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Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)

Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)


As a partial fulfillment of

Values & Ethics

3 Semester
(Academic Year 2018-19)

Course Program Branch Institute

HS122 A B Tech Computer Engineering DEPSTAR

Submitted by

Id. No. of the Student Name of the Student

17DCE060 Aneri Shah

CHARUSAT | FMS | HSS | HS122 A| Assignments Page 1

Internal Evaluation:
Assignment-1 Discuss the given Types of Values with suitable examples. 10 Marks
Assignment-2 Write an Essay on any ONE of the global issues 05 Marks
Assignment-3 Case Study 05 Marks
Assignment-4 Short note 05 Marks
Attendance 05 Marks
Total 30 Marks

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Assignment-1| Discuss the given Types of Values with suitable examples.
Universal Values
• A value is a universal value if it has the same value or worth for all, or almost all, people.
• Universal values are applicable to all the human beings irrespective of cast, creed, nationalities,
religion, etc., for all time and regions.
• Whether universal values exist is an unproven conjecture of moral philosophy and cultural
anthropology, though it is clear that certain values are found across a great diversity of human
cultures, such as primary attributes of physical attractiveness(e.g. youthfulness, symmetry)
whereas other attributes (e.g. slenderness) are subject to aesthetic relativism as governed
by cultural norms.
• Relativism concerning morals is known as moral relativism, a philosophical stance opposed to
the existence of universal moral values.
• According to Berlin, "...Universal values....are values that a great many human beings in the vast
majority of places and situations, at almost all times, do in fact hold in common, whether
consciously and explicitly or as expressed in their behavior..."

Personal Values
These are considered essential principles on which we build our life and guide us to relate with other
people. They are usually a blend of family values and social-cultural values, together with our own
individual ones, according to our experiences. Personal values provide an internal reference for what is
good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable and constructive. Values generate behaviour and
influence the choices made by an individual.
Values may help common human problems for survival by comparative rankings of value, the results of

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which provide answers to questions of why people do what they do and in what order they choose to do
them Moral, religious, and personal values, when held rigidly, may also give rise to conflicts that result
from a clash between differing world views.
Over time the public expression of personal values that groups of people find important in their day-to-
day lives, lay the foundations of law, custom and tradition. Recent research has thereby stressed
the implicit nature of value communication.

Social Values
These are the prevailing values of our society, which change with time, andeither coincide or not with
our family or personal values. They constitute a complex mix of different values, and at times they
contradict one another, or pose a dilemma. For example, if work isn’t valued socially as a means of
personal fulfillment, then the society is indirectly fostering “anti-values” like dishonesty,
irresponsibility, or crime. Another example of the dilemmas that social-cultural values may pose is when
they promote the idea that “the end justifies the means”. With this as a pretext, terrorists and arbitrary
rulers justify violence, intolerance, and lies while claiming that their true goal is peace.

Civic Values
The Civic values Are principles of conduct centered on personal relationships within a society and serve
to maintain social order. There are civic values of a universal character that transcend any boundary and
can be understood in the vast majority of cultural configurations. On the other hand, others respond
more than anything to more local and specific realities. Therefore, what can be a civic value in one
place, in another does not correspond. The application of civic values by citizens allows society to
behave as a gear, and relations between them occur in a positive way. These values Are usually instilled
in the home, through the transmission of the same between parents and children. Also, the school is an
important place in which these values can be proposed. Generally, the learning of the same is done
inherently by imitation from childhood and continues to reproduce for the rest of life. When from an
early age one does not have a basic respect for civic values, great social disruptions that destroy the
basic pillars of social coexistence can be caused in the future.

Anything one does for the betterment of his/her fellowmen is considered a civic value. For example,
during the last typhoon in Manila, neighbors began coming to the aid of each other trying to meet their
basic needs. Another example would be our duty as citizen to report to the proper authorities crimes and
other unlawful activities occurring in our neighborhood. Lastly paying proper taxes to the government.
These and many others are only a few examples of civic values.

Democratic Values
Democracy is all about being able to make informed choices. For example, if there are three political
parties in an election, you make a choice from the individual candidates, and/or from the programmes
and positions of the parties they represent.

