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February • 2007

From From
your doctor your doctor
to you to you

Understanding Cancer Through Information

See back page for English

Treating Treating Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer
in Hong Kong men, with 826 new cases and 209 deaths
from the disease reported in 2003.
A boy born today in Hong Kong has a 7% chance of
developing the disease and a 3% risk of dying from it.
Do I Need
he good news is that most types of prostate beam on the affected area for a few minutes at
a Second
Opinion? T cancer develop slowly, and many patients
live with it for years, even without
treatment. In addition, reliable diagnostic tests
a time; a course of radiotherapy usually takes
weeks. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy
provides a more precise and faster method to
and various treatment options are now available, deliver a higher radiation dose to tumor cells.
which have led to a decline in death rates from In interstitial brachytherapy (also called 'seed
the disease. therapy'), radioactive sources, usually in the
Unlike many other common cancers, there is form of needles, pellets or wires, are implanted
Diet Matters: no consensus among doctors about the best directly into the tumor to destroy it from within.
Eat Right treatment for prostate cancer or whether • Radical prostatectomy: This is an operation to
treatment is necessary at all. remove the prostate gland and some of the
for Cancer In general, treatment will depend on the tissue around it. The main goal of radical
Prevention clinical stage of the tumor, and the age and prostatectomy is to remove all the tumor and
health status of the patient. Furthermore, potentially malignant surrounding tissue. The
treatment selection is based on operation is performed under
risks versus benefits of each general anesthesia and may be
therapy, potential side effects, done by open or laparoscopic
Oral Drug cost and patient preference.
Aggressive treatment surgery. In open surgery, the
Improves Quality may prolong life,
surgeon uses a large incision to
Choosing your treatment reach the prostate, whereas in la-
of Life for but can compromise
There are currently four major paroscopic surgery several small
Cancer Patients treatment options for prostate the quality of life incisions are made in the belly
cancer: and special instruments are used
• Watchful waiting: Rather than un- to view, reach and remove the
dergoing immediate treatment, prostate. Newer surgical proce-
patients are regularly monitored dures allow doctors to preserve
for tumor progression. Monitoring includes patients' urinary control and the nerves that are
blood tests for prostate specific antigen (PSA, a essential for erection.
marker of prostate cancer), digital rectal exami- • Hormone therapy: Also known as androgen depri-
nations and periodic biopsies. Watchful waiting vation therapy, hormone therapy utilizes drugs
is generally applied to older patients and those to decrease the production of male hormones
with small tumors that pose no immediate (androgens) in order to stop or limit the growth
threat and have little potential for rapid pro- of prostate cancer, which is androgen-
gression. dependent. Hormone therapy is the primary
• Radiation therapy: Radioactive agents are used to treatment for advanced cancer that has spread
destroy cancer cells by targeting the genetic beyond the prostate to distant body sites.
material (DNA) within the cell. Traditional ra- Before deciding on any treatment,
diotherapy involves focusing an external X-ray always consult your doctor and other specialists!
Do I Need a Second Opinion? Diet Matters:
Cancer is usually diagnosed by a pathologist – a doctor
who examines a small sample of the suspect tissue
Unless immediate treatment is required, it is worthwhile to
take time to obtain another expert opinion. This will help you
Eat Right for Cancer Prevention
(biopsy) under the microscope to determine whether the focus and consider the different options in an informed and
cells are normal or malignant (cancerous). rational manner. With many studies pointing important antioxidants. Carotenoids appear to offer pro-
tection against lung, colorectal, breast and prostate
to the protective power of
However, opinions may differ among pathologists interpret- Here are some useful tips: cancers.
ing the same biopsy results; research has shown • Inform your primary treating physician/oncologist that you
certain foods, scientific
differences of 5% to 24% between an initial intend to seek a second opinion – it is your right. evidence is now • Sulfur-containing compounds found in many spicy plants
pathology diagnosis and a second opinion You can explain that you are pleased with your accumulating on the role of are protective against cancer. Broccoli, cabbage and
from another pathologist, depending on
These are doctor's care but would like to get additional nutrition in cancer prevention. cauliflower are rich in compounds that bind chemical
cancer type. This problem must be consid- life-and-death input from another doctor who may have a Experts estimate that at least carcinogens in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies in
ered, as the diagnosis has major implications different perspective. animals have shown that garlic and onion prevent cancer
matters. 35% of all cancers have a
for treatment selection and the chance and inhibit the progression of existing tumors, especially
of cure. It's your life • Involve a trusted family member/friend in the
nutritional connection, suggesting stomach cancer. Pineapples contain bromelain, a sulfur-
and your process. You may be too worried or confused to that many cancers may be prevented with rich enzyme that has documented effects against
