tbsp candied ora nge peel
the baking shee!.
'I. ISP grQ\., md ginger 1 egg )'olk beaten with I Ibsp
'" ISp ground nliulIcg wate r CUlthe remaining piece LIllO fou r equal parts. Again.
I (SP gra ted I~mon pcrl 2 lbsp sli ced almonds take three and roll each between your hands to form a
3 cups bn:..d flour con re<: li oner's sugar thin rope about 18 inches long. Braid the ropes and
celiler the braid on lOp of the fat braid. Run wtlled
M f. TlIOO fingers along the unde rside of the thin b...... id . then
Put milk, egg. bUller. Sligar, salt , spices, lemon peel , lightl y press it onlO Ihe fat braid . Pinch the ends
nour, and yeaS t in bread pan in order suggested by your together and press them unde r the ends of the fat braid .
bread machine instructions. Set fo r while or sweet Cu t Ihe remaining piece into two equal parts. Roll each
bread , dough s lagI'. Press Slart. You may add the into a skinn y rope about 16 inches long. Twist the two
almonds whe n Ihe machine Signals time to add fTUH , ropes together. Cel11er the twist on the thin braid. Wet
but don't add the raisi ns and candied orange peel yo ur fingers and run them lightly on the underside of
because the additional suga r in an already sweet bread the twist. then lightly press 01110 the thin braid. Pinch
could interfere with the yeast's rising action . the ends together and turn them under. Use four or five
toothpicks to skewer the braids in place. Otherwise, the
top braids may slip off as the dough rises. Cover bread
loosely, put in a warm place , and leI rise until dough
has almost dou bled, about an hour.

Preheat the oven to 3i5'F. lightly brush with the egg

wash. then sprinkle the sliced almonds over the top and
press a few into the sides. Bake until brown and a
skewer inserted in a thick part comes OUI clean.
Sprinkle witb confectioner's suga r while warm .
=--.... .... -
M OH/viCI/1 Sugar Bread is a coffee ca lif: 111(11
origrllll/cd ill Germany and was bl'Ol.ghl 10
the U,li/c el Slates by MoravimlS ""10 sell /cd TITis is (/ dar/I , dellse lye bread ma(k wilh Sloul
in Non!, Carolina. or ale, flavored willI orange peel alld lIlo /a sses,
alld sllIdded willI bits of calldied oral1ge peel. I I is
besl Ca/ CII si mply Wilh bUller.
I Ib lIHI I"iG.ED I E I'ITS l l,~ Ib 10A1

5 1bsp milk h cup

llh 10M I NCI EDI (S TS 1\.: Ib LOAf
'gg I • I yolk
)'; cup mashed potatoes It, cup )I cup dark SIOUI or ale I'll cups
J lbsp butter ~ :t, I]"p 1 Ibsp ~egClable od l 'li lbsp
\<\ cup sugar 6,bsp 3lbsp molasses 4'/, Ibsp
V, ISp ~h ~ ISp y, ISP salt \0: lSI'
1 cups b~ad £lour 3 cu ps ):: cup bread nour I c up
I '/, lSp )' ca~ 1 2\<\ ISp I ~ cups rye nour 211 cups
1 Ibsp graled orange peel 1,/, Ibsp
T O" " IN G 5 2 1s p yeast I tbsp
2 tbsp candied orange ~el 3lbsp
'10 cup brown sugar ~ cup
V. tsp ci nnamon ): ISp
''; ISp nutmeg ''; tsp MET n o n
31bsp buner 4 '(, lbsp
Put all ingredients exeepl candied orange pee! In bread
pan in order suggcsted by your bread machine
inSlruclions. Set fo r whole·wheal bread , mediu m crust.
PUI ~ ough ingredients in bread pan in order sugges ted Add candied orange peel after first kneadi ng or when
by yo ur bread machine instructions. Use a 9- lIlch loaf bcrper i n dicat~ li me 10 add fruit.
pan for the smaller loaf and a 9-inch square baking pan
for Iht' larger one. Set fo r while o r s weet bread, do ugh
siage. Press SIan .

When dough is ready, remove from bread mac hi n e and

punch down. I'm dough in a greased baki ng p:lIl and
turn so all sides of dough are g reased. The mas hed
potatoes s hould be plam , with no bUller, milk, or
seasonings. Covet. put in a warm place, and let rise
until doubled in bulk . Preheat oven to 375' F.