In order for you to make genuinely informed choices, you need to be able to:

• engage meaningfully in open dialogue and debate

• access relevant and objective information so that your views are informed
• perceive that your participation in the debate and subsequent decision-making has value
• feel safe
• make a free decision without suffering or fearing harm to yourself or your family.

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Assignment-2| Write an Essay on any ONE of the global issues.
• Terrorism
• Poverty
• Human Trafficking
• Racism
• Financial Instability

Trafficking in human beings is a social problem of our time. Among the major violations of human
rights in the world, today is the actual crime that has many names: “white slavery”, “human trafficking”,
“trafficking in persons”. Human trafficking is a global problem that affects the lives of millions of
people in almost every country of the world, and which deprives them of their human dignity. As one of
the most disgusting crimes in the world, human trafficking is misleading and makes a sacrifice of
women, men and children from all over the world, every day causing them to be exploited. Although the
most known form of human trafficking is sexual exploitation, people are also trafficked for forced labor,
as armipotence or donors for illegal transplantation of organs.

Reasons behind the issue

Human traffickers prey on people who are poor, isolated and weak. Issues such as disempowerment,
social exclusion and economic vulnerability are the result of policies and practices that marginalize
entire groups of people and make them particularly vulnerable to being trafficked. Natural disasters,
conflict and political turmoil weaken already tenuous social protection measures. Individuals are
vulnerable to being trafficked not only because of conditions in their countries of origin, however. The
allure of opportunity, the relentless demand for inexpensive goods and services and the expectation of
reliable income drive people into potentially dangerous situations where they are at risk of being
exploited. The Vienna Forum will examine existing definitions of and practices related to the prevention
of trafficking and, by focusing on decreasing vulnerability, will broaden the strategic impact of existing
prevention efforts.
Impact of the issue
Psychological Impact :
Most traffickers recruit their victims between the ages of 6 to 24, because a young victim will easily
succumb to force and give in. They are forced into heavy physical labor in hazardous environment.
Many are also taught the use of weapons and are recruited as 'soldiers' in armed conflicts. According to
statistics by the U.S. Department of State, globally, 2 million children are trafficked into the sex trade
each year. The children suffer from lack of self-esteem, emotional disturbance, disorientation, and
depression and are scarred for life. They develop deep psychological disorders that they struggle with
for the rest of their lives even if they have been rescued. Psychological vulnerability hinders them from
having a healthy state of mind in the future. The children are likely to become withdrawn and tend to be
suicidal. Any children born to the victims of prostitution are taken away at the time of birth causing
further mental agony to the mothers. In fact, the longer the victims have been enslaved, greater will be
their traumatic experience.
Health Effects :
'Human Trafficking, Human Misery', a book written by Alexis Aronowitz, states that an estimated 80%
victims of trafficking are sexually exploited, abused or forced into prostitution as most victims are
young women and children. Such a victim probably might have to cater to anywhere between 8 to 15

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clients in a day. The use of sexual protection is negligible in this industry, leaving the exploited at a high
risk of contracting various sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS that they further pass on to the
men and their partners. In some cases, victims are also subjected to substance abuse by being forced to
take drugs. Such individuals also have to constantly battle with drug addiction. Improper supply of
meals and the lack of nutritious food causes malnourishment in these entrapped victims. Poor living
conditions also contribute to the development of various diseases that these victims suffer from in later
years. The victims are not given any medical aid to cure these ailments. Those recruited in chemical
factories are treated like modern-day slaves and when they succumb to occupational diseases, are
quickly replaced by another batch of victims.
Societal Effects :
The victims may be used as bonded labor in their own country or transported to another country
whereupon arrival, their passports and migration documents are taken away from them, leaving them
helpless and immobile. Sadly, they are often charged as collaborators of the crimes rather than being
seen as victims. They are kept in very poor conditions with sub-standard clothing and food, unhygienic
living conditions and no provision for healthcare. They are also often physically and sexually abused by
their employers and 'clients' for non-compliance with demands. This is a very gruesome picture of the
face of our society, hiding behind a wall. Another point to be noted here is that the victims are deprived
of education and all human rights. The victims always struggle to gain acceptance in society from the
stigma after being rescued. This illegal trafficking often intermingles with other crimes such as
smuggling of drugs and ammunition. Corruption is so widespread in our world that the greed for wealth
only further encourages trafficking of humans to flourish, with no barriers. In such a scenario, the
development of a stable and robust society seems like a distant dream.