Where cancer is concerned, there is also understand the larger picture. A relative or proper nutrition. When lifestyle factors such as metastatic cancers.
much misunderstanding, fear and uncertainty
peace of mind. friend can help you to better understand the smoking and exercise are included, the
about selecting the best therapy. For a diagnosis, and gather information about associated benefits become even stronger. • Wholegrain foods, unlike those made from processed
disease as serious as cancer, a second different treatment options and prognosis. grains, contain essential fatty acids and lignans – weak
opinion is definitely a good idea. There may estrogens that may protect against estrogen-related
be different approaches and, sometimes, • Make sure to get all your medical records (labo- In daily life, we are exposed to a variety of oxidizing and tumors, such as breast and colon cancer. The high fiber
there is no definitive answer. ratory, X-ray and pathology reports) or ask your cancer-producing substances, but compounds found in content in these foods is also believed to reduce cancer
primary treating doctor to forward them to the fruits and vegetables help limit the DNA damage and the risk by binding carcinogens in the intestine.
Ask the experts second consultant. release of toxic free radicals caused by these carcinogens.
While most patients feel they need to gather • Legumes, especially soybeans, are an important source
information and consult with other special- • You may ask your primary treating physician to Depending on what we eat, our diets can either increase or of fiber, phytoestrogens and lignans. Soy also contains
ists, they may be too shy to ask or reluctant refer you to another expert, but it is preferable decrease our risk of getting cancer. When we choose foods isoflavones, which have been found to protect against
to offend their primary physician. Many to seek the opinion of an independent unbiased rich in reputed protective factors, such as fruits and veg- estrogen-related cancers in numerous studies.
patients do not realize that getting a second doctor. etables, we are doing something positive for our health and
opinion is common practice. may be preventing the development of various types of • The spice rack may provide a good source of healthy
• Seek a pathologist/oncologist specializing in your specific cancer. According to the American Institute for Cancer food ingredients. Cayenne pepper, curcumin, ginger,
cancer area. Large academic medical centers have more ex- Research, at least 20% of all cancers could be prevented rosemary, sage, turmeric and other spices have anti-
perience; they see more cases and can provide more by adopting relatively simple eating habits. cancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Myths & Facts oncology subspecialty services than small clinics or
hospitals. Modifying our diet is one of the easiest steps to take towards • Some types of mushrooms, as well as kelp and seaweed,
Myth Artificial sweeteners cause cancer.
a healthier lifestyle and cancer prevention. Here are some are rich in anticancer agents and fiber that absorb liquid
Fact Since 1969, when cyclamate was first linked to tumors in • For a second pathology opinion, you don't need to travel to a examples of cancer-preventive foods and supplements: toxins and heavy metals in the intestine.
mice, tests on artificial sweeteners have occasionally major medical institution. Biopsy samples can be sent to
generated headlines. It was later disclosed that the mice the second expert (in Hong Kong or overseas), who will • Pigmented (colored) plant compounds are important
had been given an amount of cyclamate equivalent to
800 cans of diet soda daily, for several weeks. Currently,
review the case, then submit a written report to the referring
antioxidants and eating more of them may decrease
cancer risk. For example, green plants such as bok choy,
Your food choices
there is no compelling evidence for a link between
kale, mustard and blue-green algae are rich in chloro- EAT MORE TRY TO AVOID
artificial sweeteners and cancer in humans. Because
• Many medical insurance companies acknowledge the impor- phyl, a detoxifier and anticancer agent. Orange and red
large amounts of saccharin have been shown to cause Cabbage-family vegetables Animal products: meat, fat, dairy
tumors in lab rodents, people should be cautioned tance of second opinions and will pay for it. Even if your foods contain high amounts of carotenoids, which are
Wholegrain foods Artificial preservatives
against overusing it. Another common sweetener, insurer will not reimburse it, a second opinion may be a
Garlic and onion Synthetic foodstuffs
aspartame, shows no increased risk of causing cancer. wise investment.
Nuts Food coloring
Myth Breastfeeding increases the risk of breast cancer. According to the American Institute for Soybeans and other legumes Foods rich in saturated fat
Fact Women who breastfeed can get breast cancer, but no Editorial development by CMPMedica. The opinions expressed in
this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, publisher or
Cancer Research, at least 20% of all Leafy green vegetables Sugary foods
studies indicate that breastfeeding causes breast cancer. Oranges and tomatoes
In fact, some studies indicate that breastfeeding can
sponsor. Any liability or obligation for loss or damage howsoever
arising is hereby disclaimed. cancers could be prevented by adopting
© 2007 CMPMedica. All rights reserved. Curry and ginger
reduce a woman's risk of developing the disease. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process in any
language without the written permission of the publisher.
relatively simple eating habits. Fish and fish oil