Make topping by combining all ingredients m a small

saucepan. Heat , STirri ng often , until bUller is melted and
sugar is dissolved, With yo ur fingertips. gcnd y make
shallow indenTations all over the top of the dough.
Spread lOppi ng across 101' of bread. Bake 30 minu tes.

T/d s bread, slightly sweet ami jlQvon'c/ willI orange, is (raC/ilionally emCll on
New }'Cl.r~ Eve. TIl(' bailer Irides a coill ill rhe Im:ad, ami ('Ie persoll who
find s if will IIlI Yf' gooel/lld: ill III(: /lew ycm; aCCOltlillg to Cree/lIme/ilion.

I lb Ul,\r I N(; R f. I)I£N T S J \l Ib LOAr M E nlOI)

'gg It I yolk Put all dough mgredients in bread machltle pHn. SCI for
\( cup milk II cu p ",hue or sweet bread. d ough stage Press S t.UI.
t: (UP bUlIf: r II cup
%cup When dough is ready, remove from pan and (lunch
sugar 61bsp
2lSp gr.l1ed 1e11l()11 peel I trn,p down . LeI it rCSI 5 minutes. BUller a baking shcet. Roll
21sp graled orang!." pt"el J lbsp the bread imo a rope, about )0 inches for smaller loar.
II, ISp Sol!! Yo ISp aOOm 40 inches for larger loaf. Coil .he rope inlO a
2 (uPS br('ad nour J CU lb drcJc on the bunered b:lking sheet. Insert a foil -
liSp yeasl 1 lbsp wrapped coin in to the dough from the underside, where
11 cannol be scC'n_ Cover dough and put l!l :l wa rm place
10 risc until doubled , 45 minutes to I hou r.
I egg while hcalel1 Wilh 2 lSI' \\3l cr
Brush dough with egg-waler wash . Stick pine nuts in
2-3 tbsp pi fie f1UtS
(you may substitute slive red almo nds) the fold s of the dough, follOWing the circular palteTll .
1- 2 Ib!.p sugM Sprinkle with sug;u ,

Bake bread in preheated 37soF oven unlll golden , about

30 minUles.

