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 King Tyndareus picked Menelaus – King of

sparta (Brother of Agamemnon) – Whoever

Judgement of Paris
carried or tried to carry Helen would be
 Evil goddess of discord = Eris punished.
- Eris is not very popular in Olympus.
 There was a banquet – but they (gods) left her  Helen and Menelaus welcomed Paris (Aphrodite
out. Therefore, Eris went to cause trouble brought him). They are very close – yet Paris
 In the wedding of King Peleus and Sea nymph broke this bond. Menelaus left Paris and went
Thetis she (Eris) presented a golden apple to Crete.
(given to the fairest of them all) – Aphrodite  When Menelaus got back Helen was missing –
(goddess of love and beauty), Hera and Athena angered he called upon all Greece to put Troy in
were the competitors ashes.
 Zeus was asked to judge but wisely declined.  Two of the first rank were missing: Odysseus
Instead he told them Paris ( also called The king of the island Ithaca and Achilles the
Alexander – weakling and coward) at Mount Ida son of Peleus and Thetis
near Troy at this time Paris was keeping his  Odysseus: the shrewdest and most sensible
father’s sheep, men in Greece – he does not want to leave his
 The King of Troy (Priam) had been warned that family for a faithless woman (Helen) – He
Paris would bring troy down. – he sent him pretended to be crazy and when a messenger
away to a lovely Nymph (Oenone) arrived from Greek army arrived – Odysseus
 When Paris was asked to judge the goddess was plowing and sowing the field with SALT
offered him – Hera: make him lord of Europe instead of seed. The messenger used Odysseus
and Asia – Athena: Would lead trojans to son and put him directly in the way of the plow.
victory against Greeks – Greece in ruins – Because of this (reluctantly) joined the army.
Aphrodite (PICK): The fairest woman will be  Priam and the queen of troy (Hecuba) had
his. many brace sons to lead and defend the walls.

Trojan War  Hector – one of the sons, noble and braver.