1. Start a Club or Community Group: It’s hard to remain quiet knowing that human trafficking is
going on, so speak up—each voice that spreads the word about the problem is important. Share the story
with your friends, colleagues, and fellow concerned citizens, and work together as a group to promote
awareness and take action. The students and professors of Mercer University did exactly that when they
launched S.T.O.P., an organization that works to end sex trafficking through awareness, action, and
dialogue. Recently, S.T.O.P. coordinated the Call to End 21st Century Slavery conference, which hosted
over 900 students and citizens from across the country. To get started on your own group, host a meeting
to spark interest, then decide on your group’s specific goals. Will you promote awareness, take action, or
both? Once you’ve decided, you can plan events and outreach to further spread your message. Find ideas
below for what your group can do.

2. Lobby Local Policymakers : In Macon, Georgia, massage parlors often operated without license—
and often hosted the commercial sex trade. So S.T.O.P lobbied Macon’s mayor, city council, secretary
of state, and state senator to pass SB 364, making it a law for all massage parlors to operate under
legitimate licensing. You are a powerful voice in your community and your state. So if you want to see
something done about human trafficking in your area, reach out to your local politicians. Schedule a
meeting with them to emphasize why trafficking should be on their priority list and suggest ways they
can help end this problem in your community—as well as across the nation and around the world.

3. Hold an Event to Raise Awareness: College students Justine D’Souza and Justine Yu realized the
need for students to address trafficking in a social environment, so, as officers of the Rutgers University
Campus Coalition Against Trafficking, they launched the annual Stop the Traffick Jamconcert, which
brings bands and speakers together to promote awareness and raise money for an international anti-
trafficking organization. The group also hosts an annual coffee house to talk to other students about
trafficking. And you can do the same! Host an event—as simple as a potluck or as elaborate as a formal

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conference—to spread the word about trafficking and help others gain a better understanding of what’s
really going on.

4. Launch a Research Project: Understanding trafficking isn’t about barging into brothels or passing
judgment. It takes research, cultural understanding, and even personal experience to get a good grasp on
the issues. Recent college grads Alexandra Wolf and Mona Sulieman wanted to do just that, so the two
are journeying across the U.S. to learn more about the issue and dispel the myth that it’s only an issue of
the developing world. (You can follow their experience looking into the domestic challenge and
response to trafficking on their blog, Traffic in Our Streets.) But you don’t have to travel far to do
something similar. If you have a paper, thesis, or presentation coming up, consider investigating human
trafficking in relation to your sector or field of interest. No matter what you do, there’s likely a way that
you can contribute your expertise to the dialogue on trafficking.

5. Snag a Job at an Anti-Trafficking Organization: In a professional setting, fighting human

trafficking can be intense, frustrating, and emotional, but it’s also extremely rewarding, and if you’re
really passionate about the movement, it’s a great way to make a big impact. After working as a crisis
counselor and advocate for victims of sexual assault, Laura Phillip wanted to use her experience on an
international stage, so she moved to Thailand to become the director of COSA. Now, she manages the
daily activities of the young women at Ban Yuu Suuk shelter, a haven for at-risk and formerly trafficked
girls, coordinates volunteers, and develops programs in trafficked communities. If you’re interested in
working for an anti-trafficking organization, start by learning as much as you can about the subject.
Expand your network on social media, and follow the different organizations that interest you online.
Then, volunteer in a variety of rolesto gain experience and get a sense for the specific positions you’d
like and goals you want to achieve.

6. Pursue a Fellowship: If working in the anti-trafficking field interests you, but you aren’t ready to
commit to anything long-term, apply for a short fellowship instead. There are many programs—
anywhere from a few months to a year or longer—that will give you firsthand exposure in the fight to
end human trafficking. The Not For Sale Campaign and Polaris Project both offer fellowships that allow
you to play an integral role in their work.

