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1987 Constitution

Timeline of the Philippine Laws in History (Constitution after martial

law) – President Corazon
Aquino decide to make a
new constitution. –march
1986, president Aquino
proclaimed a transitional
1899 Constitution (Malolos The 1943 Constitution- was the constitution to last for a
Constitution) - The 1899 Malolos constitution of the Japanese-sponsored year while constitution
Constitution was never enforced due to Second Republic of the Philippines commission draft a
the ongoing war. The Philippine was (1943-1945). it was recognized as permanent constitution. In
effectively a territory of the United legitimate and binding only in 1986, constitutional
States upon signing the TREATY OF japanese-controlled areas of the convention was created,
PARIS between Spain and the United Philippines but was ignored by the February 2, 1987, the
States, transferring sovereignty of the United States government in-exile constitution was finally
Philippines on December 10, 1898. adopted.

1899-1901 1943- 197

1945 3-
1973 Constitution (Constitutional
1935 Constitution (Commonwealth 1935- Authoritarianism) – The constitution
1973- 198
Constitution) – The commonwealth
was briefly interrupted by the events 1973 supposed to introduce a 1986 6
parliamentary-style of government.
of the World War II, with the
It was postponed because Markos
Japanese occupying the Philippines
feared that public might reject the
Afterwards, upon liberation, the
constitution. The constitution was
Philippines was declared an
merely the way for the president to
independent Republic on july 4,
keep executive powers, abolished
senate, functioned as the
authoritarian presidential system
with powers concentrated in the
hands of the president.

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