Concrete Canvas - The Building in A Bad: (Business Result Upper-Intermediate, Unit 4, Page 29)

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Ariel Faican Pineda EM 07-01

Concrete Canvas – the building in a bad

(Business Result Upper-intermediate, Unit 4, Page 29)
1. What advice would you give to will Crawford and Peter Brewing about obtaining the
investment they need?

To convince an investor, they need to make a business pitch that is well presented and easy to

2. What information would potential investors need before deciding to put their money into this

The business idea, the market, resource requirements and future growth potential.

3. Do you think it is a good project to invest in? Why?

Yes, for its easy adaptability and environmental impact.


Ariel Faican Pineda EM 07-01
4. Why did W. Crawford and P. Brewin come up with c. Twelve hours
the idea of an inflatable concrete shelter? d. Two meters
a. To show the possibility of a new product 7. What companies do Crawford and Brewin
b. To find new uses for cement. aim to test their idea with?
c. To visit camps in Africa a. Concrete Canvas
d. To prevent earthquakes. b. Médecins Sans Frontières
c. CARE.
5. What are the characteristics of the shelter? d. Both “b” and “c”.
a. It’s a sealed plastic sack.
b. The fabric has been soaked in cement. 8. What do Crawford and Brewin need
c. It’s attached to an inflatable plastic liner. $300.000 for?
d. All of the above. a. To build and field-test their prototypes.
b. To finish their project
6. How much time is it needed to have the c. To invest in Médecins Sans Frontières and
shape of the inflated liner? CARE.
a. All the night d. To start a new organization.
b. A timeline
Ariel Faican Pineda EM 07-01

VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT. Find the word in the reading that corresponds to the
definition or synonym below.
9. (P.1) introducing or using new ideas or methods; make changes in anything established(adj.) CAME
10. (P.1) people who have been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political
reasons; who flees for safety, esp. to a foreign country. (adj.) REFUGEE
11. (P.2) a structure that covers or protects people or things; a building serving as a temporary
place to live, as for the homeless. (n) SHELTER
12. (P.2) expanded or filled with air; filled and made larger with air or gas. (adj.) INFLATED
13. (P.3) an amount of money that is used to earn more money or make a profit. (n.)

Write true (T) or false (F) next to each statement. Base your answers on the reading.
14. Once the shelter is ready it is rigid and heavy. __F__
15. There is no need of training for giving shape to the shelter. __T__

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