 Achilles had been told by his mother that he
 Fairest woman in the world is Helen ( daughter
would die – Hector as well knew this even
of Zeus and Leda - sister of Castor and Pollux)
without any divinity
 All young prince in Greece wants to marry her. –
 Hector’s wife Andromache. Hector said to his
when these prince gathered with proposals her
wife that there will come a time that troy will
Reputed father King Tyndareus is afraid to
select one because “others might unite against
him” therefore they would champion for her
god/s interventions
 At this point the war has reached Olympus – Troy is ruined – Athena persuaded a foolish
gods were ranged against each other. heart of Pandarus, a Trojan to break the
 Troy: Aphrodite (Paris), Ares (god of war), agreement and shoot an arrow at Menelaus
Apollo, Artemis and Zeus (however neutral (now wounded slightly) – Greeks in rage
because of Hera) because of the treachery.
 Greece: Hera, Athena, Poseidon.
 Regarding Zeus – he could not resist Thetis  Achilles now with Athena yet Hector was alone
(Thetis told Zeus that she has nothing to do with (Apollo leaving him) – three times they were
the Greeks and went up to heaven and) – her chasing until Athena made Hector halt. – Hector
request is to let the trojans win. Since Hera was said “ If I kill you I will give back your body to
a mouth fully disagreeing with Zeus – Zeus your friends and do you do the same to me” -
threatened to lay hands if she would not stop. Achilles replied “ mad man there are no
 Zeus plan: He sent a lying dream to covenents between sheep and wolves nor
Agamemnon promising him victory if he between you and me”.
attacked. – at this point Achilles is at his ten  Achilles attacked first -> misses yet the spear
followed by a hardest attacked against the old was brought by athena -> hector attacked true
king of Priam and other old men wise in war. hit however the spear hit the cent shield the
 Then came Helen with and they could not armor was magical and could not be pierced ->
blame her “Men must fight for such as she” Hector turned to Deiphobus unfortunately he
“Her face was like to that of an immortal spirit” was not there because athena tricked him.
 She stated each Greek hero – because of this  Hector said “The gods have summoned me to
the armies drew back and made a space for death”
Paris and Menelaus to fight.  He thought “at least I will not die without a
 Paris struck first but Menelaus caught the spear struggle but in some great deed of aims which
on his shield – when he pulled out his sword it men yet to be born will tell each other”
was broken then he tackled Paris and won the  Achilles knew that hector took the armor of the
fight – he was about to drag Paris until dead Patroclus aimed at an opening near the
Aphrodite tore the strap of Paris’ helmet. throat and drove the spear point in. – hector
Caught up in a cloud and took back to Troy died saying “ Give back my body to my father
 Menelaus furiously went to the trojan ranks and and my mother” Achilles replied” I would that I
no one helped him because they as well hated could make myself devour raw tour flesh for the
Paris – no one knew where he was. So evil you have brought upon me. -> hector’s soul
Agamemnon spoke to both armies to declare is now at Hades
Menelaus champion bidding to give back Helen  Achilles stripped the bloody armor and pierced
– this was already okay until Athena and Hera the feet of the dead man and attached them
intervened – Hera said the war will not end until with thongs to the back of this chariot. Round
and round the horse roamed around the walls the Dawn) – Helped Greec because they lost
of troy dragging hector- Achilles said” hear me many warriors
even in the house of Hades. I have dragged  Unfortunately for them Achilles killed Memnon
Hector behind my chariot and I will give him to in a combat – he himself fell beside the Scaean
the dogs to devour beside your funeral pyre.” gates. – at this point Paris shot an arrow at
Achilles and Apollo guided it so it would hit his
 In Olympus there was dissension. Abuse of the foot (heel).
dead displeased all the immortals except Hera,  Thetis when he (Achilles) son was born he
Athena and Poseidon. It displease Zeus wanted to make him invisible by dipping him
 So Zeus sent Iris to Priam to redeem hectors into the River Styx but she was careless and did
body from achilles. Bearing rich ransom. He not see that water covered the part of the foot
went to achilles the killer of his son. which she held. – Achilles died
 Grief stirred Achilles and he said to Priam “sit by  Ajax carried his body out of the battle while
me here” and “let our sorrow lie quiet in our odysseus held the trojan back.
hearts. Evil is all men’s lot but yet we must keep  Greeks knew that if they can’t get their army in
courage” then he bade his servants was and the city they would never win. 10 years since
anoint hector’s body and cover it with a soft the last fight.
robe.  Odysseus had a willy mind – he had a skillful
 Achilles asked for how long is the funeral – worker in wood make a wooden horse. They
Priam replied “ For so long I will keep the greeks were all terror stricken except the son of
back from battle” – form here he mourned las Achilles Neoptolemus – the plan was to let the
neve another, even Helen wept. She said “the other greeks strike camp and put out to sea but
other trojans upbraid me but always I had they would really hide beyond the nearest
comfort from you through the gentleness of island where they could not be seen by the
your spirit and your gentle words. You only trojans.
were my friend.”  The day of the plan was deployed, two trojan
 90 days lamented him they laid him in a lofty watchers shocked by the wooden horse – they
pyre and set fire to it when all was burned, they made it seem as if they (greeks) where
quenched it with wine and gathered bones retreating – Trojan armies rushed to the Greek
placed in a golden urn and placed in a hollow camp only to see nothing – They gathered
grave pilled great stone over it. – Funeral of around the horse to inspect and saw Sinon (the
hector, tamer of horses and with it the Iliad most plausible speaker) the last Greek left at
ends the camp – they seized and dragged him to
 Not Hector dead – Achilles knew that his own Priam – he was willing to give up being Greek.
death is near (said by his mother). Prince  Sinon was granted to live his life with the by
Memnon of Ethiopia (the son of the Goddess of using his false cunning and pretended tears. –
he said that the wooden horse has been made
The adventured of Odysseus
as a votive offering to Athena – hoping that
 Athena and Poseidon had been the Greeks’
trojans would destroy it and draw Athena’s
greatest allies among the gods. – it all changed
when troy fell. – They became the bitterest of
 The most bitter of all gods was Poseidon enemies. Because of this they were terribly
brought about the priest Laocoon when the punished.
horse was first seen, urging to destroy it as he  Cassandra (One of priam’s daughter) was a
said “I fear the greaks even when they bear prophetess. – Apollo had loved her and given
gifts” – his TWO SONS heard his suspicion her because to foretell the future – since
 Suddenly two serpents went to Laocoon at Cassandra did not love Apollo back – Apollo
killed him. cursed her and made it to no account no one
 Now that the war has ended they went to their ever believed in her (because he cannot take
houses in peace after 10 years – one by one the the gifts back)
chieftains let themselves out; they stole to the  Cassandra told the trojans each time what ould
gates and threw them wide – fire started – happen – they would never listen.
killing each trojan in their household silently. By  When greeks raided she was in Athena’s temple
the time trojans were awake – Achilles son clinging to her image, under the goddess
killed king priam infront of his wife and protection. The greeks found her there and they
daughters. dared to lay violent hands on her. Ajax (a lesser
 All the leaders of the trojans are now dead chieftain) dragged her out of the temple. Not
except for one Aphrodite’s son Aeneas who one Greek protested against this sacrilege.
escaped. – He knew at that point the slaughter Athena’s wrath was deep.
continued and he can’t do anything about it. –  She now went to Poseidon and laid her wrongs
He hurried to his wife and son and his mother before him. “help me to vengeance” – “Give the
(Aphrodite) appeared and promising to protect greeks a bitter home coming, stir up your
him. But when they left the house his wife waters with wild whirlwinds when they sail. Let
separated and was killed. – Aphrodite was the dead men choke the bays and line the shores
only one of the gods that helped a trojan. and reefs.”
 She (Aphrodite) heled Helen too, she brought  Agamemnon came near to losing all his ships:
her to Menelaus. Menelaus was blown to Egypt – the Ajax was
 Chief among the captives was the old Queen drowned. – he would have been saved if not for
Hecuba, her daughter inlaw and Andromache. his arrogance “he is the one the sea cannot
 Andromache held her son Astyanax – which a drown” – So Poseidon jagged bit of rock to
camp herald – he said the boy must die by which he was clinging. Ajax fell and the waves
throwing him down from the wall of troy. swept him away to his death.
 Odysseus did not lose his life but he suffered
LONGER than them because he wandered for
10 YEARS before he saw his home – when he
reached it the little son he had left there was
grown to manhood. 20 years had passed since
odysseus sailed for troy.

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