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Anglistisches Seminar

Evaluation: Study Skills Tutorials FSS 2017

A. We are continuously working on improving the tutorials in order to make them as
useful as possible for our students. Please take a few minutes to share your experience.

(1) What is your course of studies?

B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik LAG (GymPo)

BaKuWi B.Ed. Englisch
Anglistik/Amerikanistik International Student
B.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik other: ___________________________

(2) For which branch are you writing your term paper?

Literary studies

(3) How did you find out about the Study Skills Tutorials?

internet info email

word of mouth course lecturer
other: __________________________

B. The tutorials are intended to help you acquire some basic academic skills useful for
preparing presentations, writing term papers: Finding a topic, finding literature and
structuring the paper or presentation. Now, looking back at the tutorials, please share
your experience with us:

(4) When did you choose your topic (honestly, not ideally)?

before attending Module I
before attending Module II
after attending Module II
I have not chosen a topic yet


Philosophische Fakultät
Anglistisches Seminar

(5) If you have chosen a topic already, who/what helped you to find a topic? (e.g.
personal interest, lecturer, other students, library staff, tutorial, Google, ...)






(6) If you have not yet decided on a topic, what makes it difficult for you to find one?
(This is important for us to know. If we know what is hard for you, we can look for ways
to make it easier.)






(7) Have you already tried to find literature for your paper/presentation/topic
(honestly, not ideally)?

yes, and I have found what I need
yes, but I have not found much yet
no, not really.

(8) If you have already found useful literature, who/what helped you to find it (e.g.
search tools, search tips, bibliographies, people, ...)?




Philosophische Fakultät
Anglistisches Seminar

(9) If you are still not sure how to find suitable literature, what could help you? (Again,
this is important for us to know. If we know where you need more help, we can try to
provide it.)




(10) As you have attended Module III only today, please share your general impression
of our input on how to structure a term paper: What did you get out of the session on
structuring a term paper? What could add to Module III, or what could we leave out?





C. For our statistics, please rate the overall concept of the tutorials:

strongly strongly cannot
agree disagree say

(11) The videos contained all basic

(12) The worksheets were helpful for ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
preparing the tutorial sessions

(13) The tutorials added more useful


(14) There was enough room for
questions during the tutorials

(15) I was able to work on my own
projects during the sessions

Philosophische Fakultät
Anglistisches Seminar

D. Please use the space below to include general comments about the tutorials which
were not covered by the questions above:










Thank you very much for your help!

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