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Oral Drug Improves Quality of Life
for Cancer Patients
Cancer patients normally need some much more concentrated in the cancer cancer that had spread to the lung.
form of chemotherapy – either as cells than in the surrounding tissue and "The patient didn’t want to undergo
first-line treatment or as adjuvant provides treatment efficacy that is another surgery to remove the lung
equivalent to 5-FU," explains Dr. Sze. tumor, so I prescribed a capecitabine-
therapy after surgical removal
based chemotherapy," says Dr. Sze.
of the tumor. For example, clinical trials that "The patient had a complete remission
compared conventional FOLFOX of the lung tumor after four treatment
However, chemotherapy causes chemotherapy with an oral capecitabine cycles – a very favorable outcome."
unwanted side ef fects, such as regimen in patients with colorectal
diarrhea, hair loss, nausea and skin cancer that had spread (metastasized) Although complete cure is quite unusu-
reactions. Moreover, it is usually admin- to other par ts of the body showed al, patients can expect good results,
istered by slow intravenous infusion, the capecitabine-based therapy with capecitabine effectively slowing
over several treatment cycles. (XELOX) was as effective as FOLFOX. tumor progression.
"Capecitabine is a good alternative to
According to Dr. Wai Man Sze, a infusion chemotherapy," says Dr. Sze.
Specialist in Clinical Oncology, home "New cancer guidelines from the USA ”Every patient who needs
infusion is an option, but most patients Na tional Comprehensive Cancer 5-FU chemotherapy
in Hong Kong are too worried about Network (NCCN) now recommend
accidents and prefer to receive capecitabine for all patients who can- should consider using
chemotherapy in the hospital. not tolerate intensive chemotherapy." capecitabine”
"Such frequent hospitalization – for Capecitabine is currently approved for
3 days every 2 weeks – disrupts the the treatment of metastatic colorectal "Most importantly, patients are very sat-
normal routine and seriously compro- cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer isfied with capecitabine, as they don’t
mises patients’ quality of life," he says. and nasopharyngeal cancer. "It is also need to spend time in the hospital to
being evaluated in pancreatic and receive the chemotherapy. The oral
Capecitabine: A convenient option biliary cancers, in combination with treatment is so much more convenient,
For tuna tely, pa tients who need other agents," pointed out Dr. Sze. significantly improving patient quality
chemotherapy can now use of life," says Dr. Sze. "Every patient Dr. Wai-Man Sze,
capecitabine therapy. Capecitabine is Capecitabine can be used as a single who needs 5-FU chemotherapy should Clinical Oncology Specialist

an oral chemotherapy agent tha t therapy or in combination with other consider using capecitabine."
is taken twice daily for 2 weeks on, chemotherapies or targeted cancer
1 week off. drugs. He notes tha t side ef fects of
capecitabine therapy are quite similar
Capecitabine is an oral for m of Favorable clinical results to conventional chemotherapy, although
5-fluorouracil (5-FU), a chemotherapy Dr. Sze has used capecitabine to treat somewhat milder.
agent used in many common more than 100 patients with different
chemotherapy regimens, such as types of cancer. "In my clinical experi- "The most common is hand-foot syn-
FOLFOX and FOLFIRI. ence, capecitabine therapy is as effica- drome, where the skin of palms and
cious as 5-FU chemotherapy regimens, soles becomes red and dry, and starts
"When taken by mouth, capecitabine is sometimes even better," he notes. peeling of f," he explains. "I advise
absorbed in the digestive system and patients to use plenty of moisturizer;
then converted in the tumor cells to the One of his most successful cases was sometimes we may need to adjust the
active form, 5-FU. The active drug is a patient with metastatic colorectal drug dose."

Cancer fighter hotline: 2733 4676 Web site:

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