Almond PopPYSttd IIrud 08 C racked Wheal BUllermdk Muravian Sugar Brud 126 Rye CreS(;elll Rolls 76. 77
amaranth nuur 11 Buad 37 Moroccan Bn:ad 9(1 rye fluur I J
i\nada ma Brr~d }f Cranberr) Or;onge Brud 6'5 Muffins. I;nglt~h In
Applr Bran Brud -16, i7 C rl)l~san1s 71 Multi ·Grain Bread 36 Sail)' Lunn Iltnd 33
/\pplr Kuehen 11 7 Cumin Bread. O",nge J I 50alt 12
t\ppl~ S;ll1ce IIndnul Bread 58 <><II bran 12 Seed Bread 38. 3<,)
Arncol G rah~m Sread 112 Oat" Granola Bread -f9 OO t flour II Semolma Bread 77
Dou ghnuts, Raised 113 o;l1meal 12 S(:lllohna nOUT 10
Oatmeal Brtad. Bunemlilk 18 Sopai pillas 110
lIagels 85
Egg bread lB. 19 Oatmul Walnut Brud 56 Sour Cream Cornmeal
Banana S"", Bread. COCOnU I
01)\"1' Chctse Bread 56. 57 Rread Itl
-+1 . -11
fat·fr« dough 13 O rllon om Rye Bread 20.11 Sourdough french Bread 10+
h~rlC)' "our II
i;ns i n dough 13 Orange Bread. C mnocrry 6'5 Sourdo ugh Rye Bread 102
BasIl TOlnat.) Parml$ln
1'l1eead" 93 Orange Cum in Brt;ad 3 I So urd ough Slatter ]00
Bread 53
French Bread 80 O ...m ge Monkey Brud 108 Sourdough W31nut Rye
Bath Ilun~ 1,1(}
So urdough 1M Orange Multi ·G raln Bread. Bread 101
Beer Mustard Br("3.d 2of. 25
Honey +4 Sourd()l'gh Whole-Wbeal
BeignclS III
Garhe Herb Monkey Bread 72 oven b.aklll)!, 9 Bread 101. /03
lI1aek I'umpc::rlllckd 2J
Bolillos 9-f
Garlic Pepper Pnt~lo Rolls B2 sora nour II
Ginger Appl~uce Bread, Pan de Muerl05 120 Su nsbint l\read -fS
b"'n t 1
I.... u ta's 60 Panel1on" In Swedish C hristmas Brc~J 126
Bran CereallJrud-+l
Grabam Bread 26 Pear llrea<l 6-t S.... ~d ,~h L.mpa Brl""ad 81
Apricot 62 Pecan Bread S" 'eet Potato Bread i<,)
Cn sp 7i
gr~ham nour 10 Brown Sugar 31. J3 Swee l Red Ptp~r Sllge
Granola Bread, Dat" 49 Pumpkin 5-f Bread 61
llrillcbe 95
Greek NeW Years Bread 127 Prcall Breakfast Bread. Maple-fO sw«teners 12- LJ
Brown Sugar PeC"fm Bread 31. 33
Pecan Cnscell1 Rolls 110
buck",'hcat nour ] 1
Hamburger Buns 75 Pes!O S"",I Bre"d 78 Icm~ralUTe of
hulgur II
Hazdnut Bread Pineapple Bread. Tropical 59 mgrcdicnts 8, L4
bulgur ... hC~1 nuur 36
Apple ~uee '58 Pislolel97 Three Kmgs Bread 11 9
BUllermil k Bread. Cracked
Cherry 55 PUa Ilrr ad <;15 tritkale 10
Wheal 37
Herb Bread, hall3n J() Pop pyseed Bn:ad. Almond 68 TOmal<l Parmesan Br~ad.
8Ullc. mdk huil Brud 66
BlUlermll\.; Oatmeal IIrcad 28
lIon~)' Orange Multi -G ra in
Bread H
PuppY$Ced Plait. Ll,'mon 10
POr\u)!,ueS(: Sweet Bread 92
Bas.. '3
frail MIX Brc3d 62. 63
BUllenndk. Pumpemlckd
Hone), Whu t Bread 17 POlato Bread 25 Tropical Pmeapple Bread 59
Brud 22
lI o! Cross Bu ns 121 POlalo Clovcrkaf Rolls,
I~ o! Dog Rolls 75 Vl/hule·Wbeat 79
Va nocka IH
(alas 112 POlal<) Rolls. Garlic PepJXr 82
Ventrkake 89
(aliforJll 3 Almond FIg Italian lkrb Bread J.O prohlems (II brc.w baking 1'1-1'
Brud68 Prune Walnut Br;on Srud.,1
Walnu! Brud. Oa lm eal '56
Challah 123 J(olal·b" 115 Pulla 118
Walnut I ieI'll Bread, Ricnlla 58
Cherry Ilazdnul Brud 55 Kugelhopf 107 Pump~rnickel. Black 23
W ... lnu\ R)'e Bread.
ChIli C heese IIread 51 Pumpt:m lckel Ilread II
Sourdou)(h 101
Cmnamon Raisin Bread 60 UlUra's Ginger Applesauce BUllermilk 22
"h e~1 flour~ 10
Ci nnamnn ltaisin Swirl Bread 60 Pumpkin '>ecan Bread 5 ~
whut germ 11
Bread 110 la"osh 93 PumIXmid;cI RaISin Rolls tIC. 81
whut gtains II
Cinnamon !)lIcky Buns 106 Lenwn Poppyseed Plan 70
Wheal Germ Yogburt Bread H
Coconut fblUna Br~n quulOa flour II
while bread , b3sic 17
Bread -fl . of3 M.ango Macadl.m.a Nut Bread 61
wholt-Whul Pmato
c"rn flour I I Maple Pecan Ilrukrast Bread -fO rice flour II
CI""criu f RolLs 79
cornm"al I! Mill".! Hrfad 39 RI(oIl3 Walnut t Inh Bread 58
Cornmul Bread , Sour millrt flout II R}'e Bread 27
Cream 18 millet grains 11 Light 20 ),,,ast 12. 15
Cornmeal Yeasl Br~ad 211. 29 Onion Dill 20, 21 Yoghurt Brad, WhUI Germ +t
Monkey Bread
Couage Ch~~ 0111 Bread OW Garhc Herb 12 So urd ough 102
cracked wheal I I Orange 108 Somdough Walnul 101

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