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RecSmarTT Limited Products
The Business Toolbox
A training product for individuals and companies.
The RecSmarTT Limited Business Toolbox offers a fifteen (15) month training program
on the key areas of business and how it should be run, particularly in this new age of
digitalization. This membership gives practical pointers aimed to design and develop
businesses and Social Entrepreneurs. This is a virtual classroom for the application of
effective business skills.
Business Toolbox Membership Fee:
$24.99 US or $150.00 TT per month
Benefits of Membership
· Virtual Chat Group geared towards motivating social entrepreneurs to work on their
businesses daily and assist in completing the monthly milestones needed to develop
your business organically (24/7 participation) into a healthy income-earning magnate.
· N.B: Clients will be able to:-
access discussions in the chat group,
cross-selling opportunities
actively participate in business development webinars

2. Business Toolbox Package Fee

$999.99 US or $5, 500.00 TT per month
Benefits of the Business Toolbox:
· Set monthly milestones aimed towards the development of the business from raw
start-up to all the stages of development for a period of fifteen months
· Chat Group geared towards motivating social entrepreneurs and assist in completing
the monthly milestones to develop your business organically (24/7 participation)
· Eight (1) hour business coaching sessions per month - One on One
· Four Webinars Monthly
· Follow-Ups via email
Business Coaching - Professional and Personal development
· Business to Business Networking/ Cross Selling/Business Support
Business Analytics - Trending
Financing Opportunities
The Modern Apprenticeship Programme (MAP)
A creative solution developed by RecSmarTT Limited to provide and facilitate
responsible business solutions to develop and manage social projects. It is Project
management guide from ideation to evolution!
Project Management Package which includes:
Business Development
Virtual Administration
Social Project Management
Identifying, developing and executing projects that derive significant social impact and
financial profitability for the Client’s target group while enhancing corporate social
responsibility. Traditional project management approaches are engaged by qualified
and certified personnel.

*Request a Quote.

Estimates are subject to change if project specifications are changed or costs for
outsourced services change before a contract is executed.

Sign Up Today!
About RecSmarTT Limited

Founded in early 2019, this young social entrepreneurship venture is by no means

novice at business. With a combined tenure of over 50 years, the leaders of RecSmarTT
Limited provide and facilitate socially responsible business solutions for the region's

Our solutions bridge the gap between the commercial sector and positive social impact
community needs, with a special consideration for those who are at risk. We seek to
ensure that all business sectors contribute to the socio-economic balance of
opportunities for the greater good of all.
About RecSmarTT Limited
The SmarTT Way
Our ADS method allows clients to enjoy our creative business ventures that maximises
positive social impact, without the hassle of managing these ventures directly. After
assessing a company’s Social Responsibility Impact (SRI), recommendations are made
of ventures, features or activities that can develop or improve SRI. These
recommendations are aligned with vision of the company and the social target group
intended to benefit. Once recommendations are approved, the RecSmarTT Team
initiates designing the solution to integrate the relevant stakeholders.
In executing the venture, the company may access other RecSmarTT services at an
additional cost.

•Application Review

•Conduct Social Responsibility Impact Assessment

SmarTT Services

•Develop creative, profitable, ventures that align with the Client's vision and core values

•Integrate social interests efforts

•Participate in the execution of the social impact ventures through our four main

Businesses can no longer complain that it lacks the time and resources to give back to
the community. RecSmarTT can make social impact a reality by accessing our three
core services and two products.
SmarTT Portfolio
At RecSmarTT we seek to ensure that all business sectors contribute to socio-economic
balance of opportunities for our target population of at-risk youth and adults. We
currently serve companies from four different business sectors in facilitating and
administering their high social impact business ventures.

In these sectors, our clients all share the common goal and commitment to: providing
training; internship; increasing awareness; or employment of our at-risk social target
market. Business ventures for these companies have all been assessed and received the
RecSmarTT stamp of approval for SRI.

Our SmarTT Target

At RecsmarTT we believe the social impact niche that receives inadequate attention
from the commercial sector is at-risk youth and adults. This niche is usually mainly
dependent on state support services and may easily be overlooked. Although the term
‘at-risk’ can be relative, we support those that are threatened by socio-economic
circumstances but those once empowered, demonstrate the ability to “pay it forward”.
Each one wins one.
Contact With Us

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