7. Avoid Products and Companies that Facilitate Human Trafficking: According to research by the
Polaris Project, human trafficking often operates alongside legitimate businesses. From chocolate
companies to electronics producers, a number of corporations use human trafficking and forced labor as
a means to making the most profit on their product. You can find out which companies still use slave
labor in the Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. Do your
research to make sure your investments are socially responsibleand benefit companies that don’t take
advantage of modern day slaves

Human trafficking is a big problem that not only affects the Americas but most countries worldwide.
There have been human trafficking cases reported across all 50 states of the United States. Many say
human trafficking is the modern day slave trade, yet so little is done in an effortto stop this problem.
70% of human trafficking victims consist of young girls that are taken from their countries and imported
to other countries where they can be sold into prostitution. We can work together to stop this. Not many
people are aware of the human trafficking issue in the world today. As humans we do a great job at
interacting with others and sharing our thoughts and ideas. We can take the information learned today
and inform others about human trafficking and hopefully the word will spread to the point where
everyone looks out for human trafficking and report suspicious activity when needed. Together, we can
do it!

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Assignment-3| Case Studies
You are an Indian diplomat send to china to negotiate on border issue. The diplomat you work with Mr.
Xi is a senior diplomat and in a decision taking position. He has great fondness for Indian culture and his
soft side makes him agree to some Indian demands which otherwise might not go through that easily.

The pact is to be finalized in the next week but other modalities have to be worked out. On Saturday Mr
Xi invites you for a Chinese dinner at a famous restaurant. On the way back he insists to drop you at
your hotel and on the way his car hits two cyclists, injuring them fatally. You were aware that he was
driving fast and thus lost control.

The police come to investigate the matter and you are the sole witness to it apart from Mr. Xi and know
it was a grave mistake on part of Mr Xi.

Knowing the strict laws of china on road accidents, .your truthful account of incident could implicate Mr
Xi and that just won’t be an end to his career and harsh sentence, but would also jeopardize the border
pact which is of immense importance to India.


What are the dilemmas you face and will be your response to the situation?

Your Answer:
I am passing through a grave situation. Though I know that the accident is due to over speed. This is a
crime in China. As an only eye witness of the accident,The judgment of the case only depends on my
statement in the court and true statement of mine may worthiest the relations of both the countries.
However to give justice to the victim I’ll give the statement of over speed without bothering the fear of
worthiest the relations between both the countries.

Assignment-4| Short note

Write short note on any one of the following.
1. 10 golden rule to be professional
2. Importance of Organization Ethics.
3. Characteristics of Ethical Leadership
Importance of Organization Ethics

Organizational ethics are the policies, procedures and culture of doing the right things in the face of
difficult and often controversial issues. Ethics topics that challenge organizations include but aren't
limited to discrimination, social responsibility and fiduciary issues. Ethics issues and how any
organization practices ethics are more important than ever because social media readily exposes issues
that might have been swept aside in previous generations. Having a sound code of ethics for your
business or organization isn’t simply a good idea from a moral perspective. It also helps you build trust
and credibility among your stakeholders, and enhances your overall brand. A code of ethics is important

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for businesses to establish to ensure that everyone in the company is clear on the mission, values and
guiding principles of the company. It provides employees with a framework of which rules exist, from a
regulatory and law-enforcement standpoint and how to act in the gray areas of value-based ethics that
aren't always clear. Create each section of your code of ethics with a specific purpose to develop the
company culture you desire. An organization's ethical philosophy can affect the organization in many
ways including its reputation, productivity, and the bottom line of the organization. Ethics within an
organization can offer many benefits. A positive ethical corporate culture improves the morale among the
workers in an organization, which could increase productivity and employee retention. More productivity
improves the efficiency of the organizations and increased employee retention reduces the cost of
replacing employees. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) restricts the United States business
firms from engaging in bribery and other illegal practices internationally. There are laws that have the
same type of prohibition for European companies which create a disadvantage competitively for both
European and U.S. firms. Such laws are not a restricting element to organizations that have highly
elevated ethical behavior as part of their values. Organizations that lack ethical practices as a mandatory
basis of their business structure and corporate culture, have commonly been found to fail due to the
absence of business ethics. Corporate downfalls would include, but are not limited to, the
recent Enron and WorldCom scandals, two primary examples of unethical business practices concerning
questionable accounting transactions.

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